Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 06, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    nosramo ifFWs-nEVTrrw. Moxntr. rrnnr.tnT n. ia:a.
iMoed I tally Except una'ay.
Dally, por year, by mall
Dally. iU tuontha, br mall
DaHr. three niontba, bj mall
Dully, single month, br mall
Dally, by carrier, pur uioutb
Weekly News-ftevlew, by mall, per year
Hert O. Bate
..4 00
. . 1.00
. 1.00
,. .60
.. o
. . t oo
St Kll
fcutared an second-class mauer May 17, 120, at the post oHlca at Hour
burg, Oregon, under the Act of March t, 1I7.
IlOhhlHl IIU. UUk '. r r.lllll AK1 , Ittitii.
-"Reports to this office from widely scatlt-rcd localities indi
cate that the falling off in employment lias not been so great as
most people had anticipated," says a bulletin sent out by Col. Ar
thur Woods, of the president's conference on unemployment, to
mayors of all cities of more thun 20,000. He adds:
"If general business conditions keep along about the same
until spring, doubtless the situation will depend largely upon the
severity of the winter. There is no doubt but that the manner in
which cities throughout the country generally have organized to
meet Uie emergency, has had and will continue to have a very
strong and mitigating effect. If it had not been for this potent
factor, those best fitted to know are inclined to think that there
would have been, before now, many serious situations."
Many cities report that they are appropriating funds in ad
dition to the regular budget, to relieve distress by furnishing em
ployment. Work that otherwise would be delayed until spring or
early summer has been started at once.
Buffalo has set aside $70,000 for groceries and other necessi
ties for the relief of 1113 families. Detroit is lending out of
emergency funds $1,750,000 as necessity arises, to applicants for
relief, some of whom return it in work performed for the city.
Kansas City has raised $200,000 in a charity drive. Boise, Idaho,
has opened a municipal woodyard where wages are not as high as
the scale, but grocers have pledged themselves to supply food at
cost to men who tako this work, thereby making the money earned
rpproximatc the regular wage.
St. Paul, under an emergency clause in its charter, is author
ized to borrow $100,000 to give employment to men with. families
for sewer building, bridge repair, and snow removal. Other
cities which have made appropriations for public works because
of the emergency, are Los Angeles, Cal., $2,000,000; Savannah,
Ga., $300,000; Baltimore, Md., $250,000; Dayton, O., $500,000;
Hazleton, Pa., $250,000.
i;ooi i:i KMv hh.ks
Kail) Arliui'klr'k clumcin III lllll
hut at the l.i K b. Al the Uit
liliil he hail a fair chance of arilll
lul. At the wconil trial chalices
were not ki bright, ami now that he
U to fare trial for the third time.
I lu re, lit no telling: xluit banco be
uZnM:?rZe,,;Z Captain of V.I. Football S.uad I.
The winter period, when trees and shrubbery are bare, is a
time when back yards and their contents are revealed. People
think it makes no difference how their grounds look at this time
of the year, but it is just the period when the same show up in a
conspicuous way, owing to lack of concealment by leafy hedges
and other foliage.
Most towns are .sprucing up their ront lawns, particularly
those that lie on prominent lines of travel. People- feel some re
sponsibility to present a favorable appearance to the motor tour
ists that go through. But the man who takes pains to have an
attractive front grounds, may have a shiftless looking rear prop
erty. The habit of dumping ashes in the rear of houses is common
in some places at this time of year, and it creates disfiguring eye
sores. In some towns back yards are regarded as a kind of general
rubbish heap, w here waste of all kinds is allowed to accumulate.
Even if a town has a clean up day or week, the householder will
begin the day after that event to lay away refuse stuff behind the
house, and it will gather until the temporary spasm of order
comes along.
A man's back yard ought to be a place where he is as much
ashamed of disorder as on his front lawn. In most cases it is
erXectly visible from the street. And anyway all the neighbors
overlook it, and they are sickened by a slatternly sight.
In other cities, tradition has always favored the idea of clean
lwuk yards. If the men won't pick them up and keep them neatly,
the women will. Waste stuff is no more permitted to accumulate
there than it would be in their parlors. The back yard is the test
or a family's sense of order, because people have the feeling that I
they can do what they like there. The neighborhood with trim '
back yards gives an impression of cleanliness and finish, that is
the fundamental element in beauty.
Hint lln- two trials cost bint colw of
rali ami surely bin ImiiL roll must
ban- il coiixbli-raM) . Ami
here's tin- point in. bin bank roll
dlinliilslicis, mi iIihk Ilia clmnccn of
A rial illploinat l u man nlni run
pel m. til'' hU Hire that ht looks Juxt
u well III colton toi king.
Ii'h not the girl nlili the prettiest
ankle that wen the mouse first.
Aiany ii girl's cyehrotis arc not o
black us tl') are painted.
A Kit! Is know n li) the cngage
inent rlint ihe wears.
Don't make the mistake of believ
ing that the Kh'l with dreamy eye
Isn't wide nivnke.
A girl's li - il I Is natural!' light
when rhe strikes h match.
in the beautiful air rustles which
Kills tin I ll you Hill never II i id any
The blithest form of gratitude has
Just liven exhibited b) a New York
er. When he died. It as found that
be had let! $100,000 to n iioiiian
hIiu had refsui'sd to marry him.
Oh, her name mu Irene,
And she wore crrie de chine;
Von could see more Irene
'i'han you could crepe de chine.
A fool mid his money are sooli en
vied. e
It Is even more trouble to try to
raise one child these days than II
used to be to raise six, mi It Is no
wonder race suicide Is so ixipulnr.
How'd ya like to he a regular fnll
fletlgcd moonshiner. There's n grciit
oH'niiiK in that line of business since
olstead's name lias lieeu written
In "Who's Who." Why, since Sam
Stunner has started to weed out the
innotiHhiicrs, (here's a wonderful
opportunity to 'make Rood" whis
key, t'ompellilon has been keen of
late, but with so many of the dis
tillers going weeded out the business
Is Kelt line bitter. And listen the
moonshiner Isn't Inking half ns
much chance as the feller who
di Inks bis stuff. '
Johnny Scott and I. T. SiarKs,
who, by the way, Is a down-souther,
were walking around our village to.
day. They IhiIIi arc officials of the
l''.s;s'C mill we utmost asked them
why paper drinking cups were no
scarce in the couches.
Jimmy Watson passed our sanc
tum tills a. m. with bis coat collar
lip around bis ears mid the ruffs of
bis trousers tucked 111 nrolind bis
shoe-top. Jim sa)s stjle don't count
when the foil's thick.
moor i'ositivi:.
ThoiiKh men may knocked mid men
may roast,
The knee-lenutli skirt that shows
it stocking
l-'roiu coast to coast they look the
Anil lonuest at the one most
The very men who rail and blow
About the skirt, ill secret love it;
Most women Know that this Is so
They have the IlKllres, too, to
proie It!
"hoes the
thrill) '.""
"Well, be doesn't liclicve III wast
ing electricity," rcplhil I'aw Hop
toad. MIMMI.i: Al TO ITKKI'T.
I'm jitz-rii2 In your gas and save
2. er cent
On of Graattit College
Diamond PUeri.
Cuptnln AldricU of the Vale football
team In one of the (treiitest celb Ke ball
pliiyen In the Kant It Is "aid that
he k line of the few C'.Ucse bull play
ers who could Jump Into the big show
Coltiletti Will Ride
for Greentree Stable
Jockey Kraiik Coltiletti, who
was uuiler contruct to the II. P.
Whitney ialile during the sea
son of l!i21, luia been lrtied to
ride the tiat racers of the (.Jreen
tree stalile next season. Cnltilettl
Is a llcht weight rider with un ex
cellent reciiril. He rude Uroorn
sptin In the I'reaktiess stakes at
I'linllco and IlunthiK In the Fu
turity at Heltnont park Oiirlng
the past seagull, winning both
events and plucln- himself at
the head of the 1IC1 stake-winning
Captain Aldrich.
nnd make good from the start, a la
George- Slsler. It 1 understood that
Aldrich already has received six offers
from major league clnbs. However,
the chance of his turning professional
rs very .slim.
It Is Opinion of Owners, Public and
Press That Baseball in Majors
Is Retrograding.
lliiHi'tnilJ In the iniijors lias Ixvn
retrojcrttdliiK for tli JuKt five ye.irs. Is the opinion of the owners,
public nnl in'6. The umk'nnivs art'
mitumlly all fusfied up ntout It.
The panie Isn't so snnjipy. The
pitching has been off color. In pe
erul, the stiiiidurd nf ImM hm Wvn
coiiMlderutdy tielow fonncr yurs. The
miiKimtcs lire of the opinion that play
CrH nre not belnjr developed rapidly
enough. They seek more leew uy in
tlila feature of the same.
It Is nahl there lm hecn a quiet
(.Citation point; on sinee llu c!i-e of
the season for n df lded raise In tin
player limit. They want it phu td at
iV) men.
The present . limit is 40 men. with
tlie rlt:iit to hold only eh;ht ntuh-r op
tion. This Is not helleved to he b-U
onouph In order to keep up the ytaiid
nrd of the trnnie.
Socter foot hall Is rupldly hecuinlng
the national sport of Switzerland.
Eddie MuIllKan of the Chicago White
Sox was u star soccer player In St.
Louis before Joining the big nhuv.
Anthony I'llcas, u Chicago seinl-pro,
has been signed for a tryout with the
Veniun Coast league club next season.
Ion't yon sometimes wonder how
much they really do pay for the baseball
Blars Involved In all those $100,0Xl
The Washington club, so It Is saU,
having failed to land Jimmy Caveney
now Reeks Jimmy Cooney from Mil
waukee. Talking about strikeout records, re
member that a good deal of the tii&e
Cy Young pitched there wns no foul
strike rule.
Virginia league moguls came to hat
early and fixed April 211 as the open
ing date of the HJ-' season and Sep
tember J as the getaway.
Idek Itreen, manager of the Okla
homa City club of the Western league
for the past two seasons, has beeu ap
pointed manager of tlie l)es Moines
Kd Holly Is going to pitch for the 1
Louisville Colonels next reason, If he
can make the grade. The new Ed
Holly and that Is his right name Is I
a big rookie who hails from lienton,
The 1ii?airo White Ri.x have maile i
overtures tn lion I'eden. University of
Illinois athlete, hut he hasn't finished
his colli'Ke course ami may delny
Kotos Into professional huseholl until
he hits.
This new
gum delights
young and old.
It "melts in your
mouth", and the gum in the
center remains to aid digestion,
brighten teeth and soothe mouth
and throat.
There are the other VVRIGLEY
friends to choose from, too:
Gasoline Thief
Starts Blaze
Ily Sll) MHItCKU
I Ir.ti mat kuiial
jollity man
The movie world is about to lo upset ajtain hy the recent
murder mystery rase at Hollywood, near I.os Anpeles. ns n result
of the death of William Taylor, prominent film director, who was
shot !y some unknown person the other day. Fear of exposure of
depravity existing in movie land, it is claimed l,y olhVcrs investi
Kiitimr the murder, is the cause of laxity on the part of those
familiar with Taylor's career to furnish any inside information.
Hut the whole "system" will proliahly lie exposed before the mur
der mystery is solved to the entire satisfaction or the outer world.
Portland is still wrestling with its chest dne ami encouiiter
in a larne bum h of slackers nmonK those well able to lend assist
ance to the jrood cause. A "war council1' was held at the Multno
mah hotel today noon to arrange drastic plans for those f, Mows
who fail to lend financial aid to the community chest, the funds'
of which are to be distributed union worthy 'people j ,,m ,,f
assistance durin the present year.
I'p in the Mat" of Washington the Ih-oII. k'vcis hae formed'
an assiHiation. This looks like lhey were beKinninK to Work )"ht
in the ojien. "
- -ii I t, ... , . J,.
AltoiM) Tin TMWH
F.-rvlrc Staff
I '"rri'.-1'.'li'lcnl 1.
XKW YOltK, Keli. 6. V resiling
under the ilinatuiid rules imposed
I y the Sew York St:ite Athletic Com
mission will he revived early next
nontll at .Madison Square llanh n.
New promoters nru willing to aauihle
that the puldic will respond to the
doubt Till lure of flylnn and rullIUK
falls, rronilnent traolers who have
Kcciiljboen comp' lled to Rive New York a
wide lierth tills winter are heine
sought as attrat tions.
An effort is bein made to match
Karl Caddock with Stanislaus Zi
sko. the heav weigiit champion, in
the feature hout of a card to he olT. r
i d at the (;;inl'ti on l-'el'ruary c.
I'm iiiilck-liop clue nr t'uddix is many pounds liglili r i!kui
maple sirup mi your tlren mill nnvv tne reuiurKame role and in pit-Mous
another h'c cent. Walk and nave : houls here usu.ilty sui'eunilied 10
Ihe reiualniler. MuRor and 8tniii;cr men wlio tlnew
hlin after sappin'.- his endutauic
let n counlrv friciiil of mine the! It Is argued llie m w rutin will
olhr ila, thai hail n few iliinki : off si t Wi'uhl ihlTrvt'iiccs and that
under Ills hell. Said he'd wn ny-j Caddink will have a much better ep
ior tn ilrmwi liis fiouhleH hut the portuelty to t!ii .hsko hy his
ihtrii lliings were pivtly Kooil Miltil-; superior sii,'. aii,l variety of holds,
liters. I However, tills t.. lUuit'tful. hivi-u
0 0 with fliliiu and roliitiR falls permitt-
The IIcohiik were at dinner. The cd. weight .-till h. s Its ad.antai:' s.
second college vj,h liroin;ht In, ami Wo cannot iual:. I'addm-k losill
Ihere was silence, hrokeit oul by the the huity "llisrn" around, 1 u t the
sound nf ktiile nnd fork. Then I tatter Is street: . mMiiih to pick Cad
lllonn liMikeil lip. 1 deck up. roll hi, a ever or toss him
"What N lhts;" he askeil, point- lo the mat.
int: lo the Joint. j The cltalrm.ri i.f Ihe Yw York
"The hiiii-her ald Il was sprlinr I'omuilssiett '.,!:. ,s that faking wiil
l.uoh," replied Mr. Ill-own. he more dttli.y t under tlie lew
after six rounds of steady buttling.
Tin' llunKalow was crowded lo capa
city lor the bouts. ,
Good poods, cooa servicv, reason
able prices. Page Lumber & Fuel
tjo. 1'lione 21-.
. o
Some one attempting to steal a
tank of casolinc started a fire last
niuht about 10 o'clock In the large
barn just in rear of the Empire
stalde. Many trucks and autos were
stored In the big shed and had the
blaze gained much headway the loss
would have been large. The fire was
discovered shortly before 10 o'clock
and an alarm made. A Kord car was
badly burned and another large car
belonging to Kd. llusch also suffer
ed damage. The fire was undoubted
ly slarted by someone who attempt
ed o steal the gasoline for the Kord
tar. Tne tank cap was gone and
four buckets were found in the front
seat. Both of the burning cars were
wheeled outside of the building and
the fire extinguished. Evidently the
person attempting the gas theft,
dropped a cigarette into the bucket,
thus slanting tlie blaze.
Elsie Klawi8h, school teacbej
tilendale, arrived Saturday aftmi
to spend the week end at the tea
of Frank Ockleman.
T i it rr
jjust tne inif
for that hurry up meal. K-
a few cans of Iloyal Cli
Iiraud in the house. Theyw
little and tlreir food vslae t
great. Cood high grade tool
packed by -clean, sanitary aid
satisfactory methods,
Economy Grocer)
PHfiVK n:t
, Word was received by relatives
l.rre today of the death in Portland
of .Mrs, I .ii I n M. Sliippli'lioute. daugh
ter of W ayne I iro'.ling-T of this city.
Mrs. Sliippleimute was born i:l Koso
l.tirg. and has visited here a number!
ot times since taking up tier rest-j
ilea, e- in Portland, she Is also sur
vival by her mother and step-father, j
Mr. and Mrs. l-'rank tlilbertli. of Port-j
land. V'uni ral arrangements have'
Lot yet been made.
Keep a steady fire these cold days
with ccal from Page's. I
Cement sticks will be taken back
at l.'e each until Feb. lath. After
1'iat dale lhey will be li'c each. S.
II C'lotich.
The nil.
" .... It ! ! !
ii". timing MlicniM
1-1 t diip and aie
''tc , l v l.v .1
bull le.l-te of M
Ann r, a.
lilt the l.v.-Ill -n;
sbo a ;i ottl
l"i. . lert. et the
n oo.lni. a of
l.i'dge Men In -hj
II. V !! . , of o.ifa,ti.t, ( ! !
l I" -. il ib pelv be,,,l consul i,l
Mi-ierri Woo.lfo u or At i.
J. :. Tni.'. If. id midl'or of the )..
with be ehiMtiri. r Bt I'im tt , ..,).
in the i Ii in t "i Inter - e: i 'i,.
i!i r and will ictniiin bete utt;tl
mot, o. The iccntlcuiru Here
I. T. T. I ii. Linemen lien
T!;. i tew nf Pari!!,- T. 1. i,.,. : .
T' c- .p t nettieii are n,.v ,b,M
ietk Ii- It.-sebnrff and i'::;f 1
1". I. In tin, illairlct.
i. t'l he d llie in here
1 ' rigister.-J
I! I.
il .
hnlihcr wji right. I've leen chew
iutr one of the springs for the Inst
ten niiiilile."
Look like a succi'xs llon't iipnlo
glre for f.tkintr up riNiiti on cnnli.
whl. h might Ih- to W-iter n.l
inutage li M.lll.NMie else.
Of nil llie Labi's t'lus,mns lois,
Ihe one loolher Itko liest K the rtlli
I..T I ill that is t.s. lug to roll under
k in. II. it. r.
bnnil.h Ishal Scrritcblt r'glslere.l
coinpliliU. "hv can't stars hate
ensilile niuucs?" he gi mnldeil.
"vlial's ihe sense In iitimim; n real
hciivss 1'ol.iV. egr, for Inst.ince?
Or Theo-lore IvoiiimiIT , . Or Sessne
I ."r 1 our Throat '.' Or llatw Ihiii
. K? Or 1 ose I ';.h,? Or l.loi
liills hjlltsoltl? Or prMk
well? Or 1 )' t.lii.n? Or ll..t
ILwait? Or Mail I'lel kls'."
1.l: l'H!KI M'Z:
.H.. woiil l lie a lot Niter If
Ihci wouldn't tiikle .lour chin ivhen
) a eat Vin."
Neat.v .
disag! . es w
Iv is ea-v to f;il
loe :.y tl'.e v: .t
over w llile 1 1 't!
Wrestilitg is a
follow .ts. Mil
WltM tile . .,,1
1 efore It h.-aaii
'I'll, v eb I i
.! ii til.. its b t- e
big Wte-it'lllk, s'
tl tilts s-a-- n
tort, n nee o( t'
the referees,
if liter- Is a
ep: es. ,i o r
title bout the -I'
til lite l u'.. s :ue
- wrestl- r of te
. him. It uTtaMi
ti llyil'.g fall or lo
t i.i.-e-ts of rolling.
. break a hold.
"-: t that has many
scented sa totted
t was coiulit. t. .1
1 be "re.tlll.lte.l "
: uit-ly to the ri-
ten lit the only
1 eld at the t;..r-
1 resented ihe tn-
iiimuissiim with tion
v WtKF, KMN I no con-
f OOI. lVE fWVJ fcftCKTJ
Oil Drill Equip- i
ment Received
The balance of the inachinerv for'
the equipment to he used for oil '
drilling purposes at the location se-!
letted between Oakland and Suthor-'
lin litis been received, according to
aniiouncenieiit made today, snd will
lie put in place at once." This will
require some weeks time, it is under- ,
; tood. after which the driU will be set
in motion and active operations:
start, d. Mtt. lt interest Is Indus tak-1
in in the project by local people and'
tl. finite results are anxiously awail-i
on. The equipment used of a sub-j
stnntia! nature and little trouble is!
antifipated when once the drill Is :
si t in operation . t
llnl Is
Ii dissa't
ondttlous for a
v. Ill un-
I i K
- - t'l !! Otlt 'i
t ;.' .-..? JH. 1 . - at."1 t
ti-iUi-:--.- Th.
. . Cr . of lit"
t o ..I
hoitM ut
W re Hi
the l.i
1 t!
iv ho att
i Sa'ur.lae itiuhl
ih the i ai d nnd
per were ih t '..
t rout'.l lo ll.e
Minded in tlie
Car! Miller .".ltd
ivsen pa. k. .1 tit
,.incd a decL-ioa 1
r f,J'W.
4 x" ' S li
f? t-v '- ' '
Al TO I.U l:M H 77..-.7H I
s'V!.!:r. Teh. f.. AH applications
fot lie; n. ..tor i.bicle lltenes that'
were in corr. , t form upon being r.-
leiVe.l l,y ti(. seetettirv ,.f eiq... 1,.1
II filled Wlletl II. ini
inetit coticlti ted (,8 (li,y, business at
j Ohio,-!; tmilglit. I
am Ke or, se. retarv of stnie r. i
a tottil of 77,:,:s llcnses
-in .!, tor which there was
proximately t.'.M.iii iiiio. ;
ii n.s w hich pre properly
. Te.lMer Wiil be llll.tleH l.'e
ret -v of ;,!(.., on t,p ,iiy
1. I
"'ity or state and officials
fT... ,
, . i i 'i. --in ere in
retiieren.e h,,r tonight w,h r,,Inn,in ,
t" fixtng Ihe date for strict enforce
""tit ot f. ,,,. ,., ,aw9 .(q
,J'"' r'11'" '".'ii,.. plat..,. An
te. .... f ,,.lv ()( p
to 1... e,-. ,.:0!nr v. Iti -'.s owner,
h.H l et t Oh- en.,.1 .....t. , ......
." V""! ' ' v "I ' ma !e .lo1i"
i or . a. ,i iv r n. xt e k. '
; '; "' '"' '.'li'M s I i th... mot- ,
i " to will l.e made
!ous,md of sntt
- . ii recetv.-l at
T. - ,' '" "k' d pier.
Before You Store
Those Blankets-
' Juet now when bouseeleui
ing time is making a thousiw
demand son your time and ener
gy, you will find it an untoM
relief to turn over tha be"
tedious work of washing biur
ets to our expert wasberi.
Wo have made- tn Is
mato study of wool, and eftM
best way of treating it
in wishing and drying T
Our method of taondenof
blankets in rich, creator
and water that is just the rtg
temperature to was" 2
clean, assures the "T
results. There is never MJ
matting of the long fibre Mf
that make your blanket wi
and flufty never aay shrinfcnf
from the misuse of "W
Wo will return them )
(3 warm, just 3 o!t, J"J
Ifley were -
relieve you -work
ol b"
et woolen eea."
T-i-v. ,A.w Out it!"
will call for your buniiie.
Let os
'on a-- it.,
Steam Laundry
Special Attention to
parcel post