Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 06, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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V"'he yesterday M
r . i...., nlilit HT
r ...i .'liim-
Oonsolidattn of The Erenlng New. and The Roeeburg Review.
An Independent newspaper published lor the beat Interest! of tbe people.
XXV., No- 3. 0 'Ol'KG REVIEW
('Hit I I.A I IO mm.
feian Delegation Arrives at Genoa Today to Prepare for Con
ferenceSecure Quarters on the Riviera
Ready for Business.
w i luttu, uiiu civn a ueei ui n,er irans
IU SSIAN9 ARRIVE, jport boats are also declared to be
! part of the remarkable Industrial ac-
GENOA, April . (United I tlvlty which is described as the first
teas). The Kusslan aelega-
n arrived here today. They !
tjk quarters in t Ue Italian (
vlera, 20 miles from here. as
hternatlonal Nswa Service Staff
I Correspondent).
IaSHIN'UTON. April 6. Soviet
,,a is playing for economic stakes
E ,in i n --
laggerlng size in the a l-Europ-
i trade gamble from which the
kriian government has just de-
p to keep oniclally Moor.
mil. according to authoritative in
paiion reaching members of the
lie foreign relations committee v
t overseas. Soviet Russia, despite i?.
kmtluued disposition at Washing- tlr" r "7 " ,ucomedy Is a snappy one and will un
to regard her a .P.Hah.moDg - " JZSStt S doubteW be witnessed by a large
iaI ..n..wa tla linaclon h
jiai . 1.. vu.
1, 1)-Itluh ami thin nafmana I
WU vlir IM4WDU oU sjua ujcsaw,
I the French just itching to "sit
lite advices from Paris Indicate
I even Polncare, the new French
lt-r, with all his Czarist sym
Uea, is about to "take a hand" in
Rusiiaa game, If he has not al
jy done so Becretly.
ressure from certain powerful
liuslneas' elements in France la
w4 Ka bve caused Polncare to
ke that unless he modified his
fonism toward Soviet Russia he
Id probably run a grave risk 01
racing- Brland, his Immediate pre
wor. Into retirement,
french .Vcicotiiitini: Secretly.
fence comes the news by sub-
I Mem channels that the French
I arnment is conducting secret ne-
I ations with Soviet Russia, while
ow has entered at the same time
i Kllrect communication with pow-
i i Anglo-German Interests eager
nlolpate In the expected revival
i lusslan industry.
lie Soviets are also reported to be
1 Bug for a formal German-Rus-
i I understanding which would per-
I Germany and Russia to stand to-
I er at the proposed Genoa confer-
a, or whenever and wherever their
t teal Interests may conflict with
I of Great Britlan and France.
kill recently Polncare was said to
V lopeful of receiving at least mor-
wort from the attitude of the
i trican government toward the
f lets, with whom he was no more
B"d to deal directly than eithor
fetary Hughes or Secretary Hoov-
bjt Trench "big business," alarm-
iy the successful advances made
t aril Soviet Russia by the British
tGermnn8 and the Bteady encour
I B.nt given British and German
ial by the Soviets, Is understood
I save driven Polnoare to offer to
l (with Poland as an lntermedi-
I a icnarate agreement with Mos-
e 4 which It likely to render espec-
li 1 difficult his opposition to French
n ignition of the Soviet government
ienin and Trotsky.
V. S. Protista Kxditatlon.
fashington, which is being kept
I Informed larzelr through Brlt-
I avenues of Information, it Is said.
the lati-st developments In the
1 i Russian situation. Is report-
lo have officially Informed Lon-
I i PaHa tnH Berlin recently that
I American government will under
' Breunntances stand for an Anglo-
' iro-Gnrman exploitation of Rus-
of another China.
at apparently Soviet Russia is
trins a marked ability to take
a! nr. r.r hor.lf and to Insist
substantial guarantees from all
rs as the price of their partlci-
ton In the regeneration and res-
lm of Russian induslry and ag
l ilturo.
tr example. Moscow Is reported
' kave already closed a deal with
1 of her good EngllBh and Ger
I friends by which big Ger
t. represented Industrially by
' Krupps and financially by the
addJMihns. have acquired shares
the Hnaao-Aalatle Consolidated.
' V a British corporation hos
1 In Russia are described as
I Wr than thoae of any other single
Ing plants, foundries, sawmills, ratl-
Instance of outright Uritish-German
cooperation in Russia.
Such cooperation may be regarded
but one of the many recent de-
velopments which have acted as a
spur to the reported secret Franco
Hussian negotiations believed to be
now well under way. Officially in
formed Washington circles would not
"7 , , ,,' , u"lH v""' "a
' from Polncaro and Par s, if a
, rpVBrail. nf ,hB .Vfi env.
ernmenl's Kusslan policy were to oc
cur at any time.
Czarist llebta by Hoard?
It Is understood that recognition
n n .1... .1 1 J-l.. 1.1-1.
. , " r, , " ,' --
,b?n 'h h'oft,bn(Lof .ntn:
M'.hi'nSJI.itH Venn." "Uulence The high school auditor
in the proposed Genoa! . .. . ,. . , -..,.. ...
1 " UUl III a I. I cvUg UIUUU VI
nrivat Hohta nml vttstitiif inn nf nrl-
r 1 all v. 11 mm uiuri iuioiju ..rtat-
tors may seek In the form of a prom-Ise-to-pay
from the Soviets.
The far-reaching possibilities of
Russian reconstruction were .vividly
described In a report written by
Leonid Krassln, the Soviet economic
expert whose name promises to be
come as internationally well known as
those of Lenin and Trotsky. The re
port found its way recently into the
hands of members or the senate ror-
eign relations committee, and this Is
what Krassin had to say or Kussian
industry alone:
"The timber Industry Is easy of
development. Foreign capital, re
ceiving extremely rich forest areas
from the state, can, with compara
tively Insignificant expense, develop
torlals for export nlirond
fore the war Russia utilized not more
than three per cent of all the wood
fibre which grew up yearly in ner
great forests.
Cause of Collapse.
"The collapse of coal mining In
the Donet Basin has been one of the
principal causes of Russia's economic
.!. oYMn.l
ea. 1 ne ou.pui
"Aerlculture cannot be restored
nor the railroads worked without
the restoration of this basin. This
also applies to the oil-bearing re
gions. Grozny nnd Bnku. The iron
smelting and steel Industries are in
an analogous position. Whole stocks
and equipments require renewal.
Heavy Industry can only be restored
by some genernl measures which
shall embrace simultaneously all en
terprises. ' The most effective mechanism for
this would appear at this time to be
the formation of several large
Rotarians Praise
The members
f i a ,k nT.h.
Rntiirr club, who a
west convention at Vancouver. II. "!
"r1 """,
returned to the city last ninru nm ,
the exception of Charles McElhlnny,
B. W. Bates and v . j. . " "
stopped In
attend to
days. Th
their praise
ered them
tlon was
they have
ln-jrlr, tolitL
'pnr fnr ,
,, 19;:l
decay. Th s district was me ceuo-ri - - ,i.hi i t
of foreign Intervention (Den.ken and owell : ;",-, Ci,,,11' V-ole!
Wrangel). Pits were flooded, m ines Tg?hll mnlT UnC
u-prA HoRtroved. euu nment was ruin- p-aB ... v ..
.. ... -!,), n,r c n, nn OI me
irusis. -.i- .....,- -- . . of . f these bodies be appoimeu
Soviet State and of foreign Pl'- wh , coromittee of tbe
the Soviet State Panl'n, land and on A ,, j, ,t ,
existing equipment, and for-lgii cap- la p
ital giving in return a def.m e pro- l- M ', tot tn, Tu,,ion
portion of the output as rompenaa- ;oon" Q T',p .,, ,.ommtM will
Ion for tne rignis
Seattle and romana ,o ,,, the tnar tne t I with radiator- so thai in- "V brought to the warehouse. Other ex-
business matters ior a i ,h01,id use tne money i.,r .,..... . - - , , rnrulate the hest as n'-i.-' ''-,..,.. ar al ,klnr larce ahln.
one th. ri eTse. on.1 . ' .he reihout. are unknown wa. - Mr. .I. wet, Sports a rapid Improve- ary tub. and .lean ";.;, ! change The quality Is being ,!,.-
ever had opporrunity to at- PIONEER POSTMASTER I .,, , for bigamy, charged men. In lumbering condition, and Is ) pes. 'ily ",ld': m do ' '"- Mr. '"' d '
eer had opportan. y o r iw .....--j. -y BfiNr)l"P wllh mtyt y.y ua,, an .c-qul.e pleased with the outlook for so that tenant, who d sir VBry w,. ,paw.d lh cro
- WUUr.Ur.UBT ,7 day;afl..r nU m.rrUlKn , the future. Mr. Jewett I. making their wash ng there, n her , T .,, nf
iTut M KKS KI'lORT L n. vloTnTr.) ) a, Ohio, girl. ' many substantial Improvement. In be room, for . ring truuss , ha, proven to bo much lower than
iKKIt MARKS KI.IDHI j ,Fm f" AnrnT-T o .hi. large holding, at Gardiner. th- storage of fuel. was expected. The crop is coming on
, ., SKAlTLi-., April The arrangement of tn" 11 qUtn slowly at the present tlm and
Treasurer Jame. L. S- 4, bandits aeriously 7"dBd. OITICE I.S MoVEII lil,.MMFVIlTloH MIK floor, will be the same on each floor rrwr ar, not'ovry ,,.,, ,0
y filed hi. semi-annual re- a, .. Pacif c r 1 ltlMMLMIATIS M AUK w, ba ",",l",t,"''dW h ; handle their crop a. It ripen.. On
hThtr.Tr! wli' ted t ', 55: t Dr. ha. .,d her office to' R..pre,,.v of the Taxpayer, .unitary flxu.r.- ;-'."rrtpro ! Interesting Is that a c;h
- : ,,k wlv!?'. watch and e- the Sadie We, ,. rooming houM a, League """ . " 'c n "o!
Ry Aasociated PreaO
GENOA. April 6. Foreign Minis
ter Schnnxer has urged the chief
delegates to the economic conference,
to be here for the preliminary meet
ing the Sunday preceding the open
ing of the conference on Monday.
The conference la expected to con
tinue for two months.
Makes Statement.
BERLIN, April 6. (U. P.)
Chancellor Wirth, on the eve of his
departure for the Genoa conference,
declared that the conference cannot
Ignore the "fundamental" aspect of
the German reparations on Europe's
economic situation. This Is In direct
reply to France's demand that con
sideration of German reparations be
barred from consideration at Oenoa.
Home Talent Show
Will Be Great
The last dress rehearsal for
"Scenes In a I'nlon Central Station"
will be held tonight at the high
school. Mrs. L. O. Maddux, who Is
in charge of this home talent produc
tion, states that the members of the
cast have their lines "down pat" and
will put over a show Friday night
that will please everyone. Tbe farce
the proceeds are to be used for the
benefit of the Benson school playshed'
Annual Church
Meeting Held
The annual business meeting of
the Presbyterian church of Koseburg
was held Wednesday evening. Thero
was a good attendance at the meet
ing and also at the Pot Luck supper
Hint preceded it.
Reports by various church commit
tees showed the work to be in a very
prosperous and encouraging condi
tion. The report of the treasurer.
G. W. Young, showed that all
branches of the church work had In
ported tne junior l nrisiiau wiui-iiiui
and the report of this society's work
by the secretary. Jean Maddox,
brought hearty applause.
The following officers were elect
ed: Elders for three years. O. W. Bur-
chard. J. E. Plnkerton; trustee, A
A. Bellows. G. W. Young: deacon
MlM K Par9iow.
Taxpayers League
Appoints Committee
At Yesterday's meting of the Tax
payers' league directors. a committee
composed of Arthur Marsh. C. L.
Chenoweth. L. V. Emery, Rem Fate
and C. O. Garrett, was appointed to
meet with the farm bureau. Mer
Minnis' association. Pomona Grange.
chamber of commerce and realty
board, end aak that representatives
endeavor to frame a pisn to irrmii
to the tax commission i n.
here on the 2;itn. I
The league endorsee; ,ne sianu .
taken by nr. C. H. Bailey In Hgning
the minority report protesting
elimination of the mttiage tax tor
.higher educational Institutions as
Pr"P'M'1 b' tne T'TrA . "J'TJ ;
nr. iian-y . ,- - -
thanks for taking Jhla stand
iPaKUe went on recoro a uni
the paving of county roads
with bond or
.w v Ashcraft: deaconess. Miss r.
.well, treasurer, u. v . ivuui, iu"w
in,- Associate.! PreaO
liviuiv rll ii. Imllratlnna
. ,. .. ,1. 1 , . ,
that the situation lh Ireland Is be-
coming more diuieeruus in ronse-j
quince of the growing Hiitawnlsiii
f ,.,e mbiin. "H:
I"'""" '" " -.
In. Mrwspaper uip.-ucncs. iionuie
demonstrations by revolting sections
of the IrMi republican army aKuinsI
the Irish hfv bee,, report-
ed with Increasing frequency during
the last few days. The demonstru-
tions were often accoiiipiuile'l by
sliootiiu; and the seizure of free state
DVBUN, April 0 A hundred
youuir men from .Tralee, proceeding
to Dublin lo join the free state army,
were intercepted today at Mallow,
County Cork, where they were to
change trains, by a strong uirty of
republicans. A clash occurred In
which ono of the free state recruits
was woundHl. All of the free stAto
uien were then arrested and taken
to the barracks at Dutti-vant, Coun
ty Cork.
BEI.FAST, April 6 The repub
lican forcea are reported concentrat
ed on the lister frontier between
the counties Letrini and Fermanagh.
An officer and six special constables.
patrolling the shore of Ij'ke Slllan,
ten miles north of llelco, -were at
tacked by 5 iMrsons, using a ma
chine gun. One constable was killed.
(Ily United Proas.
WASHINGTON, ' yrU . Repre
sentative Brown, of Wisconsin, today
charged that powerful financial In
terests, whose ramifications extend
through railroad organizations, the
L'nlned Steel corporation and twelve
leading banking organisations, were
backing the coal operators in the
strike, making them "powerful and
arrogant enough to defy the govern
ment ilcolf." The house labor com
mittee Investigating the cnal strike
are investigating Brown's charges. ..
(Br Doited Praia.)
NEWARK, N. J., April 6 Mrs.
Antonio Cascella was shot and kllb-d
today by an unknown man when she
attempted to prevent him rrom at
tacking her eighten-year-old daugh
ter, Carrie.
(By Unltad twaasl.
CAMP UIX, N. M April 6. Gov-:
ernmunt detectives today sought ai
band of fifty men suspected of plot-1
ting to rob the govei mii.-m i.f Im-1
meuse stores or equiyiiioiii nei. iu
band has already looted the ware
houses of $2i)i). UOO worth of equip
(Br AaaHat..i preaa
sy,N KUAM ist.u. April ft 1 ne
Arbuckle defense today rvat
ca!w,. Tne at witness was
nlmlt.if wno ttifled yestord
pr,)WUton Is not ready
wjth tne rBUUttal. A recess
Ul,rc(j b r tti court.
i,.. - ....
(ny TTnltrd Prase).
near fight occurred on the floor
(if the house today when Repre-
tentative Illunlon of Texas
T' ",l5'" T ,UV . . . T
ers nao purcnaseu wiiisxy
Husks, poker nets and other
--'...,, fr(111 lhB tnvrrn.
., at cost on ,ner gtationery
of RTt"iwSo tCeorRe Kolhagen to Build $100,000 Structure on lane Street
Har." aj
Then Representative Sum-
mors of Texas told Blanton to
"shut up."
,!, ..j nuan you , t can
whip you both."
Other members of the house
held the two latter, while
Blanton. hearing several mom-
hers cry. "Throw him out,"
calmly walked from the chain-
Caused an Vproar.
(A. P.l Representative Oar-
ner, democrat, of Texas, do-
clared In tho house today that
if permitted by the rulws to
speak what was In the minds of
434 out of 435 house members,
he would say Representative
Blanton of that state "Is a dls-
grace to this bouse and ought
to be kicked out." Garner'a
statement threw the house Into
4 an uproar and brought from 4
Speaker Gllletto a quick com-
mand to the sergeant-at-arma
to prevent a personal clash be-
tween Blanton and Oarner.
WASHINGTON. April 6. An "im
migration holiday" of from one to
five yeara. was recommended to the
house immigration committee today
by Mrs. Lillian Russell Moore, who
recently made an Inspection of con
ditions In France, England and Italy
under a commission from the presi
dent. As a result of her trip she
said the conviction that "America
should care for Americans first" as
sumed the first Importance In her
mind among all other phases of the
Immigration problem. She recom
mended blood tests be taken nf all
Immigrants and that that Amor lean
consuls be authorized to refuse to
vise passports to objectionable per
sons and that all Immigrants be re
quired to read, write and speak Eng
Woman's Club
Hold Meeting
The Roseburg Woman's club held
a meeting at the Parish House on the
aftornoon of April 4th. The business
session was followed by a splendid
program In charge of Mrs. Victor
Mlreltl, Mrs. Ashcraft and Mrs. Short
sang several solos which were greatly
enjoyed. Mrs. Helen Smlek read a
very Interesting paper on the early
history of RoMfburg, followed by a
talk by Mrs. Mlcelll. a
There was some Interesting round
tnhlf dlHciiHaion anions' the nliler clnh
II1,un..,rs Aurtv rememhruncea and
Mrg. smlck's paper. "Early History
or Koseburg," will bo published In
,hR N,.s tevlew at an early date.
Dogs Kill Coyote
at Round Prairie
.t i.a
rnn rio.n anH kill. Ihla mnrnler hv
five dors lieloiiilna- lo Irrln Itirn and
Frank Churchill
These dors killed
land county pay a bounty of 1 1 S
rarh fomai,, animal killed while
there are varying amounts paid by
associations In the dlffen-nt localities.
three coyotes on the Booth and Moor , thus prevenuns "7 -'",...., , o I! . F-
ud their range Isst week and were called to I severity in the archie" ur. - n DrUCLUll VsfVV l
Arliuckle ,,IIInH I'ralria r.nrh Initav Thsltha nuir there Will tie a lo'7 ,
ay. The rt., pi. ked up the scent easily andlcotirt to provide for light ami M DVI H (T ?JD7V
lo proceed dlspairhel the coyote after a hard j latlon. The main n'""" ' d " r J
iss was or-itlKMi whlrb anVer.".l of the dogs ! lre..t will be finlsh-d in inai -
I were scratched and bltton. The stato.1 will be decorated with seer.ti u . bron nll have been
Between Main and Jackson to Take Care of Demand
for Living Apartments in This City.'
A modern DO room apartment ,
house, one of Roseburg'a greatest
needs, will be erected in this city
soon and construction Is expected to
start within the next thirty days, ac
cording to an announcement made
this morning by George Kohlhagen.
who has purchased tho property at
the corner of South Jackson and Lane
streets, extending through to Main
street on the east. Tho building Is
to cost approximately 100,uoo and
will be a great asset to tho city. Mr.
Kohlhagen has been working some
time completing the arrangements
tor this building, and although It has
been generally understood for sev
eral weekf that he expected to pro
ceed w!Ui the actuul construction
this summer, he has not been pre
pared until today to publicly an
nounce his plans.
The lots which ho has secured are
now occupied by tne i nriauan
Science church and a resldenco be
longing to Mrs. Fisher. The churcn
has Durchased property on Douglas;
street adjoining the court house and
will soon have a building there to re
place the one which Mr. Kohlhagen
has bought.
Will I-'ace Ine HtreeL
The apartment house will be built
facing on Lane atreet but wli have
an entrance to tho basement on
South Jackson street also.
The plans for the structure, have
been drawn by tho inland Construc
tion company of Portland, whose rep
.uumintiva u. W. Jones. Is In Rose-
burg nt the present time, completing
the final details and conferring with
Mr. Kohlhagen in regard to a few of
the minor arrangements.
To llo Build of Concrete.
The apartment house will be 104
by 100 foet In size. 45 foet.hlgh, and
will be constructed of reinforced type
concrete, stipple stucco finish, and
will be three alorles In height with
. fti ira basement. The style of
architecture Is very pleasing and at-
tractive, being Patterned. In a fash -
Ion. after some of Portlands finest
buildings Of tins nature.
Fifty Apartments.
There will be fifty, two and throe
room apartments, ran nu,im
kitchenette, drosstng closet, etc .
r.. lieht housekeeping. Each
apartment will ie equipt-u wn
,ri r.,iri and all mouerii cu"'"-
lences. Nearly all of the apartments
will be partly furnished, and Mr.
Kohlhagen Is giving particular at
tention lo'lho style of beds which
are to be used, instead of the usual,
built-in type of folding bed, l.e has
procured a more expensive ...
oIlIa atvln nf
e stylo of folding bed wnK n win
be very comfortable and at the same
time wilt take up hut little room
when not In use. This will permit
the tenant to move the bed about as
desired. This feature alone is ailo
lg several thousand dollars to the
' . ... i,,,il,lln. .but Mr. Kohl-
hsKen declares that he Intends to put
. .i.i.. I. tl.n ,'ttv CUni
UP a Structure OI " " "-' '.. lO llie Cliy B population as mum ma
he proud and one which will combine i,, r(hd t() (.m) )fty , 0MMlwl
comfort with convenience. r-"''n so that the salesmen can make their
apartment will be equipped with, a,(rlp1 t lne foa,t hv aut0 instead of
mirror floor.
im A miearance.
rnB line of the front on i.ano p,.
The line of the front on Lane St
-in in r.alitv run directly inrou..
1 from Jackson to Msln. but will have
the aopearance of b'ing ,roKrn
small recess above me nnlmnrai
evenmi -
tlf.U clertrle lamps
Fine Healing I1nl-
. V. n i.BMimntil Will '- "-
" . .tu-. i iii he
The l,.llMln I' to ' he
I heating plant. The Miliums ;
with a '7',;" ."' pped
phone located at the front entrance
so that each tenant may be called
Horn mat place, ir desired. Tho hall
ways are to be wide and well light
ed and the stairways leading to each
floor will bo quite wide.
To Bo Flro Proof.
The building will be of fireproof
construction as far as possible and
every possible protection Is being
provided to give safoty to the ten
ants. Brond, steol stair fire escapee
will be used Instead of the usual
ladder arrangement, providing an
easy way of exit In the event emer
gency demands. These escapes will
not be of the plain, ordinary type, but
will be lecoruted to conform to the
attractive style of architecture. v
May Have lloof tiarden.
Mr. Kohlhagen Intends to fit the
roof up in roof garden style and pre
pare a place where the tenants may
enjoy a pleasant day or evening in
the open.
The plans for this structure have
now been practically completed and
j within a few daya will be submitted
to contractors for bids. Work will
start within thirty days according to
present plans and the structure will
be completed as soon as possible.
The need for such an apartment
house has been foil for many months.
The housing situation has been very
acute, and as all times there has been
a great shortage In furnished and un
furnished apartments equipped for
light housekeeping.
Mr. Kohlhagen In erecting this flno
building Is not only preparing for
himself a safe financial investment
but Is making a fine Improvement
for Koseburg and ono which will be
a decided asset to this community.
Ho baa chosen an Ideal location, one
which will make the attractive apartments-all
the more desirable.
Orowth i Expected.
In Investing this large sum of
money Mr. Kohlhagen Is looking for
ward to a great growth In Roseburg
1 n(f of he llo.mir(!.(.0ol, ay ;,,
mn wU, l(1(,ome a greatH,
In the future yeara. With the open-
Ity will become a greater
trade center than at the present time.
Traveling men who are now working
In this territory are already making
plans to move to this city and a large
j nunin,r have already signified their
i in,n.i,.n n -nmnB (iR.hnrB- In
tne near future.
Big rtemaml for IloiMiia,
The demand for apartments is
demonstrated by the fart that Mr.
Kohlhagen has already received fcp
idlratlons for more than half of the
r,0 apartments. As soon as it be
came rumored that he was contem
plating the erection of such a bulld-
irig ho h(,Knll t() receive requests fnr
rooms and now more than half have
nen spoken for. Many of the tenants
are to be Roseburg people, while 15
or 20 traveling men with their fam
ilies, who desire to lusko their head
quarters In Koseburg, have spoken
for rooms. It Is understood that
morn than 2.1 families will be added
. i-.i.. -
lieing forced to depend upon train
connections out of Eugene. This will
nrr,.s,0 the demand for rooms, and
Kohlhngen s apartments will
f Q r,,ve , ,lluntcn (0 a
. 1 decided extent.
lrnii Kxrhanre. Manager Foster But-
.Kin..... 1 I. . V. n ITn.n..t.n 1 1 rnK.
ner reports. Pars are moving now at
,,. ralA f fur or flt dall y and a
force Is being maintained to