PAfiB KIT Rosrntnn sewb-keview, Trirnsfuv, MAitcn so, 1022. SIS!! KIJtfTltlC LIMIT! FOOL JIKXS INTO Tltiri.K WOIIK fl One Night Only Starts Prompt at 8 p.m. FRIDAY, MARCH 31st. HEAR THE TRUTH ABOUT THE K KLAN By DR. R. H. SAWYER INTERNATIONAL LECTURER AND SEE THE MOTION PICTURE 1 "The Face at Your W indow" WHERE THE KU KLUX RIDES AGAIN A THRILLING PICTURE WITH A MESSAGE OF WARNING TO AMERICANS. PEOPLE TURNED AWAY WHEREVER SHOWN SO COME EARLY NO SEATS RESERVED ADMISSION, INCLUDING TAX, 55 CENTS a UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE KU KLUX KLAN Lmij Hi mn iiii)iihhpi nmm r""" " ....i. 3Z Aid J (International N'ewi Service). MKlJlNA, O.. March 30 George Burr, poultry man, has devibed a novel scheme where- by hens are deluded Into in- creased egg production. The use of electric lights In his hen- nery, declares Burr, has result- ed In the tripling of the number of eggs he receives dally. "Electric lights fooled the hens Into triple work," Btates Ilurr. "I nllow the chickens a sleeping period, then turn on the lights In the middle of the night. The hens think It is : daytime and are thuB fooled Into laying twice a day." , From the same number of ' hens Burr says he collected 3,- 4 89 eggs In January, as against l,ir4 In the same month of 1921. IT'S A Ol'EKR WOKIJH i (International News Service), 1'OPLAR HLUFF, Mo., March 1 30. Trains, like time, wait for no man. And that's why a local ! restaurateur is $5 richer today. It also is why the visitor who , paid him "the Jack" lumbered : swiftly afoot over the railroad tracks out of this town. The stranger entered the I lunch room, glanced at a clock on the wall, compared the time j with his railroad time table and sat down to eat. He had ten minutes to catch his train by the clock on the wall. He ! paid his check and departed. i But he came hack, somewhat I Deeved. ! "Friend," he said to the lunch j room owner, "your clock is wrong. It caused me to miss a' : verv important engagement. Take this 5 and buy a new one. I I was on my way to get mar- ! rled and now I'll have to walk." j ; II : II Veteran Dies at Soldiers Home Ira Call, aged 78 years, died this ! morning at the Soldiers Home hospit al, following an Illness or several weeks. Mr. Call was a private in Co. F. 3rd N. Y. Prov. cavelry. He was admitted to the home on April 6, 1910, from Multnomah county. He leaves a daughter, Mrss. Minnie Boyle of Astoria, and a son S. M. Call, of Portland. The body will be shipped to Portland tonight. Mrs. Boyle has I been here for the past week attend- ; ing her father during his illness. NE W, A UTOMA TIC RADIO INVENTION PICKS UP AND PRINTS WORDS ON TICKER TAPE Practical Tests Show Device Opens Up New Field in Radio Activity. OMornntlnniil Now. Hervito NEW YoltK, March 2V. An auto matic radio receiving device that will automatically pick ui and print press dispatches Bent In wireless code! That Is the latest device? Just per fected, for the radio enthusiast. The machine, when adjusted, runa like a clock and requires no operator. The dovlco has been perfected and patented by William (I. H. Finch, an experimental engineer, of Buffalo, who Is an associate member of the Institute of Hncllo Engineer and oth er technical societies. Ho has been Identified with radio development since 1 litis, holding one of the first licenses granted by the government early In 191:1. During the World War ho organised mid had charge of tho lladlo First Field Artillery. N. Y. 0. Finch's radio dovlco enables nnv WAui mafic - ? wp! ir,.r & A full line of chick feed, rlht. Peoples Supply Co. . CARD OF TIIAXKS Trices We wish to extend our sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors who assisted ub with acts of kindness and expressions of sym pathy during the illness and after the death of our beloved wire and motn er. We wish to thank them also for the beautiful floral offerings. a. j. Mcculloch. MRS. BKKT G. BATES. MiMiRKD Mcculloch, loken Mcculloch. Clinton Cameron and Jeanette Olbbs render solos Sunday night at the Christian church. Children's Milan hats for Easter. Bell Millinery. nF t..l.. I 1 has proved that ev,,!.,.,; ' .' . W0 , "U,n " Tl"I In."- otio to rece ive broadcasted codu lilted bv radio at alinnst ,.i,. .',.. "! "I'"r Instance," Mr. Finch said record mat a moving bod v can I cmimii. many snips carry only mm ir..i.. eu in uie saine lasiiion by radio waves 1 operator, who, of sagKs from nnv distance. being made of (lie message, which is printed automatically on ,,,, .., .K.mons.n.t.on. I they be Viable ae u " 1 UT-lto . me U" veS O Pracllcal deiunnstiatlun of his inven The simplicity of tho Finch Inv -and when such a call Is ra tion at the lloboken radio station of Hon permit a nnvic i , " . . .7.,. .. !. ... 80 .".r.r!nl! "'at the Delaware Lackawanna railroad. ; operation. , X '. , ' "r V""M." Tho nmy department cooperated In Tt. ,,..), h J. u,, ' i 1 be operated. one practlial demonslrntlon, which any desire Was successful. i tldjlisl ...... ,u ,-s.e,-, ,.,,, mini record any inessnge etnanntitis from I Tbi i. .,.ii.i. k. " "1"' ,"Jl "'V"",1,n " '"W M ,'M" 1 sensitive radio rWay! ti,, h amxp f -s, i. . . -ssasireKroRG. part of the invention and without which the feat could not be accom plished. When tho Instrument Is tuned In and tho ether impulse, like water flowing Into a pipe, conies Into contact with tho supersensitive relay a series of Impulse,, corresponding to the received Impulse will be ac curately transnitt.., and recorded " Mr. Finch heartily endorses the s.aiia taxen by Secretary nf r,,. ii. hlne csn be turned In to nt the ,., , '"'7 " """" 'KBn 1 d sunlon and the apparatus, record of the, . . J i "'.TVJ'T' '" hola9 the d so that It will nick , i i ii,.. , .". ,. : ,.. ruvu,Kr Pnvnte experlm enter fthonlit ha na. isted and not hampered bvregula- Thlrty electric locomotives of a, Swedish typo have been ordered Ini that country by the French state railways. Mechanism lias been d. sltned which enables almost any automo bile to be converted to gasollno eiectrlc drlw. Listen. SEND YOUK CLOTHES TO THE ROSEJ3URG ( CLEANER. iti:sr M itvu i:. YOl It t l.OTIIl'S MI.L A I.. ways in: I'uoi'i isi.v t i.i:a. I ll AM l'liLSSUI. PHONE 472 MOH OHTH JACKSON sTKKI'.r. AMI UK ASM III II tiF Till: SIAMESE TWINS DIE IN HOSPITAL (By t'nlted Prew). CHICAGO, March 30. Rosa and Josefa Blazek, Siamese twins, died within fifteen minutes of each other today from Jaundice. Death has been lurking in the shadows of the hospital for several days, where the "Siamese Twins" had been lying In a comatose condi tion. o Now Spring Eastor hats at the Boll Millinery. LONG FLIGHT WAS STARTED TODAY A Higher Price Is Not Warranted' A Lower Price Is a Poor Investment TRY A PAIR Many Styles at $10.00 A Few at $11 and $12 Harth's Toggery 1 114 MUM Ml .TCtrfl m ANTICIPATION AND FULFILLMENT We anticipate the banking require ments of our customers by keeping our equipment right up-to-date with every approved facility thus satis factorily supplying their needs. Checking Accounts are invited. iM Interest paid on Savings Accounts ' The Rosebwg National Bank - osemir,Ore Dr. Withers to Speak Here The Missionary Society of the First Baptist church has extended a cor dial invitation to the ladies of the church and congregation to meet with them Friday afternoon at 2:30. The members of the Missionary society feel very fortunate in having as their guest for the afternoon Dr. Luciele Withers of Swatow, China. Dr. Withers has been for many years a medical lllissionnrv In Mnth Chin. and is la the United States at this time on a furlough. Dr. Withers 1b deVOtinp fhfa mnnt in tha of Oregon in giving lectures and tell ing of the many Interesting phases of her work in the foreign field. Shei has a live message and Is doing won derful WOl-k. Fir WIlhAPB la a Btmntr forceful speaker and is securing the interest of all who heat her. She will speak at Glide Mil! evening and twice la Eosetatj Sunday, meting with the Ba(tk Young People's Union at :!0 1 at the evening service o( the this at 7:30. Mrs. J D. TaTlorofSs (formerly Jessie Pickens) andk E. A. Spear will entertain the lis with special music during the i noon. In addition to the toclilte tho Missionary society will hold i short business session, electlaiu officers for the year at thu tin Delicious refreshments will hem at the close of the afternooa'i In gram. MF.KTIXG AT CUDE , Miss I.ucile Withers, a wt mlsslonr.ry on furlough, whobuW a notable work In South Chita many years, will speak at the C church on Friday night, March! Miss Withers is a splendid sp; has had wide experience and m and has a message that the w community will be glad toVar. frtr Aicaclated Press. LISBON, March 30. The at tempted flight from Lisbon to Per nnmbuco. Uraill, started today when the naval captains Sacaura and Cou tltiho took off at 7 o'clock this morn ing. They hope to fly 4000 miles In 60 hours flying time. BriRELIJV COK9ET8 Made to measur. Bell Case. Phone 391-L. RAIDERS WRECK NEWSPAPER PLANT (fly Associated Press DUBLIN, March 30. Fifty undis- Circiiit Court Is ';nb,"s " wm, tt kmre. He i, . charged, with assault with Intent to Called for April 17$? 2 I . j Me claims that ltoyce made the first Judee Hamilton this ninrnln. L.... I """'"I' ninir attack with a rlnl. f.l a call for the February circuit ' . ,,n 'o'lowetl by ; Ungulshed raiders wrecked the plant ........ " ".damage suit In which riovce i .nin.'of the freeman' Journal tod nv out court jiit wtiicn was excused sub-, Levins for damages because of the I 'c'lM'bone wires, held up the staff 1' i't to call during the month of i "'Juries sustained. 1 nt the point of a revolver while they March because of the flu epidemic, to TllP ras' of the state of Oregon "mn,h('d ,lle Presses, threw gasoline meet on April 17th to resume the ' "R-ilnsl II. L. Newman will follow ! "n ,bo """fs and set the building on ork of the term. Court was started TlM" ' case to establish the fact , Tne ral(1 ' believed to be the the latter part of February ami con- f whether or net Newman Is the ' ''J"1 'o the publication of wecret tinned over Into the month of March father of the child born to a young 1 Proceedings of the convention of the ... .e iiaj!. a numtier or the " ne i on.alia vicinity. It i9" '''' S'H-tlon of the Irish rerub- liiryini-n were Hi, however, and th lf h ,rl"'l for the purpose of deter- .'uoKe iiiuiseir was not veil and ren-1 wneiner or not he ahull be s.Mjmntly a postponement was order-, required to support the child. i 'sveral civil aniens have also been The attorney were called togcth-' f'T trial and iii be heard during er this morning and a number of,,h', rni. Judge Hamilton today case set for trial. The case of the 'heard a nnmbor of motions argu siate of Dregon against YY. II. Lev ins nient. etc. ' will bo the first heard. Levins Isi - aicusej of uttucklng James Uoyce and Arundel, piano tuga:; none 18S-L.1 llcan army Sunday. -o- MTOMAt H WIU1NO? Every Ktifferer from stomach trouble, gas, belching, sour stomach, nervousness, dullness and bilious ness, should get a box of Ml-O-Na stomach tablet today and tart a in-mment. Uuarvntevd by V F Chapman. 'i Hudson Electric Store ANNOUNCE New Low Prices On Edison Mazda Globes! Effective April 1st 10 to 50 watt cltMir 'lVic SO watt unliieakablo ,,c 0 wntt clear 40c 75 watt clear 70c 1(H) watt clear - fl'"'t 100 wntt llcml cnnnu'lml ,-,M' Put Edison Mazda Globes in every Socket Hudson Electric Store