IWMEIIimn HICWH-RKTIKW. WEPXESIUY. incEiT.Kn i, toat Mrni ptzx 1 11 r """l ' friend! who rI ret their leavinf . Mr. 1 an " I mwmm- ' BodwU hi beta conductlof jitney ""sssfcL.' 4 J AUOCWD THK TOWH U. in this city durlD( the UM 5 VL V 1 a i n iL JiLiiQjr M VS M.i 4 A. W. Ream, a resident of Ollde, t ,eVeral fcour, .hopping an4 ftfif wyvTinS? 5 gpeut the day here atiendlng to bm- vHiliDI wUS friendi. r "ni,i'''-' k 2 IN OUR K ,n,H! matters. o A ' E a4 Here on Huainess MXHRTED LAST EVENtNQ af J . f ysy - g A T. O. Dixon of Oak Creek wai a 5 WfO iJTli tTTYl tJTl I i ran nni ymior re m.i t.ij A pretty wedding was solemnised i 5 I. jICtS LStZULll LI ILiSlli 4 "ttl hur ,11"y' l"t evening at the Flrtt Methodist)! IJ 5 V-l 5 "?T,t.. ,. ..... Pannage when Ida Hodge, became I Q j At Prices that are Astonishing for Good Shoes ?gT t0 Zk . , W. Ilore Krinn Wilbur 5 All Shoes for Children, Boys, or Cms, reduced 4 .Mrs. George Dimiuick. of wiibur. 5 . " , , - . . 1 15 8 arrived here this morning to spend ' ChUds BrOWIl Lace, Size 5J LO 8, t,te pair . 4 a few hours attending to matters of Misses Brown Calf.Lace.Size 8J to 1 1, Pat. button, 8J Lo 1 1 " " v ; " i V Vk " Gun Metal, Button, Goodyear Welt, to 11 - (Buster Brown)$5.50 val. 3.85 12 to 2, $5.50 value 4.15 Tan Calf, Lace, (Buster Brown) 12 to 2, $5.85 value, the pair 4.65 BOYS Gun Metal, bal, (English) Size 2. J to 6, extra good 2.85 Youths High Cut, with buckle, " 12 to 2, extra good quality 2.98 Boys Biown Calf, English toe, " 2 J to 5 J extra good 3.25 High Cut, with buckle, 2 to 6, (heavy oak sole) 3.75 " 2 to 6, extra good 4.45 Gun Metal, Blucher, Buster Brown, 2 to 6, $6.50 value 4.98 " (Buster Brown) Brown Calf, English last, reg. $6 val. 2h to 6.. 4.98 - tup. KTnnp. that DOES W : . 1 1 - THE STOKE THAT DOES BUSLXES9, A sliopplug. 'A In Vm l'niqua U Jess Shambrook, prominent resl- 9 LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE Editor of the News-Review: The Portland fair or 1925 will be no doubt a business builder and money maker for stores, hotels, end the en tire city of Portland. It may make business good for some lines of busi ness and some communities In Ore gon. Hut the plan of taxing the whole state Is an Innovation In Am erican experience. If the classes which receive the benefit paid tbe state tax this would be a fair method. Hut in this so? Outside of the city of Portland two million dollars must be raised. Of this amount farms and furm owners must be made to pay almut $1,200,000 dollars. To put It more concretely, Douglas county farms and farm owners must prob ably pay $60,000, and the whole county In the neighborhood of $100, 000. Indirectly, this advertising Invest ment might be a good one. If tax conditions were not bo acute. Hut taxes have reached the stage where they havo become confiscatory. This Is beyond dispute In many Instances of Orexou's general property tax. First, consider tlmberland. Some of Douglas county tlmberlands a id of other southern Oregon counties 1 tnxed so heavily that there Is vo value In the- property. I know an automobile dealer who Is for the fair but nevertheless has a timber claim In which lie has Invested $1600, largely tax money. Tie cannot find a 1uyer for $.100. Wy, I have a claim assessed at $2000, the board of eiiuiillijon claims, and I can't find a person who will accept a deed. Even tbe big timber owners are In bad slrnlts, and trying to unload thcli holdings. Whllo timber land hns been confis cated In many Instnnces, almost the rule, farm machinery Is approaching the same fate. Kor example, a neigh bor owns a tract of land. Ills taxes one year were $S."i. Ills land then had a ront value of $1.10 at the very least. He spent $1000 on Improvements In the form of buildings and fences, Plowed some of the land; and he finds that bo can rent his property with all this Improvement for $2.r.0. S TODAY J I LIBERTY THEATRE Prices 10c & 15c MATIXKK EVEKY DAY Extraordinary Engagement of the Supremo Photo-Drama i Boomerang" Yt I 1 11 Henry B. Walthall 2 5 And his taxes this coming spring will be not less than $110. Another farm owner rented his plaoo on shares, and during this Inst year he did not receive enough for his share to pay his taxes In March. The politicians of the state and Douglas county. Including the governor, and the business men and interests of rortland want the farm ers either to work without wages or without Interest on their Invest ments. In Judging farm problems It must be remembered that there Is no passing of a tax on. In operating farm enterprises. The Income from the farming property depends dis tinctly on the world's markets, and tbe high taxes placed on these farm enterprises are only reacting to the Injury of the state of Oregon, as well as Its Individuals. Hundreds of shrewd Oregonlans are unloading both city and country property Just as fast as they can. Their means are going Into tax ex empt Becurllies. ' .iara assert that during the last four years more bonds have been bought by residents of the tate of Oregon than In any previous in-year period. The Portland fair needs support: hut It does not need the support of he general property tax. Four oth er methods are oen for the legisla ture to decide upon. Briefly they are: First, a poll tax universal, but hard lo collect. Second. Income tax field usurped by federal government. Third, sales or consumption tax. tax on some specific article or arti cles, as the gasoline tax. Easiest tax of nil to be levied. Fourth, a personal property tax. segregation of personal property in to class by Itself, nnd light tax placed on it. nequlres a constitutional amendment. Txng process: needed reform: but not practical for this case. In conclusion, let me suggest that the Portland fair may bring large investments for Portland nnd some towns In the state, hut the farmers and farm owners who pav half the state's taxes will not receive the In vestments. Any careful observer ran find ample examples of eastern peo ple who havo liked properties. In vestigated, and left the conntrv be cause of tax conditions. For farm' ers nnd farm owners the Portland fair tax Is a Prnss Tax only. E. F. RTflOXO. o l ull Star ( nil of Votiil Actors 4 l ire most tliscusseu picture in jiiui-i 11 a. A colossal production of love, startling clliiutxes, beautiful women, emotion, Wall Street, millionaires and paupers, fren cled nuances, llrllllanlly acted. Comedy, "Here's Your Hat." Coming Thurs, "The Man Who'" Visit tho sale counter nt Stephens, while you can get your sl7.e. JOH It. Siri'EItT Wll.l. APPEAR AT II. S. Al DITOKIl l DI'C. O. Russian Symphony Orchestra. Pittsburgh. Pa. No better program In matter of musical worth h:is !ecn offered since the opening of the ex position this full, than the one given Inst evening, tbe first half being writings of Tsrhnlkowsky nnd the hitter half M'ngner exivrpts. The "Prize Sonc" from tbe "Meisterslng- ers" was splendidly iing by John It. Slefert, whose iinuoinl range and henuty of tone reee 'ved high praise from II. E. hrvhbirl. noted New York critic. In tbe lMttsburg Inter national Eisteddfod. Tbe nnpearance of a native Pitlsburclier In one of the grentest concert': of tho season was delightful nnd :une;iing In its nature. -The Pitt'-bnrrli Sun. LARGE CROWDS Pol iceAre Ca I led tol nvestiga te Cause of Disturbance. ARE NO. CASUALTIES . Pedestrians In the vicinity of the S. P. depot on Cass street, were at tracted by the large crowds that col lected before the shop windows of Devaney & Burnett. Upon Investi gation, it was found that the curious wero attracted by the new Bosch Battery Ignition System, which this enterprising firm had on display In their windows. Devaney & Burnett, the local dis tributors of this fine product, are to be commended upon having such a wonderful Improvement over the old stylo ignition system which is fur nished as regular equipment on Ford cars, for It dispenses with the tout coils and vibrators, the coll box. that "mystic maze" of wiring, and above all the old Ford timer which Is directly responsible for the ma il rlty of Ford ignition trouble. The Bosch Battery System Is equipped with the Bosch Compensat Ing Governor. This Is not a spark control, that merely advances the spark at high speed and retards It it low, hut an Ingenious regulator which keeps the hot sparks timed so that the Ford engine always oper ates under the best possible condi tions. The local dealers of this fine igni tion system are so enthusiastic over the results, that they are willing to nstall an outfit on a Ford car for a 30 day free trial, and If the owner Is not entirely satisfied with the idded pep and power which this sys tem gives his engine, they will very gladly refund his money. The Bosch Compensating Battery Ignition Sys tem tor Fords Is sold absolutely complete, ready to Install at $2fi 00 Order one now and give your Ford a real mrlstmas present. (Paid Adv.). 01HTCAKY TIU'K TI!OIMl(;s. Have a tree this yar, are beautiful and prl.es Cnrr's "where you save. trimmings are low nt daily H'snttiM nr.rnitr, IT. 8. WMhr Piirenu. l.tesl office. Iloftetiurir, OrrKon, S4 hntira rniltuff i A. m. luc r. vernon ? S who 5 K "Plays the Pictures" 5 t at the Piano 4 t. A rreelpltntlon In Inrkri Nftd llumlrrdlh lllKhept tenipernllire yent.'i.l iv Lew rat teninrrtture lift tiu;lit 3!l Preclnltiitlon lnt ii hour. o TotHl prerlp sine first of lle-Tiltl Tnrmul nreeln. for 1M monlti . t Total preelp. from Pept. 1. 121. to due I'll vrrire orcein, from Sept. 1. '17; 1 s T"IkI from Sept. I. 1:t .. Its Avri nreelnltntten for 44 wtt iMoni (Sept. to Mnr. Tnc.i . .. si and all who knew her her are shar- t'Tr-V.' rioY 1 1'1 the bereavement of her children WILLIAM HKl.L, Observer. as we say Mrs. Marion Sherman died nt the home of her son-in-law nnd daughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Quantie. Dec. 1, at 5:"0 p. in. Her age was 67 years. Mr. and Mrs Ceorge Sherman made a home In this city many years ago, and en gaged In the hardware business as "Sherman Sons." The years passed on thev sold out their business and home, nnd moved to Iine county where C.eorge Sherman, the husband and father, died several years ago. Tho Shermans exemplified the highest citizenship during their res idence In our city nnd valley. After the death of her husband Mrs. Sher man returned to this valley and re sided here until Inst fall. Mrs. Sher man made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Ounntle and Mr. nnd Mrs. How ard Sherman where she was slmost Idollred by her children nnd grand children who gave her the tenderest love nnd devotion. She was very frail In body, but always a faithful attendant at all services of church and a'wnvs ready to "depart and be with Christ" yet only waiting un til the shadows lengthened. Her ..t,..i . life bore witness to the purity of life and her faith in the religion iiiatlo beautiful In every hour she lived. She has many friends In this city and valley who will miss her and all of whom sympathize with her children In her passing on to the "mansions prepared." She will be laid to rest at Cot tage C.rove cemetery by the side of her husband Tuesday, Dec. 6, where her funeral will occur. Every member of Olivet church 5 this city attending to business mat- K ters. 9. Here Sboonln 1 Jessie and Nellie Rogers of Yon- calla were shopping visitors In this city touay. M I In on Hush Kk T T Vnlltr n.nmlnAtll farmPf In the vicinity of Roseburg, spent the day In the city attending to business matters. HviMvtfMl Rack Tonight J. R. Wheeler, who has been In Portland attending to business mat ters the last few days, Is expected to return tonight. M areola Man Here Fred Fisher, prominent resident of Marcola, Is here for a few days transacting business matters. In From Otanyonvllle J. M. Gross of canyonville, wa here for several hours today, talking with friends, and transacting busi ness matters, t'aiivonville Itosldent In- Frank Sullivan, well known resi dent of Canyonville vicinity, was a business visitor to this city today for several hours. Kiddie Visitor Mrs. A. W. Wilson of Riddle was a visitor here this afternoon spending several hours shopping. Hoaglln Postmaster Hei W. W. Mc.MlIlln. postmaster at Hoaglln Is spending a few days In Roseburg attending to business mat ters. Here VlsltiiiR Mrs. Dan Locke of Portland, a for mer resident of this city, is spending a few days In this city visiting with fniends. Hot urns to Eugrnc Prof. A. R. Sweetser, who pre sented a lecture at tbe high school last evening, returned to his home late last evening. In Shopping Mrs. Ingraham of Dixonvllle, pent a few hours here this morning visit ing with friends, and attendng to matters of shopping. Here Shopping; Mrs. Harvey, a well known resi dent of Sutherlin, spent the morning In this city shopping and visiting with friends. I'nves for lortlnml Story Hies of the Rexall store In 'his city is spending a few days in Portland, attending to urgent bust ne.in matters. I'ndergtM'S Oiierat Ion- Mrs. William Telford, a prominent resident of Winston, underwent an operation this morning at the Mercy hospital, and Is said to be doing nicely at the present time, rmlergws Operation The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M II. Preston of Myrtle Creek, under went an operation for the nose and throat yesterday morning at the Mer cy hospital. Dr. A. C. Seely was in attendance. Able to Ite About j. A. French of this city Is able to be about the streets again, after iielng confined to his home for the last six weeks. He will return to his work next week. Quite III nt lloni Ilert Sprague. well known resident of this city, is said to be quite ill at Ms home In est Roseburg. Mr. Sprague has been In very poor health ror some time. Accept. Position Clinton Cameron of this city has accepted a position In the Douglas National hank, owing to the absence or Miss Mnxlno Sykes, who will be away from the city for several months. v Injures Kyo I. V. Itedlfer of this city had the misfortune t injure his left eye yes terday while at his work. A stick struck him In the eye. causing sev eral lacerations. It Is thought noth ing serious will arise from Ihe accl dent. Kiitertalns With Dinner- Mr. and Mrs. Washington Hughes entertained at their home last eve ning with a lovely dinner, honoring Dr. A. R. Sweetser, botanist at U. of o. Mr. and Mrs. William Bell and Mrs, Hall were also present to enjoy ne occasion. Arrive 1'r.xii South- Rev. K. P. Lawrence of Medford md Rev. J. K. Howard of Jackson ville arrived here this afternoon to he proswnt at 1he Installation services which will be held at the Presbyter Inn church of Roseburg this evening lnve for ftalifomla Vrs.ll H Hammond of Ixis Angeles Mrs. Arthur Marsh, and Miss Maxlne Sykes left this morning for Los An geles. Mrs. Hammond has been vis iting at the Sykes home during her stny here, and her two guests plan to "ootid several months at her home in the south. I.nve for N'cKnvVa Mr. and Mrs. v. C. Bodwell left this morning for Lebanon. Nebraska. t here they will enloy a pleasure trip. They may decide to make their per manent home In that vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Bodwell are 'quite well known In this city, and have mnny A pretty wedding was solemnized last evening at the First Methodist parsonage when Ida Hodges became the bride of Herbert Hodges. ReT. W. S. Gordon officiating. Mr. Hodg es recently came hore from Portland and the bride Is a well Known resi dent of this city. They Intend to make their future home here, and have many friends to wish them happiness. o DAIRYMftM IX SESSION. PORTLAND, Dec. 7. The direct ors of the Oregon Dairymen's League are in session today to consider ac tion following a Tote yesterday which failed to endorse the proposed liquidation. o WOVXDF.D BANKER IMPROVING. PORTLAND. Or., Dec. 1. H. H. Newhall, president of the East Side bank, who was wounded In tire etom tach yesterday In attempted holdup of the bank, will live, according to reports today. -o Packing Strike Remains Quiet (By United Press. CHICAGO, Dec. 7. With the ex ception of South St. Paul, where roops are guarding the packing plants, the packing strike was quiet today. The unions and packers still tell conflicting stories of the num ber of men out, the unions claiming many thousands while the packers say only a few have quit. Meat prices continue to rise by a high' per centage, however. Apportionment For Port is Assured Attorney J. Hawkins Napier, of Reedsport, who has been spending several weeks in Washington, D. C working In the interest of the Port of Umpqua, spent the day in Rose burg. The outlook for the harbor is very promising, Mr. Napier says, and It Is quite evident that the ap propriation to complete the jetty and survey will be forthcoming. He Is greatly pleased with the stand taken by the Oregon delegation In favoring this project and urges that the peo ple of Douglas county stand square ly behind the .improvement, for If the proper support Is given at home there is no danger but that the ap propriation will go through, he states. o CHILD'S IIUOK FREE. Each child under 7, accompanied by their parent, who visits Carr's toy Dept. next Saturday will receive a small story booklet free. Shop and save at Carr's, where stocks are large and shopping is made easy. Many specials this week and Carr's can save you money. o A new car of those ranoy Yakima Gem pota'oes, also a new prle. Be lure and ass- to see them and get orlce at Peebles Supply Co. Movie Closeups David Powell, featured player In Britlsh-mada Paramount pictures, will come to the Antlers theater to night only In "The Princess of New York," a strong picture based on Cosmo Hamilton's celebrated novel of the same name. He Is seen as an Oxford undergraduate In the story and his leading woman Is Mary Glynne, the charming English act ress who supported him In "Appear anres." The story has numerous thrills and the support generally Is of the finest character. o . NEW TODAY. VY A N T K r- W a s bing. Phone 179-It. u.s r Ten dollar bill. Kinder please IOK UK NT l,Are nicely furnished t-none z:-j. S2J So. Stephens 1 NIGHTS OXLYa BEGISXINQ Tuesday l o J December O 1 1 i THE SCHEA.MIN. VIL 'Sr" "Purple Flashot" A LIGHTXLNG REVlE OF FIX FADS FASHIONS MUSIC AND soxo Direction of MR. AND MRS. FRANK POWELL. P 50-Cast of Local PStHa 0 :tty cim "AZZI.IXQ FASHIOX SHOW REVLF A Roar From start to Finish. 1IOOST THE CHRISTMAS CHARITY Fl'XD 0 ADMISSION OOc. ODc. ii m tut "J ANY ELK CAN SELL YOU ATirgFT El I RESERVED SEAT SALE OPEN AT IT J THE THEATER SATURDAY. j MR. CAR OWNER! The Loud Mfg. Co. of Springfield, Ore., who construct ready-cut or portable garages, residences, chicken houses, etc., now have a representa tive In Roseburg, who will be glad to call and confer with anyone wanting a building of this kind. We have sold and erected several In your town. Let us show them to you. We can show you a large saving and any kind of a building. If Interested call 1 on us or phone us and we will call and see you. E. C. Volland, Room 12, Grand Hotel. I'XCLE OLE 0BSHHBr Carr's. ncle Oie 0t roU" lions galore. Trade whentfcX are large and Tariei where v.n mtc. Get Dad a pair of those One felt slippers at Stephens. Undergoes Oneratlon Murray Cardwell ol Coles Tito underwent an operation it hospital this mornins, iU It. i C Seely in chaw. The in, rinlnp nir(lv Big Benefit Dance! AT IHE H ARMORY Friday Night, December 9lk SPECIAL FEATURES: DANCES, SONGS AND DECORAV0XS. 6 Prize Boxes-6 Lucky Dancers Help Rose School children build their play shed. Be sure you W miss It. Be sure to be these. It will drown all jour wm drive out all your care. Kilt IIKNT S or 4 unfurnished roomi lor mniKckcei'lnir, modern. Apply at ,ni npuii fii.aner a p. m. l-im 8AI.H Nearly new IfcldeY ""tra? tor. pluw and disc, cheap If taken . ." e. rue tiox hhx, Koseburff. Knit SAI.F Newtown and Spitienhern lull apples. 2.-,c a box nt J. O. Mof- po;ccne;ir Kelley' Korner. 5" MII.KS per (rail. in mnde with new patented Knsollne Vaporiser. Write ior piirnenmrs. stransky Vaporizer orukwana, S. 1). KCH SAt.K Tenm of inures, S and S yenrs old. or will trade en Ford car. Also old in-owth fir wood at 13 a tier, delivered. Frank Scott, Ixok- lntrr,l)o. tire. W A TKIS:i legman with car. Tow prleej 10.000 mile rord tire, Hurd worker who ran produce la worth I! Oil per week to lis. r.oidtork Cord Tire Company. 110 ft. Michigan Ave... Chleneo. llllnold. FOlt SAI.K T ws. "lllessed are the dead. who die In the Lord. They rest from their labors end their works do fol low them." FANNIE ROBERTS MILLER. thorouirhlireil Jofinr both comlnir freh In .n.lnv Kivlnir l.il of milk now: will sell cheap If taken at once. For further Information ee A T rjiwran. en,, street. Phone JIS ' ACCTION SU.R at the reer Cr75 Suten Slnldea fnturriar. Dee. in- One team moles, wniron and harness; 1 work tenm: t sprln vrntnn; one plow: ehont ISO pullets: some fruit jars: freh cow. and calf AnythtnK thnt Is brought In. Downing. Auctioneer. rsrcn Fnnn rtAnoAissd lstt Ford bug. good tires, top. wlnd- hleld and fenders: nne mechanical ri'it It Ion. 1t Ford touring. IMS Ford tourlnr. 1HS Ford touring. 1M I lh' Ford truck 11 Oakland lx. a t.rg1n. SOI.n ON FAST TEftMS MATHKWS MOTOR. X-CHANOB It? Jackon St. 4 1TITM,LT'Y"V"' -I DAVID POWELL "The Princess of New U A romance of wealth and Its worshlcrs. And some of I Uwt money will do In "high society's" ",,'1J re. crammed with wlvcnltire, tingling " 7vt MW-'" . .... .... . . i i it in pi i Mlllll NK.VIOJI t1llllI " - i . iiuimw, mm a-riiuij . .......I..-. ----- 0 lnan." -sv-SVtlJtKKW SMS I 111 . IV. -We.lnes.lnv and Tl - -rv TO THE ENDS OF THE t-" 1 " ,r " "GET YOUR MAN; These were the orders given t he new r,-cn'' " Mounted. See tills latest thrilling picture or BUCK JONES, A DKI.IGHT OK HKAITHY. GlUrHNOJ CO.MKIY-AM-t' ARTtP' ,