R08EIURQ HEW-HEVtCW, WEDNESDAY, August 0, 1922. A0E FIV proved way to Vi lifim-. I prevent many 1 w fpa "ifTll lubricating I trouble Oil experts tell you that the destructive "sulpho" compounds in motor oil reduce its lubricating value. These impurities cause the oil to break down and thin out almost imme diately under engine heat. Cycol is the motor oil from which destructive "sulpho" compounds have been removed. The new Hexeon Process, used only by us, does it. Cycol does not break down nor thin out rapidly under engine heat Cycol maintains an unbroken lubricating film Cycol prevents many motor troubles. Prove it yourself! Flush your engine with' fresh lubricating oil, not so-called flushing oils or kerosene, and refill with Cycol. Different brands of motor oils have different bodies. The safest, surest way to get the best performance from your motor and avoid expensive engine troubles due to incorrect lubrication is to use the grade of motor oil speci fied on the Cycol Lubri cation Chart. I MOTOR. OIL J ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY i&SfcrV Executive Office 79 New Montgomery St sv'fi)rj),s San Francisco, California t State Press Comments 185,000.000 FOR AUTOS. Figures Uiitt truly are startling have been compiled by ltilph J. Stfab.ll, secretary of the Automobile dealers association uf UreKon, indicating the stupendous annual drain on Oregon production involved in the purchase, maintenance and operation of motor cara in thin state. Mr. Steahll em ulates that the annual business of the H automobile industry in Oregon aggro- j j emeu tA K .toil fliiu iu l". Olio noil n W 8 HUNTERS! year more than is paid to federal. state and local government in the form of taxes, including motor vehiclo li cense fees. The combined drain for aulos and tuxes is over (155,000,000 a year. This is an average of $750 per fam ily in Oregon $750 a year outlay for aulos and laxes. The combined outlay Is three times the total lumber production of the slate. It equals the total agricultural production. Where do wo get what wo live on? Oregon Voter. Devil's Lake, North Dakota, is n town of only 5000 imputation, and yet one of the laigest department mores In the country is located there. Dur ing the disastrous business year of 1121 this store sold over $500,000 worth of goods, and Fred 1. Mann, the own er, says newspaper publicity turned the trick. "Advertising built my busi ness for me," he said, "and my aim today ts to outdo in newspaper adver tising the mail order houses which flood my district with circulars." Ku- geno Guard. Get ready for hunting' season bo prepared when the season opens. We are headquarters for the best in Sporting Goods Guns and Ammunition Come in and let us show you our line will save you money. 50c cartridge case, 23c. See our window display of guns. I Churchill Hardware Co. & Now that the railroads aro holding out against the orders of the federal labor board, and coal initio operators are rejecting the proposals of the pres ident, it is slrango not to see them toasted by papers like (lie Orvgnnlnn. The shopmen and miners were declar ed to be striking against the govern ment and are we to assume Ihe rail roads and coal operators aro beyond the jurisdiction of the government? It looks that way. Eugene Guard. they will spoilt! vacation. a tow days on their luuk 1 rotil 1 "ml land Miss Vera McKay, secretary of the local Chamber of Commerce, re turned last night from 1'ortland, Ka leiu, uiid other points in the Wil lamette valley, where sliu Uua been visiting for the lust week. lleUleivil ut (.rami Hotel Mrs. Al. Uusscl. Kugeiie; Fred II. Twoliy, I'orllaiiii; i. Cam, Caiuas Valley; Frank Talina?e, Dnnsutulr; Mm. W". 11. llowe. l'alo Alto, Call- ' fornia: Mrs. 11. U. Iage. Portland; C. 1J. .Martin, Sacramento; U. O. .Mil by, lOugene; O. Wyss, Portland. Heccivcs Hue l'ears Charlie l.erry, the well-known fruit man, has received some fine pears, which ho has oil sale. Thuy ate the new augur pears, small and sweet, and most delicious. DID A GOOD JOB. The deputy who shot that moon shiner, who had previously killed one man and seriously wounded another, did a good job. He might have es caped the hangman If he had lived to be tried. Eugcno Morning Itcgister. nKi:its auk ni-:nti:nci:i MOIIKKI.Y. Mo., Aus. 7. Walter llundridge and his brother, Vcrno Hundridge. former cashier of the de funct tanners' and .Merchants' bank here, pleaded guilty today to em bcizlhig $400,000 from the bank and were sentenced to ten and five years, respectively. In the penitentiary. ne Grower Puts Irrigation Plant r D'ltnriinir i.Io.i r.. i " , " irriga tes , h'' ,M,n a,lll,''l to be . ,' nu:,llH'r already in use in I. . . am .he late., convert to M'l of meting crnp, is A tZ' . ,,,aM"n'l. hn. under neff M,n,y Farm Ae,.nt A 'od Chance ! to tiuy a Good Brush for yur hajri ,lan(1 ' 'ce-h-anj clothe. f3'-, loo. .l M2c3. all klDtls " k ai trims. I" ;'uV' of unusual L-ou- k'nl lh,t dunt Sc " W indow,. )i L Crocker I Cooncy has just completed Inslalla ! lion of a cenlrifigal pumping plant that will life 1000 gallons of water per minute. Mr. Stearns will use the wat . er to irrigate his prune orchard, andj . -I-, v n ... inn um; Ki.e ma u vua It ' better and stronger growth, with plen ty of well vitalized fruit spurs for an- other year, but to soiue extent stop the i"drop" that generally occurs in prune .orchards at this season of the year, and at the same time give him S0-40s where he might otherwise get only 10 to 60s. The plant Installed at tho (Stearns orchard lifts Hie water nhnnt ii I't, and is capable of irrigating 30 acres of orchard. RURAL JUSTICE LIKE Improvements for Harley Motorcycle A motorcyclo roller bearing driving hub that lasts a life-time, is olio of tho ten big new improvement on the 1 i 2 :i Harloy-Davidson motorcy cles and side-cars now being shown by the local dealer at 200 W. Doug' las street. "This new roller bearing driving hub," says William llarley, chief en gineer for the Harley-Davldson Mo tor company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, "is the product of'years of tireless experiment and many and long road tests under all kinds of driving con ditions, it last a iife-liine and the only attention it ever requires is little lubrication every 10.OU0 miles. Some of the other new and im portant improvements on the l!2:i Harley-Davldson 'are a double-act ing contracting brake and improved braking pedal control, manual Igni tion switoh wiih automatic warning alarm, "Staylit'' shock-absorbing tail lamp and a larger generator with In creased! charging capacity. Itenso Smoke In Josoldittio GounlJ According to airplane patrolmen tho smoke blanket over Josephine county is so dense Unit they can scarcely niscern ine inuuscapo, ex cept when flying very low. It is said there are no fires in that county, but Hie wind drifls smoke, from other lo calities noiili, und from Coos county. MOOUK Mt'SIC STCIHO Kinder garten and all Dunning classes, anil all music work will begin Sept 1st. l'hone 502 or call at 321 N. Jackson SI. Violated 1 'inking lotw II. F. Chilson today paid a fine of $1 in tho city court alter entering a plea of guilty to tho charge of parking lils car too near tho inter section. Snappy Job work. That classy kind that hns a distinctive and Indi vidual touch. The job printing de partment of tho Ncws-Itoview does it. ltoglstercil ut Hotel VlnMlla Mr. and Mrs. O.' U. Ames. Med ford; .. VsKex, Kugene; O. II. llarn hill, Kugene; 11. V. llulck. Portland; r ii iinuikor. Seattle: ('- Lindsay. Portland; F. -.I. Jones. Kugene; '11. C. i Powell, city; Mabel nines, Portland; Ionise Thomas, Portland; Grace Do graft. Portland; J. U. Daves and wile, Gl'.do. CHICHESTER S PILLS T TIIK IH.VVlOM MIAMI. If HIS ! i 5 (P Is the season of the year wben K R mothers take uioro than ordin- K j ary precaution In protecting K g tneir youngsters iroiu impure I J Our milk is pasteurized. ' fi, 1 5 It's pure sufo to dilnk. . TA t s !L lil-cli.1-rntnioiidTlrmlA lii, with JUtia RlM'n. Y MA jfcAV,'J Tli nn olhrr. Kmt f jour y 1 I- U miMiivn ItlLlMt 11 LI.H. i- r if A yranhn-mna Uc.t. Snfrt. Aly RellnMa S.l! n BV DWOfilSTS EVCRVWHLRE K Roseburg Dairy and C i Soda Works Telephone 188 CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS EMENTS WILL BE FOUND ON LAST PAGE UNDER HEADING "NEW TODAY." nK f Kr. W A N T1-: I W ood rill w l n tf . l'lli.lle a6-Y. E. Ithodes. I'nlversal Klrrtrie Iron, durable and properly made. Hudson Electric Store. Oakland Minister Resigns Pastorate OAKLAND. Ore.. Aug. 9. The llev. it. A. Hutchinson, for three years pas tor of the Community church here, has resigned to accept, the pastorate of the Cnrter 1tiw.H v--ii.. h l! .nil." LUUr cnurch. Previous to coming here he was located at Sutherlln. He is wide ly known throughout southern Oregon. During his residence in Iouglas coun ty ho has occupied prominent posi tions in church and fraternal activi ties He was always welcome at all kinds of gatherings where his wit, liu-ne and earnintness made him " uuistamiinx ricure. Mrs. Hutchin son is also well-known locally and Is most popular. They will leave for their new home In a few weeks. It is expected ht the vacancy caused bv -Mr . Hutchinson's removal will be filled i early in September. members arc deputized with the power to arrest. Homer Simpson has a farm adjoin ing MrCague's. Simpson saw Smith hunting on his neighbor's farm. He was harvesting wheat at the time and very busy, but he knew his duty, so lie hitched his horses, went over into the adjoining field and accosted Smith. The latter was unable to produce a written permit members of the asso ciation Issue to those they authorize to hunt on their premises. Then Simpson arrested Smith. So Ihe rural officer and Smith started for the ncar- Mntcrnatlonal News Service.) csj justice of the peace. AVEI.LA, Pa., Aug. 9. Justice down Thoy ,. , far ,,. in Jersey may be tolerably quick, but met Justice of the Peace Charles M. over hero in Washington county, Penn- Uea, who was In a hurry, for hay nod sylvania. she's lightning fast. No,!Kraln on his own farm needed alien airee; no demurrers, amended plead-lllon- S mpson quickly explained the ings and the thousand and one legal i n""!''r1 ln hand and proposed that a scheme, to delay the game. Calendar) roadside court be held to hurry up cleared so fast out this way that no ma',crf f,'r "," "'""med. According n .kt ..K,i. .re reouirrd. Here's a " jnl ice's buggy was drawn up to ........ --, - , - .. -,.-1 tl.n .v ,l,.,w... AHOLND TIIK TOWN. Kvcry night tho Tloseburg News Review is read by 20,000 people You ran t beat It for an advertising medium. WANTKI' Men fur rock nunrrv near ink Creek. Wages. $ l.-o per day. lnquiru Melzger and Jlilii'ii. WANTKI TO lll'Y- llnml cart In good cuniUlleii. I'. ). I.Mi. Hi'sehui-K. WANTKII Kipei iin'i .1 lllterat loll worker, lady, (or short time. 1 fli er's Store. sample. Farmers hereabouts have an organ ization known as tho Washington Count v Farmers Protective Assocla- 1 ho against the prisoner recounted by Simpson, a plea of guilty and a re quest for leniency made by the unfor tunate hunter, and a fine of was Arrived From Portland Del Green arrived in this city Ibis morning from Portland where he will spend a few dais tisltiug his relatives. Fined for SiHMlIng A. C. norland today paid a fine of in the city court after ideadini? guilty to a charge of speeding. Ilefure buying see our pianos. Ks pecially our new Meldoif l'laer at iiitl'i. Fully guaranteed. We have bargains in FSKD pianos. Moore Music Studio, 321 N. Jatk.ion St. WANTKI" 1-UllllllK. plnsterlliK iin.l KliliiKbag: reshiliKlrhig a sl-elalty. rail tit., ask for AihIci-hoii or 1'hrls- ttlltlMcM. WANTKII Kxnert typist wants post- lion In dltlce. or any et. i li o I worK. Ilest of refereliees. All'lress "T plst oiri! NeWS-lteVieW . WANTKI '--A slenoKniploT, one who can tianitto dli t;iti..n inol do K' n- isd ofTI' work. Ad'lrcss llox ten', ltosc- burg. j WANTi:i Vonnn limn wiit-lv eo-i-i tele e.l tn vanoHH v-rk wiii.-i ,,n', inan olitraei. V 1ml hit e j om .' I i. ' 1. I'. Inivs ('nek. IMC. ..lie J. I.. Kar'ioleir. WANTi;l Mm and wire tor tool Joh. ii ... ......i 1... ulth m o litn-ry hi.. I if.' to Loam i or ni. ii. i;.inii.-1 meat fiirlilnlmd. ln iuliu .MoUKir and Jolmsoll. t MlStl.iaMMH j IV. i il is A WIN'!. IMiotie Hi I' '-'. I 11 l-.MM I tTI'IIIN'l I'H- l'"T ymd at' MIIK-T Stole, 1'7 N. .la- ksoll .--'t. SiMK li'CAI.'HAI't'i'AINS hi u.e.l is., M....r sli.'ii lar.iu--. Wit. I. THAI 'I-: Am... Imr-e. wiisin.; Iriilo-.-s. cow. ell ti. r or nil. f-T inm-i tier .1. II. I'.iltei 'il o. rlln. I )i u. I Ililt PAI.K Tile best liBed Kurd In town, cliesp. I'hoiio 47S. l-'l'lt HAl.t; lino .lerspy cow und calf. l.wla ItroituTs, Kilenbiiwcr. 11 lt'.A I.K Vow. fresh HtMiiaiSeel7i. I Alpine f I cutter. 2:1:1 2nd Ave., S-.iiili. Williitni A. Long. J'lioiiejty-v. f'nlt SAI.K lila seres good tfmtier Ian. I near ICoselmrs. Terms If desired. A.I.IresH I', I, e.iro News-rtevlew. i-'lllt' liAt.l-: New H;linsolltnick"V.Ttii lo ll ii ml llceiise. Aduross Jl. 1, cure NeWM-lievlew. liilt HAI.K oil THAI IK Three work mules for cnltle or sheep. U. W. I'i.i.nr. Mellose, ore. Itiuk From Vncnl Ion Mr. and Mrs. P. A. VVohb, Mrs. ('. C. Alley, and Mr, und Mrs. Charles V. SlaiKton, who lini.i been spending their Micali'iii visliln at Port r ford, Pandoii, Coos Hay and other coast points, r turned to PfKieliuri; last night. TAM'KlNll an.t ill r"-u. i Ii i i.i:. ph iiinl l.ni i.iiili'.les. i-i '. Main, liutliri'lge. f AK1.N I'l' I'ioIi'm '".m.'. hi. II.-. I I v n. r f I lei a i ' " ' ' r,j; '' n lul ion lie hi, soul h ol lou u. 1 ! if I I i nil I. Mi s. Tirl:l)NT --!"n:i ' lor' h-l.t leo.si -k. toio,-. 71 I Tl ! ' " m HKNf nfelv uTioslt DuXtoS. Ki .U Itrt-al.urif NHtlfirisI Ifank. .cattlemen ir. ine wesr auanisc rusi ieii.. , court proc,,ullrP t(((,i( hut a very few only here Ihe main object is to keep mlnu, Smith paid' his fino and ! snooping hunters from blazing away r,,If,H)pr anywhere they please. Morse nesting cMinx:" said Smiire Ilea to his Is "powerful bad stuff' in the west. ; hure, and be was on bis way to his and unsuthoriied hunting is a good j Bayfield. sond cousin to the western crime In Himpson. his duty done as an officer, this region. hurried back to his team and neglecl- i The other day Charles E. Smith, of ed wheatfield. Ilural Justice had cut ICarnegia, Pa., drove down to Wash-! red tape and formality and the niajcn Ington county to hunt groundhogs. He ty 0f the law had beeu vindicated. j chose for the scene of his hunting the 0 Ifarm of II. K. McCague. in Cross Creek AT.TO ft. FKKV AI BO 'township. McCague, like most other; Are reaay to famish any lumber farmers, Is a member or inai rrotec- and timbers needed for any building itive association. Now. the brothers , M ow M anyone. See us before bur in that society stick torether like mo-tnR elsewhere. Patronise Roseburf lasses, and to expediate Justice the abor. Phone 324. (ioinig to i sirt Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Clark and daughter have tonight, for .Newport and Sab in. and other point where in; i;i:vr I.. : t I n n.- t.. m m i . -p. (ill I.I .A I ill loo : lo I I ;,.' Of Hie it. t v' for f 'I. I. II "h' " 1XMT ttNO K'lLSlU. I A iM'. I'" terrier, f- ' on s. .VI .in .1. N -my i: j iloipu ii, .in Hoi S. .VI I Safe Milk For Infants & Intavlid NO COOKING 1-Fawi Ff-fi1 m Dflnlt' for All Ate a. t rWsiib t tmrh bt Mnmi OfTtre. rn.uA Foantain AJk for HORUCfCS. mrkfQ& ImiUlioniASuLstituic Tra . V - A. -I- it' i 1.K :-',M., 4 Mi.r.M.t. I'l one ' lt HAI t : - A uf- -I I .., v,.,,,i ti it f'i.M i-l S .tin. . It I' M ;t lanit--. Milt MA I.K 1 Hit of KI 111. fir Mork wo'.ti, I'irM r. i inkva It. 1". C. Tro Hj M.-1rt'r-, rt. i'ti'l! HAI.i: II. iil. ut o ut K, Ailu iiiry Ht. Will luku a k"1 cur as putt I'll J tlU'llt. Poll iSAI-IO Hi KiVir-roTl liaTTrpriiiiro liiinx hm1 imhi-Ih-I11iik Aug or it tun k. Y. (1. l'aul. lit. 1. 5 ACIiKS In fnk!.""AiHi! inr"H.'.rt'lui K7 1i ti.itl.. for iiir. It. WiinfitiiM, own r. 4t Sit.ihtliik: IthliT.. IStt t liinil (in. TK.M if liot m-M f.ir mil.-; r.'tirt llis, k.-m- tlf 41 iMl ll'Hc. (tlll lUlt ill'll - ttlCIII W'irk. I'liotm J ; or writo lx ib-'. I'nU SAIsl-: 70 hrml uf hIhm-p. 15 la tit be, l.uliin.c- i'Wi n , I'J h.-,il ir Mltl. IM ..ut- 7-K-J.;, r write K. C Iirr(u, ;iUm, (iru. K SA t -K nrii iHlirf-u;, RnoriTinoM k 1 'i tmI, pi ire rt'UHotmblu. Ituiu'iO .; t H -st Moshrr. .mis hAi.i: Kir t.io. u "wonii.fV Vir.fi -i k liio k, l.i.i-u. U'. A. Junk 1110, l.i.-.ii- 1 i-l-'-ll. 1-:1: .U:--M ',trol'l inarc. ululit a'x.ot J J.Hi Hrik, miii;h nml d'Minln. ;m1 roiidstci, tlniiblu Kiti'tl. I'nll SAl.K Hit" TIIAI'M -10 iktpm" A. ri t f t.-.Uui! l.t inl l'. r inf .riiui1 lull v.til. t. .1. J. ..k;il, il. A. UJ, i: titiiiy i'.xK l-'iiK .Al.t: - lK.iiM- iin-1 ""li'I in Sutli" ii 1 1 ii. ' . ill tak K ! init' li m ..11 1 1 i.1r. A. ii, .l.il.l-y, Uux fj, S'ltht rllfi. Mn. roi: S.M.I-: CllliAl' -All makii uf Hv-l oimI hufi'l m ihk tnachint-H nml ul ni-ik" i ' p.ur tl. Wuik KmtranttM-d. Sm-.r hrwiiix Mai liino t'"., 1-7 N. .1... I..m .v-t. KIX AMI ('Mi 1IAI.K a 1 r m v,-tt yrar nlil i-ruii. . Willi .i.-ri h i'p. n laii'l. ut ,s nil- i J mi, tt.r ilf l'i i- " "tt'l li im: iiKlit. f. A. Stark, .Ktlur lin, r. It r tl 1-K HM.Ii. t'l: fl:M'K (if K..slinriJ iiu'iiih- ii-in rtv, 1 1 lurfiit'itf of i't r.ciiti a . ir nl 1-..U-. in I'm I la ml. ;.m. .ij n 1 1 '" - . w il 1" it- -I I wi'l t.i t-r i pi It fin.-. A'Mm?-: S. S. tir i: hi ,1 l;iHtH' ni .1 ni i.wt r -ut I -,.... Kl.n t:.s. s :'. hall. ;imI I-. "ii m-. Tnlltii.tii Art l.-i.a.. ! !'. N-itli lihc- A IM. l, H' -Mi: lit ). -i . .1 .tit. I I :,c ! 1 ii nil I . H v H l. r. ..1 . -n r i ti hi-. i ii I .irn 1 1 .r i.i , i , I k 1 I- .1 h. t. it It'll I. Ii i t (. (.tun vi I iiTt'l Tt'lint rt.tis ti-mi:-. i 1 i.r ! "". A tin" !"tn.- f-r r- I ri '1 . ,( It l t .! I I" 11' If I 111 fl IK .II' Hl , ... (fit k f 1 1 : 1 1 il.' Iti t . tilt I' .It t : i . t r .1 i-f I-' 1 utark'-i, -,s ,M n .-Ml' t; T"!!- i n r( i: n 1 Es tate, l;lvriUe, Nurth lluibuig.