4 rAr.n bit nosrnnwi, ""v. Tnrsnv. rrnr.iAnv iv ; " P Drain Votes Bonds For Water Plant Roseburg H.S. vs. Ashland H.S Biggest Basket Ball Game This Season BOYS' PRELIMINARY EE Honda in h' were uulhori'ti AHOIXII THE TUWS JU-Kllere.l nl lite (I'riuiil Anionic the Kiir.in ut I lit Grand hotel lire Hip fnllim inn : T. A. Walk er, CiMiiilli'; i'. (i. .Uai-hiiali, Tiller; I'l-tinkle IiiiiiiiiiI, Tiller; I). I.. Thompson, Dlllawl; l.iilin Hlelntiieiz, l)a I'n'i'k: I. T." I: als. liam ( r -. k and Chriytie Towdl, (.rants I'am. j MllSOIliC llole lMllh Attorney O. V. Coshow reports that the Masonic Heme ri'f-ntly rotislrut t rd nt Kon-Kt Grove ha l n npi-neil. 1 Mr. Coshow hai returneil from a IHO-ilK of tile llOllie f'OllllllittOO or which lit win a member and mates that six ai!l-atloiiK for ailiiiittiitire have lieen KialitHil. Hctiirns to 4 hliuKo S. V. Warnhfi loft for rhl'aco tliln morning after tipi-niliiiK tht pant few day In thin city visiting tit the home of MIhs Margaret Pae whi-re his wife Ik now a kw'hI. .Mr. Warnlia1 arrived hero several dayii ai;n and Im vlultltlK with her mother and .li:;s Vane. San Kranclscu; and It. I'ortla nd. Veali h, Alte.rney lalily Ill Attorney Ii. I,. Kdily was confined to his home today by a nev.?re cold. Ilc!e from Oakland Geo. V. Thiol, a reHldfitit of Oak land, wan a tinsinesH visitor In Uoso hntK today for ii.'veriil hours. Here from Oakland Kuliy .Mullen was a visitor In thin ilty this morning for several hours j it I uriii n hoino this afternoon. Hero frmii llri'U A. K. Tison was In from Iirew to-' d;:y. Mr. Ti.-on upent several hours1 In this city transacting business and vi I; ins'. j AltOCND THE TOWN Oakland Visitor Mrs. Irvln Itlco of Oakland was In this city today for several hours vls isiiiK and attending to business affairs. Improved Today I Mrs. 1'hil llolil, who has been III Willi a very had cold for the past! few davs, is very much Improved to day. ' ! if lloy Shot In Shoulder ".Sonny" Mi Kibbens of Dixonville was shot In the right shoulder Sun day afternoon by a .'12 calibre bullet. T he accident occurred when his fath er. Harry Mi Kilihena was unloading the gun and the boy passed in front! of It. The bullet lodged agalned the skin at the back of the shoulder. lle was taken to Mercy hospital at once i and the lead was nnoved by Dr.! I loin k. Valentino Tarty Tuesday j Thirty-nine members of the Tiap tlst Junior I'nlon mot at the First ! liaptist church immediately after j school Tuesday evening, where they I enjoyed a Vab ntine party. The jun-. lor room presented a very attractive; appearance with its decorations of many red hearts and red crepe paper. The time was spent In playing amus-; lug ganns. ltev. Mr. Caldwell enter-! tallied the boys and girls for several minutes with mysterious tricks. A picnic supper was served at (i o'clock. of (train in a held yesteid.iy charter am. n l the council to sum of 1 1 S.000 by the voters sp.'.'jal lt 1 1 ion to consider a e nt pel uiitting i-sue bonds to buy the ei-iiiis water plant ni Drain. T:i- '"" Iv made an otr. r or $1.",.imi0 on the plant whi I. bus been owned by a company composed of Cot tage. Grove n.t n. Yesterdays e.-ctlo cndTses the council's plan to buy t1"' plant nt the fi gures named and put 1.0U0 in t xtenslona and r I airs. The vote at the spina1 election stood 112 yes anil 1". no. As soon as the invfBHirv l"i;al matters ran be disposed or the town will take over the plant and will op erate It as a municipal plant. todav for other means of finauc tig the bonus. Representative -Mondell said th.; appropriation bills, particu larly the arinv and navy, would be scrutinized with a view to slashes to provide a good in. -astir- 'be money nevd-d. It is timiiglit the d ucivney will be made up by '' teiin treasury certificates. -o- Tlre biggest crowd that has at tended a game this season is expect ed tonight to see the bigg-sl game of the season. This will be the hard est tame the local bo s will have, heiw In order to e t a chance at the stat" championship honors. Give the. teaTn the best support you can so thev will be able to beat the team froin Ashland at the 11. S. tonight at 7:au. ' LAWYER KILLS WIFE. ! MOTHER AND SELF I.OS ANGEI.KH. '. 15. George II. Iloden, a prominent I.os Angelas attorney, killed his wife and her inoihfr. then ei... milted suicide to day, according to a report to the po lice. Three y. me children, two of them girls, wen made trplians by tl. i tragedy. Frozen Bodies In Submerged Autol , KANSAS CITV, Feb. 13. The bodies of two men and a woman were found In an enclosed automo bile half submerged In a cieekTiie car fell from a trestle and oroke through the let. The bodies wi're frozen ill the k'j formed inside the car. AMERICAN RANCHER KILLED IN MEXICO SERIOUS DISORDERS ' j IN GUATEMALA CITY: MEXICO CITV. Fe b. 1 5. Serious ; disonXM-s In Guatemala City, in j which the government ntlheients I were llred on by the unionists, was; reported in a dispatch from San Josui do Guatemala. REDUCTION ON ALL LIGHT SHADES IN STOCK. PROTECT YOUR EYE WITH PROPER SHADES Hudson Electric Store mint-vL"u-'r- Program Completed I Fur Entertainment t INAUGURAL SESSION I HAGUE COURT HELD To Hlllteiie : Delmer f.uper, who has been In this city for the past two days giving t musical instruction., leaves tonight i for Eugene where lie will remain a' short time Inhtructlug a class after i which he will go to t'orvallls to take; the work up with n Has there. .Mr. I.uper will b back In this city the! first of next week. Itegdslcn'd at the rniHiui j Anion mose p glstered nt the Ho tel rmpiiua urn the following: A. j iiotienstieii, Medrord; Edwin Weaver. Myrtle Creek: .1. 1). MacVb ar. Grants Pass; John Hampshire, Grants I'ass: E. C. Hall and wife. Lebanon: Seely V. Hall. Medford; E. E. Neely and wife. Tiller: M. 1). Neely. Hays Creek; and Waller Rondeau,' Tiller. I'lMlerwent Operation The small son of Thomas S. Wil liams of this city underwent a throat operation ytwlerday at the office of Dr. I.ouls Melvln. Several Honrs Here Mrs. C. K. Wollermnn and two daughters, llerlha and Helen, nil of Oakland were In Roseburg for a few hours today shopping and attending to business nft'iirs. I ndervvent (Mratlon Mrs. Oscnr l.ymim, wlfo of the Motor Shop mechanic, underwent an operation In the Mercy hospital yes terday morning. lr. Sether has charge of the case and Mrs. I.yman is reported to be recovering rapidly. j The game tonight at the high ' school at. 7:30 will be the most lin- portaiil. basketball game to le seen i , in Rosobuix this season. Turn out j ,,, , . . , . , , . ? . , . ,1 (Hv Ass"- ! it.- l rres land give the team all the support, WASH ! N'GTl : V Fib 15 Ofer ;you can for they will have to ovr- f(ir ,,'.;,, ,. jease of the govern- " southern Oregon team ; .,. ,,rertles at Muscle Shoals. , I roiii Ahland in order to even up for , Alabania. was completed today by l the past defeats. Th ga will be;,he Aahlimi lw,r couipMliv, for preceded by a boys preliminary. i immediate film-' wlih Secretary (Ity Ass", i it'-'l 1'ress.) WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. Charles ISurrow, also known as Charles .Mil ler. American manager cf a ranch near Monterey. Mexico, was shot to . death by unidentified persons on J THK HAGUE, Eel). 15. The In Eebruar'y 1. the state department i .. . K,,aHwm Gr the permanent ! was advised toiiay by Amei lean Con-1 , f i,,ernational justice was sul Rownian at Mi :ivrey. (held tod iv In the Peac. Palace. The j event was hailed by adherents of ALABAMA COMPANY I pacifist ideals as a new milestone in ' ' . 1 evolutionary prueress of the world "ers or the t ...U.-H. t inn - lu. I.. .1I..1..H .. ' " 'I .nil MU'1R,a' ;m I T "-"'K. All n:em ieduesied io be i.'jsa of Importance l Ulltll Up. .VJrg . Secretary. 1. H lowvird peace. HIDE JEWELS IN SANDWICHES (ContlnubA From PaEa One.) Hamilton, president of Roseburg Chamber of Commerce. Speaker, Lea,ti Robbing, Vnlversity of Oregon. Speaker, E. N. Strong, Oregon Life, Portland. Other live wires. Wednesday, :.! A. n. Wednesday Afleni,,. . Election of officers. ... ' Introduction of now officers. Address, !. c. Prfaa. Our Income Tax," Geo. G. Hewitt, cd Industries of Oreton of the l S. Internal Revenue Sarv- unfinished i,Jsies, ' Ice. H. I. Aiiiioiincm Cut Knreii On account of Washington's birth day the Southern Pacific will sell round trip excursion tickets between all points where one way fare is l'2 or lesson the basis of fare and n half for round trip minimum round trip fare being ,M1 cents. Sale dales Feb. 1 I and -2 mid flnnl return Feb. L'.'l. Tickets good going on date of sale and no stop overs. K rvlee nt Presbv lei inn t 'lnm-li -. The funeral services of Mrs. Jack Itlsley will be held at the Presby lerlon church Instead of at the I n dt Tlaklng Parlors as was stated yes terday. The plans were tod.iy chang ed because It was Ihiitlht necessary to have a larger place. The services will bo nt 'i o'clock with Rev. J. It Oulck officiating. Interment will follow In tile Masonic cemetery. Hoii'm Name Omitted in naming the relatives who sur vive Georgo W. DeWald the name of Ed. DcvAald. a mil. of Malton, 111., was omitted. The funeral service of Geo. HfWald were held today nt the I'uilertaking Chapel at 2 o'clock. The MTViecs were conducted by the Odd 1't Hows n nd ltev. Caldwell officiated, liuilal followed In the Odd Fellows ci nietery. Battleship Oregon May Go to Portland Weeks. COLLINS CONFERS WITH LLOYD GEORGE WASHINGTON. Teh. 1.".. T h e transfer of the old hatt!ehip On-non to Portland was taken up with the navy (leparinit-nf today by Heprcsent aile MrArthur. i is understood she will lie orci.red to Portland if the people of Oregon KUHrnnteo. Io pay the auuiiul eot of maintenance. l.-tillen Muht Hlks Thursday nit.lit will lie- ladies' nl:lit at the Kilts. The ladiH are spoiiHirlim th Informal dawltm pitrty and hae nrnniKed Home unique f'atiire.H Tor the occasion. The men .ll net um "wall flowers" during the . n im: vhlle i ho women solicit the dame. Thursday iiuht promises to I" t'ir nipht ntiil tlie Elk$ ure pre pnrlii for a fine time. Hoivat Expulsion Repudiated Today INKIAXAI'OUS. Feb. 15. A ris ing vote of !77 to SC4 reiiudialeil the evpitlslon of the llowat facilon from the union. A roll call volo was ordered. -o - CHRISTIAN WORKERS' l!l HOLDS MEETING Ho- lleglsti'lt'ti ut the lloilgbiH Ametig those registered at (hi ti l Imurlas are the following: G. M. Cole. iMiiin; II. I, .lackson and wife, Kaletli; Mrs. I,. W. Ilrant and Mr. and .Mrs. P. S. Chalifoue. Cottime Grove: II. II Thomai. Portland: J K. Van Ziintlt. Tulsa, okla.: Leslie Murphv. I'lltte. Mont ; E. I. M.tcalf and wife, Missoula, Mont.: C. .1. Smith. I'u-v.lie- G E Cliarb'slim nint fatuity, LmERTYTHm The reKular meeting of the Chris tian Workers' Hand was held Tiles day eveniiiR at the Christian church. Kev. Hilton had charge of the meet-I inif due to tile absence of the presi dent. Kev. II. h. Caldwell, who could not lie present. The special music ci n.-istim? (tf vocal s.dos by l.ols Coh'i and John Mnrfieltl and a ouartette. Inii l.ove. Miriun Clark, John llat- rt..1,l .mil I r.in lltiri.iv u-.tu .uii.vk. tho Christian church, the rlnn sen Ice . ti,.4 l,,',,.,! t ,.u tn.ly the necessary wit- j . ; .. . j 1 n. r(1(. Vnllev Sunday reported pood attendance and an tniercMini; and iuspirinc meeting, Hans were made for a team .to r: to (llenary Thursday evening, 'to as-sl-'t In the tervtces lielnij held, i there tills week. The meeting next Tu sdnv evenini; will te held at the north Methodist church. IT. Arthur .T. l'awcett of C.Iendale v:'l Vera Cardwell of Myrtle Creek were united In marriage on Wednes- j day nt 1 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Kev. c, . Hilton of 1 crmant Resort to All Sorts of De vices to Get Treasure' Out of the Country. Pandwidies spread with gold piecea or diamonds mid eirs spiced with un set penis have heen successfully used by international sniUL'lers to pet such valuables out of (Jennany until lu two recent nu-es the customs ollicials be came suspicious of those travel lunch eons nnd discovered the deception. Now all "snacks" ate carefully exam ined tit the frontier. 1 A Cicrmau merchant, whose lunch basket utiractcd the intention of the Polish customs ollicials nt the frontier station of Konltz, was found to have fl layer of pold coins interlarded between the layers of every sandwich tind cov ered wi'h a thick coatinj of butter, while each ej.K nested a valuable dia mond. The total of his confiscated board was estimated nt lS.OtX'lHR) Pol- ball uL'ereci'.Mrm from Ashkind. and h marks. will need all the support that theyj His fellow smuttier, a Imtch mer can pet to wih lrom the southern chant, was intercepted at about the Oregon team. Ashland has beaten, mine time nt the Holland frontier. the KoKeburF hiKli school team for, Wbi,. the ollicials were vainiv pearchinp bis bap'aKO, they were j struck by the fact that he was ostenta tiously but rather nervously devotlnp ' himself to a liupe sandwich. They found Imbedded in the bread and but- i UT three diamond rings, a diamond brooch and a number of loose dia monds. Further search disclosed 44 un-et diamonds concealed in u cigar liphter. .Milwaukee Journal. Keport of ways and means commlt- ft3 Report of resolutions coinmittep. ew business; good o! tt tlon. nnnoo nt Armory, $ p. 0 CHILDREN ftly TTiiltt-tl I'rti. LONDON. Feb. 1 .1. .Michael Col lins arrived hen todav to rouft r with IJoyd Ceorpe on the Irish situation. I It Is understood that he will protest against Hrttian's action in haltinp the , evacuation of Ireland by the llrittsh i troops, hs oilin3 claims that the none will ni'T'jly strcnpthen the Ie Valera supporters who plot the over throw of the Irish free state, and es-, tablishment of a republic' ! A JT. .' --S - 113 mmmmmm fy-Q iii TVKSIAY-WKIKSI)AY 25c "While t New York Koseburp has a battle on her hands, tonipht when they meet the basket- three years in succession, but the) team this ye;tr Is tho fastest put out for years and they expect to even up1 for their past defeats. o COVrRNMENT INTER- MENTION ONLY HOPE: I'Hllp Used. an at- re present. 1 r Fa wcett Is iw pra titfoner at (ib-mlale and i' hrtde and i;nom left at once for t'-nt rhi.-e. The eeretiumy wan per-' formed at the pnronnp. Otv tnltd rr. !s.l j INDIAN.XI'OIJS. I-VU. K.. Cnv-' ernmenl iu'-rx ention Is irtuallv the only hope of averting a n:iTional co;il strike on April 1st, a hifch officer of of the I'ntled Mine Workers decl;ir-; cd todav. i M.W TUlA. I rt.K Al. HOUSING CONFERENCE NOT EE AOUISASLE m KKXT-tm a. ranch. -o K"4-elve Siert it TOIHY AMI I'lNi:slY SPI ( Mb A1TII XCTION. ;t U AMT.I I) 11V TMK (;.lt. MOKAI-: He who would cha?iK. the first the Utile clrcN of his own home h.is then tlie whole wot Id at bis fc. face of the world must build who docs this In poif-xt love OF THE WORLD" A Mot) of life hi the country to the M city mi l ba.k n.in nctlon, untjM'ioie. mol patlion, A tunning bonpllal the vtretklutf of n lilh-iHiuen l racing mr, n iln tllmp m tie. mid ihmnxhoot a line nint-) n tender nnd wee the mreen Ini ecr knoun with one- of tho cieeu' moM In'Mtittfiil mln-i tit the bndimc rde. Patlic News ami Comedy You Monhl pn) cViH' it n I 7."Ve n iher dnct for ihi bh shh i.l fowl, u n I llMrt j price, f tie nnd I Ac. LUE F. VERNON Who "Plays the Pictures" at the Piano. James Vaughn, son of C. W. i Vauehn vt Itixonvtlle. received a very' severe cut on the foot this mnrulni;. He was choi ping wood when the axe ' which he was u-ilng slipp-'d and iui a long gash in his foot. H wjis ru-hed to the off it e of Prs. Sether' ami Slewart in this city where he re-, itived immediate medical attention.! Later be wa- taken to Lie Mercy hos pital where he will remain until his foot is healed. WASHINGTON. Feb. IT,.- The resident in a letter to Senator Kinr. democrat, of I'tah. declared it was riot ativisil-b' nt thl time to call a naf'onal hou.-irj; conference. He de el.ind he kiivw of no ' b plslatioti tKilliaiive" to relieve the home short- :-'7 Kllllelto !l hlJi Kriol- KIN l" rni.-i.- ii. MILLERS ANNOUNCE h RISE IN FLOUR !'OUTI.AT Feb. 1"..- -At noon i.iy thf !e. il millers announc-d a e of tit C'-ntu a barn 1 en paten! l .1 ml t r u " s.i.: W VNTl.l - t h t- t.ikt ii at en : r.. w t Ii fir liter. ('In'; Moonshiner Advertise Hit Wares. North Carol lu a has a moonshiner who believed lu advertising his wares. hcYcmn1 eilicer in Asbevll'u recently came n ns n bottle with n imLiue label, wlili h they sent to Commiton er Pliilr. hhntelf a North Carolinian. This label wns the udvertlseiuent of the iooiihluer und it rends us fal lows ; "1'ure mountain korti UkWcr. Hot tied In s bam. Made In the back wils ( tho Mountain of YVo-tern North Carolina by an old-time block uder, that don't tve H dam for law Hlel I I t il t-Ml. Kct:lllcd VI tbt Abbeville inwrket by all the hih cIuhi beotUv-k;eM fr Iho bones per pint and 11 worth eery cent of It. llUiirmitcd to be strong enough to make ou drunk us the deil In ten minutes and menu enotuh to make a baby huUt're Kpit In wbaU'' face. Sbnke well am tret ready to bao a lit In-feiA dituk lig" The label lin teen edded to the Internal reet.u bureau'ii mu-teuni. Im W.i SECRETfiRV HUGHES SAILS FOR BERMUDA NKW VOi H ili:li' . !:i i: u ar.ittnll. : i. Kt b. I S oriMary il for lii'rmutla tml.iy tui II ..tt'n tr.i, I I'.l'- t - J . . . n. .ik. .1 I. ilr.il.- n.l I'll..!!.. it'll. . il '- .1 Tl it !. Ii. It, rK,.,.l in C.ml. ii ..,!.- . l(f,i"' r. h..,,l Sicca ax i:k;ht-i:kki, mastkk mkmiia.ma, toi.d c K.rl STOItlKS, roiiTIIAYIXfi MI-'K AfOVC Tlll'I I'I'I'KR, M. AXf) I.OWKH CI.ASSKS (!' M:V YOIIK'S 1'KOl'I.F. Hi STOIiY IH 1.IKK A l'A;i: KKO.M FATK'S CIIi:MCr.COFUl Act 1 "OIT OK Tilt-; NKJHT" . hloty of tin Si!illr!is wIk-io I.dvc liullils 1( (Imuii ihif.1 fufuro without rcrkoiiin (ii tin hnIiok of tfie :;iM; whi're bints comp to rrt ml vulums to si-i-k prey." "TIIK HAY "Wlifn- Act a WIIITK WAY" women tut sc'liicllvc nics:iirc. into lliclr i!l:uice.r ivml their ml, retl lips uiv bllent lnvllallons; vhero plots nml counterplots hlili- ln hlnil pniuts anil tinsel und tlie onler Is always, 'On with the l!lnc''., " "A Tl!A(;i:iY CK THE L1 1 "Whew lvillKi;ioii' Vfr Is itilmiiut: hirenm' welch nml im iiiin-, Iw' I ml lut.-cT uhei-e imiM ' Ktionurr than reiwn: lust anil love nml ti "''l play toKetlirr in Ih"1 P1 life." A 50c PICTURE SHOWING KEEEAT REDUCED PRICES Children Sc Adults Cluistte Comedy anuJ-Interreticnj!. TIU USDAV-l KIDAV r MABEL NORM AND -in "MOLLY OJ Have You Heard About Our Bi FREE S!1 WATCH THIS SPACE -lll-i . ik t.,r i.f .. nil i BRYAN WAITING TO BE URGED mi ii:i:n c whimmiit ami tiii i:.-io J ' Ml I I. .ini ! ,! in .i,i.. w.im'iI e,.- I i. 15. - William .l.Mi ilay iMai. it that l( Die rati call, il n.'oii linn ih. m n s s- iia'ur, !i. - ilie unctiiiM, luit OOtlt.'iM. o - ii"l r in. r- -1 .1 m i ' ' . i I.'!..r lii.fl.ua Republicans Lock For Finance Plan tsstisi FafHtiD1 IN A DltAMATir TALK K THK SOI T1II !" !"l"l! "THE DEVIL WITHIJI W A: the l'l HlViToN. K.-h. 15 With "iiU'l;! oppiwed to mlilltlo'ial a'i'1 a t ,'inl IffHiie. the ri pul'li. Im.liM nl the luniso cast nl.uut M A 11 1 I ; U s win'.:'- .1 i l p.i , . JIMMIlLii. 1T. I' Ml'i Vs l:-'-IA.. M 4 ST(l:il:s HAVI". A WIIVlll'l!! I I. AM o. AI.IKK (VI) IV TUN l'OWl lllsl lVi.l luiit-t. . . . .. ... 1.1 TIV F HK Asl i;n w A f:tmliKTrKTICl; l I, I'" t. r-. ITii, AM, m-ki.i.n M NMIIM-; t WIK1H HtlPAY tM Y . I IMPr nmnv ..uTTCII Htlt'. - unttui in ii''"