noSFBTOO NFWS-RFViFW. MOMMY- FMUirAltY , IQ-'J. r)R kiv n E.-ftfWtK"TI C 0 15 V 1 lit will GREETI N G The Business Men of Roseburg Wel come each and every visiting Merchant and extend to them a most Cordial Greeting. Make our place of business Your Headquarters while in the City WE AKE AT YUUK SfcUVlUJi. SS fel BOWMAN'S ROYAL CAFE MEALS 25c Opposite Depot Mrs. W. R. Bowman Prop. AGENT FOR Universal Tire Filler Tlicrnioiil, tlio I'rolldo Com IMtuml Tire. The ltiillilK starter for Fords. Come ami Investigate t tlie Filler Service Station 824 W. Cass St.. Altl. W. (IHMAX, Mm'. 1 .t?f-;'--v;v-.Si 1 vWVv. ?.5-' A. J. Lilburn & Son Complete Home Furnishers Harth's Toggery Our Latch String is Out COME IN Visit Our Modern Plant Auto Electric Station Oak and Pine Streets DiSTmavjTom BATTER Roseburg Battery & Electric Statii n C. J. BREIER CO. Chain Store Serves Well on Hats, Clothing Shoes and Furnishings 1 J.F. Barker & Co. Automobiles Implements Tractors Suits Cleaned and Pressed NOW $1.50 OWL CLEANERS Visit Our Modern Up-to-Date " , Plant Roseburg Dairy & Soda Works "The Daylight Plant" We Extend a Hearty Welcome to All j I. ABRAHAM I The Silk Store ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY We Invite You to Visit Qui Plant "Say It With Flowers" Cut Flowers for All Occasions Gladioli Bulbs Here THE FERN Antlers and Majestic THEATRES The Best of Photo-Play Attractions Perrin's Shne Store High Grade Footwear Repairing Peoples Supply Company Fancy Groceries Welcome Visitors Roseburg Cleaners Phone 472 YYER COULD NOT SEE' IT fcl Luminiry Fell Himself Regret- vompeiitd to Declln Offered Job of "Sptllbindlna." 'I want to take time by the fore- . ill- 1 I 1 . V . . . - .flk... EW'lr: To, sir:" was the reply,' lake time by the forelock and .," "'ft. What It It, air " l,M f"r hy office., and I wunte-1 V'ch for - the nlght"before eloc- to te a canifldatcr l,"y. f..u,.r .. , ' m c ,in who l.t me by yiio " l:i.t v ...... . In fait, I only g .. " 7"u to come ii an-1 , " h h thnt I will bent , r " "- than bent me. Vou will nt lo lny It rlcht lm to Mm. He killed a hurse once, nnd ttolc a rave mill, and has been married three times. If you will come up and pre sent the case In a way to knock the feller out, I will plve you $"." The lawyer respectfully declined to i.i,. n... nnd Homebody will Rpt ' mowed uu.lcr apuin. Cincinnati En quirer. Bret Hart. , I?ret Harle, Amerlcun poet and fiov Hlt, a born at Albany. N. Y., Au .,, o.-i. is.'!'.'. W'hllo a youth he went to California, where, aevernl years later he founded the Overland Month ly In San Francis.-... In W he was made of r-eent llterathre In the Vnlversity of aUfornla. but re aimed and returned to New York the following- year. II- " I n"1"' !5.""'7 convd nt freford. Cermany, nil nt Ohv Issiis'.aiHl aft,-rard lived in F.ncbind. Anion hn many worka are 'The I.uck t It.-arlrs ..xi. A ii-f. a'T of r"KT I Int. J Heathen rhinee," "IVnis." "Stories ' of the Sierras," "Tali s of the Argo nauts." "(iabrli-1 t'onrny. riirnikful ' Hlossom." "Two Men of Sandy liar." "fnllf.Tnin Siorles, "A Millionaire of 1 Roueh nnd Heady." "A I 'rift From Id-divood Camp" nnd "A I'liyllia of the Sierras." Her Daddy Was All Right. When I was twelve years old I cnlli-d upon Mary (ns-od eleven) one Sunday evenine. I was nil dressed up and t had pilfered an nrniful of mother' I cherished lilacs from the garden. I I stole oat 'he alley Kate, trnv.-r-ied Mary's back yard nnd she met me nt ' the kltrh.-n d"or. VVe sat on the baric ' steps. I restrained a stroni: Itntoilse to Ib-e when Mary said, "rutlor Is ' coming. I think." lie as a truff, bad I ,. ib.-n be sa-.v ns I was What he said was. "I..w's tlie boy t"iiik'bt''" anrl be fi-ok ns b.ith In He loaise and S'-nt little brother ' after b c en-am and Mary's neither c-tt a cake. So I nr.Mi't k:.l..-d out by an I irate father, iif ! likes me and i lilacs nml the I 1 another youns a with Mai'. 'l. Old mTo's j A ninety c.v ' bin sMIi la way from ' tiatl, nidi., wltli bride, (is an j married ,N 1 niir s.-n'-li-!.' . tbati i.lfH-tecn. I snips (b." in ' ninety he b.i-. . make inl -tak, when 1 was t ; F'tiltip li'i'd t,i lian n't had n d'n't kii"u- a- ills wire, said It -He tint nnd t sin- said. "IV ri.iisi-inrk it.'! II, e J.,1.. 'I'. auuliin't ti,.ii'r i ail in fiid. he i-'fl' "II Jokes nboiit the It. lien steps, altlioiuli . iii walked up tin- uisle :-ijzo Journal. MAY BE BONES OF PRIESTESS Marital Philosophy. d hriiii'pj isMii -started ' ' ' walking part n, Telill., to Cl'e in !,,S twenty sl J. ,ir "Id .'Mple f,,r oilier j.'iini; ".VIiM iy Is a lot to t,''i mari-i'-1 nt a lot of tbnii ,ian' ''I. "When a mail Is 'Kl sen.-, si in- .Ion t I start. d inarnSn' , , nt.v thp e. I'm i"i: a it by now. When nit ' I' thati Ode wife yoll ''b.iif." Mary Jul,.-. " I. ne at fir-t l.rlit. . rrleil in,- In an b"iir, ' -i anted s,'n.' one to Jr I said I voiil'l take be v!:ed me If I him." Skeleton Fourd Near Smoking Crater of Kilauea Believed to Be Laat of Her Order. Ti e skeleton of ii womnn, believed that of III" last f,f the priestesses' of tlie llaal!an fire goddess pel... lr-i'lil i.'Iinl ll'.liie was III the Kllatleil sop-aii.. on the l-itand Hawaii was foi:ad r ntly In n canftilly irepared .ryt.t ta t far from the sinoklnir crater. Tl,,. I, .toh win found In the western sector of the main wall of the great outer crater of Kiiaoea, whore once st.s,. a groat t"iiiplo dedicated to Jill .-lie. Ml" !er "f Ihe go-hl. ss Mo. .N'othip-; now remains of tills temple. The Inst occasion upon wlil'h It ap peared In hi-'ory was when It was vi.'eij by tl." I'llnees Kaplnlunl In 1sji, wli'ii tin- r 1 lliiwnihin cbrls tlnti Ji irn el Pi Hi" volcano for the j,irio'e if i;T'.rir,2 iletianc, to I'ele. The 1"i:r"i v fofii'l Hie motif of one of Altnd I."fd T''mii,i sod's pis-ins. I,i. oil tinilltlon says lluit the princess was met nt the crater rim by a hnic gard priestess tho Inst of her line who rnmu from hT almde In tho rulneil temple nciir by nnd inaibi one last ntlempt to (oerane the princess and fo npM-al to her fenr of the super natural. Tim tomb, believed to bo Ihnt of this priestess, was iscover-d Immedi ately below the site of the temple. The position of tlie bones Indicated that she hod been 1 -tried In a sitting position, with b-r back propped airnlnst the wall, her bend placed so that her sltbilcs eyes were In line with a ainall orill e Immediately In front of her nnd In u direct line with thu mllf-dlst .nt tlie pit of tho volcano. Nolle. Kvery organ of your hody devcloim resisting; powers as you need them. A miller gets so used to the sound of his mill wheels that he ceases to hear them ; and enn catch a whlsx-r. Put MI Identical machines In a room. Workers forget the noise. But, If one machine stops, the operator knowa It Instantly by the rliHiiged sound. This power of tho ears to adjust themselves to environment tnnkes city life possible. Metropolitans live In an Inferno of noise. The ears iKiiora It, In a large sense, though the noise is there, tearing away at the nervous system. True Economist. I Emergency Ca. II.. was an Iiu-i.i.-iis and Incntioua """'t countenance your kHsln small boy. -M ah r," h- said on one J""r p'"i". occasion, 'iil yea -.wih toy face?" "Why,, cat t do tlmtt" "Y. s. timila-r, I a. but I'll have to wet my bniels. ncl t lo y ii.-n't a i d IL" Hut, doctor, It was In my Una of duty." "Haw so?" "This gentleman swore he'd die I Harper's Mu,.i n-. without It." lilrmlnghnm Age llernld "CcudcnsvJ vi. tc- - ll,e