Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, January 09, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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: sanity Defense
fyect Is Discussed
TORTLAND, Jan. 9. (United
Pn .) The disposition of alleged
r tterera to ul forth an "insanity
nse" as a means of obtaining
t r liberty when confronted with
, i apparently Impenetrable web of
r tmstantial evidence, baa resulted
i aat form of criminal refuge bo
I cbosen as one of the leading
i of discussion when district at-V-
ays of Orogon meet here In con
vex ton on January 26 and 27.
) -sncls V. Galloway of Tbe Dalles,
p- dent of the district attorneys
latlon, made this announcement
i t week. Dr. W. T. Williamson.
I linen t alienist, bas been dele-
A by tbe Oregon state medical
ety, to prepare a paper upon the
aui ett of the insanity plea.
Galloway Indicated that this dis
cussion may culminate in the fram
ing of a proposed statute aimed to
make moro certain the confinement
of a .dangerous maniac who has es
,tr 1 several penalties because of an
:L ilty praa.
m. verdict of acquittal on the
tgr- Jids of Insanity now automati
cs y sentences the defendant to a
tfce institution, but does not pro
vide for bis disposal should an ex
amination at a future lucid moment
discover his mentality to have re
turned "to normal."
F. H. Seeley, of Chicago and Phila
delphia, the noted truss expert, will
personally be at the Douglas Hotel,
and will remain In Jtoseburg Friday,
oaly, Jan. 20. Mr. Seeley says: "The
Spermatic Shield will not only retain
any ,ase of rupture perfectly, but
contracts the opening in 10 days on
te .-average caso. Being a vast ad
vancement over all former methods
exemplifying Instantaneous effects
immediately appreciable and, with
standing any strain or position no
matter the site or location. Large
or difficult cases, or incisional rup
tana (following operations) special
ly solicited. This Instrument re
ceived the only award In England
and Spain, producing results with
out surgery. Injections, medical
treatments or prescriptions. Mr.
Seeley has documents from tire Unit
ed States Governments, Washington,
D. C., for inspection. He will be glad
to demonstrate without charge or fit
them If desired. Business demands
prevent stopping at any other place
in this section.
P. 8. Kvery stntemeiit tn this notice
' has been verified before tho Federal
HlMr Courts. K. H. Seeley.
Home Office, 117 No. Dearborn St.,
Wilson Sees Great
Democratic Victories
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. "Trium
phant success" for the democratic
party this year and "tbe years imme
diately to follow," Is predicted by
Wood row Wilson in a message to Ed
ward F. Goltra, democratic national
committeeman from Missouri, made
public in the democratic national
committee here today.
Wilson's message in reply to a
greeting from Goltra, which was ad
dressed to "the man unto whom hu
manity is most indebted for a code
of action which will ultimately lead
to peace on earth and good will
among nations," follows:
"Mrs. Wilson and I warmly appre
ciate the message you were kind
enough to senb, and I take the lib
erty of sending through you to the
democrats of Missouri my most cor
dial greetings and my confident pre
diction of a triumphHnt success of
Kovlow office.
yuu want to eU your Lite p. L K.
WANTHI Wood cut In.,exchaiifro for
r two firnt clans mures. Uuod timber.
lMnrihlom. IHxonvlUff.
WANTKI Men to lake contract
a lashlnir 3k arrea 2nd ftrowUi fir.
Ail ( 1 r enw J, New a-Itovto w.
VaNTKI) lxw trufk farm wagon
with Iron wheel. A1dr "Wajcon,"
care Neww-Uevlew, or phone il'j-ll.
W'A NTKI- Woman to to
housework. AdOrens Isaac T. haw
yer, Kuute 2, Hoseburg, or ption
rITRIN and drsimiaklDC of all
Kinds, HI 6 Main. Mrs, outhr Id bT,
U accept timber, hous In Hose
burir. or stntll ranch near lioseburff
as prt payment on $10,000 ranch In
Jonrphlne Co. 156 A. on pavad road.
Terms to suit on bnlir. Address
FOU KLNT Furnished house. I'liuno
uh stAfir" waiwty opou am.
Hobur National Bank.
J-'iUt KENT Threw partly furnished
housekeeping rooms, ll&l Harvard
A vc., West Hn!fliurir.
F t H l om furnished
h"uae ftn psvfment at 7o6 th
Ht., with Krsi:'. Cull on lloscoa
M.irstTs. i'rospfct Si.
Foil IlV;NT Two sliiKle rooius. com
fortably furnished and heated. In
' private home, rloe In. Indies only
4 r.eed Inquire. Addrcsa Itooma, Sws
VOR IVAT'K Oak and laurel wood.
hnT 1 1 -EI
r'it SALE 2 Canary aingeri. Call
477-lt. .
T'nK KAL! 3 burner oil stove and
o en. ; l rtHoti t h I 'I ne Si .
I Vn !ALE FuVnltufl' f"r
spsrtmt nt. A bargain. IL E, Ilodf
Western Union.
the party In the new year nod the
years Immediately to follow."
Build a home, we will help you.
Page Lumber Fuel Co.
Editor News-Review:
In your article In Thursday's issue
concerning the Tax Payers League
and directly concerting the resolu
tion about legislation favored plac
ing a high tax on guHollne and lower
ing the license on cars you say that
the license is unjust to farmers. We
were not looking at the license fea
ture particularly from the standpoint
of the farmer, only as it applies to
him as well as other users of automo
biles. There are in the state not only
many farmers, but lumbermen and
others who live off paved and grav
eled roads who are compelled to lay
up their cars for several months of
the year, owing to the fact that they
can not reach a road upon which to
run their cars. There are also many
garage men, who keep an old, power
ful car only for towing broken down
cars, and these towers may lie used
only occasionally. We thlnit that the
above mentioned owners of cars and
probably many others who use their
cars only once in a while should not
be compelled to pay the high license
fees now roquired on automobiles.
This also applies to those owners of
old heavy cars who are now compell
ed to pay the same license feo as the
owner of a new car of the same
, In tho aggregate the largest users
of our paved highways are the tour
ists probably a majority of whom are
residents of other states. We believe
that a high tax on gasoline would
compel tourists to help maintain our
highways, while the owner of a car
who only uses his or her car occa
sionally would not be compelled to
carry the heavy end of the burden.
The legislative committee of the
Tax Payers' League will take this
matter up with the Douglas county
members of the legislature before
the next session, and the directors of
the Tax payers League would like
to see an expression of opinion from
ihe owners of cars either through the
columns of your valuable paper or to
the directors of the League.
President Douglas County Tax
Payers' League.
Keep a steady Are these cold days
with coal from Pago's.
Iteiristcrod at tho Hole! Uinnqna
Among those registered at the Ho
tel are the following: U: u:
Watson, Gold Hill; G. A. Cunning
ham, Glendale; and Alk Peels, Coos
Hay. T. S. Coriellus, wife and daugh
ter. R. E. Thomas and wire, J. i.
Tabor and wife and daughter, W. F.
llartoldus, and J. F. Ilartoldus, all of
Astoria, slopped last night at the
Umpqua anroute south by automo
biles. They were in four cars, c
P. Ham ma and wife and G. S. Ham-
ma and wife, all of San Francisco
were registered at the Umpqua last
night. They were motoring youth.
world s
Standard (bid
Remedy forTwo
lheMan BnmUt ovinia tlx
pmhtt, kart MM Ik tort lor rtr
tU-tfc. but rw f l.Mffi ,orvT
dr fr iMa mw ui FrTv T' MTrT.
W. llBiR C. DHw
FOU SALE Dry fir and oak wood.
1'hone lh-y2.
iaU SAL.U Hay.
Trm-ts. rinno 2
Kdenbower Orchard
KUH SALE iiirvck tr block oak
14. iiuyer Bros. 14-FH.
WANTK1 Housekeeper for old lady.
Inquire at 2i S. Uosc tit.
Full HALE New Woodstock typa-
wrlt;r. 1'honp 3?-K aftt-r S p. ni.
FOR 8 ALK First clans
soon fresh. Ltndhlom,
milch cows
Full bALl Uoata. $1.60 each If taken
a to nee . J. a 1 . War e, Ola 11 a ,Or v k o n .
IX) U tiALlvAhout 24 thousand up'cd
cedar slitnarles. Fine for kindling.
At Harrison s (JnrKe. on Main
FOH 8 ALE Oni reirtstered Chester-
white boar, 21 months old. i-lione
1 1-F35. FJBursik. Welrone.
FOK ' VAtlAt Chevrolet tourlna;.
first class shape. New top, buttery,
tiros. A harKutn. Chester llurcher,
1 Hilard.On-K o n.
Full HALL New 1921 Overland tour
Iuk tar. A bargiln. Easy monthly
Iiftymrnts. AUdrsa "Car," SjH-
FtU HALE Fine -t xtraw, nice urt-on
alfalfa hay, herdhss barley for
seod. Nicf Wlllamott Valli-y whlto
oats. One yountc varmint dnir. Whltw
lKhorn and 1'Iy mouth Hock bens.
J. M. Judd.
Foil HALE Onraxe at tMIIard, OreK.
Thin la a irood place for a couple of
' Rood met hatih s. 1 Ford for sale,
KfiO: 1 hi Overland, t.TOO; 1 fl.-llverv.
Overland. $lf.0; 1 Cud lilac body, Ui.
i an iiiiara wsrsKe.
Vttti N.XLF $! ea- h, nil or by dot . ''
ArnutronsT Whlt4 ldhirn pullets,
Will be year old Feb. 1. ExcelUht
breeding stock A'so Cuthbert rtmp-
b'-n y plsnts 6'fc 0ix. They ber 4
months In Ihe ):ir. Mrs. O.
HoiiMer. l;oi ft'il, Koeburif. Inquire
l'h kens l;r"s.';rocery.
DI:sV11!TVNS l1 acres mi the bi.lh
way; all can be eit'lt Ivnted ; rich soli,
runnlriaf eirestn thru the place and a
sprtna: tT siifTI'lent to lrrii(at
the whole tr;i't. At a very low ex
pense, a camp around rould be made
to fiipntda: i 12 or 1 tourlstn.
xm lueatl'tn for a frs tank and a
fruit s (and. ft -room houw, barn.
Ihel. orchard. F tic S. luce, ut inc. ltkc.
Program of Auto
Show Be Published
In Special Edition
Pace one of the auto section
of the Newa-Kevlew special eUl-
lion tor tbe First Anuual Auto
Show will contain the complete
program of tbe three days en-
tertaluuient at the armory. A
fine program is being prepared
and local and (orelgu talent will
It is hoped to make the auto
show and food exhibit an an-
nual event in this city and
those, in charge of the proposi-
- tion state that a great deal of
uterest Is being evidenced by
the dealers and merchants.
Movie Closaups
A story that abounds with rom
ance, action and human Interest Is
promised in "Handcuffs or KiSBes,"
a new Selznick Picture starring
Elaine Hammersteln which will play
at the Liberty lor the last time to
night. "Handcuffs or Kisses" was written
by Tlios. Edgclow and appeared first
hi Btory form In Young's Magazine,
and Is Bald to be an Ideal vehicle for
the popular Selznick star.
The story tells of the hardships en
dured by a young girl while "doing"
time" in a large reformatory, -mere
is. a ble riot scene In which the in
mates overpower the guards and See
the Institution and there are many
portrayals of the brutal punishments
uunccessarlly applied to the unfor
tunates who are committed there
many of them unjust.
rrk. nr .'Tim CnikAil fitrl '
which plays at the Antlers theatre
tonight only concerns a fascinating
little feminine dare-devil who be
comes a motion picture star and
specializes on stunts. Interesting
scenes showing the heroine at work
In the studio give tbe audience a
glimpse of the actual working day
of a star. Hebe nanieis portrays mo
comedy-drama Is promised, with a
large supporting cast assisting .hb
Daniels In the fun-making.
Hypnotism Is the motive force in
the story of "The Case of Becky,"
the rtealart picture at the Majestic
tonight. The heroine, played by
Constance Blnney, becomes a wicked
abnormality through the power of a
hvnnnllar nnri Is Saved
through the same medium by a kind
ly aisiiosea Bvieuiisi.. s
i. i .Ai,inn, il'evur. thnf hvnno-
tlsm is seen as a favorable science on
stage or screen. Usually it is em
ployed for nefarious ends, but In this
picture It serves both purposes.
Montague Love and Frank McCor
mack appear as the rival hypnotists
in "The Case of Becky."
Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 180-L.
A reduction In Black Cal Hosiery
at Stephens.
Painless extraction of teeth at
room 9, Masonio Usiple. Dr. Nerbas.
Goodrich Tire Servlca. See us. C.
A. Lockwood Motor Co.
Good roods, good service, reason
able prices. Page Lumber & Fuel
Co. Phone 242.
Mrs. Sam Smith and two daugh
ters were In town Saturday from
their home at Oakland.
Going at cost,' high grado TJ. 8.
and Goodyear glove rubber boots and
packs. Stephens Shoe Store.
Mrs. John Krohn and children
were in from Cleveland Saturday for
several hours shopping and attending
to business matters.
Mrs. John Wood left this morning
for Fresno, Cal., where she will
spend some time attending to busi
ness matters.
Mrs. T. B. Busrnbark and Mrs.
Hoy Buxenhark. both of Melrose,
were In town Saturday for Beveral
hours attending to business matters.
W ATKINS PnomrCTS The en
tire line of old original reliable
goods for sato at one place only In
Roseburg. 120 West Lane St.
Pbono 177.
Mrs. A. A. Stafford returned to her
homo In Round Prairie this morning
after a few days visit st tho home of
two of her sons, W. C. and A. II.
Stafford, who reside here.
District Attorney Neuner went to
Myrtle Creek today to try a case In
the Justice court there. Thp defend
ant Is charged with the theft of an
George Neunrr, I)lsrlrt Deputy
Grand Flatted Ruler, Roy Bellows,
KxaltPd Rulrr. and J. G. Day, si-cre-tnry.
of the F.Iks lodge, returned laiit
nlcht from Portland wlinre they at
tended a meeting of stalo officers.
Dr. lloiick reports tho birth of a
baby girl to Mr. anil Mrs. O. O. Jen
nings of tills city, born Friday, Jan.
fitti. at the Merry hospital. Both
mother and daughter are doing nlce-
, Attorney O. P. returned
! Psturday night from Hot Lake wh' re
he has been sr"nitng th past two
i D'nnthn. His health his been sraatlv
i lienefiited slid he Is much Improved
by the treatments.
war rue
Vlrarlnln Fairfax, 4aua:keT of the
Brmt faiulllro f lmlnlsi, ' rrWIi
Klnl the nurtlaaairsj rrjr of ber
rsaraisvr anJ. lurra by ftliwlaael.
rune smay fo beue si saotloa picture
lr. ArrKlosz l Lm AaMn wke
Mfti Ulorla fcuiuBtera. tvbo im In tUr
uutvli, 'lb-y ieeou Mnrtn frleaslH.
i acy uieei iierorrt lllebarloa, i
MoI(fcv Mnif tnmm nhn htm m 1-
r rsjied In til oris, tilorlo m crept Kor
rrmeir bus irKiHta, llero llleharfi
' Invltailoa w a iiariy. Olorla aatl
Vlrainla stlead tkat ihr- aiuat leave
early, ntm raie ml tbe aerloM III
uean of Kilty Halloa ihe dlreei result
of the lld iNtrt). lruiu)' Warnor
rasa with the atews tbnt Gloria aad
Herb Hleluirflwut Here to be nmrrM
lbn aUiht. To pre vent a aeasMlal
tslorla volunteered tu take Kitty owl
of itmi and ettre for her fill she re
rover. lmlala sseeta Theodore
Miration, the a rent no1e atar. Vlr
alula telle Jack TlnniHtn she In V"1
to vork for the Kaey studio. lie
aniM her le Vore l a bard director.
Theodore (ttratlon tavlied ilrvluia to
rtile home lth blm. He then lenrned
ahe wns the aaiae atr be had talked
to oa tho train to Lea Aaaolea. Tboe
dre titration drove Intlnta to her
aporfsaeut. Alone In her room, Virginia
knew ahe loved Theodore Mrnltou. be
reeelved a letter from tslorla announe
Inar a booeyukoon trio around tbe
vtorld and the reeovertnar of Kitty
llnlton. Tbe atrwHpnaerM eonlnlned
KlMrlna aeevunta of ike Kitty laltn
eolnodr and intimated tbe uarriaa of
(iiorla with Herb HIehardMou had heea
forced by (slorls. ItetornlnK home
frout m hnrtl day at the studio Vrlnla
found thut abe had been robbed uf ber
wardrobe, ber Jeelr, ber mpnej-. She
fueed the world nlnust iienallenn Jolm
Klorai enllrd to nrlve her lorla'a Mteav
aatte. He warned her aaalnat Theo
dore Nt rat too. J nek ThoniOKon nnri
John Htorm took Vlralnln to the police
ininw riivri aer umi.
"You don't mean It, Vlrglo! Well,
you are getting on." exclaimed Jack
with a gulp when I told hi in that I
was going with . Theodore Stratton.
"That is what it means to be a girl
in this business," be continued
"Why, Jack! What do you mean?"
I demanded.
"Oh, a girl has all the best of It,"
he evaded.
I looked at his faco quickly. A
shadow had settled over It. "Why I
thought it was .harder for a girl to
get In than a boy.
"Use your brain a little, VIrgle,
Don't you know the powers that
really court in the movies are all
men. If you happen to All the eye of
one of them , Well, I don't have to
diagram the rest of It for you, VIr
gle." Neither spoke for a moment. Then
Jack continued dolefully:
"Just look about you. Look at the
chickens that are put Into parts that
they can't possibly fill. You have
seen the way some directors have
worked with some stupid flapper
without brains enough to find the
way borne. And the queer thing Is
the age of the men that are making
love to and giving these girls soft
"Yes, Jack, It has seemed to me
that the men are too old for lovers
of these young girls. I know I could
never fall In love with one of them."
"Vlrgie, you are positively refresh
ing." and Jack grinned for the first
time. "Don't you know that In the
minds of tbe old guys, a man as nev
er too aged to make love to sweet
16? But what I wanted to say Is
that for a man, it is long, slow work.
You have to show the producer and
the director every step along Ihe
way. While a good-looking girl will
get her chance and jump right Into a
part with a man like Theodore Strat
ton. If she happeus to take his fan
cy." "Jack, jacK, you are unkind!" I
protested, but not too vehemently,
for I recognized a grain of truth In
TUB i. A. It. A.M W. R, C.
The G. A. R. and W. R. C. hold
their Joint Installation at the armory
Friday, the Kth of January. A large
crowd was In attendance although
several were 111 and not able to be
with us. They were not forgoiton
as we sent them some of the dainty
refreshments which were served after!
the installation ceremonies. The fol-i
lowing officers were Installed of Ihe
0. A. R.: John Hamlin, Com.; W. 8.
Clark, 8. V.; Alfred Manning, J. V.;
M. 8. Webb, Q. W.; J. C. Fullerton,
Adj.; W. A. Krohn, O. O.; M. 8.
Moore, 3. M.; O. McCumber, Q. W.
8.; C. Dtirlnml. Surg.: J. C. Fuller
ton. P. O.; K. Stone, Chaplin. C. F.
Sutton, O. Day and George W. Riddle
commandant of the Soldiers' home,
were Installing officers.
The following officers of the W. R.
C. were Installed: Mrs. Belle Case,
president; Amanda Kirk, H. V.: Anna
Bowker, J. V.; Hnttlc T. Hamlin,
treasurer; Margaret Phillips, rhap
lin; Mrs. Sihlndlur, guard; Helen
Ferguson, secretary; Dena Page,
press correspondent, Minnie Chand
ler, P. O.; I'atsy Fisher, musician;
1. ucla Ongle. guard; Susie Lewis,
Coin.; Mnllnria Hanen, At. Com.;
Virginia Brooks, 1st color bearer;
Clara Hoag, 2nd color bearer; Ruth
Cyrls, 3rd color bearer; Nodina
Campbell, 4th color bearer. Mrs.
Jennie M. Stanton was the installing
officer of the W. It. C.
Several comrades made short
speeches. Geo. W. Riddle, command
ant of the Soldiers' home, said he
wished to express his thanks to all
the Corps of Oregon who had sent
presents to the Home. He said they
had a regular .hover and they still
kept coming. Most every corps of
the state had sent something so that
every member of the homo was re
meinlierert. All the boys appreciat
ed the giru that were sent to them.
Mr, Rlddlo said they are gelling
along fine over at tho home and he
likes the beys ovor there and he
hopes they like him. They do ss we
hear them all !pesk In glowing terms
of Mr. and Mrs. Riddle.
Press Correspondent.
Goodrich Tire service. Bee Ot. C.
A. Lock wot d Motor Co,
Anrfa Aiiruna II
what he said.
"No, I am not, Vlrgie. I am tell
ing you the truth. What does Theo
dore Stratton know of your ability.
After a pause In which I tried to
find some excuse for my benefactor's
preference 1 could only remonstrate
faintly by repeating: "You are un
kind, Jack, and you know It."
"Perhaps, Vlrgie, and also a little
envious. But then there may eome
a time when we have women direct
ors and then watch me!" and Jack
smiled again at the thought.
"Oh. Jack, don't I hate to think
that everything in this business goes
by favor." !
"Kverythlng? Even kissing goes
by favor, Vlrgie." j
With his words Jack stopped and ,
kissed me. Before I could speak he
was gone. !
For a momont I was very angry 1
but afterwards I understood that It
was Just a kiss of reconciliation. Jack j
had made up with me as children al
ways do.
Tbe days at the Kalsey studio
dragged on with me trying to keep;
out of De Vore's sight as much as I
possible. "Evidently I don't fill his!
eye," 1 said to myself tremblingly. I
When I arrived at my apartment!
one night near the end of the week f ,
was told that the Service Bureau had i
called me.
I immediately -got them 'on the
wire. "Next Monday evening. Miss
Winston, there will bo the continua
tion of those shots .at the World
Wide studio. You will wear the same
evening clothes as before. .Upon ar
riving at the studio at 8 o'clock,
madu-up, you will report to the as
sistant director. He has the list of
the clothes you wore, aud will check
up on them."
I could hardly murmur, "Thank
I cudgelled my brain for a way out
of my dilemma. Where my evening
clothes were by this time only the
thief could tell. I finally called up
Tommy Warner and fortunately
found him at home.
"Tommy, what shall I do?"
"Do. What do you want to do,
Vlrgie?" He had recognized my voice.
"Well, you know I had a robbery
the other day ni'l the thieves took
two of my eventug dresses, one of
which I had worn on the set at the
World-Wide. They want me for night
work to finish the picture and I don't
know what to do."
There's only one way out of that.
You'll have to go down and get one."
VBut, Tommy, I am working at
Ilia Kalsey In the daytime. And be
sides I'm almost broke."
"Serves you right, Vlrgie, for try
ing to do two jobs at the same time."
"Now, Tommy, you know very well
It would be ridiculous for me to wait
a whole week for a job at the World
Wide when I might be working some
where else. The World-wide will
probably only be for one night, any
way. The exteriors only took one
night." , ,
"I don't see how you are going to
handle It, Vlrgie. You have got to
get address as near like the other as
you can and maybe have It fixed
"Well, I'll get out of It some way,"
I assured him hopefully.
TOMOKKOW Out ting Corners.
0. A. C. strain Barred Rocks,
good type, laying strain Buff Orping
tons. All matured stock. This week
only. Fred A. Goff. Phone 6-F2,
is the economy way
it doubles the ser
vice, vsar for your
Our Auto Will Call
Phone 277
Western Electric
Howard VUlg
Phone m-Vint. Itonebors;
High Values Low Price3
Good Used Cars
Dodges Fords Chevrolets
Tourings Roadsters
Oldsmobile Speed Wagon
Chevrolet Delivery
Ford Truck
Dealers in Dodge Bros. Motor Vehicles
Saturday evening the Wilbur boys
played tbe Koseburg high school bas
ketball toan, at Roseburg. Our boys
put up a good game out "vere out
classed by the Koseburg team. Tbe
game resulted In a big score for
Thclma DoLaunoy was absent a
few days last week on account of
This cut tolls
"Winchester" Flash light
case, but not ot the battery, the heart of tbe light.
They have been giving our trade the best of satisfaction, and wo
ask that you try them out. Longer life, we think, than any other.
lms seATto
Churchill Hardware Company
It Is our earnest nlin lo Rlvo a service that will . command taw
)rule of our every patron.
A faithful service to the people, ever nt Hie post of duty snTorjr
hour of tlie day and ulglit.
Wo appreciate your loyul support.
Douglas County Light & Water Co
B. M. JKWH1WG8, Manager.
There are no Safer Investments
This Is how Government IJonds havo advanced within YYi st tlx
months. Uncle Ham pays dollar for dollar and Interest, If TOG
give him time and encouragement. Bo will Munlelpal Bonds aueli
as we are oflcritur. Note the advance in Government Bonds within
the last six months, as set forth In the following table:
June 20, 1921 to Doe. 20, 1921 Gain
Liberty 3ls 188 02 $ 93.S 1B.J4
Liberty 1st 4s 87.44 6.70 9.S0
Liberty 2nd 4s S6.6 86.10 4
Liberty 1st 4 Ws 87.50 98.80 9 10
Liberty 2nd 4t 8(1.72 98.20 9.48
Liberty 3rd 4 4s 91.46 97.84 -6.18
Liberty 4th 4 'At 86.86 96.60 9.74
Victory 44s 98.40 100.02 1 62
Victory 38 98.40 100.02 1.62
RICE & RICE, Investment Brokers
I'll Say They're
Good Eats
Knjoy oar home-like meals, bast served! foods In Ihe
city. "It's the Chef."
MF.AL8 NOW SWc, 30c and 33c.
Hot biscuits or corn bread with year dinner.
Hot Banco anil French Fried Potatoes with short orders
In the evening. Our? dining room and lunch coanUr.
I MRS. VV. p. BOWMAN, Prop.
Mildred Wlllford entered ilgh
school last week. Miss Wlllford Is
a senior.
Wednesday wenlng ot this week
Mr. Mason, an Impersonator, will
give a program at tke Wilbor high
school, under the auspices of ths
student body of the high school.
Goodyear Tlra Barrios
tho, story of the