Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 20, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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    ROSEimiO KKWH-REVIEW. MnlV, FFfirTtRV go, 1022-
E ,
CONCRETE grips your
tires and holds them SAFE. It is
non-skid winter and summer,
rain or shine. Motorists want it;
heavy traffic demands it; the tax
payer profits by its long life.
Wherever Oregon lays paving it
should be non-skid CONCRETE.
Catco Building, Portland, Oregon
A National Organization to Improve and Extend the Vta of Concrete
Office in 23 Other Cities
a. -
iov Country Roads - For City Strels
Roseburg High
Wins Close Game
AW1ANY. Fob. 19 The basket
ball teams of Albany hlith and Itnso
bure IiIkIi schools met nn tha junior
(Hull school floor Inst mailt and but-
'Curly" llllyeu. Alhnny (timrd.
Host-burg stored first after 10
minutes of alow playing In which
t!nit 1 1 h it Albimy or Hosi-bura;
would pass the ball Hrouiui under the
opponent's basket, each unable to
siibl.y" the defense of the other. Al
bany then caino to tho fore mid held
the lead durlnr the first half.
The second half opened up with Al-
tied for 10 in In u tea before a score buny Miklntr the offensive mid It was
was made, and then HI the end of tho
first period the worn rend 4 to 3 In
favor of Albany, the final more, how
ever, allowed tho remit of an elev
enth hour spurt, and read 12 to 13
In favor of Host-hurir.
M.-lncrphor was responsible for all
five in In ii tH In this half before ltoso
burg scored, anil ihen on a converted
fiee throw. Albany held them from
making n field basket In this period
until the last five minutes of play,
and with Ihe score 12 to 8 In favor of
Albany. Itos.-htirg opened up and for
of Albany's points, making four field the first time began to find out where
basket and two free throws. He re-! the baskets were located. DeVaney
pealed his action of the night before was taken out at this time because of
and made another basket from the the limit of personal fouls being call
center of the floor. Hunt, of Itose- ed on hi in and ti. Singleton followed
burn, made fle of the southerner's him shortly for Ihe same reason,
points and was easily the best limn1 Host-burg's second team won from
on the miuad. although, he wni held . the outline tirovo team last iilaht at
in client oy i n e eiiiciein worn or'votlaite (.rove
by a score of 4 1 to
This makes Hosehurg'B thir
teenth straltsht win and next week
will decide the championship of
southern Oregon, when Ashland and
ItosehurK play on Ashland's floor.
Ashland was defeated by three points
at Hos.-hurg.
The lineups last night were
Arundel, piano tune:. Phone 189-L.
When In tire troublo see Green
the Tire Man.
WATttlNS PKODUCT3 for aale at
120 W. Lane St. I'lione 177.
Painless extracttou ef teeth at
loin . Maaonlc temple. Dr. Nerbas
How about broccoli knives and
cutters? We have them. Churchill
Hwd. O
We are stalling a call for and de
livery system. Watch fur the driver
and have your shoes ready. Good
year Shoe Repairing. W. S. Howard.
Eskimos Are Literally Part f the
Frail Craft Which Thsy Have
Namsd a "Kayak."
Built of sealskla, with the fur Inside,
stretched over a framework of wood,
the Kaklmo cunot called a "kayak"
la only about ten feet long, and
often not two feet wide at Its widest
part, tuiieruig "to noUdfig" at both
ends. The greatest width of the
kayak la at the middle. Here there
is a combing which slightly rises above
the deck. The rest of the deck, save
this hole Just large enough to admit
of the passage of the body of a mun, ;
la covered with sealskin.
When the Eskimo goes out In a
kayak, he puts en a special sealskin,
waterproof shirt over his regular cloth
ing. Will) very great care he steps
Into the kayak, sliding bis feet over ,
the tender bottom until he Is seated
cn the wooden scut wbl-h Is only the ,
thickness of the wood above the bot
tom. Tlien be draws over the comb
ing the end of his shirt, which tightly
fits the combing part of the kayak.
Experts of Greenland learn to turn
a somersault In a canoe and come up
again on even keel, an exchange states, j
liut the best of the Eskimos of Green-
laud are not content with merely be- j
Ing able to right the kayak when It I
overturns. They practice until they I
ere able to paddle the kayuk In such
a way that they shoot ubead on their
course even as they turn that danger
ous somersault In the sea. j
French Peasant Now Convinced That
Shotgun Is Unreliable aa a
Bank of Deposit
The Ingenuity of French peasants Id
hiding money bus surpassed Itself In
the case of a niuu near Lorlent who
received a l.OuO franc note and a
300 frunc note In payment for prod
uce. Ho bid them In the muzzles of
his double-barreled shotgun, believing
that would be the last place thieves
would search for money.
lie made a mistake, however In not
taking bis wife Into the secret. A
neighbor called a few days later, la
the absence of the man of the house,
and asked for the loun of the gun to
get a bare.
The hare escaped and when the
peasant came In that evening his wife
remarked that the neighbor must be a
very bad shot
'Why?' the peasant asked.
Because be used both charges of
your gun on a hare without hitting It."
'My shotgun r Inquired the peasant
with a gasp, at the same time making
for the corner where the weapon hung.
The civil court of the department of
Morblhan will have to decide the deli
cate point of law whether the neigh
bor Is responsible for the loss of the
1,500 francs. J -'
'iti'eii en nun. I .Mm
4 Ail IK IS a 1 erfect Food 5 '"r ""rr- Thurston for Kapp,
A j n ... W ilu .111 for tl. singleton.
r. iiuu ti i udiic nocessuv.
Here are some exerpls from the
sermons delivered yesterday by Itev
William Stewart Gordon of the First
.Methodist church:
The question of what Is right or
wrong Is often a case of relative nni.
Albany. 12 Kosebure-. IS Hon. A harmless trifle nmv hc,..
St. inclpher (12) V (J) hunt, positive wrong If allowed to crowd
Slollniaeher !' llurr "t the right. The best should not
i". vaney i (j) Abraham i " replaced oven by a lesser good. I
"""' ltap ' what Is right Involves the fitness of
I'llyeu ii () 0. Singleton things. What la right at a wedding'
,;ry S Thurston ' be out of place at a funeral. He-1
S (;t) p. singleton Union was not Intended to be a tall'
S Mutton llcht on a flivver. It must be a head-!
Gray went In for IieVanev at cen-i'lsht or nothing. David said- "I
t. r when the latter was removed furl will set the Ixird always before me."
having the limit of personal fouls i Men often set tho Lord behind thein
ai'en on nun. r .singleton went In """I ttiey gel into troub e. Senses It-
Few Slang Phrases Last
The leniency with which some school
teachers look on the use of slang, as
reported In various Interviews, may
shock those of an age to have secured
their Idea of correct English from the
McGuffey series of readers. It Is true
that the selections composing those
readers were of an era wherein the
language was at variance with what Is
heard today. It may have been stilted,
but It did not corrupt the mind of the
pupil. In fact, many persons go't
from the old fifth and sixth readers
their knowledge of good literature.
There was not a word resembling
slang In the books. '
It Is true that slang Is expressive.
That Is why It la used. Yet much of
It quickly passes out of use because It
It overworked. Few words suffer a
like fate, though occasionally, under
stress of circumstances a word of
creditable origin Is repeated to the
point where It becomes necessary to
discard It because It Is "shopworn."
Pittsburgh Gaiette-Tluies.
Henderson. of
f There is no substitute. 5 r"",I",Hl-
- t We know it is the only r. 11 o. wo...i m.-u
S remedy for umlernour- I Z
5 ishment. l!e sure it is 4 "" hii'ing i.rr.-
. 0 , , for economical and r. I
fi pood and pure. Our J "e is a go getter .f
: J milk is pure. J vT. Jt'Th"""
1 y t
Slfs Pasteurized t
5 i GwL'.
Albany College.
itug.'r nf the
:c!iangc, oas
s for band
oil Sec him
liable service
good prices.
!. lies. S21
3 !' f. J .
Soda Works
"The IU) light rum."
I'iiom; iku.
. ivl j
mcdy lot-Two
auk a
Prw:fe Uiniw lb
i l-w a(i.ii VrY c ,
N. M ha
i ami seirishness are akin. Spell
'self backward and it only lacks a
Utter of being "flesh." The law
that we break Is the one that we do
not want enforced. The same legs
that are able to carry a man to husl-
ness and baseball should be able to
carry him to church. Some women
arc "too frail" to reach Hie Ixird's
j house but have no difficulty In
reaching anything else. We never
i saw anyone by compromising with
I evil. Many a church la "water-logged''
with slackers. The ship Is onlv
kept afloat by the faithful crew
j working double shirt. Every Chrls
' tian la a volunteer. Cod Is loo great
to be served by slaves. Our motto
should be: "Nor Our Hit Hut Our
; llest." God does not subtract from
cur pleasures but adds to them.
1 ' Seek first the kingdom of God and
his righteousness and all these things
shall be added unto ou."
Express Dragon Files.
When we come to birds, we find
ninny very high speeds. Swifts have
been known to overtake an alrplune
In flight. Their 8ieed has been calcu
lated to exceed one hundred miles an
hour aometlinea. The racing pigeon
has on several occasions done short
Journeys at slxjy miles an hour. The
golden plover Is very epeedy, but his
turning, twisting flight makes It dim
cult to time him accurately over any
distance. The pheasant, though he
does not loek a very rapid filer, can
do 45 tulles an hour.
Among Insects, the most rapid Is
probably the dragon-fly. who docs as
much as 80 miles an hour In his swift
dashes from place to place. The bee
la capable of traveling at a speed of
20 miles an hour, and he achieves it
by beating his wings more than 000
times a seooi.d sixty beats for every
yard he travel.
A shoe with less than two-thirds of an inch in front of the large toe, is TOO SHo
Army records show that eighty-five per cent of the men wore their shoes r
A rriRRRPT FIT is one that Dermits. without hindrance, nerfwt nat.,i . ,
. , ' ""'"" ana nor-.
action oi every
Bone, Joint, Tendon, Ligament, Muscle,
, sel of the Human Foot
(Does a poor fitting shoe do that????)
The advice of the country's best shoe experts, store owners, manufacturers ALL:.
Harth's Toggery will not sell you a Shoe unkssil
fills all Correct-Fitting Features
Harth's Toggery
Take a Look at Our Windows
In the window now we have tried to assist you further in the necessity of correct Sfc
Observe it and it will help you in the matter of foot health.
avw A AiAitSiT
Brilliant Gems Offset Cowns9 Simply
rfrJ W IvW
1 t-4 ' V 1
- o-
4 r.
Tor cement blocks and brick, and
cement work of all kinds l'laster
lug and brick work Also prepared
to do shop work of all kinds Call
at mill, 840 and Hi fowler St
Kesldence 134 So. Stephen. F. F.
l'dtenion. Vhou 1S0-Y.
Oauges Feed by Cans.
IMngley, who balls from the West
and Is merely a sojourner In the big
city, sees all sort of things to make
him wonder.
"Out where 1 come from when yon
ask a waiter about the slowness of
the service I, always tells yen. 'Ifa
on the fire.' But If different here.
A few evenings ago 1 ordered pork and
apple sauce. The pork came In due
time, but the apple sauce was miss
ing I Inquire 1 about It and the waiter
replied: in have It for you In a min
ute. Just opening a frvsh can.'
"If there's anything that doesn't
come In a van, the New Yorker thinks
It Isn't fresh, apparently. I'm afraid
to order !,; for fear Ml leuni they
Ccuie In a can, too." Xew York Suu.
it: : i'
t?r -' 1
") -''-
gRILUANCE in grems appears to
be the predominating note of
evening dress this winter, and pr..,.
ahly has developed from the
ef trlmining en most of the gown.
Apropos of this. It might he note!
mat simplicity and nimltitne-.. are
nhovp, which resembles
one of grandmother's pic
tures, with Its lilt of clus
tered flowers nt tho back.
All In nil, this simplicity
of hair dress and line has
been responsible for glit
tering accessories. Dur
ing the war Jewelry wus
little in evidence, but now
It has become more de
sirable than ver. It may
be the p.-evulenee of
black, with Its Sophisticat
ed simplicity, demands the
lirilllunce of gems. Or It
inny be that the high
straight lines of the ma
jority of evening gowns
need the radiance of
pearls and diamonds. Kvl
d.nt. It Is, however, that
Jewelry Is In grent de-rvin-1.
If the Income docs not
permit of extravagance.
there nro fairly Inexpen
sive ornaments that ran be well
used. One, for example. Is a ring
"f onyx, studded with
"tarry diamonds, held by dia
mond clasp which hnncs In turn
from a long hlncli silk "queue
ile r:if cord. This Is atllte the
mt paramount features ,,f t i i " i""" "e
free., and hslr drs T,ke. Z ,i",,,lon"bte aW's0 f ,he
e, jur oi me lllustrstlousi
Of eo,lr,ei brilliant accessories are
a - i v a .wa If
superuuous i.
antly trimmed as this ",
Sabjme velvet, worn la t
Oloria Swanson, who a c
.. . .. . i,.tiirA Dff -
me ranuuoiiui e'v'-,
.. . , i, Th i f6"1
nanus iraueiusi. ...ifi
an exception, but ntvertt-H
a brilliant addition i --.
. .... 1 !ih pr-
made over a bi of ' . -
.... atmntSC I"
It tne severe "--77 K n fc
black Is more prefersbl
gested that one "1I"",")B(i
Jew elry sets or semi i" .
Several exuiiWte ""'
arc made up In ro ' .
.,tht. tep "".L-
1""'v, mi .- .
any one of thera fMM
touch of color to "
toilette. One oi tne-. - ,
f on orlclnal nendJfc . j. oval of coral. o
possible In tiny pul " ,
diamonds and bung
"Hueue de raf r,ra- ' t s
are dropped snap r-
hung from onyx rlnp f
of diamonds. e
. . .l .,tind pie" s
posea or mr.-v . Mn
i,i.i f.,eetlier hy wf
" .t . a POST -
diamonds. Kven f
come in r"r - ,,,,'
and are fashioned H. W
onyx, although ,0
onyx will prove Pw