t nfwEnrno VEwg-nrviEW. mm ay, apkit 7, 1022. PAr.n pom Sherman, Clay & Co.l ihLs, " Irli.ij'Jj WSKfWi Mrs. L. B. Moore of the Moore Music Studio IS TUB SALES REPRESENTATIVE FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY OF Sherman, Clay & Co. FOR THEIR ENTIRE LINE OF P ff AND THE MARVELOUS DUO-ART, STE1NWAY, WEBER, STECK, A. L$. CHASE, ESTEY, KURTZMANN, ALDR1CH, EMERSON, KRA KAUER, STROUD, DAVENPORT & TREACY, BRAMCACH, VOSE, WHEELOCK, AND OTHERS. Terms on all instruments, even the Steinway. TWO SLIGHTLY USED HIGH GRADE TIANOS, IVERS & FOND, A. B. CHASE, AT VERY LOW PRICE. A Columbia table shaped oak machine v.i'.h records. This is a bargain. MOORE MUSIC STUDIO UPSTAIRS, BELL SISTERS' BLDG. ' " PHONE 502. 77O THE FAITJCST LAND Suddenly my father remembered Kddle and asked uhout him. For answer 1 went out and found Eddie. Ab we entered the room arm In arm, noted with Jov the expression of approval on my father's face. Years of worldly experience bad trained my father In the fine art of measuring men. Kddle ?tood the test. How hapnv I was that I could pre sent to my father Eddie Montforth as : the man who had proffered mo the honest love and L votlon of his life instead of fearing that he would sus ; pect some Blnlster affair betwen Theo 1 dore Stratton and mo. ' "FatUer," I said, "this la Eddie Montforth, who grew up with me in j the bid Virginia home town." My father eauerly accepted Eddie's invitation tn ilrivo l'llL- With US tO meet Aunt Virginia. The meeting be-I f tweet) them was very allectlug. ta i die left the room and I unostenta tiously followed. As we got beyond the doorway Eddie turned and gath ered me up Into his arms, i "All through the world she follow ed him," he murmured, quoting my little verse. "Come, Eddie dear, let us go back and tell father and Aunt Virginia," I whispered. H.nd In hand wo went back and stood like happy children before my father and Aunt Virginia. ' With fem- i inlne Intuition she seemed to sense the situation Immediately and threw her arms about my neck. "Oh, Vir ginia, I am so glad. Eddie Is the only man In the world worthy of you." I had not noticed until then that', my father held in his hand a. letter -yellow with age and that his eyes! were misty with tears. ; "Virginia," he said, "your Auntj and I have been talking of our future; home out here in the land of sun-i shine nnd T have been reading to her something that your mother Bent me years ago Just before we were mar ried. I have carried It with ma In many lands. Head It. n!y daughter. Your mother's presence Is with us." I took my mother's letter, Inscrib ed In girlish writing, and read: "Traveler, by the camel's side. You who wander far and wide, Tell me. since you yearly go, . Where the sweetest roses blow! Toll me on what foreign strand, Thou hast found the fairest land?" He replied, " 'Tis near and far, 'Tls where home and loved ones are. Though a dark and dreary place. Though a desert is Ub face. Where thy friends and loved ones Bland, That I call the fairest laud." Clasping Eddie's hand In his. my father bent and Jdssed mo. Then, looking Into Aunt Virginia's face, he said: "At last,' I've found the fairest land." . THE END EDITOR'S NOTE So ends the thrilling story of Virginia Fairfax Winston. It will be fol lowed by another gripping story by the noted writer, IDAH McCLOXE GIBSO Entitled "LOVE'S MASQUERADE" This Is a dramatic, love story of a most unusual and thrilling type. . The problems It presents and their solutions will be the talk of this city. Watch for It beginning Saturday, April 8. Teil your friends. Stomach Trouble Of 30 Years Stand? ing Was Ended When I Took TANLAC It made a new man of me, declares J. E. Barker, 81 S Miller St., Petersburg, Va. When each remarkable testi mony is heard on every hand then can no longer be doubt about the merits of this wonderful medicine. Get a bottle to day. At all good druggist. CALL FOR CITV MPUOVEME-NT BONDS. win fcurjjj BeaatifnlNewBW "B with nawM.! Phone tu. Notice 1b hereby given that city Improvement bonds of the city of Roseburg. Oregon, series "K" No. 43 to 68. inc.. will be taken ud and raid on the 15th day of April, 1822, and that interest thereon will cease after said date. Dated April 4th, 1922. W. F. THOMAS, '..7 ';: ' City Treasurer. All kinds M Ikwit,, Warm alt forMeM. both ..i Fhona 4i .I1 I II I Flour Moves Safday SkhIii1 low ilces on all hinds of fhmr Saturday only. g Hee our special bargain counter: VI bars soup 23c, U cans ImMiiK K powder H."c, 0 cans nol graio I1.V, and many other real ImrKiilns. J Listen. mm f' rar.ra SEND YOUR CLOTHES TO THE ROSEBURG Q m:sr 8i:i!Vi( R VH1! (LOTHl'S WILL AL WAYS 1111 l!!ri:itLY CLEAN LI) and ri:i:ssi!i). PHONE 472 :10H XOItTII J.V'KSOX STRl'KT. i AMI 1:1'. ASSI'ltri) !' THK Tray Cloth for Prune Dryers Ah wo nit t'l-iiUMi. plating bin In i; a air luil of TIlAV LOTH, wo nit in n isliim In oilVr houu ItV AT rHATI K n.H'KS. Uo Hints itiul Mo iih. lniuii't o( S. B. CROUCH, lilt Slieil.l.m St., Ivo'lillig. STEARNS & CHENOWETII, O.iklmet, ciivtn. BATTERY TALK IS OF AID TO DRIVER "Where does the water go to?" Is the question of the Inquiring visitor to the battery service Btation. 111b battery gets thirsty nnd nfeds rcfill Jng with distilled water frequently, Tun Just why this Is true is some thing most car drivers have never given 'much thought. The Willard Storage Battery Com pany has spent thousands of dollars on booklets and advertisements in their efforts to Impress the need of regular battory filling upon the pub lic. They have even gone to the trouble of having a moving picture Hint made on this subject, which shows how the. water evaporates through normal use, Vhlch necessi tates replenishing regularly. This Him will be Been by thousands of people who would not otherwise get the few simple rules of battery care. The purpose of this film Is pri marily to help motorists get better ivivice anil greater mileage from their batteries and ill order to ac complish this result a great deal of pains were taken to mako It more vivid. lis direction was placed iu the bunds of an experienced feature play dlivctor and nctors were select ed who could best meet the require ments of tho different roles. Tim Auto Electric Station, who represents tho Willard Company In lioneburg, iiro enthusiastic about tire newest All-Kuhber Willard llattery which contains the well known Threaded Rubber Insulation. This company specialize In free testing and tilling service for all makes of lialterivs. The station is at the cor uer of Oak and Tine streets. .MAIMJLEKITK SNOW FAMOIS ACritESS OF TIIU Sl'llKKx! Marguerite Snow, who has the role I of ,M,.ry Ainslie in "Lavender and Old, Lace," tho Iiodkinsou released' feature, which is lo be presented at1 the Majestic theatre tonight only, Is one of the best known and most popu lar actresses Jof the screen. She was starred ny one of the larg est produelng,compunles In the Unit ed States for more thau a year, and is especially well known to film lov ers for her work in serials, notably "The Million Dollar Mystery" and "The Eagle's Eye." Other big suc cesses In which she appeared include. "Rosniary,'' "Second in Command," "Tho Silent Voice," "The I'pstart," "Tho Woman in Room 13," and many others. ALTON' 8. I KEY AM) SOXSI Are ready to furnish any lumber and timbers needed for any building as low as anyone. See us before buy ing ekfwhore. Patronize Roseb'urg labor. Flione 324. o food sai.i:. l'l,IXOH ;i.y HAS TALENT AM) t'll.VUM Seldom hai a personality with more outstanding characteristics been associated wilh art and letters than Mine. Elinor Glyn, .whose original Parnninunt photoplay, "Tho Great Moment," has been made with Gloria Swanson as star, as a feature of more than ordinary Interest. It will be shown at the Antlers theatre for the last time tonight. It was directed by j Sam Wood, scenarlzed by Monte M. Katterjohn, and is the first picture 'in which Miss Swanson appears as a I star In her own right. Mme. Glyn it n striking woman, I keenly Intelligent, highly Intellec tual and possessed of a magnetic quality that is hard to define. She i speaks in epigrams. Hardly a word I escapes her that does not Indicate an i original trend of thought and ex S pWsslon. j Gloria Swanson found her charm ing to a degree and everyone associat ed in the production of "The Great Moment" voices similar sentiments regarding the distinguished author of 6uch notable novels as "Three Weeks" and others of equal fame. The examplo set by Mme. Glyn was an inspiring one and has assuredly resulted in the production of a photo- i drama that will prove one of the sea- son's most successful offerings. MJ1- ton Sills la the leading man In the picture. y I M Save on your shoe repairing. Bet ter work, better service, less money. Roseburg Bootorle. IX BAXKIllTTCY. In the District Court of the United Slatce for tne DUtrlct or uresron. In the matter of Lillian M. liowman, Bankrupt. To the creditors of Lillian M, Bowman, or Koseburg:. In tne county or Doug las and district aforesaid, a bank rupt: Notice Is hereby glvon that on the 3ra day of April. 1922. tho said Lillian M. liowman was duly adjudicated bankrv.pt; and that the first meeting of her creditors wilt be held at the office of the undersigned referee In Koseburg, Oregon, on tho 19th day of April, 1922. at 10 o'clock In the fore noon, at which time the said creditors may attond prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may proveiiy come before said meeting. lmted April 4th, 19. " C. U HAMILTON, Referee In Bankruptcy. Dlumbln.k,"- call the" "K Rosehnrtf PUUi' "0 MU1UIEI IT.-l! . . T neaimgw, dell t, am ; OFFICII PBOII uj . JArwnj-. ADVICE TO LOVELORK AND OTHERS MBS. KLLBBUBt. i 4 DallT Column tZ Question and Answers ConddctoO by Wcmiaa Who K.iOws. AcMreM yonr Lc-ttera to Mr. Enstmry CaHS BXTjSbUtg NSwKCTlew. I have never combed my hair tho same way that the girls do that I go with because I thought those big gobs they ,.ir over their tears are silly, and I preferred my hair tho way I had always worn It. Now they are all bobbing their hair, and I won't do that either, because I don't like it. Tiny are half mad at me because 1 won't bob my hair like theirs. We ;ire In high school. Do you think I ;im right to do as I please about it. or do you think I should do as they do? OUSTIN'ATR. Ans. I think you are just right, anil inn glad to know that you have enough oiutne In your own convic tions to Maud by them. 1 don't like hair rombed just alike, and nil the V'iing girls nowadays seem to want to make Hi. inselvi-s after a polleio. It Is iimcli britcr to be .lust j-mrwlf and have a liille individuality. Don't lie n follow.,-, bo n lender, and sW DEVELOPMENT DLTLI.orMFNT JIK.HS IMPISOt I'MIWT. W'K AliF IMI'KOV- iMi urn ) Ai ii.irii:s l u iiv mi for mi: hi l ri i;mi:n t of si rvk i:. We cannot grow faster than the have to keep far In ad.uc' of o i ing a larger Inveslmenl than no!; I'liuiling country; ilne;i;li we - nl neo.ls. Tl. i- n amtalii- t'.nmod. VI AltK FUFIMIil 1) TO M "( I'. IA1UY MID VI A MOMKST'S NOTlCi: WITH FfONOVX TO OF. Douglas County Lisht & Water Co H. M. JFNNINO., Malinger. The bull,. nf Si Josenh'a church will hold a sale of fancy nrtlclv. j cooked foed and re;il chicken tamales. Saturday, April 8. at J. V. ; Casey real estate office. I Mrs. Kolhagen Entertains Today ! your own styles. I fl I Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: I am a girl of 1 7 and I wonder If you would tell j me what would be good for a hobby. I go to high school, and go to the usual parties and dances, but out- side of high school there Is nothing that really Interests me. Shouldn't everyone have a hobby? What , would you suggest for good one? PEP. I Ans. The host thing yiu can have for n hobby Is soinetlilr.g thnt yon jniv especially interested, in.. Don't have someone else select it for you. If you like to read, make reading 1 your bobby, or dancing, bird study, flower study, dogs, anything that you arc Interested In. Hut don't "liile joi;r hobby to death." That tends to make you narrow. You must broaden and have other Inter ests too. NOTICH OK SAIvH OF GOVERNMENT TJMBFjK. General ' Irftud . Offlee, Washington, IX C. March 18, " 1922. NotK-e- ta hereby Riven that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June 9, 191ft (39 Stat., 218), anu tho Instructions of th Stscretaryiof the Interior of September 15, 1817 (4fl U 1)., 447), the timber on tho following lands will bo sold Mar 9. 1022, at 10 o'clock a. m. at public auction at tho United States land otTlce at itoseDur, Oregon, to the Mfflieet bidder at not teen than the appraised value a shorrn bv thin notice, sale to be aub Ject lo the approval of the Secretary of tne interior, rne purcnase price, witn an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time ot sate, money to bo returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will Is sue for the timber which must be re moved within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any State, Territory or District uiereoi only, up on application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being Included In any offer of a larger unit. i . Jo s., u. z w. sec. za, INK 'A IV yellow fir 300 M.. red fir 760 M.. NW'i NB'i, yellow fir 600 M., red fir 10BO M., red cedar 20 M-. SH?H KfCU. yellow fir 50 m rt'd fir 800 M., rod cedar ftO M., aw'4 NM'i, yellow flr 600 M.. red fir looo M., none of the yollow and rod fir timber and red cedar timber to be sold for leas than l.f0 per M. T. 21 8., H. 4 W., Sec. 2R, HE'4 8WU, red fir 1200 M., red cedar (10 if., fifv4 fiW, red fir 1100 M., none of the red flr timber to be sold tor less than $1.80 per M.., and none of tho red cedar timber to be sold for less thfn SO cents per M. T. 30 S., It. 8 W., aec. n, SE'4 NW14. yol low pine 100 M., bull pine 22S M., NEU SWW. yeUow pine 200 M., bull pine 150 M., SEU 8WU, yellow pine 250 M.. sujrar pine 100 M., yellow flr 125 L, none of the yellow and sugar pine timber to be sold for less than ?,. 00 Pt M. none of the bull nine timber to be sold for loss than 2.uft per M., anrt none of the yellow Hr timber to be sold for less than $1.00 per M. T. 31 ft., rt. 12 W.. Sec. B. RRU flW'W. red flr nflo M.. Port Orford cedar 110 M.. KEH I RKtj, red flr 335 M., Port Orford cedar' 21.1 M., SW4 PK. red fir 2S0 M., Portl Orford cedar 200 M., none of the red1 ilr timber to be sold for less than $2.00 ; prr M.. nnd none of the Port Orford l redar timber to be sold for less than; IS .00 p.r M. (S'lgned) WILLIAM SPUV, Commissioner, General Land Office. For Sera BuyaW C.A.L0ffll fi Clean Tho(s stand for I a temwW Clean a4 nell-ftosri lug standi lot bettet jw al appeirnce. Oor inloWM Itotlt If. . f 9 ITAnlaTfl I 1 lUYCtHVliJ NO JOB Too Small or'Too Large Plumbing: AND Heating: SCOTT BROS I'linno 407 M.iin nnd Oak Mrs. e,r f.l this af. south J;l, k M rs. T 1 : firu.erly n i i - i ; 1 i n u ; Mrv. i: l; ! fomi'Miy lit' ims llnw.M, Mis rr:1i!' i m Mi nun' I'llir.l N i r I; 1 -ri- :': S.TViMl !l ron villi oi isiti.il. ,i Knhllinjton entertain-, : noon i.t hor homo on ' u slroot coniplf mrntine Koslor, of rorthmil. flilotit of l!il city, who rt now with Mr. nnl nan. Mr.'. N IV llowoll. i lilr.iRo. nml Mis l'ran-, who Is tuning horo. i Howll In tli" ilnnpliior Itowi'll niiil f in iiiorly ie with hor puriMit tn " la tio-jr ititinn hero : to T.o Anui l"s whoro toil a position as uti n- Mi 'Imm Inin'hi'on was , look hy tho hotos ntt lailii nnt tho aftor- I ni; and n.tixii Mrs. l'.-oration w-ro nniu'i" The table waa centered 1 t'llUISTlAX C1II KCH Suinl.iv. April Pth. Ross Kvangellatle Company. Great evening musical program. l'very nlcht except Saturday. Vo not miss It. 4 with basket artlstlrally covered with M-lliuv flowers and ei;ow p;.per and filled with one day old haby chirks. In further carrying out the Kaster motif, pla -f ,-nrd.i and favors suk Cslive of Fi-'e- i,'i ,, rated the laMe and J.ipan.-j.e forsy p!ie were u '-il In eliisleis ah.mt the n.or.n. nnniher of ladle w. re ,-, s,.,it (,nj M::. Kohlhacrn was de.lured a most i;r.u ions hostess. 11 iv, you , j nv.-r the new line er siiKi T Mi sn- a; Tiu: vau; VAKII'TY fi-roMK. 124 Ca fiive us a call. NOTIOK OF OF OOVERNMBrTj TIMBER. General Land Orflce, Wnsh Innten, D. C. Pebruarv H, 132J. I Notice In hereby Klvfn that aubject to the conditions and limitations of the Acts of June 8, !t (39 Stat., S18) and. February 2 rt, 191ft (40 Htat., 11T9). nnd tlm Instructions of Ihe Secretary of the; Interior of September IS, lflT (48 L. n. 417) and Peptrmb'r 26. 1819 (47 1-. 1 r.. SSI), the timber on the following l.nnds will be sold prll 11. 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the I I'niti.ri SlntAi T.nni4 nrficA nl Tfoseburff. ' lOrcon, to the htphest bidder at not; 1,'ss ttian the appraised value as snown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the In terior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of 6ne tr cent tliereof, beine commissions al lowrd. must be dupeslted ut time of sale, money to be returned if sale Is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue fur the timber which must bo remnved within ten years. Tilda will be received from citltene of the United tftntes. nsyuciatlona of such citizens and corporations organized under the I.t.vs of the I'nlted States or any state, territory or district thereof 6nly. Upon nppllr.iiion of a qualified purchaser, the umber on any leirst subdivision will t. offered separately before being .included in any offer of a lamer unit: T -M o n if a It 17H Si:U. Hr soo'm.. none of the'flr timber to he 'sold (or less than 41. 7S per M.; T. 2': It 11 W.. Sec. 11, NKw SF.4. yellow flr Sf.l M , red flr 2-'0 M.. hemlock hO M , r. d cedar 611 M., NW SHH, yellow Hr Sea M red tlr 60 M.. hemlock !0 M.. r.-d cedar 30 M., PK'A KKH. yell"r Hr 4"" M, red Ar J"0 M., hemlock f0 M., i-d , i!:ir SO M.. SWt SK'i. yellow Ilr I-1"' M. hemlock HO M.. red cedar 1"U M . Nl'.'i SV4. vellow flr 900 M., hem I " l l: M . red reihir 70 M.. -u,H sivi; yellow tlr ISO M.. red f' ai) M.. re.i ,,..i.lr sn jr.. sks sv,. yellow nr ,! M. hemlock S0 M.. red cedar l. M. 'W'i SWV yellow Ilr or.0 M.. nem 1" l foi M.. red cedar. 0 M.. white f r !" M , none of the yellow and red itr tia.btr and red cedar timber to be so.iJ for less than I ;.." per M. and none f the while flr and hemlock timber to '..Id for less ttisn nts per M. ('u-ic 11 WII.t.IAM SI'HT. Commls- .oncr. General Land Office. THera are mf t bond, being markot. However, W slderlng thew nient It call certain United Stales t sounded warning ' ; nie foreign 1 wcurll M I C1 mend j-j tS 0,r homo .1.1 the uonus " -' ,-n tne to our cu(to 1 as Iirst re ' linn j" - . . . "Hose Buy from RICE & m Bond Brw nosnjrWJ, Ta . eieC'S KK A 1,011 Marshmello tin. i r:-e pound (oast then. WoU ' 0etat;na.ni l dv 60C pci i FrnnnmV CfOCfe 4