ROSERCRO JtKYT8-RKVrKWt MONDAY. FrnTU'AitY 20. 1022. PA OH THKKR inty Court Meeting with Forestry Officials with Request for Aid on Five Road Projects .mirt ! In 'icnlul.wl K.I (t I- . Mnn lj uuy meeting with "'clul" I'osed of progresUve people whu arc to develop . r?'" ,?.!:. .S ! oV.imitlcully working ' . ihe national foresis. their part or 111- county. Th. y hay,, ' j nrniects are bring piaceu . - --w -..........,. anu ? ?isi service officials lo- I hve own developing it t verv " .i.,i..8t thai the govern- "'e'' P"'"'- ' "ey nave line f irms. r" .77 wiifi the county In wen improveu. mey have )-osrr mail. Thei'ne '"'St rural ltiK . . . 1 1 "jt on which id r" r0J . rwin.l!iSDOrt SCC" ,hl ltoseburg-Hewlsport high- Ifh county court la applying r1 . in fwn actions this n" , ' i, section r"1.,.. u-.-dsnort section. ti for many mile, ien the L ..iinnal forest and will be Fh bem-nt to ties government. Lrrity M m . . ..I nnpst for co-operation tine sum is requested as this Of the nil"" .il" and is of particular im- L . Imunlas county. On this K cou,y has already spent mately 300,000 more for fu rl On this Piece of road the . na rtf flirt has unuerni'- v- - Droiects ever bandied by any in the state. The Hancock -.. iinnrovement has cost ,housauds of dollars but -Is ring a tiangwroua and dlffi Ktion and is making a tine Part of this Improvement was mder force account and the her proj requestea is mo noun uanc The Loon iaab cuuimy in k'XT Sl'KNT 0. I'EHMA N EXT IMPROVEMENT OF THE DltAlN-F.LKTON IIOAI), 1917 IDS fcreek Hill k Mountain . . Wells Section. one i.f schools In the Hint u and for years have been working to line route to Big Camas, and this will leave about forty miles to link up between the boundary and the end of the forest road. As all of this is within the national forest, the county will probably be called upon for very little assistance alter the road reaches the boundary. The county Is also asking for as- devt'lou their mails Ai n... slstunce on the Kiddle-Drew nectlon k. .... - " - """".of ... . .-,- ..... Main mivu iuau. 1 lie 1 uiei time they huvw inouiiiain road which in the winter i. cut-off has been cotuuleted in Doue able, but a new Krade !..... " ,aa county. Jackson county has not tubllshed which eliminates all steep y"1 ,n,Pruvel Us part of the cut-off climbs and removes curves umi rmii a"1 consequently the new route gives a fine watvr grade road fr.n. Loon Lake to the Impqua river at Scoltsburg. The people of the com munity have been doing all they pos sibly could by voting heavy special taxes and last year received their first assistance from market m.i to Crafer lake is not being used but will probably be opened during the coming summer, lietween Kiddle und Drew there are many places where the road must be widened and giadis "eliminated before it is in con dition to travel and the county has funds. They now have money com- ' . n Uol"s a8 nlucn as " is "ble lo iiig rrom the bond issue ani if gov- ,? 111 way- As ,nls road ls of ernnient aid Is secured will nrob-l 1 ''"P01"""106 to h forest ser- ably be able to complete the road ' ce in p"tth"nK ,h government to .,,. i,0, , , , Ket supplies and materials Into Tll- Olide I , A t ?Td, 18 ,,he a'"1 U'a'ond lake, aid will Olide-Hock Croi k-forest boundary - rimihik... h ' project. At tire present time the county has been aw Just what the doing on each o( SMiS In ".IT. 5.7 1" ! 'PctT therr h gath commodato a number of homestead era and will open up a very rich country. More Important than this, however. Is the fact that such a road would be th'3 first link In what will eventually be a road up the North umpqua river connecting with east em Oregon. The forest service wll start this year to build from the ky ered together the records of expendi tures on these sections since 1917. i These records show each local im- provement on each section. They also show the amounts expended and ! the funds from which the money came. In addition tire amount of ; money available for future work is 111 i shown. These records are as fol lows: Bonds 1917 . . 7.316.58 . . 1,054.95 Bonds 1921 10,740.95 Market ltoad Fund t 5,200.00 20.285.45 2,655.88 Special Tax 7.344.06 Total for Section $12,515.58 37,961.79 Grand Total TO DATE. Hal. Avail' All Sources 8,370.53 $10,740.95 $27,941.33 ) 7,344.06 $53,132.2$ $61,246.72 L Creek . Brook tk Grade . Us Section ....$ 3. 622. 68 1,732.97 6,141.93 8,500.00 EI.KTOX-ltEEDSlHUtT UOAD. 561.87 $10,178.76 $ 11,094.46 3.211.49 1.063.96 675.00 $14,363.31 2.796.93 10.028.42 19.594.46 19,997.58 11,656.33 13,390.25 1,738.96 46.783.11 257,160.14 Df, HIGH ESTATE Washington's Ancestors Distin guished for Centuries. 99.916.37 318,406.86 High Ideals of th First President a Heritage From Men Who Had Made England Great. February 22 It the birthday .if that on of Virginia and of old stock nf the British lalK, without wlmse IiIlIi en deavor mid fortitude there would pos sibly not be upon the earth today a Vnltcd States of Amerlra. It is worth mir while fr im time to time, even in un lrreveri in and forget ful aj;e, to remind ourv-lves what price was paid by those who wuit before us for the heritage we pnjoy and what Tlrtues were prnitlced by them to make that payment possible and to coinplift- their purchase. Washington wits of a tyjie that mlKht fare Hi at the polls these days. He was austere with jin uiistcrlty that some of ills contemporaries termed ar rogance. 41a was dliuillU'd with a dig nity that would ill lit the manners of the hustings nnd npicals for votes to day. He believed in the leadership of those whose attainments qualified them for leadership. He thought that education and experleure in handling lurge private uffairs were useful to men intrusted with lart-e public af fulrs. Under the control of an Iron will he had violent passions, which now and again named out at cowardice or deniagoguery or corruption. He possesseil what was then the lurgest private fortune in the thirteen colonies. He traced his blood for cen turies through a line of KutUsli "coun try gentlemen," and he uiuhitnined the use of a cont-of-urms grunted his fore bentji a coat of nruis perietuuted by Its suggestion of the coat of unni and Bag of the American I'nion. He was moral heir of the barons who exacted the (ireat t'lmrter from King John at Huimynieclo, of the school of John Hampden and the earlier Oliver Cromwell, rather than of Harrison and Burebones. He would have been nt home with the men who ousted James 11 nither than with those who finally beheaded Charles Uie I.OOX LAKE-Mll.r, CREEK ItOAI. 357.00 2,074.01 2,431.01 VST .SPENT OX PERMAXKXT IMPROVEMENT OX THE ROSEIU Ki-4;LIIF,ROCK 1-ICOM 1017 TO KATE. 25,023.58 CREEK KOAI hx Bonds 1917 lollow fcnr Hill Section $ 8,393.06 tide Gt4e 3,493.28 fclrtt Grade " 6.744.38 kaugh Hill 10,245.95 trill 10,000.00 ( Hill Itfrade i II rdue rade ille Section Seciioa Ponds 1921 Market Road Fund $ 5,054.00 . Special Tax 5,149.70 $ 7,098.62 KIDDLE-DREW ROAD. 1,463.94 63.06 2.990.40 1.279.01 491.00 258.00 2.043.48 1.000.0U 1.169.32 1,500.00 23,333.00 Total for Section $ 6.054.00 5.149.70 8.393.06 7,098.62 - 5,957.22 6,744.38 10,245.95 33,333.00 1,169.32 1,600.00 63.06 2,990.40 1,279.01 f 491.00 258.00 2,043.48 Grand Total Bal. Avail. All Sources $25,695.38 $29,853.93 30,483.61 8,588.89 3,669.32 23,333.00 66,074.72 33,243.79 . e ihla city for the past few days left this morning for Grants I'ass. ABOrXD THE TOWN Here. From Corvnllls Helen Cowglll from the O. A. C. km rn. in.. 'at vorvams anil ine assisiaiu siaie land Mrs. F. E. Honnlnc-r. P''ue. Were Vis tor here tn- -i I. i. .... Henninger is a business: l.l..t, la.rinr nrrivori In thin citv Ml urday to spend a few days looking Cam are Ill Hot h Mr. and .Mrs. I). E. Carr are quite ill at their home on South Kane street. The Washington Elm at Cambridge, Mass., Under Which the General Took Command of the Continental Army, July 3, 1775. Mr. Canjonville. '1 Visitors llei Hero Front (.runts Pas.s Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Htinsakir, t. Maliory of the Oakland Trl-'who nre now livi"S Grants Pass. Return to Portland Mrs. V. II. Jones and son Bryan, and Mr. and Mrs. Schwab of Portland returned to their home yesterday af ter spending the week end at the V. It. Hates home at Winston. ,a"d It. D. Hrldires. of that city, are here no the convention. nier-today IH lo Comillis -orrenp Conlee left yester- 1 n bii" is m- K O. A. C. Miss Coulee spent end visUInu her Darents. Isiliess TrliL N Krear. Duuclas county road jReglstorcit left Vl.Alur.lau tnvn.. Ann . . y.i.j ,vI I Ul lltlllU ne ill remain for the next "' attending to county busi- arrlved here Saturday to spend few days In this city visiting .vlth friends and relatives. Notice to Inilles .The ladies who are baking cakes for the merchants' banquet tomorrow night are requested to leave them at the Elks' hall tomorrow before 2 o'clock In the afternoon. New Location C. M. Jones, the auto top man recently moved to Winchester street at .North Jackson. Mr. Jones Jias been In buslnes In Roseburg for over a year and Is moving at this time to be in a betu rlocatlon. P to Grunt, Pom- K- F. Carpenter rm have ben . .1 J.. 'i nt tlic rinpqiut Aminii the truists registered at the I'mpqua hotel are the follow ing: Margaret Kardell. Olalla; I.. nnd wife. Haker; Mr. and Mrs F P Farral. Medford: t)elnir I.uner. Albany; C. H. and dan- Glendale; Thos. visiting in Sharp. Medford. Free Jidinson Homo Free Johnson, who has been spend ing the past three weeks In Califor nia returned to Roseburg today. He states that anyone figuring on going to California for their health had better stay In Oregon as the weather in California has been very bad this winter. First. There was nothing In him tol erant of the Wat Tylers that England Was bred nlontr with hor Sidneys nnd Drakes nnd Fairfaxes nnd Lovelaces. He believed In the propriety of great possessions. Social Justice in his time did not exact of Americans the atten tion given to economic Justice the right to work and trade, nnd be prop erly paid for the doing and that in turn cave wav 111 the nubile mind to has i the related rule nf imllttcal lust Ice. So It came about that the American Revolution wus Initiated, fought and won on the uni'lent principle of the British constitution, "No taxation without representation," which the col onlsts declared should govern this side of the Atlantic as well. Washington bellcwd that great pos sessions of mind or of matter Imposed great obligation. He believed that the "nble-lnuu" nucd a debt to his fel lows In the measure of his ability. And he rnrried Into his public service fortitude which no disaster could We Now Feature: Spring Suits For Boy All With Two Pairs of Pants 0" w 1', F unusual interest to the parents ana rxiys who visit this J. (J. Penney Company store this sea son is our oderinn of Coys' Knicker bocker Suits for Spring and Summer wear. In anticipation of the largest Sprint? ami Summer business in our boys' de partment during the year 1922 we have ever enjoyed in our history, we have assembled an exceptionally line line of boys' suits which our larse quantity buying for 312 stores enables us to otter at lowest possible prices. $6.90 $9.S0 $13.50 Others from $5.90 to $16.90 All of these suits are in fancy models such as appeal to both the boys and their parents Norfolk styles with and without yokes; box pleats, inverted pleats, knife pleats single and double breasted styles of fancy cassimere cloths in these popular Spring colors: Brown, green, grey and blue. Every suit has two pair of knickers. Included in our new Spring showing of Boys' Two-Pant Knickerbocker Suits are "Penney-Junior and "Armor-Clad" Suite, with double seats, doublo knees and double elbows. Made of finest all-wool Cassimeres. The most wonderful values in boys' fine suits that can be made to sell at anything near our prices. Boys' Two-Pant Suits Satisfactory Service at a Saving A remarkable offering of boys' two-pant knickerbocker suits. The same high-grade suits we have been selling all season, representing the superior values to be gained by our large Duying power for 312 stores. Here is an unusual value that will give that boy an unusual amount of service at a big saving to you. Boys' All-Wool Fancy Cassimere Knickerbocker Suits . with two pairs of pants. Sturdily made and reinforced where the greatest wear comes. Stylish patterns and ' colors. $8.90 You'li find other superb suits in our present stock at values in boys' two-pant $5.90 to $13.50 Mothers ! BAVK MONKY HKltK! Every mother who reads this and who knows tho splen did quality of J. C. I'enney Co. boys' clothes, will appreciate the ieal savings afforded here Boys' Fancy Cassimere Knickerbocker Suits with two pairs of pants', pleasing pat terns and colors. Made foH service and offered at a price that menus truo economy. $5.90 Also finer grades In hoys' two-pant anils at fil.lld to I :I. .-Hi. .iii rem till IM'VWtJAi'n-lW m m,mm - Mcorporaieii 312 DEPARTMENT STORES ROSEBURG, OREGON THE LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT. STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD Pithy Paragraphs. Whatever llrondwny may have been In Its day, It Is a thoroughfare of aliens now, nnd it has no day, comparatively speaking, but only the night, wheu th Dr. Keuulcntts of the luiand towns walk with their more or less rustless women folk, und try to believe they have struck oil lu an emotional sense, and that they are hsvliuf the time of their lives. Louis lndg. I 'Israeli said that every on likes flattery, but with royalty you lay It Red Cross Has Need Fcr Nurses led If those who are 11! at.d need help would call the pasloM of their church who will do everything they can to relieve the sltur.tlo'i. W Kretwell Ness and H. K. )-E-C-0-T-IT ! Mii rwlii-willlnins product nnd fully up to the of Alabaliiie, lllrcco N utation for quality. ' for flnUhiiiir wall, .n.l i .t, ..i. k.l .... .. " ""nr preparations. '""idling and m-IHii? this product lung enough now that nave no he,ta,lrT recommending it for an) KaNonilne J" o have. Trr l. . . . " "mi lie CTH14 iiiceo l. O. l-'reeninn Here- Dan Freeman, Associated Indus-: tries booster, who wouldn't look at I a hunk of cheese unless it had "Ore-gnn-iuade" stamped on It, was "on deck" today with the merchants. Mr.J Freeman expressed himself as kighly pleased with tne winnow nispiaya or the Hoseburg merchants. break, n sense nf duty that no on with a trowel; and nations are like tlon could swerve, and a con lcnce : royalty, only more so; iney win swni Churchill Hardware Co. 'A JnnrniJ Man Here John K. Claghorn. director of the merchandising bureau of the Ore gon Journal. Portland, Is here to at tend the merchants convention and to handle the proceedlnes for his publication. Mr. Claahorn Is also to make a survey of business and crop conditions In Douglas county. l ather Dies ". 11. .Shoemaker, who Is employ r by the J. ('. Penny Co., received word this morning that tils father. Henry Shoemaker of Salem, passed away at that place yesterday. He had leen III for about two years. Mr. Shoemaker left for Salem this morn ing and will return after the funeral. Mam V- lt Vear The figures that were given In Sat urdays piper In regard to tuberru !..! ca'S In Massa'husetti's and Or on should have been small pox rases. Oreron outnumbered Massa rhu.ettes several numbers last year In the small po cases reported and the population of Oregon Is much lower than that of Massachusettes. which willingly rNked "life," " tune" nnd "sacred lumor" for the pub lic cause In which li" wns enlisted. He set n store on lofty station save as It pave oppniinnlty t" help his country and his countrymen, nnd for the self seeker and the time server he enter, tallied the stern mlilempt visited like wise upon the poltroon und the charla low anything about themselves while wondering at the credulity of other lint Ions. A. Clutton-Itrock. That Is Just the way lu this world; nn enemy can partly ruin a man, hut II lubes n irimil lintlireil Inllldlclnus friend to complete the thing and make ! OLD SULGRAXE MANOR HOUSE i a it perfect . Samuel L. Clemens. Many things pais In handwriting, which print "shows up." Print Is so Impertinent flinging open the door of little room, where, perhaps, two lovi nre ciiuiniuulng, and saying to I the public: "Have a look at thrin I these great people In love! You see they u;e just as silly as little people." LlUn 'ierry. Tho local chanter of III" It"d , ' Croas ls bcsclgod with calls from families In which all members arej illl. asking that help be sent them at lOnce, nnd at present there are nlii" ! i calls for nurses, or somcou lo do j housework that the Hi d Cro'i can- not possibly fill. They have can-1 ivassed the town for anyone who will work by the day or hour and will npproclato It very much If anyone I Iwlshlna to do this work will semi. their iiamn to Miss Agnes I'itch- f,.ri1 nr In Ihn Chamber of Com- inerc'o. Many of tin' calls ci.uio j Franrisoo refused lo vise her pass- I from the rural districts wher i- port, under Toklo Instructions. Llb- tlrn families aro III In bed. aul at oral newspapeis say that suppression siimi houses "where no nurWS ran . adds strength to the mi vement he obtained, a illney is sent out each which ti l government opposes day buy Uie Keii truss wlih provl- cause It Inhibits tho pie JAPS TRYING SUP-SZ PRESS BIRTH CONTROL (liv t'nllod Press). TOKIO. Feb. 20. Japanese liber als are protesting strongly against tho action of the government In re- I fusing entry to Mrs. Margaret Sang er, president of the illrlh Control league. The consul general at San that lo th e slons and food. The Hed Cross would also be hi stirp'us population Is necessitating lp- Asiatic cxpnnslon. SURE-You'll be Satisfied THAT WE SERVE ' Recognized by Authorititt at th Eng. hih Horn of the Washington!. li?rkr3: The Best Meal in Town for ras.s of la grippe. .Mrs. Hill s sis- A . t.-rairlvid hero yesterday from Ku- TA IOntQ K rme and will assist lu caring for j 44J them. m t SKKVIfK AND (Jl'AMTY C.rAItANTI'.KD. -BlSs.SL-lj HOME RESTAURANT Dunning and piogresslvo Serh-s. j 0 nigh School CP-dun. K "Tlio M ill!e C the IMiKk" " 4 Piano. Mrs I.. II. Moore. R ,.. A Voice, Clyde M. SullUan. . f Sheridan btrcct. l'hnni.ri02 Bf 1 .sKsV.,V'sV''sKVX