PAGE FTOHT nwinrwi rTwfl-TtTTrpw. frttat, Aran; t, ing!!. Easter, week from Sunday . "The Store Jhat Does the Business" Shoe Department Now Finely STOCKED FOR EASTER Spring Materials in Largest Assortment in the tity Do Easter Shopping Now! COATS, CAPES, SUITS Popular Styles in Season's NEWEST COLORS all to go by EASTER T Fi OR REPRESENTATiV E A ' . . . 5 Local Banker Seeks vomica! The Promise of a Bright Easter Brings Forth Charm of New Clothes Easter Coats New conts of soft velvety materials and top-coats tbut are particularly mod ish now, are ph-ntirul in our Btock and as attractive as found anywhere. Also our atockf always larger and your cliolce the greater. Coats In all prices from $9.85 to $49.00 ' Easter Capes How churtnlng those drap ing capeB roll-collared, rlch-bued, fur like In tex ture, a feature of this Eas ier season a wide range of prices. Easter Suits Any woman attempting to keep a well balanced ward robe, must bavo a suit In fashion and we have tweeds, trlcotlneB, twills all wanted materials In the trim tailored styles that are most popular. Priced from $12 to L1. Easter Dresses klauy new shipments bavo arrived Id the last few days with garments especially bought for Easter. Sassy Jane, Korrect, and other high grade Ureses, in silk, wool and summer materials, at the new lowered prices. Easter Blouses A notable fashion this Eas ter the new organdy and voile, embroidered blouses. In brilliant shades of reds, blues, yellows or white. Our blouses are correct and low priced. EASTER SHOES Shoes set off too costume of any lady. A poorly-fitting or awk ward shoe or one not In taste or style detracts from the effect of a beautiful dress, while the correct shoo, properly fitting and exact in style, sets it off as no other partlcluar feature. We have shoes for every purpose. For Easter wear we suggest our John Kelly, Boyd Welch, Muxlue or Queen Quality pumps or oxfords. All prices. Easter Corsets For the correct foundation of your Easter clothes In the present day fash Ions, our ample stocks of Oossard, K. & c, and Nemo corsets will Burely satisfy. Our expert corse tlern to fit yon. Easter Neckwear Charming Is the note a dainty piece of neckwear, resting and lace cuffs gives to your KaBter costume. Our line well worth seeing. Easter Silk Hose We have for Easter, silk hose, featuring as ever, the Buster Brown, In all colors, even Polo, that new shade and the wearing qualities of this bos wo put against any other made. Any grade to suit your purse. Easter Ginghams, Voiles 'In ginghams, voiles, or gandies or silks, the season able fabrics, our stock la the largest we have ever as sembled, and none larger or more beautiful In the city. Easter Gloves The long .silk and fabric gloves In oolors from silver to beaver, brown and black, are now In for Easter. These are the featured styles for Eas'er gloves. Office at Hands of the Republican Voters. FOR REDUCED TAXES Announces llllilHelf to be 111 Fuvor of Ixmcr Tuves, Fewer Eoartls Bin! Coinmiwilon, and a General Economy In State Evpemliturca. 1 - '- i- "r i . . . J i . i ' John M. Throne of the Umpqua Valley Dank of Koseburg today yield ed to the insistent urging of friends that he become a candidate for the office of state representative from Douglas county, and will seek the nomination for this office at the hands of the republican voters of the county at the coming primary elec tion. Voters who have realized that there Is a great demand for men who have been successful in business to take positions of power and In fluence In the county and state gov ernment, have been urging Mr. Throne for some time to allow his name to go on the ballot, but because of the great amount of business which falls upon him in his work with the banking institution which he has built up he has previously declin ed to run. Today, however, he agreed that he would make the race and has announced himself as a candidate. Ills petitions will be prepared at once and placed In the hands of the vot ers. Mr. Throne was raised on a farm and knows the problems confront ing the agriculturist, and has recent ly been engaged In farming In this county and Is at the present time Interested in a 30 acre prune orchard. Ten years ago Mr. Throne organized the Umpqua Valley Bank which he has made one of the most successful financial Institutions of southern Ore gon. He was for two years chief clerk of the department of Insurance of the state of Oregon. In his statement to the voters Mr. Throne says: "If I . am nominated and elected I will, during my term of office, work for lower taxes, which are Imperative to develop our natural resources and to safeguard agricul ture and Industry from loss and ruin ation, fewer laws: and smaller appro priations; fewer boards and commis sions; and a general economy in all state expenditures to reduce our tax burden." Mr. Throne Is a staunch republican and for many years has been an earn est worker In the political affairs of that party. Winchester Bridge Condemned by Court ELITE 1IEAUTY FARLOlt J. Is giving: Plain massage DOc, vi brator iiiatwago 75c, French pack and oilier Hiwclal facial treatments, Jl. .Scalp treatments with hot oil, mas sage and shampoo, $1.50. Scalp , No vehicle wclghiug moro than five Tons with load, will be allowed to .treatment with tonic rub and violet . ,, . , ,, . ray, ji.ou. jtours irom to n a. cross the present highway bridge at I m anii , , 6:30 , App,n, Winchester, according to an order Is- i menta for other hours made by sued today by the county court. This phoning 2 12-J. bridge was condemned two years ago ; p yj)" ,r"T """1,;")"!r1ll,s '"'"J I Mrs. Arthur Dennlson, and daugh unsafe for travel and the state IHkIi- ., ,.,.,,,, , K'oslblir ,, LEGION TOST IJVYS HOUR. I nfternoon from Grants Pnss and will make an extended stay hero. They I will be at home at 507 Pltzer street. o Mrs. Elizabeth Pchoffen, ex-nun, of making this bridge safe but the county is now making repairs and Improvements which will make the tirlflirn Uitfil fur nrilln nrr tmttn f,,r the present time. Plans are now be- iwl" "n'"k l,t ,ho Adventist church in tng prepared by the state brldgo do- ! "'"eburg at 11 a. m. Saturday partment for a new structure to re- morning. placo tho present bridge and n nr-w I rue may be built during the coming summer. 1'nlll the present structure Is replaced no loads of more than five Dance tonight tit Macr.ihee tons will be permitted to cross, and n,,n' 10 12 ,,,r G,,c- Music by notices to tills effect have been posted 1)1,1,1 " Svncopators. at each approach ami notification sent tho highway commission. q . In fiHn (Jleiulnle Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hayes, resl ltctter snoa repairing fur less dents of tilendnle. spent several hours inonev. tAdle halr-solce 1. UO. tiere today attending to busliies nf- ltosobttrg Bnotwrle. i fairs and shopping TACOMA, Wash., April 6. Scenes of enthusiasm marked the unani mous adoption of a resolution au thorizing the purchaso of the Tacoma Soldiers' and Sailors' club building and property by Edward 13. Rhodus post, American Legion, at a meeting last night. , . The deed was signed today and tn possession of tho rropertj torfflallj transferred to the Legion by the liar Camp Community Service. The con sideration is $30,000, loaned by anonymous friends of the post for an Indefinite period without acof ity. uecordlng to Commander De Witt M. Evans. OPEN FIREPLACE A NUISANCE Woman of Past Generation Contlct rtd tht Hug Affair of Thot Day a Unnecessary. HOT CROSS BUNS Good Friday, April 14th Model Bakery GET YOUR ORDER IN EARLY Nowadays one of tu most convinc ing proof that you cun glv to Oi (act tbut your city apartutunt 1 of the highest class and unllk Ui wrdj nary Is to say that it bu "epaa ur placa." Even a slagl "open Ora- f j place" In en apartiuvat l uvugb to raise u iruui urn saetliif uajwlty. And. wf course. wba w draw of owning t bouae la Ike utrf uat of us, sin est f ta w m, ckidk ai as fpD firoplso m a slat fua t e stcii an abvii. But nur granduiethvt Bi4 aa uj eplDlous of opn Irtpla. Opon Srplac4 wr a real huiulll atlva to lit wwmsa wb kd Uaa U bar bout SO ;uri r aiurn ag. leant that failing prvalld in Uilji country. A small grul Or, that hH a fvvv ahoruis of coul was luaUiai niattr, but Ui sort f lruUc whara H""1 sr-J uuio UVI burned acro Br.dug, wu-w. JZ"!" 5! ii was on m ik vruUUiu Uiat ui I tvu sai.k rersuos did twt Ilk l .au. Tas, Uiar was a tUua whaa a rraokJla AROIX1) THH TOWN. V 111 tnn Rural III.ti1ct Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Critzer. resi dents of the rural district near town, were visitors here today. Here from IllddJe Dr. R. w. Lnngley of Riddle came to this city today to spend several hours atending to business matters. Hero from YnncAlla Dr. R. F. VcKalg, of Yoncalla, mot ored to this city today to spend a few hours attending to business matters. Mrs. P. Morrow, of Riddle, under went a very serious operation in tin Mercy hospital here this morning. t)rs. Sether and Stewart are In charge of the case and Mrs. Morrow Is doing aa well aa can be expected. In from (Dcvcbuid Mrs Russell Fleser of Seattle who is visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Homer of Cleveland, was a visitor In this city today for several hours while visiting friends and shop ping. ttttft NEW XOPAV. 4 KAi-.S WANTiU' Kurd Oarugc. SAI.Iv-'rusn! veal, weight 60 Iba. will deliver. Tel. 1T5-K. IST -Oold triHch pin. with red act. Uay atJ.'11 o(Tk-e. Itewurd. Foil ItlCNT Two 2-rnom "furnished afartinntw. in. 1'hunt; 212-J. rxill SALE ii,ap. Sr: Slnier'scw' lngnichlne l'honJtl:-J. UkST- llunrh . ( keya. nmlir return ttfSi'W-ILf tw office. $llL wurtl. fll SALK -S nVlctrola. cath " or turma. sOi t Itie St. mobllu In first elnsa harR-dln. Aildresa ewa-ltevlew. Italian Drune tr,'H it-. I'a. h r. , t. wall routed. 13 50 Llndblom. l-nnnvllja; ... . .. F.A1.IV i . i three apiMMi ii.irlev- ... . arUiu atar w caaali)- l'avld.en. ar..rt model: tine . en.ll- rea uior ef an rnaiaaot ta tb wail. ,lon m'h atiy. Ills. lUri Your doctor will impress up on you that following recovery from the active stage of influ enza, there often remains an in flamed, congested condition of the air passages throat, larynx, bronchial tubes and lungs. Frequently the cough hangs on soreness of the chest per sists you take cold easily and there may be obstinate ca tarrh. This condition is slow to clear up and if neglected may favor the development of pneu monia, or later on, serious dis ease of the lungs. Such cases should continue under the care of their physi cian should exercise moderate ly in the open air eat plenty of wholesome food avoid over work and sudden chills. Nightly applications of Vicks VapoRub may help nature to complete the process of repair. Because Vicks acts locally by PREPARING NOTICES The Aftermath of Influenza This Is No. 1 or a series oTToemr; by a competent physician, explaining Th".0"' eases which attack air Passages ,uVh ru' InriuenZa. Whooping Cough. Measles " MlZ tlnued Cold-often leave these organ. ? lon toncted state, thus affording favorabu.11 ln,;41t Invading germs. And how Vicks VaDolilfooth,i1 5 value in this condition. 4Poltub may bt stimuliitim, rlmu.- the medication tn'iP"11 the .inflamed a'-N "--vo siiou a bo K,U thickly and c'Z nel cloth, t ;. " to:' loose aroundlef: bed cloth. .Ir. form of a funTel u i j ""ik mav be fr haled. If the court it Size nf n ra. ul - fa. S.QTVl-,lnn ...III I Chemical Company. Gr;; County Clerk I. B. Riddle Is quite busy getting out the notices and oth er material for the orlmary election to be held on May 19. There are a large number of officer to be tilled and there will be a groat many candi dates In the field. At the present time the printing of the notices is being held up by the delay in infor mation for Reedsportcj number nf nnn . . voted upon. Trimmed ban, priced iir. Easter wear. Bell MillmT I . I II Ll J'lB a aae ' .. """ujoi anasonic visltiriff conipintr-m jr K. a. wn.y.x til TflM "4 nr. Wa I hit nnmt 1 Oc SMi 25t iMiaa.aanaaaiii hi TONIOHT aaaaaa 5 , 9 THIS IS YOUl IiAST ClUNX'G TO SKE 4 paction Men Watch Step. Section men are known for their deliberate movements. Tboy uover gat In a hurry unless there Is some argent work to be done. As long as they are on tho go they ore supposed to be working fast enough. Track workers on the subway lines are oven more deliberate In their movements than men employed on Tegular railroads. Where the uld-tlm section workers had tu look out for fliers and occasional freight tralus, the subway track nieu have to be on tlie watch for express and local trains pasting every few minutes. In addi tion, they've got to buv a car for the third raU. In crossing the tracks very movement 1 tukea with the deatb-dallng current always In mind. A hurried, reckless step might eud faUilly. Probably la ne ether Ho of work Is eOlcitncy so meuaured by alow work. ELINOR GLYN'S FAMOUS SCREEN STOftY THE GREAT I STARRING GLORIA SWABi Royal Parish Church. Although St. Martlns-lu-the-Fleldl (Londou, England) one the Royal farta church baa just celebrated its 200th anniversary under Unt Royal aegis, iHa church stands ou a U consecrated cnturie before. Tb first organ usd In tb pratuiit build ing was purchased by Ueorg I, v. bo bad the royal arms worked la relief en til portico. Soon after It erec tion the church wns thus referred to in a ptWodical wf tb tlaj: Tb tuuabltauts am aw supplied with a decant takerna!, which raa produce at htndseui a aliw of whltt htnda, diamond rings, pratty snutf heirt, and gilt prarar koc4is at any cathedral, sayt tb Ia!ly Chrnulcl. If In ghoatly form b could return soui wt and wintry midnight and it the outcatt refugeei In lbu once jewaUd pens. A TINGLING STORY OK (iYI'SY IiI.(K)D THAT WOOD t MIX WITH BLUE FOR THE GIRL WANTED LIFE, TITLED EASE. AND OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS OF THE WEST, TVRB 1 MIGHTY 1OVH CAME CRASHING INTO HKIt REACT. TO SHE HUT, THERE IS NO USE OF SPOll.INU A GOOD PICIW YOU WILL 1LVVE TO SEE IT TO ENJOY IT ASD THIS B W LAST CHANCE. It's a Paramount Soecial De Luxe and PI in Portland for 50e. Our Prices arejc SATURDAY ONLY I LESTER CUNEO IN "IILVH BI..UH J n mmmikmma'i SEE YOURSELF IN THE MOVIES AT THE ANTLERS THEATRE STARTING SATURDAY, ArRIL NTH, AND Ullu WEEK THESE ARE THE 1'ICTl ItES TAKI V LOUISE LOVELY UPON II EH RECENT AITEAIIANCE HEKF. FtlEO" Wormwood. The kalsar't pet racing yacht wat tb Uanuanla. He kept It at tu Kiel Yacht club and dreamed of world ponar a It carried bitu un cruises. Tb war changad a lot of things. If i LUaJI1 M 1 JA WMJIM3S-TIJH JWU. LJU'JUjajJJ i --Km.Qja j v.X'av.wjLX,TK,a1.TVvavav.'aTa. avtv.tfc'v 'u n caaaij. ivu,. .:..-t model: nnr .eteii-i Ta l reo mora ef aa amiiaact ta il. tien mwhaniraiir. Ills. lUrl. v- K T innTlTl7 rTATin A fl"T " J furm.he.i .irawm. .... 'vl'!'"n.. Agency. :o W.l XI IKMItf I V I aH 14 Ek I Mil J so,, or .i.i.bMb-rr.. ji" .'"""v : changed tb. Germanl. t Il JUf UUi. Ill 1 ILJI I i .wY,7;. "hi'v. 're. i-'a-n ffii?: ' nlto changed the yachf. A Jj wnitmaa. mia'annaaa. oranirati. n. ami wa elicit tn ownership, poiden oodbury nf New 4 : f t ttory ef Whltmn romindng XZiCZTt " T' ,U,,,,rU 00 d 5 ta rraarmn caneentlng th rapid aala , attTtnen t.i vtalla. lui U Ward. '" "oon for a crult in th 5 J J af his ewn trtt lltln (paaalbly sl. I-Mr . o'h 9 rt fifl) fltll 4 r,r; ,,uk"" K'- tVin- rzv?ronm:ri fl?""? ,15,lu iihu"n TA M. I J,t t t I ( J 7. Biaiit f a deep dsalr) aaj kit latnr I itm tin, u in ruitlvatien: 3 tllla Bt bit famous woodpllo In Ilol- 5 S f. flat coulradlctlua of tkat rouiauc. and V". Jn.h ": '"x ,rc,m imi. I land. It's a sufo bet he broke hi taw W m . .. inrnlanaii. g,,, ,1 barn, alio, 40 anaM, l U m, if ... r the (at aituj r dltpa.ed t b)lvr) ...... 2 , . ,., j h.,r. ton ctu k- S discontinued for a while alterations i "- n- iir:,";n-li;,v;;;v' L..d. w.,id. 5 , . . , i drvu. te tay uothlug ef tb ebvleu de. ..... r. rri. . f.'m e. Ilr, i. a There are In th United Statei t. S and improvements to be t IZTZXTVZZ'T1 ri -r !Trf.;r U ,.,an ,uir,-B .na I made before r .:i,.r, .7.?': .,V.V: I - X.u.f .fLltr fur K MXiJKJl JVJtlllir r w""7 ""-n anew .,., -ir K, S I i 1 J!. L-JJJL-L .- X-.'g- J TODAY i him to Lav rai.luej a cklld fomV uea for fabrication Kmrra It.iiin. way. In the Dial. t olut this countrr 1 l.v (, ,i H.ral othrr.. prtd Hht. Tm' I davelei-.l In tl.. nri,l I.. t.rtra .r whlng and rell'I.ln - - . i.m u Htnr.r b t. dav. wfeti or menth other country Is even a close second. Old Eniplr Ke4 llarn. l'hone H4. - f'llll.nlJKV Ktc If 30,000,000 PopU Rad end EcdorH AM) IF AN ALUSTAU CAST TUAI IIH . TH SCREEN YVHAT'S THE A- WHY SIMPLY THIS: THE TUTt ir. WELL THE IMMK IN THIS FAK ll I '-XR -f' "LAVENDER and OLD LA" unit tir.iivi -- r... ,v YOl It EY E WILL DIM 'T" VrVl7 F sM" t Y'Ol K FACE WILL WUEAUU- 1 '(f . T IT0 AS YOU FOLLOW ENTRANCED EU" I1" SILVKU-SHEET. n,,rtT VA FYlMMiH-MT MAGAZINE M " I HOOT CIBSON-inJHE