rtonrnrrto mrwH-nnriEw. sATrrrrav. FrnnrAr.Y ti. i2. MOB TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW Isanad Vmlly Bicrpt taixU. U. W. Ij. Wlmberty Mert (i. Hmum Ti sen situ bubbchiitjon kats Dally, per rear, br mail I4l)jr, sli Biustba, by mall IaWr. tlirw niontb. by mall Dally, ftluela mootb, br mall Dally, by carrier, pw mootb Wookfr Nrw-Revt, by trail, per year . .14 00 . . X.0V . 1.00 .. .60 . . .60 . . t.OU ;XI KV'KMVfi KOI.KH Tliln b. m. an if ed. fllvvensj to tojered aa arcoad-eiau mruier Mar 11. la. at ttit poet office at iloae burg, Oregon, tinder tb Aot of March 1, 1870. ItOatiHl'lWt. OUE.OV r 1.111(1. AllV II, lUii. llils uifK'fum In iIk' drizzling anow Hiih luilf a dozen liiulflom wraiK! arotilHl our neck and iiverconta bul-i toned close to our hlilverlug frame,! wo Hotbed three lit 1 1 )oiingstcri running around the street lit bari'i feet. They Here yelling and laugh- 1 Ing and hutltii; a time. We he- ' nunc disgusted with nur polar' clothe and unbuttoned the overcoat and discarded the mufTh-rN, and aa a ', result we've been Mtilirllnj; and sneez ing the entire (lay. VKI'! "Illcsslngs on Ihit', Uitle dame, Itnrohfirk girl with knee of same; With thy rolled-down woolen lioae And thy short, transparent clothes. -.1 k.. ll -,,., ri-i.,. ,! .,r.,lr.,..l..co l,ri "lib thy red iiim reddened more, J"'" " " " "llu " Kanial will. Unstick, from the a cuoin mat THE IMMORTAL ABKAHAM LINCOLN, - Tomorrow, Sunday, February 12, will be Abraham Lincoln's birthday anniversary, and the people of America will call to mind the character of a man whose memory becomes dearer with the passinj? of the years. It ha3 been 113 years since Abraham Lin- 1 am! Ilthotrrniilier has not affected thin fr..i alid consequently we ImU I oui-Mlvr constrained to concede I that the art la on (In- Krliz. j I We wonder If the member of j tho high school ilclmlii.g teams ever I win any of the debate with father land mother when they ask Ihrlr! I child pissliglrii t4i ii.uk in some wool or wlie tint dishes'.' I I The greatest naval scrap In world hi' lory will kumi Marl with a un.it los of tonnage hut none of life, and no admiral will hate to write a Imkik I o rvplnlninK Ilia blunders in cornice-1 i sKii roisiw is ;ot)D cos- DITIOX. ITOl with atarter. . 1S17 1!U8 with atitrier . ia;'l liucl:, A-l J350 . . . .1225 $250 condition 1250 1 lo'lpe. nnw top, new tireH: this Is a h.irraln $4DtJ 1 truck, Just overhauled, com plete new motor $:ifi0 1 truck, Kood shai'e ,...f250 1 Maxwell. Rood shape 1 25 1 Stonier Steamer 10 1 Cletrac tractor 1 2 S 0 C. A. LOCKWOOU MOTOl! CO. window display ! prizes offered Associated Industries Urge Merchants to Show Home. Manufactured Goods. -cabin in a lonesome section of the Kentucky frontier- was built by a father who with his axe hewed the logs from the trees of the forest; a father who could neither read nor write, but who was a worth-while citizen and a Christian gentleman despite that educational handicap. . People of today who express dissatisfaction with their condi tion in life will profit by ceasing their lamentations long enough 'to look into the early struggles of the immortal Lincoln. They will find, most of them, that they now are, and always have been, . a thousand times better off in most respects than was Lincoln. His entire boyhood and young manhood was filled with the . direst poverty a never-ending struggle for very plain food and mighty few clothes. However, instead of bewailing his circumstances in life, he cheerfully and constantly sought to improve them. So successful was he in this determination that 52 years after his birth in that humble log house he had the honor of making his home in the White House at Washington. To impress our readers with the fine traits of character dis played by Lincoln a wholesome sermon is presented in the famous sayings by this immortal man, a goodly number of which are herewith given, each one a gem : "Work, work, work!" "Hold on with a bull-dog grip.'' "It's nil in the one word, THOROUGH." "Freedom is the last, best hope of earth." "Nothing valuable can be lost by taking time." "Calling a sheep's tail a leg doesn't make it so." "Wealth is a superfluity of what we don't need." "Many have got into a HABIT of being dissatisfied." "Disenthrall ourselves, then we shall save ourselves." "When you can't remove an obstacle, plough around it." "Discourage litigation. There will still be business enough." Cod bless my mother! All I am or hope to be I owe to her." "Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm." "When you have written a wrathful letter put it in the stove." ' . . - "Suspicion and jealousy never did help any man in any situa- 11 More; With the makeup on thy face. And thy bobbed balr'a jaunty grace, l-'rom my heart 1 (five thee Joy Mad that 1 via horn a boy." Muliel 011u1111d tviinta the fiollre to hand back the ,f,.HS(M baby" note found In Taylor'a niartmeiit with her muue algned. Shame 011 yon, Mabel! WW SieiiklnK of early rlblng, which we Kcldom do, have you ever noticed that thorn child prodiKtOM who Hno ho early In life are aeltlom heard! from later? They niiwl go bark to bed attain, ho to hpenk. ' The rhliuMie iay a doctor to keepj mem well; we AmericaiiH, an em balmer. We met u girl thia morning wllh one cheek all broken out. We thought It niH meales, chicken pox or Nome kind of rash, until nhe ex plained that Nhe hail !ecu at a dance on Saturday nlbt. ft The city lad went to the country to work on tin farm. The aecond day he vva called liefore dawn ami told U harneHM the mule to the rded. He him too th-cd to llvht a lantern, ami In the dark he didn't notice that a cow wnt in the Htable with the mule. The farmer became Impatient with the delay anil hhouled: "What are you doing out there?" "I can't Ret the collar over the mule's hind," a Hie reply. "111k i earn are frozen kIIIV." I 1 Xew York t'lty has an nvcrnite of Inn klllloitH tier day by inotr ve-i tlon therewith. III ItAI. IlltlKI S. Old Hutch Stehbcn, of tirasshop-l per Flnta, oi heard to suy the other ' flay: , -A country town la.;ln to put on' OllilXTlAX fill 1! II. SIN- aim when Uh flrt cement aidewalksl 1UY KIKMM1, Fill. VI. have been laid. ; ' "I believe In the power of person-; rhino nolo. Inez Calhoun; al mamietiMii. l or Instance, the flute solo. Maxine Moore; vo- one who cultivate the liKsitlim of , cal solo, Jessie Glbbs; reclta- a green pon.linnn.11 cannot eect to tions. Daphne Hughes and Ken- attract many friend. ! tietlj Itadabaugh. Do not iulas "Not all country town constables It. nre ambltlttua to ht-romc j;t'eat tie- : RULES ARE GIVEN 'OUT! tertlve. Smut of thrm nre Kiilfsi.r. to ureMlo wllh ulow bandit' ami Hoik ah harvest iiaml. 'Kvrry Kimill liuric hits n larjc numlH-r of peonli' w I'im'Ic; Tiuii'fi Cnhln as tin smit"ht play ever written. About the dullost phue to live In (hi the small town that tries to iiu-; press vMlont that it Is keeping pace with New York In lund-rial yng nsn ttiid wIcketlneMs.' I flt fli ff 1 FATHKIt'S TIMi:. I We've Mothers' ihty ami .'lilhlienh i clay, j And loi;-lnyft, too; j We've ihiyH to loaf ami days to work, i And days for lirriHs, too. And now a inovciuent Ik on fMt ; (At least the pain-is hay) To honor the one nhu fxiys the hills And have a Father's tlay. The Idea Neems a little Lite, Hnt, .fust the hutne, UN liuht; Should father he consulted, though, We'll hel he'll take a nijjil. A man thinks he knows, hut a woman knows betier. 3$ -ft I.AK10 JKHKINS SKZ: "The feller wlm's alius let tin the other feller do it Is usually Hip ine with a oreac in the seat f his breeches." Getting Plans For K. of P. Hall The plans for the KninhtB of Pyuria loilpe hall which is to be built in this city in the very near future are being prepared by Archi tect F. K. Alley. The hall will be r.O by l.'.n feet In size. The lower floor will be used for a garage and has already been leased by C. W. Parker of the lioseliurs garage. The upper floor will be used for a lodee hall. The foundations and walls will be of sufficient strength to enalite the lodpe to adtl another story to the building in the future. 0 Ve repair eleclrlc Irons of all kinds. It rln cr us your electrical troubles. Hudson Electric Store. WATK1NS SOAP. AHOnsi) Title TOWN Arundel, plauo tun When In tiro tho Tire Man. 1 , Fuone 1S9-L. trouble see Green 1011." "Never get between tho woman's skillet and the man's ax helve." "Shakespeare was the best judire of human nature that ever ' wrote." "It is better only sometim.'s to be right than at all times to be wrong." - "If men never began to drink they would never become drunkards." "Don't shoot too high aim low and the common people will understand." "I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday." - "Cold is good in its place; but loving, brave, patriotic men are better than gold." , "Would you undertake to disprove a proposition in Kuclid by calling Euclid a liar?" "I am like the boy that stumped his toe: hurt too much to . r'." " rl' ,h,,i rr,u,k A- T,r'v. of laugh lllld too blV to crv " ! I,""'.l,,'r " "'",""" "' ' '"'''' Savin, and Loan ..vi . r ",,'"k "'" ""' ""rk "' "" P-r-: Pottlan.l. u,v is at .mi-vi i.ice 10 1 ace ami converse togetlier the best wav to ' Air..n i 1 f 1 I cn.nr uiiptcasani. ieeung. hirlcM. llils henm to Im a pretty i hl;h irlre to iy for hnrry. ft In the obi ilaya vbeti a woman! win chasetl by an automobile she showed a clean pair of beels. Now nIio hIiowh a clean pair of kneetc t . The blnl who I nluaya banirlim creM on bis fellnwiiicn and pia's about with his tin tut li ilroppcil at an antlle of -Irt ileureea Is llvlnit alKiul all the bell there Is to live lu tills obi battered world. ft The oilier day je ed. derided thai the family ckclhook bad attained such dimensions iin to make the pur chase of a nice, tender. Juicy slihdn steak pernilsMlble. We hurried to the buicber shop mid asked for such SPIIOLI.' CORSETS Matin to' a Nlenk, linproKsintr said butcher to measure. l)?ile Case. Pkone 331-L. lie sure ami pick out the liest of blsi ! lot. He n-ailusl over to a stack of! lee cream sodas inc. plain milk i steaks ami took the top one, slammisl shakes 1 0c. lee cream cones 5c, soda i 11 on ine scales, tosseti it to the j pop 5c. The Alcove. block and whacked 11 bone In two, ' then tied It tip. We wondered at ' Younc people a musical and liler- I he time bow be could make such a nry proiriam at Christian church quirk selection of a steak, but we 'Sunday night. iisih 01s worn lor 11 anil speeded homeward. Hut after chew ine our noon hour away on the steak nnd (hen helnif forced tit use the Iniso inent axe on It In an effort to roii- Do not miss the Christian church program Sunday night, Feb. 12. The new patent Jazz numns and Oxfords at Stephens. ' J Painless extraction f teeth at , room 9, Masonic teno'e. Dr. Nerba.1. j j WATi'INS I'KOIH'CTS for sale at ' 120 W. Lane St. Phone 177. ' Walkins Vegetable Oil Soap Is made of puns edible cocoanut oil, lathers freely in any water. A big 4 oz. bar. It's more than Just real good soap. It's the I!e?t and Biggest Value. o The Army plr.ys Kiddle as a pre liminary to tho Itosebuig-Albany basketball game tonight on the high school floor at 7:30. Como out and support the local teams. MICKiE SAYS WL OiWGONE ICfHIS ain't tH Davy&ONOES? BUSINESS ANN WAN riRST (k B0O6 COME IN WVTM fKN IV O tkt THE LAV MINNIT N NVMsCJ l LTC NTMENVNE HftOTaSTOO'N PLANE OfFj A MCm COT N THEM TH- PAPEKS GOT Fon. or VECTwcrri s stuck t'ejcrn- TH1N n Ntt APftO V.OUNO TH ROLVtM, N THEN TVs INK STARTeO VtREAKOJ N THE BtVt fJSTEO'N VNt NUSSEO TVs' TK&lN VOTH TH' SACK.O' PAPEMN SOME TOLKSCOkAt PESTEHN ROUND AFTER. THEIR PAPERS 't THM SAME BOOft CCW.E INT" KICK '60UT ANISTAVE INTH'AOVl HOW JEST PIED THIS PORtA"N--'N OAWGONE TM CbWOONE LOCK kNVWm Oregon laiiufactured ;km1m and Not Soil (irown rnsliicts Are to lie Displayed Judges Will bo Outside Merchants. Prizes amounting in all to 30, will be distributed among Roseburg merchants who, during the coming convention of retail merchants, have the beat window displays of strictly Ortgon manufactured products. The Associated Industries of Oregon, through the Koscbtirg and Douglas County Merchants association, offers prizes of (15, $10 and $5 for the three best window displays. The exhibit must be of Oregon manufac tured goods and three points will be taken Into consideration: 1. Best display of Oregon-made goods from an educational stand point. (This contemplates the num ber and attractiveness, variety or unusual articles of commercial value and information concerning the same). 2. Best display of Oregon-manufactured goods from an advertising standpoint. (This means the best advertising window). 3. The most trimming of window of Oregon-manufactured goods. The committee appointed to award the prizes will also be allowed to make awards of three honorable mentions who will receive a diploma of merit, framed, from the Associ ated Industries. The Judges will probably be visit ors from outside cities who will be asked to selvct the best deonrated windows along (he lines mentioned. Oregon grown products are not to be included In the contest unless put I tnrough some process of manufac ture. It Is to be hoped that Rosebiirg merchants will take much interest In this contest as It will doubtless at tract considerable attention daring the convention and will display a willingness to co-operate In foster ing Oregon manufactures. Attention! Mr. Far mil If you have ay . or land to f. ',. ltk ' t-l to keep your ye 0 ttu from now on. You all know feed m. Boine in. TV. . lilv -h --, ,u0 need !(,.. Farm Machinery Has Dropped- but we did not hare . hand to unload betn ' the price, so here goei t' inn. ,. f. l" ,Lla" a' any ttnt quote you the follow Just for samples; 12-inch Steel Bean Pb $17.00 14-inch Chilled Fin $16.00 SPECIAL! Just received a car of Mot B'aet Tulp. Take It & car Monday at $29 pertm. FARM EUREAl Cooperative Exchange Presbyterian ' Ladies Entertain Just received, a car of jrenultie su perior Hock Springs coal. Page Lum ber it Kuel Co. l'lione 212. this time lipp'iii iil Uml I he stilke of primers We'll like to knock the liomhro for the well Lnouti "iriwtl" mI... unil.!. 1 wmii 11 HUltl OI fllO Hint 1 Mucked ll thistlo 11ml 11I111I..1I .1 "K "ic valeniines hIkmiI fliiWiT whore I thnimhr fU,,.. 1.1 1 : "' ''" ' "Ireadv - uvncj Tt'UIU kiu. "Ut nut him who is homeless pull down the house of an- other, but let him labor diliKently to build one for himself." I I "You may fool all of the people some of the time, and some (11 the people all of the time, but you can not fool nil of the people all of the time." "If all that has been said in praise of women were applied to the women of America, it would not do them justice. (Jod bless the women of America." "The l ord must love the common people-that's w hv he made -o ninny of them." "Keep that temperance pledue and it wi your life." ' - "No man is nood enough to govern another man w uhout that i'llier man's consent." "A man has no time to spend in quarrels. If ai.v man teases to attack rie 1 never remember the past against him." I he dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate t present." me unportaiue for man and beast of the pi 1'est. Hie Slier,., ri.,1,1., ..T I'l. it" ' 'koi-s ! i iiiiMiau stiiuiei's ana sailor i"g utteient-e 10 n,e liest .sentiments of a t'hrisli one lek'ni'd lor the (liwno will yueed to the measure Hotel. tho 1'ii'iilable ' Associat ion of i the L'niiHiua ; Hon't fi.rcet Hint tnniclit A Ilia 11 v i plays U. II s.. and rompanv ll pi;is ' linlille at Hie liith schiMil. 1 1 111 h of be coed (!".;. CM 1 Pi PS tt --A c-:n,..s, ufM ho end ill1''' V' I Lincoln 1 1 i j I V. i u-i ' 1 VIII IT tltl.t tV 1 V ' Tho ladles of the Presbyterian church entertained (he ladles of all tho other churches yesterday after noon in the church parlors of the Presbyterian church. About 200 were In attendance. The rooms were at tiactively decorated with Valentine's Hay hearts, bows and arrows and fragrant blossoms. The object of the meeting was purely a social get-together and .Mrs. Prank Helliwell gave a talk with sociability as the predominating thought. This was loiiowed tiy an enjoyable program In cluding a piano solo by Miss Hazel James, vocal solo by Miss Frances Parslow, reading by Mrs. Russell, vocal solo by Mrs. Ashcraft and vocal solo by Mrs. Spear. Delirious1 re freshments of tea and wafers were served at the conclusion of the after noon with Mrs. 1). Aiken, Mrs. Smirk and Mrs. L. B. Quick presiding at the tea tallies. BiTY'iaia?! ATTEXTIOX, FORD ofm Hnt(ery Testing J. We have at your ma first class battery remit Genuine Ford maketesxi in stock. C. A. LOCKW00D 11013 J. rords hmd t Wlt Daugherty. P. Dougherty.!., (leo. Applegate, V. ArfSfl' Satchwell, A. I.aswell. LU H. C. Stearns, D. Hanan.D'.W (. C. Cross, Rebecca Caitpkil. Thompson, V. F. Rnp(ri hltan,.H. T. Wcstfall. E. fx F. Kelso; and Miss Nettie Ar Miss Letha Allen. le the hot act of 'ne stormy I 1 Iv, escrilii'd weeklv becom- ! an people, and a i demand that Sim. lav labor be re-1 of strict uecessilv " 1 1 desire to see the time wl sobriety, enterprise and lien education, by It.s means, moral- inleirritv. shall lui'time i n,. I, m.. wiaii at preseni, ami sltouM be jf ratified to have power to contribute somethinK to the advancement o: ;. lire which im'Kht hae a tenden y t accelerate the happ "And when the victory M...I1 be complete-when tl ue neiiner a slave lmr a ilrui kari' of that lantl. which 1 1 1 ' ,j fjM, ii,m WW. t it m my ; y mcas pi ri d." shall idi earth - how proud the nil,.! may trulv claim 1.1 l tl.. biriknl 1 .1 cradle ,-f both those resolutions that shall have ended in ti, .v. v j,.. itovv noi.iy tliMinnuishcd that K'ople, who she piaiuen, ami nurtured to maturity, freedom of their sjHX'ieti .'" lot! the political and lllol'. ' ssu , ' ' 1 1 mm h i! ''L'C..T-.' ' I :t!'sr.m'i"t i'Im -ziTrr- . """ JU',' -. - ' ' Syr '. S'K KVKXT IX YOXCAI.ia Thursday afternoon. February 9th, a sliower was given In Yonral'la. In honor of Miss Violet Angst bv Mrs. Vincent Applegate and Mrs. Villlard Satchwell, at the home of Mrs. Satch well which was beautifully decorated in red ramatlons. hearts and ivv. Ily the time she opened the gifts which were many and beautiful, the friends were placed on one side of the room r.nd then were creatlv mrnriwH tv the bride and groom, Earl Howard and their nitendents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Applegate, coming with the minister. Key. J. k. Denton, and were 1'iletly married. A waiting automobile soon enri-to.i , them ofr to Kugene. They expect to I viii Portland nnd other northern I cities before returning home. A I d-onty luiuh was served by the hostess. Those present were: Mesdames H. T'l'.-l 11 t fnntp r v Wlc t 11 The high school Is dppttia the public, so come 0M iri R. H. S. team when II plin tho Albany ageregatioa tp:: the high school gym t ! H gamo is started by f between tho Army and Kliitt MISS F.HIIA D.H'1'K I I1AKKR. OS! Miss Kbba Djune. former I1 county public health mm. secretary of the linker, 0r ler of the Red Cross. n Elizabeth Burrows. MM n. be remembered by the tun' she made during her stay ' for the good work she did tirv the countrv in the infrfri Red Cross. She has been Idaho for the past six B"'' different counties with "si chapters and assisting ex-fr-: with their claims. OVKIt TIIII5TY-KIVB HlM lUKihs. The Fiction Library ra latest books of fiction "' all the books, which the III their school work. K' cents. I'pstaiis in Masonie vuu ho s.n counter Stephens nnd get rral men s, wonivn s nu Shoes. CITY DIRECTOR CLASSIFICATION OF ROSEBURG BUSINESS HCUSJ 1 - .nwr.n.iririri -i ixiu-in n ru u i.njujqtr r nj-uirjumji.nn ws. - mm nun v a nnn K I N N y 1 .I'M i"K i 1 i 'riVl i. vv (,nk unit 1-tr rnoTiiiVTtAr'irV 1MIOTO BTl'I'IO. I'bonn SK2. I jjmd.. portraits; u PVk l'" Jckl H f j' it .Th'TiolraTbiF ' , Lh"'" ?- f-r sppol IIU-h Jacksun. lien Enters see HtMLS." sppolntm.nts. nRr.F.. tiirne. si won-h....... s ito rer-virln. I,St:t:T '"" Automobile re- ok ,. '1 ,-,,,;,uh "'. '- ' - 1 .. V.n 't Mr ,1 i ok. shop. ' C. Ke.lrnl and k sn4 nnpimiM 1 it- 'sllimliuli,. t.;,t,.,v ...tl.. ' " u n;a. In 1 It si; r";:r v VI to Ai.iMirs. AN'P llt'i Mi.iiit.t; MiVi i-ervic. mint. t.lenn AMI V, A v ve t-l r .Tr. n 1 :ri nt "Fi- HOY CATCHIV. muej. --oUf nA n.a,.hlna Work. Wl 'hon 4J. At TO Uclltnlio I' ' I.KMV AVT11 m-1' 1 I'li'.n- 1 !HK i"-i:v... ... iir- SH'. l JOIINHON'S KKTIIKA" J. k..n. I'l cre 2 nxrii iiv SHtT, IttiSKHflt"! na""' .iSi" N. .ln.kf'n St. I''- Itevlew otfl-'e. J" k; fr corner Je kei "! ?,l ron.mi.nlnl l'r,r'' ,j. booklets. c'"n,, ,- ' Quick rvlc "" your utkm. k'T."''- v. c:i'.wV.ri.'i