ItOKF.IUKG XEWW-KEVIFW. S.tTl'liD.W. DICIMHKK 17, 1021. PAGE FIVE We Have Them! Items that moke Practical, Useful and Sensible Xmas Gifts dear to the Feminine heartand sure to be appreciated. " COTTON VXPKItWK imis swkatehs l'rnsES sii.k v.mi:kvkah x..,-..,,,..,,.. COATS I MIir.F.I.LAS HANDkhltCIIlMS I'ETTICOATS birrs tii.oi:s XKCKjYEAK HATH KOUKS WAISTS .MIimlKS AIT.O.YS K1MOXAS SK1HTS xrB Special Low Holiday Prices on Everything in the Shop. If A IT 90 Roseburff. visiting with friends and; r hopping. ! R(H'XW Tl"'; TOWN' ', Miss Lorlenne Conlee, a student at . ; the Oregon Agricultural college, Is $ homo for the holidays to be with her mnsTlvania Tire Service. Ask parents, .Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Conlee. : Kurd Garage. Order coal at Page's, your choice! ores J M.-Clane and wife, resi- of three good kinds. Prompt doliv- , of Riddle spend yesterday In ery. Phone 242. Arthur Davis arrived from Corval Ilr. last evening to spend the holidays with his parents in this city. Mr. Davis is attending school at O. A. C. (leorge Houck, a student of the University of Oregon, arrived here this morning to spend the holidays visiting with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. (loo. K. Houck. pf Christmas Gifts I i a 2 Ul- . rs. JEWELRY What could he mine appropriate for a Christmas gift than a dainty wribl watch, rope of pearls, or a beautiful brooch for Her. For Mini un accurate watch cased in new design, hand chased and engraved case, or a nice. Waldemar chain or tie pin would bo ideal. They are truly the 'Gifts That Last" We have a fine selection for your consideration. BUBAR BROTHERS Jewelers Jackson Street. ' W TlWWI ill .'TJrf-'lilry I fWili Receive Turkeys j l AT THE ? 7 2 PeopI es Supply Co ADVICE TO IIVKLOHX AND OTIILKS Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: Will you please tell me what Kill take Ink out of white linen t The material has never been washed. I soaked It iu twt milk over night, alter It was done, but this did not take It out. Also please tell mo how to take mil dew out that has been In for some time. Thank you. UOSKUl'UU. Ans. Try oxalic acid on (he Ink. I'tr it as the dinuiM "ill tell you lo remove Ink. The only bad enct-t It luliit have would Ik to leave the linen xlluiiily yellow, hut even that Ik hotter than llie ink. Send the mildi-netl piece to the laundry, and 1 think they will remove it, 1 Im.o never scon a bi:tl mildew stain re moved at Inline wltn any mikthm. Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: Can you tell me the best way to accept a man's Invitation to dance. I have only danced a short time, and 1 am al ways puzzled as to what to say when they invite me to dance with them. Is it proper to accept a man's Invi tation K take you home when you have only mot hint that nlrht at the dance? Should low or high heels be worn to a dance? 'lhank you for all your trouble. CI.KM. Ans. When n mail nkn you for a dance, it Is only necessary lo say yes. If you wish you tan say that you would be to, or Nomethim; of that kind. If you know who the man Is and know that he is all right, there is no reason why you should not let him take you home if you have been )iohrly introduced. However, if he is it si ringer and you know nothing iiImiiii him. It would not he advisable. The heels are en tircly n matter of personal prefer ence, Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: You 'have given me such good advice In the past that I thought I would bother you r.gain. I have a larse lump on my neck that I am very worried about. It started coming about a month ago, and has been growing larger all the time. It does not cause me any pain, but I cannot imagine what causes it or what to do for it. It is now quite large. What would you advise nie to do? EIGHTEEN. Ans. You should go to n doctor nt once, anil do not try a:iy more home remedies on it. Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: Will you nlease inform me how to remove ink from cotton .goods, and also how to remove grease fro:n woolen goods? Thank you. - BmilLES. Ans. Onxlic acid, used ncroriling to directions, will reniovo ink from cotton goods. I; not use on any goods but white. To successfully re move grease from woolen iiihmIn you should send the material to profes sional cleaners. Home remedies are not successful willi grease. Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: Will you kindly tell me what magazines II. C. Wells writes for. and what maga zines, if any, Hurst i3. editor of. Thank you. TKIXIE. Ans. H. i. Wells writes lor the Century Magazine. Hurst Is editor of Hurst's Miianzine, ami has u con trolliu:: interest in CoHniojjolituu and a number of other. Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: I have a very serious love problem that I am com ing to you with. I have goao with a certain g!rl for two jvars. and up to a month oo thought that I loved her dearly. She la pretty, and a very nice girl, my ideal in every way. and wo were to be married. A month ajro a girl c:ime to viait her from the elt v. In fact slvc is distantly re lated to her. She is wonderful. Iloautll'il and stylish and with won derful clothes, anil I think now that I am In love with her. She fascin ates me vlicn I am with her. and I . am sure I rnttld never be happy with out her. Still I am not quite sure that I want to li t the first girl r-i What I-, Hie matter with me, and what can I do. .IOIIr K. Ans. It Is very pinhnlde that you are slid'eriiit' from nu tot filiation for the girl from tie city mid that she Is just nnitiointr herseif with you. That Is verv often the e-ise, nud ni ter she leaves, yoll will find this out, anil your love for the oilier girl will, be strongce than ever. However, there Is jut a (hiinee Ibat the girl from the citv is the llvht one for you. Do nothing now. Walt, until she goes bark, anil if, lifter several luonliiv "on feel tbo same nfleefioli for her, you can be sure that It is the real thing. I 1 i You Will Pay Less for Candy j THIS CHRISTMAS AT Fullerton's Drug Store The &Xall Store Have the Largest Stock of Candy this year of their history. Buying Large Quantities made it possible to get Low Prices which are passed down to you. Just a Few of our Special Prices SOFT-CREAMY Cream Mixed Full Pound Special Price 32c Assortment of Fruit Flavored Candy Many Colors and Shapes French Mixed i Full Pound Special Piice 39c For Those Who Want Hard Brittle Candy There is Broken Mixed Full Pound Special Price ' 29c $ . you prefer the attf active PACKAGE CANDIES We have Compete Assortment of LIGGETT'S The well known Chocolates Priced in Boxes from 50c to $6.25 NATHAN ! fMACUTON. Store l'EHKIXS IH.IXJ. I CASS ST., ROSEISl'KG, OltK. 9 CAI.Ij FOR WAUIIANTS. AKOU.NIJ THE TOVW Notice Is hereby given that all Wo repair and recharge bat- school warrants of School Dlst. No. torll!' Lock-wood Motor Co. S, Douglas County, Oregon, to and t Arundel, puico nine raone 154-L including No. I!), datod Ech. 28. ' 1!I21, and prior thereto, endorsed t ntl-TV TitF TlltE MAV half- nf,t nal11 for Wttnt of f"l"ln. ar0 tll,s I AU.MOHV D.VXCK LltLL.-s, I , MAi" Da" ,,;y railed for pavmvnt by the un-j soles rubber boots. : dersigncd and all interest thereon r,.....,.. D ceases from the date hereof. ' :"a(Sl""' i'L, " " Dated December 14. 1921. At mory, Dee. 17. Ott s orchestra. V. W. 8IIATV. Make her happy wllh a Ford. A. I.ockwood Motor Co. .. , . j Clerk School Dial. No. 8, Canyon Jess the Sh yctor nas moved )ln,lcin, ronntv. from Jackson St. to 123 Oak St. . . . Goodrich Tiro Service. Bogus. C. A. Loekwof J Motor Co. SPIRKLLA COUKICTS Made to measure. Belle Case. Phone 3K1-L. New rleetrlr toaster at Churchill's, only 83.75. Just the thltiR for these cold inornliiKi. AND Signer's Garage ROSEBURG Aiiorxn InE TOWS A com! co:il at a low prico--M'fjt-lebis lehby at 1 ;!Ke', AND AT BAKER & FLANARY'S, Oakland. Pacific Meat & Packing Co. I. W. RINGER, Manaqer. Talnless extraction of teeth at room 9, .Masonic temple. Dr. Nerbas. ! A Foul Car the Ideal CliriHlmos ' Klft. Flaee your order now. C. A. l.ockwood Motor Co. , High Values Low Price Good Used Cars I!. I.. Fllii. owner of the nursery yard on hose iMroel, Ih expert hit u carload ol innii" trees fr ar.'i'.e here the fir.i: part of n-Nt week. ' Co il, three 1 lnds Snii"i lor Kock SnriiiKH lui',i. Miaiiiond llri'ii ' end IJbby lump. V.y.o Lumber 4i Find Co. Hot quick room heaters for the bath room, priio $C.7o. Churchill Hardware, Co. WATKINS I'KOrnrCTS The en tire line of old original reliable Knods for sale nt one place only In ItosebuiT 120 West Lane St. I'liono 17 7. C. T. ltro'vn. who residei in ar ll'is' li'iiv. will leave Tuotday f ir San Fran iseo, wher hr will nu",id n month or six week vUitintf with frieniN. Mr. Iirown In already ltlns In Pan Francisco. ! XMAS I'.MiTV I'OSTl'OM II. The Cliilsinias party for the I.i-Kion vblch tir I-rlon Auxil iary had announced for Tues day :ve'ii!.K. has been post poned until the fircf Tuesd.-.y l'i January when i will be given as a New Year's 1 arly. USE SLOAN'S TO EASE LAME BACKS TOV ran't do vour Lest when your li.n k ami every inuJ thrs with i'iir. Apr Sloan's 1-iuinnnt freely, tiiA tiul ru'i.itz, atu enjoy a j'.-ncirativa j;iovv of warmth aii'J C'jnifurt. (irxxl for rlicmnaiim, tit ur.ilia, rpr.iint on J itniitu, a.h'i and pains, vi.itit.if hnc rim' les, ftitf joints anj the afKT c(tc:( of WtallKT c.joiuie. Fcr f-rty yearn pain's enemy. A&k yourntiliLxfr. Ka p Sign's h-iidy. Ac all tirui,:,it 35c, 7Cc, $1.43, Linimentra ti i . ii ! mi imm Ji Dodges Fords Chevrolets Maxwells Tourings Roadsters Oldsmobile Speed Wagon Chevrolet Delivery Ford Truck EASY TERMS J. 0. Newland & Son Dealers in DoJtfe Bros. Motor Vehicles