Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, March 30, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAflE TWO
iMued IMdly Except fund.
11. W. balsa
L. Mlmberti
Mart U. ItaUM
Dally, per year, by mall
Dally, tli months, by mail
Dally, three months, by mall...
Dally. single month, by mail
Dally, by carrier, per month
Weekly News-Review, by mall, par year
.14 00
. 1.00
. 1.00
. .60
. .60
. 1.00
SI Krt Situ
fcntereil as atcond-ciasa matter May IT, 1610, at Uia post ofllca at Koae
burg, Oregon, under the Aot ol Match i, H7H.
lt08fc.iU.ltli. OltH t.O.N, M III'. H lOa-J.
A woman from
I In- Ihmuii district
Visited ye eil. ot
Prune 1'kkln's
Till Merit ami asked
Is how the nush-in
t.lrl llinnaCe to '
Top Mini In front
Of B fireplace without
Scorching hi'r knees
Ami In answering He
Siiy this:
W ho ever hcar'l
Of the modern Klrl
Slaying home long enough
To poo corn?
loot Moore, of t he Espre cn.
litiniM-tl In our NHiK'tiuu thU a. m.
with a news item which announce
revision of rnton on tin cans, which
lirolmhly means that a feller kin Hhlp
his FonI over the rllnal clieaper'n
he kin drive It over the ronus.
m n
The other day 1eroy Howard
local Unlit, donned the attire of an
Ai-jihiuii Nhclk. ami rodo about the
movie by the'
The revival inci ting at the M. E.
church, aouth, Is growing in Interest.
Mr. Harper 1b preaching some search
ing sermons. This subject lust night
was "The Llttlo Hllile." The text
waa taken from the third chapter of
John, 14-17. Mr. Harper bald that If
the enemies of the church and Chris
tianity were able to burn all the
bibles, could by some means clip all
quotations of the book from litera
ture; If like 'ghouls they should go
to the cemeteries and chip from the
monuments all reference to Christ;
and If by some system or magic could
remove from the minds of men all
scriptural knowleilgo and yet permit
us to have this selection there would
be sufficient scripture left to save
every man, woman and child in the
world. Ail the great doctrines are
found here. Do you want a sermon j
on the incarnation, that glbralter of
the Christian faith? It Is to be found
here, "flod sent his son Into the;
world." If you want a discussion of i
tho atonement you will find It here.
"As Moses lifted up the serpent in
the wilderness even so must the son
suspicions looklne'of man be lifted up." I you want a
Hhe had on rolled i sermon on hell the foundation of this
Alo ;f -.-.mi -in irir. tlw.tu unnie rem." said the head cop. And when -i sur-nose some may think an apol
' . ' . I Hills tried to trot (ho color of her1 Is ,lne tn the. oolite People of
A teacher from the schools of another city was saying
the other day that people have no conception of the numher
of hoys and girls that quit school without getting thor
oughly waked up. A good many of them, she said, never
even learn to read. Others can read in a stumbling way,
but their views of life are of the most elementary character.
Such folks easily become the prey of demagogs, and they
create a tremendous force in behalf of bad government,
since thev are so easily led astray. This teacher's ideas
would not please the people who believe in an education
consistintr simnlv of the three K s. bhe said tnese mil
would go over anil over their arithmetic, for instance, and
would be unable to grasp it. They would see that they
were making no progress, and would feel a natural desire
to try something else. Hence they would quit school and
go to work, but utterly unfitted to meet the problems of
"It will frequently happen," she continued, "that if
you give such young people a greater variety ot study, tney , terday and the chief wan attempting
will wake up. They may have failed in the three K s, yet ' "'-"""
they may do better in history and civics, and get a lot Oti,WI1 mtx it , stripe ninnin' round j doctrine Is to be found in the text
ideas they need to know
hand work to do in school so they can acquire some manual
skill, it tends to keep them contented in their work, and
they dig intotheir books with more interest."
The main problem of school is not stuffing the heads of
these slow pupils with facts and rules of arithmetic and
grammar. They will soon forget all these. The problem
is this: Are you waking up tlieir sleeping minds? If you
do not do that, their education is a failure. But if you suc
ceed in arousing tlieir interest and attention and ambition,
it docs not make much difference what particular branch of
learning they are studying.
, sti-eet advertising i
IIS i same name which reminded ye ed. of
the time we watched the circus tin-
loitd and got a job which required us
to dress in an Arabian Iniy s cost nine
and lead a camel. Iieroy said lie's
never led one of them but he'a
smoked quite a few.
Cheese of Police Mathews and
Constnhule Finis DIUard were en-
gaged tn a little conversation on the
comer of Sheridan and Cass ats. yes-
seod for the nelg!iixr' chickens."
"If a feller's earn burned ever time
somebody talked about him. we'd all
been dead with sun stroke."
FiMdaa and Saturday, all trimmed,
tailored, pattern and sport hats will
be sold at 10 per ovnt discount at the1
big millinery department, Hellows
Interest Shoivn
In Meetings
ii i i
Confidence men are said to be getting sums annually
from the American people estimated from $500,000,000 to
$2,000,000,000. Here is one of the great national wastes.
The poverty of many families is due to throwing away
money on get rich quick schemes. If that money could be
put into productive investments, it would relieve the hous
ing shortage, harness idle water powers, make work for
hundreds of thousands of people. It is just as hard to keep
money after you get it, as it is to earn it in the first place.
The moment it is suspected that a man has a dollar to in
vest, a flock of salesmen representing good, bad, and indif
ferent concerns, are 'after him to induce him to buy their
securities. The great majority of people have not had the
training in the difficult problems of investment, that would
make them competent to decide whether a security offered
them is good for anything or not. The best thing thev can
usually do is to put money into home town banks, or into
some real estate mortgage or other sound investment near
home. People uniannliar with investment problems should
get a lianker's opinion before trusting tlieir money to
strangers. It is better so far as possible to spend money
developing your own town, rather than helping some other
place to grow. The temptation of the big interest rates
offered by doubt fill securities is tremendous. Ten or twenty
per cent on their little pile looks like a big gain to people
having small savings. Hut when a concern pays a high rate
of interest, this means that the business experts consider
the proposition has elements of haz;trd which makes them
wary of it. It docs not pay to gain a few additional per cent
on the interest rate, if in a -year or two a doubtful proposi
tion goes had and one's capital is all gone.
eyes and hair he met with no suc
Itosehuri? for the use of the word
"hell" In a pulpit in the 20th cen
tury, but I shall make none for I am
An Opponent of the school bondir.n old fashioned Methodist and he-
Issue appears In print, today in "Kng- lieve that there is a hell and that tt
lish as she Is writ," mid Judging needs to be spelled with capital" let
from bis letter some of these bonds!
should have been voted at an earlier The awfulness of sin Is also to be
As yet no one has urged yo cd. to
run for governor or even county
A coiipla hooded Coo Clucks Clan
rode around the street last night
and local bootlcggcra trembled with
fear. I
m n m '
He ate his honey with his beans,
He's done It nil his life
Not because he likes the taste
Hut to hold 'em on bis knife.
It Is very diirirult for any yom.?
woman to kii-p a permanent roll in
her stocking with prices of every
thing where they are, )
Tho price of chicken feed lias been
reduced, hut II is hard to make a
young man believe It when he feeds
one at a restaurant.
As a general thing, when n woman
gets mean enough to feel like she
must kill somebody, her husband Is
It used to be
When a man reached
For his hip
KverylMaly duckeil
Hut nowadays
He draws n crowd.
When llttlo I'errlval arrived at
school he carried the following note:
"Dear Teacher: Our little INmival Is
a very delicate child, mid if he Is
naughty and lie is apt to he
naughty at limes Just punish the
hoy next to him anil that will fright
en hint so he'll lie good."
People wlw live In glass
shouldn't make hooch.
ew lints wlil lie triuiimil with
skunk fur. That's sceuls-lhle.
Jaki Listen, Ike, I've got a Rood
Joke on you.
Ike ell. vat Is It?
Jake IjW night 1 went to bed
Just the same time as you did and
your wife, and the Joke was that
found in the text. We make a mis
take when we take emphasis off the
awful fact that sin is a blighting
curse that damns men for lime and
eternity. Do you desire the love of
dod. Then the text is full of the
wonderful love that is so different
from man's love. We love those who
arc good to us. that treat us with
consideration, but God's love Is com
mended to us that while we are in re
hellion against his government and
righteousness that he loves even tin
to the riving of his son to die for us.
Then if the human heart longs for
Immortality we find it here. Kternal
lire. In fact the whole garnet of the
needs of the human heart are found
In this wonderful "little liible."
Mr. Harper gave some apt Illus
tration that gripped his audience
and brought home the wonderful doc
trines of the text.
The sermons of the preacher have
been on the old doctrines and he de
mands that men shall repent and turn
away from sin and that the only way
of salvation is through the atoning
hlod of Jesus, the Christ
Tonight Mr. Harper will speak of
the "Contrasts of the wicked and the
good." Anyone wishing to hear the
old faith expounded will enjoy Mr.
Harper's expositions.
Congoleum sell Art-Rugs
Attractive, Practical
and Inexpensive
TTIFSK nro the genuine, reliable nOI.D-SEATj
Conirulcuui Itugs so widely advertised. Their
bright, urtlstle patterns and linn, e:isy-to-elean sur
face mnke them decld.slly popular. They mop
clean. No beating or sweeplug! No tacking! Ihey
lie flut without fasteulng.
clean. No beating or sweeptug! ro uicmhk; -""J rTr' 'j VJ 'A rT1
lie flut without fasteulns. i J fjPf f?f'A Q ' j
Splendid for homos where there are children. r'& ftf'lf fi
STOVK MAT SIZK O 8.U0 'Ur! f h pZft$J
8x3 .OH 0 xlOli.... 12.50 , J&$l$'$-i'4M
oxo 7.25 o xia .... i3.oo rtfSVS-Wl
Sunday eve., April 2. Old '
songs and stories about them.
Solos, Clinton Cameron and
Jeanetfe Gibbs. Duet. Mrs. :
Stanton and Charles Stanton. !
Readings, "House by the Side
of the Road," Mrs. C. K.
Itusho; "Abou Hen Adhem."
Jessie Gibbs: "Puzzled Dutch-
man." Clarence Church. A
Kreat program.
Benefit Co. D, 162nd Inf.. O.
N. G.. at Armory, April 1. Spe-
clal dance features. Gentlemen
$1. Flick's Rainbow Orchestra.
Tartles wishing the highest price
for tl lr personal property see M. C
Kadaaugh, Auctioneer. 530 N. Pine
Onti'rnntlomi! News Service).
1. 1 MA. O., .March 30. Never
agnin will mother and dad com
pel freckle-faced, baseballically
inclined Wllllo to sit him down
and "practice" on his hated vio
lin or piano; no more will golden-haired
Janet be summoned
from her dolls and forced, with
tear-stained cheeks, to spend
Mr Editor
I see in tho Review that there Is
going to be an election next Saturday
Ann) tin. tit-xt fur the Tumoe ol
voatlng Bonds for repairs and for j
the ordained hour with her
splsed" lessons.
That Is. if Lima parents gen-
erally adopt tho newly-intro-
duced "seashore tests," now
being held in local hih schools
to determine those pupils who
are musically inclined. Boys
and girls are being graded upon
their individual "response" to
time, tone and harmony by the
playing of specially prepared
phonograph records.
Superintendent J. E. Collins
says the tests may be extended
to the elementary grades, also.
It is liardlv lielievalile that this city will go on record
acainst the nronosctl liolld issue to ronw lii-furn tl,o iwiii.l.. wm.'" "" "hp ""'Irc-sed to go
.- , i ' . . . i " 1 . ' ' you forgot lo pull down the
m ini .-iin-wi iiimiui uiwi .-Muiitiav. io even CoilSKKT Minnow similes.
such a step would make the progressive element of Rose
lnirg lose faith in the future welfare of the cotinnunit v.
1 lanipering- the progress of our puMie school system hv de
feating the much-needed stun asked for is hcyond cotnpie
liensioii. Mow is it possible to advance along educational
lines it this district adopts a shoe-string policv toward its
public sellouts? Any city that falls back in the proper con
duct of its public schools, linaiicialv or otherwise, is sure to
be classed among the "has beens" and the system jeopar
dized to that extent that its recovery is beyond all hope.
One step backward and the death knell has been sounded
that puts Rosebuig before the state as an unprogresive
coinmimiiv, devoid of that spirit of citizenship that has
characterized this city and made it one of the best in the
state along progressive lines. If yon believe in better
schools, better housing facilities for pupils, clean and well
Kent school grounds and a higher decree of work ihr.nieh-
out our present scl 1 system it is imperative that you sup-!
port the siuad hond issue at next .Saturday s school election. '"-I'-g
Ike Oli, but listen, the Joke ain't
on me. It's on youi I wasn't home
last night.
One of the medical Journals says
Indigestion causes coplo to He.
Here's a chalice for somebody.
I'lnk pills for pretarlcators.
Wealth does not make men humble.
A thoughtful man declares;
You'll Hud the heir to millions will
I'm on n million nlrs.
"What has Ih-iouio or the girl you
lleutifylng lira grounds around
school Bldgs and I also see the
writer mcntuned that the grounds
ami lluililings were in a vcpioruuie) The hemstitching department at
condition and put forth ail an Kle- J Bellows store, conducted bv Mrs. F.
quant Plea for tho Taxpayer to couiej p Jones, is open for business.
lorth and vole for said Bonds but 1 1
notice lie forgot to n.en.ion that th Fjn
Presenl Tax was a Considerable Bui- o , . . . r. '
den now and that the tax payer Han-1 SjmU r'lrl""
ened to have a House and a Lot on
two that Needed repairs, that the, TIT "
is sure to conic.f Will you be
ready to do your farming In a
hurry when it does come? Or
der your machinery NOW.
Pre-War Prices
14 inch chilled plow
If you will need planters or
cultivators ORDER NOW. We
may not be able to supply all
the last minute orders.
Coiire early and avoid tho rush.
Don't Waste
your work and seed by fulling
to get the largest possible crop.
will increase your crops.
$3.75 per Sack
"Just a sack an acre."
Order from
I.OIMIE niRrs..
KI.I1IH,. ,. J"""l
y .day evening, In ",.
In,r michl-or, invito ?,t.'
A. f. A A. Jl, .reTuirrj
l.emilar oommunlaii.vl.'j
Temple, Koieburg; On
..... '.--a ill (n. X23,,
W. U. A. O. T.
No ii hold mu:u ,;
onu l luimdar iitiii JtJ
T l".:ri.lav at 7-3(1 n m Vi. .I
Invited lo at-end roieii k4
Hall. Pine ..d Cs...i.i
W. C. T. U. Endorse
School Bond Issue
Wt'll. wo nro the w rat Jut man prvdicted rain for lat
liil'ht ami ttxlay. Il was vetting pretty dry in tliis tuvk nf tlic
wikmIs. Our ti a!, Iiriirl t spritijj day u month is alxmt all wo ran
ret ii way will, at tliis u riinl of the yoar so let Vr rain.
1 . .n't f..
M'ln 'T'l'l UuM i.
I'lil ;itul iiu i!
' i'
In 'iiil
April 1. TIms is a t;
isiic over with a puiith.
Koof Leaked and the Houso needed
a coat of rnlnt that said Tax payer
has to Postpone from time to time
on account that It takes about all he
enn rnUe jiiui snrnn to I'av the Pres
ent Taxes hut such Is the case and I """rline of the ladies of the
noiice that the main ones that ls " '. T. I", held yesterday afternoon
makluK such a Koar Is Kither n nun home of Mrs. J. II. Needham
Resident or Is not a Tax Pavr so thn;n Main stn'et was a very sueressfttl
Hnrdeii doisent n-st on their all-'a"11 enjoyable afTairs and a larse
ready overlondetl shoulders and they i crowd was in Mtendanee. liuniiR
dont seem to care if some children ' 'he business session several Import
has to weare verry commun clothes;nnt matters were disrnssed. One of
and stu"s that has a leaky spots, so "'e most Important actions was the
their Hop. fulls is learned how to1 endorsement of the school bond Issue
cook sew and alfO to make a noise which comes up for the vote of the
they call Mnslr or slncinc hut It ' eple at n special election to lie
seems to me if the Mothers would h" Id Saturday. The ladies also plede-
.l..i..!, ii lltiln r,t tlieir most valttnhle '1 to cive a solist in 1 1 -.1 au.n -.
mi:iiiim one 111 in ine naioiuoi K ,m,. niey could teach tlrc iTirls how , niiorrn s i-arm llottte at Corv.iUis
Miiiiiin-.'.'" I,,, f(,(1j t,v nn( ,),,, ,r,, would A membership drivn h:s bun started
"We fell out." , ,.SH inillireslion hut reme out next ' v the V. C T. I", with Mrs. H. t;
ISniurd iv alter noon and vote and Wilson and Mrs. Paul v.'ren nsr.ip-
W ho n-tiien-lM-rs back wlien motor Rie the Hnwelers lo tinderstand tains At the lo-e of thi -I drive the
car thieves iicil to wait until yon nu,i t,, t,,d (iuestlon wont co for boinir side, the si.le hi, 1, ,., nr.
"l nut ol your car In-fore they stole u It eintiiw. s wln-re will it I'nd not "' 'be b ast members, will be r-'iuir-
tlH we cant Pay the demands and e( to bammrt fhe winnini; s;(... plans
'then eii will see tnrked on the Ma- were to. !.. to ent-rtain th 'vivmt
Save your M-n-r ilollars. They tuny ! j o itv ,,f Oewellncs the statement t'brit ion Wot ket s' i,1n,i n
preiniuiii iiurini; the m-t : Sold fur T:ies now It is lunula tor Tuc-olav at the l' t-ivteri,m clmr. h
'school Krnumla Improvements Next Wit'i the elosr of the husite ss s. nt,
:'': "": i Honds r-u' t'ilv Park hmiI thru Potulr. a mui-ic,-,! tirncratn wis civin after
The ltlrniini;biiiii ( l.) Acc-llel- to me. t the ' Deficiency on Court hich the lnds eniovi-d n social
aid hjw found n rwl luitiian lnten-t lloiue o Tax Payers dont ou think ' our and r. 'res!-,,,, nt,
wmil-Nil. Il xuvs: "Come boille, ii In t., e to look out where are we This nrrnniraflori Is d.ilns erv Tne
John, l ve sold the potxlle." coli c. There Is (latter just nh-ol so work in lin..imr, , t,r ( rrl
i dont forset next Saturday and vote dnut.t thM 'W ,v,il a,,i s. .
"Jan pbulni! taiitht In 2 Irs. t pt ;l uuii tus on the ones that Is mem'.ers t o,o;r 1;in ,,irinir ,,,,
.on.." Ami it run lx-done, says the ,i;Tlict.d with the Cotopleint cath i! mem i.r' lri di i e til, h is no be'n
Kaiin tliy Mar. That's one lhln! S: in, litis, t'o-e so nfilliod want to carried on. '
that U the matirr with Jau. ! s;.,.n, th, r Pecpb-s foney Initead o-
' " ' tlu lr own. so come nut on da'e t rhrl--iau e'nh s,,.! ,,. , ii .
41.1. TllltorcH. st,!.,! nn.i vote for the interest of ,i,re , ..j'"''
"i in,.r o,.l,. ,, . i.,i.i i... .....i.. v,-. 1 . ' lari
- our uome voooie,, ... , ti'irn, j
No more; I'm tirej h billing1 A TAX TAVKR. ,Ruho.
A big step In economy la the
care that is given your cloth
ing. Be sure they get that
care, send them to a specialist
In cleaning and pressing.
Visit our plant see our
method of doing things.
Our Auto Will Call
Phone 277.
l'ee liall everv WWw.r ,
i.ii.tiAmi tfi M a. Jt i
rtI.lli:KAII3 - WW Rtf
i. Ltitluv1 No. 41. I 0. 0. F.. nth
t il l Kellowi Tempfe rwy wt
lit xovd funding w AMUi t.
U. VI. 9., KOwfUin lupil MI
HaU)n their rtsular mt:u 4
st and .Ird Thuri!ari in wiA
I All sojourning brotnm
i f u!:t Itiviisl tt r.-
FHKK JtlH.VSo.v. &Vfg
k7 (I. T. M. Mi-iU each w
fourth Thursday ot
!ltnc Ahee hall, comer Cisl
streets. Vlsitlni Kn:ia!
1 ""'V t C. GflelK-
0. V! mi:
KAUI.K oeurt Aeji
xi. ...... hill on JaokfGB "
tth il.ui'iay evenirus flt
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DayOldCto ?
' r,.st,.m to"
Cibbs and
Vhen yoa want the best In
Ftutnhit.g and heating supplies
call the
iloseburg Plumbing &
Heating Co.
OrTICE rilOVK 11
9 V UPKinV T
7 ni'VCTflFllS
4 Y I I.OIU"" I
, f H'JItli: uv;;; ,
m ,. ,m.. '""..-
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