PACT: FTflTTT Ttrermno ygM's-nfTTrw. TmTsn.M', M.nrn no, 1022, Sports Clothes nothing so useful or as important for Spring New Coats Top c';iU are in himiuiI l' iniinrl ittw swnT ami cliic all r. w r:ininiiits. SJ.85 to $10.00 Tweeds Tt imI suits In all t ho color ruin bin ;tt ions - foiijcI liiug that nil youiiK voin-n want. $12.50 to$:;o.oo I I FRENCH GINGHAMS Ileautiful pl.'lhlfi i:l fceii'jon'a ioM.-liurK'H lartvHt asmi-tiiii-nt. duiniy 1'iuti -run in IKmicn of o SUMMER DRESSES now in colorful, titviLOi, dainty $4.25 to $5.50 SHOES As ever, wo hnvo tlio season's now-cut presentations. "Tlio Storu Tlmt Docs lliu llllslness." 5 75c 79c J S 2 Birthday Dinner at Ford Homel GLARING HEADLIGHTS Result of Bond Mr. A. J. l'ord ai tiKti eably sur prised cm Iiit birthday yesterday when on retuniinir from h drive hug found her home full of fcue.-os, a bounteous bin Inlay dinner prepared and tin house hea'utilully decorated with dalTidols and xiolets. Dir.ner was served by Ihi KUe.sts at l::io on a table artistically arranged with flowt rs and place r-f.rils. The follow ing were Kue-its at tlie surprise birth day dinner parly, Mrs. A. .1. Carman, Mrs. tiny Flint. Mrs. John liunyan, Mrs. X L. Mi Donald. Mrs. K. I.. Ilotitl, Mrs. A. I). Ilawn, Mrs. O. I). .MrAIU.sier-, Mrs. Ttefreii, Mrs. XX' It. Coulee, Mi Carl Heytners, Mrs. Scruggs. Mrs-. (. (). JennillKs, MUs Lorraine Coulee, Miss LHllim Klint. little Hetty McDonald, and Mrs. and Mrs. A. J. l'ord. CAUSE BAD ACCIDENT Hv I nlua freest. SKATTLK. March S't. Mrs. Matt Condi. u was killed and her husoaud and Mrs. J. Hamp- ' ton, all of Kverec, severely in- jured when their ear plun.ued over a steep embankment early toilay. Thw f-'lannic lieadlli-'hia of an opinoai -nine ar caused j the smash, i.ccei.iiiiK to wit- . Ileuses. The police are seeking the drivtr of the offending au tomobile. Issue Important SPRING OPENING Day Jud'd's Grocei-v (Contlnu'vl from paro ono.) A -5 extra taxes vob d each year since 1M0 for running expenses and bond r demption. Nonh Ilend: Several times lias; oted for school maintenance taxes in excess of ti'.i limitation. I'endl.ton: llitS, 1S19. $ 19.000 1 taxes for maintenance, operation I v i Instruction. ! Fl lflL'fl. redemption of warrants. n :,oo a "We tlon't follow Hut leaders; and HHJ LI. KS DAN'CK. i lines! color effects Also many litilit dored ol-cjillillcs. and and Your schools advertise your town. Make j our advertisements count. Vote for the bond Is.-ue. Thursday nlrM is Klks' nltlit. Kxalt.d liuW Jiellows declares he'll show the broth- Ihelr wives and svveet- learts the (In f their lives. iarch 3uth, Thursday iiiKlit. Is the nitMit. Iiit; doin's and a biindingcr of n time. i-r In Mrs. Roy Bellows Charming Hostess ZrTXlZ. .Iohn McC'liutot'k. V oodly On., nl the most l.rilll; nt lunehrnns """R" l-aird. : ney Htephen- alker. Singleton, Harry Parks, ornutt, William Moore, Ar chie Klliott, Ira I,vis and itay Y&- I)IS'OrT MII.MNF.KV SAM UNIVERSITY of OREGON ALUMNI DANCE AT THE ARMORY FRIDAY, MARCH 31 4 Following U. of O. Men's Glee Club Concert PUBLIC INVITED 10 to 12 GENTLEMEN 50c of the season was given today at the ,Vi"a' v . m. u iin..-. i., "ale - I) 1 f.... Il..lln,r. n X'ri charming hostess and her luncheon -ered at 1 o clocK consisted or an 4 the dainties of the season. A color 1 scheme of yellow was used in the dec- er;,ti.,r, nnd the tnhln was beautiful Friday and Saturday, all trimmed, I with clusters of mimv colored spring tailored, pattern and sport hats will blossoms with the yeilow blooms pre-! be sold at 10 per cvnt discount at the dominating. Place cards with Krench i big millinery department, Bellows I girls wearing large bonnets were very . store. appropriately used in carrying out o i the Kasler suggestion and with yel- Don't fail to vote for the bond is I low baskets filled w ith candy and sue on Saturday. I nuts were used to mark each cover. I Mrs. liellows was assisted in serving at her luncheon tod.'iy by Mrs. C.eorge 1 Dolter and Miss Ciertrucle Itast. At the luncheon tomorrow the hostess will be assisted by Mrs. Stanloy Kid der and Mrs. Charles Wharton. The guest list for the two days includes Mrs. J. K. Parker, Mrs. I. CI. Ilroad-' way. Mrs. Charles Wharton. Mrs. It. I,, (iile. Mrs. s. A.anfotd, Mrs. A. Wells. Mrs. Harry Stapleton. Mrs. Stanley Kidder. Mrs. J. K. Sawyurs. i Mrs. Walter Hamilton, Mrs. J. W. Perkins. Mrs. (ieorge P.olter, Dexter Klee. Mrs. I.. It. Skinner, r. A. Johnson. Mrs. (ieorge Hrad burn. Mrs. Pert Green, Mrs. II. C. Mrs. Klansmen Advertise Coming Lecture AP.OI M) Till-: TOWN. 4 T Visit With MiiiIht Mrs. O.-A. Shattuck left for Po'l lanil toilay to .sp. ;id two weeks vis iting with Iter mother, Mrs. UHle Seruant who niakea her home In that city. Itellli-ns ,1'i-unl A'lsit Mrs. Melvln Kllisnn. who has been visiting in Ashland and Med ford for the past few wee' s, re turned to her liome In this city to day. I'. S. Marshall (Yinilng The case against K. Purton and Malcom Kerr, soldiers from Camp Lewis, who are accused of robbing a mail box near Kiddle, has been turn ed over to the federal courts by Post 'Office Inspector S. h. Kidder nnd a V. S. marshal! Is expected to arrive here soon to take charge of them. Sheriff Starmer this morning receiv ed a message from Camp Lewis, In forming him that the oficers there are willing to turn Kerr over to the; civil authorities. i Here l-Voni Yonccillu John W. Brown, justice of the peace at Youcalla, was a visitor in j this city for several hours today; while attending to business affairs and visiting with friends. z ,1 ,,,e '""ofrir Our opeiiln? liny' will be conducted a Mtlrt. . on ii Judgment of our Tallies wl'i w brSlo in,, Special Bargains REAL PRIZES SO Various ArticIes 50 COFFEE, SEEDS, SALT SYRUP, Etc. ' 3Also One 50 lb Sack of Flo SATlltDAY SPDCIAL TI-.V (iAItl)KX Sl'GAIt AM) Coitv ,- ltegiilur l'llco 50c; S)eclal I'rii-e, 14 Ki-Kiibir 1'ilce 83c: Special I'ilce u 1 .1' 4IU Free Coffee and Hot Biscuits Will Be gfrwi. He sure to get your prize niimVr at the door Mrs. L. St. Ores, who has been In this cily for the past few days at tending to business matters, left to day for her home at Drain. Mrs. F. L. RusspH ft n, today for Stitherlln hIT visit for a sw. ,i. that place. wXVYvJ ONE BANDIT IS BELIEVED DEAD Two Ku Klux Klansmen in re galia paraded the streets for about two hours last nigly on horseback advertising the Ku Klx Klaupiet-j ure which is to lie shown at the) (rtv Cnltcd Tress) Antler's theatre tomorrow, Friday SEATTLE, March 30. I'osse lead- pi'miIdit The nlctiire "The Vnee i ers toflav were of tho Oliilliol) that Mrs. at your Window." is attracting a j one of the two bandits sought ir. the Mra- great deal of attention wherever it I wilds of the Olympic peninsula had is being shown in connection with 1 beep, badly wounded and that one is Mr. .Sawver's lecture 00 this sub-1 dead. This man is presumed to be Waddell, Mrs. Harry llildebui-n, Mrs. 1 j,.(.t indications are that the Ant Nathan l-'ullerton, Mrs. T. W. t.ra- j,.r), theatre will be crowded to Hic ham, Miss tiertrude Itast, and the n,nt. and it is iiuite po-ssible that hostess, Mrs. ltoy Bellows. 1 the lecture and picture will hp 0 ! given on Saturday night also If suit able quarters are procured lor the Let Roseburg's future he reflected in her schools. Vote for the bond issue Saturday afternoon at the high school. second evening. I the expert safe cracker who broke into the Sequini bank when $20,000 was taken from the institution. lie was believed shot in a gun duel last Saturday when Deputy Sheriff Mc- Inis was wound-ed. -o- AKOIM) Till: TOWX. st 1 iiilor. Is leaving this week for Sai raniento where he expects to re- permanently. Surprise Dinner for Mr. Hyland Is lioseburg going horse town by turnin, hack twenty years. 0 to lye a one ; our schools STOliKS Alii-: ItOllliLI). Folding winrs tenable a French airplane to be driven through streets on its wheels with an auxiliary motor. side (lood supply of seed potatoes, pies Supply Co. I'eo- Mrs. Jennie Harper, of I'oriland. arrived here thlH morning to remain in the city for some time visiting with relatives anil friends. Painless extraction f teetn at room 9, MsRvhlo tereple. Dr. Nstbas. Miss. Agip-s ori'let-r, hpcnl t tending to olli 1'ltchfiird, Juvenile mlay at (ib-tiilale at lal bu.-!ness. Mrs. 10. F. Moclne, Itlddle, spent yesterday In this city attending to business matters and visiting with rebi lives. She returned to her home In the evening. ;er of wa s id tlu- Chas. Stanton and bis mother will ring 11 duet at the Christian chinch Sunday night. M. Sullivan, local music In- THEATRE While there's always ji tirsl chiss t.liow. I'liien Tin atrr. FHlabli.ilied lie and 1 .',c l'rlces Wl lM SDY .V 'I III UMiAY A Big Super Alllaellon "Jane Eyre" The ntlraetliMi waliini: lor. ml have be. 11 "Ja'i.1 l!re." from the -n at novel, wiih M.ib.-I li.illin ami Nnrmal Ti-er ami an all far cist. There are 1 lany s'avtiini; Ila t Inns in this t.i noeis p! 1 . It Is a story tint ninon fi,e-i the di I'tlis of (b span- to th--rlorllb d lielghls of ll.lppltle- This Is said "Last I. line,' nnd p-t a si at our In st pilot. to be b, tt. i- th.i us I his Is en ptays. Ni;f Also I'll s- N a c 1111 id Met I'iT l'athe La us. Friday: I'nlvi rslty Men's Clee Club. Of (1 . full sit 111 day only: lai IN (ilaum , MrH. Arrlilt- Kllfotr loft this morn hie fop Kound J'rairii' w hero who will Hpcnd a short time visliiip; wiih 1 hir p;iit'U(H who rcyUh; at that pliK P. j M is It 11 r h Itimit'tt, oporator at j 1 1n Ith-al toh'phoTio oxrliaii!'. h'l'I lu ro last fViMilnK for ltonnd I'ri'irir w IiTf ulto will Hp'iid u slnrt tinio vifititiif wiih Iht parmts, Mr. and Mis. T. It. HurmMt. Tl. L. ITyland, mana; .landard Oil Co's plant. nntlv I'urprised last evoniiiK with hirlhday dinner at his homo on Oa!i street. The dinner was sponsored by Mrs. llyland. and was a romph't" Kurpriso to Iht husband. The fo'.ir tet'ii Standard Oil Co's employes in ihis city wore the invited -truest s. The delirious f ive-cour.p dinner was served at fi : J10 r.t a tahlo mado beaut irul with n iarKO cluster of red roses. Mrs. Hvlaud was assisted I in serving ty Mrs. . H. Laird, f Following tho dinui-r the Kiio.:ts presented Mr. llyland with a ma-1 Stores nt Oakland and Wilbur were robbed last n;i;ht by transients. At Oakland rovolvpr-. knives and n.zors were taken and at Wilbur Hfveru! pairs of over.tU shoes. pfcks nnd other a rtn-bM of clotli ttii; were appropriated. From e i denco patheied by the officers it Is apparent that both robl.r'e weio eoniniitted by the same r:rly, pre sumably jiome 0110 traveling by au. tomobilo. Your tob;rro. movie nnd pas money for ( tie wetk will pay the ex tra tax cominc; from the little $10, ."no betid isn' in. n.tii.v avi;atiii:u wkimhit, S. WoMttifr nnrt-an, local nfTii liurrf. Oregon, 1 hours ending Prrojttadon In Inches ind ITundrfrdtli I ! lu'h.-.-t I -:ti I r.i t ure y'-.iiT(l;iy .. U7 i-v,tst t'lnponiture luast nihl . 4i I'Tftipitat i-ni lii-t -I hours ....... 0 l'i'ft iit. iiict first if inintll i-rei-ip. for this month.... 3.:tS Toinl pr.-rip. from t-pt. 1, 19LM, to .l:u- Avi'rak'i' preelp frorn S-pt. 1. JsTT UK.uS lutiil tb tl. i. n. v from Sept. 1, l'JJl '.) (.& nil u. to Mdy, lm-1 . . . ..11. Hi l-'ir.- ast to 6 p. m. for Southwestern On on AnioniT today's Ktiests reRistered at the Motel HotiKlas are the following:: A. .1. tilt. -n. Los AllKeles: A. II. Ot I , 'i . Los Anucles; Mrs. K. SchiiM. Willows: Krnest l'otts. Seattle; (i. 11. Kids. Me.ll'ord; Charles lleck and A bil;'h Stried, I'nrtland. Lester llulner. son of Mr. Mrs. Koster llutner. or this city, licd here lust evellilli; to n some time with his parents. II u ml .el e Is a. ployed In the ndvertisito; depart im nt by MontKiitnery. K'ar-l v'o., of I'onland. and will retura f hi ork there after his visit here. The fellow inir are anion-.: tin i- -: Ms leisiereil at the (irand helil: Mr. and Mrs. C. li. McKenle, Cor vallls; XV. A. Veteis and wile. OaK l.ind: Charles 11. Anderson, c.mal ii- . .1. X Malison. Kiddle: li. V. ',-,n .u. Itiildle: S. ti. Whilsett.'if-. 1.1: J. II. Mays,; ami . N Mtnpsnn. Mi'dford. 1M-. L. t Wllcos. of New- Yotk Ci:v . w ill be the Rll. st of liev. II. L Ciblwell this week end. Mr. WiLo : the nauonal secretary of Kiptl-1 iiim'iei' lie is Internationally ..iel,-il and known, and an . xcell , nt speaker. He h;-s Just returned f-m-l a'u-nad. lie will oeellpy the pul- i it at the llaptlst church on next Smnl iv uiol nillK. Jin V'' 1 III jj ii Soo Our -Dresses in Ta f feta ami Canton Crepes in price from $15.00 to S30.C0 Spring time Attractions Everybody is eajrer for the J EV FASHIONS for the New PALMER . CREATION'S in SUITS and COATS. Our dis play is complete. These smart and wonderfully Tailored Garments are marked down to the lowest llgure the pri ces will please you ran pin1: from $10.50 to $35.50 Shirts and Blousesespec ially attractive, distinc tively spring sufr,e:estive $0.50 to $17.50 today's cuests reci-tere.l nt II. .td i'nip.iUK are the follow iluT: . Cobl- ndal-: .i.ick it it XI . eld Vor allis: illis; Mr. L. II n. Illluene: 1:1. ii -be Mav .lehn Mcl.ernon. Stores. Mi lilt: !' tl II. Alll'-s. Mcl- Vortlitid: W. X i!... I- 'el: CVl.tMl f.llllllert vv anil w I To, Meilfol d; Medfonl. I'oriland: .1. and I'luis. tor dr. all Kas'er lint. I'ell . xvear. Hell Mlllin- Teninlit fln.t T-'ri-biv ruin. Mr 11,1.1 AM Ohssrver ,Xi:V TODAY. Full TEIiNT liestaiirant llxtun-g. at 1 1 .--'herl.iii n St. I'lHt liKNT- -Twii iiliruriit.-lie.l n eiits. Call l-i.iii.-llii. It.Xi-.S V..Ti:ii Tills Is h.His. Ini? time, s.i trlnr your old iiiks l - rcer s l'.:iie:iin .-Here. XVi HI IN sli. t r ate funiUy h wo Address k In A. II.. I lev lew. t.i 1ST l't N'. el i . .. Id. . .V-l! c etiliiinliitf $7H ami ! I.. ". Kniikiibl. turn to, er Iletify. SILK SWEATERS in all the new shades a IVautiful Assortment SEE OUR MILLINERY DISPLAY In Styles of the Times i S t,K M m t,.. ,!... to Kot - ir .". room tii'ii', turn uml f . no; (..tit in colt ivnt ion T-'ine .i:.. i hi. !;. n nn. li. H.-ro's a ip. w.j-:. .ion.-. Hot,. i rtJiHu:i. '"AN $T'n fm.N for t Mini'! l.;.1tro ImllH oil lV)pl'o'cil x 'lmrtf protM-rtv. l.tniiiM not to -I r.o vc . nt of vtilutv Hnui or K'ni's lot t'o.i.) rit' of Int .-r-l. I'll.!--!- si'i'f .rvislnn. I'liip i S' i Int:- Irf'-i" A ssoclji t Ion. at w A! . ! We Want To Protect Our Patrons 2 w mmiMfmm 51 Prf S-WlttJ&W&'J&Xl- IOC aaMEsa35f fit I - I vn 0 ii"'"' TODAY ONLY fc.'' Imagine K 25.000 people In the cast. f K.iVXi'l Till I v tl V A-'iliW 1; J A ri'ture that cost 13.000.000. H yWJI-'-B K S 40 Hens loosed on helpless thou- 1 W'itiy,'J I S 8,,n''8'' fi tt&rztfih) I 9 Thrill without number, scenes J ti .. cwtTrW fr A ainazinB. J V-'it G 5 TIIKX you have but a faint I .- SLH I K conception .r Till-: WORLDS .1 rVsfl v W.A I f tlllliATKST Sl-KCTACl-IS. I FtA" Ifi d Th- hloKirr of Ihe norlil hnm E rX?. j ' hSt c H'i 1 I ja hern written In lln love Morten. II f-i Si- Wl If 1 K 'I'IiIm lw Iih KremeNt one, irrli V f- X? Y.A li' m llnir the henrt wlib lln r"'VrtTi 0' !l li I I 'A nhlle the of rl- i J-)f.VX LO'V: 1 s w&iiw K Ii' Y' Hiss 'Tiii-iiinoiM" V rVSwf; JJ II 1 0 mm: hv as vki.l stop i;- Vv ;i ZJZH H 2 i r m:k motion vie- Vv-'- 'Tvv V.'-m 1 wmm W. itn.ll.ii lliillnnu. t?tfX.IiP 11 4 gsmmU 14 Sardoui Immortal drima & jfr& tnfmprelJvchosacri!TJ iti 3 etnpir for a moment cflc-.e rf$ ,i u. 9. ,tfV i? -I t tea mim mm MM nti'l In rvont of 1 lie ctn viriKc, uo sk u;i o m.lct tuir furl nt oitic. Vo hiwr n kihmI vu;..y on linti'I !ut h L. iny f;:s,t. I'rnt.vt mn--U. )nltT now. DENN'S Transfer and Storage gnrfn ii ii aiviniFmrCiA t'llll.DIIKX loc lYIIDXKSDAY AND HI rsjov-Aii: ..; 'At iVML5 ' '- r . ..TierSiRS.'!1! ! "THE AN GRIM ivmi ALL STAK COMEDIAN CAST By RETA WEIMEN o VI! IS 1VKI . i.t-inLIl. t-i til. i nr. I"--- xxr.i.ii i.-iH.i SATURDAY EVENING P0S1 Will JIAI5IK I.AMONTI'. MISK AI. ""''., V BS" HVKUKO THAT THE MOST XOTOIH"! I"'- .yKt S WAY HAD WO Ill'.K iS'NO-KNT " u (,,IT, .-ITU 1111! I 1 .1.1 " WAS HKAPY TO l-'KiHT Wl this rKTi ni: tki.i.s as rnwinn I LH KOI NT ITS WAY S HKIINW Al!l- A STOKY .IS "Love Madness" Phone 12S New 1'isk ?:-itlors. all phade Hell Millinery. for M NSIIINK toMK.DY AND S tteet wear. ... 1 V Sll""- ...