Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 22, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    ROttEBCTtQ WEWS-REVIEW, MTTnDAY. A PR If. 'a), 102
aaurxj l!ly Rirept nnd
U. M. Hate
la. Vl tin narly
Itert U. h
BljboCliU'llxJN BAItH
Dally, par year, by mall
Dally, sli months, by mall
Dally, three raootba, by mall.,
.M 90
. J. 00
prune fpKchin'
A. ft a-
I :
i(Ml k; FOLKS
Hip iiculhcr man k riiiltlliiu, it I"
liilie likely there w ill be a general
three montba, by mall : . ... ...v....
Dally, single month, by mall VI,. . ' . ,Y
lflllj, 11 tl I 1 , U1UULU ,...,--------------
Weekly News-Ilerlew. by mall, per year
Entered as second-class matter May 11, 1120. at the' post ofllca at Koso
burir, Oregon, under the Act of March 2. 1879.
ilOtlfcHI .KM, OKK iN, Al'Klli 22, IDliiJ.
There nre days when education is made easy. In the rural
districts a multitude of children are carted to the schoolhouse,
even when the distance would not seem too far for walking. Town
and city children have their education handed to them, without
too much effort on their part. Sometimes the good things of life
come too easy.
The Washington Farmer tells of two boys some years ago,
who lived 40 miles from a high school. They wanted an educa
tion, and wanted it bad. After the crops were in, they took a
Sack of potatoes, loaded them with a cook stove and blankets on
Ii wagon, and drove to the town that had a high school.
Z They found a merchant who would rent them a room for ?1.00
a month, and they managed somehow to keep house and live while
attending this school. One of these boys is now high up in the
state educational institutions. Determination like that will en
able any boy to make good, no matter how discouraging his cir
cumstances are.
It used to be fairly common for boys find girls to walk three
or four miles each way daily to school. In bad weather their par
"ents would drive after them. But not many children would do
it now. Perhaps it would not be advisable for them to do it, and
.much can be said for the system of transporting remotely located
xountry children. But something of this old spirit of resolute
determination to acquire knowledge is still needed among the
young people, and in the schools of Roseburg.
- Of course a lot of ambitious young folks are now working
their way through college, and helping earn money while they at
tend lower schools. There is plenty of good stuff in the younger
generation, perhaps just as much as ever. But there are a large
number who fail to realize their advantages, and who make little
effort to get the full benefit therefrom.
The changes recommended for the Episcopal prayer book,
provide for striking the word "obey" from the marriage service,
ko the bride shall no longer pledge herself to obey her husband.
Many brides, in repeating these additional words, have interpre
ted the same in a sense different from the ancient one. At least
! the number of wives who for the past 25 years have obeyed their
; husbands is not very considerable. In demanding the right to
freedom of action, women are in accordance with the spirit of
;inoderii life. The wife is an equal partner in the work of the
family. Most men who have conducted controversies with their
wives have learned from experience that the latter are quite able
io cope with them. Masculine superiority can not be grounded on
!any claim other than that of superior physical force and even that
. .condition is frequently non-existent now. Man should gracefully
"retire from his position as lord, and take up the more winsome
;;one of partner.
o :
;; Numerous reports are published of girls who are lured away
lrom their homes and mistreated. These do not always relate to
children, but young women frequently have such distressing mis-
. .adventures. When a pleasure loving girl is invited to ride by a
"well dressed stranger, the escapade may look innocent, and no
Imischance may happen. Sometimes such an offer is merely
prompted by kindliness for a tired looking pedestrian. But the
;;modorn girl takes chances in accepting such invitations. Many
have encountered horrible experiences and some have lost their
lives or happiness. The rule that young people of opposite sex
should be correctly introduced has been based on a lot of exper
ience with crooked and yellow people.
It would be a pleasant surprise JLo a great many people to
know who is going to be postmaster at Koseburg for the next four
years, but it may be four years more before the announcement is
made, so why worry. It takes some congressmen a long time to
"whittle" out an appointment.
There would be more statesmen if politicians knew that the
best politics in the long run always is merely following conscience
and conviction.
It is really too bad the voters are not given a second and third
ihoice in the governorship race at the primary flection.
"What's in a name'.'" Try to use sonuhody else'
torn of a check and you'll find out.
;it the bot-
The more you do fur some people
lo'' vou.
the more inclined tliev an
I'own fanners now havi
most of their r.fjl crop harvested
o .
Looks like there will be plenty of candidates to y.,i around.
.00 i i really heKiiuilliK lo Iwl iikc
1.00 i N'rliiu '"it 'i can t alwaya ten ny
Hie wav the huh feelx to your back
xxhnt kind of a "front" It Hill put on
the folloMioK day.
J. V. Sliirrclt, who Hiiierlnteiiils
the InlellecliMlNlepurliiiriil of a cer
tain rural school district, mutle a
vcr Interesting aililresit before the
meetiiiK laxt nitiht held for the pur
pose of fornilnu' a golf dull. J. V.
known nil nlomt playing Kolf "
ha.yh John J. Koi-kefeller has noth
ing on him miles It might be a lit
tle oil.
When ftoseliurg VI ts tight" on
Sunday everj'bh'K closed not a
slimle wiund to disturb your peace
f ii 1 n!iiiiiIh-i'h, other than the occa
sional evhuust from u passing auto
mobile, Hie H'k of the woodpecker
on the tall pines' will echo like the
firing of the big guns at sunrise. This
will be a flue place for a deaf and
dumb colony.
Howdy, men! .Made up your mind
where you nre going to camp this
summer? .Neither lias my wife.
Drag about her rooking.
There are seven or eight things we
don't understand (sarcastic voice
from rear of the hall: "Oh, Impos
sible!") and one. of 'em Is why a
climate in which one shovels snow
and cuts grass In the same day Is
railed "temperate."
When you see what happens to
tunny u man with money, MiveiTy
doesn't seem such nn unmixed curse,
after all.
Mary said a little damn.
In sub-deb style, you know.
Hut her mother washed her mouth
with soap
In the style of long ago.
We sometimes wish Justice would
grr.h that bandage off lie'r eyes and
take a look.
Jacksonville, Fin., Feb. 1ft .lames
.Monroe, lot years old, was arrested
today on a charge of tieing drunk
and disorderly. .Newspaier dis
patch. .
(lathing suit: The alibi used to
get a sbaie into the public, print.
. - ! ..-. , .
M it'll FOIl mtti.i:.
One of our wealthy society women
shjs she upends $IM,ooo a yenr for
dollies nlone. That seems a lot of
money to pnv for next lo nothing.
4 '
"It Is the nature of man, when
spring lime comes, to wish to work
in the soil," says a writer in a cur
rent magazine. I'robably the writer
knew heller when he wrote It. When
tho spring time comes It Is the na
ture of many to want to lay olf mid
fish, or play golf, or sit and spit
The only reason lie works In the soil
is liecuuse his wife makes him.
"Jl'ST TKl lXiF.N AI.ON'ti."
Two distinguished gentlemen, lit
tle "Ointy" MiHire and big Charles
Trudgen, representing l.nng & Co.,
Portland, ended on the substitute ed.
of Prune Plckin's tislay and would
have spent the afternoon in the
iiinctuiii de luxe had they received
sulVirieiit encouragement, but the
bonucer was sicked onto them and
they went Trudgen along, with the
promise they would return again in
the spring. .Mr. Mnoro is a very
dose Iriend of Senator Hall, repub
lican candidate for governor, ami
sas it looks to him like Charley
would lie a winner but that's got
nothing to do with selling rolfce,
teas, spires, cxtntets and icnnul but
ter to country merchants. "Ilinly"
says lie will be nt home to his friends
as soon as the primnry election is
There was once a cartoonist niuiicd
Who lhoui;ht he would feather Ills
So he drew funny rncrs.
For our best daily papers.
And he'll soon lie as rich as (he res!.
tt n
We saw a couple of young women
celng up ( ass street xcttcriljty who
lime Ims'u wearing some excuse for
stocMnus, but If they xxore, you
enuMii'i tell II ni'iii (be street,
l ien riiliNernrrks xxere disgusted b
tlliir display, as a ruhhcriiiM k pre
lers to hae something lef( to (he
iiiiagluat Ion.
: durns
fes ailarw
Covsi with wet baVlng soda
aJiarward apply gsntiy
Tomorrow will be Sunday probably a wet one
Road Case on
Appeal Today
tiled. These ilnninR.
n ltd tde roihl order.' 1
Thii le .'ippcMed from i
Ii ill) till' mutter ilM
Hurt .He Is repri s, ii
;.i. :il
f dtt. i Tlii
;i w.i id nt
I U. ncrs
ni vYtnr
,., i.-i Is
Long .m.l
er! anil ('.
roirv'H1i i
I'rank Ni a
t '
n I In
V, ""
' r
nn ii 1 1
t.'k ;
le Th .;
if. 'I-I
of $ 1
I i I iiinl on I
i 1 1 r ti u. i .
hi h; v 'I !
nn lli il.iui;ti,..s
". i' !'.
.;... I lo em
y .1 the r. .i.l r
f ,ml t uw ,:i ili:.f
of Yon
a;es of
'Inn IPC
i today.
i honic-
i pi i t y
1 1 '11 ITS
:n the
r ts re- Hslf a m sjlon now Pi in.-
ii-ixed. o:i vase payments. Hudson i;!
) u .is Store.
.'I. Mr.
.:il'il .ill.l
' circuit
ic Vitnr
nnl Mis
John T
;isli eiirytliing frooi
i l 1 1 1 : y nl ci alls 1' lion!
Hudson Moctrlc Store.
j He (auuli fixe kings and shortly
I there
Arose a merry chuckle,
' Of rnuie the other players knew
- The curd deck was pinochle,
I ' ' '
This U a V-ismI time (o strike, lie-
cnitse If xon leave your job mm, you
mav ncxer htixe lo go hack to It
Liberty Imnds iili xiotlh almost
their value now. We (nay ev
H'ct I ncle Sam (o arise any day and
Arundel, plauo tunei. mone 189-L.
tenlay. She returned
on the evening train.
P. A. Hamilton, of .Myrtle
was a visitor in this city yes-1
V VapoRuq
Oca 17 Millhn Jan UtcJ Yearly
to her home
the ship gnecs up and
Mrs. W. It. Conluo and daughter,
I.orliine, have returned from Port
land, whero they have lie -n hpendiug
the past few days.
Don't miss the big service at the
armory Sunday nWit.
Mrs. Fred Cornell, of filendale.
left for her home at that place last
evening after spending a short time
here receiving medical attention.
"You are the serious young
man I ever saw."
II. O. I'argeter, of the Douglas Ab
stract office, leaves tonight ,for Spo
kane to spend sev. ral days on fed
eral land hank business.
Painless extraction of teetb at
room 9, Masonic temple. Dr. Nerbas.
Mrs. Louis Meliln and two chil
dren returned to this city last night
after spending the past several days
in Portland visiting with relatives.
TOP price Is being paid for your
year's clip of mohair. J. F. Barker
& Co.
Mrs. L. W. Crocker and daughter,
luanita left here last evening for
Ashhind. They will remain in that
city a few days visiting with relatives.
Contracts takn for water wells,
deep or shallow. Prices reasonable.
Albert Graham, Looking Glass.
Mrs. Z. C. Hrown and daughter
left last night for Medford where
they will spend a few days visiting
with Mrs. Ilrown's sister who resides
at that place.
Trainmen convention, held there.
Itefore returning here they will visit
Itoston. New York. Washington, D.
C, and oilier large eastern cities.
They miect to he away from this city
about two months.
Miss leedore Mathews, student at
the local high school, left last even
ing lor Carnes station to spend the
wick end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. S. Mathews.
j Household Utilit;
A Handy lulHir savers for tho home. .
i from 90c to $3.0 ",18
Great crowds at Christian charch
revival, great interest. Armory Sun
day night.
Many other useful articles for the housewif, 0tt
T. A. Raffely, chief of the state's
motor phicle department, motored
to Itosrlmrg today to attend to offi
cial duties for a short time. He was
accompanied by K. F. Hlnom, state
traffic officer, and .Mrs. Klootn.
Churchill Hardware Co,
Mrs. A. J. W'ilk.rd and son. Dale,
left this morning for Cottage Grove
to visit with Mrs. Willard's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hanna. Miss Ol
lie Willard, of Portland, who has
been visiting at the Willard home
here.' also went to Cottage Grove to
visit for a few days before returning
to her home.
The Daughters of Isabella will en
tertain with cards and dancing Tues
day evening, April 25, at the Macca
bue hall. Admission 35c. Cards at
8 o'clock and dancing at 9:30.
It Is a violation of the city ofdin
anees of Unseburg (o throw rubbish
of any kind into ',!;e streets, and all
persons so doing are subject to a
fine and will be punished.
U L. MATHEWS, Marshal.
Have your water wells drilled ear
ly. Deep or shallow wells drilled.
Prices reasonable. Albert Oral am.
Looking Glass, Oregon.
Mrs. n. D. Williams returned to'
this city this morning from Portland
where she has been spending the
past few days visiting with friends i
and relatives.
TOR GENERAL roof repairing
and carpenter work of all kinds, city
or country, by the day or by con
tract, see E. E. Gervais, 512 Com
mercial Ave.
Mrs. Mary Wilson nnd daughter.
Eva arrived here last evening from
their home at Wilbur. They will
spend a few days In this city visit
ing at the home of Mrs. J. C. Aiken.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Lewman nnd
family left here last evening for1
Grants Pass whore they expect to re
main one week visiting with rol.v i
this. Mr. Lewman Is the Metropo-;
lian Insurance iigent In this city. i
The funeral services of Mrs. llor-j
bert Hhoadm.m will be held at the
South Methodist church nt 2 o'clock
Sunday afternoon. Rev. .1. It. Need-1
ham, pastor of the church, will offi-;
clnte. Interment will follow in the:
Wilbur cemetery.
Miss Lois Smith, of North Ilend.
and Miss Evers-nn, of Creswell. nr-i
rived In this city by automobile yes-!
terday evenine. They will spend a 1
few days here visiting at the home of)
Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Taylor before
starting on their return trip. j
Miirk N. Tisdale. the Sutherlinl
banker, and W. E. St. John, candi-!
date for county Judge, were In the
city last evening for several hours
to attend the meeting held nt the
I'mpqua hotel to establish a golf club
for this city. The gentlemen were
very enthusiastic In the matter and
will aid in every possible way to es
tablish a golf club for this commun
ity. ;
Be Prepared
WHEN thieves break into
the ganuge and gel away
with your car, there is little
need lo worry if you are fi
nancially safeguarded. 1 Pro
tect yourself with
The most careful car owner is
likely at any time to suffer
the loss of his car by thieves.
This agency can sell you com
plete protection from all the
risks of owning or operating a
motor car including fire, theft,
collision and property dam
age. Provide Indemnity by
insuring in the Hartford Fire
Insurance Company.
Come here for It.
Abstract Co.
H: C. Stanton
Funeral Monday
Tho funeral of tho late H. C. Stan
ton, vx hose death occurred In this
city yesterday morning at the Stan
ton hon;e on Jackson street, will be
held on Monday afternoon at 3
o'clock f;t the St. George's Episcopal
church. The Ven. Archdeacon Ulack
of Portland will arrive in this city to
officiate at the services. The serv
ices will be followed by burial In the
Odd Fellows cemetery.
Mrs. F. c. Dezendorf, the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanton, will ar
rive here from Arizona Monday after
noon at 1:30.
It Is expected that the business
houses of the city will close for one
hour during the funeral services
Monday thus showing the high es
teem with" which the oldest pioneer
of Douglas county Is held.
The body of the deceased will He
In state at the church from 9 a. m.
to 2:30 p. m. Monday. AH'relatives
and friends of the family who wish
to view the body may do bo at this
-1 .imherYZa.
as low as anion. s '?r.1--
ing eluwherV, nTl w i.
labor. I'hone 501 1W
George M. Hew uZT
fetl-ra! building ! K
imte 111 at htl'e """
j He Is the man who gets the high
dollar for your property. See him
. for dates. 630 N. Pine St., Rose
i burg, Oregon.
Dr. Charles Rutherford, mission
ary to South India, will speak at the
llaptist church tomorrow at It
o'clock. He has done a splendid
piece of work In lndla'and can speak
from observation of the fine work
that is being done in India by the
Ilaptists. Ho is a good speaker, and
his wide experience In travel has
given him a great fund of informa
tion to Impart. He will give some
of the music of India. The public
will be welcome to hear h!m. H. C.
Darby will make a four minute
speech on our missionary program.
Another feature of the morning
service will be the presentation of
the new automobile to the church.
O. P. Coshow will make the presenta
tion speech. The new car will be a
great atldltion to the working equip
ment of tho church.
Church school at 9:43 a. m. Junior
11. Y. P. V. at 2:30 p. m. Young
People's Meeting at fi:30 p. m., liar- i
ry White, leader. Evening worship
nt 7:3i. Message by the pastor.
Four minute speech by Mrs. Wick
ham. The public Is cordially Invited.
In the cariu.
ma8at,lthe iltet(,.
good and th.jj,i..
rent hrnni'lir ai.'. . ' ?
Buv uuawooc M
him. HO r
--- i-.v- limpid
Across tins river, la , :
favored location, senw, j
other man. w r..i. . t
everything that he rot j
in time he pot everra I
f,- ,kiai. t. . :
.... mmu an loufHt.
Don't wait for ihugj
drift your wsy, i a
account la one of tie fe
steps toward mvxss
The Savings Habit l ,
good habit.
First State and
Savings M
Checking Accooub hiW
Saturday MgM, April 22
Ott's Orchestra
The best Mask Bestfloor
l ( HMTI BK I rlinlTTJUW
U lm liMri .
I'linnf UK.
H. D. Harris left last night for
Kedonilo lleai h. California. At that
place he will i.iin Mrs. Harris anil
they will go m Torontd, Canada,
for the Hroth.rhooil of Railroad
n eoe fon xf os per
FfcVA. FEW NO QXJF-F ,x30xjX
ftx.T3 POrAceatvllvKx vjt,
piffle", i-xjrV -rue pxp
TtAS UKE f(k't , VxnfCtA xwe.eoss?
1 ( IIINTs
t . Li,. ...
.11 tlllililllL
(lllil XIU1 M."
tu i, i I i:ni i;s.
I. A IF I'l ItklNH s:Z:
"When .1. W. I'erkins lliv name
.ike, i;cli liN oil tleliN in Tlolirnox
X jillex piiitlm: Tin gulng In dike a
il.n nit ninl Intnl. nte a little bit."
rxlmdy f.ild I was a perfect j
ml t&m
It may mean
after years.
a tragedy in
Has your child crooked or
ill-shaped teeth? Are they
uneven? Can Its food be prop
erly masticated?
Are you careful in the food
given, that Ibe much r.ei ded
nourishuunt to the growing
child is not in any way hind
ered? m
That strong, sturdy founda
llun lhat is built up In cliit.l
limn; niians much to the
health, huppltiess nnd success
in the future.
The most cxacfccrated de
formity of the tivtli c;in be
corrected if taken In time -don't
neglect J our children's
(iimlitiite of
( blcngil. New
Dental Sur;
iork ( lly
Dr. II. R. Nerbas
lliono S. Msi,:iic Itldg
Our treat come nnd get
thines to eat
A nrA v.c,,ic".v:.r2 viT-rTt take a'
body's word fib u. an article as im
portant a3 an oil co.'k stve-
She wants to c;c for lv:r'.cu"-!i:!t
works and what s jrt of results :t g:
We don't blame lur.
Sh is right.
That is why we arc demonstrates
the Florence 0.1 Cook Stove m
window. ,
An expert cook is doing a!! '-s
cooking right before your ey
serving everythini; CM''S
can judge the results.
Every good luiut':ccr'-f '
terested and should r.:c it a P
to see this dcnioni-at:.'".
this n eck.
tiii i f Jl y. kJ i n '
child "