Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 20, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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Government Asks
Better Cooperation
Rural Ma il Ca rrie rs
F?h. ! th
en rarniB
kTI-ASn. Ore
t llraCIOi'ft
... nr.-ion decreased from
r . .,a nd l63.Kif.ouu ioi.i
.,,VV :- -
(Hv B. V. Cooney, Countv Aennt I
The successful buslnrss man in the
! direction of the post office de
partment, postmasters throughout
the country have roccntly made an i
inurectlcin of the rural routes from
their offices. The Dumoae was that !
l' .luriuV two years from city you will find always has a rood lhey misht rtaln ly personal on- ! ''.'
nt'ir"o to January 1. 1822, i set of books, aud those supplemented "'"""on and make report whether' ""d
r' I w" ' ...... taa,iA i.v . hv union Rvutt.ui if at n tne roads used were In rood rondi- I 9 iaui
nK - ....Irata n:i.l prnn Which will nnnltln him t ....
i bUrMU Ol Ui.--". " r; V . "I
r,.r the entire I'nlted
de.reae was from 8.1 65.
!, to 4.TT.937;t)0l or 41.5
L rcnort indicated a tendency
F 1 . a ortlta this vear
on profits or loss as related to each
suuuivision oi mat business.
Why then' should the farmer try
ann conuuci nis Dullness
the roads used were In Rood condi-1
lion ror travel, the routes well ar
ranged, boxea properly erected, so as
to be easily reached by the carriers
without difficulty and without ob
structing travel, the carriers serving
itnicn is .ki- :iti.. ii j
often many time 1 truer th.-u the ,Z . 7 , "'""I"' T V "
average business establi.hnu'n o. mi , ?! ?JL!?" ! 0A,!e."ed- a"d '"I
... iuv lau.uinii HfrBii with mui ihi ieu
for reveral years pan . V' .j '". ' " 1 " . ' I-"'"' ree- with the service rendered, or there
PORTLAND, Kelt. 20. To- .
ilny's market quotations In l'orl-
are as follows:
Cattle prices ste.vlv.
Hoes steady to IT. cents high-
er. i'ritne light at $11.50 and
Sheep are steady to ten cents
higher. Kast of Hie mountains
lambs. 110 and in.7r,.
rice ot tracioro a m i.av.u. , - WPr improvements wh ch could be
.lents. combined with tne low The agrldulturiat will never be suggested In the Interest of the pa-
of farm pruum. , amo m ku imu mo urm s markets frons or the department-
tractor farmers to return to f and demand and receive a Just com-; It became necessary, in connection
poer on their farms," says pensation for his products until he with the Inspection, to request manv
Inert. Tne summon ... .rR.- cau auuw uie worm wnai u costs to patrons to take action to the end ttiat
fck cows, beef cattle, sheep, hogs product these products. I their boxes might conform with the
loultry coverea aa ""' These records do not necessarily regulations as to kind, condition, lo-
k cows: Results of our apeclal need to be as elaborate as that used; cation, or height ,and In hnving the
tv ould seem to Indicate some by a banker, but elaborate enough to i name of the owner plainly printed on
C in numbers of dairy cows in 'embrace the details enterlnc Into the them. Also, to bring to the atten
tate. However. It is the opinion production of the farm's major crops. ! tion of road overseers or other re-
Lr;e well-lnformeu men in me Let the county agent explain to you ; sponsiDie persons tne neea tor
I indutrv tnat numuers lor ne
laJ t whole have decreased.- In
Lorthwestern part of the state
crcsse is placed as high as 25
lent in two or uuo tvumico.
Lf cattle: A few estimates In
i districts have placed the 1921
L,4 in numbers as high as 40
Lnt but other reports from the
a svstem mat will cover your needs provement in roaas or repair or con
'r'aniiln With IWn.k tu.d l'encll." , Btruction of culverts or bridges.
-The farmer does not toll anj sweat " ' the de8lrc ' he department.
I and its purpose, to provide adequate
entire fir his health; and convenient service, so far as
He milks his cows and tills his soil i ,ay ,e possilile, to all persons resla-
and Hopes to garner wealth. ln in rllr-i communities, but this
Hard white
Ki.ft white
Whits club
H;iri1 winter
Northern spring" ....
Ili-d Walla
Ntt. 2 whttu feed . . .
No. 2 Itray
Sliiinlmd fed
n i I-:. Y. tlilnmrm
N.. J V. Y. ahU'mrnt i't
KU't K Ksmily pnitn. I 20 lr
Kggs are two cents lower, ! i,i;.nc ir.i wh. Jt . ' S7no: V.itker:
buving prices at 2J cents and hiu.-Ktrm patMit. $T.4o : vulloy sett
27 cents iwiu'tit. $t!.4r: Htrulstita, SS.0&.
Butter prices remain steady. !M.M,!mf toS'.1!!?: mid c-r..",:"!
NtralK'iit tnr. pt ton; mltMltnuH.
. t:t:; rl barley. Ii4tr3b; rolleil Ht.
'loT; iTp,th feJ. US PT ton.
Om.N-Whttti. $32; crncktxl, $14 ton.
. HAY flavin pnea t o. b. p.rilind:
Alfalfm, rr 'n. 'ht. $l0 5i'i
1 11; out and vet h. $14 clover, $11;
vallt-y tiiimthy. $1410; eaatern Or-
50P unoihy. iiiWii.
llMiry atl Iobii try Prtxlurv.
IlCTTKIt I'Hhen, txtriin, 3i4i lb.;
par tuitfitt wrappfd. box I"ta. 4 If; car-
vii inns. 4 U'. Kiitlt'i rat, Diiyinn uru c.
. No. 1 radt. "7v. d'UvT'4 l'irtlnl.
'Wl KOI: Hiiylnff price. X5(i26o dozoh.
i' t"' i ruse t-tiunt; Jnhbinff nrlren. cao count
I-Mll Wll X---- L'.. n.ili, a.
' Mr.b. l' 1 I-1M I.
WANTKD - -AVo.nlfuttura. er Hroo.
riuuio 1 4-1 .4. ' TT
1.:- VANTi:i---i!,. It'll Fori! tmvk. pm u- bnwit. J. M. Ji.Jd.
1.2.M Unit it! llrt-K. MiMt be In iir v.'inh- " '
1.22 J ii.. ti. htt,' .i u- 4H1.1 coiuliiu.ii. 1 V I Atur..iut4 atx room
121 i Waiit-rJ., akf, iMvum Hle.jor.-Koii ! J-",ustV."M,ll'. l,!i ' ApilylKowlr8t.
WmiM .7ak7.:;ak.S ''j'.''-.H fn J..0"i,
5 00 j 'rub .-aa. p.-h-4. Send hwi pri. -. 1 K " Al.K ll;iy, Mr.iiu and wM:
T.Soi iU'ii ' SAl.i;- a lij k.od timber
WAMKI) -h.i U'Kitian 10 rpre. nt ) ..;iiea. ud kimi.
Choife atoera
Medium to wood aUt rs.
lair to nudiuiu Hieern....
t'oinmun to fair 8ter....
C'liolce feetlei'H .
Kuir l K""J feeders
rbnir ftiwn and helft-rtJ..
Medium to Bood cows and
Kair to medium cows and
Common conra
t'hoito dairy calvea
I'rlme liKht culvea
Medium lih'lit vralvca
.$ .;rn 7.50
. ."....'.(
. 4. .ni it'
And yet by methods out of date and , pnd ran nnt ilft attained without the
lack of proper care. fl,it operation of the patrons in the! Heavy t-alvc
r ' . m inHif.i " """ v! - , elTort s ol postmasters ana carriers 10 . n..,t .
1 f tiitiwn no decrease. A r fre'Kht and rails to get his share. is,,rv9 them promptly, regularly and smooth heavy. 2"i.:i.h ii...
ii.htio - , 1 lie 1111-11 iiitiu aet-p-a 111a uuuns iu , aatiBfarnr!iv
h? r,',TonuZ wa recent" trlm and doe" "0t K0 U bU,,d; Wtatew Wlllt.te. the work of
'i ' f n. r -The hB.nk nfiWhy should ,he hook9 be the carrier is of direct benefit to the
inipil as follows: The banns or .A .,! i m. ,n,f ' . . i
r. . v.v. encouraged the bringing I "u "'" '...,.. ..I Patrons, tor tne greaier n.e ease
pi nu-v - A rctuiu vi ciiun t;uw uiiu iieiu, ui
j cattle ana Enee, ... ..., ur.. nleadow. crop and grain
Icing the growers or nay in ine Wolll(1 8now whicn ones most proflt
vleld. the costs, the loss or gain.
i may feed up tneir.crop, ana av9,em noes the world advance its
t i ai me "y upward way along;
I being fed in naneiauey man B gystpm system, not by chance,
1 ..l tbon nasr. 1 ... . j .
nianaina grows great aim sifoub.
An hour of study, thought and care
expenses on that cow or soil.
ku 1921 were only 83 per cent Mav'..ean far greater values wrought
If 1920 receipts. .Not mucn var- than days of endless toil.
hnve encouraged the bringing
cattle and sheep and have been
pinir the growers of hay In the
u;e of livestock. In order that
may teea up v. up, Uuu
Is at the present time more
being fed In Baker valley1 than
Lreral years past. '
jKflpts of cattle of Oregon origin
je Portland union siock yarns
jr occurred in 19 18 and 1919 but
allowed considerable Increase.
fating somewhat heavier percent
jlof marketings. This probably
what reduced the breeding
t for 1921. ''tit not sufficiently
Irount for the 17 per cent de
in the 1921 tsockyards re
5. We lielieve there has been
fd"crease in the numbers of cat-
feed this winter man many
are Inclined to think.
Ippp: in tne largest sneep pro
fci county or tne state some es
k indicate the number of sheep
educed about 25 per cent in
wito a further 2! per cent re-
Ion In 1921, but other estimates
tte'aame couTrty Intricate no
ilon In numbers. Individual
reports Indicate a decrease of
5 per cent, which checks with
r'Pilir field reports.
p marketings were anove the
during the summer of 1921.
oral receipts at the Portland
yards showing 4 8 per cent In-
In 1921 over 1920. for sheep
eton origin. The financial sit-
Itrn caused a change In the owner-
of manv thousand head of sheep
e hare been unable to learn of 1 1
Kreat movement of sheep to ,
U outside of the state. I
ft: All indications point to a I
ierable nVr-reAaA In thp number 1
poes during the past year. The
Indnal farm reports Indlcato a j
t'ase of about 15 per cent. 1921
ipts of hogs of Oregon origin at!
Portland stock yards, decreased I
w per cent over the receipts for
tC. Ileports indicate some Increase
number of young hogs on hand ,
I'iary 1st, 1922, over-January lRt,
Jl This condition would seem to
'ate the probability of an Increase
ijthe state hog production for the
Jr 1922. over 1921. The supply of
has been Insufficient to meet
2 Barkers needs during the past
r. The Portland union stock
s repons the receipt of 44.343
from the states of North and
Dakota, during the year 1921.
Jrin the month of January, 1922.
91 hncs ,.rp received from the
' of South Dakota alone.
S'oultn-: Individual farm sche-
s Indicate quite, a decided in
In the number of poultry on
Jrn farms during recent years,
yrmers feel that the price of eSRS
leen more nearly In lino w ith the
JJ-'ot articles the farmer must buy
l;i most any other farm products.
r:ne the pat two venrs. This
'!' accounts for the increased
rest in poultry." Western eegs
found a verv excellent eastern
'ket during the past two years.
Sne. it h beuvy. Mil lb, up
KmiKli Heavy
Fat iK
I'Ve.bu- plpi.
Slaps, subject to dockage.
Kh st of mountfttna IhiiHis.
llest valley lambs
Cull lambs
Knlr to uood
Kastern Orecon teedyrs . .
5,;iil 6.1'.". -j;,.; canille.1 ranch. :sti:lik': nnoclHtion
i te)e.-tK. H...M-iatlun tlrsts, UOu; us-
S-yOSJ 6.75 ' sodHt Inn collet. 2Se.
i CIIKKSP rmamoolc triplets, price
4,;:.sil B.ooito j.iiiberfc. c. o. fc. ;. .Ilumook. Hc;
3.2..1r 4. IT. Veiinic Anierlcns. 27c pound.
-- POI'I.TKV Mens, iii'w 1'nc: uprlnH.
3.:.0ji r.. fill Uik-Kh. aaiirSHc: Keeie, 20c; tur-
lil. IH'I 11. IMIj kevs, llvu nemlmil. dressed 3S4Hc..
s.initi ll'.'jo I'dltK Fancy, H'sc per pound.
t -r. o j .inll VKAL, l-'ancy. lfi.jc per tuiund.
t.biir 4. 60 Krnlta and reef nlitr.
Fill ni Navel nriitiaea. 0"
Imiv: leTiiona. .50 ftt ti.uu; Krupcfrult.
f l.l'jit 7 :i0 hox: iMitianas. S Sc Pr Hi.:
apples. l.3Stl a.U5 per box; crunlmrrtes.
eastern. Its per barrel.
ruTATor.S Oregon. l.7S4r.(IO per
10(1 miunda; Yakima. 1:(2. 5i prr Inn
imtuto, b1l ft a-c
II. 0Oi 11.55
y in.:. it
.r.n'.i r.o
7.011,1 S.'JS
10.7;". fli 1 l.ftil
III. 75(11 11.00
S.fiOtli 7.60 pouml
s wi
measure. Belle Case. Thono 391-L.
rnoi'KssioN.-ii, caki!4
nil I., a. wi:l.l. u.miat. 317 Perkins
niiig " Phone S73.
lis. t.lP 0 l:N t'l.t I'lowcrs. Phone
a40. inn ro. jacKaon isi.
nit. m. h. ri viKH
Fhvsician. 2-2 W. Iine St.
1)11. I. oi ls A. 1)1 I.I. A 11 1), DeniTiT
1st Stale und SavlnKS bunk Jldg.
Phone 1117.
speed with which a carrier may cover
the route the earlier and better the
service afforded.
So. patrons of rural delivery can
vrpntlv heln themselves hv helping I. ilil yearlliiKa
their carrier, aeeing lo it that roads ; J'vy wH1r,irl;B ;
are' kept In good condition andjii,.,vy Weihers .
promptly opened after storms. bylKwes
keeping the approaches to their boxes i.?1". "'""
1 Kw nnmnttv oiiH wUHllirlvl " i i i
oorrectinK anv irregularities affecting f
thoir boxes when aaked to do bo.
mniml' N'jin.-v Hull. iL'.Sl) luT CDtt
UNION'S V'!l(w, $7.r()tfi H per rcntnl.
VKl.KTA.tMU4 CahhHKO, SWfi1 lr
poumi: lettuce. H TStiS crate; tarrotn.
4i S Puck; Karlic. Ku' I'r punl:
urt'i-n itepptTn. A'ov pfr piMtm!: h-eH. $2
si ' f." p.-r nark: rt'lerv. N.6'41 t rati1:
raullflwwer. tS.3bffS.2S pt-r crnti-;
miuiih. 4t-; pprouts. 2rtf21r; pnrm-litK.
1 1 .:! 4 2.60 P-r aiu k; toniiitnes. $:iS.fcO
S.ttOSf 6.00 i...r ltu- t.rlirlHikfU. S1.SMl 2 !r '.UfflKi;
Ktc i nifiinibom, $2.SOIi'3.7 l7.en; rhubarb,
Feb. I p.T pnr.ntl; wptna' b. 2 por yriUQ.
9.7r, Si io er. ;
4.75 6.25 ;
6.75 ii S.2S
7-Oiiif K.00 .
uci una huy
Hinl mi mm tut iiik tTritui'
In n 1. ir:ii'i.
W A N V K I . TIAUtKH Will a.-i-rpi tun
itvT hh full ur part pny on ranch in
JtMop'iliia l'u.. on a v ihI b I ninva v ;
-hiol vn plait, l'rli-e $ W.OOO.OO.
Altrd V, Ik. uox Sj.
1KUR1 AM) KOO.M. 3U Vcl Ijiu'
: d. Minorca Immis. Alan
rh.uio J7-K11. J. i'.
TAIUUUM1 and dremniukli of nil
kln1s.52SHL Matn. Alri (itit lirulto. you pv $iioti -uh for a k"o1
hout If you t'ould p;i y tho b;i la net
of $:tno (m vn-y payments. AiUlrvmi
"rt," NrftsOvi'V ii-w,
Kltl'IT ti'i'i-H Mini roKi'M oprayoil. All
kltidit of trim, work ilonr, I TV uiik
wonj f.r vale. Uarnjurtt inanurw Inr
Sjiu. lMi.tH- ri's-u
ft"Nl I'Mir npfi t;n leu. iitt nt r may
)iHt name by catlinK at Llua vflu'
H tid pa itiK lor aii
1A1N1 Kastern anr pin. Owner may
havii Huiiui by oalllliK nt tlilti ofl'icc
andpaylntrfor adv.
Pi H " N ! Kn r Vbo u ldir pYo.M. Ownor
plt-axo call at tbl ofTKo. describe It,
nnil pv fur tlux tiiiv
ioii SAI.I.- t'np'l.- KtUMd.
. a ore.
Foil SAM-; i'ur. br. J S. O. H. I. Kvd
ri't kiitiii. 'kk lor liAUhing.
I'tiono 2S-K2.
l'OU 1SAM-Uloth.
1)K SA1-K--ImdKtf tourln tar. Will
ti-adt for h ord or lbc roleL AUt)
i'ord Ui-Hvory. l'liojiw
Kt'lt SaLk Kukk f..r" baU-MiiK. O. A.
O. tund Uo k. lotiirlH Walto,
ltxoit lilt. I'liono J4-1-'1J.
Kit It SA1.K ono WiH model KorJ
tiuirinK ur in er Ili'Tit uondlt ton.
s e ti;iti;r ttttb (n-KonHruwm.
Knit MA IK ('loan w fitto oath. 2c per
1I-. Alo 50 tlvr obt Ki'owth tlr block
wood on good roud. Ltndbloin, XiJt-
Kui; SAl.K Hit ItK.NT II iniiirovfd
4 itirti. 3t tiTm bottom. TartU-u-lara
from o wit it. Ho 76, Drain,
Ktlt KAI
d So
FOR ItKNT Safety t.poalt boxoa.
UoatfburK Nntloiial Hank.
t ' N K I 1 1 N 1 S H K 1 " 1 1 o ii for rout: 1
hlock from hinh ncbod. ritonc :1M-Y.
Ft -It UKNT 2 lltrht' h"ouaeki'plnK
room, furnlxlu'd. i)A N. Jaikun t,
I'hono s-Y.
lit- 1 1 1 . with r. KlsLart il and p-ill -
Kid d paper. IMioif IKX2, ilox iti3.
'-YX1'1 t'r,''lt!,. '""j
l'nit SA .: -l''aiu y liiai k Minorca vkk
for liitti hlnK. flu'ap. . K. HoiiKlaw 8t.,
next to covered leer t'reok brldKe.
tJ. ItiiMniusHcn.
l-Ht SAl.K A hut Iran vacuum wt'p-
Hiol I'avia portaol el trio new
riactb ally new. rilo
$12(10. tin 5 ruiH, with bath; 1 lot; barn
and I'hfcken huwe: H rash. (1. V.
JiniiiK A Son. 1'hone 4 1 7.
KOlt Itl'NT IS a crea; 5 room house:
I uiili'M liotcbiirif. on Pacific high
way. flTiOOO per vt-ur. O. W. Vountr
A Sun. I'hnne 4 1 7J
Intr uun hlne
K K Tenter
l'OU SAl.K Ten room bouse; eight
loin; tnoirn. rart ianli. ' balanco
wa me m rent. 11. T. Sulllvun, at 1'eo
pb Suny Co
i-MU SAI.IC-S. WhYfoTAMthorn Imby
chlrka at 8c upleco. About &Iart4'v.
Ainu fKK for Bettln at 76c for l.
Mix, M. arlnon. Melrofm. i
T'OU'SALbi Jitney burtfiiiiaa, liultiitlnK
anil lu-enne. ell rstahithcU
All kinds of sheet metal trorh,
warm air furnaces, both pipe anil
plpeless. 119 Oak 6treeU
Fbone 428. ' Roteburg, Or.
When you want the best In
plumbing and heating supplies
call the
Roseburg Plumbing &
Heating Co.
Another Kreat assistance that pa
trons can render carriers is by kcep
inn themselves Bupiilled with and us
ing stamps Instead of placing un
stamped mail, with money for the
purchase of the required postage, in
the boxes. This delays the carrier
and sometimes Imposes a great hard
ship on him, especially In cold or
stormy weather. If preferred, stamp
ed envelopes, either printed or plain,
mav be obtained from the carrier.
are of good quality, and cost but lit-1
tie more than the value of the stamps
1 upon them, and are redeemame ai
: the value of the stamps if damaged.
I but returned In a practically whole J
I condition. It necessary to place i
money in a box, it tibura lie put in
a coin-holding receptacle or lie prop-
i erly wrapped so as to be easily picked
. up by the carrier.
Money for the purchase of money
' orders should not be left in the boxes,
but should be handed to the carrier
and a receipt obtained.
Sincerely yours,
11. II. niLLAXY, ,
! Fourth Assistant Postmaster General.
No Guess Work
when you trade with us. GROCERIES OF HIGH
EST QUALITY. Every article marked plainly,
and down to the LOWEST TRICE.
You save here EVERY DAY in the week.
roll SAl.K lrv llr and oak wood.
I'hnne H.Kli.
Fnu HA fin 'OiiK und LrfuVol wood"
I'bono U-Vfi.
Kt Ht SAl.K Mav. Kibti bower urrh'iml
Tract h. I'bone 2i-K3.
Knit " SAI.n 3 .TerVeyIteK. v'luK, 6 moa.
oliK I 'h onp jl or fi-K-'l.
KOK SAl.K Ttlrtck" fir I (i0"bloclc okli
t. Hnyer Una. 4-FH. .
Knit SAl.K liV:NT i nOu re ruiuli.
. It. Springer, AziiIpu. Oreifon.
l'OU SAl.K t'henni or Inido for ekltl'S
Kord or t'hi-vrolet. Tel. 175-It.
trade, vr will well rnr alone.
M unite rum ( liriir Stnr.
Call tit
KOlt SAl.K A roan iMirham bull, t
j.ara nld. wt. luitl lbn.. prlc f'
Alito Jursev cow, 8 veara old. wit 1
yoiina: vilf. $'. Artdreaa O. V .
V ii n Kb n, 1 M xon v 1 IJ e. llretfon.
l'OU S.I.K--Two"uVed bltf" Threo H.M -lie
lrliytrH. I'mii one and two neii
H"liH respeetlvely. (Irnwera replrtee!
thi'e with the hi Hani I mogul.
or phono the Oregon lirower
M)ii KOU SAl.K 4 foot ulnbi
old jtrovuh Vfllnw fix, curb.
(ireen. 3.0 f. o. h. car Hoaetmrfl;
dry. $1.60 per cord. Weatern l.unvr
br k Kxport Co., Cultuttu
t ire.
noKui. cttu .
rem. 4 I I
f In b wood,
liiHtl lotrf:
Free Oregon
a Ih,u1 f snaring lo
''"' S'.'e you a large fUe
''' .f I'urola Shaving Cream
See Our Windows
Su"Mor to Hamilton Drug Co,
Waiting for your
call with the
most up-to-date
Equipment and
Oar A a to Will Call
I'hnne 277
AiiieiHlniciit to Hie 1'oi.tal Ijiwi and
Herniation. :
Office of the Postmaster General,
Washington, January 26, 1922. ,
Order No. 7006.
Section 7.i6, postal laws and reKU
lntiona, 1913, is amended to read as
. In all cases of Impassable roads.;
bad condition of roads, unsafe
brldu.'S, daiiRerous fords, or other ob
structions to service on rural routes,,
the postmasters at distributing of
fices shall notify the patrons affect
ed and the road supervisors or offi
cials In charse of such matters and
request that the necessary repairs be
made, using for the purpose forms
4024 and 4024A. It the repairs are
hot made within a short time, the
postmaster shall report the facts to
the fourth assistant postnias'er gen
eral, division of rural mails, wilh
recommendation for an amendment
of the route to withdraw it from im
passable or unsuitable roads. Post
masters shall, in like manner, re
port every Instance whero a non
automatic gate is being maintained
on any road covered by rural delivery
postmaster General.
. o
We are starting a call for and de
"wry system. Watch for the driver
nnd have your shoes ready. Cood-ye-r
Shoe Kepalrlng. W. 3. Howard.
III. X tl. I.
Growers having I'mpqua Valley
rtroecoll to ship should see It. H. C.
Wood, who Is shipping a number of
car loads. 921 N. Jackson SI.
Phone 3ri1-.I.
Ever Shucked Corn
You Understand Advertising
Suppose you f-huck a couple of thousand ears of
corn! You're Sl'ltE to find some red-and-purple
ears among 'em !
Hut suppose you shuck just OXE ear. Not much
chance of finding a kissing ear with but one try!
Selling is just like that. The first man you
talk with probably isn't interested. Hut advertise
to, say, 5000 families' and then you'll sell things
The more '-ars of corn yo'u shuck, the more
purple ears you find.
The more people you reach with advertis
ing, the more sales you will make.
That's why it is important to phone your
want ads to a newspaper with a great, over
whelming city and country circulation like
the News-Review.
have you a house or room for rent?
have you a used car for sale?
have you a job to ofler?
Telephone your adv to the News-Review.
Roseburg News-Review
"The paper with (he want a'."
MHl SAlil-l Pry old growth tlr wooil
lU-ori Iti Hhcd ull w tutor. Cheap. J
m. jurt.i.
Kuli SAI.H Ni-w On-imn nl 7ri0.1a
nt rn wHorry pUnta tnk-n from tn
KpH'tl, onp-yar-oll pifilks. A Inn a
limit -l ammint of 1U--1 Cuthhert
raspberry plnnt. Plr your nnlt-r
row. ItA- H'-rehrr. ItlUnrd. Oregon.
l'OU KAT:--lUihv fhii k. Wlilt
Imrn 1 per 100: u, A. C l;irr.M
'Itoi-k. 1 lur ion. N.. ; Krettky
' ftrrtiMlrf Itov" poitinlet; nwr
ir. I'hoiu- 3-KJl. J. K.
1H It SAl.r; One 3-lurtfO elertrli' H
tor, onp 6-lneh water motor, a num
ber ut Iron uml wootleit pulley and
emifiltlertihit- Iron vlutft law, all in
good condition. Inquire at - Newi-
Jtvtiw nfTU'o.
l-'int SAl.K 4o aer, 1 mile from
KoftehurK- Hunlred mTei tlllalila
Kill. hnliine rnr.m land. Sufficient
tlmher on plmo to covwr prtee ot
rini'li. r.irt rah, bulanco on term a,
V()l MAl.K lilt TIlAIiK Anliljind nron-
ana i
live, room lion
h"tine and park. For UoxebtirK prop
ertv. I. v. lletlir.T. North Sldo Qro
MtiiVlOIOJ lloMr: U rum. with Hleinfnr1 c,'r; pl:i.l.T.-d; 2 lot on paved j Knit S l.K A lliHia.aO lrt nnrtBragi
atrei-t; fruit :ind nut tree; exr. llriit on a r ram h near Ithldle. Thla
bi' fitlon. Irlrt i-nntpled'l v ftiritlh d murinaKK heir 7 p-r rent Interest .
f:.fioaiMi. one of th nice limiitu of hihI unit ore In tlood billld-
ltoe'.rl. $.T00.(io down will handle.: inn, fullv Insured. liberal dlai'ounU
C W Y-.Titur K- Son rione 117. 1 r.p1v Hot m. Itb!dl. re
U. H. Waal her nureau, total offfc.
RuacburKi Orton, 24 lioura ending E
a. in.
rrcHnltailp tn Inrkra mnA Iliindrrdth
Highest teiiiperainrtt etterday ., 44
Liwtxt temperature nilil . . -1-
l'rei -Ipltallon lust I't hours 1
Total pre.lp. ine(. first of tnontli 3..0
Normal preoip. for ttil month...
Total prclD. from Seit. 1. 1121.
.. dale tM2
Average prei-lp from Sept. I. 177 s:i
Total (I. th h iiev from Sept. I. l'J-2
aefmon. (Sept. to May. lm- . . . .SI. 31
Voreeanl to II t. m. forout hwtsalert
TonlKht and Tuey.tny rnlr.
Wild. I AM UKI'U Obwrvcr.
Mrs. Fred A. Ulodol of this cfly
li'ft HiIr nioriilng for Grant I'nua
wlui ro Hhe will viit for the next
frw days with Mr. Und Mrs. Chaa.
HirdH und litllo son.
rormorly of Inlnrimtlnnul
HAl TAl Ol'A
Siiiipnrti'U by local tuk'iil.
High School Auditorium
' Monday, Feb. 20, 8 pm.
Ailralm-liin H'-als on Kilo
nnd r.rviil without i-Hra
eharci' at l'uulic Library.
IJMG Lump and air alackid.
CKMKNT Onwon Ilrand.
ItODKl.NG Vulcanltu und
HOOK I'AINT I'lastlo VflioiT
uud DuniluMlc.
WATlCltritOOKINO -Mukoa
roinrrniM work water aud
(lamp proof.
MKTAI. I.AT1I llnrrlngbono
Arinco -nvvi-r ruHl.
1'I.ASTKH llOAUIV-Do your
own plHHti'riiiK with a ham
mer ami a saw.
Transfer and
Storage Co.
231 N. Main Street
The t!C
Kids m
m. "ni7ntion Dele-
09 0Cf-tC)CAT7
m T IF- fVI I ' I rt M I I I
I I Vtl IMA f I 1 ill