Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 14, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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    f. S E"!B
There' no substitute
for circulation The
News-Review has over
20,000 readers .
Mir; odd.
CoullIa"n t The TOrnlng News and The Itoncburg Uevlew.
t!23 An linb-prndriit liewsnncr published for the best Interest, of the people.
of i.osi:iui:a review.
HOSIXUHO. OUEfiON, TIIMIAY, I i:itlil AI'.Y II, Iftta.
YOU, X, No. 8.V.5, OF TIIF. l: KMMi .NEWS.
teT8 HSS
(lined That Certain Influences and Parties, Led by Attorney,
Are Endeavoring 10 cmuurTassumrrnssion ana injure
Reputation and Credit of Court.
haimin? that "certain people, leu
some aitorne.. ai
dure the reputation and credit
V,e Tort of t'uipiiua and discredit
'..n.niUsinnera. the Port today fil-
,n answer to the motion recently
.'.,i,.ed hv J. X. lledden, Fred As-
-inier and Frank Wells, claiming
, present tha Taxpayers League of
i ,.rt of I rapqua, asking that they
ranted an order ot inspection of
("books and records ot the port.
In -he answer It Is set forth that
I nicy A. K. Peck Is representing
. plaintiffs and It is alleged that ho
iinleavoriiiR to Intimidate the Port
, mission and is seeking publicity
tn-jgh his attack on the port and
the same time to injure the stand-
of the port.
fie Port of In Its answer
I ,;p(i the motion for an order on
h port permitting me piaiimus or
attorney 10 maye-i. ui
i of the records. It Is alleged
A. K. Peck as attorney for the
ue has had access at all reason
times to the records and may
h inue to examine me recorus at
tint the port lias provmea an
e and custodian of the records,
se duty it is to open mo records
the inspection of the public at
lin reasonable state periods and
t the public in examining the
rir that said application for an
B r against the Port is made for
luraose of publicity and pontics
( to reflect upon the present port
: is claimed that Attorney Pock
it 'l limes been treated with the
Bt consideration ns an attorney
uw by the Port's attorney not
i. '.th reference to the records.
I . and iafornia I Ion concerning the
r W in reference lo all other
en irked for by the attorney.
defease further alleges that
is real purpuri-j is not for an ex
"ation or the records but Is done
the purpose of publicity and to
ape ami injure tha reputation
nvilit of the Port nnd its com-ion.
ttoniey Napier, representing the
flM an affidavit in which he
s !h:it in May or Juno he volun
offcred his assistance to At-
tj Pe'k in examining the records
o h'!n in sivurlng data and that
?t for a few minor papers the
tie's attorney has not taken ad-
;a?e of the offer, and that Peck
p'fern d to at tempt to Intimidate
seire'ary of the commission and
"r. Napier statis that upon bis
cnine Dilation the commission ap
tue'l a mstuiliun of the books with
'J' lie iifti: h anil that reasonable
'til Intei vain were set during
' h the record were open
inspe, tion.
There have lie-n certain Influ
"S anil certain people, led by some
irnev, who have found fault with
i critisi'd and annoyed nnd nngg-
fi at the said secretary nf the Port
nraMiiii. regardless of his courte
; treatment ot them," the affl
it rails. Attorney Napier states
he fieinieetlv offered his help
and that his offer was not accepted.
He stated that in his belief the appli
cation for court order was made only
for the purpose of embarrassing the
officers of the Port and injuring Its
reputation and credit.
J. !!. Prowne. secretary of the com
mission In his affidavit, stated that
he had had charge of the port records
and that a demand was made upon
him by Attorney Peck for inspection.
He stated that at that lime he was
too busy to aid the attorney as re
quested and set a time when the
books might be examined, llrowne
states that Peck requested a tran
script and that It was several weeks
before a stenographer could be locat
ed to do the work. The secretary
says he then became 111 following an
injury and was sent to Portland for
medical treatment and after his re
covery went to Washington to work
for the interests of the port and that
consequently he had not been able to
personally aid in examining the
books. Peck, he alleges, was asked
to attend meetings of the commission
r-nd was given many opportunities to
inspect the records but that he chose
to endeavor to intimidate the com
mission rather than accept the of
fers made him.
(rtv Associated rres.)
CHICACO. Feb. 14. Investigation
or the Western Land Operators com
pany, the third concern raided by
authorities within three days and be
ireved by them to have swindled
foreign-born citizens of over a mil
lion and a halt dollars, was under
way today by government agents.
Within three days swindles totaling
six and one-half millions, according
lo officers, were disclosed with the
arrest of Haymond J. llischoff and
the anest yesterday of three em
ployes of the American Novaculile
(tlv l'nlte.1 rrrsd,.
LONDON'. Feb. 14. "I do
not doubt for u inomen; that
England will r.uiiy the Wash
ington arms conference treat
ies." Arthur Balfour said upon
his arrival here today.
Lloyd xieorgo ami Ceorgo
Harvey. American ambassador,
met Italfour at tlio Waterloo
Sheriff Sam Starmer has been con
fined to his home In North Hoseburg
by illness during the past two days.
Over Fifty Wounded Snipers
Continue In Their
Grim Work.
(International News Service.)
TIIOY. Feb. 14 After Mrs. Ol
May Miller, of Poesteiikill. a
hamlet nine imiles from this 4
place, was convicted of selling
moonshine whiskey she asked
f the Judge If she could hnvo a
"nip." .
Sentence was suspended when
Mrs. Miller pleaded that she
sold the whiskey to provide
food for her children. She said ,
her husband ran away and left '
her to support a family of five.
"It's a long, cold ride home,
Judge, nnd I wish I could have
a nip before I go." ,
"Call the next case." said the
Judge, as he motioned Mrs. Mil- i
ler to be on her way.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1!.--Harding
and his cabinet may ronsid.'r lhe
soldier bonus problem today. Their
decision will depend greatly upon
Mellon's attitude toward the various
means ottered for raising the neces
sary funds. In the meanlime con
rc:i Is awaiting definite guidance
on this baffling question.
OpmscA Hond Issue.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. Hard
ing is opposed to a bond Issue as the
basis for a soldiers' bonus. It was
officially ' learned at the White
House today. Ho doubts whether it
will be possible to raise the required
amount without running up interest
rates and disturbing the financial
tranquility of the country.
Half-Billion Expenditure for 1922 Aimed to Provide for All Re
liefSuch Is the I lat Answer of Uncle Sam to
Those Charging Abuse of Veterans.
Makes Statement Saying That
He Heard the Fatal
Shot Fired.
(International NVws Servl
t'lirri'Miitutili n( .
WASHING TO N . tv b. 14. Vnv
Sam's flut answer to thtwt who
charge with failure to allcviad the
physical atul t'inuiuial dlsahlHiies of
his Yt'lrntn lUhiers is that uimo than
oho million ilollnrs a day, including
Sunda, is ht'iiiff expended by the
government fur the ex-aervlce men
and their dependents. Supporting
thU answer, I'ni'lo Sam points to the
1922 budget estimate of eipemlttmes
to he mado directly for the bemV it : of , an'(1 omPonsatioii payrolls.
41 ( IU1 !J, Yi 11 U 11 VII I tO " I 1UIIL
I to explain, 1a maintaining alight ly
j more than former soldiers In
American public and private educa
l tional Institutions and an average of
:t;t,000 in placement training in in
dustrial pehools.
The number of men in nil voca
tional schools Is 5.05. lot) of whom
are at Camp Sherman. In govern
ment and private hospitals the bur
eau is taking care of 30,300 disabled
veteran, nonio nf whom are also ten
dered vocational training, and some
ot . whom are also on the insuranco
Three Factions Arc at Swords IViuts
Stuty Bullets In Streets Kill
Two kidnapped. Victim
Makes Statement.
(I3y AfrooI:HiI Press.!
CHICA(SO, IVb. l i. Wheat prices
jumped as much as six and one hall'
cents per bushel today at th open
ing of the board .f trade. A sensa
tional advance in Liverpool and
other foreign markets, while the
Vnited Stains exchange closed yes
terday during the holiday, was tv
lrsrrtptltii of Wonu'il Who lltirrttil
From Taylor Apartment Tnllii'!
Willi tlir Pi-rson Mrs.
Mmi.rtm XoClwd.
Mrs. A. F. Sether
Hostess Yesterday
The home of Mrs. A. P. Selhor was
the scene of a lovely ufternoon parly
yesterday. The beautiful rooms of
the Sether home were attractively
decorated with bowls of cut flowers
and ferns. The guests enjoyed music
and sewing until late in the after
noon when a delicious luncheon was
served. The table was unique with
St. Valentine's Day hearts and clever
favors nnd place cards. .Mrs. Sether
was assisted ;n serving by Mrs. .1. ('.
Hume. Mrs. O. !. McAllister. Mrs. W.
P. Chapman, Mrs. K. I). Williams and I
Mrs. Leon McClintock. Those present
were Mrs. C. 0. Keymers, Mrs. It. M.
li'iinhiKs. Mrs. J. T. liryan. Mrs. Al-1
bort Abraham, Mrs. Washington i
Hughes. Mrs. C. W. Parks, Mrs. I. H.
lilddl?. Mis. A. J. I.ilbuni, Mrs. J. K.
Mi t'lintock, Mrs. .lolin McClintock, !
Mrs. Leon McClHitock, Mrs. P. 11.
Churchill, Mrs. A. N. Orcutt, Mrs.;
M. P. Rico, Mrs. Napolean Kice, Mis. j
W. H. Kenny. Mrs. II. Morten, Mrs.!
A C. Senly. Mrs. II. C. Sinlck, Mrs.'
M. .1. Shoemaker, Mrs. I). J. Stewart,
Mrs. R. Scott Weaver. Mrs. II. J. Wil
son. Mrs. W. II. Turick, Mrs. Chas. !
Rusho. Mrs. h. O. Maddux. Mrs. Chas.
llehillne. Mrs. W. H. Fisher. Mrs.,
II. W. Hates. Mrs. t!eo. KohlhaRcn, j
Miss (Prances Howell. Mrs II. W. i
Shaw, Mrs. Nathan Pullerton, Mrs. ;
A. J. llochradel, Mrs. (it'O. Qulne.!
Mrs. Chas. l'arrott. Mrs. .lehn
Throne, Mrs. Holpt. Hevaney. Mrs.
M. S. Allen, Mrs. (',. I.. Flint. Mrs.
A. J. Ford, Mrs. W. I. McDonald
and Mrs. A. P. S. ther, the hostess. '
is Kenerally believed due to Hi" reall-
zation -that the world Is confronted
by small supplreH. wlrh lit t lo hope of
relief from the 1'iiited States owIiik
to a poor crop outlook.
(By Vnited Press.)
BrXKAsT, Feb. 1 I. Fifteen dead
and fifty wounded in the toll here of
fighting between the Sinn Feiners
. .. . ... kterdny utiring the holiday, was
... .... wimwuixu. t ..v n.ason. Tli h extraordinary ndvnnc
inisfiiiig coiitiiiueN. Ireland Is trenitH
lii on the veix of a civil war be
tween three factions: The Hiipporters
of Do Valera, plotting ibe provi'-loti-al
government's overthrow; Michael
Collins and the Iiifdi free Mate; 11-
sler in arms auainst raids over It
border by republicans who want
more of I Inter's territory, AVith the
evacuation of llritish ti-oops held up
temjMnartly, the Nituatioii Is more
tense than at nny time ulnre the
SMIMJ'.S AKK nrsv.
IU:i.l.ST, Feb. II. (A. I.)
StiI;i'1's continued their rim work
in the disturbed sections of llelfast.
T.y liihhlay the death iidl Sat
urday was increased to IS by deaths
of two men lilt by flying bullets in
tho streets. The muuljer of wound
ed has reached approximately 11 ft y .
ltlXFAST, IVb. II (A. I n A
Koity-two khlnapped lister I nion-1 IdSSCS HWCiy
lsts have riMiiestNl IVemler Fraf of j
l lste.- to lilM-i-ate the Momhaii qpoy V. 1. Wal-l. for f year a
football playeis, held prioner-i In rM. i(i(.U of ihi county, pn- ed awav
I'Nter. The I'nionisls state that 1 at his home iu this city last nli:ht
after an il'i.csi or sexeial days. .Mr,
DoYVald w:is s-i vear.-. 4 nifniths and
(Hv t'nllrd Promt.) -j
HONOM'I.r. Feb. 1 . - Japanese !
authorities have estimated that Ike'
naval limitation program adopted al :
Wailiijigiou wi1! re'iit in a saving!
to the ,Iap;uiese govern men t of
twenty-five millions this year, ac
cording to Tokio ndvlr-'S to the news-
pnptir Jljf here. A in'ivi'iiicni. to ,
abolish Innd nnd business taxes be
rausfl of this is paining stivnrth.'
The government say.-) thf sum will
ho devoted to fillilghti Iiilig tlio
Judge Henry K. MeC.inn of Port
land Is In the city attending to legal
Jazz Goes Back To Jungle'
jslor Says Our National" Anthem" Rings Bell for "Full
Steam Astern."
they, tlicii!elcs, noiih! Iw held cap
tive until Hie football prisoners me
Tiioors a i: o sckm:.
Ill I.! AST, Feb. 1 I. (A. I'.)
laie body of troops apMui-cd oil
the streets of llellast this afterniMin,
the flrt to lie sent here since the
rcncwiil orders. Shortly iH-foro 2
o'clock henvy hursts of fire occurred
on the Falls roiul distt-fcl nnd sImiIh
were romliijf from the rnlouist rc.
Hon, on' Northumberland strwt In
the Sinn Fclu fiiniicr. f.iiitini-n In
the latter quarter Immediately retal
iated. ;lrls were nnioiiir the vic
tims of the bombs hurled late yesterday.
L' 1 (lavs of afj' lie was born in
Scalphlll. I'a., In 18 41. For II y.
ho was fen-man of lhe railway car
shops In MatH'on, III. Il had hi-i-n
a numb'-r of the Odil Fellows lodne
for over 411 y .'rs. Mr. and Mrs. I)'
Wlild were binl llnir a ll"v linni" nod
It Is to he rciMWIed that Mr. DcWald
Will nut Sen jrs enilipletlon.
Uesides his wife V r. I l. Wald Is
survived by " dain:ht' r, Mrs. F.lTlc
S'chwarz i'liil in ) c ra ml h lid t' Jii . Mar
Inn and Ftark S.-hwavz. nil of tins
city and a l.i'f rlrele of d ir and
IovIhk Mends who sincerely inonvn
his (b ath.
Funeral senl es will be held Wed
nesday at - n'clnrk a I'mlerl all '! "-'
Chapel. Tl;" " Id Fc Hows IimIkv will
conduct the s rvlc'M and Rev. t'ald
we'l wl'l f'tr. iate. Illlel'llient will
follow ill tli- ndd Follows (enie'erv.
(l!y Inteniational Xews Konlro).
M:V Yoj:k. Feb. 14. "Perhaps j:2i Is our national aiui'.em, and if
'' l r- then the devil's ervtnp nicnnient. 'do to Ilell,' is our national
d.clared the llev Perev Sllekllev flraill. rt'Clor of HlO KplsCOpal
Jail Our National
' "- ' 'ii- (lev 1 1 s CC J 1 11 Hif uiii.'lii, vo m
- clared the Rev. Percy Stlckney Grant, rector of
of th Ascension, In a Berinnn on the text: "Is JaJi
Evening Partv at
Kohlhagcn HomeDeurrer UPhsld .
I In Alienation Suit
(By Unttud PrBR).
I.OS ANtiFI.I S, Feb. 14. "The
shot was tired iu the apartment of
Willii. in Taylor and linnutllately nf-
terwaitl a woman liuninl ftn-iu the
house,' A self-confessed b-sdlegger,
under evatninatjcui made this ad mis
si un to District Attorney Voolwlne:
today. He wild that be was In the
ait of delivering liquor to T.ijIoj'h
house, appn-achlii;; It from the side,
when t shot rang out and fmm be
hind the shrublH-ry be saw a woman
hurry away. Uis description is said
to laity almost exactly '(h (hat of
(lie man Mi's. Ihim)as .Madman saw
hurrying unay fioni the Taj lor
house on the fatal night.
SI'FK dopk t,n ri:.
,S A(;!:i.l.S, Fel. 1 I. The
disti i t attorney's office Is seeking
the "queen of doites," the woman al
leged lo be at (he bead of Holly
wood's dope ring, from uhoin they
!;rl(eve they can ohfaiii liifonnul Ion
renirdhijj Tji)lor'.s miinler. Henry
Teavey, Tnylor's alet, AVHIhiiu
la Is mnl Mabel Norma lid's chauf
feur, v.ere belli summoned today for
furl lo r tuiest iouing.
.slnlement ilmt ai iiu-fl damps near
Trat y, ( alif i nia, last Itrceinher '
nol!i'd hlui that tbe uere bleed lo!
to I, us Ate;eles to kill U motion
ph i in e direetor named Tnj lor, nvas j
inii'le to 'a pl a in of Detect t cs
'l.itheson lod.iv by Cliarles Carseii, i
who safd he ::s a sra captnln.
Yoncalla Man
Given 30 Days
Ha' And n-ws of Yoncalla was ;
IroiH-'iif to tlii: eity today and lodg-j
el in ih" c'nin'y jail to nerve a pen
l in n;' r.o d:iys. Andn'ws wasj
f"i 'd in a hmxicaied condition by;
la-pu-v l-Mieriff ('. H. Paugfierty and
viis airiiiiMied lieforo Justice of the
I'" .1. .1. llrown. When arresle-l
Amlrewn was efirrying a fpifirt bottle
p:.t ' i:i 1 1 - tilled with inomililiie. lie
ill 1 .1 h i l' ;i of guilty lo drunk-
'in s ;itiM ba ing hitoxi-ating lin nor
In his pos-f.--.sif hi and v,h h':itenced
t pav a fine of $".' and pi-nd
. 't iui'.. It ! Mtii'e piohnbh- that
!: will lay nut his film in Jail.
billion dollars.
Colonel t It. Forbes, director of
the l uited States Veterans' Itureau,
today outlined for International
News Sen ice the expenditures his
bureau contemplated for tlio current
year. The estimate. In round figures
calls for $r,l 0.000, OUt).
Training Work Fontiiiuetl.
This s-.iin will : divided, Colonel
Forbes paid. Into pnven 'composite
branches of acddi4r relief work. I'or !
vocational training the sum of $K7,-
M)0.0HO; Tor niedh .il and hospital
services, theBUtn of $tl i.tiOO.000; for'
paymvnt on war risk term tusur
ance, the Bum ot $S 1 .700,000; for j
r, S. gevernno-nt life Insurance, the,
sum of $"1,700,000; for soldiers com-1
pomsatiou, lhe sum of $101,000,000;
for retroactive government allow-1
auces on proven and extant claims, j
th sum of $2,000,000, and for sal
aries and expense?, that. Is Adminis
tration, the su:a of $ :t 1 .f.00,000.
Those figures total $MI.OO0.0OO
from which Colon 1 1 Forbes deducts
the 700,0"0 -to bA paid in I'nltcd
SI at os govermumiL life Insurance
claims, on the ground lh;if It Ih a
self-supporting branch of the bur
eau's hi tivitfe.
Of the $ 1 tiT.T.OO.OOO allotted to vo
cational lialniug Colonel Torbes bo-f
1: v.-s ihi't not more than $:;.000,000
will be used for administration ex
peiiRi'S at. the government's camps,
training schouis and reconstruction
renters. Thtis the major portion ot
that nlbdnient will go to pay the ex
perviro men an average of $ll"i per
man pf-r nionlh while in training.
$113 Monthly Is Avern-;'.
He pointed out that $115 was an
average, d hiring that the payments
v;irv hoi ween $s0 nnd $ 1 70 per
month per man. The greatest amount
will be expended for men at Camp
Sherman, Chllllcothe, Ohio. In nd
clition. It will pay for ihn former sol
diers Hlutlnued at thn bureau's six
additional latue training centers and
lortv-one ymiill tunning center
The admini 'trillion, or nalarl
In round figures, vocational train
ing Ih being afforded 125,000 veter
ans. Colonel Forbes declared.
Mrs. Jack Risley
Passes Atvny
Mrs. Jack lilsley, formerly a resi
dent of this city, passed away at tha
Mercy hospital last nlKht. She was
f4 years, 1 month and 12 days of
aKe. beliiR born Iu HeddliiK, ul., Iu
lxt',7. Mrs. lilsley was HI but a very
short time. For the pnst several
months aim has been visiting at tlio
home of her daiiKhler, Mrs. J. 11.
Carnes nnd only Sunday nlKht she
took suddenly 111 nnd was brouKht
hero to the hospital. Mr. Hlsley was
wired Immediately and arrived hero
last night from Portland.
Mrs. Josephine lilsley !a survived
by her husband and three children,
Mrs. J. H. Carnes of Carnes' station,
Francis 11. lilsley nnd Fred M. Risley
nf i-'nn l.uls Obispo, California. She
nlso has ninny dear friends in this
city who will regret deeply to hear
of her death.
. Funeral services will be held
Thursday afternoon nt 2 o'clock at
the chanel of the Hoseburg 1'nder-
I'-i-ing Co., with Itev. J. II. Qulik
i officiating. Iturlal will follow In the
Masonic remelery.
Eugene to Send
Large Delegation
A full committee meeting of the
Merchants association will be held
this evening al lhe Chamber of Com
merce nffictt. The various commu
tes which have been working on
convention plans III mak'- coeiplete
reports. Fiery dei.,11 haH been tak-
i en care of and It Is thought that to
s and ' n (Lht's repoits will tdiow everything
In readiness for the convention. Ac
cording to word reaching this rity.
ixjns'-s, item will include salaries
,M,l eve, el, nf the bureau's Wusll-
iiUMini elilce. lis lonit'-cii district of-j l.ngene Is preparing lo send a largo
I ices, Us 120 sub offices and as well, I delegation It) Hoseburg for the pur
the salaries of all Hie t"nchcrs. I pose of drawing the convention lo
Colonel Forbes d"" lared that the i Fu-ene In 1 9.M.
bureau Is handling salo-factoilly
IMia.O'in compensation claims, for
which tlio $11! 1 .ono.oiio has been al
iened; and I Ml. mil) Insurance claims,
for which the $sl.7iin,ii0il has been
Set ahldo.
oO.tllll) llelog l'.luca(ed.
The bureau. Us director Hlnued
Mrs. Frances Swanson and three
children left here last night with tlio
bolv of their daughter and sister.
Huth llemice Swanson. who pasved
a way here Friday night. Funeral
services will bo held in Ashland today.
Doctors Should Use Publicity
Noted Health Expert Chides Medical Profession for Keep
in its Cures Secret.
Beej back to the African Jungle." Hie pastor said, "nnd its efTect
'" ' ti clatter, want to go en all fours and w hli-k your tall around
is a saviiie clash and bang. It rings the le-ll for full steam
Is no n.iilio. f i,i.e,iim ni.iif Ian miisle." Pr. (Jraiit cin-
ln the dance. Instead of syiuooiisiii, n
Hut when it be-
it is for jens itlon
" : 1 1 11 1 y .
Dlllldna Is Substitute.
rl: e is tlself n .iib.HMHR fnr aeiaill Contact.
b .- riiiiiei,i fr a gratification, tlln th" whoie psycholoni'-:'! pro
i'ied about, and instead jou have an Injury. Then It te eom.
'f Hie Jung!".
' ibat whenever modes of music rhari" morials
:ic 1 sr,.a!y f. w 1,ar, ,, w !,,,. i,a,t storms of all .:nel
' " -"i and Inte: racial. Juit cannot help closing our Ideals, even
' '' le .ss."
,;'r' -in" In "jan" was desciibed by the pastor as "ihe poor little
lr ;" to reform a tenmal husband with books, toed nniMc
' "H'' i ' a In ni ei, i. "
" " '1 of today Is tco much concerned with the dancing fhs.r and
"" I. .ei ..!... .1.' ,. . " a:. 1,1 Pf ClatH: "Hie
, u-'er 1 le. li'nu IV "I j
only remedy for this condition.
rds of Ci.r-i,, Follow Me,' are Hi" only cure for this mad-
Miss Itertha Kiihlhagen was a
charming host ss yesterday evening
nt lii r home on Military aveiiu to
the m Hirers of ie World Wide
tiuild or the First Ilaptist church.
Tile rooms were a'lr.ic:iely arrang
ed and decorated to represent a
iiiaint Japanese tea shop. Several
gill:., drts-ed as Japanese maidens,
assisted Miss Kolilbftiten in a pro
ifrain bringing before the girls a
knowledge of the missionary work
that Is being done In tlio Orient
Music was a pb-adng feature of ;!ie
i vening and a Japanese soir; by (ier
trude and !rice YVhkhnm wis very
inil'h appreciated. Tea and wefer,
were stri.-d d'lrlni' the ev.'iing.
T.'if e j,r.-el!t Were Missel M
I'lank. firs' e and lieftrude W it I;
Uut'i and I. oils Jemiingi, lb
.larvl". t'l.ivle Hlsck, I'lor-'lue
lor. K'-a Kohlh'iKen and the hoi
i. !!..! Koblbagen.
lilt 111 '
Turicll vs i:
i damages, ali'
' affections ol I'
su.-;lalli-'d by :i
! by Circuit .b
1 Judge II. II, III'
i the comiilali I
I the years I 1 '
Itig to alien.!'
iTurneil. that
nt's demurrer
:in cu se of Pre-
I., (illes, a s
iug albti.iiirin
to Pie
ion V..
lit tor
of Hie
.Still Located
Near Freyer Cabin
plaintiff's wife, was
ei order hatiih 1 down
idge liauiiilon tod.iv
n hebl that aliaouun
alleged ii' lloiis dm
.. 1 !i I 7 and 1 '. ! s lei, i
the aftcelioiis of .Mrs.
ihere were no alb en
T.i il
Hons tejelln.' hi -!iow llial tin- h i I
. mi
I 'u I -
(lilld Is
Iir. 1', K. Sho-r.akrr rcjior's the
bir'li cf a d Mirlifer to Mr. and Mrs.
Hoy Mill' r of Oakland.
was centlnu'
plaintiff in I
the marrlar"
'I in ne!l In I ''
"lo ral ions '
Hons of He
band, but -l i
Il is no r' K :
elusion. Al
and hearing :
Judge Ham.'.
I ndanl s ib
after Hia
coin plaint
"f Mr. lilb
I, COIlSillllO
i i
; o win H
Ionian from he
e Hamilton h"P
l tl ll'oibs a HI l.i t'
r considering Hi'
r -tl lli' iits on be' t
on susl a lie d 1 1
i i rer. A 1 lone y
i r
i . '
re i for Hie (Jef. te! .lit.
ill ear, fully hidden ll"ar Hie
e l-'c er i a liin, w ll"j e llinil.'is
i wa-. killed recoiiv by C. M.i
i lo a 1 1 1 1 1 1 k ti brawl, has been I
i 'bod by lieimiy Sheriff llvdoll,1
dri:' lo word reaching Sheriff.
,! i- ti,,!;i". Th" officers w re i
pel Hi;'' T.ipp was nirag"d In
III' tlteOII 'lip", ail'l Vll' COllfb
i! ' a "H'l bad been bidden near
- c, r , iMn. (lis v rv pro), -tide
rf .-''ijiiiit H'a'c. tiiat Freyer
,1 i . '.""I w ii'i T.ipp In op-1
ntr Hi" -'HI. Convlii-ed that lhe
w:i" b.'bl'li Knlpewii'Te near Ibe
e Ibe - Ipriff has had four nielli
!i ' . for li , fine, i be lime Ti pp
I lb 'i 'Pie s'iil ba I I II dis-
r. i t i ' I" It b M. deputy t-VT
t cI 'mm nnd will It" bronchi
i,i !'" 'i:'!" of the j-iaiid Jury'
r n next W"' k.
I (llv liileriintloiial ews Service).
NKW'Yi'b'K. F'b. M I'llblb liy , li properly given, would wipe dls-
'of'i n,e f. of ibe eartli. In tile opinion of llr. Hoyal S. Copebind.
th cop. mis iopor of i lin: city. In an address before the Advertising club.
i.nld b" the medium, the heilih I'DimmsMoner iiecuireu,
no dnik s'"'i"is of Hi- medical profession would ho
iblic I" prevent plague, disease and resilience.
lv condemned lhe ho called "code of ethics ot
i f cures lor various diseases.
Sort of .Miracle Mull."
ofe sioli tbroii;:li Hie at" bus chosen lo make iiseit
op' 1; lid sai'l. wal llllnir up lo Ills sunjeei. i u- o." ...
ii ns a soil of a miracle man lie has leddo'i his ls-
Advertl a-'.'
by wlibdi Hi- Lii
placed before lie
llr. ',.- I i ii '
doctors wlio in.'k
I'd .l
" I'
"The le
a seciel 1 1 ill
bus hi efl loo
delu betilnd V 1! "I
fos. ion . nnd i ' I i"'
"Til U. I I" le V".
Institution In He- woi
To illu-ii i'e hi
which, be said I i cm
be :, III bt I " . I"' 'b
proles,. toll li'"'i' Cell.
I r.
The pow .
A'b.iph I
" ' 'r. 1 oi i nx
"III -"ops I'l I :
IP" public III '
blisdiil LtliOt,,
Ibe f-als of I u
"There i;
bl- the sit k o
wept on. "Ai
1IIIW I'll.ig IO C
"t bi i
ii. .
ce. Aii nir of mstiiy has surioiiiideil Hi" pro
oped a cod" of c'hics.
most iiplbiuaii d, moss covered nnd i?erm-lad"n
toiiieiitlons. the health commissioner riled ranivr.
ile in ibe hemming of Its growth. The public must
,,. ,!. If p. ore Infill In. Hon we!" riven by Hie medical
r t;,,. ,'.,..., would lever r' ach the calif'1! lias siage.
I'oucr of A'lvertlslnii.
ei'i-ipi' w.-s uidly shown by the publbllv riven to
. i. .i.ioiii Yp'iill's" sin gi oil. It. I'opelalid coii'liiu-d.
it v.nli 1 1 i ,, anv greater nbilitv Iban l least lweni)
..." Oilier doctors, Copela.ld slab d. did not l"t
eild cue iiaiahsis. mnl si) the public remained in
Ir iibiHiv. Hill when newspapers began to exploit
i persons flocl.iil to him to reivive bis trcal-
I' iXe ! w ith Hie svsle
: b d I" I son to know In
ill Is wi' h Ib" HI' dlcnl It can do."
n that makes il Impossible
can be be.ib'd." Cneland
Piofes.loii, w lib Ii bat been
i ' ' i