ItOMKBCIca WKWMHVIKW. TCESPAY. DECEMDEtt MWt ruam rax I hereby given to all FORD Owners in Douglas County that cn ard after the dale ycu have a CONNECTICUT IGNITION SYSTEM installed, I wiu cuaravi l8h!roylVL o. r.rt P,fland Economical Motor. Call in for a demonstration and be convinced. ARANTE: 5 you a ouiuuiu """6i . W. R. BROWNE -"-r At the Auto Electric Station ! I I I We want 5000 Children in Douglas County to wear our Children's Shoes Con tinuously One trial we ask, knowing you will want them always thereafter! Possibly we can start you now, at this Cfaildrens' Week IN OUR Shoe Department At Prices that are Astonishing for Good Shoes All Shoes for Children, Boys, or Girls, reduced Chiids Brown Lace, Size 5J to 8, Lhe pair $1.85 Misses Brown Calf.Lace.Siz e fij to 1 1, " 1.95 Pat. button, 8J to 1 1 " " 2.45 " Can Metal, Button, Goodyear Welt, 8J to 1 1 2.45 " " " " " " (Buster Brown)$5.50 val. 3.85 " " " " 12 to 2, $5.30 value 4.15 " Tan Calf, Lace, (Buster Brown) 1 2 to 2, $5.85 value, the pair 4.65 BOYS' Gun Metal, bal, (English) Size 2 to 6, extra good 2.85 Youths High Cut, with buckle, " 1 2 to 2, extra good quality 2.98 Boys Blown Calf, English toe, " 2i to 5J extra good 3.25 " High Cut, with buckle, 2 to 6, (heavy oak sole) 3.75 " " " " 2i to 6, extra good 4.45 " Gun Metal, Blucher, Buster Brown, 2 to 6, $6.50 value 4.98 " (Buster Brown) Brown Calf, English last, reg. $6 val. 2 to 6.. 4.98 Xmas Service now Throughout the Store THE STORE THAT DOES 11USLE8S. mm THE STORE THAT DOES BUSINESS. 8: 5 ! a DAILY MARKET REPORT. fBv Associated PrlV PORTLAND. Dec. 6. Cattle alow, hogs weak, sheep strong, eggs weak, butter steady. WILIUR PARENT-TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION MET FRIDAY Wilbur Parent-Teachers' associa tion held a well attended meetimj last Friday evening. T'ta program Included a recitation by Lynn Grub be, an Interesting talk on welfaM of the child by Professor Wilfred Brown, song by Miss Frances Rus sell, and a series if lantern slides illustrating the history of our flag. Refreshments for the occasion wore furnished bv Mesdames De Lawney, Morley, and Short. The P.-T. asso ciation and the Umpqua Academy association have Jointly purchased a 3-burner oil cook stove ror me ut of both organizations, ana to give the ladies better facilities tor me preparation of "coffee and ." COOKED FOOD SALE. The Ladies' Aid of the Christian church will hold their annual bazaar and cooked food sale In tne vacant building next to the Roschurg Na tional Bank. Saturday. Dec. 10th. Hot tamales will also be served. BACK FROM MEETIN'O County Fruit Inspector E. C. Arm strong. wlTe and daughter, returned last night from Forest Grove where thev had been attending the meeting of the State Horticultural society. The meeting was well attended and very Interesting, Mr. Armstrong said. While there he was called Into con ference with the state board of hort iculture where various matters per taining to the laws and fruit prob lems were discussed. KM -Reedsport Ready to Aid Road Work That the Reedsport Chamber of Commerce Is behind the Douglas county court, Is evidenced by a let ter received this morning. The let ter nays: "Tho Reedsport Chambor of Com merce desires to compliment the county court of Douglas county for the energutic manner in which It Is prosecuting the building of the Ump qua highway. We feel that much good work has been done and that the county court deserves great . credit. VAs you well know mere Is at this time a great opportunity to procure additional aid for the road through the forestry department of the fed eral government. I would like to bring to the attention of the court the urgent need of prompt action in applying for such aid, for It appears that those applying first will be sup plied first. Tho Reedsport Chamber of Commerce wlhs to aid In every possible way' to secure such assist ance from the government, and I am writing to ask you to use us in any manner that you can. We rrtilize that any request for this aid must come from the court and through the proper channels. We do not wish in any way to do anything that would, through ignorance of meth ods, hamper your work, and yet we wnnt you to know that we are ready to carry out any suggestion you may mnke. In other words, we want to aid and cooperate with the county court in this matter. "We are ready to take any action that you may sucgest as being wise, and assure you that we will take any action that you deem wise. "Other communities are asking for this aid, and for roads that touch our district. We, however, feel that this our most important road, and to the support of which wo are pledged first. "REEDSPORT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE." Why be so sour wtien you can buy a good mixed candy at 20c per lb. at the People's Snpplv Co. ii fa ii Urn J Every thing :: for I a Boy What's More Joy to a BoyI Than Practical Gifts of Daily Use. A Gift to be Remembered Our Overcoats gives him that mannish look he likes with stylo and durability combined. Suits For Boys of every ago. Oregon Cassimere, a home product of jrood fabric, style and color; warm, heavy, and well fitting. Shop early come and see lis today. flarth's Toggery OXE OK AMERICA'S iiickt TENORS WILL UIVE A RECITAL XEXT KU IDA Y NIOHT. Pittsburgh, Pa., Festival Orches tra: Thursday evening, John B. Sle- fert, the popular tenor, appeared for the first time this season as soloist. His first number was the "Prf Song" from the "Melsterslneers ." with orchestra accompaniment, and he sang a group of songs with Diano accompaniment for bis second num- oer. .Mr. biefert has a pure lyric tenor voice of sympathetic quality; uses his voice in good style, and sings with an understanding of his text, giving his songs a clear inter pretation. He was In good voice on this occasion, and was well received by a very large audience which was appreclallve of his work, and he was recalled a number of times, respond ing at last to an encore Mnuioni Courier. g TODAY f I'LIBERTYf J THEATRE 5 i Prices 10c & 15c 5 5 MATINEE EVERY DAY J U Ta f. Still Going Strong! Extraordinary Engagement of the Supreme, Photo-Drama Boomerang" 4 WITH dl 5 1 n IITliLll f. YOVI1 FRIENDS. Can't buy your pholograph. It Is the one gift beyond value and the ono that is appropriate to all. Xmas sittings made up to the 14th of Dec. will be finished before the 25th. Make your appointment early. Clark's Photo Studio, Rsbg. Natl. Hunk llldg. Henry B. Walthall Full Star Cast of Noted Actors The most discussed picture in America. A colossal production of love, startling climaxes, beautiful women, emotion. Wail Street, millionaires and paupers, fren zied fiiiances. Rrilliantly acted. Comedy. "Here's Your Hat." Coming Thurs., "The Man Who?" f r. I Lue F. Vernon f who J "Plays the Pictures" 5 j at the Piano g I fwd". 1 t, c..: , LCy i Buy Him a Watch A reliable timekeeper, ono that lie Is proud in hIiow, Is I he Xmas gift that will bo appreciated. We giuiranUc every watch we sell to gtvo satisfaction Ton to be the judge We have the standard makes Elgin Waltham Gruen In beautiful anil new Mile rases. We engrave them to suit you. BRYAN'S GIFT SHOP Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry THE BIGGEST LITTLE SALE You ever Saw Everyone Pleased and Telling Their Friends of the Remarkable Bargains! BURCHARD'S mnwm LOCAL NEWS A large touring car with Portland passengers passed through here last evening, touring their way to south ern California. Those in the machine were Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dutton, Mrs. C. P. Reynolds, John Haaland, and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Reynolds. There -will be a special service at the Presbyterian church, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, for the Installation of Rev. L. I). Quick as pastor of the local church. Rev. E. P. Lawrence of MedfoTd will preach the sermon; Rev. J. K. Howard will charge the congregation; Rev. A. Wolfe will charge the pastor; and Rev. R. A. Hutchinson will offer the Installation prayer. The Legion Auxiliary will meet tonight at 7:30 at the parish house. All members must be present, as election of officers for 1922 will be held. . . COYOTE HDIDB. On account of ni; health I a going to sell my entire ftdir ote dogs, one good nirtfei one good tree dor. Alio Bi k hounds and four pups, idlnai C. Simmons, Dillart Orel - I. T. Sparks, district aw .... I agent for the Southern Pk u. tu. ooay or incnesieri ( any who fcas fcta he4qairaa I spent several hours here this morn-1 Ki.gene. spent last neniatii lng shopping. . city attending to mm i Jess, the Shoe Doctor, baa moved from Jackson St to 123 Oak SL DAIt.V WekTRKK report. U. 8. Weather Bureau, looal offtoe. ttoseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending a. m. frrclpllallon In Inehea and Haadredthe HiKlM'Ht temperature yesterday .. fl I.uVft temperature Just nlaiit .. 3S Precipitation last 24 huurs 0 TtilHl preclp. since first of month .82 lormal preelp. for thin month... t.92 Total preclp. from Sept. 1, U21, to date 10.14 AveraBe preclp. from Sept. 1, 1877 8.79 Total excess from Sept. 1, 1921... 2. 05 AveraKe preclp. from Kept. 1. 1877 9.21 Total exeens from Sept. 1, 1S21... 1.H3 Avt-raKe precipitation for 44 wet seasons tSept. to May, Inc.) . . . .21.SS Forecast to 8 p. m. forsout fiwestern Tonight and Wednesday fair. WILLIAM UHLU observer. NEW TODAY. 'ou PAI.K Cider and cider vinegar. 1'hune US-Fa. V IXlH HUNT Sleeping room I'lione rLttl heat. LOST From 635 So. line St. Canary lunlR Kewardfor their return. Uisf Two black and tan hound pups. Finder please notify W. A. Alexan dir 1)1 Hard. OreKon. Folt SAI.K Six room house, large loT, elone In. See owner at 631 K Lane St. Foil SALK tlood eleetrlc incubator, writing desk, piano as good as new, table, etc Address II. T., care News-Krvlew. WANTKI) Good reliable girl or woman for general housework In family of three. Permanent for right Party. Address D. News-Review. I-VK SALK Furniture of lx room house, house to rent to purchaser, as 1 am leaving town: U cash, balance en time. 720 S. JMne St. TWO acres nn pavement, close In. flood house and ham: nne location for a poultry business. To sell quick will take l::,no.oo. rash. See this now. n W. Young ft Son. Phone 417. WANTKI 23 to 40 A. under cultiva tion, buildings, fruit, wnter. good Soil, and price right. Give full de tails, terms, etc.. In first letter, owners only. o. Kopsland, Jennings T.o.liro. Oregon. 1IKUK IS A HAP.OAIN! ISIS Oakland six. I good tires; only silently used: nerfect running con dition. Price l:,00. Accept Ford In trsde. Tis Ford touring, a rood one. 19! Ford touring, excellent condi tion 1917 Podge Tour., fine condition. SOj.ri ON FAST TERMS MATHKWS MOTOR. X-CHANOB 117 Jackoa St. CHILDREN 15c TUESDAY OXI.V ADIXTS 25c A romance of old Spain its dark eyeil ters where love Is life where hate I Seni.Hilas-it MH death foritTfl"" A tale of undying love anil thrilling adventure, foil of U' " fire, with. GEOia WALSH iXr lTKRVVrifWAj2i- MIRIAX COOPER MKKMAID COMFPY Wi;lMVV DMA' ninit.MTa r.t.tsllt MTIII.1 I'KIVCKS OF 2 i i iv.i .lit ii .1 ni I's i. a lie - J M illWli'lVVil M. (71 I-V1." " CHILDREN 13c MONDAY-T IISDAY-Anl'-1'- ! "The Call of Youth A Hugh Ford Production fllmc1 A Joyous romance of llfc'a aprinsllnij-. charm of rural England ami lai " COMEDY AM KHS- gcrat tatH ' WEDNESDAY AND T.UHT n V BUCK JONES IN "CET