Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 21, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    itosKitrnr. NFAVK-nrviFW. m nvi snw. t-fcfmt-fu ai. ttai.
Soviet Plans to
Use Gold Basis
With Pearl OU as fuel
your oil heater literally
radiates comfort wher
ever you use it in living
room, bathroom, or bed
room. Pearl Oil brings the
best out of any good oil
heater supplying a con
stant healthful tempera
ture that everyone ap
preciates these chilly
It is refined and re
refined by our special
process which makes
it clean-burning no
smoke no odor no
Sold in bulk by dealers
everywhere. Order by
name Pearl Oil.
.--- -r - Ail . 1 J 1 . 1 HI
(MKIl'S OI'KX KVF.NIXtiS. Koyal Electric cleaners Bold on
Carr's store opi'n every evening easy payments ut Hudson Electric j
till Christmas for your convenience, store.
Excursion Tickets
Will be ou Sale at
One and x2 Fare
for tlio
Round Trip
Christmas Holidays
All stations where the one-way fare does not "exceed $25.00.
Minimum round trip fare $2.50.
Sale dales December 22 Z and 24lli
Final return limit January 4th.
For further particular.-:, ask Agents
Southern Pacific Lines
Cicnerul Fasener Agent.
Ry EDWIN W. irri.V.lNGKIl I
(I'nited Press Staff Correspondent.) I
MOSCOW. ( Ily .Mail.) Deflation
of JIussla's currency will he the first
bis tusk the Soviet government will:
tackle dining the New Year. lx"V
Kameneff, president of the iioscow
Soviet and member of the cabinet, !
fnid In an interview with the l ulled
I'ress today. !
Millions of billions of these paper1
roubles so many that no one knows
Just how many have been poured j
Into circulation from the government;
pi luting presses the last four years.
Never in history has any country j
neen smothered with such quantities!
of paper, and the Uolsheviks, In es-l
faying to bring the national currency ,
hack to a gold basis, are facing the
biggest problem of finance and bank-:
inic tht ever confronted a nation.
The" hope to do it, Kanieneff said,
In tlw short space of two years.
"As a first step toward stabilizing
the value of the existing issues, the
Moscow stock exchange will be re
opened in December," Kameneff
said. "Complete freedom of trnda in
liussia and foreign moneys, both pa
per and gold, stocks and bonds, and
nil kinds of commercial paper wll! be
allowed, just as on Wall Street.
"This will invest the rouble with
snnt3 actual market value, an abso
lute essential to foreign credit. No
Kussian firm in hope to obtain
credit abroad or conduct a business
with any regularity as long as the
paper rouble has no standard value
except that upon the Illicit money
curb, where it is liable to variations
of 100,000 roubles per pound in a
lew weeks.
"The second step will be taken
January 1, when the government will
ceaso issuing paper money except'
notes actually backed by a metallic I
reserve. At the same time the gov
ernment budget will be shifted to the
goltl basis, all expenditures and rev
enues being reckoned on the gold
rouble at its 1911 quotation. This
arrangement has already been put
Into effect in the government's deal
ings with foreigners hi Russia.
"This will be followed by a sweep
ing reduction of administrative ex
penses, entailing a titty per cent cut
In personnel. '
"On January 15, fifty per cent of:
all government employees will be dis
(JiaTged, A clean sweep will be'
made in all departments, eliminating!
unnecessary branches and arbitrarily!
paying oil every second clerk, jteno-i
grapher, etc." '
The present superabundance of ,
emp'oyes in every department was
one of the striking features the cor-i
respondent of the I'nited States not
iced upon arriving In Moscow. Kv-!
ery government ofTice was literally'
cluttered with clerks. Kach govern
ment official was surrounded by aj
small army of secretaries.
This projected housecleanlng an
nounced by Kameneff alone will!
make a tremendous difference in the!
government's budget. (
Katnenoff said that tho govern-j
ment would begin reralling the pres-l
cut paper Issues by degrees and re-j
deeming them with gold reserve j
notes as soon as the paper rouble at-.
tained some stability on the stock
cxrhanire. The treasury will accept
is basis for redemption the prevail
ing market value of the issues
thirty, forty or a hundred thousand
to the gold rouble, as the case may
lie said that no gold coins would
actually be put into circulation,
however, until the currency situation
had become more stable.
"To put gold coins Into circula
tion at present would be like throw
ing thctn Into the ocean so far as any
beneficial effect upon, business Is
concerned. They would disappear in
a Jiffy into the stockings of the peas
ants and small shopkeepers or Into
the pockets of foreUn traders. In a
short time all would be out of cir
culation and we would be just where
we started, minus that much nioro
Kanieneff said the government had
cotl.-iderable supplies of gold in its
vaults, largely residue from the (Var
Istic coverninent's former resene.
Quantities of private jewels and j
gold were also confieated in 1 il 1 7 I
ami stored in official safi's for a
rainy day. There treasurers, he said,
will now lie utilized as security lor
the government obligations.
iltiag tW Dnstttti Sivy ?47yinia iirfae W.:,v I
A m:v i:i.ititi:uT
For tho life of me I could not con
tinue t ho conversation as we. rodo
back to the apartment. It had dawn
ed on me suddenly, helped perhaps
by Herb's remarks, that nev.-r had
I felt quite the same toward any mall
as I did toward Theodore Stratlon.
He had been so wonderful to me
on the train when he thought I was
I utation to save anyway. Sometimes 1
i wish I hadn't a cent. It would have
1 been better had I been compelled to
work. 1 might have amounted to
Koniethlng then.
"Money is not only the root of
ill evil, but the bone of contention
mid the axe with which we expect to
win ull buttles. j
"Money disrupts families. It plants'
hardness in our hearts. It makes as
....... ,.. .it ........... . ...... naniness in our nearis. it niaKcs ns A-vvav-,AA. . ,
Just a little foolish girl. And to- ,.r00iu.d ill our dealings and while by I
night, when he saw that I needed his
help, he was right ou 'lie spot. No
man could do the things that Theo
dore Strattou had dona for inn so
easily and so gracefully without
them coining from a kind heart and
generous mind.
Herb's mind Is saturated with the
philosophy of those with whom he
had been associating. What a rotten
world it Is when a man like Herb
can come to the place where he sus
pects every other ninu.
As if answering my nT:po1c?t ar-
it, we measure every success that I
comes to human boings, yet it never
brings any of us, the real Joy of liv
ing or any lasting happiness."
"Herb, I have just learned what
Gloria discovered in you. She saw
you were better than the riff-raff
which you were trailing around j
with. I
"Dnn'fflatter me .little girl. All
that I am, ull that I will be (for Ij
have determined to justify her faith I
in me), I owe to (ioria and it makes;
mo feel as though 1 were doing the
Quilts, Handkerchiefs
Felt Slippers, Umbrellas
ry uswr uto, Uress and Work r
rolKiinient Herb i'em--.'''ori: "I hope,; moat caddish thing I have evor done
VIrglo, that you will forgive me for: niy life to keep our marriage se
whut you must think Is maligning ; rrit. For once I do not agree wlthj
man In general." her
"Well. Herb, you have rathe;! .'V,.il. here w-- are at your apart-i
men that had been firmly implanted m thp motnng if vou Klvo me
in my mind ; the address of your new home."
4u . , ... m ! "That is very kind or you. Herb.
That men always stand together. An(, if ,alk wi,h R,a . ,
That no matter one man does.' h mornlnB be 811re t0 to hl.r how
there will always be found some oth- , " , , ,
er man to make excuses for his fool-.
ishnesa.' ' the little apartment the Ionell-
That Idea has been exploded long i-ess that I had mentioned to Herb
ago. No man will stand up for un-; enveloped me like a pall,
other man when a woman, or her "I do not believe I can live alone,"
stainless reputation, is the pawn. I said to myself and then I thought
Kverv man, my dear, will rush to bow lovely It would bo if I could
rescue you or anv other girl from the find someone like Maud Sanson to
cMilches of a brute like llrown. "All share a bungalow with me. The Idea
men of any decern y will save you al-; bowever, was so ridiculous that I
ways from every other man but not : laughed, and the laughter soothed
always from the'r.iselves. I feel that. 'o to sleep.
I am somewhat to blamo for your tin-' To my surprise, when I arrived at
noyance this evening." i the World-Wide studio the next
mornins I found that I was to wear
Are You From
Missouri ?
Then come and let us show yju
i.i qti.ou,
"aril i .
We can save .vou inoncv in inn,, ..
frarm Bureau Cooperative Exch;
111. 11 lllflllwt... L'l
jHOOt KtibljA
ffl ti& cass -jt. rV
'tr-r"''-'"iiw.wi a
The Owl Says:-.
Been up for InspectionTt
GET Your New Suit of US.
GET Your Suit Pressed bv T--5
GET Your Suit Cleaned by US,
GET them altered and repaired ljf;
Why not nt all. Herb. You had
to answer the phone. And It was
reasonable to assume that I was amp
ly protected in a first class res
taurant." ;
"Of course, bnt you must under-'
stand. Virgie. that my reputation has
not been immacul.'.te where pretty
girls are concerned. Seeing you with
me, lirown took it for granted he
could take liberties with you." '
"Do you mean you have blasted
my reputation?" I said with a smile.
"I hope not, dear. liut I must
confess 1 did have a little selfish mo-!
the in dining with you. And as us-;
mil I did not take your position into
account. I shall have to consult
something besides my Inclination
trom now on. " I w ish Itia w as not so
crazy- to get me out of this scrape
with Kitty Dalton and save my mon- j
ey. What does a little money mean? '
1 don't believe 1 have a shred of rep-'
my evening dress in a China town
street. This seemed strange until
someone explained that the scenery
would show the end of a hilarious
party supposed to have taken place
on New Year's Eve; or, rather it
would show the cold grey dawn of
the morning after a China town
slumming expedition.
"I wonder when they will take the
r.-al party when they will shoot the
night scenes?" said someone near
My heart grew cold! How could
I be here for night scenes while I
was on the set at the Kalsey studio.,
I determined that If necessary I
would not report because 1 could not
afford to give up the experience
which would come to mo when dl
n nted by the biggest man In Screen
dom. TOVWtltOW A Day's Work.
just as clean as any bakery you've
ever seen.
Here is bread fresh every day, ex
cellent bread, wo think you'll say.
Ire are cookies, pies and cakes,
as fine as any baker bakes.
Here are doughnuts, rolls and
buns, and you'll not find any better
one3. August Heck, Proj.
Oregon Bakery
328 N. Jackson St. Phone. 241.
V . ' si---3 !
Try them for 0m j
A Ford Coupe nt the price of
a roadster. 280.00 takes it.
;iiiii: m:vs
foro the schedule starts. Although
tonight's contest Is only a practice
game, it is expected to be a good one.
Women help warned at Cannery,
Mill street.
The !t. Scott Athletic club held
their regular meeting Saturday nUht
December 1 7.
Nearly a hundred people alended
the dance given by Mrs. O. W.
Shrum at her homo Saturday, Dec.
1 7. A good timo was reported by
The community Christmas celebra
tion under the auspices of the I'arent
Teacher Association will be hid Fri
day evening, Dec. 2'A, at S o'io"k in
the (Hide church. A program will be
given by the school child:en under
tho direction of Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Wat
son r.n.i .i;..s Leavenworth.
Mi, and Mrs. John Alexander. Mr.
and Mrs. s. J. shrum. Leslie ltlak
ley, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Chapman
were in the city Saturday, December
17, shopping.
l-'re.l Asam. of the Forestry De
partment, spent last week In the
mountains . ast of here repairing the
government ti-lephone line.
A New Year's dance will be
given by Mr. Frank Larreau at his
home Saturday. Dec. 111.
The Chrisiian Workers Hand of
Candies i
The wry best our money can
buy in plain or fancy Christ- J
mas boxes or in bulk by the
I'll Say They're '
Good Eats
Enjoy our liome-Hko meals, best served fiK'ds to to
city. "It's tho Clief."
MKA1.S NOW 25c, KOc and :Wc.
Hot biscuits or co.n bread with your dinner.
Hot Sauce and French Fried Potatoes with shnrt orders
ill the evening. Cozy dinins room and lunch counter.
I Special Bargain
in satin mixed candie3 at 25c
ne.t iter noond. A full
lino of other Christmas can- J
dies. Oranges. Ilananas and Z
Nuts of all kinds.
The Alcove I
210 N. Jackson St. f
U III 11 111 HI ! III l
Fruit Trees
Christmas Shoppers.
We can sonc yon jusl us clliciciitly as in the I.;.(o slioppors will not lie disap
poinliil, we liave prepared for heavy huyiiiK. Our stock is tonipk-tc i'r. exeeplional bar
Kain prices for Nmas buyers.
Yes, we have a Gift
mmm fur hek
V 7 y ' SoeourXOTASEME lino of Latlics
Hosiery the hosiery of distinction Gift that Lasts
Gifts that arc useful We can Clothe Your Bov Complete the practical
and always welcome. We win bc pic!5Cj to'show you Gift
Harth's Toggery
A ii i n l f. K
ItoseburK held afternoon services inlj I If liHTlfl l(Y 4 f.
.)ii.-..h Sundae. December1 v11 uuiv rA A
thi (.Hide
It is loci. il that pourinp drucs
Into the stuiiiach will not cure ca
tarrh in the head. llyoiiiel, nodi
cateil air. teaches tho wal of the
disease. C. ii.iinnte. d by V. F. Ciiaii-man.
W 9
f. 5
It.'.Mvl.r ItAI.I. TONK.IIT
A r.eti.e muiir of basset ball
will be,l at the bleb si hool
i.etve. n the teams represent
inc Hie ibool and the local Na
tional Cu.ird cemiiany. lloth orKan
i:it).i.4 l.:ne fine teams and a kooiI
s ri'nin.ii.-.i i oxpe. ted. As both
teams c i : a number of outside
ratios startint; next month they are
enileavoriii' to net Into condition bc-
fair!! iU11K
Tut. "Food Dnnlt" lor All Aftett
Quick Lunch et Home, Office, ul
Fountains. Ath for HORUCKS. r,
fci" Avoid Imitations & Substitutes
Trune trees, all sizes.
Tear, Hose and Dartlett
I'ea.hes. 10 varieties.
l'lums, 2 varieties.
Apples. 9 varieties.
Cherries. S varieties.
I'lps, 2 varieties.
Loganberry "Plants.
Strawberry Vlants.
l!astberry I'lnnts.
Current Plants.
(ioos. h. cry Plants.
Kubarb l'lauts.
V:nrliili Holly lierrles.
Ornano niai :.tock ordered or
rcquo: t.
Nurry Yanl on Uoko St., op
W 4
l Something
j j a
I MlfeJ. Mai
WfT-ir 11
Si Appi-ff
rf t v ciat
Mother Goose Christmas
Heinline Kindergarten
First M. E. Church, Friday
lx. IT.rd, 7:30 sharp. Admission
f -ee.
,i... ,:.n,m AMI UM I' C,U:
l-O.M.LK. SILK AMI -' l,,KI , u;m. 1"B
HANDS, tiAlllH'
THE noME OF n.inT M