Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 02, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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The Boolerie's Clean Sweep
Shoe Sale is Now On
I Hundreds Take Advantage Of This
f Saving Opportunity
i Did you got your share of these wonderful bargains? If you
didn't it's your fault. Join the crowds. Ladies' shoes and low
shoes as low as 89c. Men's shoes and oxfords at $3.95. Little
pents' scout shoes at $1.05, and hundreds of other values. Come
in, look over our offerings. Shoes on tables, in boxes and bins.
Help yourself. Buy now while the sale is on.
; Shoes that satisfy and fit your feet.
Shoes repaired
Eminent Pianist
: Appears In Recital
."Notwithstanding the evening was
warm, and people on vacation, a fair
sized audience last evening were pres
ent at the Moore Music Studio to hear
Ur. Kmil Enna, eminent pianist and
composed In recital, and expressions
Were very generally heard of pleasure
and wonderment at his remarkable
skill and artistic ability at the piano.
Dr. Knna played some of his own
compositions which were very great
ly enjoyed. Ho took his audience Into
Ills confidence, explaining very Inter
estingly the compositions he played
and Rave valuable advice to parents
find teachers relative to proper man
ner of Interesting and instructing the
child In music. Dr. Knna Is a lover
of children and has composed a large
mini her of catchy, tuneful melodies for
the kiddies. The following was his
lust night's program:
Scherzo and Novelette by Cade.
Sonata by SJaglen.
. Norwegian Dance by Grieg.
Country Dance, Mowry.
Elude de Concert, Koole.
Valse: Minuet; Dnnse, Characteris
tic. Kmll Knna.
Ixivers Valse, Emll Enna.
"You May Hold Dead
Men for Saturday''
For a tailored suit. Is that what
you have been looking for? Well
we have them new. Also tailor
ladles' overcoats. Come In and
look them over.
Our Aulo Will Call
Phono 277
Roseburg, Oregon.
In "RI1MN" WILD" or
"The Sagebrush Trail"
Actually filmed whore the coyotes howl.
The shoriir upheld the law in the wildest, rawest town of
the southwest.
Kaiii? throiiKh dauntless adventure.
Van Loan's greatest fighting-love picture of the year, with
all-stnr; cast.
Also today's topic of the great American Authors:
while you wait.
Parsifal Pharaphrase, Wagner.
In many respects Dr. Enna's recital
was unique, the closing number by
Wagnor was rendered wondorfuily and
was a fitting climax to the evening's
performance. Mrs. Moore received
many congratulntions from those
present for this high class musical
Miss Charles, niece of Hey. Quick,
l?ave a very pleasing vocal solo, ac
companied by Mrs. Moore. Miss
Charles has a sweet voice, and was
much appreciated.
Dr. Knna says "Jazz" Is all right In
its place, which is in the dance hall.
He believes that we should have ev
erything good in the home good man
ners, good grammar, good things to
eat and good music.
Dr. Knna will be sincerely and deep
ly welcomed at any future time by the
musical people of Roseburg.
We can positively stop falling hair
and promote the growth of the hair.
We are offering a special price on 12
scalp treatments. The Beauty Btudio,
Roseburg National Rank Bldg.
We are offering a special price for
12 facial or scalp treatments. This
noploa nf treatments Is euaranteed to
help you. The Beauty Studio, Rose
burg National Bank Uldg.
On Way to Crater Ijiko
William Beckley and Mrs. Young,
of Yoncalla. and Mrs. Anna Bennett
of Portland, stopped ill this city last
night on tne way to iraier uise ami
Klamath Falls. They are traveling
by auto.
Ixavea on Trip
M. A. Dobbin and O. II. Smith will
leave tomorrow for Lakevlew, Ore
gon, and also points In Nevada, and
California. They will make the trip
by auto, and expecting to be away
for several weeks.
Goes to Eugene
' William Horsfull, local agent for
the Mac-Dry batteries, left this uiorn
' lug for Eugene, where be will pro
cure a load of the batteries to bring
i to the local agency. He expects to
I return Friday and will have the bat
( teries on display Saturday.
Divorce Suit Filed
I A suit for divorce was filed In the
i circuit court today by Sylvia Owen
against Allen E. Owen. Cruel and
j Inhuman treatment is alleged. The
' plaintiff Is represented by Attorney
; John T. Iong.
At the Dnugli
Arrivals at the Douglas hotel this
morning were Miss Dorothy Ham
mer, Turloi-k. California; Albert T.
Ahren. Turlock; Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Lee. Portland: George Zelt. Marsh
field: F C Bend. Los Angeles: K.
1'aralionlng at feuhl llrarh
L. A. Illanc, of ttiia city, In com
pany with a party or 01 jiursn-
Lain. Portland: A. E,
Portland; lira. William
I . . ..Int. - In I i In. I
:eacn. intuit- wa -
terest of the Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Illanc will be back in town the
latter part of the week. Ilia family
i Is vacationing at Seaside.
Returns Vrom Orient
John Jamleson, expert branch or
I ganizer for the Goodyear Kubher
'company, bag Just returned from the
I Orient, where he has been looking
I after official business matters. .Mr.
jjamieson says that conditions are
, back to normalcy In India, China and
Japan. He is visiting old friends and
relatives here, and states he Is al
ways glad to get back to Roseburg.
Tour Southern Oregon
L. A. Kiffle, of the Diamond Rub
ber company, of Portland, is In this
city for a short stay. He Is accom
panied by bis wife and daughter,
.Miss Florence. The party, together
with .Mrs. O. H. Smith, will make a
lour of southern Oregon visiting at
the Oregon caves and Crater lake.
To Picnic at Alexander's
The Sunday school and members
of the Jl. E. Church, South, together
with their friends, will picnic In the
Alexander's grove on Friday of this
week. There will be transportation
for those who are at the church by
10:30 o'clock in the morning. Come
and enjoy the day with the children,
bring a cup and a spoon.
At the Uinrxiua
Arrivals at the Umpqua today were
James W. Ford, Gardiner; Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Evans. Los Angeles; P.
H. Orler. Seattle; Mrs. M. P. Bailey,
Moscow, Idaho: Mary A. Rolfe, Cor
vallis; Edwin Weaver, Myrtle Creek;
Dr. and Mrs. Emll Knna, Portland;
Miss A. B. Shelby. Portland; H. L.
Nebergall, Albany; I. P. Richardson. I
T .t I. r Tknnmonr t .wl ford
Portland: J. C. Thompson, Medford
A. C. Shaw, Portland.
CelehnitiiiK HOth Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones, Mrs. G.
Marsh and Mrs. George Russell, all
of Ixoklng Glass, gathered in thisi
city last evening at the home of Mrs.
Hartin, on Cobb street, for the pur
pose of celebrating In an Informal
way the 80th birthday anniversary
01 Airs, inuries aihuiu, mow ui ,
Ing Glass. The evening was pleas
antly spent in social conversation.
Measure. Bell Case. Phone 391-L.
Alexander Gra
ham Bell Is Dead
(Continued from page one.)
"Get it," said Henry.
Bell did get some of
"Had I known more
trlclty and less about
it enough,
about elec-
sound," he
said, "I would never have Invented
the telephone."
While Dr. Bell will be best remem
bered as the inventor of the tele
phone, a claim that has been sus
tained through many legal contests,
he also became noted for other in
tentions. He was Joint inventor of
the graphaphone with Sumner Taln
ter. He Invented an Ingenious meth
od of lithography, a pliotophone, and
an Induction balance. He Invented a
telephone probe which he used to lo-
cate the bullet that killed President
! Garfield. He spent 15 years and over
I IL'00.000 iu Ustlng his ramous tetra-
hedral kite, and established a princi
ple In architecture, the use of tetra
hedral cells or units.
Throughout his life. Dr. Bell main
tained his Interest and labors for
deaf-mutes. He founded, became pres
ident and contributed t'J.'.O.OOO to
the American Association to Promote
Teaching of Speech to the Deaf. He
was a member of many of the lead
ing American learned societies.
Dr. Bell's laboratories have been
located since 1SS6 near Baddeck,
Cape Breton. There for many years
he conducted research and experi
ment In aerial locomotion and other
scientific subjects and maintained
his private museum showing the de
velopment of his greatest Inventions.
H encouraged Samuel P. Langley to
Invent the first flying machine and
devlnred after witnessing Its flight at
ynaatlco. Virginia, In 1S, that the
age of the airplane was at hand, al
though Langley's machine was de
stroyed. Dr. Bell formed In 190" the Aerial
J Experiment association with head
quarters In ( ape iireton. and Its ob
ject to learn to fly. It Is claimed that
It was with the machines developed
by that association that the first
really successful public flights of nlr
planes In America were made.
In the world war. Dr. Bell and F.
W. Baldwin Invented a boat called a
hydrodronie which developed a speed
of 70 miles an hour, and was called
the fastest In the world. It used an
airplane propeller and carried be
neath It a series of planes which lift
ed Its main body above the water as
Its speed Increased. It was Intended
for submarine chasing and scouting,
but the armistice prevented its use
for those purposes.
I will not be responsible for anv
bills contracted by my wife, Mrs. E.
Slaughter, after this date. Mated.
Roseburg. Ore.. Ausust 1. 1"!J
Owing to the lecture at the Macca
bee Hall Friday evening. August 4.
there will be no regular meeting of
i Oregon Rose Lodge.
i neia. aufiii uit weeR-e,,., """it
Benefit Dance On
Next Tuesday Night
The local striking shopcrafts'
pniDom w sponsor a
. . . A
:w ii;inpA ai hp arniorv im ih-a
n next
Tuesday night which should re-
ceive the hearty support of every
citizen of Roseburg. The boys
are taking this means of raising
funds and have been assured sup-
port from the other railroad tin-
ions. Thev have secured the serv-
Ices of a seven piece Jazz orches-
tra for the evening. The Douglas
County Concert Hand w ill furnish
an hour's concert In the armory
from 8 until 9 o'clock at which
time the orchestra will start the
dance. A committee started to-
day to handle the 'ticket sale
and they will canvass the city
very Ihoroughlv. The dance on
Tuesday Ylght will undoubtedly
be a big event.
for Telegraphers.
for Clerks.
Passes Away After
Short Illness
Word confirming the report of the! Mrs. Homer L. Bowman and son,
death of Miss Lotta Hollopeter, of ! Illille, returned to their home lu Cen
Portland. was received here by her tral Point this morning, after enjoy
friends this morning. She had been ing a visit of several weeks here with
ill but a very short while, and death Mrs. W. R. Bowman and Mrs. Jay
came suddenly. Miss Hollopeter : Bowman.
d t jne nome of ner ,)ar.
r .
he home of ner par-i
ents In Portland.
During her stay In this city last
winter, she made many fine friends
who mourn her death. Funeral ser
vices were held this morning at Fin
ley's mortuary, with concluding ser
vices at the Portland Crematorium.
jSgygfl SerCnaderS
frilf dnntl )T fT, i tomohile plates carried abova the reg
UlVe UUUU I7Uttleular li(lense taRS The first of these
I plates was introduced In Roseburg by
, , n eDn j J. C. Thompson of the California-Ore-
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Oswald s Seen pon powpr ompanv wh sayi) (hat
O. A. C. Serenaders serenaded local j ,hfi comnanv's cars and trucks will
dancers last evening at the armory
wnn tne Classiest program oi laie i
melodies ever heard in this city. The ! ,11(p lr,ln(. Representative
large floor was packed with couples ; jPBSe c. Markley, representing the
and the clever orchestra had the "zip Oregon Nursery company, of Orenco,
and pep" which made the evening an j Oregon, accompanied by his wife, ar-
enjoyaiile one. I ills orcnestra is ;
composed of seven O. A. C. students
and during the sninmcr vacation, Mr.
Oswald has booted them In tho lnrg-
est cities of the northwest. Next!
week they w ill play in Seattle, and j
following that engagement will go i
to Pendleton for tho Roundup. Each
and every number played by the or
chestra has len i (perfected 1iy
hours of practice which is a thing
unknown to the majority of the pres
ent-day jazz bands, j
Sutherlin Badly
Defeated In Game
IIARRISnCRO. Aug. 1. The league
game played here Sunday between the
home team and Sutherlin proved a
regular swat-feast for the locals, who
took the bi genu of a 36 to 5 score.
Sutherlin used four pitchers in an
effort to staunch the flood of hard hits
that bore the winners to victory. The
game was railed In the seventh, so far
ahead was the Linn county nine. Rome
pitched for the league team and Smith
did the receiving. Kelsey, Kirk. Boei;s
and Darkness, all on the loral team,
each made a homer. Sutherlin scored
one four-bagger In the first inning.
Senator Reed Is
Leading In Vote,
(Ttv Associated I'rcss.l
LOl'IS. Auk. 2. With nearly
three-fourths of the flreclncts retsn-ted
Senator Reed's lead over Brerken-1 great assistance in locating fires and
ridge Long for the democratic sena- will be used once every two weeks for
torinl nomination dropped to 1 2.77-. patrol work over the national forests
The vote was Keed 167.H31, nnd Longhand will be ready for any emergencies
Lawrence NYunor and family, Mrs.
George Neuner Sr.. and Frank J.
Neiiner left this morning by auto
for San Frainisc6 and other points
in California where they will stay
during their vacation.
. o
Roy Bi llows returned to Roseburg
last night after staying a few days
at Winchester Bay where his family
Is spending the summer.
Fridav, August 4, 8 p. m.
special representative of the Grand
Ixnlse of the n. of U F. and E.
will speak on
Adm. Free. Everybody Invited.
Oregon City Man
Killed In Wreck
(riv Annclated Press.)
I'WK Tl.AJNH, AUK. fcJm.v..
berry, civil engineer of Oregon City,
fm-mi-rlv il.'tiutv sheriff of Klamath
touiy , died today from Injuries re
celved when an automobile In wlilen
he was driving with a young woman
went over-the bank at Coble last nlgUt.
Insurance Agent He
I'. L. Cochran, general manager
of the Pacific Mutual Life insurance
company, was In the city today con
ferring with Ray Henderson, agent
for Douglas and Jackson counties.
Going to Snn Francisco
Walter Fisher and wife leave Sun
day for San Francisco, where they
wiil spend three or four weeks vis
iting. They will niako the trip by
At the Grand
Arrivals at the C.rand hotel today
were Mrs. W. M. lieckwlth, Oakland.
California: W. C. Stanley, Portland:
Charles Mason. Portland; and M. M.
Hand, Portland.
Improved in Condition
Edward Burkhalter. who was re
cently Injured while blasting, is said
to bo doing nicely. Mr. Hurkhalter's
eyes were severely Injured, and he
received many other cuts and bruises
over his body.
Returns to Central Point-
Returns to San Francisco
Mrs. Eppinger and two daughters
returned to their home in San Fran
cisco this morning, after visiting here
for several weeks. They were the
guests of Mrs. Arthur Baum, a sis
ter, and Mrs. Epplnger's father, Hy
men Wollenburg.
Advertising Fair
The Jackson County Fair Is being
lihernllv advertised bv the use of au-
De so equipped in a few days.
rived here todav and will remain in
thls section of the state for several
weeks, introducing to the fruit grow
ers of Douglas county the date prune
The mirserv renresented bv Mr.
Markley specializes In this particular
variety of fruit, known as the
"Coates 1418," the prune with the
date flavor. Quite a number of prune
growers In thi3 county have already
taken up the cultivation of dale
Support Decree Entered
A decree ordering Frank Beardorff
to pav $100 monthly for the support
of bis wife. Anna Denrdorff, and
their three children, was signed this
morninir by Judge Hamilton. Mr.
Deardorff recently attempted to oh
tain a divorce which was refused.
Since then he has not provided suf
ficient support money, Mrs. Dear
dorff alleged III a complaint filed by
her attorney. John T. Long. After
hearing the evidence tending to show
that an average of approximately
$H0 a month was provided for the
supnort of the wife and her children.
Judge Hamilton ordered that the
sum of 11(111 per month must be
turned over to the county clerk.
Judgment was also awarded for the
cost of the suit.
The forest fire condition throughout
the county is greatly improved today.
The Douglas Conntv Patrol reports
at only three fires are doing any
amage nnd only one of these Is a
major flie. The forestry department
I has no fires at the present time nnd
j lias had only seven so far this sea-
; son. The airplanes are proving of
I In either the state or national forests.
I slilTi,1 r.inrh
' prime niekrr
Phone 41-K-i.
FOt! SM.I--I
tim-lrir r-n
I iMr,nrvT
C ton truck ,,r (rnrle for
W ".Ml. ell , J. M. .1(1,1,1
T 'irriNlieH b,uelte.-fle.p-
r" - 1 i,i.Ti.''er iMione lTil-Y.
KN"lf T:i:T-r. room modern bouTr
with r:me rn.-i'lfl for hut water.
iTHimre re:ir .en I o ! n .
I .M l S room iipf, newlv pa
rereu ami pmmv.l M,,.m nnd com.
,l. . !- w 551 K. ljltle.
Foil SM.K- .Ira nn.l 1,1127 iw?orn
Mne,t for $i:.,l. Cnn l r-en ,,t !.t
Slile Store,
mil.'h cows. One
l-olf.T -:rf one dni.ill pjir 1,1 rr I !o
north of l;tverl,le ,tore V. A. T.vda
A M llnt.V fop with I-o, enrol
rl-t In
"0,1 condition. Will .HI It
'al Vrvlo Station
;i w. cm.
TK M of h.
lie i.n.l 11
rcs for r
!t:'in ll.s" en.
oat Soil nee them
or write hex 2fi2.
lit on first mort-
fitrm securllv
Pte,l S'ste f-Hl
csre X-w-Ke-
ok I'
Mvrtlo ('..
k. ore,
I to le
lev .
rth of Smith
'n metal wntch
'v t.lheral re
H. Smith. Xsna.
-n't f,
onVre.l tv
Mi m rv work ANI 8TISPACT7o!
e..,' 'h " c'' oT, Z;
k lie.l .rf,.m,n Thooe ."I
Have purchased the 5 and 10 cent Vru.
fd by Stanley Starr. oiore W
We invite oiu mends and new to come in u,a
Shall carry a complete up to dite . tctj
times and our prices will please you. 1 Trlety J
we nave connoence in tne future of Po. v
a home and are here to slov nosetmr.
Here From Yoncnlln
Elmer Dougherty, of Yoncalla. was
In town today transacting business
Return to Eugene
Mrs. H. S. Durgan, who has been a
house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Wharton during the past week, return
ed to her home in Eugene this after
noon. Mrs. Xeal Coming -rs
Mrs. Carl 11. Neal, wife of thJ local
forest supervisor, will arrive Satur
day to Bpend the week-end here. She
will move here with the children In
It's all here and lf all true. Tou
are Bure to find it in the News-Review.
Ingrain at Tiller
1. C. Ingram, grazing examiner of
the II. S. Forest service, is spending
a few days in the Tiller vicinity on
range appraisal work. He will re
turn to Roseburg in a few days.
to show you this month's advertising
illustrations. They are result-get-tvrs.
Girl Drives Off Team-
While her father went Into a store
to make some purchases the 5 year
old daughter of W. D. Gladwell decid
ed to see the sights of Hoscburg and
picking no the reins drove off the
team and wagon In which she came
to town. When her father returned
he at once instituted search and soon
found the team being leisurely driven
along one of the side streets.
What Poetry Is Not.
Attitudes towards poetry are as
various ns Its kinds. And the render
must have thought over these at
titudes when he considered the prob
lem of creating an audience or becom
ing p,nrt f one, says Jennnette Marks
in the North American Review. Some
excellent people, not Ill-educated either,
look upon poetry as one of the ele
gancies of life, withal a little super
fluous. Others think poetry is sugar
water. It Is, sometimes. So are some
people, nnd there ure no federul laws
for putting them out of the way.
Some men and women regard poetry
as sentimental nonsense. In that It
might be said certuln types of pantry
are like any cross-section of human
nature to he found anywhere. The
most damaging of all attitudes Is that
which holds that poetry is inimical
to the facts of life and of science.
Some poetry Is. The grentest poetry,
speaking the common speech of com
mon humiin experience and love for
nature, never is.
Sulphur Rains.
Strange stories are sometimes told
of the wonderful things that have
fnllen in rainstorms. Occasionally it
la frogs, again it Is splashes of blood,
or some mineral such ns sulphur. Fre
quently there Is a foundation for these
stories, and Investigation furnishes
aii explanation of the phenomena.
At Bordeaux for many years. In
April and May, so-called "rains of
sulphur" have leen nutlced, when the
earth becomes spotted with what seem
to be patches of. sulphur brought down
by the rain. This phenomenon was
not long ugo the subject of a scientific
Investigation, ami It was shown that
the sumiosed sulphur was really the
yellow pollen of a species of pine, large
forests of which eils south aud souin
west of Bordeaux. The rains referred
to occur nt the time of the flowering
of the pines, the pollen ef which
must b carried to great height In
the Jr.
"You May Hold Dead
Men for Saturday"
I adults Mwmem u
lUKQbmV "
"Bought and Pai
Aruvc Avnrt and JACK HOLT
A STORY Or HMrnun .- NI"
Bnaonv ii. . 1
kind thai haV.ZH
vidukl t..J? 'JhtW
partment .JnMi
It ,B Nei
The io. -
advert, " Dtl1 N
Review ,T"" r
r mTr'oV
".rtg erjrta
BUT THO, Whs,. J
Neither "the batchei.
er, nor the candlestict
would even consider liij
house without roniiiii;
and modern plumbiat
should you? Ton ltd
lly are entitled to
comforU and conveclend
cannot afford to
them. The cost li d
low wten you tW
w.uer syr.tem l not a
it Is an InvMtmM!
mignty food one. U
to rell It will
Its c bl. If you Mt
will btiffc' jou oe:t
if vou want to Hvt it
board t the urn pl"j
save yM ten tlmei n
tirao and comfort M
may even save JOJ
hiii or a divorce wit
can tell- Come ml
1 riftfl'
see us firet-w ert
you money."
Farm Bureau
ative Excl
Roeeburg W40J
Ter.niu tun UrDNESDAY
111 IKV
vIJb9 xaav " .e-rnPt I
. .....nnull FORCE A"'' -mf1