- POSEBCRQ NEWS-REVIEW, SATrRTUY, JANUARY 14, 1022. PAGE THREE ACTIVITIES IN ROSEBURG PUBLIC SCHOOLS SCHOOL NEWS ' . . . - . . . . , I 1 1 . Sf TIKSKAV. Jri.e regular semester examinations Ji I start Tuesday afternoon. Much Mi'.rext 8 shown ln ,he9 '"um an1 i ny express doubt as lo passing. S, hours will he given for each ? , lugular clashes will be held ff",he morning. The t.uie of each i iod l a follows: Tuesday after 2j,n B.-venth period; Wednesday S.rti'lni.'. first period; Wednesday 3,,rnooii, second period: Thursday Zornltig. third period; Thursday ut Sri'oon. fourth period; Friday morn Jc' tlf'li period; Friday afternoon, tn periou. IX nti.s cook ritr.F.s i on exiii- 111 I H. I Many good and wholesome prune Ulies are being prepareu uy nm eirls to be exhibited 2 the coming auto show. Miss Ue X d teacher of cooking, plans to live each girl cook the prunes ln a Jtain way. In this way about thirty liferent prune dishes will be ex kiMted. All this week the girls have S. n busy experimenting with the Junes, and have succeeded in de poning mnny delicious aisnes. wns falling her. It caused a great deal of laughter, as well as did the second one, which was about a little hoy Bpying on his sister's love affair. Mr. Mason responded to an encore. CT RE FOR LAZINESS. S. II. A. MEETING HELD. I The second regular student body sl. i'ting of the year was held Tiras frv afternoon. At this time several Important business matters were tken up. The reports of the secre tly and treasurer were read and approved. Maurice Newland, S. D. I' president, and Prof. Taylor dis used the basketball outlook for tis year. The schedule this year is at verv hard one from a financial U ndpoint as well as being hard ffiim a point of view of the winning. Tfie team Is to be matched with th t4 teams in the state. They will Hiike three trips. Debate prospects Wi re also discussed by Mr. Taylor. Hr urged that the student body get btiiind tire literary activities in as ni a manner as they back the ath A;c contests. The first debate will with the Wilbur high school and Jjrtle Creek hieh school. The win ning team of this triangle will de bate the winning feam of the Med ftrd, Springfield and Cottage Grove ti):mele. Dad King also made a leech urging the support of the ulents ln the DasKoinail games. .Various matters of business, in- t iu, was discussed, and the meet- was adjourned. A French scientist has discovered that a hypodermic injection of for mic acid will cure the most obstin ate case of laziness on record. A tired type of Parisian hobo was I the subject of an experiment. A few drops of formic acid was injected Into his vaccination mark. The tramp cut and split four cords of wood that afternoon, and when ntght came he refused to stop work but Was forced to. He was so enthusi astic that he sat up most of the night waiting for morning that he might again hie himself to the wood pile and wrestle with the axe. Another subject for experiment was a Paris "copper" with a few drops of formic acid ln his system. The officer actually covered his beat once during the day. Those who watched the experiment say that not once did he fall asleep. One more experiment was made on a messenger boy, who wore out two pair of shoes ln three hours de livering messages, and when his day's work was done pleaded to be permitted to work all night. Formic acid hasn't yet been tried on the woman who dallies to get her hat on straight, nor on slow trains nor on Christmas shoppers, but ve are only ln the Infantile experiment stage with this wonderful "get busy" Juice. GRADE SCHOOL NEWS HEXSOX SCHOOL XEWS Semester Ends. The first semester ends January 20th and promotions will be made on that date so that class room work will start on Monday, January 23rd. For the Information of parents ; who have pupils to Btart with the I second semester you may start them j Monday, January 23rd. They will all be In Miss Olson's room. The pu I plls must be six years old on or be fore March 1st. tliST SEMESTER IS DRAWING TO A CLOSE. IMny Shed Started. The grading has been completed and cement has been put In place for the new play shed. Much Interest Is being taken In the new structure and the promise has been made that It will be ready for use within a month. The dimensions are 110 feet by 40 feet. P)-.ns for equipment and materials Is well under way and will be announced later. As the first semester draws to a i Si'se the students are looking back ; qjion a very successful and busy ( sr 'nester and ahead to one far busier: fid more successful. The first Jpinester will end January 20, and tli- final examinations start January I lTih. Ile-registratlon took place 'dncsiiny. The high school will Imloiibtedly have as many students' lirolled for the second semester as re "enrolled for the first. Although ' tlie second semester is two weeks i I'liEer than the first, the students friend tn be so busv that the time jill fly like lightning. The bi-wfekly grade sheets were sled Tuesday, becoming for a timo 1 e chief topic of conversation. (il.EE ( LI B CONCERT FRIDAY. A concert by the Glee Clubs of the fieh school will be given Friday flight at 8 o'clock. The concert has n planned under the instruction ' Miss Mad.ee Calkins. Some active work has been put ln on preparation r mis first appearance of the Glee "". ln addition to numbers bv p o h Olee club, there will be songs i lie girls' and boys' Quartet, a f nut and a musical number bv Miss roihv Cordon. The admission fee twenty-five cents for adults and 11 pn cents for children. A-A Grade Taken Examinations. All the members of the 8-A grade Including Ralph Church, Clarence C.llkeson. Oscar Webber, Edmund Dolan. Gayle Darker. Glade liruton, Violette Honser. Edith Long, and Margaret Milliken took the state ex amination for diplomas. From all indications they did well In all the tests. This class has done excellent work during their pant year and all the class will enter high school. A reception Is being plnnned for them by I he members of the high school faculty next Monday evening. Spelling (lontest Held. rtenson school met their first de feat at the hands of the Rose school spellers last Friday. January 6, when the Itenson A nnd It 4th grade clesses lost In both contests. The A class lost .16 to 52 and tho D class los 49 to 52. The fifth grade will spell Friday. January 13th, and before this Item gets to the readers It will have been decided whether the 13th has proved disastrous to Rose or Benson. nil s' RASKETR.ll.L GAME SAT- I RDAV. A came of basketball between the M. S. girls' team nnd Grants Van r's will take place in the gym Sat-i '."lay nU-ht. The girls' coach. "Dad" I inc. has trained the girls hard and ! h" game Is expected to be a fast I lie. A section of the rooters stand Is me roped off for the R. II. S. stu-! i lls and a platform being erected r the orchestra, which, under Miss j alkins' direction, will furnish music I or the evening between games. The boys' team will play the Bap t church team following the girls' ::ie A good crowd is expected and B. A. is expected out to root. so IAL COMMITTEE MEETING. The social committee met Wednes iy afternoon in the domestic art " in to decide on an entertainment r the Grnnts Pas girls, who will the Roseburg girls In a basket 'II 'tame Saturday evening In the 1 S. gymnasium. The committee ""led to take the girls for a ride. n down to the high school, where " will be served tea. story from their reader, "Courage." They like to dramatize these stories. The children of the second grade are working very hard, to fill up a screen, to be on exhibit the 20th at the Automobile Show. The children also wish that the parents would not ice them carefully. The primary grades are represent ing January on their sand tables by covering It with cotton. On the snow are little dogs of paper drawing pa per sleds. There Is a lake ln the middle of the scene, covered with shells, and little rocks. The third grade Is going to exhibit three screens at the Auto Show. The work on these screens will show what has been accomplished during the first semester. The low first grade Is making lit tle Dutch girls from drawing paper to put on exhibit. Each little girl Is go ing to hold a sign of cleanliness. This is done to show the little children how to be clean. The first B grade are diligently at work counting to 100 so that they might obtain a star. There are only a few stragglers, but they will soon receive the reward. In the second grade, Friday, the last half hour, each girl brought her dolly, and the boys brought their favorite toys to play with. Friday, the fourth grade will en Joy their fourth of a day holiday, there being nineteen to receive this reward. SPECIAL ASSEMBLY HELD. l ich school Thursday afternoon at hlcn time Mr. Mason, a Irceum 'bT. entertained the students and 'action With .m...l !,,,.. r"'lms. , The first one was about I voting 'lily who h.j i ..n., v,.iur 111111119 lllllll CI'l- " to on a vacation because her health Grade Teacher Meeting. The Benson teachers were all pres ent at a Grade Teachers Association meeting at the high school. Wednes day. Januarv 11th. A lengthy report was given by their delegate to the O. S. T. A., which was much enjoyed, pians were formulated for future meetings by both the professional and social committees. Benson Primary Teacher Meet The Benson primary teachers held a meeting Thursday. January 12th. to consider some sort of artlon to be taken for the betterment of a few of the retarded and delinquent plans for the coming semester. Pome special rases of health work and several other things peculiar to the primary teacher were also dis cussed. To Take Part In Ehlllt. , ev,nr,i is nlnnninz to take an active i art In the R-ougla. Coun ty Auto Show January 2th. 20th and 21st. Mrs. Kalbe and Miss Ray compose the committee to manage It. Mrs Varsters. Miss Becker and Miss Olson are Ihe members of the com mittee to put on the candy sale. Standard Test. Benson pupil have taken the Northwest standard Arithmetic Test last Monday and Tuesday of this weeV nd as a class made some very credited showings. They will be gi-i en again at tl.e end of the school year. Inventory Made. The teachers have made out ami completed their Inventory work whl- h conslst-l ef systematic tabu lation of all school supplies. This will aid greatly In buying new material. The pupils of the lower grade, , cleaned all of the paper from the school grounds. The fourth grade are also making silhouettes of Lincoln and Washing ton for handwork. The eighth grade room has been adorned with a beautiful flag, and a nice new set of curtains. The eighth A's took exams tn read ing and everyone passed O. K. All book reports from the eighth grade are In. Each pupil having read at least two books a month. Pauline Bubar was absent from school Friday on account of sickness. The seventh grade made some very clever posters advertising the cooked food sale Saturday given by the Ben son Parent Teachers Association. ROSE SCHOOL NOTES Tho Parent Teacher Association will hold Its next meeting on Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. A very In teresting program has been arranged and it Is hoped that many will at tend. The following numbers will appear on the program: Piano duet, Mrs. L. B. Moore and Mrs. Chas. Stanton. Robert I-ouls Stevenson's selec tions. Eliza Hardman. Vocal solo, Walter Fisher. Piano solo, Velma MacDonald. The last numher on the program will be a talk given by Mr. A. T. Lawrence on the beautifying of Rose burg and how the Rose school grounds might be Improved. recess period on Thursday, fell and sprained his ankle quite badly. I GENERAL SCH00LNEWS Ebihtli Grade Party. The mid-year graduates of the 8th grade In the Rose and Itenson Bchools will be entertained at the high school Monday evening by their next se mester Instructors, the high school principal tind the city superintendent. Some information will be given to these young people about the high school, a social time will be had and refreshments, enjoyed. The School Exhibit. In the band room of tho armory during the auto show next week will be displayed the work of the schools in art, penmanship, geography, lan guage, Latin, English, manual train ing, sewing and cooking. Musical numbers will also be pre sented on each evenings program. When Stephens. you think shoes think Tea For Scholar ship Loan Fund The members of the Rosebiirg Woman's Club and the women of the Roseburg Music club, are Jointly sponsoring an afternoon tea Tues day, the 17th, at 2 o'clock ln the parlors or the Presbyterian church. The purpose is to raise monay for the annual donation to the Scholar ship Loan Fund. Though known as a Silver Tea, It Is confidently expected that no one attending will contribute less thiV 25 cents. People who feel they can spare It will often give more. A committee of 20 ladies have been divided and are working on tho program, refreshments and decora tions and -promise a delightful after noon to those attending. The Invitation Is general to all who are Interested whether a club woman or not. The fund is loaned to girls of our state, ho wish to borrow a small amount to finish their educa tion, paying It back without Inter est when tha borrower becomes a wage earner. The committee In charge urge the ladleB of Roseburg and vicinity to save the date, Tuesday, January 17, to attend the Scholarship Loan Sil ver Tea. -c Frank Terry, of the Equitable Savings aid Loan Association, Is now at the Umpqua Hotel. Camas. Valley Road Claims Are Appealed CHIilSTIAN CHI RCH 8 I'M DAY i JAX, 13. I - ri ft . . 1 Morniug: God's Kingdom on Earth. Evening: Is the Preaching of First Age Being Reproduced In Our Age? Special Sunday evening 'eature. Boss Evangelistic Co. March 20. MORE COLD EXPECTED. DON'T DELAY" ANOTHER WEEK before you start to uso tho safe, con venient and economical medium of payment by check. Tho RonehurG National Bank Invites your Checking Account and has excellent facilities at your com mand. The Roseburg National Bank Roseburg, Ore. Cold weather can probably be ex pected over Sunday, according to Weather Observer Wm. Dell. The area of high pressure Is now lying over Wyoming and Its Influence Is still roAchinp thn const. hrliielnir ' cold temperatures. A low pressure moving in from the Pacific ocean, however, Is expected to bring rain Sunday night or Monday. WOMAN'S CLIR EI.EITS OFFICERS The Bellevlow Social Neighbors Club met lust Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. O. W. Klncaid of Deer Creek. The regular business W. B. A. Install New Officers The Woman's Benefit Association held their regular meeting ln the Maccalee hall Thursday afternoon. Five new members were Initiated nnd new officers installed. At the close of the meeting Mrs. D. Locke, the former lady commander, was preseutcd a lovely gift as a parting present from the lodge. Mrs. Locke now makes her home ln Portlund. Mrs. T. E. Singleton avo the pre sentation speech. The following officers were In stalled by Mrs. Vwnna Bailey, Install ing officer, assisted by Mrs. lira Hupp and Mrs. Goodman: Mrs. Belle meeting was held after which Mrs. j Stevenson. Lady Commander; Mrs. Klncaid served dainty refreshments. Fanule Burton. Lieut. Commander; This club has made fine progress Mrs. Iuise Locke, Past Comman slnce its organization and It has re- der; Mrs. Nora Flint, Record Keep- centlv become a member of the State er; Mrs. Jessie Rapp, Collector r eiteration oi w omen s nuns. Tho! Mrs. Mary Wilcox, Chaplain; Mrs. following officers were elected fori the ensuing year: Mrs, J. O. Arthur, president; Mrs. Charles llager, vice president; and Mrs. J. J. Kester, scc-l relary and treasurer. The next m?et- ing will be hold in February nt the home of Mrs. Charles Clough. LECION' AUXILIARY MEETIXO. The Legion Au.Mory will meet at the parish house ul S 'clock Tues day evening, Jan. 1 ,'th. The permn ment work of the uxi tary. and plans for the year, will be iscussed. i This Is a very import ml icctlng. .' Every m.miber present. MILS. GRANT WILit. .. Secy, i Mlldivd Compton, Lady-at-Arms: Mrs. Annnhelle Clem, Sergeant; Mrs. Lucy Pemberton, Sentinel; Mrs. Ida Weber, Picket; Mrs. Clnra Bone brake. Captain; Mra. Ruth Covert, Mujlcian; Mrs. Ruth Gllvln, Color Bearer No. 1; Mrs. Helena Hays, Coin.' Beawr No. 2. . o iiorsi: to UK Bi'ii.T "" Work will be started Monday on tho now residence which J. V. Casey K to bu'ld in Laurelwood addition. Thn building will be complete and modern and will bo a very valuable addition to the fine residence section. The house Is being built for Invest ment and will be sold upon its completion. Party Honoring Miss Cracrofi The home of Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Gordon was the scene of a lovely party on the evening of January IS, which the All Winners Class of the Methodist Episcopal church sponsor ed in honor of Miss Jessie Cracroft, who Is leaving soon for St. Helens, Oregon. The members of the class and several friends of Miss Cracroft's were present. Miss Gertrude DUlard as "chief entertainer" conducted a live, up-to-dute school for the benefit of the "cravers of knowledge," which was decidedly beneficial to nearly everyone. The subjects selected and taught by Miss DUlard Included mus ic, domestic art, history, Bpclllng and physical culture. These classes caus ed much merriment among the guests. Report cards were handed out. and those receiving the highest grades were awarded clever and unique prizes for their brilliancy. Music and games were enjoyed until a very late hour, when the hostess, Mrs. Gordon, served a dainty lunch eon. Those present were the guest of honor Miss Jessie Cracroft, Mlsa Herman, Miss Katherlne Dearborn, Miss Phoebe lloag, Miss Martha Yoe, Miss Daphne Mullen, Miss Gertrude, DUlard Miss Mary Orr, Miss Faya Geddes, and Messrs. Leanord Van Luoven, H, Wilson, Merle Austin, Charles Verrlll, and the host and hostess Rev. and Mrs. Gordon. C W. Rapp left yesterday for Tort land where he will spend several otvs attending to business maters. Notices of appeal to the circuit court, from the decision of the coun ty court In fixing damages for rlents of way on the lioscburg-Camas Val ley road, were filed toduy by Attor ney John T. Long, representing a Mis Parrolt Is following un her""'mDer or tne residents anecteu ny lessons on clean teeth by lessons on ! the roal change. When the road general cleanliness. She is sending ; Project was taken over by the state home pledge cards asking the moth-'0" 8 cooperative basis. It was pro ers to cooperate with her In making ! vlded that the county should procure clean hands and face a habit. Later ' the rights of way. The county court she will distribute sample cakes of appointed Fpeelal viewers and a Palmolive soan as a reward for neat- schedule of assessments was made. Oakland Man ness. The design made by Ethel Fenton of the 8th-H class for the school pen nant was chosen as the best of the many good and original designs made bv the seventh and eighth grade pu pils. A pennant for Rose school of this design has been ordered. It Is to he six feet long and In rose and gray col ors. The boys and girls In the depart ment are contributing a few cents each to pay for It. If finished in time, this pennant will be on exhibi tion at the Roseburg Auto Show next week. Miss Olson and Miss Henderson's rooms had 9S per cent In attendance and punctuality for last month and were given a half-holiday last week. Several other rooms were given a quarter holiday having earned 100 1 per cent ln punctuality. The per cent j of attendance for the entire building was about 97 per cent which was verv good considering the amount of j sickness. , deal was closed here yesterday wherein Ihe Sutherlln lodge of Odd Fellows sold to Mr. Carlisle of Oak land, their lot ut the southwest cor ner of LVntral avenue and Calupoola sun t, the consideration being $1, 0(10. It is understood the lot was purchased with the intention of The damages awarded, however, erecting a business building on t lie raised a storm of protest from the! property. An attempt was mado by residents, who claimed that their; other parties to purchase this lot property was greatly damaged by the several weeks ngo. but for somo change ln route, and claims for larg-j reason tl.w deal did not go through, er sums that the viewers had allow-! Only a few weeks ago the lot on the ed were made. The new schedule, j opposite corner was purchased by however, has been found unsatisfac- Kenneth Lake. tory by many of the residents and. Archdeacon J. Claude Black, of appeals to the circuit court are being! Portlund, will conduct services In taken. Those unsatisfied, who are the Episcopal church at 7 :30 o'clock appealing to the higher court are AJ Sunday evening. Tills will bo tho S. Ireland. W. S. Johnson. T. J. WI1- first visit of tho now Archdeacon to llama and Anna Williams, Clarke , Sutherlln. Coulter, I). C. Ingram, Ada Nichols, n Lily Davlin and Mrs. A. Burks. The I FI RS. appeals will probably be heard at the! Ship wlih your minimum price. February term of court. iuihck mxt nay or mr reiuun-u m our expense, iti-n'rence, any nj i ing field bank. IJFFER & WATSON. , 2nd St.. Siirlnrfleld. Ore. I Real bargains in Stephens quality at counter. Stephen. fine shoes, our bargain ABig Fordson Tractor and Implement School 5 2 The C. A. L0CKW00D MOTOR CO. Auto Show, Jan.19-20-21 J Will hold a Fordson Tractor and Implement School for three days during the Every farmer is invited to attend. We will have a Fordson man from the Fordson fac tory to explain anJ ro into details about the Fordson tractor, also a man from the Oliver Plow works to explain the implements The pupils In the 8th-A class spent Thursdav and Friday taking the state examinations in the various subjects. On Frldav the fith-A class took the examination In hygiene and tho 7th A class look the geography examina tion. The pupils made a very good showing In all the subjects. Some of the upper grade girls have been kept very busy the last few i rtavs ln the library. All of the books are being Indexed and rearranged so that thev mav easllv be found. Num-j erous old text hooks which have sc. cumulated from year to year are to he sold soon and the money used toT purcnase new puunn mi i"r imii. The Rose school bovs plaved the freshman team In a preliminary game to the Roseburg and Wilbur high rhool game on Saturday evening and Rose school won with score of 18 i to 12. The bovs expect to have an ex ceptionally good grade school team and are now trying to arrange for some out of town games. i Wallace Hlte. one of the fifth Th e 4-B class Is dramatizing a , grade pupils, while playing during CIAL OFFE For ten days only we will sell a Moline Tractor complete with extension rims, lugs, recarrying (ruck, and 2 bottcm 14 inch plow, for $350 F. O. B. Portland This is a Special advertising offer and orders will be taken subject to prior sale. Terms: Cash with order. Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange