ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. TUESDAY, JUNE 2T, 19J2 PAQf THREI vWcT'C'K'' I J STATE PRESS COMMENT ;- '1 p90feSk!Hf silvertownVI bJiLi conus J. Buy your Tires whereyou sec This Sign The Goodrich Tire sign on a dealer's store is worth money to you. It is more than a guide it is a guaranty. It says: "Here is a dealer who knows the value of the one-quality standard of Goodrich. Here is a store run by a man who believes in building permanent business through genuinely good service. Here is a place that you can depend upon a place that gives you full value in return lor every dollar spent." Buy your tires where you see the Goodrich Tire sign. means satisfaction in every trat:src!fo. THB B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMVAY tzilron, Ohio 6HVBHTOWN CORDS Tirara J jr. (Short Starlet of the Strangers Who Stop in Their Journey Along the Highway. 1SIT0RS AT THE WTO CAMP GROUNDS THK 1IOI.K IX TUB STOCKING! i capita state tax of !2 anil a locality A newtpaper which conducts l , tai of t0 aa against 111 ami 142 ja "Friend of the People" column for tespectlvely In New York, so that the A the purpose of answering all aorta of ' annua charge la approximately the y questions Wae recently asked thla ; same against cltlsens of Oregon aa g) one: i against those In New York. JJ "Suppose that, a hole la worn This Indicates that high taxes are Jrf through a stocking by the big toe on not confined to Oregon, but are gen- the right foot. When the Blocking is eral. other states r porting approxl- & mately the same nigh taxation. Ore- jfi Moore The Music Studio put on the left foot, why Is It the hole Is In the same position at the big toe instead of being, as It would naturally seem the stocking being made exactly alike at the little toe?-" ; The questioner felt that his prob lem was 'ridiculous," but It had caused a dispute, so he sought help. No doubt a host of long-puzzled fel low citizens are grateful for his cour age. The paper put the question to a number of different hosiery authori ties, and received a variety of an swers. It might be the natural per versity of Inanimate things. The hole can't be dodged and mending post poned by any such ruse as putting the stocking on the other foot. The answer regarded by the Peo ple's Friend aa the most logical. suggested that the big toe of either foot fits in the center of the stocking foot. It's a vital problem. Can't some final, scientific authority settle it? Medford Mail-Tribune. Is real- M an New M nihil Ion ,m Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Williams J neics Miss Gertrude Dugger. of Huntington Ileach, Californ r visiting points of interest Oregon and expect to make Van- ptr, B. C, their destination. . and Mrs. H. H. Albachlen of r.oiio beach, are enroute to Spo re Falls. Washington. Sr. and Mrs. Meyers, who are la Portland are enroute to Long and Mrs. C. II. Ulakely and til; of Bend, are stopping at tramp grounds while looking for uiuiilo location. They expect to re their future home here. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Statworth and of Albany are looking for a giuon here, as they hope to lo- !fl. in this city permanently. .Mr. and Mrs. A. Mason, of Long kscb, California, are on their way Missoula, Mon and the Yellow- . The Masons say that they feeling fine and are greatly en- ne. the trip. Even the dog, irie" expressed his delight at belng In Roseburg. ' Mr. and Mrs Mason have travelled quite expen sively in their car. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brown and Mrs. J. Jenson of Portland, are oif the way home after visiting In Cal ifornia. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Adamson and two daughters, Lola and Amada. who are from Los Anrreles, are tourina- Oregon and will visit In Portland for a time. The Adam sons will return this way and stop long enough 00 see the city. They have enjoyed their stay here very much. Alen Shattuck of Juneau. Al aska, who Is here with his wife Is in the insurance and real estato business in Juneau. He Is now on his wav to Los Angeles, and will stop here arain on the way foack. C. H. Farrington of Portland. Is a representative of the Easlern Werern Pond and Mortgage Com pany. He is the way with his family to Los Angeles and points of interest in California. M- .nd Kirs. O. P. Murray of t inireles. have decided to locate here and have bought property with the intention of building them a home here. Among others were: H. Cole and family. Chicago; J. W. ord-lov- rd famllv. San Francisco: Mr. ..1 Air. Kelson, and Mr. White. forvallts: F. W. Roberts and PorllnnrU J. H. Moffit TtnTAman. Mont.: J. J. Xt.-S TAXKS I'KU FAMILY The New York World remarks that the per capita taxation In New York slate is nearly $107 for every man. woman and child, of which 50 per cent Is levied by the federal govern ment, 40 percent by localities anil about $11 per capita by the state government. Says the World: "This means an average annual charge of $533 for the ordinary fam ily of five in the form of taxation, direct and indirect. It Is an enor mous burden to bear, how,ever deft ly distributed. So long as the tax payer or consumer or rent-payer, or what ever class the average citizen may regard himself as belonging to, manifests only a casual interest In economical government, he may ex pect no relief. Every day he Is work ing and saving and spending to pay taxes without stopping to consider whether he Is getting his money s worth." In Oregon the per capita taxation Is about the same as In New York, with $9,493,103 state tax, Including bonus, millage, etc., and $31,690. 84 6 locnlity tax, Including county. school i-nd city, which makes a per tten on 1 js on cites Ira that ; M of the ;) gon with Its spare population an consequently high overhead. Is lv making a better showing tha Y'ork with its immense populi. and congested districts, where ad ministration costs should be loss. staggering under unprecedented tax-jljji anon ouo 10 win. I'niiuc improve ments and to paternalism. There Is ample field for economy, nationally, stnte and locally and no good reason why taxation snouiu not ne reauceu a in proportion to reduced Incomes. ,g Salem Capital Journal. THE HEAVENLY STATE JsJ Camillo Flammarion Is an astron-'A cmer, who knows perhaps as mnchjjjj as anybody Kbout the stnrs. Ho ls:sj also a psychic explorer, who has 4 spent many years Inquiring into thelSfl nature of the human soul and Its fate after death. In a new book he hss written oniS tnis latter surjjeei, nammarion 100 cases which prove to him th6 boiiI survives the death body. But he does not proress to see very far beyond dealh. He is sure that departed souls can and do V communicate with the living, for time varying In extent, but he does 4 not profess to know what happens H nftnrwnrjt Possihlv the soul dlors iJ also, he suggests, although he thinks It more probable that It passes on tojH some hlKher realm, beyond the reach of the living. Most people will agree that this Is Indeed probable. It accords wllh the la 'etchings of religion and with the,fl belief of a great majority of the a human race. But where does the soul go? To other planets, or stars? Flammar ion. with all bis astronomy, noes noi,,-j venture to imcss. But he. In com-lt mon with most people who haveljsj thought much about the matter, is : inclined to tlllUK mat "neaven not a locality at all, but rather a "plane or state of mind." If that Is true, surely people need not wait until after death for then. rTtIrAro 26 Mrs Laura heaven, as many seem to do. Why L. , 1 i.' . t rJ vlrVh 1 ,kn L 1 m 1 1 Roseburg, Oregon ARE THE SALES REPRESENTATIVES FOR Sherman, Clay & Co. For Douglas County. We Have For Sale the Following Fianos: STEISn'AY WEBER STECK A. 1). CHASE ESTEY KURTZ MANX EMERSON KRAKAUER ALDRICJI SHERMAX, CLAY & CO. CRAM BACH DAVEXPORT- TREACY ERIGGS STROHBER VOSE WIIEELOCK AXD OTHERS ALSO THE MARVELOUS Duo-Art Lot us demonstrate these instruments to you. Liberal terms made on all instruments, even the Steinway. We also sell the full line of Estey Organs We have four very fine used Tianos, taken in trade on Grands and Duo-Arts. These are very good buys at low price and terms as low as rent. The Moore Music Studio MRS. L. B. MOORE 'A N. Jackson St. 'ext to Water and Light Office. PAYS NO DUTY ON BAUBLES. wife, Long Beach; O. A. Kimbal and wife, Kansas City. Mo.; J. Anderson and wife. Heppner; A. Perrv and wife. Kellogc;, Ida.; .1. C. Brown and family, Portland; E. L. Grewell and wife, Scapoose; C. S. Cole, Eugene; C. G. Selver and family, Medford; K. .1. Blini and wire, Petaluma; Dr. W. W. Ripley and wire, Portland; George Baker, Fresno; J. Norcross and wire. Fres no; J. E. Holt and wile, Pendleton; II. r.Iunsev and wife, Pasadena; Mrs. II. P. Tubbs. Tacoma; Mrs. Lena namsey, St. Helens; A. F. I)e Fram and family, Portland. RECENTLY OltG.WIZEI) UN ION NOTICE TO WATER USERS. ' Owing to a break in the water main this side of the Deer Creek bridne, all residents of Hoseburg are requested to use water very sparingly for the next few days Ir. order that the reservoirs will not be drained) DOUGLAS COUNTY LIGHT AND WATKK CO. wlfo. and wife. Meyers and A Womans' Christian Temperance union has been recently organized at niverstde. The following have been elected officers: Mrs. Alfred Cloake, president; Mrs. William Parten, vice president: Mrs. Ray Marsters, corre sponding secretary; Mrs. Anna Shaw, rocnrrltnir secTetarv: Mrs. Edna Berg. treasurer. This union will hold thelrjtween 13 meeting tomorrow at 2:.iU at me home of Mrs. O. H. Berg near tho Hiverslde store. Members and friends are extended an Invitation to be present. ' THREE MEN DIE IN DESERT BRAWLEY, Cal.. June 26 "Death from heat prostration" was the ver dict reached by a coroner's jury here today at an inquest over the bodies of three men who died in the desert a few miles southeast of Niland, near the Southern Pacific main line, last Saturday. . " The men were J. J. Everhearty and Henry C. Brown, of Los Angeles, and Davis Wilcox, an aged prospector, who had lived' In many western min ing districts. It was estimated tho temperature where the deaths occurred was be- and 1"2 degrees. this country of a $100,000 pearl neck lace, according to Charles Salter, special treasury Washington. Treasury off'i have fceen looking which has been city in an atte; treasury ngnts,. W ill II11II1I lteslilenco . Vhlliiu Mrs. Bliuey 'l. A. Worley nas secured a per-1 Mrs. Louisa Seamen and Mrs. An mil for the construction of a $2,1)00 I nK Hurtman, of Elgin, Illinois, sister residence and garage at Commercial and nieie of Mrs. E. A. Shuey, are avenue and E st 2nd street. I visiting here for a few dnys. NOTICE TO Owing to a this sidy of the residents of use water very few days in o: will not be tint DOI't AND Sportsmen Do You Know BADGLEY & ZIGLER Carry a Complete Stock of Guns & Ammunition COME IN AND LET I S EXPLAIN TO YOU THE NEW REMINGTON High Speed Cartridge ALL COPPEn JACKET WITH MORE VELOCITY AND MORE STRIKING ENERGY The New Savage "300" Rifle PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW I'tn SEPTEMBER DELIVERY iimii him i ii ii mi 1 1 Golf Goods Fishing Tackle JUST ARRIVED SOMETHING NEW THE TYEE SPECIAL DOUBLE DIVIDED WATER FOWL WING DRY FLY OUR BEST BET AS A FISH TEMPTER. COMPLETE STOCK OF RODS TRICED RIGHT THREE GRADES OF FLIES ALL TATTERN3 ' SALMON TACKLE LINES AND REEL3 MCGREGOR AND WRIGHT AND DITSON CLUBS OUR CAPTIVE GOLF BALL CAN HE USED INDOORS OR OUT A SIMPLE EFFECTIVE MECHANICAL DEVICE FOR PERFECTING PRACTICE DRIVING SIMPLEX MARKERS GOLF BALL ENAMEL RUBBER TEES GOLF BAGS A GOOD ASSORTMENT GOLF BALLS "REACH EAGLE" . BLUE COLONEL OSRUKY COLONEL 1 C2 THE HARDWARE STORE Oil Stoves, Kitchen-Ware, Camp Goods, Electrical Supplies-Let Us Wire Your Heme Paints and Oils Phone 25 Wc Alm to PJase NOTICE TO WATER USERS. I Owing to a break in the water main ' this side of the I'eor Creek bridge, all j residents of Roseburg nre requested to nipe water very sparlnglv for the next few days In order that the reservoirs will not be drained. DOUGLAS COUNTY LIGHT AND WATER CO. W. we 1 ' r 1 agent from Seattle. A IT VQU arC 111 lllC mdrKCl lUf d UUUU rA a ' ...... . . rA dais In every large city a M ,f hf vrtllJ inrPVPCt tf A for this necklace, , j Ik vfiit .vr ..v. R taken from city to & il K mpt to evade federal i K 5CC II 1C f. .Mr. Salter said. . !g ' 4 atIr-ers. ;s niTRANT J oaeburg are requested to. A , , , T-. x'j j t: J ... 5 y sparingly for the next i -J DeiOre DUylDg. II lniCieSieU Urop US tl line UllU vc k rderhut the reservoirs j J yQU car f ILAS COUNTY LIGHT K ., 9 , DAVISON & LAKE, boon received horo of 5 Will be located in Roseburg about July 15th. 4 the father of W. N. . ...r DEATH IV Word has the death of Srilton of this city. Mr. S;illon death occurid In Cottage Grove at ten o'clock Friday owning and tho funeral penlces will be held at his rraldenre at CottiiKo Grove on Trn-t-riny afternoon. Mr. Salton was 7 jvars of age and a veteran of the Civil War. N. Sallnn. who resides In this city, is In Coltage Grove. He was called there several days ago on ue:ount of the Illness of his fath- rATTON- HOYS DI'IJGIIT CROWDS The Patton beys, three live-wires, dighted fha-.K.'i'inua crowiltt this afternoon and made them forgot the sweltering rays of Old Sol. The boys brought a program refreshingly orig inal and clever in every particular. They are fine fellows to meet and ; not one w hit "up stage" over their : ability as entertainers., Their per sonality alone would "put them over" tnd coupled with their musical ta! rnt thev have i.uh of the lop-notch attractions of the They will furnish the preludo tonight. 2 3 . 2 XewiMiis'r Man llett F A. 11. Hoist, of the manager ser-1 0 vice department of the Sun Fran- elrno ltullelin, passed through Rose-1 A burg today enrouto to Seattle. Mr. j 5( WHY WE SELL Dependable Cars Hoist Is travelling by automobile , J and stated that the Oregon hlgh-iR way was a great relief after the Northern California district. Wo find that It helps our conscience and our business to be particu lar about the kind of cars wo oftor for sale. If It was not for this wo could spend less time and money In putting Used Cars In shape before presenting thorn to tho public. We therefore stand behind our representations. A Few of This Week's Offerings: The News-Review is read dally by over 20,000 people. They read the ads advertisers get real results aa 1 result. . o MICKIE SAYS IIIKSt ll AFFRAY W MYSTERY FREEPORT. N' Y.. June 26. The r'vs!erious slmotitig of Oscar A. Ilirs'h. wealthy el-cti leal contrac tor, on tho lawn of the home of Heine Davles, former tuovle a'tress, lute Saturday nlgM. I " k i nother turn to day when Mrs. Il: iel llirsrh. releas ed on bail after having been accused of Shooting her husband, took blm home ftotn the V.ineola hospital to nurse him lin' k health. Both Mr. Mt'l Mrs: Ilirsch denied she had nulled the trigger In a scuf fle after their rf. , irturo from a pnr-; ty given bv Mts Dsvles, hut neither said who had fir-1 the shot wheth er Mr. Ilirsch or a third party. Mrs. Ilirsch il'-clared that, far from firing the tliOt, she w;,s doing Vv-rything pes tle to prevent It." Ilirsch. mho l well-known In the town's theatric .i! colony, defended his wife. "You don't think I'd be fool enoueb Ui enrne back to a wife who had shot n: do you?" he was I quoted by his a'"cmey. 'If she was the kind of a woman who would 1 fhoot. would the !.e the kind I would ; shield?' " I oowrr Go arriv4' ptevieo. Vr V(V NEVER. NER MMAfi in TwtsFWEMO op th' Puaur BUT START vcLUU' CUR. REPORTER tW' V46NWS VUVACM fe OA PXVtS Qft UEMfVOMEO VAC5RE4 OtVAeRS Vft tVAACf TUEM Auue TeLt OS ALU wc .1 i .ci in I s-r4 ) o Mr. anfl Mm. IMwIl T. F. LIntolf. o wtp rr-nW marred In 1 h Is ritr, have return'! from their hnn- cvmrKin, Mr. fci"I Mm. Llntntt niint I , lovral dayn In Portland enjoying j i the Ho to feiitlval. - . I cv.ckr.- I'liTicc V4ljcUc6 i 5 i ! A Mitchell Six A touring car that re ceived good treatment at the bands of its own er. An excellent value at 1750.00. Mitchell Six 19IS Model. Fully equipped with new tires. Exceptional val uo at $000 00. Apperton Six Cloverlenf design. Trice tr,oo.oo. Dodge Brothers Sedan 1921 Production. In good mechanical condi tion and run only 10.D00 miles. A car of good value for its price. Motorcycle With Side Car Run 3R0O tiiib s, buv at $27".. good Chevrolet Delivery Truck Practically new. Tires all good with new spare tire, lias been run only ir.00 miles. A real bar gain st 1525.00 sover al dollars' worth of ex tras Included. Chevrolet Touring 1916 Model. Tires prac tically new. A very low priced car at 1200.00. You should Rlvn it your consideration If in the market for a cheap car. Rebuilt Dodge Brothers Cars These cars have bfen thoroughly overhauled anil are exactly what we represent them to be. 3 5 J.O. Newland & Son. Dealers in Dodge Brothers Motor Cars Roseburg, Oregon