.n..tirt NlWoHtVIEW, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1922.' PAQC PIVt WE state it u our honest be lief that for the price asked, Chetterfield gives the greatest value in Turkish Blend cigarette ever offered to smokers. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. Xanthi, Cavalla, Smyrna and Samsoun the famous Turkish tobaccos used in Chesterfield's Turkish Blend are bought on Turkish plantations by our resident buyers. We take no chances we know the high quality of our tobaccos. . Regular meeting or O. E. S. Thursday, Oct. 0, is--, ah mem- 1 A urrMt til DA UrPSt-nt. liria mo r- - - The Past Matrons and Vast Pa- trons or tna iimpier win oe w a. ...,ii mn..ttts nf the pvpninir. c I'a. in. r ... - -- - The regular cards will not be is- "Ul EUZADETJJ Rt'NYAN, Worthy Matron. NOTICE O. E. 8. MEETING. may be reasonably expected of the crop as a whole. One packing house operator stated mat approximately 20 ner cent of the fruit from his orchard was not suitable for packing. He had already packed four carloads, and he had the largest orcuara ana ine cleanest fruit In his district. In the Willamette and c mpqua dis tricts there was a rather light bloom and a consequent light setting of fruit with most varieties. 1 his was follow ed by an extremely dry season. In the Kogue Klver district this was the "off year," following a heavy produc tion last year. Hood Kiver estimates vary from 75 per cent to 100 per cent, of last year. We have adopted 90 per cent. Reduction of the Wasco county crop Is mainly attributed to the dry hot season. Umatilla county had a severe spring freeze which Is held mainly responsible for the small crop of that section. Malheur coun ty Is expected to nave rather more commercial apples than last year. Union county will probably produce a smaller crop than last year. Pears. The Oregon pear crop considerably exceeded the early estimates. The heavy spring drop did not prove to te as serious as anticipated. Indi cations are that the total 1922 pear shipments will amount 10 about I60O car loads. The Rogue River district had shipped 780 cars to September 10th. and the season's crop is now es timated at a total of 12S0 to 1300 cars. The Umpqua and Willamette districts will produce about 200 car loads, and the Hood Kiver crop is ex pected to amount to about 200 cars. Partletts, which make up the bulk of the early shipments were mostly han dled by Oregon and California can neries, except the Hood Kiver produc tion and a small part of the Kogue River crop, which went to eastern markets. liTIl and misery IN WAKE OF WINDS ON CHINESE COAST ' tttlM, Oct. 3. Sharp on tho the terrible typhoon which id Swatow came a second I such ferocity that all ocean ,nd coastwise vessels In the were held up and tho Em r Russia, bringing Dr. Sun 1 from Canton to Shanghai, laved more than thirty hours ing. hi EDXA LEE HOOKER, -.national News Service Staff I Corresnnnilent 1 KUHAI, Oct. 3. Typhoons of ferocity are sweeping the coast during the typhoon or season this year, leaving desiruciion. starvation and In their wake. s of the widespread horrors watow disaster, which Is tin ly one of the worst In the of China as told by passou refugees arriving in Shang e a vivid picture of the APPLE CROP SHOWS DECLINE IN STATE uw Is today desolate, battered lrn. Its streets are filled with package of tho sea and land. P 'ticli from the thousands of d human and animal bodies i!)le. Tlmu-aiuN Perish. 'Ping down upon the pictur little city, like a great eavaKC V r of Inhuman cruelty, the ty- camea an before It. Reports ' casualties have grown, in nf decreased, until the total r of lives lost ranges from to 50,000, while a conserva- f timate of the damage is $35,- f l'iily, with little warning, plioon struck Swatow. In a ' urs. as one traveler reports, ; the counted for principally by tho sud denness with which tho storm struck. There was no opportunity to flee, no vantage point to seek, on tho streets. In godowns and facto ries, ill the fields, on the hundreds of small boats, the men, women and children were trapped like rats and could not escape. Sizzlinz live electric wires, which had been blown down, added to the panic and hundreds were killed by these wires before the waters reach reached the power plant and shut oft the current. The foreign engineer in charge was away at the time of the typhoon and the fleeing Chinese operators did not realize the danger and turn off the current. Waterfront Hazed. PontoonB, wharves and docks along the waterfront were destroyed. Coastwise steamers were torn from their anchoraKes. Shipping passen gers suffered a terrible strain when tho big steamers were washed up on the coast. Following the desolation came a more terrible calamity the spectre of starvation and pestilence, inou sands of dollars are being raised throughout China to cope with these evils. A bad cholera epidemic has broken out and relief workers from Shanghai and Hong Kong are carry ing autl-cholera supplies. ltelief Work Slow. In the cily the relief work is slow and it will be many weeks before Swatbw can be cleaned up. Tho work of gathering up the dead and caring for the homeless living is slow. In one ancient Chinese temple 6,000 uncofflned bodies have been placed, nihpr u-mDlri are being used for same purpose, ana a steaay All Fruit Districts Show De crease In Amount of Ap pjes For Shipment. Advertised Goods Are Good Goods That Is why we carry them, boost them, sell them. No one cull uflurd to advertise poor quality goods all tho time, be cause there are no repeat or ders on poor goods. Also there Is no free advertising by sat isfied users. Here are a few comments we have heard on goods purchased from us: "ileal lilli mug plow 1 ever used." "l'lea.ie ship me a harrow Just like the one my neighbor bought from you," "Am very much pleased with the bath tub and other supplies. You saved mu over 170." "My wife she say that good flour, I take ten sacks now." "That paint covers more surface and gives better finish limn any other paint I ever used" Whats' the answer? Advertised goods, Oood goods. "Tho kind you read about" in all the best advertising med iums, including your county pa per. When anyone tells you our prices are low because our goods are poor quality, that bird has been eating pie and sleeping on his back. Tell him to roll over and wako up. We Guarantee the Goods Wo Sell. So Does the Manufacturer. Sco us first, you money. Wo cim snvo WORMS CAUSE DAMAGE Warm Weather and Lack of Moisture Result In I'nusual Activity on Tart of Codling .Moth and Fruit Ixhss is to lie Expected, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McElroy and their famous Jazx orchestra left this morning for the south. They will play an engagement in Mcatora tins evening, afterward leaving for Kla math Falls, where they will give dances during the fair and rodeo. Mr. and Mrs. McElroy aro former reisdents of Roseburg, and greeted many old friends yesterday. They reerettod their stay could not be longer. They played to a largo num ber last evening, and their dance numbers were welt received. o 29c SPECIAL GRANITE WARE Larue pieces, 4-5-6-8 qt. assorted cranite ware. 8 nt. dlshpuns; 6 and 6 qt. pudding and milk pans; 4 qt preserving kettles; 6 qt. deep bowls etc. lliggest values slnco tho war. Get them for 29c at. Curr's, where you save. Smile beside a fire of Page's coal 'y "looked as If it had been i stream of coolies brings In the dead. u up in a heap," while an r compared the devastation 'es in Flanders battlefields. ai wave swept far Inland, car- nousp-Doats, Junks and large rs ashore, while the wind 1 '1 modern buildings with the ease as it did the thousand of 1 liin-se huts. Tho wind, vrhlch avenng from 95 to 100 miles ir. nccording to estimates, was h torce that neither man nor could stand up against It. I.Ike Kuriliqimke. re was hardly one brick lying another." said one passenger. fHy looked as though It had 'roved bv How they are to be burled Is a prob lem. "I have been on the China Coast for 3S years and this Is far and away worst disaster 1 have seen." said E. A. Lawrence, the chief offi cer of the steamship Hydrangea. The tidal wave which swept an over the town was responsible for tho enormous damage." Th-:e is a grea". race on! Tiie merchant who Is without big adver tising plans, adequate to his growth. Is handicapped and almost foredoom ed m failure or at best ho can only ln.ni. for a nlace at the end of the lino ten-iiiin nrth-l -inn..,u x Hvprt tains! sufficiently .Mangled remains of human ) will put a business in the lead. distorted almost out of rec-j o- "were to be seen every- DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Thousands of persons must . en blown off their feet and t- o .. ,.! r.nreau. local office. against buildings and Into I Rosehure Oregon. 21 hours ending ejllood River Valley Wasco County Vmatilla County Union, I laker, Malheur ' U kinds. tremendous More than three-fourth, of inland Junks, sampans and ' Precipitation In Inches and hundredths ':r" 'Pnx- liii,.ht t..,mrature eystrrday 60 Mind was strewn with lum-; . '.. . . it nit-hi 49 j ,, i uvrnmK n uti,nlu" " Precipitation, Inst n nours i Total precip. since first of month .44 Normal precip. for this month ..1.04 Total precip. from Sept. 1, 1121. to dale --44 Average precip. from Sept. 1, 1K1 1 26 Total excess from Sept. t. 'J22 .....74 Average precipes' Ion for 44 wet .nna ISVnt. In May, rnc.) 3139 Tonight and Wednesday, occasional iH22, conditions in' WILLIAM CELL, Observer. Inu nt Ufa 1 Kal Guarantor Giuon.J I An unusual amount of worm dam age, together with small sizes and more or less "brown spot," have ma terially reduced the prospective 1922 commercial apple crop of the state of Oregon, as compared with the Indica tions earlier In the season Is the opin ion of F. L. Kent, Agricultural Sta tistician, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, who has very recently visited the principal apple growing districts of the state. The abundance of "worm stings" this season is attributed largely to the character of the growing season. The long season of comparatively! warm nights allowed practically unln- -terrupted activity of the codling moth i particularly hatching of the eggs. Careful observations as reported, in- j dicate that the female moths have been two or three times as active as usual this season in the matter of , egg deposits, which combined with unusually favorable hatching condi-1 tonsi, largely accounts for the abun dance of "apple worms." Further more, in certain districts, wher the early Indications were for a light crop, due to frost, "off year," etc.. spraying was not thoroughly done, In many orchards. Apple scab and other fungus has caused very little trouble this sea son. Properly sprayed orchards gen erally report the crop as practically free from fungus of all sort. Hut the so called "brown spot" affecting the Inside of the fruit, is more abun dant than usual, particularly on some of tho earlier varieties. Carlot shipments as reported by the railroads to the Marketing Division for the different districts of the slate of Oregon, for the crops of 1921, also latest estimates on the probable 1922 car lot apple production for the state are as follows: 1922 1921 f -. , . . 2 .", 2:15, ...210 292 ...250 999 ..2S40 2937 ...355 f,.11 ...225 S27 ...745 770 4S50 6591 The Rungs of Progress Form Ladders of Succesi Picture n ladder with Its stolid footing, carefully constructed rungs, soaring to unlimited heights and you hare a fair likeness of the J. C. Penney Co. Just 20 years ago, tha J. C Penney Company set footing In the lund of merchants and with its steady growth, founded on principles of upright ness, squareness aud fair ness. It baa steadily built the rungs of rewarded ef forts until IU'22 finds 11 at the height of success; It does Dot cease to (oar; for once attaining a fixed Itoal, 'Us tune to fix a higher. Our progress Is meas ured by your patronage and your continued pat rons go proves our progress. Farm Bureau Cooper ative Exchange Roseburg and Oakland. Auction Sale AT THE RAMP PLACE, 1 MILE EAST OF ROSEBURQ FRIDAY, OCT. 6 Beginning at 9.00 a. m. ths following will be offered for sale: HORSES 2 5 yr. old horses, weight, liOO lbs; 1 br.y mare, weight 1300 lbs.: 1 blk. horse, weight I"o0 lbs.; 1 sorrel horse, weight l-'OO lbs.; I bay mare, weight 1000 lbs.; 1 blk. mare, weight 120 lbs.; 1 saddle pony, weight 6"0 lbs.; 1 boy saddle; 2 saddles; 2 sets heavy harness; 1 set single harness. 5 22 HEAD FINE DAIRY COWS Some fresh and soon to be fresh. 50 head young cattle; 1 fine Jersey bull; 2 cream separators; 1 Unman milking machine; 3 5 and 10 gal. milk cans; 1 milk cooler; 1 milk cart; 1 root cutter; one horse yas engine. TURKEYS, GOATS About 10 turkeys. 6 Angora gouts. FARM MACHINERY 1 grain reaper: 2 3 Vi wagons; 1 bugule; 2 mowers 2 hayrakes; 1 spring tooth harrow; 1 drag harrow; 2 plovs; 1 side bill disc plow: 1 8-ft. disc; 1 cultivator; 1 2-horse cultivator; hayrack; woodr.uk; 2 wagon seats; 1 gravel bed; U00 gal. galvanized waler tank; 11 ft. by 30 It. Stave Silo; 2 triple pully utid rope; many small tools. Household goods. FHKE LTTNCH AT NOON' TERMS AH sums up to J10 cash, notes, 6 months time. All sums over $10, bankable W. F. RAMP, Owner J. M. JTW), Auctioneer. Whnt camo near being a very ser ous accident occurred today near Canyonvillc when the heavy touring car driven bv Harry Ilildeburn of his city collided with tho light Ford car driven by S. E. Wilder of Cnnyon- ille. The Ford was occupied by five people but fortunately no one w as In jured. The wet pavement was re sponsible lor Uie accident as the ma chines skidded and could not bo han dled accurately. The Ford was badly wrecked, possibly beyond repair. .Mr. lilldeburus car was only slightly dam aged. ' . .i ..i.i,' J. 0. Newland to Attend Conference Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Newland will leave hero tomorrow in a Hodge Hrolhers Sedan car for Portland, where they will attend a meeting of Dodge ilrothera car dealers They will be gone until Friday or Satur day. Dealers from Oregon and Washington will attend this confer ence, which will be presided over by officials of the Hodge Hrolhers cor poration, who have come west for tho purpose of personally meeting their dealers on this coast. Four of these conferences will bo held in the northwest during the next few weeks, and In addition to tho Port hind meeting another will bo con vened a little later at Seattle, and a third at Spokane. Mr. Newland, however, expects to attend ouly tho' Portland conference. In Hie endeavor to develop a busl- . ness a merchant Is rc.ully hunting the gome that lays the golden egg. No ., such goose was ever raised without -. abundant food, and the merchant who-' wants his business to "lay golden, eggs' must give It regular meals of., good wholesome advertising. 2? 0 zjovgb diu:ciokt. KnlKhlM if ryfhlaii Alpha T.dgo, No. -li, tncels tverv W'eUlu-Mluv evening In kiiliclits oi l'hvttilaii Hall. l:t ltoso St. Vlsilnrs always weleuined. Kll'Ul.l'H 1IITZMAX. C. C. J. . FAItlllNCVrON, M. F. li. K. WlMltKCLY. K. S. Willamette Valley . I'mpqua Valley . . . . Itogue River Valley. fci' r-in-roiiiine work. m tratimemw CROCKER. Wowburq, Ore. (756 boxes per car.) Th" above estimates have lieen compiled after consultation with the best informed apple men in the var ious districts. They show consider able reduction in the earlier estim ates. In fact, are considerably under the fori-casis based on September. 1, ; Harvesting of the earlier varieties has progressed far enough to give some idea ot what i This is Jjc ,, yjrhA f Steve PofchK Should vJ?KW&j It's different If.m l-i-.-V $ J others because '-" morecarentnWr.in t'V tiie ifjCAii;K uio I'm. erit.ua used ax? ot hih r Kra Ja Black Silk Stove Polish rot rub fl of 0'.:l ' I.U Jl.'f, 1 1 ;,.t lour idn" n.1 !'(.' f'.lnwf n'i.t foiib. on -o-np; tv. i-ml tmld i'hirtwiffirv.ir omi'wr.. ibf in), i iritis -.f,.)-' T TV f . If y t r sr'ivw 1't fl 4 It IH "d, poor rmf i Hs ft! Ik Ir IT r-, t iaM rXll Motnt rlt.N t.-t f lvp r , T irt. it hi iw Ji fuf ni yy scy. U Mums In Md 6Uowa impie evurj triday verun at 1:au o'clock. Vim Idk ureitirii ar Hlwuya wulcorn. MUMUIR t'MKKiv. N. ). A. J. d&DUKS. KttC HC J. B. JlrtlLli. l'ln. Bee. A. ijiurei l.udite S- iiU Jtu.ar eouiinunlcfttluiii na tiU 4tu W-alneart'tys eacn nionili tt Musonlc 'ieniDi, Hueuuri, Or. VUitoiit 'U' W. U THOMAS. W. M. W. 4-. XIAKK1M. BoCV. iUliTS iVTi Hi k V UKTSiAit" A it A- lto meuia id tn Muccuneu Hall tae lt.t and 3rd Tuenanv., in eacft mo .in. .i:i(.llltll.4 OF WMU11'H A lT I jIIh 0 CUitj Nu. 4!. ineetH on lm and ;lrd Kiiuay i-vonina in Mooso Jmll. VUlt Utif m.-tKnl"'w invitid to utttsnd. Ht-AAK CKK.NKHAW, O. N. MAUHAUKT WIU1NKV. Clerk. t. fc. S. HONuur i-impirr lioitlri thtr rortuinr uiuetliiK on ihi and jru Tharatiaya in eucn month. Ali aujuurnlntf lirtliir4 and ainltara f rociirtfiiuLty invjicd to a'lond. MUH tll.l.Aiil-nii ItUNVAN, W. M. i-'KKK JtJiiNiitJN. S"'rMtury. CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE FOUND ON LAST PAGE UNDER HEADING "NEW TODAY." WANTED ' I. . FOR SALE DHKSSMAKINO. Wuy -Wurnock. Her- j bAl,K 1'ivoroom modoru hoSHv rick House. D12 .Mill slreet. . . APPl.i: PICKKK8 WA.N11.U. u. i-;j,0U SALU 2D head ewea. It cachT- C. Wood, Garden lley. , j lnyuiro 3S-F14. " WANTKU-Man lor ranch vvorK. SALK.lluy. Ejenbower Orchard - Steady cmployjiieW. nojio Trttct)), fhouo iBF-3. ' WANTUD-WS cutting Jon. ; - . ---- - JiaveoutiM. - Uur --, --- Vulljy, Oregon. . WAStfcI3fuHEhhou'!Si;-l.lnK t1'"!' SALE-Uak block and irtiio wox. J ms Addiws A. K. care News- ! W.A. Jenkins. Phou0H-K-41. IXHJniH. Keview. -1 UK SAI.IJ OU head blub grade tihrop ewes. I.lnubloom, Liixonvllle. WANTEl 32 siH'iial, carbine pre-I feired. Address A euro Kutfs iw - tun bai.b-uvuriunu car, luouel U. view. I 37i. lu'iuiio of Dr. 11, E. Hunt. WANTED Men for ruck quarry near I'uH SALE liuiicb, or will tuko suiull-' Oak creek. Wages, i.2u per uay. ; nuu9 in pun wane, i nouu ffi-i'Ji. Imiuiro Metr.ger and Johnson. 'VOll SALE A Nu. OuggyT Phono-' WANTED Sheet metal worker, top XtS-U, or call at 620 Worth Jackson ; wages to a good num. biiiniKers si. ,. Slieet Metal Works, Koseburg, Ore. hTol.li. liUUNUt New Perfection oil " WANTED tllrl to do housework. No ntovo for sale, 20. Mrs. llonry. Kiiuill children. Send out pan oi t iiureis. j-nouo dua-K. K. . T. SI. Meets each socon-1 and f.iurtli lliurnlay of eueh mouth in Maceabes liall. torner nil I'lna rei.. vi.alii Kn!ut always w.icou. c (kV,pMASi Com n w. itAi'i". it. K. tMili) ah ii nn-ot iii Mfce teo hall every treduemlay eviMlliia. Vl.ltlnK inrtinoors aia. weieoiae, It-Ii.'.isu Hl'.ll. M. A. Mll.liKBl) M 'Cill.uocli Treas. kijii-: hitwi'Uhkv. mcv WonllUKX OK THIS WOIII.M camp t,a. liu. niseis in oli llows" hall In Uoaehui every lt aJia rU Mun d .tculims. Visiting noiabburs iwivi w .li'nif.e. I llKDKKIl'K ltirtTKR, & C. II. it MII.I.KI1. Clark. laundry. Cull at 021) K. Dougiaa si. or phono 83-1.. Mrs. C. Al'atlaf. WANTED Apple pickers. Camping accommodntlons. rreo woou aim water. V. 8. llainlllon, Half Moon Orchards. Harden Valloy. Phono S2-F-5. j WANTED 5 ex.eiieneed niiple pick oi s for Work Monday- Top for firat class help. Alio experi enced sorter and man for lidding, it. W. Ilinkley, Harden Valley, phone t2-tM. MISCELLANEOUS , 4''1 I. I. II. KIKa, lliciri Loose .. lleiil rch'olar cuminuii m atlons at the kilts' '1 L-ini'lo on t-Hch Thursday of every month. All rii.mb.tr. i re iiue.t.30 to attend regularly, and H vi.iitlnt,' brothers art cordially la vned W .tu-nd. ukuj. p J. O. UAV, Jr.. Kerjr. i.Ti "bk.l i mpti:h No. si, b. a. m. btul.'l ronKHiii'tii on nrwt and third Tue0... Masonic Te-ini-le. All niriebra re-il.-K!d lo Httend till vleltinK ciopiti'l'". welc"ii.f. 11 A WUOS. ItlKh rrle.L K. HAMKI. Barelary. RKIIK.KAHS Rn;burr H.hekah L'liix .So. 41, I. O " mean In o.M lllon T-rnila a-oy w.elc " TL-lay evenln. vl.llind m.u'bfrl In Kood standiuc ar Invitad t - at- " flKI-.TIirnre HATI IKLD, N. O. KVA t.l l-'lX. fe-X. KTIIBI, liAII.KV. Kin. gecy. KA'.l.--i'.e..--eurS Ae-rt. Il-eeli lu i; ,o hil in Ja. k'n M. r' 2nd an 1 4ttl Men-lay ever,t(.a. of .a'h ntouth at S or.v k. Vi-itlnsi brethren I" j w m. i.a uiui:. W. P. II. V. (iii'MIAN. ! r.tary. Vril.A7. T. W-Ilo. uric Itevliw Krt 11 le.litu rn-- 'ir ni'-.-i Hit en aee- ufH and (o irlo 'I horedey al p. in. i 1-ttlna- .lt, ra Invited l attend re- ' view.. M-ucabeo Ilall, I'lna and Caaa "w" jy'.MK PA PP. ri UKLLi; bl t.l'lli-.NaON. Com. I CUSTQ.M St-Ol lilMJ AND ('AKDINU Scouring, tic; cartllng 2c par pound. Ship ynur wool to Crescent Dutt ami Deciding Co. for satisfac tory work. Crescent Halt and lled- ding Co., Stnyton, Ore. FOR RENT FOR KENT Safely deposit boxes. Koseburg Nnlional Ii;ink. KOIt KENT Sleeping room, ba'b, South Muln si feet. F'o It"-11 E N T SI. e'pihK r.Kiiiis. tlround lloor. ( ion.) in. 328 N. Kano St. FOIl " KENT Two" heaT.id sleeping r.ioi'iH for tho winter. Closo in- Phone 12-Y. Fun-KENT Uno piano, tor sale, beaver hat. AUo IT. IIh. of tewed cat pet ruirs. l'hoiio 173 J. Full 'HE.NT I . ii'i-il h 'l' I properly. Corner Jioee ah. I Oak sir. el. In- quire 211 a-bin;-toii Hr.-.-t. LOST ANO FOUND U)S'r-Wee. Vl ..in b. iw.-.-ii (,al lMi Vuliey and ,-". Winnifoid:. Uu- tuin to E. E. I.a line. LOST Small Ll-'M w.lI.Ii. i ham ami Klk tiMith. W r.-waid. liubar Ili-rithr-r. LOST Ilia-k vi-r liwtiii' I ! name linhbv. li.w.ml. A. 11.1:.:. lor. 7n.i E. iaiii; .i S' Pl.-ne 1!J-X. For.SD l.oK ih.iin o,i M l oo road. Owner cm I'.iV" 1 ' culling ot this i.m-'-j a mi paying adverllsini; eli.. i; i. LOST Two- 30 b-. ;:' . .ar In riniM: one Willi eoM-r ta Wo'Ml.-.toek Nui ' i v. In r Mvrile Point to leu , Finder pleas., ba.e sum' qua hotel. Host-hut r', and r ward. I i ;el fiotu J anil. la.'. ; lit l'lii- J : eive re- 1 Foil SALE-Full blood whito Leg- Inn n pullets, tiuc each, G tnos, old., 720 S. Pino St., lloseburg. Ore. Wi I.I. S 1.1.1. or leaau my farm. Also", sell all slock or tools. 2 ml. east ot!, Koseburg. M. Howe, Itt. 1, Uox 21. - FOIt SALE liest up-to-date reatuui'v ant in Ueed.Hport, doing a fine busl ness. Write P. O. Uox 337, Heeds---Krt, Oregon. 11200 IIOCSE VorTliT2aOU. Cues ab half price. See it. Only one such snap cooes In lliellino. Ad.liestt . "1 louse," Ne ws-Kevlew. "F(l( SALE 12000 bus a business hit w ith a 6 room house. Good loca . tion, a big mnip for a little money.. 11. W. Young & Son, 116 Cass St. FOIl .SALE Oil Tl!ADF6"c IluderTV! passenger lluick car for smaller car." Would make a good light truck. S.-o (Union ul Paint Shop, 117 Hubu St.. Foil SALE At a bargain, one used" Sanders double disc plow; ono ( lurk's double cutaway diac for either hnrst-s or tractor. J. F, Bar-" ker & Co. 2 FOU SALO $2S(m buys iTIreul liotnaT' 0 looms mid Hcrccncd in sleeping porch. I'lastered, nearly new housv . on paved street. Fine locatioii.M f 12"0 down, balance on easy tenna. 0. W. Young t Sun, 116 Cass St. Foil " SALE -i'lliu Jer.uy heiferT' dropped Sept. 4. 1H22. Sire I n- ' known Ciili Hal.-U-b, No. 147714 I .lilll. Chiefs Alplno, No. SXIlit.K. For paiit-ulars tall on or address O. A. ivitby. .Myrtle Cre. k, OreKon.. FOR S M.E- On account of death will ; ni.-i-lt.e.i He. r.iilnwiiiK properly: 5' nen s iiut.rov.d In city of UoH.4iirg. , one ln.u ;e. 4 bus; bu.--lin's proper--'ty with Kitiaxo building; one bunga li.w ; one l' ton Speed truck.; onn ' V.-I.e 3'i Ion loKgii g Irucx; one 5, ton trailer. Warnoek, 1.26 East I. mi" Si., Hosehurg, Oie. I'li.m.i 1 n. j - !K.2iBI. 1-uK SALE l'-'i an.-s Umber land. i ' inil' i lio.ii ( aiiyonville, few miles ; ft .,in Soti'b 1 lotMiua river. AH re I . ril-. until, nt I'i lllilli.lll feet of. siallilitm tMuli'-r. luteal Ion, Sect inn ' iM, tewn 'i-il 21, nm-e 4 i;t. Ixiu; l;H e.itttiM'. A.sesed valuation i f 1 :.(.it. Will fell this at a great s.ic nlic... Make nie an i.tier. Theo. llollbeck. West llcn.l. Wis.