R08EBURO NEW8 BEVIEW, WEDNESDAY. AUCUST i, Wi. PAGE FOUR groceteria! 6. Every Day a Bargain Day You will find more bargains in our slurc not ndvcrtlsi d than are H advertihed. g Wc can always nave you money on your Krotcries. g THAT DULL ACHING GROCETERIA EVERYBODY'S EXCHANGE " I The Specialty Shoppe 2 We Specialize in Hemstitching 4 j Onyx I losiery "Pointex" K. 5 W. B. Corsets Lingerie Douses Cloves A 4 Mrs. F. F. Jones Mrs.O. D. McAllister ; Don't worry and complain about a bad back. Get rid of it! For weak kidneys, lame and achy backs, your neighbors recaramend Doan's Kidney PlUi. liead this statement: Mra. M. B. Hughes, 621 Kullerton Bt, EoBeburg, aaya: "I am g'ad to say a good word (or Doan'a Kidney rills for I know thiy are a fine rem edy. I have used them with benefit when my kidneya were out of order and I had dull backaches and felt run down. My kidneys acted irregu larly but Doan'a Kidney fills, from Chapman's Drug Store, soon relieved the trouble and I felt better in every way." I'rice 60c, at all dealera. Don't simply auk for a kidney remedy get Doan'a Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Hushes had. Foster .Villoma Co, Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 'ItcsltlcntH I'lms Through .Mr. and Mrs. lien Kenno, of I'orl land, and Mr. and MrH. Ivan Ander son, of KuKene, passed ll.roiiKli lloso bur,; lliiH afternoon enroute home, iiflcr an auto trip to Crater lake, and the Josephine county cave. They are former residents and are well- known here. .vOIHJIJ Dir.KCTOItY. friends PICNIC AT CLEVELAND. A lovely picnic dinner was held at I he In, me of Mr. and Mrs. V.. It. I.ut nian. at Cleveland, on Sal unlay of last week. The loin; table which they had prepared under the beautiful shade trees in their yard contained many M'od Unites to eat, nnd everyone en joyed n thoroughly jrood time. Anionc I those nrosent to enjoy tho occasion wore Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Hteiiiliauer, Mr. anl Mm. Mundt, Mr. anil Mrs. lingers, Mr. nnd Mrs. I'aulson. Mr. and Mrs. C. l.utmau, of Looking Class, Mr. and Mrs. IVarce. nnd many other and relatives in the vicinity I.Al lti:l. I ll t I'l l :n No. 31, it. A. M. Quests in all. r,itiie,j con vocal loan on ursi una third Titeielayii, Masonic Temple. All numbers re'iuestud to attend auil vltdting- coinprinltinii wulciune. It. A. WILSON, HlKh Priest. W. K. IIAKHI8. Hecrntary. of Cleveland. Tliere were about sixty A, V. A. mM l.aurri l.otlite N. la. Itexnlur coiulminlcutlonii 2nd and 4 1 j VedneBfttyu mch inonih at Masonic Tetnplu, Itoseburg, ore. Visitors wet Cuina. W. L. THOMAS, W. M. W. K TIArtltia. Hecy. RAGS WANTED. Any amount, must bo delivered. Heritor's llnrcain Store, 400 Cass St. am. roil ri'i'v i vtritov i:tii: vr IIOMIK. M. K. 8., ImaaDnnr Chapter No. H Holds thHr rcKalar meeting on tr.a tut und Hril Thurailuya In each month. All sojoornlnic brotliars and alalur am retun-ctfully Invited t' a'tend. IIIK. fcll.t.AHKTIl KIINYAN, W. M. IlllliJK JllllotaoN, Ber-mry. Notice Is licrrhy Klvcn that cite Tin-provi-mout Homls of ll:c Cllv of Itl, Sc holar. I Hi-linn, Series "J." N.in. IS to fil! III'-. Wirt- on (lie -'Mil ,lny of llftolier, l:e.'l, rullcl for payment on the l.'-lli :iliy or Nov. int. or, 1:121. iiihI Intercut lllit I,. mi nnN,-'l lifter that date. I''iirth'r nnd ii'ltlitloiuil untie,. Is T1IK !'. I1IITV HKITKKIT ASSOCH- THIN ineiita In lii Atucraboa halt tlt - lat and Sid Tueiduv In each mo .Ilk K. it T. SI. Menu each soconfl and fourth Thuritduy of each uioiith In Macc.ibun liall. comer i.'iihs unci I'lne aireuts. Vlsiltuic KnlKltta always . wuiuoaie. Ik C. n.mnMAN, Coin. t W. HAl'1'. It. K. Kt-jtainoiiH Hi' tioiir ii i'"r 1. 1 Lie I'ltclit No. 4'.i, meets on lsl unit ::id ' l-'rliliiy cvHtiliiKH In Mo,, km hall. Vlalt- ' lnT iielKiiliurH Invltcl to all I. HKI.l.t: l ltf.NSII.WV. !. N. MA 111 !A U I : l" HI TN KV, I 'tcrk. . II. A". 6. T. V TtoarliiiiK "KuMeW No. 11 hohlit rcKular tiicctltiKi on m-c. nnd and fonrtll Tlmt miIh y nt S t. in. iHiiltitf slHtt-rs Invltcl to altciul rf- vtows. Maccabcu Hull, l'lno and Cass heri-hy ui.-cn that ftonils Nos. 42 Itir. ,tl..M - K wcr,. on the 4th ilav rir April, 1:ij', cillnl for iHiymcnt on the K.lli ,ly f April. l'.l'-'2. ami Inli-n-Ht III. -Iron CI'UHCI Mlt.T tllHt lllltc. lliilril AtlKUNl li-l, I'.IJ' W. r. TlliiMAH, CHy Treasurer. LOSE CONTROL PLANTS NEED COLD WEATHER Exparlmtnta Have Shown That In Northtrn Countries a Certain Amount la Essential. According to common belief, cold wentlier causes plants to become dr- mnnt during the fall, while warm weather the auctvedimi spring nxain i lacltea new growtli. Iuteiisiv; inves tigations of Dr. Frederick V. Covilie of the federal Department of Agricul ture, which hnve been conducted over a period of ten years, and which have covered every plmie of this subject, , demonstrate that both of these tra-1 dltloual theories are erroneous. Dor ' I n,ancy In our native trees arid shrubs heplns some time before tn sian oi cold v,-eiither each winter; the nppear- j anee of Juck Frost is not nc-esMiry I for the estnbllalinieut of complete dor uuincy. l"urtheriuure, nfter such a condition of dormancy hns developed, I eniosuro of the plants to tiie ordinary growing temperatare thereafter does not nrouse them frnrn their lethargy so thut they begin growth nnevr. Interestingly enoo-h, the Covllle cx perlmenta allow tl at plants w hich have responded to the lure of nu tumnal and winter dormancy will not renct properlv and resume normal growth the followim; spring unless they are subjected during the interim to a period of chilllnic A certain amount of cold Is essentinl to stimu lating the plant growth. Sclentillc American. What Happened When Sheila Elliston Refused Love By Idah McGlono Gibson iCt Anyone found i o' the laW. ult4oth,r DIVNKIl 1 Oil TIIHKH LIARS PRETTY WELL MATCHED .1: streets. JKSHIK ItAPP. Col. iii-:i,i,i: sti;i'IIi:son, dom. NMiailHiita lr ' M 1lliril A l-"l l,l!,tu t.lrclfl N;o. 411. lu,tn on 1st Hint 3rd f. .day I'veriliiKs In Moose liall. Visit- I Iuk n'-lht'ors tnvltf d to attend. I . HKI.I.I': I'HKNMIIAVV, II. N. I'.inrth II. I, K lahH, hnubarR l.oilirt, Aw, 3fl j ,r '"'' 1 '-.i Unlit reaular t-onuiinincMt tons Ht I I'Hih: I tho Klks' 'IVtnpIs on each Thuridy I "" 'H''. ut vury inonih. All mtmiliwr re-I Mxih: I: tiuentod In attend regularly, nnd all vtmtintf brotio-rs aro cordially In Vltud to altend. J. I-:, vi .v it nr. k. it. J. H. LAV. Jr.. -y. Mint i; or iTi:vi'io to hiimiom: i i.oi:') m iii:i:i'. ''TI(; IS MIMil llV (ilVKN. Hint at 11 " "UK of tl.'' I'oiiiinon I'oiin, l ,,r I n- n v of !:.,.., I. oi k. Ori'Kon. I" LI on Hi.' - 1 1 fin v ol July. I'.UL'. h,. rollow lliK i.., lull, oi n;,s u,lo,t. ,1: i:i:.sio.vi:i. t ' , t t in,. llimn i-uM. I ,. . , , i , , , 'oisii'iiik .i,. iii it ! eM nl i"i l ti ,.,.,.,. rr , , ,..r,.,v ltl,... t., imm..,. . s, ,,,,,,, I tin; ;. in,.- ,,f .-t.-i-h. ,.m , , ,,. ., ' , "Oi'' Ml til,- l-lty ol iiVioii!."' "riKon, In t,. (1Iiik '' irsl: t:y Kni.llnic tl proper Fiili-i;r.il,-; - iTl' I; . '"11',"t '"" roii.iM-,, . 1 O'- l III stn i to the ui'lih nitli lly eonsii u.'.lnii . onirete 1'V eon: tru. IIiik uh-(l y eon. trie Hmk st I - l"K vltrifl.-.l s,,.r ,,.. I'v i onslrin tln- c, it, li-l,aii. lalns. tnouu- k01lll4ll':.l ill-- 'III': Willi l.l--t 'amp ' 1 No. 1US. met-ts In tldd tellowa' hull I 1 In llio-cloii'K every 1ft ana .trd Mon-I -day evenliufn. Vlaltlna neiKhbort , always w.-l, otnf. . i'iti:ii:iMCK I'oitTiMt. c. c. M M. Mll.l.lllt. l-lt-ik I I. O. l. F.. 1-felletHrlan l.MIKe N H . Mf-i-tH In Olid l-'ellowa i'.'lliplo ,'Viy. l-'i ldiiv -vcninit at 7 :u o clo.-k. Vlult- I ' lust brethren tire altvuva wciceinu. I'MlKIl Mil. I. Kit. N. II. , A. J. tlKUMI::!. Hoc. Hec. I J. II. UAIt.l:V. Kill. Hec. I , IIIIIIKMIS ltoa.burK Itehi-katl '. I.odne No. 41, 1. ei. tl. K.. meet In ; ' tul'l l-Vllortfs T,-niile m ry wok en , TlK'Uftiiy OM'tilllK V lnlllriif inf K'l'ft'i , in koou Stan, in, k are Invited t. at tend. ci:i;ti:ci.i: ii iti ii:i.p, n h. i: A I.KNOX. S.cy. KI'IIKI. HAIl.KV. Kin. eev. KMl.tllM llr I't llll 11 Alpha 1'dKV No. 4 ,, lofi-tM fvfry Vf-dn,-s,1.,y even Iiik In loi'inl ifc Al'tra.: rtitll, t-ornrr Ja.-kvon A t "Mhlnicton tia, Vlall ors simioi . I' cine. Ill In 'I.l'll It. ItlT'VAN, C. C li, n ( 1 I l Nt 1. M. K . K K IMHWItl .. K 1L R kAl.l.t: ito-.-toua Acrto no-eta In M".'"' I'-II on ,l.. k-,.'n m. en :ml and i 4th M.oi.Iiiv evfiut,' ef ,-,t, h monlh at n ixlo-k. li-ltiiiK biKtlir.-n J"' good alamlinir alvtvi ch'ohii,. . A. J Wl'l.t f. W - - I w M. i a mv:iii:. w. P. II. 1. (itioliMAN. Ue.retary.: I MTI li All I -Meets In M"ca- I'ee Inill eeiy TT odii,n,l.4y evening liltliiic no'inberM filuiivi WoJeomn. ItH'll M.ll 111 '.-111 M A Mii.rit;t:i l'l f t'tstr 1 1 ill i 1 1 1 -1 . v . inli. not oil. 'd Inrpioy, to, nts oid'i w tth tl I t he Illy oi t:,, .111.1 are to l.e i,M,,. ' ''OH I'T 11 I1, I II -f lies. Ion u. ilr,. Pl.llix. k f , . - slllniltes ,,f l(. 'tv .;. "I '"-' on f the t'lly Ho- ; nh ,iiv ,.f .;,v. ii,.-.-. Ula.le. pllll,-. ip,., illclllllillv lire h.rel.y up proved uiel WASlll.NOTON, D. C. Aug. 2. Control of the Xoit-l'urllsnn league's economic irograui In North Daokta has paused completely out of the hands of the league supporters. State enterprises, such uh a central state hank, the huge new state cen tral (.-levator and flour mill at Grand Forks, stale insurance and other farm enterprises, will he manai;e'l in the future by the opponents of the Xon-rartisan league. In other wunis, nil of tho economic experiments to help the farmers of Xorlh Dakota cut and to break the grasp which it is said the big private millers of .Minneapolis had ou ttie wheat growers of North Dakota, will now pass Into tho hands of tiie ene mies of the league for atliiiitil i1 ra tion. Ti-.e economic program for Ihe agrlcullurist has been regarded us tho foundation stone of the league. Final returns from the recent pri mary In North Dakota have served to demonstrate the truth of tho forego ing. It was known within three days after the primary tl' tt the Non-l'mt-i:;ui league had Ii en successful in nt,i,i'i:atlng lis candidate for Un'leii Sums senator, Lynn J. Frnzicr, ex governor, while it had failed to de feat Governor Xetito-i, antl-leaguet, in his nice for rcu.-aiiiiatioii. Hut' not until vithin the last f"w days was it learned definitely tiiat control of the sta'e industrial com mittee, charged wit!! administration ol tho stale entei prises, hail r-Sfc'ed tut of tiie hands of the Xon-Parii-ian league. That was the tital nueslion in the state econoiiit.T experiment nnd the leaeuo heli"Ved for several days af'or Hie primary '.hat It had won Thn tipal figures, however, pno-v that out of a total vr.ie of more 1'ian S-.i.Oiiu In the state, ".he anli-lesguo candidates won In hot:i instances by a niarulu of approximately loo'tl. This gives the Independent Voters' league complcto control of Hie governinr; board of the slate. American Evidently Found Foeman Worthy of His Steel, In Old Enfllish Farmer. An American poultry farmer went over to KnglanJ to have n look round the poultry farms there und see where the farmers were making mistakes. He did not hesitato to tell how fnr advanced wng the art of poultry keep ing In America, and spun several very tail yarns on that suhjit't. Twenty chickens from twelve eg:rs appeared to bo nr, everyday occur, rence in the United States, if the stories he told could he believed. Hut a bluff old IOm-'llsh fiirinur was not unduly Impressed. . "Happen, nialMer," said the old man, "ye hnve never seen as many ns a hundred chickens hutched by one hen nt n setting':" "Wnnl," answered the American, "I can't say Hint I have, hut " "Well, then, listen here, mnlster; I hnve," returned the farmer. "Down Ipswich wny we nlius 11 1 1 a barrel with eggs nnd set the old hen on the bung hole!" Houston 1'ost. EATS ENOUGH FOR FOUR MEN est of the s.ibl Improve MUlllei r 1 11 ,i. Intel , s eii".--. w hi. h t lie , ',, 'I ""I tun,. In. nil. kniH of s;,ol iinpi,,e t -..' ,1 lit" III, d III,' ."Hi t lie p, e -...I lie .-1, 'M P. I !.- , He ,., pi '' ' II. MIS. .'t tiie 0 ti .1 l.e 1 ' f hue e w nil Hi,, p el.y ..lid I lltlo title I II" i-l'iii.; O'er ol III llll- I'l. 1 I pre .1 llll tl. .1.1 ,!.! ,f Jul ' I. Ml I'l l K. Treas. CHiCHESTER S PiLLS DEVELOPMENT m:vi:i.oimi:t mi.anh imi-i;vi.Mi:n t. wi; auk imi-iiov- 1V(. Ol lt I ( II.IVII .H HICKV DAY 1 OH Till: IlhTTKILMKM' Ob' M.KVICIi Wa cannot grow faster than the surrounding country; tluiush have to keep far In advance of our present needs. Thus malutaln fi a larger Investment than ordinarily required. ww aur I'ltKP.Mtrn to si;tti; unit kiisy kii at a MOMKNT S M)TU i: Willi KUNOIY TC OL. Douglastounty Light & Water Co B. II. Ji;.MtiS, Manager. Probably Largest Human Consumer of Food In the World Threatens to Afflict Russia. Illghiy Interesting Is the coincidence that the largest human consumer of food In the world should be a Kiisslan, and, though nt present otitsjile that distressed country, he Is nimounceil as anxious to return to It in order to go to work on his father's farm. Nature has a queer halilt of displaying ex tremes simultaneously us If to Jest with tho observer. The giant, Kazanloff by name. Is described In the Journal of Ho, Vno.e- ! lean .Medical Association as being nine I feet three Inches tall aud weighing ! -IVi pounds, bis proportions being sym metrical. Four meals a ilnv nr.. hp.mI. i-d to stoke this physical engine, hun ger belr.g his governing etnotirm. In I'l hours he will co;;.unn from four to five pints of milk, from llficn to twen ty eggs, four pounds ef meat, the or six loaves of bread and large quanti ties, of potatoes, benrn nm! oilier vege taliles. witching down this ilarcantunn repast with from four to six pints of w ine and eight to tw elve pints nt beer. Tired i f Hie monotonous life of a elrois fie.ik. thl? man mountain longs for his native Siberia, where his fa ther !s a fnnper in moderate circum stances, mi , t.in(, i,,L.nrT for b's hop.,.. The hope Is piously ex pr, ii,.,! f;,mip,, conditions nre not prcuilcr.t at I, is d. stinalion. for the r, as.ui th.it. ns li,, ti,.,. ,u the quantity of f 1 'hut wiil teed f.,ur average limit:.- me... . ,M1 p., r,,m. t,.., , hm ry ns his iieU!.!,.,,-, M1), iherefore- VA 1 a menace to himself mid I'" cimimiiiij. CiiKliiiiiui En-qaiicr. The Sex ef the Plane3. When the negroes of Stanley I'ool 1 siiw the llrst two airships of the Hel- ghin postal service lnntl In Hie Congo i region, tlielr llrst impulse was to run ' uwny. However, on recognizing tiie uniform of the othcers who descended from the apparatus, they Immediately returned. i The next day their fear bad com pletely disappeared. Why should I bey ; ho afraid of those big birds? Were ; they not tamed by the white men? For they were surely n couple of ; bints ; ninl without hesitation they pointed out the male bird and then the female. Asked by whnt they could distin guish one from the other, tiny replied that It was not dillleult. The birds did not know, the country; the lutile bird descended' first, then he called his f e-; male, that came down to hind after ' hlin. i It Is Mr. Louis Fninik, minister of the Ilelglan colonies, who told this Btory ut the Sorbonue. i As Marie was drei sing nio for din ner my ihoagliia were all of Sheila. I tlet. rmiiu d to gleuu fioni my friend and Dr. Thornton w hat information 1 could of her immediately. It my brother had pally fallen lti !mo with sheila certc'iily we ought to Int.- bomeihin, about her. Tins olu democratic Idea of "it does not matter about jour ancestors or your lir.no diute family, or even what you ;iiu:self have done in the past, it !j ivhat ou are today," locks) very well in s. -beiil books and adds to the glory oi' fiction writers, but when a man at.d u girl fall in lov.' and get ready to marry and rear a family thom sehts, they Bhuuld ut least be a Ut ile concerned about the history of tiie family that is to lie carried on. Ii seemed to me Hint the home cuiiiins of my brother und his imniu diaie infatuuiiou with Sheila had complicated matters very much. One does not realizo how quickly the outlook of life may be changed. Although my brother was still young, I had always looked upon him as the kind of man who would marry lute in life ir nt all. I must toufess. too, that there- was a Utile hurt that I should not come first with him; that on bis visit to me, after such a long and momentous absence, his thoughts should be turned toward an entire stranger to such un extent that 1 was almost forgotten. I told myself honeslly that Sheila was a woman whom any man might want to marry. And if Phil succeed ed in breaking down the barriers of her reserve and she would not only ht bim love her hut would return his love, we could all ho very happy. When I had finished dressing I sent Marie for Sheila and was sur prised to find, when she came in af ter quite it few moments, that she was wearing her nurse's uniform. Although I told myself tlia' she had never looked better, I was a Ut ile disappointed. "I bail not intended coming down lo dinner, .Mrs. Wilmington," she ex plained, "and as the doctor told mo your li g woultl be helped materially if It were massaged every night I put on my uniform to do this." "Wiiy were you not coming down, my dear?" I asked the question casu ally but I burned with eagerness for I lie answer. "ii is the fir. -, i.'ght your Irother Is home and I felt that you would not, care to have a stranger with you at that time." "Nonsense, Sheila, you must not call yourself n stranger! You cer tainly know me better than any of my iriends. If two people do not got to know each other when they are virtually cooped together In a room for two mouths they will never get acquainted." I Blopped again the thought In. truded that although Sheila Elliston might know mo, I did not know her. t am uepenuing upon you, my near, to neip me entertain my bro ther." I urged, putting the pressure of an obligation on her, "and I had hoped you woultl come down in that little evening dress you wore once or twice since you have been with nie. Surely I might dispense with the mas.-ago tonight." She smiled and answered, "Surely you should dlspeuse with crutches when you look so stunning In a de col leto gown. Put your arm over my shoulders and lean us heavily as you wish. A woman as beautiful as you are, Mra. Wilmington, ought always to find somebody ready to help you." "Sheila, too, is changing," 1 thot to myself. "She is becoming much more human." Wo found Phil rather moody In the dining-room where he sat waiting for us. Again I noticed the admira tion in his eyes as he looked at Sliel lu and I remarked: "I- think, l'eiil, that Miss Klliston coquettishly put on her uuiform for your benefit. Shu looks so well in It. Hut after tonight I shall Insist that It be laid aside.' "I learned during the war. Miss Klliston, to revere a nurse's uniform and cup. Most men over thero thot nurues were superwomen; they cared for us so unceasingly. Even an ugly woman is beautiful when she wears this uniform of human service, and a beautiful woman is most beautiful when she shows that she Is ever reatly antl willing nt any sacrifice to herself to assuage pain. That Is what your uniform means to me, Miss El liston." "Well done, rhil," I said, "but I kept Sheila from assuaging pain to day. Dr. Thornton insisted on her going to another case and I was as Insistent upon her staying here." "I always thought, my dear sister Kay, that you were a very sensible young woman. Did you learn who wanted her?" "Waller Jones, Sr., who used lo live near our house when we sum mered nt Long Uracil. Ho is having an operation today, and being such a rich nmn, of course the doctor wanted the very best possible per son on the case." "So he tried to get Miss Elliston," smiled Phil with ardent eyes on Sheila. Again that little frozen look came into Sheila's saee. Apparently Phil illt'. not notice It, but I determined to find out what lay behind it. Toiiiorroiv Stlsmme lonos. D,t- Hp7vTZr- I fTrVTTTJ '""eioastbfCoja Auto Line Stags Over x ui. ana : p. a -.-Fare to Myrtl. PoUt Coqulll, '" llnnlia.id Bandon . 'I Coast Auto ffl """ w- lint, w I I You must eat to Live- t Even " nu io not li 5 You f""i good tins,, S at the North Side Grocen Give us a call or Plata' WlaW.Wvxvvv.! -O ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN- BY MRS. ELLSBURY: Grim Joke for the Professor. President 11. O. Vance of tisKa lonsa college said in nu address in OsknlooMi : "The post-war rhnnrres have bit no body harder than they have hit tho college pl-olVsir. The eellee pro fessor is fMie , the poorest nun in the world today. "A young Lalltt Instructor proposed to a young Imly und was nccpteil. Alter their first tender transports were over they fell into serious talks. "'Now we fire engaged,' said the young woman, 'we must beirln to econ omize, promise me, darling, that you won't do anything you can't afford.' "The young lady Instructor lau.lu"! grimly. " 'If I promised you that.' he said, 'I'd have to break off our etiive menf.'" Itehoboth Sunday lb raid. X A Daily Column of Questions and Answer Conducted by a Woman V Who Knows. Address your Letter to Mrs. Ellsbury ij Care Roseburg News-Review p So. ::ociu:o.O:G Dear Mrs. Ulisbury: Will you help j I loved him. He lias constantly prom me decide a very vital question. 1 ised mo never to take another drop, am going lo be married in September,! but aiwavs does within two or three and 1 have only this lnonili in which , f , to decide whether or not 1 want to! , 3 ufur 1,0 Promises. Ho docs keep my job, or give it up. 1 am do- j ' 11111 wl'n he I1 drunk that he would ing work Hint I like lo do, and enrti never think of doing in his right a very good salary. 1 would hale tojmiml ,, , f(,(,, ,iko , , , h give up my job, but have been won- ,,.. ... ,, .... . dering how 1 could do evervihing. to! J1," ''"""'' ";m 11 an' '"n- keep house, even in a 2 or 3 room j ,''., 1ls,il K'""!". enough for divorce apart.,,.-,,., and k.-p on with my work,!; rUuk'" ""!Ulval ,lle lle loo. 1 have never kept bouse, just, MAi. helped nt home. Can vou give nny I Ans- Yo" uld probably get a di adviee. TILLY. vorce, but I would not advise it at An. That is a question on which V Pr"e" ,Jime' "4 "P- a great deal could be said on both h condition that you will sides. It is really a problem that each i " 'b' ckh . " he "P drinking? If one concerned shoul-l work out for i ?" 've, ,n1' nd .""" there is a themselves as the solution of tne prob.j '?"Ch, I " chan8'.n when he finds lem uependa so much on the character! " ' " 'y it would of the wife and the husband. What I b?a0,"ly''flht t0 V"y ve'"yh,ng possi. some girls could not do, ethers could b,e to save yur home' "i your love. do with eise. If you really feel that! " 0 you do not want to give up your posi.l Tit'K ok iti:tiiiv to ivii'hom: tion, I would suggest that you keep itl t omi m hi.kt. for a while alter vou are married, and . 'T.,fl': l IIKHKHV 'tlVK.V. that at I see how it works out. It will not bei ,,. rlntZ' Tut on easy to manage two .iobs, and it willitae -,th ,inv of July. ltt::'. the foiiow take every ounce of patience that yob 1:',.r,' s',',"! ""'""tefl: have. The only WJy to completely j '.'.'r"', I'e'iv 'llt'Stllsehurrr,';;;'''!; satisfy yourself is to try it for a while.1 'M" h.-tit ami THM sMirv unri h-ri tv I" "!'. l itnfntH Cilh utr.'t tnmi " " i lh" f"tn)i line f Hro 'HWiiv S'.-.-t lo H'rt.i lint- of K.'I t rts Sirrt-t In t We have First-Oaa ''OREGON B0.W to offer ourfdotrs Make the nmt'iMTWilt WORK for itL Tta ia soon become vb WvC soon become 1', vaiwi nt or worry. This 1W via double. Start it oat. tain Keep it goins, while yii gai ning more. , . "The Rolling Ston 4e No Moss." but the Ro'j, lar will soon roll up art They are not on an S K shift they work dayutx Invest in TindJ ad r: them work. They nmfpi a strike. Thf snre IWi Good Oregon Boni This, we havt totiJI-iK row it may he gone. RICE & R1C1 Bond Brokers Rosoburg, Orep lYOD will always find t tizing foods dbTf 4, Fresh fruits and npa 2 daily. A rhone t3 ECONOMY GE0C3I liear Mrs. Kllsbury: I have come, lo the iKiint whero I am ciinteniplat-1 io ln iiiiinmir: iim ilivorce, and before I lake the Mepl l'ir.-t: liy urioHhic the street lo tiie I would like to discuss il willi some-. Pavement Is Billboard. City streets und sliiewuiks may be converted Into temporary IKllioanls by nn Invention rcsembllm; a lawn roller tl;i:t prints tlte ailvertlslni; mes sage In water en the asphalt. As tlte machine Is rushed alone bv Its operator, a spray of water from the tnt.k in t'.e upper half passes throUk-h a perforated belt or drum that acts as a uml 'J he belt Is ef line wire came .r!i waterproof letters fastened f.pi n it. In cotiscjncnce it lentes n ban i . f wet. dark pavement behind It. in .. r. w!iikll tl:e w,-,ls of Hie ndvertl-i-f - at stand out dry nnd white. ropul. r Science Monthly. per sul,.Cf.i,ic; one who could tulvise mo. without si.., ttw.-my nn , wiotn wnh l.aowmt: wno l am. I nave tne Klinl-r ,.' " l" e.i . 111,111 : st and best husband in the world, r, .,' . ami 1 b-ie always hive-l bim. When 1 Uy eoiistrtictlns concrete tn:i: rii d him, two years atro, I did not Know lli.tt he drank. That is the only l.iult he lias, but if is one that I can't j:et used to nor loi. r.i!,., although I hae slood it lor two years, because ill,: I.y onstrilotin stih-,lrnlnsi i ' i ii : j . v i-MtmiriH'ttiitf ytlc-ct liiuim " . It in- cisiiry ; 1 ;,xr'': i:.v layuiK vitrified sower llp?. t-ssiiry; iiiu ini. tn. 'ti'i vi'iTiivniK ritu -jirr lo b m.u)-i- "rtl.ini r w ii li tnr ('hftricr aiul or - ! 'ii' t s t.f ihe rity of KoK'-hurir. On " ;U1'I tiit pr.i.lo, .l:iM!. H'-t'ifi'--1 " .tinl Mt luiittvt it t In- t.'ity i:n r. fii. i in imp fi.Ti'. i.f tiie Citv sr . fj ' ' ' Pare i ntiro n.-t nf ibo fi Itt Inipmvr. , iiniiiii.' I'liKint-t-riinr, intfra-kt. ofi.-i- pTiii.i's M liii tt tlif fit-' !milt wowiii not 1iho irniirtni ForDrjerStovesS SEE -...a-ir.rs J H. S riniui-' ' ,. ,itn rnou - AUTOTOF C. M. JNE a m Jrmr I i "Vou May Hold Dead Men for Saturday" Indicates Treasure Twva, Ant':iuarlans are pnzlcd to account for some oM coins found in the stiininclis ef l'i.:iicks slaiul.tered nfter ra.in ea to Slicepey laarslies m-nc the c. .:. I'lea.nc.l from il.f fer, nt iiniu.ais during the jeist few th is are a m.-,:,;i coin datid 17: bear lr;c the ranie of Victor Anted of Sar ibnla. a fl...r.cs 11 f.irtiilr.. daii.il 1'TTI, a O.', rt- 111 half penny dated Jsort, and n li.tmhurf shillius dated LotiJi.n Mali. U 11 1 ' 1 Ut Ml A ' v ". l"r tie miikiim of sni.l Imrrov,- i rasteunzed IIilk j ! .vvrv";.:';,i'".e,i-T; 5 5j I'loi:.,. , i.y ,h(! f),.irter of n.-tbl "il.v. V. ts " ' "Claii. w ith the li.tillnn of Tlte most sanitary prevail in Hi ducu at ail time luethods P rare of our pio- R Telephone 1S6 t Roseburg Dairy and t p f Ssoda Works j tril i Hi.: Mn. ra ., 1... I, en,. I tied nv I iiKt'i ovctneiit, anil in, i. irt Hi-rot .'1 I"- I'.ilil l,y the f 'it v- ef IP', Isirtf ' o' es'iniatf of the fttv I'liRi n,-t.r ot roi.l,,.. ,1. t.,11, il coit of s lid llll ' 1 ' 1 is the sum fif 1 7i.s si,. i"i.i:ii, t h it t or- citv lie. onl- r t i i:y ..f Uns, hurtf. dreH'.ii. I i I., r. hv (prc't'-d lo Kin' no ' "I i'l llllprol Client lis ,invnl' 'l Iter of sa il I lie , .inres itkHirst a.ird riropoc,l ,t Mnv l- fll.-l with t,. "11 iithiii lw-rnt ilav, from t ' stum ef this retke. W he ' day cf July. 1-T. It. u wiitpn.R. H,o.r r of tl '' vI Hoseburg;, Oreaon. turr "n'i,"i Mr l 11 fcL, v. - -, Tvoseburs I ' , ,re invito ", q'. ti-rivi'