Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 20, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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. i
! I
i :
Taste is a matter of
tolucco quality
We ttaic it ai our hoofrt
belief that thr idIhtcoi uicd
in Chritrrnrlu1 are of finer
qtulity and l:rnce ff better
taite) tlian in any other
cig:tte at the price.
Uiz" & Mj'r Tvlaca C:
e stern
of. Turkish and Domestic tobaccos blended
To Hold I'mnl Kale
Drover Patrol of Troop 1. Hoy
fifbulH, will hold conked food
ill" at Iho IVopl.a Hni'ly Company
Itoro tomorrow. The money to lit!
raised at lliln anlo la to go Into t he
l'.u;l rump rund.
Alliiriifv 1 C Wnltnn whn hn
been upending; a f w days at l'ort
liinil. returned lo Hoscbuiif turn
. Ilavn your nil In the clnanlflpd
when Mr. Thrifty looks for Ills linmn.
- '
Building New
Roseburg Line
To all Citizens of the United
States, Greeting:
WHEREAS It has been brought to our attention that
thero Is concerted and organized effort now under way in
this country to break down our existing order of Govern
ment, to bring about social and political chaos, and to
displace the Christian ideals, standard and traditions
handed down to us by our Forefathers, who were the
founders of this Republic; and
WHEREAS such rsvolutionary movements as Bol
shevism, Syndicalism, I. W. W. Ism, Liberalism, and Na
tionalization are contrary to the fundamentals of eur
Democratic form of Government; and
WHEREAS all of these movements are gaining head
way In this country and thereby Jeopardizing the best
Interests of ths American people; therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED that this Klin In regular Klon
klave assembled hereby condemns all such revolutionary
movements and pledges Itself to take an active part In
. combatting the sinister Influences, propaganda and growth
of all such movsments; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thla Klan pledge
Ita while-hearted support to national headquarters of the
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and to all fellow Klansmen
In ridding our beloved Republio from ths curso of these
elements of disorder; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of these
resolutions be forwarded to our Imperial Wizard and to
our local newspapers,
What Happened
When Sheila Elliston Refused Love
By Idah McClone Gibson
To the ll
the ft .i'lal,"
I will bo waitlug lor
town bouse.
As I turned away I heard tiie clang
of the police wagou.
Here they come. Cet out quick.
"We uiii.-.t hurrv t
acid one of the men. "Hun for a
taxi. Harry. It was danm-d awkward
that he should take poison at this boys.
moment, hut 1 am not a murderer,! ... chauffeur, run to the nearest
and only quick help ran v nlm- hospital.
We must hurry tlioiish. or wen an j waP(1 to h(,ar n0 more.
be In bad with the police. John )1(; llie a(,erwurd that those
At this moment ih.v eauKht slKhtj,.,n ,ili, rs d as thouKh the ground
of John and me and literally spilled i,a(i swallowed them up. He started j
hemsWvcs acroBB the street. I of, thinking, of course, that one or
I drew nearer to John for they ,,., na(1 8tayed with the unconscious
were the roughest men I bad ever man hi my limousine. I
seen deeply-lined fi'res and sin- drove to the Good Samaritan
dimmed eyes. All of tli" three were ; hospital," sain John, in telling me
disheveled, dirty, a:id showed '.he ef- ri,out it. ' and what was my sur-
fecta of poisonous M inor and dope, j niipe to find, when t opened the door
And Sheila had been in their house! . for a couple of stretcher bearers, only i
"Have you seen a tasi about nere: . what I thought was a dead body, ine
demanded one. men jerked it out quickly and as I
"No, sir," answen il my chauffeur. as driving away. I was held up by
"The street has been deserted during j a:i individual who seemed to doubt ;
the storm.' my word. j
The men looked at me curiously.; "j told him that I was returning;
Were you looking fer a taxi, madfrou a little jaunt, on my own ac- I
anie? I count with my employer a car, l naa
"N'o, my car is Just around the cor- uininnt run over mis man's hotly In ;
the road. It was common humanity I
God," one of them ex- that made me pick him up find bring
him to the hospital, and I made a
', will you lend us your j great fuss about being detained for
car? It Is a case of life and death. I doing a kind act. i
A nian in the house there has just "I'll lose my Job If I don't get hack !
taken poison. You'll have to decide ' very soon." I said. "The man was j
in a hurry, for in the excitement I nllve when I picked htm up."
some damned (Tool has turned in a! "He i3 alive now," one of the j
hurry call for the police, and if we ; stretcher hearers said. i
do not have him out and away in a i ' 'Get him into the operating room '
minute or two, they'll be here and
pull the house. We'll all go to the
'Jug' and perhaps yuu with us. In
the meantime the man will die."
"Bring hlra out immediately," I
at once, then.
"Then. Mrs. Wilmington, they
made me wait for the outcome. I
t II you I was on needles and pins. I
didn't dare telephone to find if you
said to the men, ho did not wait to! had arrived home, for I did not want
Umpqua Klan No. 5
Roseburg, Oregon
MAItSUPIBIJ). Oct. 2.-r-Fred
.Mcverdcii, H. K. Hammond and H. !.
Unite. n, all uf thu Pacific Status Tel
ephone company are In tills city on
business. .Mr. Meverden and his
workers are putting in a new tele
phone line from Myrtle Point over
the highway to Kosebtirg.
Wheu the construction of the new
highway began, it was necessary to
l.ibn flown titiinw rmfoa
and lines and put up temporary ones.
gp : tie new line wnicu ine men win put i
A up will be off the right of way of the
2 ; highway ho as not to take up any
space on the road.
J The men left yesterday to Btart
R 1 work Immediately, so as to finish
p'hcoi-ti the rainy weuther sets in,
(j . iKmglas County Pomona Orange
will meet with Kvergreen tirauge on
d - Saturday, Oct. 21.
2 Duslness meeting at 10:30 a. m
& 1 12 o
hear more.
"John, get the car here by the
tlm thoy come down."
"Hut what will yon do,
nilngton? I hate to h av
alone with this raiibl
you to get mixed up in it
"Hut. John, do you realize that,
they can find out my name from the 1
Mrs. Wil-I car's number?"
you here " changed the number last night i
when l found out what part of the j
I ;
'clock, ltasket dinner.
Upen meeting in the afternoon.
State Master Spence will speak.
I have been here alone all night, city vim were stonnlnir so lone
Jonn. , wanted to lie on the safe side." 1
"Oh, no, you have not. Mr.. Phil In spite of my fatigue, in spite of
has been here, and I stood by to takei my anxiety, In spite of every thing. 1
care of you." iiled especially as John said that
My heart beat a little faster. So 'the man's name was found to he
John, too, knew that Phil had been) Walter Jones, that he was still alive I
In that doorway with me. Did hojl.ut unconscious, and that word had
think that I had come down here to been sent to his mother and sister,
spy upon my brother? How much! I had been waiting at the house for
had he heard of Phil's and Husanne's ; this information fer a long time,
conversation? Had he seen Sheila After leaving Jolin to take the man
and Tony Soper? All this I had no to the hospital, i walked a long way
time lo nsit, even if 1 had wished. to the nearest street car track and
"Go!" I commanded, "l will walk 1 then purposely taking a car awav
over to Srd Ave. and get a taxi." 1 Horn the city. 1 rode miles and bc
John had the car at the doorway came calmer and had matured a plan
by the time the men came down, car- hv which r. at least, could he satisfied
rylng a limp figure. I had an intul-1 that everyone wss getting his or her
lion thnt It was Wnlter Jones and so i rights In all this conTused affair.
I stood near until I could say to I In nursuance nf this nl.-m t nm
John, "He sure and find out the man's 'intended to Interview Wnlter Jones
mine, ano alter you navo taken him : If he regained consciousness,
to the hospital, enmn directly to the! Tomorrow
Is It
A farmer wanted a certain
article, of not very common
sale. We had nono in stock
and he had waited until the last
day before fce wanted to use It.
Our price waa $1. He paid
$7.80. In other words ho paid
the dealer ?3.90 to guess for
hitu- Pretty costly guesswork.
Order your needs a few days
ahead and help us to save you
money. That's Cooperation.
Don't forget our money-saving
prices on plows and harrows,
paint, roofing, tile, wire fence;,
flour, cereals and feed.
Don't hire anyone to guess for
you. Cooperate and save money.
Our goods arc good goods.
Geo. K. Qui?
Republican NonijjJ
for f
County Juj
Farm Bureau Cooper
ative Exchange
Roseburg and Oakland.
The following poem by Alden llar
ui'ss. which has been set to music. Is
Included In "The Western Songster,"
now to its third edition. This hook
contains 72 songs and is used In the
public schools ail over the state:
in darkuess and In solitude,
1 stand beside the silent lake;
Anil far In easlern heavens broad
1 see the trembling dawn-light
Then upward In long crimson streaks
The new-born splendor brightly
And down upon majestic peaks
Are poured the sun's resplendeut
In matchless beauty far and near
I see, within these walls of stone.
The waters now reflecting rUiir
The glowing rays upon them
F. hall Sunday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock on the political Issues of the
day. Music wll he furnished by the j
Sh rine's orchestra. Mr. Haih-y ot i
Kosehurg wil be present and give a!
short address. Everybody cordially j
Invited. ' rtir United Press.)
W. 1.. Cohli of RoseTiuig democrat-1 CIIICACO, Oct. 2d. Ill order to
ic candidate for county judge, was a give the government time to answer
caller In lilcmlalo yesterday. Mr. , the shopmen, Kederal Judge Wilker
Colib will undoubtedly receive a son today continued the hearing of
strong vote In this locality for he is a Hie shopmen's motion for a dlssolu
man who stands four-square, aiile. Hon of Daughertv's Injuii'tlon until
fib-lent and capable to the highest , November tith. The shopmen's nt
degree. and Ciendale voters would forney, Kichberg. resisted the motion,
welcome a change in the old political but was overruled.
"ring" down at the comity seat. We n'
nearly aM feel that a "change will do , The lioval cleans by air alone. Call
ns good." i f,,r a frP demonstri on. Hudson
.1. Could, the pnluter. wrecked his Electric Store.
auto Sunday nuht by colliding with
a horse. Mr. Could Is laid up with
had bruls. t. while Howard Martin
and "Hones" Tnttle both have marks
of the fray. The nclilent occur ed
en the highway near the K. K. Wil
liams ranch, tilendale .sews.
IF ' u
! 1 1
My Platform is:
honest and faithful adrnkis
tion of county affairs oid fc ,
the.t each dollar of road m
is expended where the p
voted it. No private htm
to serve but an absolute tja
acai for au.
If you believe in these pmJ
pies, mark your ballot .
34 X GEO.K.QUINE, fafef
AU persons are hereby warned not
to hunt or in any way trespass on the
N'. Curry Estate.
Notice Is hereby fciven that tile tin- 1
1t-rtKned s Executrix of tbo estate of :
Watsuii luivts, deceased, lias filed her !
Html account of her administration of!
said estate with . the County Clerk of
lioiorlua Cuunty. Oregon, anil ex-orriclo !
Clerk of ttie County Court, and the!
County Court of Douglas County. Ore- I
iron, has fixed Saturday, the 21st dav 1
of October, ls22. at the hour of ,10
o'clurk In the fcreno:in of said day and
tlic i!fri-e of the County Judge In tho1
lioiutus County. Oreicon, Court Itoom ;
ns the Unit and tho place for the hear
ing of objections, if any. to said ao-j
count and the settlement thereof. I
This notice Is published In the News- ;
Itevicw hy order of the County Court
iiimlu and entered on the U2nd day of,
Sept., ia;3. ,
Kxecntrlx of the estate of Wat
son riavis. Deceased.
John T. tang. Attorney for Estate.
?. P. r. trsTJ rut Flowers. Pbon
lilt. H. II. I'l.n.Kn Clilrnpnctle
Physician. 114 W. Lane St.
(Auction Sale!
Now breezes blow and wavelets lift
And swiftly o'er the surface run
And varied colors rhatige and shift.
In splendors of the rising sun.
r, !
K I town, down within tht mUMy walls,
f. t pon t!i wa1T 1ih niiii roltl.
r I In early liclit of mmrisM fall
Saturday, Oct. 21, at 1:30 p.m. j
Radabaugh& Patterson's
Auction House
328 North Jackson Street
In Klcams of purple, rrd ami kM.
- ai,pi:.n uaiim:.;5.
I'oM hurK. nrrtson.
Kiitlny rvrnlnir. October 2t. will bo
'ln.i.nfion ii i k h t for l'hlleintiitn
lntk-f No. R. AH member nre urtmt
to 'hi prrHent. 1.H n brctn th win
ter's work Hh Me rnwd, Plenty
of uVmvo work rnrh niretltiK horeafi
rr. momiok -iiki:k. n. g.
A. J. C.KM'KS, lMc y.
(Hv vn rlntel rrotj ) ;
WII.IJAMSOX, lnd. Ott. 20.
The ti. lt. f w.ts rxpreAKttl toilav hv
j tin Irani en w and pas iiii. ts thai
the liMiM'tnui; iik. from tho
l rails tatiM d th- wrock of ihv u- !
I hnU easi-hdui,.! pabMuger train J
I nt Mr lore la-t nlpht. causinj: th
i death of Ihrt.' persons and injury 1
to Kevi'U tt h- i-4. Sfven i-OiK-hca )
WtTo burned. Somoono familiar v.uh
HiKtial loti.s. ii. d thu aplkes lor the'
iritis was ii. .t disturbed, auid Con-
dueiur Hiiliiiit.
To Stop Piracies
Yeas! VHaminss
felasf Irsnized
Ironiied Ycait Combine, the N-cw
wry Body-Iron and Body-Vita,
mine. Which Make Skin
Eruption. Vanith,
Tu run prove the rem.irVaMe re.
Hilts of Iromxvd yMst In a f(.w aavr
time. To Ket result, you t'aa
i li:al!y coe In your mirror. aid ac
tu:liy feel In your whole make-un.
ou inu..t use thalycaal which gnol
.i i:ii : m;vs itkms
fl inns cm
Kli'CUll- S!
-u -
li' lii ynur lioiiii : lm.
.v.v m mi nis. HuUmiii :
All kiml. nf furniture and many other varieties of sinxts.
We also have in st-nk one extra lino traphaphoiie, l'.rims
v ic k nuke, toffi'ther with ev.ial nvords.
One Rood orijan in fine shape. One fine Columbia t:raf
nmila player. Some hoatinvr ytuves whiih will pay you to
investigate. Tlu'.-e sales will he continued
Every Saturday Afternoon
eommeiieinjf at 1 o'clock, and we will idso handU' all
kinds of farm and stock sales, (Iihkis Ixuicjlit and s -Kl.
Come in and sii us and we will try to pleaiie and treat ou
kindly. Vours for liusiness,
Radabauirli & Patterson .
M i' V'm. Hr an ha in rot urn
Priln from a two wt-fexn' jttay nt tb !
f.itf S.i in art t n hospital In lirHnt '
Vp Her imtnv trtrmU til 1" cird
i I !'ow that nhe rapid r. n catn-'
hi it her hrnlth attd trtrenih. j
t: S Mttflr ot ttte tlrarcf
( in .Si ll.
-" S i..
p.;i.i..t h- r.
ri.i. rn.j ,,f t!
lore 1 i,i!,
MT t'-lay ii
Kranil Jiii,
or tn!..r
MOll 1 1) (
k 11 - I
T'tr lit
Is. ef r '
I II.. ir it"
I n i'il n
' W m M. I- -.
li'iiuh;. s, ,
,' f'iir! I' 1
hi r r : ,
; W lln-n I. i r,
l.i'.l Inhun.Kt
tiif i. r. pi,
. H,i,-' lr. . )
i t.i'Krs. i".i. on.
- 4 I p.tal i l. ik sus-
sierii;i fur all. M".i ,
nuolh. nn .nr. ii l-
- at.'S t'01llt!li?l!l.r (
i: I pli-adt-ri KUtlty atij
ovi r lo Ihi" I. il.'ial i
1 lie-a ;ii i kin are out
Twenty fle cl. i ks
conlt-ased. ,
r atnuit the roTuHil
blll, diMti-M.I bv It.
. W'.Tliiii-tni:, Ii. ...
I-.Mere. f.r p!m o. '
- ! -
in today UroiuM suit ,
- iurl f,r do or e from
: if i' ,-hnrc, cruel '
; r.-rtm.-nv The
',d by Attorney Ou;
1 ,
n .1 a
a. h Jt
i ruf-
. earet kl.r, mre
a clear, purr el. 1.
"' lece.ry blocl-baiMiev- vua j tm the proper km,! .."
r.-:,.-th.Eivl Ir,,-,. in t-.' iiC
f no :.a It i:, ,R. r.;..Vn
'""M" the t-. rM. an-1 li r. J.
- ' 1 IStl 1 - t
' re muture. of yea-i r:: i
I '-:...t ironii,.i. m-hl.h 1
rnn.v nil hv I,.. ir t .. .
ie,is and rM.j, rw'-,I1',;P,'."v
",'!" the richt k.n.t , f r.',.'..
... you irm plr
r. .'l 1.. Z. l . y"Ur t-'irill' 1
your . Iwkn ar.d af.r!l . ,
..e, ir"it!, . i
ti, In y. ur r.eryes. i
r- lo. In our 1 I ,. t i,.,
l- , -. or.-,.r. In -
r' It I,
" ei-tl.rner. A.I. f r 1-.
t-tb'c " Itewnre r
Ir r.r. 1 Y,,.t . ,
f 'e at l a ,A
ere ron:-.,-,. l;;
e. aled. Tn.r e.v..
M f ,! e-?jr ,v Irelfp v.
rur v
:i r i'.
' I-
1-.ra.c:t AM kllMl wi:i h C
j Iroa oj cal
i, , ! .'. .? 'y-. ".Si -
The Gulbransen
is the
Life of the Party
"i" fiilks dancins olj tcvt -li-W'its-exhilarittfcm
fills tho air.
Mii.-ic works Itx masir, and your
! r;,r.s. n Is the life of the party.
:i i!n. bosinni r enn rcon May
ff I t;iu.-ic, for the InMructton
-an exclusive Gulbransen
f. iiiin - m;.ke It rimple.
1 a Gulhransrn at our more
f 'r but t.n minutes. i;njoy ,e
' anj the satisfaction of per
""ii.i'.iy producing pood niusie aa
n'y the Gulbransen can play It.
Four Model Nationally Priced
IT'JO J60 f 195 C&S
The Player Piano
-ai-a. wi I
1 1016 Stude. four tour. If
1 1921 Ford truck all new Orel 1
buocaa aim oveivrne
1 1017 Podge Bros, touring 3
1 1918 Dodge Bros, touring
You will have to see these w
to appreciate their values.
Glenn HTaylor
W1.rl.oXer tin! !. Jl I
teacher of
Piano. HUtory, Harmony, Tnf'
.ive i.rrlea
High School Credit
to the Coast by Coast
Aato Line Stages
Over New Muhwjy W JJ
valley ana wyrue r , " gel
you time an money, t ,1
tel Ilot'l ara ,
Horn Ileataurant Krery I
T a. m. and I p. . -
Fare to Myrtle Foiai t,i
" - Coqulll ,?
- atarshllcla t,
Coast Auto Line:
Oearae W. Ilrraat.
tea. .lie. ureaee
I Groceries for
Particular People
M .... .le l PfJ
g about what tbey i
i We Invite y "
S M-e our f tork-fl'
S Highest price paid t
gi l hone 3-