Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 07, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    -gCrr"'' ' - ' ii r---, - PAQM BBB
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f il.Tr.,j im v Ve fc. AT m vlRflBlri If It 1
-JrcsSawsar Is. V3? tUI 11X1 I D im "-. S
ra Ls35l C 3 I attain Jtni.siZfMtMi
$or the chill
ojtte evening
f... i
I Movie Closeups
Henry D. Walthall, acknowledged
u the leading figure on the Ameri
can screen, appears in "The Boom
erang" at the Uberty theater tonight
(or the last time. "The Boomerang"
ti considered the biggest and one ot
the most Important Mini productions
ol the year. It comes to the Liberty
thtiter with the endorsement of a
illbly successful reception In New
fork. Wherever It has been shown it
baa been acclaimed as a sensation.
The story deals with the vast
problems of the present day, such as '
the high cost of living and the work-'
Ingman's salary, it asks if the poor i
man's babe Is entitled to the same
rlehta as Is the millionaire's poodle, I
and around these questions a motion !
picture of the first magnitude was i
built. It is said that some of the .
most daring as well as spectacular
scenes ever attempted) in pictures -were
su'A'essfully photographed In !
Ik!. T. In I- U i
iriuuuvuuil. u HI Btr Y t 11 ItTCl,
4 Ooodyear Tu 8 .ma. ford
f Gr.
f o
I Government standard O. D. shirts
J ' Reclaimed winter weight under-
i Wear, 75 cents the garment.
Wool wrap legging from $1 io
f $1.25.
i Corner Cass and Pine.
Extract trom one boy's paper In
Tuesday's English test: "Every line
of poultry should begin with a capi
tal letter."
To whom It may concern:
After Dec. 2, 1921, I will not be
responsible for any debts or bills
contracted by anyone other than
Elkhead, Oregon.
When your battery
won'tdeliver the goods,
W it examined here.
Troubles diagnosed
free by experts on all
makes. Repairs at fair
Roseburg Battery
& Electric Station
With clean-burning Pearl
Oil in you r oil heater you can
make the children's evening
play-hour warm and com
fortable. And you can carry
this comfortable warmth
from play-room to bedroom
or wherever you want it.
There is no trouble no dirt
or ashes.
Pearl Oil is most econom
ical because it burns with
out waste. Every drop de- .
livers comfortable warmth.
It is refined and re-refined by
our special process. That is
your guarantee that it gives
best results always.
Sold in bulk by dealers
every where. Order by name
Pearl Oil.
Singer, White, New Horns, Wheel
er Wilson and Free, $15.00, $25.00,
and $30.00. 127 N. Jackson St.
Fahy's Mantaux - 6-0 .lie, gold
filled 7 jewel, lever movements, only
$11.75. Call and see them. Wilbur
L. Spaugh, 604 Pine St.
Dr. Nerbas
The science of Dentistry has so
Improved during the last cen
tury that If a dentist waa con
sulted soon enough a person's
teeth could be protected and
kept whole during the course
of their life. If tooth struc
ture Is completely broken
down it can be restored to Its
former efficiency.
I roplace teeth the same day.'
Extensive Experience
Reasonable, Reliable
Masonic Dldg. Phone 488.
Painless Extraction
Virginia 8ea the Inside.
It was the first time that I had
seen and heard the handling of a
scene by a great director. Up-to-date
I bad been so taken with my own
little work and the personal affairs
of Rla that 1 bad had really no time
to "vatch those who had the import
ant parts In the picture.
Tommy came around to me and
wlspered: "Virgle, watch Ruth Dray
ton. Technically, she is all there.
She understands immediately what Is
wanted of her when the boss Issues
an order."
"Now, Miss Drayton," came tn
crisp tones from the director, "you
are supposed to come into this dark
ened room, turn on the light, and
nnd a man busy with the wall-safe
behind your toilet table. He wheels
quickly and points a gun at you.
Something about his carriage is fa
miliar to you. Notwithstanding the
gun Is pointed straight at your heart,
you walk forward and Jork the Bilk
haptkerchlef, which has been tied
across his face below bis eyes.
He says: 'My Goa! I can't shoot
you!' And you look in consternation
ln the eyes of Stanford Shelley, who
has been making furious love to you
not ten minutes before In the ball
room above.
"You ask htm why he Is doing
this. He tells you -that he must have
money to get out of the clutches of
the law.
'You upbraid him for having asked
you in the ballroom to run away with
"He tells you that he loves you and
cannot live without you.
Just then you hear some one com
ing. He. starts to take the bills from
the safe which Is open, and flee.
"You grab his arm. You snatch
the pearls from your neck, the rings
from your fingers and the Jewels
from your ears. In doing this you
will tear one of your ears and blood
will run down your neck.
'He starts forward In pity at your
"You thrust the Jewels In his hand
as he comes near and say: 'Go!' Then
you Bcream "and fall on the floor.
'Where Is Mordant? My God, Tom
my, can't you keep him on the set?
Come on. Mordant. Let's go. You
heard the scene. No? Well, anyway.
It. follows your script. I'll cue you.
'We will have one rehearsal for
this long shot.
Place, Mordant. Tommy, fix that
handkerchief on his face. Now then,
you are listening to the click of the
tumblers- of that lock. Get your ear
near It. Then you nod your head as
Wireless Stations
To Make Test
HARTFORD, Conn., Dee. 6. Am
ateur wireless stations in each state
and in practically every city of the
country are ready today for the first
extensive trans-Atlantic wireless tests
ever planned. These will begin to
morrow at 7 p. m. Eastern Standard
time, and close Dec. 16.
In all, between 15,000 and 20,000
stations will transmit during the
tests, which will be under the auspi
ces of the American Radio Relay
league. It is estimated that more
than 100,000 stations will "listen
In." To date there is no authentic rec
ord of an amateur station having
been beard across the ocean, but it
is predicted by Major E. H. Arm
strong, former chief of the U. S.
army radio research division, who Is
co-operating with the amateurs in
the tests, that fully twelve stations
will be heard on the other side.
HI ram Percy Maxim of Hartford,
Conn., president of the Radio league,
believes If the experiment Is success
ful It will mean that amateur com
munication between this country and
Europe will become a matter of ev-ery-day
occurrence, and that the non
commercial operator In any part of
this country or Canada can forward
messages to friends across the ocean
at will.
Paul Godley, well known wireless
inventor, who five years ago perfect
ed the regenerative receiver for am
ateur use. Is now In England co-operating
with 300 Rritlsh stations
which will attempt to catch the mes
sages from America.
Mr. Godley Is acting as the repre
sentative of the Radio league over
seas, and will be In touch will ama
teurs In France and Holland, as well
as with those In England. One re
ceiving station he took with him has
been Installed near London, another
In the north of Scotland.
Stations at Hartford, where na
tional headquarters of the league are
located, at Tlrooklyn, N. Y., Savan
nah, Oa., Cleveland, Chicago, St.
Louts. Denver, San Francisco, Lor
Angeles, and Roswell, N. M., are
among those considered most likely
to meet with success.
Britain May Vote
On Irish Problem
(United Preaa Ktalt Correspondent).
LONDON, Dec. 6. Taik of an Im
mediate general election was current
In political circles today, but the man
t.n haa thn flopliliiiff vhIa Premier
Lloyd George has, so far, declined
to divulge his Intentions.
The present parliament has anoth
er two years legal life having been
elected In December. 1818. for a
nn-vMP term hut It Is Increasing
ly evident that the British premier
cannot anoro to ici minga un
jacws - nicviiEW,
vou hear It click Into place.
"Enter. Vera. Ye gods! Walk
gin, walk! be shouted. "You don't
enow he's there. You're all happy as
xny girl would be Just after receiving
i proposal or marriage and content
plating an elopement.
'Try it again.
"Once more. ,
"That's better. Now turn on the
light. You see the burglar. You're
surprised, you re frightened. Mor
dant, quick with your gun. Come
on. Vera, give me something. Don't
stand there like a ninny. You're not
at an arternoon tea. Good Lord!
Som-'jody said you could act.
"Ysu think the burglar Is famil
iar. Let your eyes travel from bis
head to his feet and back again.
"Mordant, cringe a llftle. What
are you standing still for? Isn't your
?ray matter working this morning?
Is everything above your collar
"Vera, move slowly forward, eyes
directly on his eyes above that hand
kerchief. Den t look at the gun.
Don't look cross-eyed. Slower!
"Mordant, don't lower your gun.
"Keep it trained on her.
"Vera, stand In front of Mordant.
Look up into his eyes. Horror over
spreading your face.
"Quick now. Vera. Jerk off that
"Mordaunt, drop that gun. Give
your title.' My God, I can't shoot
"All right, cut!"
"I thought she did very well," I
whispered to Jack Thompson.
"She did, he answered, "but De-
Vore always has to be sarcastic."
"I am sure that I would have been
frightened to death. I couldn't have
done a thing."
"You would have been frightened
at first and then you would have got
ten mad and would have given him
what he wanted. All directors have
different methods."
"Now, Miss Drayton,". I heard De
Vore say, "we'll take It.
"Mordaunt, at your place.
"Tommy," down went DeVore al
most to his knees and he looked as
though he were dying. "Tommy, for
fix that handkerchief."
The handkerchief was in place be
fore DeVore bad finished speaking.
As the little click, click, click of
the camera told off the seconds my
heart beat with it. The thought swept
over me: "I can never be a great
moving picture actress."
Tomorrow A Thrilling Spectacle.
For Infanta
& Irrralida
Tim "Pood-Drink" for AH Ages.
Quick Lunch at Home, Office, and
Fountains. Asft for HORUCICS. m
W AToid Imitation ft Substitutes
until 1923 and take his chance of
being returned to office.
It Is known that Lloyd George has
been seriously considering the tacti
cal advantages of an Immediate elec
tion on the Irish question but wants
to be sure of his ground first. An
election would not solve the Irish
problem, but it would clear the air
and, according to reliable experts.
give the premier a fresh lease of
political life. I
The Liberal-Unionist Coalition
which keeps Lloyd George in power
has shown numerous signs of crack
ing lately. The Coalition Liberals
are rapidly being wiped out, and the
Unionists, who were always in a
strong majority, have got distinctly
restive. I
The crux of the situation Is, of
course, Ireland the bane of every
British government s life for the last
70 years. The Unionist party is the
successor to the old Conservative and
Tory parties and it owes Its existence
to the Gladstonlan home rule crisis.
Revolting Liberals, headed by the
Inte "Joe" Chamberlain, formed a
Liberal Unionist party, whose main
plank was the retention of Ireland
within the United Kingdom. Event
ually the Liberal label dropped Into
disuse and with the old Conserva
tives making certain concessions to
retain these valuable recruits, tne
nartles were amalgamated Into a
Conservative and Unionist party, of
which the Conservative Is now gen
erally dropped.
To obtain Unionist support, Lioyn i
George had to pledge himself to an
Irish policy which does not permit
of any severance of the ties of the
"United Kingdom -of Oreat Britain
and Ireland." The initiation of ne
gotiations with De Valera caused
much suspicion among the Unionist
"Die Hards" and "Last Ditchers,"
nnd onlr the Influence of Austen
Chamberlain who adhered loyally
to his compact with Lloyd George
averted an Immediate split. Recent
"Inspired" suggestions that Lloyd
George would not consider Ulster's
refusal to meet Sinn Fein's claims to
Fermanagh and Tyrone, or similar
possible compromises, "sufficient
grounds for the resumption of hos
tilities In Ireland" have driven these
elements to a pitch of desperation.
This feeling Is far more wldespreti
In the country than has been reflect
ed In the British press. Lloyd George
baa had to rely on conn try-wide re
port trom Um Coalition party naa-
mm . ..... a.-.-.
The Arrliiatv nk ..inti.. .
department of the News-Review
w in snowing a Deautlrul l!n of
Christmas and New Year cards,
both engraved and printed.
These contain your Individual
name and are very approprl-
ate remembrancA tnr a
or New Years. Place ycur or-
uers ngui now as we will not
4 be able to furnish them at the 4
last moment. All nrW. miiil A
be In promptly In order to as-
uuiv cany ueuvery.
agers as to political feeling In the
constituencies, not trusting the poli
tical press. And the party managers
have had to confess that the situa
tion has got them guessing. An elec
tion on the flat question of contin
uing negotiations with Sinn CFeln
would result in an overwhelming vic
tory ror Lloyd George. But the Un
ionists won't let the premier off as
easily as that. They will insist that
he "come off the fence" and say
definitely whether he Is making con
cessions to Sinn Fein which cut
across the unity of the United King
dom" whatever the cost civil war
In Ireland.
The element In doubt Is lust how
far the main body of Unionist voters
are prepared to go In their desire to
settle the Irish question. It Is sig
nificant that at recent by-elections
very few candidates have been found
willing to stnnd as "Coalitionists"
(or Lloyd Georgians).
Lloyd George's strongest card Is
that there Is no political leader of
outstanding Importance to succeed
The Labor party Is singularly de
void of capable statesmen, and the
premier s chief rivals to leadership
would seem to be Viscount Birken
head and Winston Churchill. Birk
enhead represents the militant Un
ionists, but old fashioned Conserva
tives do not trust political lawyers,
and to liberals he Is obnoxious on ac
count of his share in the Ulster cri
sis of 1914. Churchill Is known as a
politician of unbounded ambition and
energy, but as a former Conserva
tive who turned Liberal, and who is
now suspected of leaning toward his
old faith, he Is not entirely trusted
by eith'er party.
One of the strongest arguments In
favor of an election before Christmas
was that it could be fought on the
old electoral lists. Fresh lists of vot
ers come Into force January 1, and
it will take the party agents five or
six months to find out what the new
voters are thinking. It Is a bold pre
mier who fights an English election
In the spring.
Have your holiday lingerie and
linens hemstitched by Warneck and
Donahue. Effective, practical, and
inexpensive. Elite Beauty Parlors,
Roseburg Natl' Bank Bldg.
Come to the Roseburg Studio.
They will make ideal Christmas
gifts. 137 Jackson St., Bell Sisters
Tn tnllW nnw TrlfA In Ttnl 1 VPT-
ed free. Write to Milch Goat Ranch,
Myrtle Creek, Oregon.
All kinds of sheet metal work,
warm air furnaces, both pipe and
plpeless. 119 Oak Street.
Phone 418. Roseburg, Ore.
You bought them
for looks as well
as wear we pre
serve both.
Our Auto Will Call
Phone 877
Pbone 890
Pianos and Aeolian Players
Call and see them.
Dell Bisters Illdg. Phone tll.
Saturday and Monday
took advantage of the extraordinary prices we ure of
fering during this sale, every one a liberal purchaser
at prices never quoted before at Xmas time anywhere.
The Sale is Still On
Visit our store, see for yourself what we are offering,
and you will wonder how it can be done.
The finest selection ever exhibited. If you have been
planning on buying a diamond, take advantage of this
. We have no time to figure PROFIT. What we must
do is to realize a large amount of cash and do so quick
ly, and if reducing prices will gain this, we know no
Remember, every article purchased at this sale car
ries our guarantee, same as if you paid the regular
TURICK the Jeweler
118 Cass St. . Roseburg, Ore.
Mail orders promptly attended to.
Oregon Projects in
National Budget
WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 5.-
Provlslon for starting construction
of the .'owdor river irrigation project
in l,aker county, Oregon, is made by
a requxit for $100,000 in the budget
for the next fiscal year submitted to
congress today. This amount form
erly was appropriated for the Des
chutes project In central Oregon,
which has since been abandoned as a
government enterprise.
Liberal provision Is made for Im
provements at the Salem Indian
school. Including a new dormitory
for boys. For the Klnmath irrigation
project $1,213,000 Is asked, for the
Umatilla project $467,000, and for
the Yakima project In Washington
$2,100,000. The Burveyor-general of
Oregon is allowed $13,110 for the
expenses of his office next year and
Crater lake national park Is allotted
$2I,300. An appropriation of $11.-
"00 is asked for the Astoria quaran
tine station.
Oregon Indian agencies would re
ceive the following allotments for
Ihelr support next yoar: Klamath,
$5000; Warm Springs, $4000, and
the Grand Ronde and Silotz agon-
cles, $26,000.
Authority Is asked for tne secre-
Let Us
Make your holiday shopping a pleasure. Forget wash-day drudg
ery, the heavy work, wet feet and exposure. It's hardly a wise risk
to take.
Our service Is at ycur command. The cost truly moderate.
Phone 79 BCf Phone 79
- a Jtf
C On.'. I
Roseburg Steam Laundry
Not for
S We Sell Groceries
Why pay one day sM-cl4kl We sell for less at our regular
price? - price.
Why buy In We sell for less tn any quan
pedal quantities? tlty.
Compare our
Everybodys Exchange
tary of the Interior to extend from
tribal funds the following additional
amounts for aid of Indians: Klamath,
$7i5,000; Umatilla, '$8000; Warm
Springs, $2,000. An appropriation of
$25,000 is requested for the protec
tion of the Oregon & California land
grant and the Coos bay wagon-road
lands. ...
Oregon national forests are pro
vided for as follows; Cascade $7835,
Crater $22,688, Deschutes $10,175,
Klamath $20,249, Malheur $6091,
Ochoco $6451. Oregon $20,409, San
tlam $7852, Siuslaw $16,360. Ump
qua $13,509. Whitman $25,201.
Construction of the McKay dam oh
the Umatilla project at a cost of
$230,000 is provided for in the rec
lamation estl mates rfirrled In the
budget as announced today, the rec
lamation service advised Repre
sentative Slnnott.
Also the money asked for the
Klamath project means extensive de
velopment, $284,000 to be expended
In reclaiming the Tule lake lands on
which soldiers will have preference
right of settlement If the Slnnott bill,
already passed by the house, goes
through the senate.
Horsefly reservoir, on the Klamath
project, Is to be constructed at a cost
of $42,000 and the Langell valley
section of the same project Is to be
reclaimed at a cost of $204,000.
Goodyear Tire Berrtoe. ford
wr3l njnw -
a Day.
for Less Every Day 5
price with other.