Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, May 13, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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jlgheet yesterdaV ,...7
ewest last night . .
tonight and Sunday
rally Fair. oA .
L XXV, Na. 4, OF ROSEv ,
Ills on Law Enforcement Officers to Stop Alleged Maurauding
and Parading on Streets in Disguise Charges
Klan Seeks U surp Reins of Government.
qjim Mnv 13. Governor
fen W. Olcott today issued a
LUmotinn rallinor on the law
kforcement officers to see that
I "unlawfully disguised men
kept from the streets," ana
Vclaring that "dangerous
Jrces are insidiously gaining a
UthnM in Orearon" and that
Kese forces in the guise of a
fcret society, paraaing unaer
i noma nf the Ku Klux Klan
le endeavoring to usurp the
inn nf orrwernment ana are
in.u v rt ' -
;n-inr nn race hat-
t"" "'"'
M, religious prejuaice ana an
.i inthipncps wmcn Lena vo-
ferd factional strife and civil
The governor called upon all
F th Iaw pnfnrnement officers.
eluding the - judges and
tenffs, to see that All unlaw
II v rliso-niaprl mpn . he kent
Fom the. streets to prevent
L . i
lurtner outrages ana maraua
lgs such as have occurred in
me of our communities and in
eighboring states.
"The time has come to deter
line whether our government
hall maintain its orderly way,
ontrolled by the voice of the
eople or whether it shall be
urned over to some secret
lique or clan to be made the tool
)f invisible forces working in
he dark toward aims unknown
;o others than ourselves," the
covernor says. "I call upon all
loyal citizens of the state to give
their support to proper law en
forcement arms of this govern
ment in this movement against
line masKea naer or cioaxea ana
disguised figures who unlawful
ly stalk about on secret missions
for unknown ends, if tne
masked men are permitted to
roam promiscuously at large it
will not be long before our
wives and daughters will know
no safety and our homes will no
longer be our castles and the
streets will be the scenes of a
Hisorarofiil "riot. These prac
tices must cease if there is law
in our land and true American
ism to prevail."
SALEM. Or. Miv 13. (Soecial to
Roseburg News-Review.) Governor
Olcott'a proclamation condemning tha
action of tha Ku Klux Klan follow:
"Dangeroua force ara lnidiouly
nalnliin tMtkAlif In AMflAii In the
guita of a aacrot aoclaty and then
force ar endeavoring to uiurp tha
rulea of tha government and ara atlr
rinn fanaticism, race hatred and
civil terror.
"Assaults hava been committed In
variou countie of tha atata by un
known mkd outlaw, tha outcome
Of which ha reflected on the Ku Klux
Klan. Whether or pot theaa outlaw
were connected with tha organization
a immaterial. Their evil acta dem
onstrate that the name of tha organi
zation may ba used for evil purpoaea
and that, from tha nature of ita ac
tivities it hae the moral affect ot
caueing unthinking and misguided
persons to enter Into unlawful con-
spiracle and to perpetuate deed.
-in a aiater atata thle aame organi
zation la under judicial Inquiry aa a
result of felonious assault 'and un
speakable outrage committed under
the vail of darkness.
Oregon needa na masked nlaht-
Hders and no Invisible moire to eon.
trol hsr affairs. Our courts of law,1
our law enforcing officers and our
whole machinery of government are
curtate; an the fundamentale of true
American citizenahio and ara aeeand
a no ether atata.
"Their star chamber meetlnaa dare
conspiraclee behind cleeed doers, and
-tag Xnra M Xh
Bart i.
are all foreign to our Drat govern
mental prlnoplea.
"Danger lurk when tha masked
men parade the streets on missions of
a character known to none but them
selves. The officers of tha law have
no knowledge of the identity ar char,
acter or aima of the individuate who
conceal themselves and their feat
urea, whose oath of alleglancVto aome
private organization holda away In
their mlnda and whoaa motlvea are
uncertain and unknown.
"Even tha aanctity of our varioua
churchea la no proof against their In
vision In disguise.
"By virtus of tho authority In me
vested by tha constitution of ths
State of Oregon to aee that the lawa
are faithfull executed and enforced.
including the Judgea of tha courts,
sheriffs of the eountlea and any other
law enforcing officer whatsoever to
guard carefully against any Infraction
of tha law, to Inaiat that unlawfully
disauleed men' ba kept from the
atreeta and to prevent - further out-
ragea and maraudinga sucn aa nave
occured In- some of our own com-
munitiea and In the atata of Califor
nia. , .
- "I particularly cita aectlon 2046
Oregon lawa. ae a 'statute to tha atrict
enforcement. The time haa come to
determine whether our atata govern,
ment shall maintain ita orderly way,
controlled by tha voice of all of the
people, or whether It ehall be turned
over to some secret clique or clan, to
be made tha tool of inviaible forces
working In the dark toward aima un
known to othera than themselves.
"The true spirit of Americanism re
sents bigotry, abhors secret macnina
tiona and terrorism, and demanda that
those who epeak for her and in her
eause apeak openly with their facea to
tho aun.
"I call upon all of tha loyal citizens
of this atate to give support to the
proper law enforcing arma of tne
government in thia movement against
masked rider, or cloaked and dis
guised figures who unlawfully akulk
about on secret mission for unknown
"If the maaked men are permitted
to roam promiscuously at large It will
not be long before our wivee ana
daughters will know no safety, our
home will no longer be our caatie ana
the atreeta will be scenes of disgrace
ful riot. These practices must cease
if there la law in our lana ana true
Amerleanlem la to prevail.
"In wltneea whereof I hava here
unto set my hand and caused tha aeal
of the State of Oregon to be hereunto
affixed ihi 13th day of May, 1922.
"BEN W. OLCOTT, Governor."
Neuner Make Statement.
"I have received no Information re
garding this proclamation," District
Attorney Neuner stated this after
noon when shown a copy of the gov
ernor's message regarding the klan.
The law referred to by Governor Ol
cott reads as follows:
"Disguise with Intent to prevent the
execution of the law.
' 'If any person shall in any manner i
disguise himself with intent to ob-
struct or hinder the due execution of
the law, or with intent to intimidate.
hinder, or interrupt any officer or
other person In the legal performance .
of his duty or the exercise or any I
right under the law, whether such i
intent shall be effected or not sucn
person, upon conviction thereof, shall
be punished by Imprisonment In the
county jail not lesa than three months
nor more than one year, or by fine'
not less than IGO nor -more than ISOO."
"For this office I will say that the!
law will be enforced the same as
every other law. Upon taking the
oath of district attorney I bound my
self to enforce all laws Impartially
and consequently this provision will
be given the same attention as the
others. 1 know of no local violation ,
of this law and have beard of no dis-i
orders. If at any time any person do-!
sires to swear out a warrant accusing
any perron or group of persons of vio-,
lation of this section of the code they,
will be accorded the same reception ,
from this office that would be given !
any other person giving Information j
of law violation." j
(By Associated Press.)
presidents ot over a half dozen Inde
pendent ateel companies mentioned
In connection with the reported pro
jected merger were called upon to
day by the federal trade commission
tot "full and specifics information as
to the plan ot the proposed merger
before the plan is consummated or
actual transfers made."
(By United Press.)
WASHINGTON, May 13. The"
first definite move in the campaign
to round up and prosecute the war
defrauders came today when the
house appropriations committee fav
orably reported a" bill giving the de
partment of justice graft prosecution
fund. The bill will probably be
passed Monday When sent to the sen
ate with the request for speedy ac
tion so that Harding can sign it be
fore the end ct the week. The fund
will be used to employ extra inves
tigators and counsel. .
(Br Unitod Press).
ford Plnchot, the fighting candidate
for the republican nomination for
governor, informed the republican
state organization that If It attempt
ed to "count him out" in Pittsburgh
and Philadelphia' in next Tuesday's
primaries, trouble will result.
(Br United Press.)
DUBLIN, May 13. Further shoot
ings centered in Ulster today despite
tha peace conference between the
faction leaders. Intense firing took
place all through the Marrowjon district
I V.
Additional' bida on the Kohl
hagen apartment house were
opened today., . The contract
has been held np tor several
days to allow several large
firms to submit bids for the
construction of the building. All
bids have now been submitted
bml have-been oined, and are
being taken under advisement.
The contract will either bo al
lowed, or all bids rejected, late
this evening or the first of next
' (Ily Associated Press.)
GENOA, May 13. As a result of the
meeting ot the economic conference
sub-commlBslon on Russian affairs to
day, the situation became so critical
that It seemed doubtful whether the
British and French positions could be
reconciled.. M.Barthou, head ot the
French delegation, . declared that
France would never consent to having
a mixed commission on which Rus
sians served give consideration to
Russian credits, debts, and treatment
ot foreign nationalization in Russia.
The French statement declared that
the Russians have already driven
wedKes between the powers and might
do so on the proposed commission.
France believes the allies should
reach a complete agreement before
inviting the soviet representatives to
join the commission.
French to Remain.
PARIS, May 13. The French dele
gation will remain at Genoa to take
part in the deliberations of the other
questions properly before the confer
ence, but so far as the Russian prob
lem. Is concerned - the .conference Is
considered by the French government
at an end.
1 1 TV.1 stl. Ilanuw
Clyde Ilutner, an employee of the
Southern Pacific comoanr. todav un
derwent a throat operation In the
office of Dr. Melvln.
aw- - 'j. '
v. v. m
Zbc flDotbcr '
She never touched with skillful brush the canvna,
And left a picture that the world might praise,
Or, with inspired fingers on the keyboard,
Sent down an echo through the length of days.
But once, with eyes tear stained yet looking upward,
With smiling lips, she passed beneath the rod,
Descending almost to the Vale of Shadows,
To bring a little newborn soul from God.
She never penned a book whosa glowing pages,
Might lift us up and help us in the fiht,
But day by day she sought with loving patience,
To guide two little stumbling feet aright.
And yet, mayhap when at the gate of Heaven,
She paused, God looked at her and smiled,
With hand outstretched, His kind voice spoke a welcome
To her, the mother of a little child.
(Br United Press).
WASHINGTON. May 13. Accord
ing to reliable information in posses
sion of the interior department today,
the oil companies will made addition
al gasoline increases effective In all
parts of the country very soon. The
increase will probably total from four
to five, cents per gallon by the middle
of June, the Standard OH company
leading the way.
(Br United Press.)
BUFFALO, N. Y.. May 13. Three
persons were killed artd fifteen were
Injured when the Black Diamond ex
press on the Lehigh Valley railroad
was derailed north of Leroy, near
here, today. The train struck the
automobile driven by Thomas Greolg
and killed Groeig and an unidentified
man and woman In the machine.
Three coaches left the tracks with
the shock of the impact, injuring fif
teen passengers.
Banquet Tonight
The junior-senior banquet will be
given tonight in the banquet room of
the HoteL Umpqua. Decorations In
the senior colors of blue and gold
have been very attractively used on
the table. Yellow candles with shades
of yellow and gold, flower shaped
nut cups ot the senior colors and
large bowls of yellow daisies give
the banquet room a beautiful ap
pearance. The toastmaster for the
occasion is Willis Mofflt and many
teas! si by- the members of both
classes and by members of the facul
ty are on the program. The follow
ing musical program will be given:
Violin solo by Adelbert Young; vocal
duet by the Wlckham sisters; cornet
solo by Earl Patterson; piano duel
by Vivian Orcutt and Florence Sin and selections on the high
school phonograph.
rspape pot) talked tor the beat tatcaaata el tka aaoala.
Raids on Stills in Vicinity of leona Mills Has Closed Up One of
Worst Spots in County Sheriff Stsrmer Asserts
Third Still Has Been Located,-
The capture of two stills, a five
gallon keg of jpoonshlne and the
prospect that a third still .will be
dragged out from its hiding place in
a tew more day, haa had the effect
of cleaning up one of the worst
moonshining confers In the county,
Sheriff Starmer announced today
following the discovery of another
still at Leona. According to the
statements of the officers, those who
have been conducting wholesale dis
tilling activities at Leona have been
uncovered and are known to the of
ficers, although most of thorn were
frightened off so that they were not
arrested. .
The slate laws are very closely
drawn and it Is Very difficult to ar
rest and convict men guilty of boot
legging or moonshining. In the event
of arresting on a charge of manufac
turing liquor, a man must be cap
tured in the actual operation of .a
still and must have In his possession
some of the manufactured product
to prove that he is actively engaged
in the manufacture of liquor. If
mash is discovered or actual poi
session of p still established., the
government can handle the case on
a conspiracy charge, but for the
county and state officer to take ac
tion is Impossible, unless actual op
eration Is interrupted.
Because of this fact tho officers
must, where capture of the respon
sible persons is impossible, do the
next best thing and break up their
activities and this has been thor
oughly done at Leona. Leona it is
claimed has been one of the sore
spots in this county so far as moon
shining is concerned. Tho officers
have been watching this place and
Investigating for several weeks, and
a few days ago received information
which enabled them to determine
definitely the program of the moon
shiners and bootleggers for a tew
days ahead. '
As a result Charles Miller was ar
rested in the act of delivering to two
gallon con si nm en t of moonshine to
an unidentified man and woman who
escaped In an automobile In spite of
a volley of shots fired by the three
officers present at the time. Follow
ing this Sheriff Starmer located a 6
gallon keg of moonshine In one of
the abandoned houses at Leona
Mills. He also discovered a plae
where a 10 gallon still had been
operated and on the following day
located tha still Itself several miles
away hidden In the underbrush.
Yesterday evening he located a
second still, which had been cached
In a vacant building on the mill prop
erty. Thi still was made of a cop
per stock kettle, covered by a heavy
copper top and homemade dome,
Benson School Wins'
In Declamation
The Rose, Benson and Green
sohools competed thi morning in
the sectjonal declamation contest
which Is a part of the competition to
determine the contestants In the
county match to be held on May 20.
The Benson school won In each of
the events, one girl and one boy be
ing selected to represent the section
in the county meet. Ituth Compton
of the 7th grade won the girl's con
test by her recitation "I Am An
American." and William Knight, also
or the 7th grade won the hoys' con
test with Patrick Henry's convention
This afternoon these schools and
the Fullerton school met In the field
and athletic meet at the Hose school
Mrs. W. O. Friend, of Olnlla, was
a visitor In this city today for sever
al hour while attending to business
Word wu received here this
morning by Mrs. Karl Vosburg to
the effect that Kd. Vosbnrg, who Is
receiving treatment In the Portland
hospital. Is not expected to live. Mr.
Vosburgh ha been 111 for some time
end short time ago was taken to
Portland. He wss operated on yes
terday by Dr. Coffey. His wife-and
hrother, Earl, of this city are with
with long copper coll. The stilt
waa of about 6 gallon capacity und
was capable of producing; a good
quality of moonshine, as moonshine
This still showed evidences of hav
ing been In use for a considerable
time, and from all Indications waa
discarded only after the operators
became frightened by the general
clean-un helna made In that locality.
t had been used very recently and
it Is believed ha1 been in use In or
near Leona.
There are evidences that there la
another still in operation near Le
ona, Sheriff Starmer states. Accord
ing to Information received by him
the (till haa been abandoned, and
as It has been watched for aome time
there will bn no effort to take it
out except by the officers. It la ex
pected that this outfit will be remove
ed In the next few days, and added
to the collection now In the Sheriff's '
Several ot the men who have been
engaged in the Illicit manufacture
ot liquor, have been endeavoring to
threaten and Intimidate person, who
they believed to be aiding and coop-,
eratlng with Ine officer in an- ef
fort to clean up Leona and put an ,
end to the lawless activities in that .
community. Threatening letters have
been sent and efforts made to injure
these persons In other ways, and thl
matter will probably be brought be
fore the grand jury at ita session
which starts Monday
Although there Is not sufficient -.
evidence to warrant arrests In the
Leona cases, most of the men respon
sible are known and have been re
ported to the district attorney and
will probably be Investigated by the
grand Jury. In the event tlfey are
found responsible for the attempt
at Intimidation, charges of thl na
ture may be brought.
The officer believe that an end
has been brought to the activities ot
the moonshiner In Leona' and vicin
ity and that hereafter there will be
no further trouble In that locality. - .-.
Services To Be ?
Held Sunday
- The body of E, H. Lenox, whose
death occured a few days ago In
Hood Illver, Is expected to arrive
here today. The funeral will be held
tomorrow afternoon at the Presby
terian church at 2 o'clock. Rev. L.
It. Quick, pastor of the local Pres
byterian church, will officiate at tho
services. The services at tho Mason
ic cemetery will be conducted by the
Masonic lodge of which -Mr. Lenox
was a momher. Mr. Lenox's death
is greatly mourned In this tounty
and his many friends extend their
heartfelt sympathies to the relatlvea
at this time of their bereavement.
Will Endorse Ham- :
ilton and Skipworth
Tho repulillrsns have no other
nominee on their primary ballot for
judge of the second Judicial dis
trict thtin J. S. Coke of Cons county.
This Judicial district Includes Doug
las. Lane, Itpnton, Lincoln, Curry
and Coos counties. There are three
judges to be elected in this Judicial
district. The republicans have sup
ported Judges Hamilton and Skip
worth heretofore and this time na
candidate appears against either ot
them. It would be a compliment to
these Kenttemcn should their repub
lican friends on the 19th Inst write
in each of their names with the
cross opposite on their ballots. It
ill be done If the voter think or
It, and the News considers that this
Is Ihe right action to take. We are
entitled to three judges In this dls-'
trlct The ballot hould be complete.
The friends of Judges Skipworth.
Hamilton and Coke think that they
should be retained. ,
Olnlla VWtn
A. 8 a resident of Olalla,
spent several hours In this city today
attending to business matter.