Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, March 01, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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,,, au.l mu.-
Consolidation of The Evening Ncw and The Row-burg Review.
!2J Ad Independent newspaper published fur the best Interest of tb people.
Kv., -"'
ltl I I. I III 44MMI
... l
ROBBED OF $19,000
'ariffs, Surtaxes and New Charges Are the Weapons Now
Being Used In Struggle to Predominate at Trade
Center of the World.
(International News Service Staff Correspondent).
jkniS, March 1. Commercial wars have succeeded the
Var, and France, Italy and bpain are engaged, so to speak,
in a merry little game ot trying to cut each other s
economic throats. Independent of each other, for
they are great competitors, Italy and Spain are
waging a commercial war against France.
The weapons of this post-war war are high
duties, surtaxes and new charges to make good the
differences in the depreciated currencies of the
various countries. Against these weapons France
is raising an armament in the claim that she must
(Rv Associated Press.!
MIl.WAl KKK. Vi.. Mar. 1.
Five uii u lu'M lip anil robbed
William Ormsby, payroll clerk
of the Palmolive company of
I19.0UO this morning Just as be
was getting out of a taxlcab at
the company's plant. The ban
dits fled In an automobile fol
lowed by Ormsby in a taxi, but
were lost to him after a chase
llirouKli down town streets.
Pressmen Contro
versy Is Ended
(Ftv Associated Press.) 6
SEW YOHK, Mar. 1. The
controversy between the New
York City dally newspapers and
the web pressmen union over
tl arbitration award of Keder-
al Judge Manton ended today.
Tile afternoon papers had oniltt-
ed their first editions and the
morniiiK papers had appeared in
abbreviated form with most of
the advertising omitted. ,
was found 4n the yard. The ,
shot had not awakened her hus- i
(llv t'nltnt Press.)
SAX ANTONIO. Texas, Mar.
1. Willi her husband asleep
besido her, Mrs. llessie Mur
chell, aged 40 ears. was found
shot dead In bed early today.
The police heard the shot and
Investigated. A high-power rltle :
(R- United Press.)
WASHINGTON. March 1. The
navy department Is expected to order
the stop of movements of all naval
vessels before. niht, the stoppage to
be effective pending congressional
action on the house appropriation
committee'; ueclfiii.ii today cutting
the naval fuel deficiency bill In half.
Lack of funds will make this order
I Black Diamond Iron Syndicate Takes Over Oil Lands and Will
Issue Stock In Few Days to Cover Costs of Developing
Property Success Is Believed Certain.
o position in her commercial dealings of "the most favored
Tranco -Spanish commercial
has Income so ncute tnai
bediming " aslt " "
be wUr for her to bury
....a t:ike advantage of
Sjeing temporarily out of the
L was to enable the Italian
U to got a firm hold on the
Boiilil Flood Markets.
and Italy are competitors In
in the sale of southern fruits
lliern wines. A campaign Is
tised in the Rome news
arrange an immediate eco-
;ce with France and flood
h markets with Italian
, that when Spain and
iiiniately come to a aottlo
) will have a preferential
yyrcTicit-iiaiinn iraoe n-waiy
fc In operation on a year-to-t.
for the last twenty-three
iltnfnr the u-nr Ilnlv Imnort-
Irom France than she sent
at since the armistice this
has ben reversed. Italy
' the 'jld agreement is now
the trade treaty Italy was
il to charge France whatever
i!ut:'S she levied against all I
countries, but was forbidden to lvvy
any special tariffs. Last July Italy
raised the general tariff on goods,
the majority of which come from
France to about ten times their pre
war rates.
Krancc'M Position Explained.
While this increase In the Italian
customs was within the letter of the'
treaty, France asserts that she ls
now in a position no better than!
Germany In her commerce with I
Italy. Paris took advantage of the!
cancellation clause In the agreement!
and notified Home that the treaty,
would cease the end of January.
There is already an almost imiias-l
sible economic Chinese wnll along
the Pyrenees which prevents the
change of goods between France and
Spain. At the end of Janunry the
same condition will blockade the
Italian-French frontier If Home and
Paris do not com to an agreement
The orange and wine-exporting In
terests in Italy are bringing pressure
to bear to force the Italian govern- i
ment to come to an early settlement.
They hope that !f peace can lie main
tained Italy will be in a position to
dominate the French market for
years with these particular Imports.
By Unltna Prsa.)
SEATTLE. March 1. Major Gen
eral Gvorge Goethals leaves tomor
row for Spokane, where he will make
a short stop until Saturday, then go
ing on to New York to compile a re
port on the Columbia llusln project.
He has voluminous data gathered by
himself and Colonel George Goe
thals, his son. Goethals conferred
in Olympia yesterday with Dan A.
Scott, slate reclamation director,
and other officials.
(Rv I'nlti'd Press).
HOLLYWOOD. March 1. A two
hundred thousand dollar fire de
stroyed a lumber yard block on the
edge of I he niovt colony early today.
I Iiv i-nited Press.!
I SAN KliANClSCO. March 1.
'.lafot l.lndcberg. niitlng extradition. Attorney O. P. Coshow, represent-,
Irotn California to Washington state.K lhf llilu.k i),llomi iro Syndl
wl.vro he is wanted in connection j cuui 1(lft thls ,m)nlnR fr salwin to
with the Scandinavian-American i Br.ttKe , e(.esBliry i,.gal prore-
i bank failure In Tacotna. today filed i ,1,1,... enable thai n.mnni which
, . ' "" charging Washington de- u composed almost exclusively of lo-
D,., rntarr;nnCrAr ',c"ly'' nl l''m I'1 '"K kidnap ca ralir0ad .,,, tl) l8aUe tock in
rvUmOrOl OOnieSSIOn apreaaS him. He also charge unjust prose-! Ille KUm ,)f $150,000 to enable them
to siart within the next ninety days
to bore for oil on one of the best
looking prospecta In Kern county,
California. The syndicate has pur-
BE ELIMINATED c'"'"ei' 2" ttrr0B ui1 has taken an
i)Plion oil uuiiii loniti luu ucies, 111
the very heart of the Kern county oil
fields, and according to all reports
and indications, has one of the finest
oil prospects to be found anywhere
and Is now preparing to raise funds
10 start the actual task of borinx for
oil, which is expected to be reached
Like Wild Fire Today In
Los Angeles.
I Ry ifucUd Prm
I WASHINGTON, Mur. I. Tlw elimin-
jitlon of Urn rash foaiure of the boiim
was virttiiiUy aret'd upon totluy ly
Sl Men I'mler Arrist as Itrsult of, lh rrpu'tUran niin!)er: (if the houso
Nartmr Den Ital.l Aiv lU-ititf
ii HKmI tin VunihU" M-ti'i-inl
vftV8 iiml ntiui h c-uiiinilicrt. ('hair
! it m.i WitT-ilnnf iii'.iittlliii'c.l thut n lll1C'
lal sn'ri)mmi:tee of fix had been!"' ueptn oi approximately is
1 named bv unaiiimous ns;roeiuent t - t t .
i "werk out soiii" idan that would not Tho officials of the local company
! i-.i!ii;i, any lai go draft3 on the federal , are I). S. Wvlr. president : W. A. Alar
(Hy United Press). (treasury within the next two years."! den. vice-president: Le Hoy Towers,
LOS ANGKLKS. March 1. An un- ' such a plan would make unnecessary , secretary, and C. O. Weber, treas
coutirmed report that one of the two any Immediate bonus financing and, mer. These men. with Charles llarp
inen nanved by Mrs. John Hupp; ; would remove the controversy i:i the'sier, ctmipose the board of directors.
(Py Culled I'ressl.
PPEDLO. Colo., March 1. A
quarter of a million dollar fire de
stroyed the Grand opera house block
today. Zero weather hampered the
firemen in fighting the blaze.
rooming house keeper, as t tin slayers house over the bill.
of William Taylor, had confessed,!
spread like wildiire at police head
quarters today. .
The activities of the detectives in
grilling the six men now under ar
rest as possible material witnesses.
indicated that some m-w develop-
Tim membership of the company con
sists almost entirely of local railroad
men, a few local business men hold
ing a small part of tlm stock.
The syndicate was originally
formed to develop some rich Iron
property in California. Work there
has proceeded as far as purslble un
NEW YOHK. Mar. 1 Willam
ment was probable. The suspects Anderson, slate superintendent of the j til the opvn hearth smelters resume
were nut under tho "third degree" 1 "1-na, i.eamie. louay mm i-. operations, at wnirn time tho com-
throughout the night, according to a i ' im' " ' r,'Ma 111111 ",lr'y nnii-pronioi- pntiy will have a Inrgo amount of ore
report. llon organization have launched already for processing. In the mean-
Mrs. Hupp said that she had "kept i eomblved drive to restore light wines time n1( company had soiuo funds
house" for the men, ail alleged drug nni1 ll,'Hr lo ",B l'l,,,l Slates. An-1 idle and there arose what appears to
peddlers. deison believed mat tne wine nun . he a very unusual opportunity lo en
lielievo Myslen- Solved I '"'''r promises to Decome me nig con- t,.r the oil game.
I gfri'ssioiiii 1 rn-i nun inrui- in .,
LOS ANGF.LF.S. Feb. 2S. "The
mystery of the minder of William
Desmond Taylor, film director. Is At I FCEQ BANK
o,,H...,l If Dili I. .1.4 K.' t,.l.n
Hupp 'in connection wllli' t'he arrest ! - ROBBERS NABBED holdings
A. K. Gill, a relative of E. S. Dear
dorff, an acllve member and one of
the originators of the Iron syndicale.
Is the owner of the extensive Gill oil
In California. Mr. Gill
Passes Away
parry E. Morgan, after an HI
S ut a few days, passed away
rnlng at 8 o'clock at his home
1 fl'y. Ir. Morgan had been
f-w days, having been con-
rhis home less than a weok.
been practicing dentistry in
V for over a year and was
I Hamburg's best citizens,
flirgan was 27 years of age.
P horn In Looking Glass on
I-. ISM. For many years he,
li Parents, lived in Seattle,
f'-ng to Montana and then to
P From Yakina they moved
f ada where Dr. Morgan fln-
liirri school. Three years were
p the Northwest Dental college
imi aner which he practiced
try in Wasco for 2 years. From
111 "H His family moved to
n"re they have been till
"" his death. Dr. Morgan
!'"T of the Knights of Pythi
o the Masons. He is also a
r of the Presbyterian church.
survived by his wife and a
,r eld daughter, Margaret.
" Parents. Mr and Mn II S
of Kttararia besides a very
11 ! or friends who all re
'lliuiv io hear of his sud
,ru a;, 1 extend their most
' ' mp .thies to the bereaved
l'hr. t. p. Mnriran vm vr-
'''' Iv atfcil is expected to ar-
' e,.n
n-ral will be held on Frldav
"i f o'cloc k with Hev. L. li.
e lating. Interment will
!''c in the Masonic cemetery
'"'al Masonic order will con-
' 't.i-ps at the graveside.
ceptionally well kept and It Is with
regret that her friends see her leave
her present position.
Mr. Kenny, who has accepted the
position. Is an ex-service man and
Is well known throughout the coun-
I ty. He is a member of a highly re
spected iamny 111 huh couniy mm '
well versed as a bookkeeper and is
..11.- naKln nt hnnrllinff the resnon-
i sible duties which will bo placed up
! on him. He Is a brother of Harry
: Kenny, the local lumberman.
(By t'nltfd Press.)
NF.W YOHK. March 1. Throe'
more brokerage bouses failed today, I
making the total of broker bank-,
rupts 28 since rvbruary 1st, when
the district attorney's office started,
the bucket shop probe.
(in- Culled Hro".)
roilTI.ANI). Marcli 1. The I'ort-
He'tled In Kern county many years
eyo and took up a government home
stead. Aller proving up on his laud
here today of six drug peddlers is
correct." tonight declared Detective
Sereeant (Mine, one of the liollce
unnaii nsien..rf i,. tha - i .. ...i'....' ...'...'. .1 .!,,. .. he was Issued n government patent
When Sergeant ( line, head of the i , ct,,,, robbers. Hoy Klinbrough. ' wlllrl1 Hlaterdeveb.ped withheld
police - homicide squad, made thnt j iviuy s.-hwaiiz and John Spor. Just ! ""'
statement Mrs. Hupp, who told the , tli - were about to enter the Oro- t,j s- j XT
police she had "kept house" for the' j,,,, ,wijng alley here in the e.rytLlK LtTCeK ItlCin
men, nan neen simjecieu 10 a riKiu moining hours. They are suspeeieii'
questioning by two detectives of t:ie , f being be same men that robbed
(Continued on page eght) tl. Montavllle bank.
Woman Solomon Will Decide Which
Wife Is Mother of Disputed Baby
Reported Dead
The funeral of the lato David M.
. , . . .. V.,lla tlFi-nnl.
1 liOVU, IHIIHT OI .'US. ..i-in.
I was held at 3 o'clock this afternoon
at the Undertaking Parlors, a change
In the plans having been made this
morning in order to permit Mrs. Pry
ant to leave tonight with tho body for
Long licach. California, where it will
(be burled. Hev. R. H. Dollarhido
officiated at the funeral servic. 101
lowing which the body was made
ready for shipment to California.
Mrs. Bryant will leave this evening.
Strangest Case Since Biblical
Days Unfolded in Case
at Washington.
t"'" Leadh-tter, who for the
r ..itrj l, v. a
, . ...I-, iicn enipinrea
" K t.r In .1.
. ,ii eouniy ciers s
' !! '. r. il her resignation
" ' as soon as her sueress
nructed In the duties
" County clerk Hiddle
di.noiincer the appolnt-
I' Kennv nf Nnn trt
. . -hit ana Mr. Ken
r 'he rity this morning ta
' In the employe of the
1 proven a very efficient
' " worker in a responsible
IIt books have been ex-
CAI.IKimMA uovns HAD
Hoads In northern California are j
very bad. according to tourists com
ing to this city. Detween Weed and
Dunsmulr. a distance of 40 miles, the ;
average traveling time Is 6 hours and i
many cars find assistance ii"ii,
I to negotiate the highway there. In ,
I practically all oiner pan -
however, the roans - irr"" ;
be very good.
" -o j
Sheriff SUimier lodar received
.. i the chiefs of pollre1
at saiem and Portland, each stating
! that Oran Sutton, bad check artist
'arrested here Saturday. Is wanted
there. Sutton Is wanted In Portland
Ion two counts. In the event he Is
!not Indicted by the grand jury here
; he will be turned over to Multnomah
(In'ernntlcinnt News Service).
WASHINGTON. March 1. Miss
Kathryn Sellers, judge of the Dis
trict of Columbia Juvenile court, to
day shared honors with King Solo
mon, the "wisest of the wise," when
she essayed to decide tlm parentship i
of a seven-months-old baby ardently
claimed by two women. .
Tho women are as strangely dif- j
ferent as the stories they have un- !
folded, "each averring that she Is the
real mother. One Is an Italian, Mrs.
Maria Antonio Mattlo, who recently I
arrived In this country; and tiie
other Is Mrs. Ktta Pock, of Tuxedo, j
The Kalian women claims she put1
her child In the custody of Mrs.
Peck, being unable to care for It at
the 1 1 n:f of blr'b. Mrs. Peck admits
receiving the child, but declares sh:'l
gave It to another woman who took.
It to Georgia. In the tor aniline. Mrs
Peck says, a child had been born to.
' .' ' 'A ' " '
v sy-' . ' '.v.x .
J. K. Denny, a wnll known Elk
Crm'k ramhnr, died lat niKht from
heart failuro nnd a rrlapso follow
ing ax nrtntk of Influenza, arronliiiK
lo wonl recclvnd In this vity hy tflo
nhoiiH from Tiller ihls monilnK. Mr.
Penny hail bion mifferlnK from In
I fluenza for soveral days and exerted
I hlninelf too noon nfler start Iiijc t'
i reeovpr nnd Buffered a rein pan wlileh
i i'uuh(( a woukened henrt to rollapsn.
I Mr. Inny fonmi ly lived ut Oak
I In ml but moved to tho Elk Creek
j country (t-viitl years :iko and took
up a small form !hn n h aurvn--i
-d by a wife and two "Hldn . The
body I ft to ho taken to Myrtl Cnvk
I where the funeral will he held.
! (llv Asaoc!tti-.1 iTrss.l
; POIITLAND, March 1-Charles
I Wesley piirdlii. convicted of man
j iilauKbter for the killing of his for
mer wife, was aenlenced to an inde
I terminate Peiui of six years in the
nil and gas rights 'o the government.
This clause In the patent waa con
tested by Mr. 13 111. who at once took
the uiatior Into the federal courts,
claiming that the land was not classi
fied as oil property and that in set
tling it for agricultural purposes he
was entitled to a patent granting
him all rights.
While thla case was pending in the
courts oil companies began working
In the valloy. The valley Is in the
form of a horsochoe and all around
the cdve of the valley are to be found
huge oil fields.
The Associated and Union oil com
panies have working property on two
sides of the (Jill tract, and the Mexi
can and Standard OH haw bought
rights on the other two aides, tho
Siandard Oil paying a $100,000
bonus and one-sixth royally for the
property immediate adjoining tho
(iill lands.
Mr. ('.III. linwovor, did not until re
cently secure a complete patent to
his lands, the courts having after
several years of litigation decided
that the government had bo power
to withhold the oil and gas rights
from the homesteader. This litiga
tion has prevented the development
of the Gill holdings, although oil
companies are operating walla on
two slices and uio boring on tho
other two sides.
Mr. C.lll's son. O. A. 0111, nephew
of Mr. Deardorff, came here recently
for a visit wlih his uncle and while
here gave a story of the claim. Mr.
Deardonrt took the matter up with
:tho local company with tho result
; that they purchased outright 20
acres of the properly and have taken
an option, with power to buy on 100
remaining acres. Mr. CHI's tract Is
onlto extensive and the local com
pany's 120 acres Is only a very small
portion of the holdings which are
l.'-lug eagerly sought by the largest
oil companies of the country.
Tho syndicate has thoroughly In
vestigated the property. All of the
local officials hove visited thoi tract
and have personally inspected the
(Continued on page three.) ,
Happy Valley; for the grading and
gravelling of 2 miles of the llaron
section of the I'mpqua road; for the
grading and gravelling of the Mill
town Hill section; and tho construc
tion of cement culverts at Marvin
1 1 1 1 1 and Cleveland.
(Hv Aiivtatd FreM )
WASHINGTON, March 1. Futile
efforla to allarh nmondmenta and
reservation! to tho Yap trwaiy were
renewed today In tho smiatu with
llw adinlnlHlratlon leaders proaent
lux a nolld front afcalnat every pro
pned chant or qualification and
HhowiitK Httln disposition to roply at
leiiKth to tho continued aaaaulta of
the irreconcilable. The leader de
elaro that more than noii4h votes
lo ratify have Imen assured.
Approved by Vote.
WASHINGTON, March 1. (TT. P.)
Tho aenato today approved tho
first of the ronf renco treat lea with
Japan regarding Yap, 67 to 22.
to m-.
Fleven thousand date prune tre.
.arrived at Hiddle yesterday and IL
' be used to .. ! out Oe IVkens ranch
which was re-nilv boushi I by
Oregon Nursery Con.p.iny. TV com
pany will set out S'M, acres o ti e
new date ptune which P""'
revolution the prune "j',u:,r',
this section. r.i.'. ,
were also shipped la. cnsicned to
' individual growers.
"It It My llol.y!"
Hut the doughty little woman who
recently 1-eft the sunny shorts of
Italy for the "promised land." only
to step Into her present difficulty,
refutes Mrs. Peck's story.
"She has not sent mv baby,
away." says Mrs. Mattlo. "It Is my
baby she savs was born to her." !
On the other hand. Mrs. Peck em
phatically denies Mrs. Matllo's
st-itvment nnd declares she will
f.ght to the u'rnost for the custody,
of ibe child. And that's that.
The story begins ,n the early
snnimer. Mrs. Maitlo come 10
America and then to Washington
A few davs later a babr Is hem. but
Mrs. Mattlo is unable to care for lt.r
So. on the advice of friends, she ad
vertises fer some family to lake care
of the child.
Offer to Carp for It.
Under the name of Mrs. Maryi
Smith. Mrs. Peck offers lo rare for
the child. An iiria'.gement Is made
and Mrs. perk til' the girl to lor
homo In huxed.i This was latv in
Hut for the tlic 'V advent of Ml
Acnes p. niter, li'd Cross worker In
Prince (ieotge's c.cnty, whic h i in
brace. Tuxedo, li e s'.ory probably
would have ended le rw. Miss I'errl
ter learned thai M-s. Peek was i I In
te d and decided i isit lo r.
Knlerlng the bo i-e. she found Mr
Peck nnd w.-w ma nned that a baby
hsd Jusl teen I
"How old is tlm child?" a-kid
Miss IVrrl't.
"Pour days." ' "'e r iponse.
Whereupon Mb" I-err 1 1 er promptly
suree.tid that Mr.- Peck return to
"Oh, no! In onr fsmlly the worn
en are always out of bed Klthln a
is sild to have bee
f' w d
Put Ml s Kertiter. disliking rondl
lions it. me house. InwsMealed slid
found Mr Peek bad recently
adopt' d a child Through the Mary
land n'i'lioritie she obtained the
child's cmiody. It as Inter orilered
sen to t!;e cusIimIv of the Chl!de'u's
CiMrdi.itis. llv this time Mrs Mat
no hud n'oppi d Into the pieluie.
Mrs I'. , k followed th" child to
V. a-i.r.y oi and sought Its custody
Hoi . i be bo-ird il'H oKb l. .Is of the
.,,.rl ! ct'b d It was a case for the
J'H'-i le J:i'lir". nnd the raw was
re', -red.
And todiv a woman, fittingly p-pio'-rl-'t'-
in tlies.. inoiletn dais of
S'l'i'r il'e nnd wonien's tU'bls. will en
set 11. e rol" of Solomon the Wise, ill
d cldl' g ho Is tb" real mother of
the baby.
llv Ass'K'Inti .1 IT'-s" I
KI.AMATH PAI. !..-. March 1
The sawiullls and box factor!' s h'-re
wore closed today by a strike protect
ing against the i bailee from eight to
nine hours. The men's leaders esti
mated that f. HO er" out. A big
parage is planned this arteruoon.
The couiitv court met today In Us
regular monthly se spin. Today was
spent attell'lllm; lo the usual routine
of bills and tomorrow road petitions
will be considered, 'In i'ridiv the
court Is to rtceKe bids and allow
contractu fur some erv Iml'ortaiit
read work. lb" most Important
contract probably will be the paving
of one mile of the IMenbnwer sec
tion of the (larden Valley road. There
Is much Interest In tins project and
ti large number of bids are i vpecled
lll'N Will also b" received for 3 S
miles of grading and gravelling In
(Itr 1'nltAd Vrr).
WASHINGTON, March 1. "No
bonuM for the shipping Interests until
after tho soldiers aot their bonua."
i he opponent) of Hardlim's ahlp sub
sidy plan selr.ed an a aloxan today.
The sentiment In both congressional
honseea was that Hsrdlnir. through
bis addreca yesterday, broke down
much Ioiik st and In ir opposition to th
nhtp plan. The opponents of th
stibsbly. led by Senator llorah, will
nitnrk the plan on the ground that
the fwderal xovernment should not
rive mom'y to private Interests,
while Unrdlim virtually declares
that this Is "Urn laMt and only
ehance" to savo the Arnerlrun mer
chant marine. "I don't think thla
Is the time foi either a bonua or a
Miihsjdy," Senator Itornh ajiid. MK (.H(I MW
Twilight Ixsko officials today op
ened negotiations to aa.iln secure the
bnselinll grounds In st Hosebura;
for the use of the league. The
ground have been Improved each
er and It is expected that this year
they will be In very good condition.