Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 15, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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'even on the day court opens, causing
........ . eoumy oiricials iu
drawing new names. The fact ihat
there in to much sickness throughout
the county is also causing ,ho courl
officials much trouble h, obtaining
the necessary names for a Jury.
- ' o
Representatives of Umpqua
jnu3',iY a'niTtlie Boston flyer, (Trey
worthy, 2:0'-U. tllHl '" leading wlu
ner, each having 11 triumphs to Its
I ,, winaii Had Rlieiin.nfisin
Her Knife anil Fork.
Jliil' HI
, Mere Shallow of Fnnntt
Great Sprinter Runs Because of
Love of Sport
L sad Went for ll'i
P.?" u'ink of Sleep. I-riciil
irme oatnerln City for
Pow-wow Today.
fj, know Her Since K.covery.
. -hanee Tanlac has made In
pfv amazing, for It has not
Sum. but has built me up
i 542 Saratoga SI., 1'ortlaml,
long time I had rheuma
o bad in my shoulders, arms
ikl.-s that I went for weeks
it hardly petting a wink of
I couldn't raise my hand to
. tin, Inlnta if mv
niy nair nu v - j i
gweie-u ue ; -
I ,aI I couldn't close my band
v fcu'band had to cut up my
,'ir me. I fi ll off In weight un-
ka a mere snauow.
Just liKe a uinereni person
Lnd my friends wno unveil i
hue for some time hardly know
fter what laniuc oas none ior
can't praise u enoun.
!ac i "old ln KoseDurg dv w.
human's Tharmacy. and bv
hi druggists everywhere.
R mailt of Fanions lnip,ua Trllw
-Makes Claim For IJ.0IM,000
Jtetuni far IjuuI Taken by
the ;i eminent.
Approximately 50 Indians, repre-
.noiaiia. suetz, firand
Iton.le. f'alnpoulu and Coos branches
of the I'mpiiua tribe, met in R0Se
burg today for the purpose of con
sidering action on the treaty of 1847
by the terms or which the Indians
claim $12.0UO,000 is due from the
The Indians are being represented
by G. W. Kapp. who has been appoint
ed to take charge of this affair, and
the legal phase is in the hands of
attorney Elbert Hermann, now of
Tori land.
It is claimed that In the year 1S47
the government set aside the lands
between the Rosue and Columbia
rivers and the Cascade mountains
and the Pacific oceun for the Indians
of that district. At that time the
l-mpnuas were a powerful tribe, em
bodying the smaller tribes mentioned
above. The I'nipqua tribe numbered
rg city council to consider a ; al laal "me aDout " Indians, while
m program for Handling tne t ' a.cianeu
ii unit . V Will IMIlt'U Willi
the Calapoola tribe which was class
ed as one of the Umpqua tribes by
n-.nny 'histo'iians the Umpqua Indians
practically controlled all of the land
north to the Columbia, while several
strong tribes were to be found on the
Washington side of the Columbia rlr
er. The government, the Indians claim
set aside by treaty all of this land
but later the country become settled
up by white men. Homesteaders took
over the best farming lands and gra
dually the state has been settled up
forcing the native Indians out. This
1, lu lnl,nH la In Wnl vMqlnn tn
mo rides to be given. " "" ....v. .
j 0 the treaty.
I . . . .. . . The Indians claim that as a result
of this treaty violation they are en
titled to the sum of $12,000,000 In
payment of the lands taken from
them. -
They met this morning at the
Mncrabee temple, Indians from Til
ler. Calanoola, Kugene, Iloseburg and
other points throughout the district
being present. There were approxi
mated SO In attendance. The meet
ing wns held behind closed doors only
Indians being allowed to attend the
sessions. O. W. Knpp, presided and
an organization was first formed and
committeemen appointed to take
rhnrire nf the activities.
JllTV PTVirP The election was concluded shortly
UU.I y UK fin ,)Rforo oon and ,he iniuan8 then en
joyed a fish feed at the Home res
tr.urant on Sheridan street. This
afternoon they again took up the
business session, discussing various
matters pertaining to the suit which
the organization expects to bring
k- delegates
to Meet Tuesday
arte delegation of representa-
o' cities of the state. Is exped
ite next week to meet with the!
camp grounas luaiiiiaineu ny
ally all of the cities. It is
d to work out a uniiorm set
ll -s and if It Is favored by the
jr to agree upon a minimum
. for the use of the grounds.
rwting will be held at the city
(t artlng at 10 o'clock on the
fi of Tuesday, rebruary 21.
fc ceting will be ln charge of
ir W. S. Hamilton, until an or
ption Is formed. The delegates
jp entertained with the visiting
sSantJ attending the retail mer
xs convention and will be the
juests at the banquet and on
fcp the Roseburg boys the best
In you can when they meet the
I'd Wfh school basketball team
H. S. floor tonight at 7: SO.
t crt has a eood chance to even
ktcerpast dereats at the Hands
it ncuthpm Oregon team and
i"d ill the support she can get.
& b the fastest team that
-en put out for years and ex
it best Ashland. There will
ovs' preliminary.
fmen Reject
K. Churchill. Mrs. I.ula
Mrs. Katherlne Francis,
n drawn for jury duty, have de-
to serve and their rejection
have been mailed to County
Riddle si.inev Arinma h hpen i ftcainst the government,
d and It has been discovered "'" n dance Is planned
Thomas 0. lllrley has moved dl Ibfl fenterlalnment of all of the
tne county, leaving five vacan- n..s.
"n the jury panel. There are j At the election this morning. Isa-
W others excused because of dore Rondea uor liner was cnosen
ss and there will probably be a j chairman, Kd. Pompier of Eugene,
num ner of names drawn to fill secretary. .Mace npion oi i.uuo, -
fcxisting vacancies. The fact that ocnized chief of the t'mpquas. Joe
n have the right of rejection ; Ilrown of Roseburg and l'ross rirn
ut giving an excuse, cojnplicntes ! ette of Oakland, were named on the
irt work ns they can refuse ' committee.
. . '7 7. Pi
tri . ..
j l ptr ltd
'i ii "f
f I mA
I j tmuk.
A New Automatic Pencil
Here is a new pencil, a vast
Improvement over many other pencils
costing much more. Look al these
eleven distinct features 1 See that
"non-skid rrlp" that prevents sap
ping! Feel the heft of it it is
scientifically weighted to keep tie
hand from tiring.
No $pringi lo trrakrn. '
No ilinning o fingrrl.
tntT drODliint out
No porfcel rjip cominf oj7
No trorfc for lh repair man.
No long iroil for the new lead.
oiernf porH coming
No Jrnting a machin rihbtd
No hwr. reWring or bind.
ing tart.
No rxlra invli nmlri to drill
out puggcJ til-'-No
frrJirg and brtoUing Irad
in tip at point.
Sold In Cell!, SiSer. Nickel. Mid
l'U!r. t.rt one fl III rmC
ctcrr'y, Improicd
Advises Athlete to Pick the Fellow In
Face Moit Feared and Then De
feat Him Concentration Is
Big Keynote.
"Pick the fellow In the race you
fear the most and then do your best
to beat him to the old finish line."
That's the advice of Charles W.
I'addnck, one of the greatest sprinters
In the world, who recently entnbllshed
a new record for the '.'.'O-yard dush by
stepping the distance ln 2D 4 5 seconds.
"When a man Is running a short
dash, his miud Is so concentrated that
everything lu his past, present or fu
ture comes to his mind," declared I'ad
dock today. "It Is the same as with
a man who Is drowning they both
think of everything. The more con
centrated a mnu's mlud is, the better
race he will run.
"It Is a iieculiar matter that the
physical things are not felt In a hard
race. A runner may be spiked or he
might strain a tendon and he'd never
know It until ufter the race. I scarcely
feel the ground the last 20 yards, In
fact I do not touch It the last 10 feet,
for I try to make a leap for the taie.
I learned this when I was a freshman
In hiyh school and one fellow who was
running fourth place came lu second
with a bound. lie taught me bow to
leap. At first I made ten feet, then I
Increased It to twelve, fourteen now I
make sixteen feet.
"Form is all bunk, I thluk. I never
was trained to run, j do It Just ln my
( 1
Hurry Vui'don and James Binld.
according to reports from England,
will head the British gel Invasion
next year. Vardon plans to arrive In
time for the national open champion
ship at Skokie, Chicago, lu July.
IR.'H.S. Tangles
With Ashland
Roseburg basket ball fans are eag
erly awaiting the start of tonight's
contest between the ltoseburg high
school and the Ashland high school.
This will doubtless be tho bejt game
of the season and will practically de
cide which team will represent south
ern Oregon at lha state conference
Both Itoseburg and Ashland have
produced unusually strong teams this
year and both are recognized as
strong contenders for the state cham
pionship. The "dope" shows both lo
be about evenly matched. Ashlind
has a heavier team than Roseburg
and three of its playerB have had a
great deal of experience in the game.
Coach King has been working hard
to strengthen Itoseburg's defense and
at the same time get the team Into
shape for a good otrenslve. The game
will bo well worth seeing and will
probably be the best to be played this
Charles W. Paddock.
own way through the sheer love of
running, just as an animal does.
"Athletes learn to concentrate better
than any other Individual, In fact It Is
exceedingly true with athletes that
'concentration is the keynote to suc
cess.' People claim the better the
athlete the poorer student, but I don't
agree with them. If any athlete wus ns
interested in his studies as he was In
his particular event, he would be s
better student than the averuge,. be
cause be has learned to concentrate
better than the ordinary person." (
I'addnck attributes his great speed
to his ubillty to get ln and "dig" from j
the start to the finish.
Charles W. Murchlson, of the New )
York Athletic club, one of Paddock's
rivnls. recently declared that if the
Culifornian would leave bis marks
quicker he would run the century In
0 1-5 seconds.
Roseburg has a battle on her
hands tonUrht when they meet the
basketball aggivgatlon from Ashland
and will need all the support that
they can gat to win from the south
ern Oregon team. Ashland has
beaten the Iloseburg high school
teams for three years In succession,
but the team this year Is the fastest
put out for years and they expoct to
even-up for their fast defeats.
The county court met today to dls
ftose of a f-'w routine road matters.
The delegation expected to appear In
regard to the I'nipqua Park suspen
sion bridge was not present and this
matter will probably be left over un
til the 23rd when the court meets
with the Public Service Commission
The court ordered surveys on several
minor road projects and disposed of
other small matters.
Jeanette Rankin snd Qreyworthy
Were Tied for Winning Honors
With 11 Triumphs.
The horses campaigned on the
Ornnd Circuit this season won Vihlr
PX2 In purses In a total of 81A races.
The fix-C'nrnild Jenpctte. Rankin.
We wish to thank ti e managers of
tho New Home restaurant for the
arrangements for the fine dinner
, - I . .. . l.. ... , . AnA
aerveu us(nm;i. iru iui i v
service rendef'Mi. as me invuis bityi-h
were fine and the prices were right.
Secy, of Indian Aasn.
Dorit cougli
THE violent paroxyims of cousin?
soon eased l.y Dr. King's New
Discovery. Fifty years a standard
renv-dy lor colds. Children like it.
I,'o harmful druK. All druggists, 60c
Dr. King's
New Discovery
for Colds and Coughs
' Make Bowels Normal. Nat 'ire's
ay is the way ol 'I. King's fills
cc-ntly and firmly rcgulat ing the bowels,
tliminating the intestine dogging At all druggiits. 25c.
r. Kings PUls
The Ashland basketball team ar
rived here tliis morning and will
meet the locnl high school team to
nleht on the I! S. gym floor at 7:30.
This Is the blri" 't and most import
ant game that Itoseburg will lie ahio
to Bee tills season, so don't fall to
support the b ral boys. The game
will be preceib 'i by a boys' preliminary.
The Ven. Jay. Claude Illnrknrrh
deacon of the Diocese of Oregon,
Kpisropal, arrlv.d In Iloseburg yes
terday to make preparations for the
coming or the 11. Rev. V. T. Sum
ner, D. I)., bishop of Oregon. The
bishop will !" a' St. fieorge'a church
next Stindav a' 11 a. m., at which
time he will confirm a good sired
flass and preach He will also cele
brate the Holy Kuchnrist at 7: SO
m. The archil' 11 on met the boys and
girls who are to be confirmed, yes
terday afternoon and tho adults In
the eronlng and gave them an In-
Istruetlon. lie will meet them again
on Thursday ' 'he same hours.
Th highest crowd that has at tend
ed rame this S 'son Is expected to
nlrht to the biggest gam of the
j season. This l the hardest gam" tin
local boys will have here In order lo
'ret a chance n tho state champion
ship honors. Civ the team the best
! support you can so they will he bet
ter bl lo h'at th team from Ash
land kt tire II. S tonight at 7:30.
'T'HE light, specially.made pis
A tons and the perfectly balanced
crankshaft of the New Series of the
good Maxwell not only increase
motor smoothness, power and flex
ibility, but reduce vibration to
the vanishing point, lengthen the
motor's life and hold down repairs.
Touring Cm, 1885 Roadster, tZSS Sedan, 11453 Coupe, 11385
' F.O.B. Dtwmu, nrHiM taNtt &U4
Old Gentleman Wrong In Classing Him
as One of Seven Wise Men.
of Greece,
The seven wise men of Greece,
whose names and sayings have ouie
down to us from antiquity, have been
distinctly secondary In renown re
cently to the several score wise men
of the nntions gathered here In the
conference on the limitation of arma
ments. Rut the ancient wise men are not
forgotten. Here and there are men
who treasure the sayings which those
worthies bunded down to us. They
are keen on the proper pronunciation
of their names, and know to s de
gree lu which Grecian state thoy lived.
One of these scholars en mo In lost
week to settle a dispute, says. the
Washington Star. Several of his
friends, In whom tho fine flower of
learning had not withered any more
'than It hod In ulm, were disputing
about those seven wise men of Clreeeo.
"They could only think of six," de
clared the gcntlemun, nodding his
white head. "I said the seventh was
I.yrurgus. Am I right 7"
The seven wise men of Greeco, not
having figured In the news for s few
years. It was no easy tusk to locate
them. Hut a fat volumo finally gave
them up ond I.ycurgus was not In the
Was, Chllo, Cleobulos, Plttacos, go
Ion. Thalcs and ferlander were the
seven wise men. Everybody remem
bers Solon as the man who got off
that really tremendous saying "Know
thyself." Cleobulos Is credited with a
good one too. "Avoid extremes." This
latter Is the famous "golden moan" of
"And to think I srmlit hsre pirt
I.yrurgus In that list!" exclalmM the
old gentleman.
Live Wedding Preeente.
Lord Morton line revived old tra
ditions of Scotch chleftuliishlp, writes
a correspondent, by his practical and
patriarchal gift of a flock of sheep to
his son on his marriage. Such wed
ding Klfts must have been common
enough when the Itouglas chiefs ruled
with a high hand In teriitorli when
there, wus little sctuul money. Th
ancestor of Lord Morton was soooud
chief of the Douglas clan, and tin
greatness of this family began with
the acquisition of wide lands la tin
Fourteenth century, culminating In tb
fourth earl, the great Regent of Scot
land, too great for ssfety, for he wsi
attainted snd necuted. Hut the Mor
ton enrls soon recovered from this blow
snd, SO years Ister, the seventh earl
win oDe of the richest snd most pow
erful men In the kingdom.
Cot I er Wsterf
A new French estimate of the
world's water power resources credits
th Cnlted states with 3n.nm.nno avail
able lioriM-power ; Csnsda with 2.onO.
Ofl; Norway with 7.."K.0'l. Sweden
with '.""; Anstro-Ilungiiry dis
trict with "."""; Italy and Spain
with about S.oiW.'KW each; Germany
with only l..Vi,iXJ, and Kngland with
ftntfp, have a supposed compensat
ing advantage In their supplies of coal.
Roseburg Is going to receive
a black ye It we do not get
busy and help take care of our
many visitors next week. Wo
are going to have 400 or more
out of town business people
here, who will attend the throe
conventions starting next Mon- e)
day. These visitors must he
eared for and each one of us
must do a small or large part.
If you can room one or two of
these visitors you will help
place Roseburg on the map as
a live wire city. fhone the
"committee on rooms" at the
Hotel Umpqua at once and
place your rooms on tho list.
W. J. WEAVKH, Chairman.
Mr. and MrB. C. A. Martens, of
Portlana, wno are on a pleasure trip,
left here this morning for Medford
where they will Spend a short time.
They spent a few days In this city.
Delightful Party
at Sether Home
Mrs. A. P. Bother entertained yes
terday with a second of her delightful
afternoon parties. Many ladins were
present and a pleasing afternoon was
spent. The Sethor home was beauti
ful with flowers and Valentine decor
ations and late In the afternoon a
dainty lunchvon was served on a
table prettily decorated with Valen
tine favors and place cards. Mrs.
Sether was assisted In serving by
Mrs. J. C. Hume Mrs. W. F. Chapman.
Mrs. It. 1). Williams, Mrs. O. I). Mc
Allister. Mrs. A. A. Wilder. Covers
were laid for the following: Mrs. It.
W. Illnkley, Mrs. IS. II. Stewart. Mrs.
J. C. Ilumo, Mrs. O. I). McAllister,
Mrs. II. D. Williams, Mrs. W. K.
Chapmnn, Mrs. W. K. Weaver, Mrs.
(1. J. Ilarher, Mrs. P. T. Ilubar, Mrs.
J. K. Kngnr, Mrs. J. V. Ilarkor, Mrs.
If. C. Wsddell. Mrs. J. C. Kullerton,
Mrs. M. M. Miller. Mrs. (ieo. Neuner.
Mrs. J. W. Hamilton, Mrs. Geo. llur
rhard, Mrs. Geo. K. Houck. Mrs. It.
I.. Glle. Mrs. II. C. Dsrby, Mrs. S. I).
Kvans. Mrs. W. L. Willis. Mrs. Walt
er Hamilton, Mrs. O. P. Coshow, Mrs.
M. K. Hitter, Mrs. C. Merrill, Mrs. W.
C. Harding. Mrs. J. II llooth. Mrs. J.
C. Campbell, Mrs. Dexter Hire, Mrs.
Geo. G. Sewell, Mrs. A. C. Marstnrs,
Mrs. C. I.. Hadley. Mrs. A. G. Suther
land. Mrs. A. Haum. Mrs. J. I. l.ove.
Mrs. Wm. Hell, Mrs. iMren Miller.
Mrs I. O. Hroadway, Mrs. Chas. W.
Wharton. Mrs. H. II. Stapleton, Mrs.
A. A. Wilder, Mrs. (loo. A. Hradburn,
Mrs. Albert Hashfnrd. Mrs. M. N. Tls
dale, Mrs. ("has. Tlsdale. Mrs. 8. K.
Collier and Mrs. A. r". Sether the hostess.
of the I'nrbiUiii IVl-fected Art Fin
broidery .Needle, a Needle with 0
This Is the only RAISED EM
ables the user to work with till
sixes of thread, and yarn, on ull
kinds of woven material and that
Is guaranteed against breakage,
by replacing all broken parts
Needles for all sixes nf thread
and yarn from sowing silk to car
pot rags, that work on fabrics
from Georgette Crepe to Uurlnp.
simple vertical wedge stitch for
Don't condemn this needle be
cause you have bought others and
can't use them. We tench you to
use the needles wo sell and odr
personal demonstration will qual
ify you to mako beautiful work
and annul all previous disap
pointment. At the J. C. PENNEY STORE
the Imlanc of this week.
Roseburg Cafeteria
and Restaurant
Short Order Specials
5 pm. to 8 pm.
Miss Ida Allen of Sbedd. Oregon,
arrived her last nlitht to visit at ihe
homo of her sister, Mrs. Ernest Web
er, of this city.
daily vrrtji --: rt mopuRT. I
XT. H Wtnr B' oral office, j
Roaaburg, Or.sun. 14 bvurt nd na I
' s. m. i
' rrerlpllelloa 1 laekee ltSrllks i
I lllKli-! Iwrnprrsl nr v.-m.-r-l'i V .. It
l.iv-t ti-mpi-rnt'ii. In"! niKiil -.
rr--lillnllon ln il 1 r ....... .''1
Total i.rv-i am- flrt oi ni.oitli. 1
Normal r
ror Una month... 4 ft ,
Tnl.l nr.-lr. rr.)B, Slt. 1. 1111.
to data "
Averase, ft'.i.l H.-'t I. H-7 1 ' 1 U
Total ilerf. I.n. v ft. on f-I" I. I''-'1 11
Avaraca pra. liillat Ion (or ''..
season. (H-l.t. lo Miy. Incl II "
Korar-aat tn I I v forsout hwaitart
Ti,nli,l and VVdio tulr, con-
tluued cold. . , , .
WIM.IAM IIBU. Obsarver.
Spanish Pot Pie
H3tnatblO( ow In
And many Special Dishrt
Tin Ixwt nltort onli-r wrvlrn in
Ion n. Cafrtorlrt IMinirr II H.
in. Co 7:.'tO p. in. WnfTloi to
orltT any tlnn'
A HEAL HIKE In charge of
Yours for real service,