I' AGE KIT noSEBtHfl X trvVH-RFTTKW. WKDVFWnAV. APniT. B. i"23. H0 WTO MA KEA RADIO SET From a Bride: "As n ycunz housewife of only two and or.e-ha.!f years' ex perience I am fla J to find that even wo amateurs can cook successfully if re us3 Royal Baking Powder." Mrs. J. L. M. baking pmmmi Absolutely Pure Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Teste Send for New Iicva! Cooh Dqokll's TREE Royal Baking Powder Co., 130 Wiliir.m St., New York TTf'r" I II Ml I MM II T " Would Supplant Strange I Beliefs on Child Birth (Tnternntfonal Nwi Service). JEW VOltK. April S. To aid in dispelling one of the moBt tenacious groups of aiiperi il loun beliefs the world has evi-r known those per taining to child blrlh tho Maternity Centre Association is Inaugurating In New York a campaign for tho benefit of the entire country. Through education It la hoped to acquaint mothers everywhere with the real factors determining the lifo and health of mothers and lnfunts. Through research more facts will be Riven to silence for the benefit of women preparing for motherhood. Tho Maternity Centre Association Is regarded nfl a leading authority In the United Slates on matters of maternity protection. The routine or method of nursing procedure, it has worked out Is widely ncceptod as the standard. Miss .Mabel Choute. daugh ter of the lnle Joseph II. t'boale, is president of the association. " I'rac tlcally every large hospital In New York county is represented In its medical ndvlsory board. 'To Fight SuMTHtJtlon. The superstitions surrounding ma ternity are dangerous, the association feels, bocauso they affect mother and baby lives. Thousands of women In this country, it is said, nre relying upon tales that have come down from the middle ages. These beliefs must be supplanted by knowledge If tho appalling mother and baby death rate in the I'nlted States Is to bo cut down. Take the old idoa of "marking" a baby through nn unsatisfied craving on tho part of the mother. It a wom an longs for strawberries, for ex nurple, und.,docB not get them, the supposition is that tho child will bo born with a strawberry mark. Scientists declare thero Is no rela tion between cravings and birth marks. They do nssert, however, that worry and fear and anger react most unfavorably upon the baby that Is to be. Fright, for example, tho association's authorities sny, might preclpltato matters prematurely, or worry might tend lo Impoverish the baby's food supply. If we are to give the child a fair start in lifo the thoughts of many thousands of mothers must be directed Into right channels. The care the mother takes of herself must bo approved by sci ence, not by superstition. Some of lU'llefs. " Strange. Indeed, are the beliefs the association's nurses encounter In their field work. Thero is the one that If the expectant mother steps over n gasplpe the child will be born with a cord around its neck. There is the other belief that if site pnssos n man chopping wood the bsbv will have a harelip. When one of the nurses makes a complimentary remark about the new baby generally the mother hastens to ward off bad luck by saying: "God bless it; thank God;" knock wood; God save the mark!" Hut the wom an after has taken no thought to ward off sickness or even death by proper diet, proper clothing and prop er medical and nursing care. Lack of proper care la directly re sponsible for the death of most of the 23,000 mothers who die every year in the United States from causes incident to maternity and for the hopeless crippling of ninny thou sands more. One hundred thousand babies die each year In this country under the age of one month. Anoth er 100.000 are stillborn. Nearly all of these 200,000 deaths are prevent able. A Tajik of Kducntlon. The great task of the association Is one of education. First, the moth ers must be Impressed with the need for proper medical and Rurgical care during confinement at delivery, and In the brief porlod Immediately fol lowing the birth. In many cases women who aro convinced of th need of such care can find it. They can procure the advice of physicians, and in many of the larger cities they will find nursing organizations to keep them constantly advised. Mtiiiy women, however, who real ize the need for proper care have not the means of procuring It. This In volves tho second phase of the cam paign of education upon which the association Is embarking. It must teach the mother Just what steps she is to take in order to make the arriv al of tho new baby safe for herself and for tho child. With this end In in view the Maternity Centre Asso ciation is now preparing a series of educational pamphlets. More than a million of those will be distributed throughout the country for the bene fit of expectant mothers. As a sort of laboratory for the study of motherhood a square mllo on the crowded upper Fast Side of New York City has been secured, where a maternity medical and nurs ing center has beon established. It Is estimated that this year 4.000 babies will be born In this section, and an effort vll bo made te reach every one of the mothers as soon as she realizes that a baby Is to be born. Tho last word In medical and nurs ing care will be accorded these wom en in an effort not only to do every thing thnt is humanly possible to de termine the Irrodurible minimum of complete maternity nursing care. t I I DEPENDABLE IIF.ATtl AM) MII.I.KiAN PAINTS Telephone Receiver Is Essential, Making Radio Waves Audible Hy WILLI AM G..JI. FINCH. I Associate Member Institute Itadlo' Kngineers. I (Written for International News Son Ice. ) XEW YORK, April 5. A simple radio receiver suitable to receive the radiophone broadcasts and telegraph consists of the following items, which will be treated separately. 1. An Inductance or tuning coll by means of which the wave length of your set may be tuned to that of the station you desire to receive. 2. Crystal rectifier or mineral de tector that will enable you to rectify or make audible the electro-magnetic wave carrying voice or telegraph sig nals In your telephone receiver. 3. High resistance telephone re ceiver, the use of which enable you to hear the weak current rectified by the dotector. 4. Fixed condenser across the re ceiver that stores up the weak cur rents and then discharges them through the tolephone receiver. Aerial Is Essential. f. Antenna, or aerial A wire or wires suspended In the air and in sulated from all surrounding objects being a' part of the electrical system by which the electro-magnetic waves are sent or received. 6. Ground May be a wire burled in the earth or an artificial ground may be a water pipe which completes the radio circuit. The first Item to consider Is the tuning Inductance or tuning coll. One that will give good results may be ennslructod as follows: Materials needed One cardboard j tube 1-16 of an inch thick. 3 inches I in diameter, 6 inches long; 1-3 : pound of No. 20 or 22 B. S. single! silk-covered copper wire; one 1 Vt I inch Tadlo switch lever and hard-j rubber knob; twelve switch points; one wood base i of an Inch thick,' 6 34 Inches long, l vj Inches wire, Inch thick and drilled as Bhown; three nickel-plated binding posts; four wood screws to secure bakellte front to base as shown. How lo Start It. After you have secured the above materials and with the aid of a screw driver, paint brush, hand drills and some orange shellac, take cardboard tube, give it a good coat of shellac, after it is dry punch unall holes of an Inch from either end with a darning needle, pass wire through and tie. Allow about one foot to make connections. Wind eight turns, Bcrape a small amount of the insula tion off and make your first connec tion or tap. (Note Use about six feet of wire and cut same Into eleven equal lengths to us for taking tapB off of the coll.) lie sure when taking taps from the coil that connections are tight, soldered and taped. Take taps off the 12th, 16th. 20th, 24th, 40th, 64th, 100th and last turn, lie sure you have all connections solder ed and taped, because you are work ing with very weak currents and cannot afford to let any leaky condi tions exist. After you have the above work done shellac the windings as this will held keep them In place and at the same time help keep the moisture away, thus warding off grounds. Take the hard rubber or bakellte sheeting and drill to take switch points, bind ing post and switch lever as shown in the drawing. Drill also three holes to take inch wood screws as shown to secure bakellte front. Connect and solder taps, starting from the left, as illustrated. Secure coil to base with fibre strip and make con nections as shown. The nexf Installment will tell how to make a Catwlsker or Galena detector. cakoboaho tuoing 7j thick wouu virt 0.5. No. 2022 COVERto ctrcsH Wlft . tAJ TO BC YAM C fe OrV T MC " Tut!" J". ".7 o". 24 zer", 4oT7 6" ioo" T.hc lat torn. lUUIHt COIL 63- o o a v O li w; O BlNOINa STQ G O n CONNtCTKH r to BAKCUTE OR H SRO ROOOER 9HCCTI N$ "thick. " 3 wood eAtt if-micx. IDOL VENERATED IN INDIA 4 TIIKHK IS A WAY TO KNOW 1KI'KM.M.H PAINTS. 1,HK 4 F Foil Tllkl AHOVH yl'AI.ITY MAKK. j C MARK IT YOl II SAI L CUM: IN 111 VINO. badgley-zigleFhardware CO. g PHONE 25 PERMANENT MOTOR, REPAIRS niv guaranteed by us. Vt hen we charge nu for repairing your motor we feel as you do that the repairs ought lo last under any reasonable driving conditions. Having con scientiously repaired your motor we know our repairs will last. Hut wo always allow time to be the Judge of our efficiency. Hall & Son Garage N. Winchester St. Vhnne Sis Knsehiirr. Ore. ' I Thousand Take Part In Annual Pll. ! grlmagt u th Shrlns ef th Famout Juegtrnaut. The "Car of Juggernaut" It tht car which tbt Idol, Juggoroaut, or Jagan oatha, rides in triumphant procession lo India whtu the festivals of Jagan i uatha art celebruted. Jagannatba Is j another name fur the Indian god : Krishna (supposed to b the eighth Incarnation of Vishnu), and It also la i Ui nsine or Urn It. . in a temple at I'url In Oriasa on the Hsy of Hengul. I a temple dedicated to Krishna, a wooden linnge with a red body, black face, gilt arms Its crimson mouth wlde open and Its eyes sparkling with gems this Idol in Its rich rohes pre Bentt a very striking appearance. Jagaunatha la throned between his sister Suhhadra and his brother Itala Itaina, one black and ths other white. At the times of the festivals of Jagan uatha the Idol Is placed on a great car bearing 10 wheels, drawn by tome of the people who crowd from ill parts of India In pilgrimage to this shrine. Sometimes at many at a nun- j dred thousand are there. It was staled 1 that In former days many of the pll- j gr'.mt threw thcmtelrea under th ' wheelt of the "Car of Juggernaut." Immolating themselves In the belief i tbst they would thut be transported ' direct to hesven. Editorials Flrtt Ntwt Ntxt. Id China, Uu editorials appear on th front page, at they art considered the mest Important part of the paper. The rest of the newt follows In order of Importance legal and government newt, telegraph ntws, local newt, and finally advertisement. Tht advertise ment ire cot tcittarad through tbt paper, but are buncoed oo the last few page. Tbt o flic l&li art Ttry careful of what come out !q tht ntwspaper. If an editor wishes to remain la business ht mutt te to It that nothing adverse to the present td:nlulstration appear. Sunbeimt Destroy Bacttrla. Eipertmentt in various quarter havt shewn thai sunbeams art ablt to destroy bacteria In water at a depth of it least twenty Inchet be neath th urfa. . One might tltaost liken tbe rays of light la tucb a cast to Javelin and arrows piercing an nmy, for It bat been fonnd that tht destructive action it greatly dlmln Ubed if onlv th nmfi,ti-iti betnit fall epoo tbt water. l.ie slaughter of tht btrterla Is by inr in greatest when both perpen dicular and oblique ray enter tht water onlntrniptd. I.Ike a ship In action, the sun Is mnst iviirreni . h.n It can rsk the enemy with a crest fir. And It bis te shoot Itl tiny ar rows of light a leng way ilmost 03, fOliXm miles Rnf ,,,,. i. ... they get here nd th7 art effective. J Taste is matter of tobacco quality We itate k u our honctt belief thst the tobaccos used in Chesterfield are of finer quality (wd hence of better taste) thin in any other cigarette it the price. Uggitt & Afym Ttbaat C; Chesterfield CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos blended Lower Prices 20 now 18c 10 now 9c (Two 10'-18c) iW 3ERMS KILLED BY SUNLIGHT In Thit Way Water It Kept Compart' j tlvtly Frtt From Infection That Would Spread Disease. Tbert are few more wonderful sight In the world than a winding river shining lo tht sunlight. But our In terest lo inch a scene may be greatly heightened by the reflection thut the unbeaui are not merely beautifying the water; they are engaged In a cur ious work of tbe utmost importance to man' welfare. Scientific investigation has proved that sunlight possesses a wonderful power to kill Injurious germ In river water. Where a river Is polluted by sewage, million end millions of dangerous bacttrla flourish In it water and are carried along with It to spread dis ease and deutb around Its banks unless their development is arrested. If the sun does not shine upon such a river It may become a peril to whole com munities. But If tbe sunlight doe reach It freely, the germs are de stroyed and tbe water Is kept com paratively free from Infection, f i j i j 1 2 4 LODGE DIRECTORY. VEIOIIBOna ur WOODCRAFT Lilac Orcle No. 49. meets on 1st and 3rd V. .day evenings In Mouse hall. Visit ing nelghra Invited to attend. 1IKI.LE CRENSHAW, O. N. . LKONA McDONALD. Clerk. HEAR Elizabeth Schoh AN EX-NUN, AND KNOWN AS Sister Lucretia Who will spe.uk nt the following churches In Roseburg: BAPTIST CirniCW, THURSDAY EVK, APRIL 6. rilKSBYTEHIAX CIH'RCH, FRIDAY F.VK, AP1UL T, SATURDAY KVEXIXG, APRDJi 8, AT THK 1IASU.MC HiUIO JfKX ONLY. SIASOXS AND 100 PER CEXT AJIEKICUg ma. Sim will tell her convent experience and give her lift latmy of l hospital and orphanage work. Her life story, "The Sounds t i I Rome," will be on sale at each meeting, price 75c. FwtlUoltf. it lugs will bo taken. j- A. K. A A. M., (.ftarrf Lodge .No. IS. Regular communications lint jnd 4tb Wednesdays each month at Masonic Temple, Itoleburg, Ore. Visitor wel come. W. L. THOMAS. W. M. w. e. TJAKllia. Secy UilK Sl: I HITY HUNKKIT ASSOCIA TION meets In tne ataccabe hall the 1st and 3rd Tueajavs In each mo t h W. li. A. o. T. M. Roseliurg lUvlew No. 11 hold regular meetings on sec ond Thursday at s p. m. and fourth Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Visiting sisters Invited to atend reviews. a,accabet Uall, Pine ai.d Cnss streets. HKI.I.E STEPHENSON, Com. JESSIE It API'. Col. lOKHllll Roseburg Lode No. 41, I O. O. F meets In Odd Fellows Temple every week on Tuesday evening. Visiting mevbers In aood standing are invited t. at tend. Sl'SIB JACKSON, N. Q. EVA LENOX. Secy. ETHEL BAILEV, Fin, flecy. o. K. Hoaeburc Chapter Pie. U Holds their regular meeting on trie 1st and 3rd Thursdays In em t month. All sojourning brothers and sisters are respectfully Invited to a'tond. NUS. ELIZABETH HUNYAN, W. M. FlUJJOIlNjNe-tary; K. 6, T. M. Meeis each second and fourth Thursday of each month in Maccabee hall, corner Cass and Ptne streets. Visiting Knights always welcome. L. C. OOOPMAN, Com. Q. W. IIAI'I'. K. K. UAdl.Ua ttoseourg Aerte meets In linoee hall on Jaeksnn Ht. on 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of each month at I oclo. k. Visiting brethren In good standing llwivi welcome, A. J. WTILPT. W. P. P. W. M. LA MERE. W. P. R F. (KillliMAN. Secretary. I'XITED AHTI1AsM,.,ti In Maics cee hall every YVedneaday evening. Visiting members rUsvi weicome. RICHARD lU SCIi. M. A. Mlt.nUEn arcri.LOOH Treas. E1.STE HCMPHREYSecy. LOIAI. OHDtK OF UOOSB Roaeburg Lode No. 1037 meele llrst and third Tuesday tvenlngs of each month at 8 o clock In the Moose hall. All visiting brothers are invited to attend. O. W. CLOAKT1. nirtstor. H. O. PAltOKTEIt, Kerretary WOODMKJI OK TI1B WOIlI.rViitin No. 1J. meets In Odd Fellows' hall In Rneehurg every lit and 3rd Mon day evenings. Visiting neighbors always welcome. FKEliKltlCK PORTEK, C. C. M M. MILLER. Clerk. mmmwM " Phllaiarlae I.ori' . B Mets In Odd Fellows Temple every Irlday evening at 7 JO o'clock. Visit ing brethren are always welcome. FRED MILLER, N. tl. A. 1. 11KH11KS. rtec. See. J. R. HAILEY. Fin. Beo. B. P. o. Klha. Hoaehsrc ISse Urn. 3t -Hold regular coiumunlcattona at the Elks' Temple on each Tku'sday of every month. All members re quested to attend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially In vited lo attend. ROY PELLOtfO. F. U. J. o. PAY. Jr.. Se'y. KH.HT IIP pftlllASAlpna" Lclge No. 41, meets every Wednesday even ing In Douglas AbPtrart Hall, corner Jackson Washington Bta. Visit ors ajwava welcome. Ht'KOl.PK R. RIT7.MAN. C. C P'lT O. YOI'Nrl. M. V E. B. W1HBKRL1. K. R. a "Ixok! There toe 'The America vamp In town!" With these words n Beauty th. most dul- Idah McQione Gibson Noted Author Introduce her readers to her new super-sped1 enllUf "Love's Masquerade Is of uf A romantic story presenting a wonderful anal) maids and marriage. Beginning Saturday. "Love's Masquerade" EXCLUSIVELY IN' The News-Review