Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 19, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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Issued Dally jjicept Sunday.
B. W. Bates L. vVimberly Bert G, Bates
Tally, per year, by mail M OO
Dally, its months, by mall 2.00
Daily, three monthn, by mail 100
Dully, single monil), by mail 60
lajjy, by carrier, per month 5
Weekly News-Review, hy mall, per year 2.00
Luiured as secoud clui maittr ilu ii, liCO, at the post oil ice ul Jlostburg,
Oregon, under the Act of Miirch 2, 1H79.
EW, JULY 19, 1922
The men who are elected to public office get it both going
unci coming. If they consider only their own convictions, and do
thfi best they can according to their own Iight3, then they are
said to defy the will of the people. They much often ignore the
popular sentiment existing for the moment.
And on the other hand, if they take the position that they
should conform to the majority sentiment of their district, since
they are sent to represent that sentiment, then it is claimed they
are playing politics, when they should be standing up in their
boots and doing what they think is right.
The politician who really wishes to do his duty, is placed
in a peculiar position. He is often in doubt whether he should
be governed by what the majority of the home folks seem to want,
or exercise his own best judgment.
The theory of this government is that the people select their
best men, and that they should exercise their own wisdom after
careful investigation, and that on the whole it is best for them
to exercise independence. If they whiffle around to correspond
with all the changes of public opinion, they will often be wrong.
Many people form "impressions about public affairs with
little thought and investigation. If they went into these matters
as deeply as a legislator ought to, they would think differently.
The legislator ought not to be bound by a state of opinion which
may bo superficially formed.
. There are some politicians whose views are governed by self
ish instincts, and who need to consider popular sentiment more
than they do. And a legislator who defies the conviction of the
people on a matter that has been thoughtfully considered and de
bated, has a tremendous self confidence that may not be well based
A teacher's employment agency states that it does not en
courage bobbed hair applicants, nor those who use make-up or
wear exceptionally short skirts. Some young women who earn
a'ieacher's salary may think that this interferes with their rights
of self determination.
But the great majority of teachers understand that their pro
fession has certain responsibilities and limitations. Young women
o a certain type may be perfectly good girls, who mean no harm
and would never do anything wrong. There is nothing immoral
in bobbed hair or in other manners referred to. But if a girl is a
little too conspicuous, she is not quite suited to the teacher's position.
'". The ideal teacher wins friends, not by conspicuous manners,
but by her enthusiasm and winsomeness and helpfulness. The
parents dejiend upon her example and unconscious influence to
develop the same tendencies among her pupils.
gelos: K. Shlrla. San Francisco: J.
" IV. Sliiir, Portland; J. V. Forbes,
.. AKOl'XD THE TOWN MnrshfleM: T. B. Cnrrlo. Coyuillo;
Measure. Ulle Case, l'bono 3!1-L.
Miirrliige License Issued
A marrlngo license was Issued to
day to Jalniar Nuiml and Sandra
Lamgrl, both of IlocdsporL
K. P. Sundlicrg, Muliuomah.
All kinds of cement
mentft, floors and walles.
Tel. 444 -L.
See Pat fur cement brick, cement
culvert and cement building blocks.
In on Itiislm'Nfr
A. M. Itmuns, of lllddlo, spent Hie
day in town, attending to business
Painless extraction f tenia at
room , Maaonlo female. Dr. Herbs.
Tiller Visitors Here.
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Norman
and Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Itenfro.
prominent residents of Tiller, are
"laying a few days III town attend
ing to various business matters.
For all kinds of shop work, repair
ing, etc., see Put. Shop HO Fowler
At the Houghis
Arrivals at the Douglas hotel to
day were K. I,. J,m.n. uud son. of
Portland; .Mr. and .Mr. A. II. Hop
per, New York Oty; Mr. nnd Mrs.
A. M. (,'ill.ert. Washington, . t;
-Miss Nnihalle Hopper, Allen Hopper,
New York fiiy: mis Knight, itlv
ertnn. Oregon; W S Sl-wl. Los n.
work. Buso-
Tom Morris,
Major Knox Dei
Major Itoy Knox, of Portland, la
visiting in Itosehnrg today, accom
panied hy hla wife. They have been
slaying a few days at Oakland Willi
Mr. Knox's brother, Frank, and
came hero today lo visit for a short
(lino Willi Mrs. C. O. Alley, to whom
Mr. Knox Is related.
Contract tagen Tor water wells,
deep qr shallOT. Prices reasonable.
Albert Graham, Looking Glass.
Will (io to (Toast
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter
laughter, Miss Iris It lie,
tomorrow for Gardiner
cheater Hay where they
nice, nnd
will leave
and Wln
will spend
the next week or ten days. They have
been camping at Kock Creek for the
last two weeks.
To Improve Store, Itiillillng
Work Is lo lie slarled at onco In
Improving the SaUnian hullillng
which was recently vacated by the
Marksiniry store. Mr, SiiUinuit who
is moving his jewelry store into this
building has given the contract for
the construction of new fixtures to
the liysinger mill, and they will he
completed soon. In the meantime
Hie Interior of the store building will
flbrune flbf chin's
1 if t
v- y 1 ' J v i
! cigarettes
TJxey are GOOD!
Ye ed. didn't say
Anything about our
Beautiful Man Contest
In yesterday's colyum
But, oh boy,
Watch us go today!
The most beautiful man in Rose
burg has not yet been located. We
have our suspicions but cannot con
firm the wild rumors that have been
reaching our ears.
OH MINI The other day we an
nounced Bill Mutt, alias Andy Gump,
as the first contestant and right on
the heels of that announcement comes
Charley Leery, of Glory apple fame,
is the unanimous choice of the all-day-'
sucker purchasers.
4 I
The race is becoming Interesting at
this stage of the game, and ye ed. is
going to be In boiling water before
this old contest is ended. We'll con
tinue regardless of the consequences
and guarantee to select THE MOST
These "most beautiful woman" con
tests are getting sickening. Ye ed. is
determined that mere man shall have
at least one chance to cast a ballot
for his Venus de Milo of the male
gender, hence the contest.
Carlos Black, taffy puller de luxe,
whose hair is marcelled for the occasion,-has
also entered his name and
announces that Ice cream sodys await
the femalea who will mark a cross op
posite his name.
ft O
Oh yes, folks, we have some gay
young Lotharios right here In the city
of prunes, strawberries and roses. It
is only a Question of picking out the
gayest ami most charming. GOSH
Aggie Pitchford, Joe Murphy, A.
Salzman, Mrs. Fred Williams and May
or Walt Hamilton are hereby appoint
ed rt the committee to pass upon the.
beauty of the Prune Pickln's contest-;
ants. Step up and bow, ladees and
The Los Angeles cave woman, who
cronked another Jane ower the dome
with a mallet. Is now reposing in a
cell while hungry movie
smack their lips In anticipation of
nine-reel thrillers.
The twit, leeg hall teams staged six
cantos at the Bellows pasture last eve
which Interfered considerably with
Roy Radio Bellows' raHto concert. The
howling of the congregational fans
disturbed the ether to such an extent
that the etatic vibrated against the
ear drums of the operator thus caus
ing him to net his feet tangled with
the variocoupler,
ft ft
Tourists continue to throng our
strecte In khaki narb.
And some of the women who're
wearing trousers hadn't oughta.
If you are contemplating going
swimming in the Umo. river we would
suggest that you lug along a bar of
Defeat Christians In Crucial
Game and Are Now at
HeadTwilight League.
Baptists Will Victory by TUiiely Hit
ting While (TiTlMtlaiiH Are Lnnblo
to Solve McCllntock'a South
pnw Delivery.
In a very good exhibition or base
ball lant night, the llaptist team
nosed the Christians out of the lead
in the twilight league and took first
place; winning last night's contest by
a score of 7 to 1. The game was hard
fought and was clean and exciting.
There were few errors and the Bap
tists won hy well-placed and timely
hits. The Ilaplists sc ored In four out
of the six innings played, while the
Christians' lone score came In the
first half of the last canto.
In the first inning, Crocker, the
Paptist lead-off man, obtained a pass
to tirst base and went second on a
passed ball. Black batted him home
wilh a two-bagger and after stealing
third, scored at home on a passed
The Baptists were blanked In the
sorond frame, but came back with
two more scores in the third Inning.
Wick ham slammed out a two-bagger,
stole second and went third on an
error, llorton went first on an error
and stole second. Both were scored
l.y Singleton who copped off a single.
Singleton was caught off third, re
tiring the side. The Baptists got an
other score in the fourth when Leon
McClintock grabbed a single and
scored when his brother, John clani
Wd out another well-placed single.
Two more were annexed in the last
half of the fifth when Crocker drew
another nass and scored on Black's
promoters! second two-base hit. Horton singled.
scoring Black. The side was retired
with the bases full.
The Christians had no chance to
score in any part of the game, until
he last Inning. In this Inning On
singled nnd took third on an error at
short. Anderson sacrificed, scoring
Orr. .
Ufin M,rilnl.b nllolilnc- tn. tha
Baptists, twirled an excellent game.
Only one hit was secured off his de
livery, nnd he had perfect control,
allowing no passes. Dr. Flnloy also
(If serves n great deal of credit as his
Tast work at second robbed the
Christ Inns of several hits. Out of sev
en chances he fielded every one per
fectly. Anderson, who started for tho
Christians was pounded rather heav
ily, five hits being garnered In by
the Baptists, while he allowed one
pas?. He was replaced hy Main in
pleasure. in ,.nll, ,, was for (htf fjrf
t , . ,' t'r". . I f"w minutes, but aNer gelling a good
brt ..harthe OTMI o' ' ",1U,i'Rfd ' 0M 'M
X:ZrZTr "7, "'. follow:
the wearers to resurrect the oldip' ' , ?, - 'if 6 J.
brown derby. !!;,np."s," ' 11 ! 1 ! 1 7 7 3
ft a n -" v w 1 lip
There's so much whispering going!
arouno on tne streets these nays that
we sometimes
wonder what its all;
Successful Graduates
Are the He.s't Recommendation of
O. A. C.
This institution offers a thorough, practical, and standard
at a cost within reach of the high school graduate.
It offers training for collegiate degrees In:
poor little
Engineering and Mechanical
Home Economics
Arts Vocational Education
Chemical Engineering
Military Science and Tactics.
It offers training nlso in:
, Industrial Joumnllnni.
The Sihool of Mmic, Physical K.luc
I Ye ed. Is going to hobnob with some'
pencil nushers at Corvallis this wk.
which may enable us to bring this.
vupyum up vne nignnrow class.
The purses the wimmin folks pack'
around nowadays look like satchels
oj me oniy oinerence ts that vou
couldn't get o much Junk In a satchel.
Kenny Quire and Dad
have been seen hitting a
vcnn'i nan aronni a vacant lot near
the undertaking parlor before break
fast which causes ye ed. to wonder
who gets 'em un so col darn early.
To shew her supreme confidence In
her new husband she gave him a night
And to convince him of his oosition
in the house she had the lock chanped.'
"Rented bathin" suits are o. k. If
they don't itch."
Fall Term Opens September 18.
For circulars of Information and Illustrated booklet write lo
ta inpy
M a, vjrite-up op sowe svewri
KiEveH Vgof. IU XV0 PMfc
' Ihnrouglily
reuoiated and rcdec-
f'r Vnncitiivrr -
Hansen left on the Sh.ii
tVs afternoon for Vancouver, II. t..
ana oilier northern points, where he
will spend several weeks enjoying a
pleasure trip.
! '-si ,t
I : ' yA -owe
jasa i
Unexpe c t ed
aCNeiv US CO :
Better, Hcavier.Longer Wearing
Z0x$lh'nOT No Tax added
on SaleJfow
W mxMH for 30 3'2 tires when it
last FalL
USCO today betters that
mark with a new and greater USCO an
USCO improved in many important way.
For Instance, f. thicker tread with a
6urer hold on the road thicker side walls
adding strength and life to the tire.
And the price is $10.90 with the
tax absorbed by the manufacturer.
Men have always looked to
USCO for the biggest tire
money $ worth on tne
Thev alvvavs cet a bigger
tire money's worth than
they expect.
Mo United Statres !
-yr United States Rubber Compaq
Where You
Can Buy
V. S. Tires:
Highway Service Company, Rsseburg
J. O. Newland & Son, Roseburg
Pacific Highway Garage, Canyonville
Dlllard Garage, DM lard
Weaver A Valentine, Myrtle Creel
Leas eV Son, Oakland
Cowan's Garage, Yoncalla
Josephson to Write
'Main Street' Script
With the reputation of having writ
ten and adapted more stories of ru
ral life to the screen than any writer,
Julien Josephson comes to the War
ner lirothers' west coast studios to
do the scenario for the forthcoming
Warner Brothers' production of the
well-known novel by Sinclair Lewis, I
".Main Street." I
A list of Jo8eplison's stories and I
adaptations sounds like an "old
home" list. Numbered among his J
most successful for Charles Ray are
"String Ileans," "Hay Foot Straw !
Foot," "Greased Lightning." Crook
ed Straight." Rod Hot Dollars," Par
Is Green." and "The Egg-Crate Wal
lop." He also adapted "Hungry,
Hearts" and Watch Your Step" to
the screen for the Goldwyn organiza
tion; for Ijisky he adapted "The Old
Homestead," and for luce he wrote
the original story of "Homespun
Folks." I
In securing Julien Josephson, the j
Warner Brothers feel that they have
procured one of the very few screen
writers who can capably put Sinclair
Lewis's widely-read novel of the
small town Into screen form. Los
Angeles Times.
ployes are expected to render to the
public service the hlghost degree of
"The people of this stato, whether
native or foreign-born, white or
black, Jew or Genflle, Catholic or
Protestant, are entitled to good ser
vice and courteous treatment."
Arundel, piano tuner. Thone 189-L.
Watch, for the Caravan! (
The Merry Worker club oflixti!
Glass will give an Ice cream wal a
the school house lawn Satudij net
ing. July 22nd.
Mr. Joscnhson Is ft former resilient
of Roseburg. nnd a brother of Sam
Josephson who visited here just a
few davs aeo. Mr. .losenhsnn's UnA.
burg friends have watched with in
terest his steady climb to one of the
foremost scenario writers of the
time, and are pleased with the fact
that he has been chosen to adapt
this famous novel to the screen.
Southern Oregon Gas Co.
To the People of Roseburg
If yon want a house hujlt, moved or i
repaired .or cement blacks of any i
kind, see Tat
that a first elasa gas and good service
Is at their disposal. Gas Is the best,
surest, and quickest fuel that can be
used. Fifty million people In the U.
S. A. are using It exclusively for fuel
and heat
From now until the 15th of June
we will extend our mains 200 feet for
a customer and run the service 40 ft
Inside of the property line.
General MW
Gov. Hart Acts
Against Klansmen
OI.YMP1A. Wash . Tnlv 10 ti,
state administration board yesterday
io posirive action in relation to the
Ku Klut Klan and nthr , -.-.
etles endeavoring to influence public
officials. The resolui
two-days' series of lectures held here
rriuay aim amrd.iv br Hr. It
Sawyer, of Portland, advocating
principles of the srrret nr.l...
encouracinsr new himiW.i,ih i
. I ii in
s.i io unomc.iaiir mere are more than
100 Olymnia cltiiens In r.oi.
lovernor Louis K Hr lo.... j ,v.
ii.ii..-inn simpnicnt. passed bv the
administrative lmard afier a lengthy
session yesterday:
"Active members of n. lntin. .
i....-nea cnuuiaien 10 esirsnee
net. ie. nrnuse rjee nr;....- -
sions and antagonisms cannot render
that hiKta degree pf efru,.m w.rvire
and courteous treatment toward the
public demanded by this administra
tion. "Members of this administration
whether directors, supervisors or em.'
I Clecininq Pressing
H. A
and g
the K Phone 472.
J. F. DILLARD, Prop.
N. J"
I Alterations