Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 07, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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r pww
Every man knows
Stetson Quality
It means
Hat Satisfaction.
New Styles
Harth's Toggery
Judge Says Divorces Should
Not be Final for One Year
ISy JCIKiK THOMAS K. tlKAIIAM, vorce sunders this lip, shatters this
.Indue of tho Kiipeilur Court, I fuundution and overthrows this ram
Hnn FnuicbMo. part; and as a last consequence, de-
'( Written for the International Xetvs grades society. If It does not ruin it
Service.) entirely,
SAX FIIANCISCO, April 7. The I "Dissolution of Family."
nrew-nt law denying the final or true, I The very word divorce implies tho
decree of divorce unlil a year shall dissolution of the family. Now, the
have elapsed afler the granting of - living bond of the family consists in
the temporary or Interlocutory de-1 Hie conjugal union of a man and of a
crew works excellent results. Jt
Mocks tho Impetuous "affinity" mar
riage, giving the erring couple time
to realize what they are doing and
the penalty of flying into the face of
decency. Hlnco la tho meantime the
fiction may be discussed at tho mo
tion of the plaintiff, It affords a year's
time in which past grievances may be
Apart from lt9 contradiction, self
ishness, cowardly baseness and
cruelty, divorce Is to be condemned
because It leads to the decadence, the
shame and destruction of the family.
Marriage Is tho bond that holds the
family together. It Is the foundation
and the rampart of the family. JJl-
A Question
.Nuw anil then we sncrlflce a new rnr wile because wo will not
nllow mi execwiive price for a used car. We lo tills for tlio
protection of our patron. If we paid Smith too much, wo
would have to Ret it back from Jones. Hut that would bo
unfair inil we believe In fairness, even If It hurU.
- A Fclv of This Week's Offerings:
llodgo llrotlient
1!U6 production,
had mechanical
Justmentn, paint
tires very good,
Hodge Ilrotliers
Looks like new and Is
lis good as new. l'rlco
ltMlte Hrotlicre
11ii.Iiicn i'nr
lias been driven S 1 76
liiilei. New cord tln-a
nil around. JSD0.00.
Illliik Six
Original finish, pol
ished nicely and in
good mechanical rmi
diiinn; has bcon
driven 9000 miles.
J. 0. Newland & Son
rmm'mmmmmmm'm'mmmmmmm"'m''m''m'e I All vlalilng brothers are Invited to
kmi.mivamm wkmjwwk - "ic w CI,AKK. ou-tator. :
i Don't Miss this Special Sale Ueanlinessf'g;;
f Jf Kit .DKl'ttOK rORTKll, C C ',
i Oil PilloWS, PillOW SHltt, UUnkelH, H " fm, prlnclplo M
W. ' ' 9 4 ,,1( r-1r" r MII-lv- Cleanliness B Meats In oil Kellowa Tempi every; c
f. Quilts and Sheets: S 2 i ur nmt consideration. 4 XVx ll?:x?Zx'Y
9 4 4 4 t'KKl' Mll.I.Kll. N. O. I"
4 5 K Our milk U piuilotirleil. B A. J. ilKPimrt. Re. .;'
K ft f J. R. HAII.KY. Fin. 8o. I"
)? ... , , . 44 lt' S'TI'l proof. It's pure It's 4 fiTlf.'O. Blka. Horc l.odie Ka. iT I ' ',
j If you will ever need them, BUY NOW AT S lu-.ti.-d m tho eioa,9t plant m 4 ITVi ; ;
5 YOUR OWN 1'UICE. Kemember we carry H " IMriwl. tM t ZZ A '.laV!?:? V.1 ; ; :
.li. ii irritxli l WW 1 IHIM. IfWl. W viattlng brMhera gl cwrdlally la- ; , ,
0. the best and cheapest Tents to be found. 4 4 4 uad to an...i. ,,. i
4 5 5 4 pn.tOtvs. b. r. i,,
f ' 4 4 RoseburjJ Dairy and 4 TuBf.p"pTiiBri..-AVpn
DnaaAn! Q.4-r.n. 4 4 Soda Works W. Ina In Hone n alMtra.t 1UIL cornet
r. lie i til i Miiii kLui c: 44 j.:-kaon -w.hintoo an, vmi- t
$7.50 and $10.00
woman. Kroru this union the family
emerges and becomes an Integral part
of society.
The perpetuity of tho family lies
In tho permanance of the union of
the spouses. Take away this perma
nent union and the family dissolves,
breaks up and perishes. Chaos and
anarchy reign under the roof whence
unity and stability have flown.
And divorce brings about this very
effect. It dissolves permanent unity,
untwists the woven cable that holds
together the llttlo domestic frater
nity, and loosens the chain that binds
conjugal society. Uivorco, then. Is
dissolution, rupture, schism, which,
sooner or later, brings about the total
of Fairness
Maxwell Tollrhig,
1920 production.
Chevrolet Roadster
Model 490, food me
chanical condition.
Viice 1300.00.
Oldsmobllo Sliced
1020 model. Has had
mechanical adjust
ment, l'alnt new.
Tiivs very good. l'rlco
Federal Trnck
I'sed 2000 miles, good
as new. I'rlcu jliiOO.
Ktudoltnker Chassis
Will make good bug.
l'rlco J100.00.
With sidecar.
O J(
, i
. - .... 41
jP 1
4 I
TA !
ruin of the family.
"Nlinttem I iiinlly Itasls."
Divorce not only sunders tho fam
ily bond but shatters the family basis.
Duty Is the basis of domestic order,
as It Is of public order. If this ele
mentary Idea he removed the family
Is left foundatlonless. To say that
divorce Is sanctioned by some laws
and consecrated by some religions Is
to say that duty is powerless to sus
tain the family and to govern souls.
To proclaim libertv of divorce is
implicitly to proclaim that duty 8ji"pcord as favoring the proposal of
secondary, and that sentiment is the
prime essential for the family. In
emotion, laid down as a rule and su
preme explanation of marriage, are
advocated In all ithose disclosures
and books that boldly preach the un
limited facility of divorce, and that
insolently declare that marriage is a
servitude, 'and that duty Is a tyran
ny. Such doctrines make marriages de
pend upon chance or passing whim.
Easter special on coals, suits and
capes, waists and skirts. Bell Mil
linery. "Central Siation"
Plays Tonight
"Scenes in a-Central Station," the
home talent play will be presented
tonight at the high school auditor
ium, the proceeds to be used for the
henoflt of the Benson school. The
production is staged under the di
rection of Mrs. L. O. Maddux and
the members of the cast havo been
rehearsing diligently for the past few
days. Preceding the performance
the llalnbow orchestra will furnish
a musical program. The entire cast
is as follows:
Tlcketgent, Kay Ward.
Depot master, Delwln Jewett.
Bootblack, Woodley Stephenson.
Porter, Bert Bates.
Ctrl at cigar and book stand,
Madgo Calkins.
Mrs. Snyder, Maxine Sykes.
Mlrnndy (her daughter), El'low
May Wilson.
Mrs. I.arkln, Mrs. Milton Church.
Miss Sophia Potter. Mary Beams.
I'lido John, ltussell I.lntott.
Josiah Potter, ltussell Llutott.
Nancy, Clayto Black.
Mr. Armstrong, Clarence Church.
His children, El'low May Wilson,
Rov Wallace, Alvln Wallace, Helen
Dude, Vernon Stephenson.
Mrs. Amelia Hummer, Mrs. Ray
Italian musicians.
Mr. Martlndale, Arthur Prla-ulx.
Mrs. Martlndale, Katherlno Merrill.
Bride, Adele Itemis.
(Iroom, Clinton Cameron.
Rob, LaVerno Sutherlin.
; Canny, Mrs. James Sawyer,
i Jupiter, Roy Wallace.
Harold, Vernon Mac-Kay.
! Flossie, Camlllo Patterson.
Mrs. Linton, Mary Reams.
Mr. Linton, Linton Bnwden.
College quartette, Walter Flshor,
Lyman Spencer, Charles McElhinney,
It. L. Whipple.
Tho cleaning and pressing estab
lishment at 124 Cass street and
known ns tlx Owl Cleaners, will re
open for boldness Thursday morn
Iiik. April 6, with an lenllro new or
ganliatlon. The former standard of
work that characterized this shop
when under the same management
previously will bn rigidly maintained
and my Mends and acquaintances
are earnestly invited to send In their
work. Tim telephone number re
mains the same, 247. The name of
"Owl Cleaners" will be retained for
tho present. HAY L. WARD,
; 27trce li7s to Be
.A" ,roers
Working Jor
SALEM. Or.. April S. General re
duction of taxes in Oregon through
the initiation of several measures to
bo submitted to the voters at the
i geireral election In November was
the program outlined here today at
i a meeting of the so-called committee
of seven of the tax reduction cluus
of the state.
n L. . .... . J l
luti committee was uiiJuimeu im-
Reduction league held In l'ortland
recently, and is composed of J. C.
r.,.. ....... ,,:. .....ill,. W TT Clrnv.
vui'i'ri ui jYiu.lllini . iii.t, . .1. mtj-
er of Baker, J. 1). llrown of Port
land, S. H. Vantrunip of Salem, F.
H. Porter of Ilalsey, Christ Schuebel
of Oregon City, and A. Slaughter Of
At least three Initiative measures
will be initiated by the league. It
was announced at the close ot to
day's meeting. One of these will seek
to repeal the 1520 millage tax for
the equalization of taxes. Another
measure will be for amendment of
tho constitution so as to prevent the
legislative assembly from referring
any measure to the people except
amendments to the constitution.
The third measure will seek to
amend the constitution so as to pro
vide for a two-thirds affirmative
vote for the authorization of bond
The committee of seven went on
the slate grange to Initiate a gradu
ated Income tax at the November
election. To assist the grange In pre
A number of girls representing the
churches of this city, left this morn
ing for Corvallls. where thoy are to
attend the Older Girls' Conference
which starts today and lasts over Sun
day. Each of the churches are send
ing delegates and Hoseburg will be
well represented. ITlrs. D. E. Carr,
chaperoned the party which was com
posed of Wanda Wooden, Esther Mil
ler and Hazel Payne from the Chris
tian church; Louise Jennings, Mar
lon Needham and Lois Cobb of the
Southern Methodist church; and Le
noro Helllwell and Marlon Nichols of
the Presbyterian church.
A $6.60 Wear-Ever roaster Satur
day at 4 p. m. Churchill Hwd. Co.
During March 75 new books wero
purchased with money donated by the
following organizations: Woodmen,
Journeyman's Barber Union, Wom
an's Relief Corps, St. George's Guild,
Ladles Auxiliary It. R. Conductors,
Lndles Auxiliary R. R. Trainmen,
Ladles' Auxiliary R. R. Firemen, La
dies' Auxiliary R. R. Engineers,
VKKIIiniius or- WOOm-HAF-l- Lilac
Circle No. O, meets on 1st and 3rd
F. .day oventng;s In Muos hall. Visiting-
nolgh'ora Invited to attend.
t.i:ON'A McDON ALU. Clerk.
A. I-'. A A. Miurif Lodge 13.
Iteicular f umiminictitlanB 'JnA jnri 4fh
Wednesdays each month at MaionlC'
iempie, ituseburg, Urn. visitors wet
W. p.. nAUrtls. Secy
Tills Slid HIT IHiM;i'i r ASSOCIA
TION meet tn tn Muccubee hall the
1st qnd 3rd Tueiaavi tn each loo th
W. U. A. O. T. II. lion. Burg Review
No. 11 hold regular mwetlnite on leo
ond Thursday at I p. m. and fourth .
Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Visiting eliteri
Invited to at'end revlewa. Aiuocubee ;
Hull, fine r. d Cm itreeti.
HUl.l.H STKI'tlKNSON, Com.
IlKIIICKAIIS Roeeburg Rebetah
Lodge No. 41 T. O. O. F.. niMti In
Odd Kellowi Temple every week 00
Tueeday evening. Vlelting mewbert
In good "landing are invited t. at
i. K. S Ito.xburg llinulT . g
lloldi tht-lr regular meeting on tne
1st and 3rd Thuradaye In eat-V month.
All eojourntng brother! end eleters
All eojourntng brother! end el!ti
kre reiK"-t:ulTy Invited to attend.
FltEB JOHNSON. Se"riry.
K. l. T. SI. ueett each aeoond and .
feurth Ti.ureday of each month Is
Alact-abee hull, corner Can and I'lne
aireeta. Vlelting fcnlglita ejwaya
welcome. '
T,. C. OOOPMA. Com.
o. w. RAi'r. k. K.
ibAul.Ue itt.hetiurg Aerie nieeta In
Uoeue ha:l un Jackaon gt. on 2nd ana
4ta Motiday avenlnga of each month
at t oVlu-k. Vlaitlng brethren In
goad ataiMmg alwava welcome.
A. J. WfUf, W. I'. I.
v JI. LA M G It 12, W. P.
li F. GOODUAN. Seretary.
IMTKn AIITHA Ueeta la Uaica
t'ye hall t'-.ry Wedneaday eveulng.
Vlaltlnif tiL.-mbera alwava weJcolne.
RH'II HO HtXi'll. Jl A.
Mil .: uKl) M Ol'LlAiclI Treoa. Hl'Nl'HRKV. gecy.
UiYAI. Olini.ii or lloniE Reaebur
Lodge N log? uieeta Irat
In tioii 't ilMtri.t 1U1L
Jaokaon Washington Mt. Vlall-
liri'il.l'll R. ItIT7.MAN. C. C
and I
i Itilrd TuftHrlnv evaniiiira nf mi-U
ora iwaa wwU-om. T
Rnii.i'ii r. niTZMAN. act
b? Iea?"c
Tax Reduction
paring and carrying this measure to
a successful termination, me coiu
miltee of seven appointed a sub-committee
composed of Mr. Brown, Mr.
Scheubel and Mr. Slaughter.
This sub-committee was author
ized to prepare the several Initiative
measures to be submitted to tne vot
crs through the tax reduction
The committee of seven discussed
the finances of the state at some
length and announced that an effort
probably would be made to abolish
the emergency board.
It Is likely, It was said, that the
abolishment of the board will bo
attempted through an Initiative
measure, although final decision to
this end was not made at today's
meeting. The organization com
mittee of the tax reduction league
also mot here today and outlined
plans for the systematic organiza
tion of the entire Btate. The plan
provides for a central committee In
which all organized counties will be
represented. An official newspaper
to spread the propaganda of the
league will be launched In the near
future, It was said.
Mr. Cooper, who was the founder
of, the tax reduction league In Ore
gon, said tonight that he did not an
ticipate any difficulty in perfecting a
substantial state organization. He
said ha had received hundreds of let
ters lauding the program of the
league, together with many offers of
Auxiliary American Legion and Past
Matrons' club. Books were also do
nated by Miss Ruth Franklin, Mrs.
E. R. Page and S. D. Evans.
One hundred good books of fiction
and non-fiction have recently been
received from the state library. These
we may keep for several months and
then exrhange for others.
During March the attendance was
2220 and 1737 books were circulated.
We send to the state library nearly
every day for books on various sub
jects. If you wish books from the
state library call and let us order
them as the state librarian prefers to
send the books through out local li
brary. Remember the location, 105
W. Washington street.
IENCE. "I was twice confined In hospitals,
in the last one nothing but gruel
water was injected Into me 4 times
a day, as my Btomach would not re
tain any food. I suffered terribly;
was reduced to a skeleton. My folks
saw an ad of Mayr's Wonderful
Romedy and It has surely saved my
life. I weigh 180 lbs. now." It Is a
simple, harmless preparation that
removes the catarrhal mucus from
the Intestinal tract and allays the
Inflammation which causes practi
cally all Btomach, liver and Intestin
al ailments, including appendicitis.
One dose will convince or money re
funded. For sale at all druggists.
Better shoe repairing ror less
money. Men's halt soles $1.25.
Roseburg Bboterlo.
No. 1 $54.25
No. 2-S59.25
No. 3 $69.25
Also Sold on Easy Terms
Douglas Co. Creamery
Portland Cement
A Douslm tVnnty Prod not.
Inslat npon "OREO ON" c
ment being mod and kelp
build up a parroll and kasst la
your own front yard. Erm-y
barrel of "OREGON" drawl
material from Dougla County
and adda Utl to ber pay roll. 1
Kvery dollar .pent for foreign I
cement reaves Douglat County
to build up other territory.
Sold by
'IHIIi 'llHllllllllM
i4te7iiTSX ioim ZS I
Mrs. I. F. West, of Portland, who home In thin Th, .
has been visiting at the Earl Badgley 1 home this mornl. H
A Snappy Farce Comty
Scenes in a Union
Central Statin
Given by friends of the Benton School
at the
High School Auditorium
Friday, April 7, 1922
Roseburg's best home tatotal
A Roaring Skit You'll Laugh, Lau&lM
"Look! There goos 'The American Beaaty,' tt tUl
vamp In town!" With thess words
Idah McGlone Gibson
Noted Author
Introduces ber roaderg to bar new aper-tp11
"Love's MasqueradJ
A romantlo story prescntimj
ttMda and marrlaga. Beginning SaturJ.r,
"Love's Masquerade
The News-Review
that's the Reason
for tV.
Flapjack Vow11
.Order a Package
Your Grocer
fibers quality
HOT O TOt'Ml, M. IT.
K E. W1MUKHL1. K. R. B.