rosmmo is'fws-iifvtfw. wmvrsnAV. rffcrmrn at, mai. hoskiuiwj (x)lii:st ox cxust 1 7-'' : Hi . '-r . fv i-x'f J' :-, .,- JjJf bianchr 'Jr That Tanlac Is a wonderful medi cine lor delicate children is cnnelu-j slvely proven by the reniarkaWe re- i Rults accomplished in the cases of! the three children shown In this pic ture. Little Ulanche Iilair, of Provi dence, If. I., aged 13, gained 10 pounds; lteglna McC'abe, at right, age 9, of Scranlon, Pa., gained If) pounds; little liichard lary, Jr., of Philadelphia, who was very delicate, is now In fine, robust health. The statements made by tlwiir parents are us follows: Mr. A. M. Dlalr, residing at 20 Atwood street. Providence, K. I , said: "We are just so happy over th'd change Tanlac has made in our little girl lhat we can't do or say enough to show our appreciation. She had lost nearly 20 pounds In weight and looked so frail and weak that her mother and I were both almost wor iled sick over her condition. Since takiiur Tanlac, sire has already gained 10 pounds, her color Is better! and many a time the gas pressed up than It ever has been and she looks it0 his chest until his heart palpi nntl acts like a different girl." tared so I thought sure he couldn't Mis. Catherine McCabe, 414 Dick- breathe but a few more gasps. But ens Ave., Scranton, Pa., said: "The Tanlac gave him back to us strong (Hi left my little Heglna in such a and well and we will praise It to our bad condition that I have no Idea she.' dying day " would be with me now If It hadn't The effect of Tanlac on the dell teen for Tanlac. It Is a mystery to cate stomachs of the young Is one of ..... ...... nu i.veu on me nine sue, the strongest evidences of its whole- "in v-uu.iK uiiu was so iireiess sue never even cared to play with the i i f ;J$ M'CAM- ; i VRICMAR-X) 11 ilolls and toys she got at Christmas. Since taking Tanlac she Is as hardy and well as any child could be and Iiiib gained 15 pounds In weight. I wfll always praise Tanlac for restor ing our little girl's health." Illchard Lenry, 2342 Palethorpe St., Philadelphia, said: "There is no doubt In my mind hut that Tanlac saved my little boy's life. For two years I wouldn't have been a bit mir- in i, i. . 1 , p 011 al F- Chapman's Pharmacy and ' "uMiincn iroiinie lending rjggistj overywhrn. sonieness as well as Its unusual merit. Although a powerful recon structive. Tanlac contains no harm ful ingredients, minerals or opiates which are so often found in other medicines. Being composed of the most beneficial roots and herbs known to science It Is purely vege table and can be taken by the most delicate children, and does not upset or Injuie the weakest or most deli cate stomach. Tanlao Is sold In Roseburg by W. by ( joy yourselves at the Chrlstfas tree AROTJKD TUB TOWN i, Uena Page. ' rs MarriaKe License Issued I A marriage license was Issued to day to Kverett It. (Ireen and Lulu P. Johns, both of t'anyonvllle, i Here from Slltlierlin I. (!. (loff and daughter, of Suth ' rlln. came to lioselmrg this morn ing and siient the day shopping. Miss (loir is taking tho teachers examination. To Visit In Kiddle Kdward Alkens, a Junior nt O. A i . lett this morning for Kiddle where he will stay for a short time visit lug friends. P.etmns to (iiants Pass Mr. and Mrs. H. y. TCggcr or (Trains Pass returned to their home In that lty last night after a short time r.pcnt here attending to business matters. Back from Portland Itev. 0. H. lllltou has returned to this city after a short time spent in i oi'iinnu attending to business mat ters. Fine Christmas Program to be Given by Sunday School i on Saturday Evening. CANTATA ON SUNDAY Dr. Iionls Albert Banks will Speak (Sunday Morning nnil at Xlgbt Cliolr Will ilve Keial (liristnuui ( anlatiu Iteliinis to IttHNlsiNiit Miss Ituth Wilholt, who has been visiting in this city for a week, loft this afternoon for her homo In Kccdsport. SMnlx Hay Here Shopping Mrs. K. X. Ash arrived here yes terday morning from her hinuo In West Pork. Mrs. Ash spent, the day here doing Christmas shopping and returned to West Pork yesterdav. V. It. C To Meet The W. It. C. will meet at 1 o'clock Friday at the armory at their regu lar meeting so be there on time as we are to have a program anil Christ mas li from 2 till 4 o'clock. Civil war veterans, their wives are wel-e-cnie, also Spanish war veterans and Indian war soldiers, so come and en- SM'iit Short Time Here Mr, and Mrs. M. S. Allen lett to day for their home In Kugene after a short visit here with Mrs. Allen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Cracroft. Here from Dmin Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barker of Drain were In this city for several hours today shopping and attending to business. They returned to their home this afternoon. Here from Wilbur Mrs. V. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. T. It. (ildley nnd Miss Stella llarldt, all of Wilbur, spent several hours in this city today, returning home on the afternoon train. TODAY LIBERTY THEATRE Prices 10c & 15c MATIN' KM KVKUY DAY l'aves for KuMern Oregon Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ilontson left this afternoon for eastern Oregon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilontson have been In this city visiting the latters parents, Ml. and Mrs. ,1. D. Broughton. Tl'KSHAY Truffle OIHeer leaves J. .1. McMahon, state traffic officer left this morning for his homo at M. clford. where he will remain over Christmas. Mr. McMahon has been In lioseburg for a few days, picking up violators and assisting auto own ers In milking out their applications for I ho 111.2 lieense. The Hidden Code with (J HACK PAVmsON. Th n-ntHt American Ara bian NiKhU Mury of a ihou ta mi ami one thrills, In art 1'MpH Iltl'l llaiV-llt'Vil HtUlllH. Harnltl I,lciI Comedy, "Just I'loppd In " and 1'atlm News. Watch 813 Lue F. Vernon vho, "Plays the Pictures" at the Piano Curs Have Tmlibh W ith the streets covered with Ice and snow many automobiles have tumble skidding and spinning the rear wheels In an attempt to make their "get away'' from a curb where any slight Incline exists. The gar net entrances are one of the worst place. Cars leaving the gariu'es are often compelled to baek up anil take several runs before Hie center of I lie street can be reached. The First Methodist Sunday school will present a special Christmas serv ice entitled, "Worship the King," on Saturday evening, commencing at 7 o'clock. A very interesting time Is assured all who attend this en tertainment. The program follows: Selection by the orchestra, Mrs. A. .1. Young, leader. Song by the school. Scripture reading, Mr. Fisher's class. Prayer, Rev. Gordon. Address of Welcome, Ralph Bailor- Song by the school. Recitation, Margaret Dent. Song, primary department. Kxerclse by the little folks. Song, Miss Child's and Miss Or cutt's classes. Recitation, Elliott Compton. Exercise, "The Christmas Colors," primary class. Recitation, "Legend of the Christ Child," Carl Walker. Solo, Elsie Bergh. Recitation, Madeline Dusenberry. Solo, Dorothy Leeper. Recitation, with piano accompani ment, Neva Walker. Recitation, Frances Bergh. Solo, Vera McClintock. Class exercises, Miss Child's class. Class exercises, James McClin tock' class. Offering. Orchestra selection. Closing song by the school. Christmas treat. Benediction. A large box has been provided to receive the offerings for the poor. Every member of the school and friends are urged to bring a package of some kind: groceries, fruit, vege tables, candy, nuts, clothing, meat, or canned goods, so that this box will be filled to overflowing. This offering will be turned over to the committee on Associated Charities for xllstrfbutlon Saturday ipvenlng after the program. It Is desired to make this a real "White Christmas," so that no one will be missed, who may be entitled to sympathy and sup port. The cash offerings will go to the starving children overseas. A cordial welcome to all who can at tend this Christmas service Is ex tended. The program states prompt ly at 7 o'clock. .1. E. McClintock Is superintendent of the school. Dr. Louis Albert Banks, the dis tinguished lecturer and nuthor will occupy tha pulpit at the First Meth odist church Christmas morning at 11 o'clock. Ho will give the sub stance of his new book, "The N'ight Before Christmas," a popular story built around the Scripture marratlve This will make an even seventy- books from the fertile brain of this great man, and they cover all the wide range of subjects from "The j Christ Brotherhood ' to "Capital Stories of Croat Men." The fact lhat Dr. Banks has chos en Roseburg for his home Is all the more reason why he should be given 1 a large hearing. i Miss Fav deddes nnd Miss Dorothy Orrutt will sing "The Little lown of Bethlehem," and there will also be an anthem by the choir. The Sunday school will have a Christmas lesson at 9:4 5, and the Enworth League at 6:30 will be led by Miss Gladys Walker, the topic being "Following the Star." Sundav evening at 7:r.O tho choir of tho First Methodist church will render a Christmas cantata, "The light, of the World," by Fred B Hidden. Mrs. A. X. Orcutt Is lead er, and Mrs. C. S. Helpline accom panist. They will be supported bv the 'orchestra, 'led by Mrs. A. J. Young, who has promised two spec ial numbers on tho program. The member of the choir sro Mrs. A. N. Orcutt, Mrs. Leon McClintock. Mrs. A. .1. (iecldes. Mrs. Lyman Spen cer. Miss Dorothy Orcutt. Miss Ylv ian Orcutt, Mrs. Walter Fisher, Miss Fav Ceddos. Miss Elsie Bergh. Miss Lois Woodruff Walter Fisher, Lyman Spencer, .John Met Unlock, A. .1. C.ediles, John Moore, Ed. Jenkins Mr. Leeper and, Fred Jenkins. Those taking solo parts are Mrs Orcutt. Mrs. McClintock. nnd Messrs, VMaln.r. Snenrer and McClintock. There will also be a number of duets and quartettes. There will he no admission rharg ed and all arc Invited to entny this high class program of sacreu music. J Diamond Briquets an' once more available, l'age Lumber Fuel Co. j o j The Daughters of Isabella will 1 give a New Year's ball at the armory l Monday. Jan. 2. '22. Music, Ott's 'Orchestra. Tickets $1.00. Three Hlvries Granted Three divorces were granted yes t.rdny afternoon by Circuit Judge .1. W. Hamilton. The bonds of nint rtnieny were severed lirtween Joseph C. Connellv and Gra-la E. Connelly: Emily M Blair and John F. Blair: end Susan Valentin, and James C. Valentine. Attorneys Wlmberly and ( onion represented the plaintiff In the first named action mil Attorney l ong appeared for the plaintiffs III the oilier two cases. PAii.T Tvr.'r-:ri nRroiiT. V P VCMttiw ntireau. ""Ice. nuxrburg, Orriton, 4 hours ndlnil I r. lpllinlo ! mc!if nnd llnalrdlha lliklo'st 1,'iitiMTtMur.' .-Menuy .. 1' '' liwvsl trinlMTature last IllKlit .. "0 I'rrelpllnllon last i'l b"iirs .. "J Tiilnl preell' lllirr first "f n'enth 1 1 formal pr. few tliln manfh... HI Total Iroip. frui Spt. I, lH'il. to date '! 1 '. VvernKo prw-lp from Sept. 1. I".. 11 Totnl ,tt'l!-l.'le v rmm S- pt. t. ll'.'l .fi'1 Avr irolptlen lor 44 wt MKOTii (Xrt- to My. Forinit lo 8 p. m. fortout b"rtrn TonlKlit HC'I 'rinirlav. ruin or iii-w. WILLIAM KKLU Obscrvar, MASON'S ATTENTION. of & A special communication Tn.irnl T,l,. 'o 13. A. F A. M will be held in the Ma- sonic Temple Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1921. Work In Hie M. M. degree. Dinner will be served at 0:30. Grand Master Bailee will bo present at this meeting. All members are requested to brliiif their aprons. By order of W. M. W. F. HARRIS. Secy. Eastern Star In stalls New Officers j Roseburg's reputation for climate , got an awful Jolt this morning when the weather service reported Rose i burg to be the coldest spot on the j Pacific coast. Tho thermometer here . recorded 20 degrees above zero while 1 other places along the coast reported j slightly higher temperature marks. I Somo of the places affected by the storm and the temperatures reported I this morning arc: Portland 24; I Marshfleld, 28; Seattle, 30; Red Bluff, 30, with heavy rainfall; Sac ramento. 40; Los Angeles, 04, with heavy rain. A social meeting with the Installa tion of new officers was held by the Eastern Star Lodge last Thursday night in their lodge rooms in Hie Masonic building. The following of ficers were installed: Elizabeth Run yan. Worthy Matron; Charles Hein line, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Francis Ilurchard, associate matron; Mrs. Nora Flint, treasurer; Free Johnson, secretary; Mary Ilubar, conductor; Hazel French, associate conductor; Mrs. Luella Seiher, organist; Mrs. Delia Quine, marshal; Mrs. Cora Singleton, chaplain; Miss Ula Flurry, Ada; Mrs. Ethel Hurt, Ruth; Mrs. Nell MoElhlnney, Ester; Mrs. Myrtle Bond, Martha; Mrs. Zelpha McDon ald, Electa; Mrs. Ethel Finley,, war der; and John Runyan, sentinel, Mrs. .Myrtle Relmers was the retiring ma tron and Mrs. Kegina Sawyers In stalling marshal. A short musical program was enjoyed including vocal solos by Mis. M. S. Hamm and Miss Frances Parsiow. Refreshments were afterwards served In the banquet room. o Briquets, the convenient fuel. Buy them at Page's. TOIIUST FIND INDKlt FIRE. SALEM, Dec. 21. Statements of Senators Upton nnd Bell, during the Joint meeting of the steering com mittees of the senate and house Tuesday night Indicated that an at tempt may be made during the pres ent cession to repeal the law appro priating $50,000 annually to the Northwest Tourist association. Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state, was called lfore the committee and was asked to explain whether the state of Washington had compiled with the conditions under which the Oregon law was enacted. Mr. Kozer said the legislature of Washington had refused -to appropriate any money for the tourist association, but that the funds had been raised by popular subscription. Other questions asked by Senators Upton and Bell indicated that they were dissatisfied with the Oregon law and might seek to have it repealed. Goodyear . Tlra Service, Ford Garage. i Xmas Tree and Social Enjoyable The Roseburg Women's club held their Christmas social yesterday at the Parish house. After a short busi ness session, Miss Marie Martens read a Christmas story. Distribution of gifts and a social hour followed. Delicious refreshments were serv ed by Mrs. Frank Heliwcll and her committee. The club room was beautifully dec orated in evergreen and red berries. The afternoon was much enjoyed by the large crowd of club women and their guests. 0 Goodrich Tire service. Bee us. C. A. Lock wot 4 Motor Co. o A CHRISTMAS WISH A token I would send to thee This happy morn, While fancy flirts across the sea Where Christ wa3 born. The holly Is a symbol true Of life beyond; The berries glow In love's own hue Affection's Bond. May Heaven's richest blessing fall And comfort thee, E'en as the snow-flakes cover all With purity. May He who lit the Eastern Star E'er lead thee on, And lure thee to the Gates Ajar At Heaven's dawn. Rest safe beneath Jehovah's wing, Though skies be gray, And join ihe songs the angels sing On Christmas day. WILLIAM STEWART GORDON. Women help wanted at Cannery, Mill street. 11 LLETS, COCKERELS. O. A. C. Strain white Leghorn and Barred Rock pullets and cockerels. Also Buff Orpingtons. Reducing our Btock for the breeding season. Not culls, but this year's matured stock. Phone 6-F2. Fred A. Goff, Rose burg. o Llbby, the Bootless Oregon coal. Page Lumber & Fuel Co. ARMS COIN TO HE ISSUED. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. The arms conference will be reflected In a new series of silver dollars mint ing of which will be started Immedi ately. The design of the new dollars was approved by President Harding today on its submission by Raymond T. Baker, director of the mint, fol lowing approval by the fine arts commission. Director Baker said that about 700.000 of the new dol lars would be coined before January 1. The new dollar will have the us ual head of Liberty on the obverse side, while the reverse will have a large figure of an eagle perched on a broken sword and clutching an olive branch bearing the word "Peace." The background will show rays of a rising sun. The usual "E Pluribus Unum" and "In God We Trust" also will be on the coin. This is the first Hiiro since 1878 that a new design has been adopted for the silver dollar. 1 MUSIC OTT'S 6-PIECE ORchesj, ARMORY Saturday, December 24 709, t Nniiol Ymnc J?,;- . .MO uuuvons lo tho Let 'er g0f Profess I Jitney Dance Dancing 9 ti, r .1 -W n n children returned to Los Angole9 hist j n.ake'thl m hi night after a searrh of several t " hom henw ' months In this pity for a houaP. Mr I fivinl tt to A uppolal row line or tnpstrlea, Tiff mi y hlt'tnlx. praas clot tin. cr tonne, ovrrd raped, all In your wall paper, with beautiful artistic borders to match all chailes. Something never before seen in Ro.wburK, at Flsher'p, 4 0 3 West Cans St. Com In and look. CobIs you nothing to look at them. Carpets vacuum cleaned, Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Itosebui'ig Steam Laun dry. .Mrs. Herman Miller of Yoncalla was in this city today for Beveral hours doing Christmas shopping. Frank F. liailoe, Grand Master of tho Masonic lodge, arrived hero to day to consult the Matron of the Eastern Star lodge, Mrs. Elizabeth! Runyan. Mr. Uallee will bo thej quest of the Masonic Hlue Lodge and! will be entertained at dinned tonight at the temple, -o XOTirE TO ldTIU(TOIIf). llllillWA V 1M til TIO. Joi i, as oi vrt, oin;.o. i Pealed Im1h will be ri.'t.'L'ivtMl by thej Oounly Court of OoukIus County, Ore- Hon, ut tho court house in HuPfburK-. j OreKon, at 10 o'clork a. in. on the 7th j dity of January, for const ruction I work on four m-dlons of road between , Hom-buttf find Glide. The work Involves' nppn ximutely 2 niiles of KradluK mid 4 nitlcs of graveling, tht limits hetns i more particularly (lenrribed an Hun- ninic Sec. Ma. 32--ftl to Sta. US-i-M. 1 KrndliiK' nd Kruvel intf ; 1 thick Mud i S-c, Sin. to Sta. 170-1-00, Rrav- eiliiK; liarker Sec, Sta. 1SH--ti5 to Sta. j u6-j-54, Ki-udliiK and graveling; Oak j Creek Sec. Sta. 20-!-1ii.3 to Sta. 7&--43.7 grading and graveling. I Also for graveling a Hectlon of road, betwe.-n Itoseburg and Jteston, known ' H8 the Mar.sters Section. The work in volves approximately It 3-4 miles of , graveling, the limits being more p.i r th ularly described as from a pt. which hrs. N. 4ti degrees minutes L:. 1 1)7 ( feet from XW cor. 1). 1,. C. li:t, T. 117-6. i aercisB Taher Sec. to Sta. L'l-l-mi. 1 4 1 miles; also from Sta. 0-1-00. Tuber Sec, ! westerly miles to Sta. 43-1-00,1 looking Class 11111 See. ! Xo hid will lie considered unless or- com pan led by cash, bidder's bond or certtrbd check for an amount etpiul to, at least live per cent of the total: amount of the bid. 1 A sufficient bond will be required i for the faithful performance of the contract in a sum equal to one-half the total amount of the bid. 1'lans. specifications, forms of con tract, propos;il blanks, and full Infor mation for bidders may be obtained at the office of the county clerk or the county r on d master, courthouse. Hose burg, Oregon, upon the deposit of live dollars. The right is reserved to reject r.ny or all proposals, or to accept the pro posal or proposals deemed best for the county. 1UA. It. HirHH.K, County Clerk. NEW TODAY. I'Oll HAIK A email trailer, new. One ' overland touring car, price f 7I.uO. Mathews Welding Works, KOH SAI.K: White Leghorn hens. Tim cred strain. Good layers. 733 Cobb St. FOR SAlVl-: A small payment down taken a used l-'ord. Ourprtee la right. r, A J , m k w ' uxl .Mi nor Co. WAXi'KliYoiing man wants fur nished room in private family. Cen trally located. Address G., ear Xews-lte'lew. u7 MMdOS per gallon made with new patented gasoline Vaporizer. Write lor particulars. Strannky Vaporizer i'i., rnkv;inn.S.Ji llnl'SK VtUt" HKNT And furniture for cnle. Also electric washer and New Edison phonograph. Corner 'f Monher and l'airott Sts. WaS'TKI -ATii0loau fT one. two or, three venrs on Ituseburg city prop erty worth lliinn. Interest Ht H per cent. Address Loan, Nev8-Heview W A NT KI To W'Y Prag saw. Must chain drive, with clutch, in good; repair, no Junk, and lowest cash ju ice. A. K. Hell, Ht. a, Hox 68, j Hoseburg. ! A MILLION M),L.i:S IS A lOT OF MONKY. and you mav never get that mucli, but lo re is a chance to get all you could wMi for in a going, pny iiur ranch. There Is "'.ts acres, 1 M) acres river bottom Isnd under culti vation. 3 acres now under Irriga tion in alfalfa and red clover; two bin bams, two silo, slim II hmise, borders on river; unlimited outrange adjoining. IT tee thirteen thousand ; te,i years to pa v eight thotisand; takes tlve tbouvnnd rush. A. T. aw r iM e. Com in ere i:i I Agent, 1 - j Cass Street. I'll one -1'.'. COMPLETE LINE OF Toys and Christmas I Call and See our Goods and Prices S. B. CROUCH Annual Junior Play "Bird's Christmas W The most popular of all Christmas fqi Presented by The Junior Class of RM AT THE H. S. AUDITORIUM Thursday, December 22nd, 8 jit ADMISSION Students 35 Cents Adults 50 Cents .06c rfevigpa Tl-KSOAY vn WVIXFSPAY - xt I? anil H S tiTi?rk urniMPM HATED ji . .. ..iiic THitonx AM) Tllh imi-i TlHiK'I'HKU IX A MTTI.E t.IBB FAR THE TO WIUTH HIS M.ISTKHUM.B. "THK V N X KCKSSA It Y SEX, AND SHK TO YM All: THfc tions ok ri:usisTi.M w . . ,t, a I'l'l" 1'1'lllV ! I Hil l I .1 ' I conicly clnwlcs ever wreein .. " " ., ,,( an.l Kl'vlarkliiK nnd lrl-lilnK Marie more rlinniiln. i v TVH N TUV.y!i rmiKTII.'. ((IMI'IIY - AMI IXTHv MAHIK - ... '.'"v KKlU" TAX COMMITTKKS MK.KT CoimniMws nppolnted hy Ihe tax liMiKiie to rritli'lsc the l!i;2 i ppnn budget for the rounty, h, l, a Joint nieetlnR at the court hounp thin afternoon for the purpose of outlining their r.'i'nrt which will he null- mltted to tho county court at an open niietim tomorrow. CHER-RO I tiiiulo to ninke llio best MIKAD 9'i.lin a 41) Ih. wick at lllKK" & l'nttern I Tlio l'.cononiy Cirocrry J. I). Heeso'i C.rocery I linve watched you from my closet, Nothing nilaKm me or Dodpet. Thnt'a the mime of my companion, Hero upon the shelf, we It on. CHER-FO A Ilnrd Wheat Ulend that Can't He Heat. In It. ci.n.iron (Ic AVediieMlny 1 '."l' "The Lady from Lone ' nr. iMA IX THIS tWU.i"- -f WILLIAM RUSSEU SirAutlionrO. ,,,, Tony, mno-n,. of net Ion, "! !' " e"" ' i Icli l ia " ivl " TTuMAt , ,0V trf'