Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 07, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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' "Z!! iii in .wimiii.'.iMinii '),, I ii Vf P' nauwmiw .flw IS III I wnm-. , mt
"""" """ ' ' " ' " MMimli'imi mi i'i mini nf fin i '- r iirmii i Ti i - - i i nfri j
ltv method of introducing the 1922 Soda Season at our fountain. So many wonderful improvements this year in equipment, refrigeration, service, quality, products that we want you
Just a novelty to immediately acquainted with them. You are going to enjoy this fountain all summer long. It's well to know it now
No better time in the world to get acquainted. And there's a double object in the fine drinks served and the money saved on them. SALE THIS WEEK ONLY
AShakeup of Our
Miscellaneous Stock
of stationery, toilet and bath soaps, toilet aiticles and
some drugs is necessary to put our stock in first class
condition. This gives you an opportunity to secure
merchandise at a great reduction. A fine line of goods
has been placed on the retired list, not by reason of
poor quality, but simply to make room for new stock.
A truly wonderful tooth paste FREE with each 50c
tooth, brush we give a BOc tube of Lilly's Tooth Paste
Free. Ask your dentist if it's good.
Stationery, a regular 60c box for.. 34c
Tablets, originally 10c, now 5c
A Big Bath Soap Tablet
A big' solid cake of sudsy soap capable of giving
tie greatest pleasure to the bath. A special soap at a
special price.
With each 25c tablet or over (new stock) we will give
you a 15c package of envelopes Free.
Talcum Powders from 11c up. Face Powder from 16c
to S3.50 a box.
Regular 65c Chocolates.- 49c
Real new just arrived a fine regulation size Hot
Water Bottle for $1.34. Guaranteed for one year.
Rabbits, Easter Rabbits!
They used to sell for 50c. On sale at 10c, 3 for 23c,
T"':a 10 "11 them if you wish.
1 " iiivii'i......,.
p!no tune:, none 189-L.
in r-onUno-
t'r p'o";.,J??'f'r 1"fl morn-
Karon lay Morning First 100 customers buying 50c or over will be given, absolutely FREE, A lull
regular 60c bottle of
Come early. Hny your drug iteuw needed today.
IF imns Sensitive Beware of Iyorrhea and Uie loss of your teeth. Your dentist will advise to
cleanse teeth and gums with ZK PYIIOIj, a liquid. It readies the crevices.
IF Y'ou have Cough or Colds. If your Tonsils ever wero infected, demand TonsU protection
gargle with ZK I'YROU
A gurgle of ZE PYKOL when you have been exposed to colds often prevents.
J-7IWT AID For Cuts, Burns, Etc Saturo heals ou time to the wcond if not Infected, apply' ZB
After sliavlng, pimples, some Infection of dust, etc., will be prevented by ZE I'YKOL.
Arnice box of candy FREE to each lady Saturday only.
FREE A Conejof delicious Ice Cream to each child accompanied by a parent
; , Saturday only. .
Pyee A nice Cigarforjthemen.,,' Its yours. We want you to have it. Free
3 V-'
Special Easter Offers
Potted plants in a great variety especially
for Easter, Tulips, hyacinths, lillies and
small palms. Quick selling is compulsory
so we are going to cut the cost. Make it
your business to get your selection of pot
ted plants from this selection. 'Twill pay you
Buy Your Easter Lillies
and Potted Plants Early
We have a limited supply of beautiful
plants Saturday only at -reduced prices.
They will keep fine till Easter. Flowers
furnished by The Fern.
Not Too Late at Any
Stage of an Ailment
to take Red Clover Tonic and be benefited. When
the system is run down, when life seems a burden,
take Red Clover Tonic and Uie worn out feeling will
soon disappear. It is a preventive of grippe and colds
and an excellent tonic for those recovering from illness.
Easter Calls for Gifts
"She" at least demands special notice on Easter. She
expects you to send her some little token of your love
for her, and candy is what she needs or possibly, a
bottle of fine perfume. She'll love such gifts as these
and love the lover who sends them.
Candy .
Successor to Hamilton Drug Co.
Chocolates, bon-bons, all mixtures and assortments
plainly and decorativcly packaged. Wonderful qual
ities, clever gifts, and not at great cost.
In fancy bottles perfumes make clever little Easter
gifts representative as they are of the flowers from
which they are made. Dainty for the dainty girl
just what she will adore. See that she gets .hem.
Some very choice Perfumes from 75c to $2.00 an
ounce, special, per ounce 48c
I have a complete line of trusses and abdominal sup
porters. A fit guaranteed.
A Real Thermos Lunch Kit, including Thermos Bot
tle, lunch box and all for $2.38
Pint Thermos Bottle $1.13
For Men Only
A large bottle of After Shave Lotion, 50c, and a 40c
tube of Shaving Cream all for 48c
Razors! Razors
You will have to see our reductions to appreciate them.
An extra package of blades with each razor.
to tj.-nd a tew dayB
P-Jh, South
th Mothodlst
f v ad- iVv k"4 focd on Ratp
f'w P..k.-.. ....
irn-.prJ.'".;..!''nt c.shifT of
epoetin radio-telephone eoulnmont
and will return to this city Saturday.
Pa!nles extraction or teetn at
rooft , Mu&nlo temple. D. Nerba.
SIcet in Ganlrn Valley.
A gospol team of the Christian
Workem1 Hand will hold a meeting
at the Garden Valley school houao
bunday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
Pnrrhiwe llnlck CVnio
Mrs. G. R. Wallace and son. Har
eld Hudson, of the Hudson Electric
store, hare purchased Bulck fix
coupe Tho purchase was made
throuRh the local ai?ent, O. C. Baker,
of the Motor Shop Garage.
IU K-av
r.'Cr ,::r V'-i.o,.hern r, "v.-r t!.
'"t u,t i, " a alia, nt
- .7.. ,j r'r f.r. J. fri' -iT M,. Tiiili i n ii Tin I If A
AROCND THE TOWN. icily with Mrs.
' past few days
measure. Bello Case. Phone 391-L.
To Visit Daimliter
Mrs. W. J. Clark left this morn
ing for McMlnnvlllo to spend a low
days visiting wilh her daughter.
Botter shoe repairing for less
money. Indies' half-soles $1.00
Rosehurg Booterle.
To Visit in INHtlanrt
Mrs. V. R. Conleo and daiiKhter,
boriene. left this morning for Port
land to sprnd a few dayo shopping
and visiting with fi lends.
Struck a Giislier
dispatfhir s ofrice, invested $100 in
a Montana wildcat oil scheme sev
eral months aco. Todav he owns
property allied at thousands of dol-
irs. The Information was received
"v hit!! KAVPral Jbl-i an .t... U- 1 mhn M 1 rrBn tha f.n 1 1
go to Cuba before returning to her j Visiting In ltoselnUK
home. Sho has l"'en visitliiK In this i v. W. Klder, former command.'.nt
Kliza Hunt for tlio Qf tn(J 0rrRn Hoi,n,.rs Home, Is
1 upending a few days visiting wUh his in Urwolnirir iillil fittcnililltf to
attending the home talent play,
"Scenes in a I'ni m Central Station,"
at H. S. audlturlum Friday night,
April 7.
Ioves for KllU' iie
Mrs. (leorce l!i Her went to Euy ne
today to visit, fi r a short time nt the
Dr. Studley hour-. Her granddaugh
ter, I'hylls Ann. has been visiting 1"
Eugene for senr il days and will ac
company Mrs. 1 loiter home.
business matters.
Community S lal
There will bo community social
at (he Green s'hool houee Friday
evening, April 7th. There will he a
program In the evening anil a silver
orf, ring w ill !i t.iki n. Everyone at
t.'iiclink' should hrini; a lunch, and a
cafeteria dinner will be served at 7
o'clock. Everyone Is Invited to attend.
Ilus l'rocrt.v
Fred ,Vwrii'-r has purchased thn
old Max W ei. property on Short
i.rrlU.h faliiurnla I """",n wildcat oil scheme aev-i ' street consisnnt- oi eigni tots anu
uniin,T I montn ago. Today he owns ' To Tmir KaM ' large house. 7 ) home formerly oc-
Mlss iJiura Hunt or Sutherlln lert cupled by ,vr. .N"wriifr ana i'.un
here this morning for San Francisco , on South St -pin ns street has b- n
m . i 1. ,11- , i 1 l... T I l,..i.U n r-nr-i nt
fro. , - "lai ,ti. HKn inai ine iroul WIlt!r sow Wlil tiusa nm iuhli-i (nin icim-u i. o. n, i,.ir, n ,-
w ok ..,,,,, '""" ,n" oil holdings have in- nent to the eastern slates. .Miss Hunt arrival In this my. -nr. uavis pnns
. --"".i-nnun in Vi.n,,... uiisHierauiy ui value on ac-iexnects to be gone tor throe months to remodel in" notise, wuim
14 SI Lr..... .. ' rOtint Of Q In... t . . I .! . I .. ....? II TI I l. I .. in
Lii i'ort t Kumiwr waun was eniov nir l. measure iriii iwiiiiiiK to'- cwnea in -. i.- ,.inuiu, .....
truck on the iroDcrty.
Gl Ilia Fnleitalnmenl
M. C.,(ii;:e Titus Wilson, tenor
hnimiri'-t ami author of the ne Ori
gen sons, 1 1' ail 1 1 fill Orcson," Is
giving his entert;.innint. ' It's All
In Your K'ye." a fusion of fun and
I hllo-i'ili' m song and story, nt
, I in, in on Monday. .April loth.nt Wll-
: loir. TueMl iy. April lltli.anunt ion
all:i. Wednenl iv, April ll'ih.
erni place it wi;a he
Scenes in n l'nlon Cenp-' Bl at Ion. hers of Die Christian church w ill bo
A rnarint; comedy by home talent. held tonight. After tho liuslness ses
Ileneflt IleiiHon school. High scohol j slim a social hour will hu enjoyed,
auditorium Friday night, April 7. iThe Ross Evangelistic company will
I bo in r.ttcnilance. Each member is
t,. .,. ,11,. nn.i iiniln I urged to bo present tonight at tho Clarence Ford, of the Salva
tion Army, wont to Yolicalliv and
Drain today for special open air and
Indoor services. Oilier members nf
I church.
tho nnny made the trip by auto.
Returns to I'oit land
Here frm Alaska
Mrs. J. 11. I'.usby. nf Fairbanks.
Alaska, Is visitilik' here with her
mother, Mrs S,b-r, at Olalla. and
her uncle. Dr. Muni, of Rnsehtirg.
Mrs. Ilusby was formerly Isabclle
Pythian Sisters Jlert
Tho Pythian Sisters of Itosobtirg
met In tho Moose Hall Wednesday
afternoon. There was a Hue attend
ance, and a pleasant lime w; s en
joy d. Mrs. Martin Christiansen re
ceived tho commission of deputy
Fran tun from thn grantee, Mrs. Ella
Wormian, of M dford.
' eastern states and sho may possibly' make three modern apartments In It. uuspU'es of tin; hl;;h school.
given under the
Fnroule South
Mr. and M : -Portland,
bfl li
Grants Pass. .V
after which tleu
land. V. IKba
tlvo of the llev
tute conipauy o!
1'. I!, harr 11. nf
this morning for
otd :i i i sl, bind
l',l ret II I II I,) l'ort-
.NOTICF. TO THF. I'l'lll.lC
The Sanitary Hairy wns found In
good condition by the Inilli In.-l eetor.
Tlie dairy will make some good im
provements soon. T he bul'c of rur
l iilk conies from u pure ,b i " y 1km I
that lias l.ein thoroughly ln, J for
rrell ii! a r
yilaHeilv Meeting Tonkllt A
Tho (inai'ter.i mcclltii! of the mem
ue-i nta- luberculosls for the past 'our eats,
id l'uinl-: which guarani'S Liter We
do not i;e our milk (loin everv -heie.
but from a few medium si?, d
dairies. We use all ranitaiy methods
In our bottling plant, plume uS-FJ