Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 27, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1022
J WM 11 1111 Blw'"'
Prices on Revere Passenger Car
Tires and Tubes, ejfectire May 8th,
are not subject to tvar-tax, the
tvar-tax having been included.
BETWEEN the 30 x 3"R
Tread" Revere Tire at $10.90
and other tires selling at about
the same price there is ;a bigger
difference in economy than ever
The $10.90 price brings this
tire to you at such an increased
value that, to men who know
Revere, there are no two ways
about it Ask them.
We recommend
Revere Tires
and Tubes
liritism Is Only Revamped
(ecromancy, Declares Dr.
Paul L S. Johnson.
national News Service Special
NiLADEU'lUA, Pa., June 27.
muur Conan Doyle 's lectures In
Academy of Music here on Spirit-
are receiving pointed criticisms
several prominent Pliiladelphi
Amonc others, an answer to his
lis has come from Professor Paul
Johnson, one of Ihe best known
irai scholars in America.
ic claims that "Spiritism is re-
id ancient necromancy cur-
amoriK all ancient heathen na
a a part of their relftflon"
tfcat "tho spirit medium l3 tlm
m counterpart ot the ancient
npI spirit-familiar and Becro-
w anil of the less ancient Jn
naicine man.
they are the devil's underlings the
fallen mgel's palming themsolves
off as the dead."
"I uirree with Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle's intimation to the elfect that
he has not a soft head," declared Dr.
Johnson. "On the contrary, he has
nn unusually full and level head and,
better still, a good kind heart. It
strikes mo that he has only one
empty lobe In his brains. This
vacuum in his head is the ailsence of
correct knowledge oil the nature of
the spirits with whom he communi
cates in spiritistic seances. This lack
of knowledge on the subject, com
bined 'with his brilliant mind and
kind heart, makes him an advocate
of Spiritism.
Fails a-s Detective.
"Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the au
thor of the best detective story in
existence, has failed completely as a
detective: for tho persons that he Is
investigating have completely de
ceived him and thrown him off the
track as to their identity, plans and
works, if the fllble is true in its
teachings on tho subject and If the
testimony of multitudes of unde
ceived former Spiritists is to be ac
cepted. "Replying to the question, 'How
has Conan Doyle been deceived as to
the identity, plans and works of the
spirits that he has been investigat
ing?' 1 would say, according to tho
Hible corroborated by tho experi
ence of multitudes of reformed Spir
iting the spirit that 'appear in se
ances are not at all dei.d human
beings, but fallen angels devils or
rotensor Johnson declares, that j demons who Impersonate, the dead.
"umrstaniling of Spiritism is not
the teaching of the Dible on the
,ert. hut Is also corroborated hv
"itudes of reformed Spiritists,
experiences with the spirits
liW'ortrovertiblc evidences that
A i
for your hair
A NEW ncrct, discoT-
end by a hairdrcKir,
niakct poiiible btiutiful
ir for tvery woman.
Th' Wildroot treatment
"I oon make you! hair
truly lovely.
n louc Ujuid Shampoo
for salt by
Uoyd Crocker
This is my reply to his request fori
nn answer, as his claimed duo, to Ills
question as to the identity of his
communicating spirits, the familiar
spirits of the Dtble.
"These demons are wonderfully ;
Intelligent, knowing nil of us intl-
I mately. even in I ho minutest particu
lars that most of us think are com-i
pletelv secret from everybody except
our loved dead and ourselves. They
are also deei'lv diH-ttrul, being the
lvlng spirits of tho Scriptures. They 1
nse their knowledge and (tinning to.
palm themselves oft t s do:id friends
and relatives.
Impersonate. Otu" Friends."
"All of us know that when death
severs us from loved ones there is
left an aching void in our hearts,
which yearn for the return of fellow
ship with the departed. The fallen
angels, taking tidvantage of ithis
longing, through Spiritism imperson
ate our. friends and relatives the
more thoroughly to gain influence
over us to their advantage and our
harm. The great success that they
have achieved in this matter attests
their 'wonderful knowledge of our
lives and their almost uuK'lievublo
"The activity of fallen angels .
demons palming themselves off as
our dead friends and relatives Is
what genuine Spiritism is nothing
more and nothing less. Thus Spirit
ism is simply revamped ancient ne
cromancy, and the medium is the
modern counterpart of tho aucient
spirit-familiar, necromancer and
Indian medicine man.
"The question, why the spirits
that Conan Doyle has been Investi
gating might not be his son, mother,
etc., I would answer: According to
the Tilble and human experience the
dead are dead, and therefore aro un
conscious; consequently they do not
think, know, hear or feel in a v.-ord,
they neither do nor can do anything.
They will remain in that unconscious
state until the resurrection. There
fore they cannot communicate now
with us. Hence the spirits that
claim that they are our dead friends
and relf tlves are lying spirits the
fallen angels."
"Grass" Widows Take Lime
light in Marriage Statis-
tics of California.
( Nowb iervloo.
SACRAMKNTU. . Juna 27. Widows
and m-ass-widows are rapidly gaining
ground on the single girls of California
In the race to the marriage altar, ac
cording to statistics made public to
day by L. E. Ross, chief of the stnte
bureau of vital statistics of the board
of health.
Of especial significance is the fact
that divorcees are far outdistancing
their widowed rivals and are steadily
creeping up on the single contenders
in the marriage mart.
During Ihe last two years 75 per
cent ot all persons marrying were .
single. 11.5 per cent were widowed i
and 13.5 per cent were divorced. Kit-1
tee-n years ago the percentnge of sin- j
gle was 85, widowed 9 and divorced I
6. Remarriage by divorcees has made
rapid, consistent gains year after year,
Ross's report states.
Ross a report In this respect reads
as follows:
"A study of the marriage statistics
indicates that there is a gradual.
steiuly change In the proiMirtions ofi
single, widowed and divorced persons
marrying In California. The percent
age of single persons Is decreasing,
and the proportion of widowed nnd di
vorced is increasing, that is. while the
total number is Increasing as the
population grows, the widowed and di
vorced are gaining ground faster than
the singles.
Widows Show Gain.
"Dining the last two years about
75 per cent of all persons marrying
were single; 11.5 per cent were wid
owed and 13.5 per cent w ere divorced.
Fifteen years ago the percentage of
singles was R5; widowed, 9 .and di
vorced 6, Remarriage by divorcees
has made rapid, consistend gains year
after year. The widowed have also
advanced, but less rapidly than the
"Notwithstanding the rapidly in
creasing porportions of divorcees re
marrying we do not hud that they are
first choice of either hndes or grooms.
When divorced persons re-marry first
choice Is for a single partner, second
for a divorcee and third for widowed.
The tendency among divorcees to mar
ry single persons Is much more pro
nounced among brides than grooms.
"Single persons prefer single first,
divorcees second nnd widowed third,
the order of choice being the same as
for divorced persons, nlthough the
percentages vary.
"Among widowed persons the order
of choice is single first, widowed sec
ond and divorcees third, but anion i;
the grooms the widows are about as
popular as single girls. Widows,
however, show a verv marked prefer
ence for single men."
It's toasted. This
one extra process
gives a rare and
delightful quality
impossible to
Guaranteed br
Quality High
The Silk Store
110 No. Jackson St.
Prices Low
P.) "Highjackers" are more feared
by bootleggers than prohibition
"Highjacker" is the underworld
name for crooks who prey upon the
crooks in this case, upou those deal
ing in illicit booze.
For example, the "highjacker" will
learn that a certain bootlegger is;
planning to bring in a trtickload of
booze on a certain night.
The "highjacker" gets a truck, '
holds htm up on the highway, and
t:ikes his cargo away from him,
knowing, of course, that tho boot
legger can hardly appeal to tho po
lice. Thus he feels fairly safe.
Or perhaps he will learn whore tho
booMegger has his liquor stored, in
which caso he will conduct a raid of
his own, and remove It.
liootlcsigers ure afraid ot "high
jackers" because the latter are usu
ally ox-convicts, and are not afraid to
shoot on plight provocation. Pro
hibition agents, on the other hand,
seldom use their revolvers, nnd never
except In case of Inst resort.
Numerous times lately when raids
have been conducted, bootleggers
have shot at the officers, later- ex
plaining that they thought they wero
being held up by "highjackers."
Arundel, piano tune:. Fnons 189-L.
June is mere
Season of Brides and Happiness, of Wedding
Let your gift be Jewelry, bright 'as a brides
dreams, or a piece of brilliant cut glass or
hand painted china.
A beautiful chest of silver will always be ap
preciated by the bride. "
A fine selection is here for your consideration.
Here From Portland-
Mrs. C. W. Sherman, nnd daugh
ter, Polly, are visiting here at tho
home of Mrs. Sherman's brother, S.
D. Kvans. They will spend a week
made over, fiirnlturo
Phone 91-J, i'02 N.
Natural color. For embroidering,
spreads, table covers, pillows and
many other uses. 37? per yard, 36 in.
width. Uerger's Bargain Store, ' 400
Cass St.
. TA VMDEt KADla "tUft TOD At." '
ANYONB havfnir too ins to rent to tour
ists miring barmo I'unii, notify the
Drund t;rill.
WANTKI Uonrtt and room for
in prlvuto hotiifS, Aiijiy to
Clurko, tirund llotul.
IK intm
to. C
WANTKI $1500 on tlmo lmui, city and
Huiimrluin property Hccurity. Addrt
("'' cure Ni'WH-Htivtt'W.
FOR SAUK Good Dodge. Cheap. Phone
I'hoiw :u-K-2.
or 4 (rood milch cows.
WANTKI liny himiW. It. ('. ImvulRfr.
HnselmrK, lit. No, 1 . box 43; fulll
inllj-M eii-wt on Dt-ur (Yeek road,
R'ANTKI Modern furiilnhtxl lioiuo by
(MiKineiT ami wlfu. No chihlron. Jn-
iun o 401 M m St., or nail i ij-j.
AVANTh'l Unf urnlshfd modern hnir
ly couple without HilMri'ti. I'orinan
nnt. AildrcKH I. H., Ni'V8-It4'Viow,
WANTKD 20 axo iiM-n for Myrtle
t'rt'ck ramp. 'uhim $.t.tiu per 4Ih'.
CnHfornla-UruKon 1'ower Co.- Urnud
Sutherland Home
Entered by Burglar
Tho A. G. Kuthorlantl homo on
cast Lane atroot w.b roblM'il lnat
nlnht, a few dollars in money foeliiK
t:iken. TIip but dar enteml tho
homo aftor removing a screen from
a dowiiKtaira winnow. H did not at
tempt to go ul'nira, but riflort thn
(!pakR nnd drawn tn the lower p;rt
of tho houao. Kvldently money wuh
tho only ohjevt, ;is nothing waft tak
rn oxrept four silver dollara and .two
pocketbooka ront;unIiis a few renin
In rhnntcf. Tlio pilverwaro dntwer
ItetnriiM 1 nun Kukciic
.MisH JoHophino Slnnott relurned
here yesterday after upending several
d;i'B in ICuKeno visiting with her ma
ter, MIhs .Mildred Sinnolt, who la em
ployed at that place.
roathors rennovatod, fonthor mat
tresaos made. Phone 91-J, 202 N.
ItoiMhitf lVrmlt IsNiied
A bulldinjj permit wan Issued ej
terday to iMonrim Cheek who la
lo build a $:iono reFiIdnoo In rtv.r
luok. Tin ronirnct haa been let to
Elmer .Mugger.
AU kinds or cement
mental floor; and walks.
Tel. 444-L.
wink. IJhso
Toiii Morrin,
Iteluni l-'rotn IN)i-tain
lr. and Mrn. J. K. Cliapiiun liavi
returned from purlland whei" they
ppent u wH'k eJijoyliifr Ihe f'ni'llnmt
Uwo Kestival. I n. Chapman nino
was opened, but
The -work is b;'i
local talent.
nothhiR was stolen, t attendil to business matters
!eved to ho that of j
Expert furniture packing and crat
ing. Phone 91-J. 02 N. Hose.
that rity.
Contractu taken for water wells,
deep or Bhalloir. Prlcja reaaonable.
Albert Graham, Looking Glass.
The h. F. T club will hold a picnic,
and dance at the Kiddle pavilion Tnn-
day eveninc. June 27. KhcI member;
will have the privilege of inviting iv
Kiiejt and a jolly Rood time will be
had. All attending are requested to
brins a lunch nnd hot coffee, creHin
and HUpar will be supplied on the
proun'is. Lunch will be served about
7:30 and automobiles will leave this,
ritv prnmptlv at fi:3n for Riddle.
Dorothy iJalmn. Para mount Btar,
nrirani.ert a igilunee com mil tee in
"Tho Crimson Chaiienre, her new j children
plcinre, which wi'l he at tin; Anth'ta riv d he
theater tonight. .' oe thU to run
a In d patij? out of !xn Valley and to
avenge the mim!. r of her f;ther. Tt
men nt wild riding, abooting and all
tion- but that Is
ton excels. J;ick
lie the star and
nlrong aupport-
kttula of exciiiiiL
whre lHroiby t
Mower plays npi
beads mi unusuri
f ii tr nst.
Here I'nnii KvcivH
Mi, and Mrs. K. .1. Kelly nnd two
Frank and Vlr,;!iii.i. ar
Ibis iiiornintf to vi:;it t
the P. Sinnolt. hoimi h"n. They
expect to spend about two w -i-Un
in tbi.4 city. Mrs. K- Hv and cbihl
reu rusidu in Kveixtt, V:udilntod.
WANTKD Keeder pig, will pay 10
eentH per pouiul delivered nt Stddlora'
Jloi;ie, for rltfht hii'etl and to welrflt
from fifty to one hundred and fifty
poundH eiH'h. AddresH Ueo. (tld
die, 'ddlers' lb i nc t w I m r k: Ore.
WANTKD A limn or woinun eapahWi of
liiltlng of our tmtlt'H IiiinIiiuhh In
liooKlas county. AKrceahlo work.
(I'kmI tiicome. Hinall hond, noeenstiry
Willi referetUT. K! Mr. I U at Icy, Ho
tel 1ouk1u8. Cull Monday or Tue-day.
FOR Rp:.
t-floeping room.
Ftilt It i'!NT HltM-piiig room, bulh. 401
South Mil In Ilieet,
FAi ItKN X Hafety spoilt bnx.
Ut:44iliurtf NHtlonal linn
Full ItKNT I- Ive r n7 MoiiMdioiil
tfooclN for nle, 3:n S. Miitn ft,
Vi HI ItKNT -Nice furnished apHi tineiit,
'litne .'HIT. -1. 77 WVnt MomIkt Hi.
t (ST T
1,4 live
o:;i ...
dn. ini.ill
nt Wr.n
t e KhlHHeft,
ftlami-ml In
aid. Jie.tuin to
roi I'linnm
IiST Scnrt
clojtler of pearls, ii
linselMirg Ni-WH-Itev
U.isT- hie rtiiil'cr hip l"i
nioiifit ft In So ml a v. t-' I ml.
turn to NeWM-IIevlew offl
H TIIAV Fl "From FilVi7iV.u-7T llKht r '
yetirllnir heifer. mler hit. to rti h'
ear. J'leaxe iMiify lc. J. Farnnworth
IN.Mehuru lit. ICeW.'illl.
OI'K FMI'Ia.iVFKH ar- nmkliig from
fl. iliily. Jlavo an opcnlUK for two
innrit no-Tt anil woim-ll. Steiuly i;ili
pioviiHMit If OUitiiHid. Tmi tt-i'ei or
l.ecoiiie toeM r p n nt-u l 1 1 v-h in
Southern HeK-ui. MiHidH v or
Tlieridity. Sec Mi. (latest, Hotel limp
iua. .
FUK SAI-F Itouud pup, Jj each. I,
lavlH, Olallu. Pie.
FOlt HAIM Hay. Edenbowar Orcnird
Tract a. """OJffUF.r
Ft ill K A IA1 v ion t r in k. Imiulra 1 J.
i. Day, ri.K line St. -
FOU HALi: One flnu jVrsey cow, Blv
t Kuh per jlny.Call SflH-Y. "
Pt'iYt SAldi Th heat wlr'o " wheel ForB
Jil iilJtt' ViiJiLi1!. T.3 w 1tno
Ft It SA LK Jood young work hor fi
4 'liea p. VciKhl3t0. PJl'J"'''!;
FOU SALfa Sevoral lrlVht'iitt'r"iiuBk
;i mo. old. Hpuiicuko, Itaat Ay
l'honi! .ir.l-V. m
l)l HAtK About a tons of bah'd
hay. $10 per ton. 1. 11. C'aitlo. li-flt
1 iivlU. 1. Uosetirg.
FOU HAl.FCned apeclal n'lx KoidiJ
baker. Hood hp niecluinlcally. Can
RttntralOarHge, Honeburg, "
FOU 8A1jK t)ne-iioro biiKKy and hv
nenn; jiIho two-homu Hprlng wiikou,
1 1 Mat h i h.U t . ji h iiii.i 3-F-4.
FOlf HAlIli 200 Bhitrim Vtuek, 6reKm
K.plora(lon Co.. Iliihlle. Ore. I'rlw
$2 per Bliaro. It. J. I'aquln, RldtlliK
Oregon. i
FOU " KALli Amerfcnn Meat Sflelim;
Much toe. In good eonditloti. A ba
Koln. Hi-e A. J. Young, Auto Caorp
OroundR. -
FOU SAUK t'hadwh-k hay prom, horno
power; alno I'alrhaiikH scales. All
fop $l"t, TIiIh in a buruuin. Joo
lh'drh 'kL jrrHln, Ore.
' Ft "KH A 1 . 10 -'-7 Ic n i sTl t cblng and ph ot li
attachtio-nt. l-'lts anv sewing nun h
Ine I'rlitf 5S. W'ONOMV aAblJtf
iMMI'AN'V, Medfoiil, Oickoii.
Cli K,T;)M l;s-AitiveriiV)r Wood "and lthik
Ta ri rln n ch err leu for 3 c nls .
pound on tho treen. I'mnn and K4
all you want. (Turtls ltaucli, ph(H
FOU HAl.K - -liv iiwner. S't acreV
m Tt'H In khi den, 1d family orchurtl,
hiilancQ tluitier and paHtui. 6 room
h'oiy. 2 chliken hoimea, crei1
l-iiC.tli of nnu 40. Splendlil wprliiS.
If lnlercMted.cill phono 3-(.
Fulf HAl.K -Siio'lhoiii-lnirliMfn "liiiTl
year. Futher Tea Ihtered. lliot u-r ",0
1 1 m. milk daily when 1 bought tbi?
calf. ShropKhlnt mm, 3 years, reniij
er'1, or will trinv, itlm for equatTy
i,' I I M-In I lie or ltd m lion 1 ett e. Fl iji .
I'arher, 'tinyoiivllle, Ore. .
Make our place your rlce station
a coinpletn lire of aoneKsnrie. ")J''
isfaciory reprtlr 'irfc. Grant viw
Ch rare.
fall 414.
liilt KA'i'K- Cow,
Ali4o 20 head of
Kt. 1. l:i
-Flnc big I'
box, cheap
I rude for gnat .
a. Frank KUtHioi,
lln St.,
Do-. I. 'in
Diinhii H.'II ht.nK Savoy
ind k:le plaTilx. all b M N.
r Mrs. K aid's pluc, Wnt
A HAIti IAIN --1 No. 11. 27;-lb. low
weparator, $10.00; 2 No. IH-V 600-kto.
Iowa Separatora $i!.00 each; KtH.
nhovet wlnKin row rhling cultlvutur,
$i:.,oo. I'rhea F. o. It. Hutiorltn,
cuHti. M' (rjry Urolhcra, buthorllii,
itrvKtW. 1
I't ilts1 -K -Anlonioblio tire.
one :iiix:i4. $.'r.
mi- $'.t.r.o. ;
Two 1X4. ill.K.-..
One 3x4, $14.23.
Autoinoldle lotteit:
One :p' t. $!.:.,
Fiv .tux 3 '4, $1.75. t
one i-k::1. $' v.
ftn :i,'x I. $i '.'.
Two outouiohlln trailers.
ono U ton truck. Terms or trade.
One new wii K on box and i-4-iit. m
j biirrel heavy Waviu ly oil. .
Closing out :il.
.1 T .It Mi l.
-l1 " iM
Hof0 HIM. "7 uAcett Jo mu;n '" k!j
CCWH'J 1 ;
5 . .Jt
1 H Nore or?
ta face ;
IT MS A Fa-, 'iaitrl HO'.'C Ot- THt TeACN&K'JT IH SHt.
cucr THOocur-i-o-.i cut rioneNr, rr 3rwuQ '
tMttei -:fJ tr-'S- n -rl
Kids W
Oswald Runs the
Gauntlet ,
hv mv -r -
-X. . ,v