Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 11, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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    ROM311W1 TEWH-RgVIET, TVI'STVIY. APRIT, 11, 102-3.
. II I
When "No" Is Good Sometimes
Isn't It Better At All Times?
a creat many people have learned to say "No"
t Jffl noon and at night-learned rt at
TrtteleateTtoy 5?t,XS5
rthmSfnave nd a most sati
facjory '-Yes" in Postum.
Pimm's full, rich flavor delights the taste
mtTall the demands for a hot, meaUune
SrwTSd "contain! no element thai t can harm .
SdT Even little children may share the.
Sffs of hot cup of Postum with any meal.
Whether or not the thein in tea or the cafTeina
.XffV has begun to serve warnings on you,
prStSfth. experience of others and by
formation which any doctor on give you
End charm without harm in Postum.
SBppose you make the test for ten days, with
Wdl.made Postum, and compare the feel wuh .
your former experience with tea and coffee.
Your (rrr sells both forms of Postum: Instant Postom
(in Jns) rad. instantly in the cup by th. addition . o boil- .
ne m? foBlum C.real (in pack., of larger bulk, for
to who prefer to mak. th. drink wBitoth. meal bdng
epareJ) mad. by boiling for 20 minutes.
Postum for Health
"There's a Reason"
Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Creek; Michigan
Sanitary Dairy
Use more milk, the best body and health builder in the
i line.
It's not what you say that makes good milk, it's the
ility of the milk in your bottle. We have it None bet-
Riddle Ships
Car of Broccoli
Hidden la today shipping the flint
Cfirload of broccoli ever sent out of
that -valley. The car Is being load
ed under tiie personal direction of O.
V. Logtxlon, who Is being assisted by
Mack llutner and Willis Klnley. who
are experienced In the new style of
loading which la being adopted this
year. The car Is being shipped thru
the I'nipqua Drocroll exchange. The
broccoli growers In that district are
Peter Dldtel, Smith Brothers. O. V.
Logsdon, H. H. llorton, S. 11. Rock
hill and several others. Rlddjle Is
destined to become one of the lead
ing broccoli centers of the Umpqua
valley as the soil there la well adapt
ed to the growing of this crop, while
the climatic conditions there are
good. The heavy frosts which did
some damage In and aronnd Rose
burg, did not touch the Riddle com
munity with any severity.
The growers of the Riddle vicinity
are planning to make . large increase
In acreage next year. It Is probable
that several more cars will be shipp
ed out of that district this season.
The, wet cold weather of the past
few days has caused light receipts In
the broccoli shipping centers. The
crop is coming on slowly as a result
of the cold anij wet and the demand
has grown far out of proportion to
the supply. The market l very
atrong, Mr. Butner of the Umpqua
Exchange states, and a great deal
more broccoli conld be disposed of
than Is available.
Better repairing for less raouey at
the Booterte.
Fine System of
Studio Described
, from a
VI IC UU 1 a. 1U1 WVb.L llll"
HrtT TDr.QG mi 7TVJ ?
i 1 1 f u. u a i m .. u m m m j a vb ft. vi
Good Friday, April 14th
"Camera Craft," second largest
photographic publication In the Unit
ed BtMea, published at San Francisco
carried a lengthy article In the last
issue, prepared by the Clark Studio
of this city. Graphic Illustrations
also prepared by the management of
the studio, appear with the article,
which has to deal with the bookkeep
ing system and other accounts of the
focal firm. Many fine comments
j have been received by Chas. Clark
I from readers of the magazine aa well
'as the publishers themselves. The
1 Increase and decrease in business
i caused by climatic conditions, holl-
day rush, etc., la graphically shown
' anil Is very Interesting to the ama-
I teur as well as the professional pho-
' tographer. It is stated that Clark's
i studio has the most perfect system of
I accounting of any studio on the
1 coast.
Better repairing for less money at
the Eooterlo.
'-' . . , . . .
There are no "Set
Speeches" in our
Used Car Department
Every car has its own
history,its own limita
tions and its own ad
vantages. We tell you
soand even the in
experienced buyer
knows at once that he
can count on square
J. 0. Newland & Son
EW frundi ry
- day and still on
good terms
with the
eld. Mf'
l Jl I I ,1
proving with every Issue. It 1b
a many sided newspaper. In talking
with one of our leading citizens In
which we mutually agreed upon the
excellence of our county seat paper,
we spoke of the comic sections, and
again we agreed as he said, "Yes, 1
read every word of 1'rune Plckln's.
It Is fine and ye ed. Is a literary
genius who would win laurels writ
ing on any subject." Again he voiced
our sentiments. . X. X.
I- gravel, sand and river sedi
ment, or excavating work, phone
157-R. A. &. Wallace Saud A Gravel
Z. V. Conwell,. formerly of the
Knight Shoe Store of Portland and
the Hamilton Department Store of
Albany, has accepted a position in
the shoe department at Fisher's store
In this city and la moving here with
his family to locate permanently. Mr.
Conwell has had a great deal of ex
perience In the shoe business and is
an expert In this line.
The aerial for the radio apparatus
recently purchased by Bellows Store,
Is being built today. Mr. llellows to
day received word that the balance
of his apparatus has been shipped
and should arrive here soon. Ho
hopes to be able to give the first
concert on Saturday night.
Ladies' half aolcs for 11.00 at the
Booterie. Bettor repairing for less.
We have read with Interest the
varied expressions of the courthouse
problem, and we are pleased to note
that It may be placed on the ballot
at our nomination election, and the
decision will be made by the voters
of our county. And as we argue in
favor of our sex, we feel sure they
will favor a new courthouse and one
worthy of the resources of Douclas
county. So extensive are our Indus
tries and so Tarled are our sources
of mineral wealth, that the actual
necessity of a new courthouse and a
splendid structure so beautiful as
our county seat of Roseburg can well
afford, is only a duo meed of appre
ciation to our hourly Increasing
population. Let us raise the figures
to three hundred thousand dollars,
and the measure on our nominating
ballot will carry It on to victory. And
. our women voters will all be cam
i palgn workers, see! And a new
courthouse will arise Thoenlx-llke to
replace the one that, has done such
faithful service in "earlier years. And
we should cremate the poor old used
up Jail, sacred to the memory of the
hermit Dennis Russell, who died In
innocence, and we all regretted his
sad death.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brown have
a baby daughter, born March 27.
The Glendale P.-T. A. met last
Tuesday in recular session. They
transacted business of Importance,
also enjoyed a flno program. Mrs.
Helma Stranno is their president,
and they will greatly benefit our
popular and excellent school faculty
there is no doubt. On Friday they
met and commenced the work of
clearing up and making beautiful
the school grounds.
' Yes, we had snow on Sunday, and
, as we were a little peeved to note,
Lower California had their first
snow storm the week before. Wo
were afraid they were Infringing on
j our rights, etc.
! Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Clarke re
turned homo last week from an ex
tended visit In California.
Many tourists are arriving In this
city, and our hotels are having a fine
run of business.
The Glendale bakery and cafe Is a
very popular and a very desirable
place to get excellent meals, it is
carefully managed and their bakery
goods on the home cooking plan art
enjoyed by a large number of pa
trons. Sunday dinners nnd party
suppers are a specialty. Corner ofl
Church street and Pacific avenue.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlmer have rented
the Reese cottage until they leave
for their mines
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pickett are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vm. Holts
claw this week.
Miss Kthel Nelson has'resumed her
position as accountant at tlvo White
House Grocery, of which Tyrell ft
llewey are the proprietors.
Next week Is court week, and we
fee sure there will be some sur
prlMeu. During a recent nut of town trip
we met most pleasantly Mm. Myrtle
Wnnd snd her daughter. Miss Ruth,
of YonralH. and they gave us cheer-: 1
Ine news of other friends in that lo
cality. !
i The News-Review, yes, It Is lm-i'
The city's parking ordinance Is
being very well observed, a careful
( heck made yesterday shows. The city
marshal spent practically all day yes
terday checking un on local cars, and
out of the large number only four
violations wero reported. These four
violators wero brought into the city
court and after pleading guilty were
reprimanded and allowed to coniri
bute to the city's charity fund. This
Is a fund created by small offenders,
who ha,ve committed no violation
worthv of a Bertous nne, ana me
recorder keeps a small bank on the
desk Into which contributions may
be dropped by such offenders. .The
money is turned over to institutions
of a charitable nature and no record
is made on the city books.
To the Voters of Douglas County,
1 hereby announce my candidacy
on the republican ticket for the
office of County Judge at the
Drimarv pleettnn m Iia IimM nn ihn
support upon my record as County
Judge for eleven months, and also
upon my record as Sheriff and Tax
Collector of Douglas County for ten
years. If I am nominated and elect
ed I will discharge the duties of my
offiou faithfully and endeavor to con
duct the affairs thereof as economi
cally as Is consistent with good busi
ness Judgement, equalise the assess
ments so aa to distribute the tax
burden moro evently and see that one
hundred cents' worth of work Is re
ceived for every dollar expended In
the construction of roads, and that
the bond money shall be oxpended
where it was voted by the people of
this county.
(Paid Adv.) GEO. K. QUINE.
This is My
Big Yield Tool
t"W"OU can control the yield more by the work
X you do before planting than by any work you
may do afterward. The Culti-Packer, following good
plowing and discing, puts the land in just the right
condition to encourage quick germination and rapid
growth. It docs work that no other tool will do. I've
proved this every year since I started to use the Culti-
i-acKer Demna my rorason Tractor.
I hereby g-nounco my candidacy
for the republican nomination for the
ofTlce of county surveyor at the prl
mury election to be held on May 19,
1922. If I am nominated and elect
ed I will during my term of olfloe
render an efficient, economical and
courteous administration and will
make a complete duplicate record of
all surveys as required by law, and
will work for the best Interest of the
voters and taxpayers of Douglas
(Paid Adv).
A That's an experience typical of thousands of users in
this community and elsewhere.
To the Voters of Douglas County:
I hereby announce my candidacy,
on the republican ticket, for the
office of County Surveyor at the pri
mary election to be held on tho 19th
day of May, 1922. i
I have been connected with this
office about one half of the time
since 1911, and for the past ten
years have been engaged on highway
and land surveys. I have thoroughly
studied tho laws pertaining to prop
erty lines, and if nominated and
elected, I will employ enough effi
cient help so that applications for
surveys will receive prompt atten
tion. I will make legal and accurate
surveys, durably marked on the
ground, and file complete and accur
ate records In both tire surveyor's
and clerk's office. I ask your sup
port upon my record for honesty and
fair dealing with those who havo
previously employed me .throughout
the county. JESSE W. COLE.
(Paid Adv.). ,
I hereby announoe myself a can
didate for the republican nomination
for County Commissioner at the pri
mary convention to bo held on May
19, 1922. I pledge myself to a pro
gressive and economical administra
tion nnd will do all within my power
for a reduction of the tax burden.
(Paid Adv.). EDWIN WEAVER.
Is giving: Plain massage 60c, vi
brator massago 75c, French pack and
other special facial treatments, $1.
Scalp treatments with hot oil, mas
sago and shampoo, $1.60. Scalp
treatment with tonic rub nnd violet
ray, $1.60. Hours from 9 to 12 a.
m., and 1 to 5: 30 p. in. Appoint
ments for other hours made by
phoning 212-J.
.XITIt'B FDll IIH'" Kill! STBKKT I'l-
i'ito i;n:-i'.
Hcalerl preJiOHulit will be reeeived lv
the underalKiied l his fllee In tho
lty Itnll In the I'lty et Koiu-blirK.
lireKun, i:p to ;", "Vlerk p. in.. Siittir
M.iv, April I:'-'-. fr l''e improve-
nient ef Mailren., avenue fr the
north line ef Mint.iry el reel l. the
north line ef Lille, Ml street, in the I'lly
ef KoKi-lmrK, hr, K"tl, in the nmnm-r
provide,! hy I li l! :i ' nee No. ;.",:.
All hlls imiM te pulimltl.-'l hp"ll
hlBiik forms w h, :i will be fnrst he,l
upon lipplhatP'n to tho urelerMK'"-'!.
anil mul ho a ,,n,panle,l hy 11 -,-rti-lle'l
cheek eivni,l. to the City Treas
urer for five per ',111 of the hid, to he
forfelLeil to the i';ty In the event s:,ll
hid is accept. '1 mot the hlll'ter ftmll
fall to enter into eontriH t oih! hotel
with ttie rttv le , ,-nlliiif to Hie ternm
of said hlil. A I ' ' 'I of Hi" pi-r cint ef
the contract, xiitl.'.tetory In III" I 'it V.
w ill he rcpilr. 'l f tllO eottt I fe tor. 't he
1 1 111 e ftt.-itct In t' proposals for t"
colnph tioli of II . work will he corifl'l
ere,l In nwi. nllt.- the contr:nt.
The Council r- ' ves the riKht to re
le. 1 nv lol ii M e,'lx.
mmon i mini u.
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the republican nomination
for County Commissioner, subject to
the will of the voters at tho primary
May 19, 1922.
I believe in tax reduction and re
trenchment along all lines where
possible. I believo in giving the tax
payers value received for their
money, and that every road district
111 the county should have Its Just
share of road money.
Also believe in developing tjie re
sources of the county along practical
business lines.
If elected I promise an active ad
ministration of the county's affairs.
I'd. udv. C. O. GARRETT.
These Questions
Might Puzzle
Thos. A. Edison
(Continued from page one.)
was Loon Idas? Xerxes? Who was
Cicero? Niimo one of Ills contem
poraries. Can you locate the North Star?
The lilg Dipper? Casseopla's Chair?
The Plleades?
A mother sent her boy to the river
to get seven pints of water. She
gave him a three-pint vessel and a
five-pint vessel. Show how the boy
can measure out exactly 7 pints
without guessing at the amount. Uo
gin by filling tap five-pint vessel.
What Is meant by tho closed shop
nnd the open shop?
What Is scientific management?
What in the long run determine
the value of wheat?
How Is tho relatively high wfige
scale In tho United States to be ex
plained and what limits are there In
the determination of wages? -
A man said: "I nlwaya buy my pa
per of the smallest newsboy." What
Is wrong with his , principle of conduct?
Why do free menls pauperizo, hut
not free libraries?
Just what Is unsound with tho pro
position: VThls couple are unhappy
together, thereforo let them be di
vorced nnd go their separate ways?
Of what use are 1 saves?
Why does a plant produce flowers?
Namo the five principal human
food. crops and tell in what countries
they are produced In large quantities.
Give ft brief statement explaining:
What are vitamlnes? What did Rose
Ronheur do for agriculture? What
la butter, and how Is It produced?
From what part of the animal Is por
terhouse steak obtained? From what
animal la veal obtained? Ftoui what
source is Bilk obi&ined?
In what continent or xone did the
following originate? Irish potato,
inn ire, tobacco, coffee.
What country controls: Hongkong,
Suez Canal, Greenland, principal Is
lands of the East Indies?
What great engineering project
for the development of the middle
west is now being advocated?
What Is promissory note? A
mortgage? A bond? A stock cer
tificate? A contract? A tort?
What Is the common law? Equity?;
Name six forms of money In circu
lation in the United States.
How Is the freedom of the press
guaranteed in this country?
What are three essentials for good
What Is tho normal pulse rate? '
What is the normal temperature?
l!y what Is the tone of the voice
produced; vibrations of the pharynx,
tho larynx, or in the mouth?
Who wroto Old Dlack Joe?
County Clerk I. D. Riddle was today
forced to refuse a marriage license
to (1. W. Tucker of Medford and
Mat tie M. Reeks of Forest Grove.
The girl had not established a resi
dence in this county and consequent
ly the clerk was unable under tho
law to Issue tho desired license. .
Among those registered at the Ho
tel Douglas are tho following: C A.
Lessnrd and family. Los Angeles: F.
K. Ott and wife. Seattle; 11. J. Car
ter, Canynnvllle; .1. G. Pickett,
Agella. Oregon; R. E. Pickett and
wife, Chicago; and J. and 11. Carb,
I. os Angeles.
Ml nnw ciAsirifc:r AnvriiTinaciiKATH wii.i, rouno on iat
U Ai JS W A NT K I I 'oi d( ia rn KC
V A NTK1 -A lnViTt 2,', ll.n. fnh cottaK!
cht'ciUt pi-r Wf'k, t'n fHorlH.
t'Vl H h ri, U Uli wants pia to wm k fur
tmard nnd rtMiiii. 1'lionu' :I.1-jU
i"OttNJ CiIruITp ur'a llcenso ItmlKc
Owner may havo saino hy Rpplylntf
to tlilw nrtlcp nnd paying fur itiv.
Tho price reduction on Universal
Tiro Filler, effective April 1st,
15',', cut. 324 Cass St.
WuMAN wnntrd to k''p houso for an
oIU-'rlyluily.J Ifl NorUi .q St.
WAN'TKI roy fr yonri nuin to wurk
ofi fnrm.JtuyiT Hion. 1'huiio H-I-'l 4.
POSITION wniitl ty -xp r ton '!
ltniKrnphr K imtiiI i(TU tilil.
AJtrots l li.L.Nt wjj-Hi view.
VANTi:i F. w tnrk. y " ok KM f'r
hati IiIuk. Statu kind mid pru. .
li. ;arri tt. ;u-nri.tlo, t r-Kn.
W A NIK I Tti rout ft imall farm or
pii'H nf lit Apply t- Walt. r lt.)l-
ll'r,Hr Lluyd M-Mhai t.StarIU.
UXTKiti KNVkl " kr. p. r and "
. uoiintaiit wants ovtu1 Miinl tifta uf
Ijcioka tu kui p un uwn tiinu. Addrt-'uu !
Ut. 1, llux Irti-A. j
NVANTKI I topondn lilu man fur farm
find r'HHru work. r. poriuiircit ) n
UpTHtlriK" pWT HpiaviT. (ir-un
firuworn la kliiK ''urpomtlnn, Kuo,-hurtr.
Ilv url-r of i 1 1
lat-d April l ",
Ito'-ordtT of lip
U. L. M'im'IM.K.
Oily it Itn!" burif.
NOTiri; for tun', foh Tiir.Kr im
i'iio i:kt.
HaN-d prT'"' il- will lo r-oifI i
tho iiii'l''rfinii "I
citr M.tll in tl.o
T' lTfin. UP l' "i ' "
dnv, April 2'2, I ' of Uir tr
of M.itn ntn-.t I
Strpluiil ( i
ItiirdT. Orriffin, lii
hy Oriifniinr N".
All bi'lw must
Mftnk form w:'
upon Hppll'-ittjoii
ntwl rntiMf h 1
fled rlii'i k pnvaiii
itrr for Pvc p -r
f'.rfrlt.-d in the c
'.Id In H"rtd -full
to n1'T in'"
with th ' Itv fl'
.f tiaid I. id. A I
( ho ontra' I . ;it '
! l!l If r-u iir.-.i -
tlrno iii'i'i'l In 1 1
i i ornph : ion "f '
i t 'I if n t rut
Th roun -!l r-
" t hhv ;tn! rt'1
IIV ord.T ,.r ti
I:tt. rl April ,
9 "r.T.T of I!m
Ms rru.- in
'ity of lio. ton if,
o'uloi k p. nv. Nat ur
for tho Improv--
frrnn th" we' 1 i m
1hn oajt l:t!" of
th IIV of
,, mnnr pr.vid d
!o nuttnilttfl upon
will h furni- H'l
tho mnii'tnii!! ed.
ipanlod I'v h. '(-(-
tn lhr "f( v Tr
nt of tho hid. to h"
v In the t-vriii villi
i.d tho hld'lor "' ail
i oQtitrm t and Ti'ui'l
rdlnir tti tli" l' i ni
1 of I'.n t,er ro'
-'-tfry to tlo-
: l ho coin mi' tor. l't
propowaU fur tt-"
w ork w ill hf i on!f! -
hn r'-ipi r i' t
' f ho rik'ht to it -.
''"tnni'.ti C-.iiT.f ii.
C'ily of l;o!einir.
with Fire
fs n pnHfimu that f'w ram to
ImlnU'" in. It in both (luiif-V r-
tis and wnstoful.
Tho koynnto tf civic ontorprisu
today i firo provont tun.
II y takliiK ordinnry pnTuuilftn.i
thn yearly tot-s by fir din bo
KK'atly r diicod.
AdM tn your firo irovntaivn
nioas-iroB ftafu:trl of
Btiniclont lire fnsiirniirf mil
ynu nn dfnibly pritoctt'd
Hirninst Iimh.
Our liii! ftp hh Ih fir; proynnttim
nnd firo InRiirnnoo. Wo mnln
ttiln nuparnto duptirtinoiit for
tnsnrHnci nnd wo tan olTor you
t ho bout possible sorvlco.
Lot im h"lp ou wiih your
hui ancu.
Insurance Brokers
I'OU liKNT VUino. Mrs. Cliaa. Ilrand.
J'lioiio Jll-Kft. .
1IL KK.NT i furnlshyd houst-kooplivtf
n 'I'iii''- s - L1 1 1 1,rt';t ,,t
I'' lt KKNT rndorwuod type writ yr
NiiS. MllHt. ,
K(H ItKNT Safety foslt boles.
Hoto.hurjx National Itank.
IK tf i,ms Kurtilwlird housf keopinn, and
FU-oplliK. Wltll batll 112 W. I NHIHln
I'OU ItKNT Two 2-ruurii f in ni.-.iu;d
a par i nunti. jlutln. rhon 212-J.
I'dlt ItKNT T7i r.ponslhlo" "pnrtr 7
room modern lum, completely fur
n!thod, with Kunnif, t'lono In. Mill
li'iin fur six month. 1'lmno 206-V,
or nll at :UL' .V. Jn--ks-.n iU.
l-olt SALK 1'ry Mr anfl oak wood.
;,honi! i-KJ2,
KU SAl-K t il 1 ;.VI i Stump puller7aeo
WANTKD, TlMltKl Will tUn
bor ii h full or part pay on ranch In
jottepniiio Ut., on pavcn niKiiwuy;
arhuol on pin- I'i'U'o lio.ouu.oo.
Addroas k'. O. liuJt CSO.
VAN'TI;1k-i:..k1 M-.ond band IlKh't au
toinohilH, cuupf UHililel'. Addn-?t
A If I t e .N.-Ws-l:.--. leU . Ml at I HI '
m-iv f..- ft.'on A'di ti.WA &-ronii plastorod hoiiais
'1 . ' r prl and tonus riuht. Inuulra bi
HKI.P VAM'i;i j'.ikN 1H npw.nd. South Main St. 4
for t,'overniTi-rit offi'f pn.-UlonH, 1 1 Tt; . ., , -
l'tm HALK Hay. Kd. nbower Urcliard
Tnt l. 1'huno 2ti-l'3.
1'l.Ni: t()V for Baly.
I 'r- iu U Trftn.nfor urTl-n.
l ul( S.M.K ( htap. New SlnKur WW
inif mat Mine. l'lrio 21-J.
i'( Ut SAU-; t'M KAI'ilas" r:illKJT15'"u3
nun n hi. ) ii I'llio rt.
Tor fr- list
wnto .1. 'ii i
vh o r-Xiin iiM ri
W'HHhlnn'on. I'
"i. ionn now
r i"
!! (I . pi un r
, iu i;.juiti
t ti I 'I.
hIi soon. A-l iuwa. I'buno
bin lib Ik.. ' 1 ,,f N
in; iii.h nine.
Misri:i lai:oi h.
VK IM-y o. T H'KS V il. anlr.lnic d-
j i nn lent . s- t n M'lii'iii.
TAIIiillNn anfl rtro-fint .kii n ".f all
kinds. R.'i H Mam Mn flut hrldK.
Tfl'liiiM-MltliKKI' v hull fur
vi. it:- . i:. m i-.ii.u. ii,
run" tkahi; i ' it. a f-u- i
rinid ii'o pr i. i i In-iiilfe
lr.-,.k Sal- - St .
V"K K.iH - .1 -; I lr- h
M.rtliK-le. li I ur-.A ..( n H
un plow. i ,. Mivp o i.
W 'hlte lf.ot.irV SeW -
li.s.ju. u; N. Jrtkon
tath; lot
irartiir-; hoi
t in
V.'Kl Hid-. I
b-.tuo at a
k II Mtil
SA1,K-.".M Italian priliio tree. J
p.-mdi roots, wdl routed, f;t.3o.
I'-l'.tu, 1 'tun ilio.
I 'i 1 1 S A l.K - T am. 1 a i ti. f w u' ii
and loninir outnt. or win tradu for
1 .r.l. W. K. I'ariatid, A7.aU-rt, Or.
I inpnua I J'i: .-'A l.K -S.Vf.ral k"I brood -tons
! mMi pun. Also in p:m. ft and -i
"f.iir"' ' ' 1 1 1 - l.indhiom. 1 1 m n ill',
at In or , I H; SAI.K -A tin.- lot of frr.-h AkI
I Nu loan milk Koat h I' or pri-e, io.t
write .1. I. Ku.n h.TU le r. l ir
l'tlt SAI.i; il loom tioiin.-. imitli ru
i onveiii. tc i Hani, Pj '...ti. 'I erum.
injii Miiitnr si , v -t ;-.. 'huri.
Ii U SAI.I'. Seed balloV Mild He, d oatV,
mImo t'-.irn, w:iKui Jin.l hum. '.-8: h1ju
1- .'a of win. ,11
Sale S!IlliP'V.
m:i;!;' i r is
for 1
V, il h .
land, i
. to'iiit-- j. ' 'j L
liOHT AM) Koirn.
Fnrr Km h. r - ph-i.
pn ,to t ali :it i 1 1 " '':''' . d"
d Mi
t .
'Jit t
ii n
a fr.-t ;
m nnd
s. Tills
See It
i 'in. lie
Tritu' U,
nnd llj in
M:. k pit
i t!f. S l.i: la Yo
a r. i l.. :.Hl,n )m
. r . I
p." II.
WhI f. ll for 1
h I'
I nr.
,Ut fllWP
M Mil n'. .L.
Iluiii4uu til-, vst lv4..Luti;.
no. d:
: - I w
I.;.! p.
h - I-