Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 20, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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nosnimn, oreoov, mqntov. renrtrAnv go, wa.
Grand Jury Chosen and Starts
Investigation Into Murder
Douglas Tapp.
cia'-d I'i s-i.- ieeu new ad-:inc--s
in uti-;il were reported
in .lay. All picti'illl I' M pile-en
li iH e.'iun were hurpahniil. In
Minn' cum h ily- market ad-vani-ed
ii! cms per biinhel.
20. (Asso- :
ttwwiih -'
Retail Merchants
(Continued from page one.)
fltv A.. i
SAI.K.M, Kel.
cott today appoint.
1 l'n- i
. ;.veinor 01
I C. V. SI i out as
ytr. Amlla Hartley HUtim tfon
u Ib'htg (lu I'IiI Woman Jnrir
41ieii in longla Comity
Jnunnge hull Start!,
Circuit court met litis morning and
tho opening routine, van gone
IhrotiKh before court adjourned while
the olticiaN ui join md lo attend t h
funeral of ;"iri;i .Wum r. Sr., fat hr
ot the district attorney. Tit' grand
Jury wan drawn and was composed
of W. C. Harding, K. Itnnd, Win. II.
itn-vder, John M. Ja i.lvin. Vine lit
l.altaut, Oorg A. Hums il and T.
CruMe. M r. (IruMie wa later ex
cused berauso of 11 1 nest and
al-n ho -n for this jury helng t !
s- ond jut or railed. Lawyers tvl-j
Jem . d MHii.' lnitai:rjr in tlitdr man-j
iit-r of 'a l.tio.-.-ifi the Jury but noon
had "I,adiis and 'ientiemen of the,
jury" rolling off the tongues mile'
Tlif prej-ence of ladieg on the jury,
make jiN'st-iuo of a lady haliffj
nt ' a nd M rs. .Sp.m fchoemuker
who served thrnighout the Jirumtteld
itial has ui n reappointed an the
i-pillar lady bailtrf. S. J. Jone In
:-ai!iif for Hie gnmd jury and Kd.
Aingle(i;n is circuit court bailiff.
West Coffee Co.
II. Ji(key, Oregon nty.
Frank idxon, .Molalla, N. Willam
ette Valley Itetall Assn.
A. Sanier, I'ortland.
K. Flrdier, I'ortland.
Thus. C a:ia, Keubpn, Oregon
Mm. K. K. Iouglas, I'ortland.
K. K. I'ouglas, i'oitland
! jud
! ing
t-f Klanu
Ku; kendall.
tfi rounty.
biiccet d-
f Have Gained 20
Pounds and Feel
I'Jza a Brand New
"cn Since Taking
Portland Boosters
Are "RaritC to Go
The funeral sen it -a of the l:t":
Oi ni Ke Ni-uiii-r, Sr., w ith hf-ld today J
at the Catholic itnirch at 11 o'clock. J
The -hurch was f'i..- with sorrow-
I lug frifntU anil n-iaiivn v. ho Kaih-
nil to puy their l.i-t trilnilc to tlici
l':itw linllii.-iK I'Mi-lhitiit wlinlrtfnlii nicinorv of tliu ilni-nrii tl. The Krat '
shot's. bank of floral nfn l ints which cov-
Still Turned Over
To Sheriff Starmer
(1. l.foiianl wa.s called (o take hi
, place.
The court coiivcnr'il arain at 2
nclin k at which time the raml Jury
r ported for duty ami retired to com
mence ItH Investigation. liintrict
Altorney Neuii'T Ptateil that the
Krand Jury will first take up the rate
oi ('. M. VouiiK, charKed with
murder of Tapp. Yoiiiib and
Tal'P elnr:ii;ed in a quarrel at thi'
Waller J-'i-cyer cabin III the hills near
lClkton. Tapp, It In said, was very
drunk nnd quarrelsome and Younic
ptates that Tapp threatened and
Ktartcd to kill him nnd fired one
hoi. In n hand to hand flKht, Young
riHured his run and Khot Tapp In
Hie head, lie Is charged with rlrst
decree murder. The Investigation of
thl' i'Iihc wilt proiialily take two days.
The circuit court jury was called :
fur the case of W. M. Sallon nualust,
A. !. Kufner. This l. nil net Ion Tor
money growing out nf a contract for
lumber. Aitomeys ltlco and Ornitt
npiiear for the defendant and Altor-,
neys Coshow and Ithodes for the1
plaintiff. I
Mrs. Adelln Hartley was the first,
Juror called and Incidentally the first .
woman juror ever called in liouitlas
rounty. Mrs. Mary II. Curswcll was,
A regulation coppr water fit:II,
the one found near the Freyer ca
bin a short distance from Klkton.
Lewis 'and the slill In which liotiKlns Tatip
is fuppositd to havo brewed th
moonshine upon which he became
drunk nd cnnaKed in the quarrel
with ('. M. Yoiiiik, which ended
wild the forteliure of his life, was
brought t this city today and
turned over to Sheriff Starmer.
The Mill is of copper and is the
)()0 kind kciii rally used in distilling wa
in III IilitKt? it June. utj eon
also of copper and the plant was
rapu'ule of manuluclurliiK a very
good grade of moonshine. It was
found by Deputy Sheriff Itydell a
short distance from the Kreur cabin
after n long search.
It Is claimed that li. fiire Tapp
was killed he had produced a galbiii
Jug of liioonshllie which he Is he
lived to have made In the still that!
was brought here. The Jug and the
remaining portion of its contents'
were later found In the Kreyer cabin 1
and the officers will probably place!
.i chargn ugalnst Wallace Freyer til
having Inbixicating' liquor lu his
J. Ilaumgartner, Salem.
II. ('. K it It . 1'orilaud.
II. 1'. idee. Myrtle Creek.
1). It. Norton, I'ortland. O. S. R. N.
J. K. O. Connor, I'ortland, I'ort
land Flouring Mills.
II. I'. (iaylord, I'ortland, Hell and
A. I.. Mallery, Oakland, Oakland
It. J i. Iliidges. Oakland.
Knd C. Young, Scut tie, Kelloggs
Toasted Corn Flakes.
Mrs. H. il. ilaynea. Portland.
Mrs. John K. Weaver, Sutherlln.
It. G. Fithlan, I'ortland, Fithlan
Darker Shoe Co.
John 0. Claghorn. Portland. Ore
gon Journal Merchandising Ilureau.
I.. A. lllanc. Marshfleld.
Marvey (i. McPherson, Pendleton.
I F. I). Stephenson, Portland.
I 11. C. Long. I'ortland.
) ('has. I. Mayhew, Kugene.
I W. S. Hichards. Albany, It. Veal
i & Son.
I W. P. Fell, Kugene, Marion KIu
' nion Co.
' J. I). Mcintosh, Portland, Fisher
i Flouring Mill.
F. K. Powell, Portland, Henry
U tnehard plant.
II. II. Wyatl, Kugene, Pacific
Coast lllwuit.
! S. K. ltollincn. Portland, California
I Sugar Refining Corp.
Nichols l'leiangel, Portland, Ore
gon Merchants Magazine.
I It. ). Thomas, Klkton.
! T. M. llomilson. Myrtle Creek,
T. M. Keaney, Salem.
W. J. Hlndley, Spokane. Washing
ton Stale Retailers' association.
K. ('. Faber. Central Point.
John J. Lane, Portland, Tru-Illu
RlKcuit company.
Wm. J. Flanagan, Portland, Tru
Illu Itiscult company.
F. li. Lewis, Southern Pacific com
pany. Kdward Si hunke, Ralem, Ruth
irocery company.
ered the casket w. re mute tokens
of the esteem and respect of the
community. Jitiiing the funeral
circuit court was adjourned in re
spect to District Attorney George
Nenuer, son or the deceased. A
large concourse of sorrowing
friends.followed the body to lis last
resting place a; the embolic cemetery.
uregot, mn
nurt Holrmt, ' !
caoru m-tii . -
banquet ,itln, ."i
"It'8 going to be a humdinger, full numbers are
of zip and pep." aalil H. il. ilaynea,
chairman of the i'ortland Grocers
l-i - ' n.
Tonight .-in T ,rtH.
the guestii m ") .
Btato convocation of Laurvl Chap
ter No. 31, Tuesdav. Feb. 21. Work
In Mark and P. M. degrees. Visiting
Companions welcome. I!y order H
P. W. F. HARRIS, Secy.
en i; woiLM it iiLiti:
siys Edward Perry, of
1010 Burnett St., Syra
cuse, N. Y. Many thou
sands have been bene
fited as Mr. Perry was.
Taidac can help you.
Do not hesitate. If you feel
lh! need of something to
build you up and make you
feci fine, ask your druggist
oday for Tanlac. At all good
:'i T.gglstS.
r w jkaaaaa
Three Auto Thieves
Arrested with Cari
club booster banquet to be held at laK8 afternoon n.
11, a I'nmnMi lintel tonight. "H. V ''
Rittman, chairman of the entertain
ti.ent committee, has Bonie
era up his sleeve that he'
loose tonight and the only thin County Schnni
taboo will be long speeches, etatlstica C. lirown. hai r ri,'-i
alio iiowery oraioiy. i nient of .anli.B -'"i
Tl. . n ....... 1 T. ..-I.l F linl. .Itnta. ...
i lie j ui iuuiiu iiuuauiB i'u' iiiTTii Boil congrei
mi. nnnrlnir. anil a tftCnl Orehailtra 1 a..rwl .
has been secured to enliven the lulls I to the garden ik r""N
me me county.
i entertain- .......
i real slick-j hl 1 KI"NTF.XtvT
he ll turn1 1
f1"" 8uri..
,S8";"sl w
between stunts. John Claghorn.
itwoi irr Tieivirrs (ioixti
The IfaMt of SnrrenM.
Klalin IlanimeiHtiln fit Iter
latest photoplay,
I "The Way
of a Maid"
The year' Biory.
A ftutuie iliat's ie;illy v.oith
while. Thin favuiile star at
lier Im'hI.
Tlrketa for the merchants' banquet
on I'riilay night aro going fast, C. S.
Helnliue, Hecretary of the loeal as.o
( latlon reports. More Knseiiurg busi
ness men. however, should attend.
Mr. Ileinliue nays, and it Is hoped
that others obtain tickets at once.
Ladies ura also invited and locan men
can take their wives or lady friends
with them to the. banquet If they de
sire. A fine program has been pro
vided for the occasion mid the Daug
las County (land will he present and
will play.
Also a I. ate
(01ih'd .
;t Select News and
Luc F. Vernon !"
Tlays the Pictures''
at the Pi.ino
Visiting Ladies
Enjoy Party
' Mrs. A. O. Marsters was hostess I
at her beautiful honu on Hoso street j
ihis afternoon at a parly in honor of J
the wives of the visiting .merchants.
The spa lous roouis were elaborately
decorated for the occasion with palms
i'tid bambo nnd early spring blossoms
giving the Interior of tho house the1
uppearance of the spring woods. A
btigo Amerleun lag was also in evl-j
(leuce In the buck ground. About'
sixty ladles were present and the nf-j
teinoon hours were enjuyably spent, j
A pleasing prognim was given as fol
lows: I'iano nolo by Miss Hael
.1 antes; vocal solo, Mrs. Spear; read-1
lug. Mrs. Ittisho; vocal solo by Mrs. r
Charles It rand ; violin solo. Hardest
Arundel; and a piano solo bv Mrs.!frf7 Tmrrr n m 4n
Arthur Kuauss. At a Into hour a ' llL ' o lU
delicious luncheon was served bv thej D J f) rj rs
h.ntess. The tieorge Washington bbu 1 DC UtVCfl Xt . tl . O.
was carried out in the table decora-,
Hons with place cards which were1
in the shape of hatchet and clever j A vvU nrrans.':l program will be
favors. , given tonight at the high school aud-
o : Itorium. Mrf. Warnica of Chicago
ISITI) M ItSKS AltK wno formerly Miss lioso llelden
.IK l.l'Clli:ti ; relch, will give many vocal solos
I 411,1 many tab nted Hoseburg people
A ilnlnl,. I. I....... i ... .
1UH.....MI r.iM'ii pt.ii- win no on tho program. The pro
iirday even ng at the Soldier's Homo' - , , 4 , ,.,
hospital bv Mrs. Nencv Gibson ainr"''1" "f IMS ,'l"rl:'l'"-" ' K"
Mrs. Post, Soldiers' . " b. n. lit the public library,
imrset alleiiding ilin ciinveiitloii of Mis. Wainlcn visited Itoseburg In
the Public Health association held inn: with th.. I'liu.wi.ii.. 11.
.illlri!ay. .Mis rest and Miss
tmra Ihoiiison, (,f the visiting'
nurses, giadiiated from the Presbv-
Miss Helen Cowglll, assistant state
club leader. ;s spending a few days in I Three youthful automobile thieves
this county. In company w ith Coun-: were caplured at Myrtle Creek late
ty Leader Cross, she went to Olalla Saturday night, after stealing two
and Ten Mile today to visit clubs in'autos In Hoseburg. The hoys gave
those schools. the names of Paul K. Mclntyre.
K' d I.: Kl"'rd aged IS
SEW TUDAY. and Jim Fuller, aged 16, all of
Portland. They stated that they ar
j rived In this cilv Saturday and after
MKSSKXGKIt boy wanted. Apply to wandering around the streets until
i dark picked up a Fbrd roadster,
which it later developed was the
property of Ralph Quitie. They
Western t;ni,,n one
1- Oil' It K.NT S " r'M.m' house,
Hum garden hmi. i'leiim
SI'AL'dll & JiDIII. f..r Slii,
with butli.
Mriniiliei if tin eai-L-tol s
VASTKI"aT ONi'K - Wwnian to help
w ith iouK'Wor,i. liiune -I-"J. i-reO
A. li.jlf, Koseln.l ir.
i'lllt SAI.IJ Oil'' irelileil Anemia
rooster ami two S. r. isrovwi LeKhern
roiMilefs, t !i. il. lirown,
U'lllmr, nie.
Milt ItKNT f i. "i'd y nice., clean
sliej.niif looms. , i y L'lose In, all
iiiimI.-iii conveliii le t-M. lo-' Xoi'tll
.Sleplii ns St. f
1" iit .'"ALIO Sanders double ilise plow.
l-'lrsl i luas euii'l.lieli. Also it illse1
lianow. Uulh I,;.. Liniililoni, Ijix- I
onville. 1
MAN WANTKli- lUu. h work, some j
knowleiUe of applis preferred. Sialyl
uKu. relerenee. .mil salary expeeteiTj
Aiiores! '".Man," j
JAHV lirix Oi.lern taken for O. A. I
Itall'ed Rocks und '1'ancred uraln !
W'iiite 1-Ktiorn Imliy cliu. Aluo ya
for liatcniuK. Mm. Kdur liufbuai, .
ii HouckSt. riielie ;0J-It.
LuSf lilt 'sTItAYKH " IVilialelllll lies-'
loll hlllld.iK. Head ami I'reast while.!
Hits one l.iue eye and mie liriiMii eye. i
Wore liariiess. Ahsvvi rs to name of i
l'uli lies, ltt-w.inl t..r retain, rituiie
132. I
started to leave the town in this ma-
I chine but It was too crowded, so
they picked up a large Nash car be
longing to Chas. McKlhinny. The
theft was quickly discovered and a
j report was made to Sheriff Starmer
who at once got In toorh with his
I deputies with the result that the
boys were captured when they stop
ped at Myrtle Creek for gasoline.
I When returned to this city they a 1
Itnitted the charge. Their case is be-
lug held up while the officers com
municate with Portland authorities.
xoTiii-: -wm th
swereil my nd
loKs. .v. li,
imaln as 1 have
t want to aosv Allewer
p.irlits w lio an--rl
isemeiit fur cedar i
s. t ie., please Wl tl e !
l.'st nor lei t.-rs, iiiol
We wish to thank the many kind
friends In nnd around Hoseburg for
the beautiful floral offerings and
for their assistance and sympathy
during our rts'ent bereavement.
A. J. ItlSI.KY,
AI.I.KII will
w initio l" earn $ I.."
Iiard wink full ,,n
i st prli i d Kl'arantee
Silllitll Collipalt ,
1 want the
cure Ne-vvs- 1
in j.t-r w ffk
I t .l H VI it II
I ttr-. TIh
SmIIIIi llViui.
AWAY Must un jit nut
f u 1 1 -iil 1 rt'Mtaiiraiit iiimI luneti
(in; IS riin.iis, T lal'lcs tih. I thiiii.
:i II fluw c:t ton u I vrn; l. n liiimi, .
I e client: lining mn'tl l.usl n.-sn ; line
fli'iw wIihIuw. lleiit only $iiu. ,lv- :
iiikc rmniiH in tmek. I.ocat ltri. rewt
tnwri lu Honiliwewiern (re4.'tni. Kvery
l ii l ii K lei liiiie.l l'rlcc $..00. tiet tliif"
uaiek. It h a real chance. See ,. T.
I.iiur net., ("..mmercial Airtnt. K.'i 1
t'.iss Slle.t. I'heiie L'lJI.
.Y (ail lioNI'rt jr.u!Jit itui for a
I c. tuple k I. llUSllillR fe:lv.
iiulier tnteris tunpel ine to pell my
H.'i it'Tt'H Winston liriile. Two1
set. . f lfiillli!iK4. w idi line
. up i In w .n.-r piped i house?; ll't '
ami toltl water in my home p !. :'o a. res tt apples ami yomiKt
pro lien. I.jtl.'me irriun ami pasture.'
Mosi all till., hie l.iinl. All mitulMOfi.
I into ten it. i e trii' ts ami f met ion,
j A re;il d.Urv urn! fruit proposlt Ion.
K I -iiy for iMHiit'ohf. I 'or pi n e
i a iol terms ?.-e ow iu-r, 1.
I U in., r.
. qua and oK
t-ian hums colbo In Chicago bl
ether, and took this opportunity to
new an old aciti,ilntam e. A dainty
cheon Was served 1'V the hostesses.
inirg people were de-!
lighted with her beautiful inezza so-l
pranu voice. Tonight they will havej
the opportunlly to hear Mrs. Warnica
from the high school stage, i'ho en-i
rfainnient will to at S p. tn.
in tli
still K.-II.K
tl I
W.iter. IL'.
lit a-l (.lltle.
tt-r:ilMI11ctll Mill ti..elo fit U n o. 't-,.,u .i
I -jp Mt , - ' 1 ' ' ' I' I ' '
Dl Candling UMM
i i 1 " 1 1 1 1 ' '
- ; v.-.- ' I H j V.V ' V.? "
' -' I ; j : en" d"iM .'' 'i'Vk
A -fv "- iV I : iS:-
ii xvs v t ...:- f ill n il iii ...
vi;iv a) r. )W tc- 1 i... J :L iU..
1 1 a 'vV-st V iji . - ( 'Ji it . t j- - - - i . it i ir r. i' k -vj M m r. "v i - j-. . L- .i r ' mm mr .-.i- mm rA
l JXj- rf'Kiv ' ''"-Wx -vt'iai ' f -' AM...!.,.,.-,,.,,,. ji
R l I ov.f 1 v -i " - a.'.VAm 1 : I a look rm.kN! itoii u iii.M., ..v.,"..:.- rr- 4 4 tiiii-.
WUrwr -;?F.ll.; . A I:
Yki. have il.M-W.
piist six nioiul.s.
i' liet Into t he i
.ores; JO ares fu. i
.1 Tl tt ( leitreil . x I 1"
u I other luiihlltis; tin
iilv oreliar.l. sprm
k p with their liiii;hs;
v 'tiille ),,i; .ne. , hh Uem
'l.ollin worlds of oui
ii si x h ii ntlrei)
'H'. T wen i
ash. takes (lo
i', t'onmieii i i
t. I'lo-ne
'ri k l'.iii.'in
cult I at ion .
ottom Inn. I
r-s more of
ol. p;irtly fe?c
Is of oinraiiv.
small lion
W J l e
Welcome Oregon
The Roseburgf
Cafeteria and
nerves a Cafeteria Dinner from
11a. in. to 7:30 p. tn.
Short Orders
Hot Waffles
nt all hours, villi the best of
table service.
Short orders, specials of all
kinds everything In season.
i The i's
t MENTAL -kljj
WIZARD 'r ':
i THE MAN WHO &i ,
4 K
$. 1 1 1 : Ii 10 AIX WEEK IX ADDITION .4
5 Tt) HFXH I.Alt IMIOGHAM fe "'
5 OF 1'ICTIHKS. Mcfij
4 u in i ii i in 'J
ii.itu- iriiorijnT Tlt4SI.'EH- lr.'j j.r II
Thursrlav. Frid?v. Saturday ONLY '"tl I
Cast Includes
small lions. . v,it r
t'nrti . all Oilier tleee- X
rSSii; W. R. WARNER,
. I ''-"''. S flfl. en
hillnn- III ll ears
Yon can't It, A Afcf.-nt. 1.
I roprietor
This Picture and Every Picture that is
Booked for this Week is Beyond the
Ordinary Program Picture and Playd
in Portland for50e & 75c Admissions
Our Prices Including Tax for these
Pictures and this Soecial Attraction.
15c 35c
.tf t:
25c 50c
III If I- I t ItV ItV
ii7f i . , ! You CaiVt Beat these for a We
Wnliam Fairbanks a pecials Look themowr
in li i:i i:i.s or
irn: Miwr ukai.itic h, run: i a ,.,; . .,
vo. minn ctmri.Y lMllvt;is ok TH. wist
- ' Urt"'n- i ne ;uttr.riTe" f, 4,t vnivu i ui
t f
f 4
4 4
"The Lotus Eater-An-Ml Stof1
It's a Marshall Neilan Masterpiece
Cuttersn're" t f.