1 ItOflEBtTM K-WB-REVTEW, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1031. PAGB FOUR MONTH END Clean Up Sale! Here are Prices made especially to yield a quick Clean Up Buster Brown Children's Hose, THIS SALE 25c PER PAIR Wool Dress Goods ALL CUT 20 to 33 1-3 Per Cent Off MUNSING UNDERWEAR ci'T 20 n:it cent MEN'S, WOMEN'S CHILDltEN'S SILK Petticoats Cut 25 MUSLIN UNDERWEAR NEW LOT, PRICED Foil THIS 8ALF, SPECIAL Outing Fl?nnel Gowns 1 A nfl FOR A FEW DAYS OXLY 1 " Ull SPECIAL BLANKETS 15 per cent Off Movie Closeups Not since "Humoresque" has a production conspicuously revealing the childhood of the slums been at tempted, with tuo erseptlon of Real art's "The Plaything of Broadway," starring Justine Johnstone. Many of the most effective scenes of the jilay are laid on New York's lower East Side, and dozens of children ranging from babies of a few months to half-grown boys are shown in these scenes. One group of five, six, even, eight, nine, and ten, respec tively, each a distinctive type, was obtained. '"ViX The lovable little character of Jlm mle In Interpreted by Raymond Hew llt. Tho part affords some splendid Bcenes wUh the star. Miss Justine Johnstone, and tho lead, Crauford Kent, who portrays the role of the 2 TODAY J LIBERTYI 'THEATRE p Prices 10c & 15c I j MATIXKH EVERY DAY 4 j NOW SHOWING 4 "Passion Fruit" 5 STAKKLNO J. i Doraldina f. Zk THE WORLD'S (JREATEST 5 er r. ascetic Dr. Jennings. The picture comes to the Antlers theater in this city tonight only. o Packing Employes Ordered to Strike rny United Press.) CHICAGO, Dec. 2. Thirty-five thousand packing plant union em ployes are under orders to Btrike Monday for recognition of action against the wage cuts. C. J. Hayes, international president of the butch ers' union, Issued the orders. Ac cording to Hayes, the packers have organized company unions and now refuse to treat with regularly estab lished unions. The packers say the regular unions are in the minority and that tho strike will not affect tho working plants. Recently the "company unions" accepted wage cuts which did not meet the approval -ROCND THE TOWN Returns to Wilbur - Mrs. Ralph Sands left this after noon for her borne In Wilbur after spending a few hours In this city. Preaching services will be held on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in Gar den Valley with Rev. Mr. Needham of the South Methodist church In charge. Leave for ItoquLun, Wash. Mrs. Alice E. Albright, who has been hore several weeks visiting Mrs. H. S. Hutton, of Garden Valley, left this afternoon for her home in Hoquiam, Wash. County Nurse. Goes to Dole Miss Caroline Wallace, the Doug las county nurse, left this morning on 53 for Dole. She will spend the day visiting the Ruckles school and will return to this city tonight. With Montgomery Ward & Co. According to a letter recelv.! here this morning, R. Leslie Rutner, fnr l.iorly o? this city, but now cf Port land, lias accepted a position with Montgomniy Ward & Co., in the r:r respoudence advertising department. Leave for Portland Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bell left this afternoon by automobile for Portland where they will reside. Mr. and Mrs. Bell recently sold the Rose confec tionery, and expect to go into busi ness in Portland. Returns to Myrtle Point T. Manuel Herman, who Is an old pioneer of Coos county, left for his home at Myrtle Point this afternoon after a short visit here with his bro ther. Attorney Binger Herman, of this city. Ilaznur Was Success The bazaar and home cooking sale given today by the ladies of the Presbyterian church In the vacant store building next to the Roseburg National bank, was a great success and a large sum was realized, which will go for church purposes. Christmas at Hand Many of the business houses of the city are beginning to show Christmas spirit by decorating their windows In cotton, to represent snow, fir boughs and ideal gifts. The post office de partment Is urging that parcels be mailed early and wrapped well. At different public places around town Christmas seals are being sold, thus we realize that Christmas Is at hand. Cousins Are Killed I Mrs. A. J. Ford of this city has or the regular union and this precini- J"st bePn Informed 'hat two of her tated the strike order. y Switches nnd doll wigs made out of your own combings, $1 and up. Mrs. H. Schoenlger, 641 East Doug las street. Special on dress trimmings, fancy braids, tassels, fur and cord. Satur day only. Bell Millinery. cousins, Vernlta and Frank Jack, of Los Lonals, Calif., were killed In an automobile accident which occurred several (lays ago near Red Bluff. The children were In an auto bus on their way to school, when they were slrurk on a crossing by a Southern Pacific train. The parents of the children are grief stricken, and the accident came as a great shock to Mrs. Ford of this city. MICKIE SAYS IF I WOX ROWUIM' ft. GARAGE, OVER-HAUL JOBS 10 LAST KAE all wiwrta, imstead of HftsVIM THEVA COVAE VV1 NEXT SPR.IUS WMEM vO BE Bn.E. THAU A. OU9-LGG0 flSHTI POPE WJAXKERl Order coal at Page's. Your choice of throw Rood kinds. Prompt deliv ery. Phone 242. PUHI' ,E FLASHES" HILARIOUS COMEDY. DANC Pronounced to be a wonderful picture by those who saw It last night. Tills picture Is worth Boeing. When tho "Oraclo" spoke the superstitious natives acted. Her dance for fun became a dance of life nnd death. Where a woman's wild ven geance outsped a halting Jus tice. Comedy, Hosier Kenton In "Tho llitiintcil House. "Tho Haunted House" will heave you with that haunting smile. Sit . "The OnlnVn Hope." Luc F. Vernon i t who 4 5 "Plays the Pictures" t 4 at the Piano j Taylor g w A ' I ' J -m I &$ "Purple Flashes," the whirlwind Elks' show, will "knock 'em dead." That's what those who have wit nessed the rehearsals say. The comedy In the show Is a knockout. Music galore and pretty girls Is enough to Insure the success of the production but In addition to such features, the theme of the farce conwdy will keep the audience In an uproar. The Beat sale opens December 10. NEW TODAY. - rvit HAi.t 40 ciunrtit fanned frntt niut-lilue, ,-lu-ap. HQ 'I!U Hlwl Mill Uisrr- Mini lM IllOllf Mi'i'umluM uffleo. I'Olt IIKNt Plve-recim fTiVnl.hed nioaVrn hoime al ; yMst 6ih. lry I'n.lVlllt'lll. I JIM Ml Inn, I n flat pm k. tlM.uk I'ontaln and rei't-lpta. Name O. ItewurU. Iti'tuin to this nrki I'roniiei- and k who wants to buy n rent car for in. ill money. If yo,, arr the (rny .''r1,'"1 lo"k Y sek over. 1 l'ljo Kuril tourliiK. 1 l'.il? Koril tonrltiic. 1 I'M Kord tourliiK. 1 lulit Koril tonrlnir. 1 1 11 IS Font hug. 1 9il Overland. -Ml In Ko.nl condition. I.. Itol.orts. uned car bargains. I HM St. NOTICE TO NORTH ROSEBIHG WATER CO.NSI'SIEKS. Water will be shut off Sunday, forenoon, Dc. 4tb. 1921, from 1 a. m. to 10 a. tn. affectlog all of Nona Roseburg north of Douglas street. DOUGLAS COLNTI UUUl' AND WATER CO. EMPLOYED ART OF FLATTERY How Dlsrasll 8ucecded In Securing the Full Confidence of His Royal Mistress, Victerla. It was after the untimely death of her husband at the age of 42 that Queen Victoria became the victim of a settled melancholy. For 20 years after that event she continued to wear mourning, took little or no Interest In the social life of her subjects, and made a slave of herself in her cor respondence aiid In her Interviews with her ministers on public questions and the details of government. It was not until Disraeli became premier that the queen emerged from the shadow of bereavement. He fas cinated her by his rhetoric and poetic style of address. Gladstone, she said, used to speak to her as If she was a public meeting, but Disraeli re membered that she was a lonely woman with a hungry heart He fed this hunger In letters that were almost affectionate In tone. He called her Glorlana and Tltnnia, queen of the fairies, and In a thousand similes ministered to her self-esteem. He waved the magic wand of flattery and Tltnnia began to enjoy life once more. So the queen In her old age be came popular with her subjects and revealed those mellow graces, those milder attributes, that made her be loved and revered at home and abroad. Detroit News. PHRASE IN USE BY ROMANS Writers of Ancient Empire First Re ferred to the Game of "Ducks -and Drakes." Ducks and drakes," an expression used commonly In connection with a person who Is heedless In money or business matters, has gained wide cir culation since it was first used among the Romans. Mlnuclus Felix and other ancient writers allude to a game of scaling oyster shells or stones on the water. If the stone emerged once It was said to be a "duck." England adopted the game and gave the phrase Its present-dny meaning. Just when It wus first applied Is not known. But It Is well used In Henry Peacham's book, "The Worth of a Penny," published In London In 1047: "I remember In Queen Elizabeth's time e wealthy cltlien of London left his son a mighty estate In money, who, Imagining he should never be able to spend it, would usually make ducks and drakes In the Thames river, with shilling pieces as boys are wont to do with titles and oyster shells. And In the end he grew to such extreme want that he was fain to beg or bor row a sixpence, having many times no more shoes than feet and some times having more feet than shoes." Chant of the Motor Boat. My motor boat, 'tis of thee, short mini to poverty of thee I chant. I blew a pile of dough on you three years ago; now you refuse to go or won't or cun't. Through channel and by oceanshle you were my Joy and pride, a happy day. I loved the gaudy hue, the nice white paint anew; but you're down and out for true. In every way. To thee, old rattlebox, came many Jumps and knocks; for thee I grieve. No shelter from a storm; frayed are thy seats and worn; the whooping couch affects the "chug" I do believe. The perfume swells the breeze, and only causes one to sneeze, as we pass by. I pnld for thee a price, 'twould miy a mansion twice; now everybody's yelling "Ice" I wonder why. The motor has the grip, the spark plug has the pip, and who Is thine. I, too. have suffered chills, fa tigue nnd kindred Ills; endeavoring to pny my bills, since thou were mine. Gone Is my bankroll now, no more 'twould choke a cow, as once before. Yet, If I hail the nmn', so help me. Jack amen, I'd buy a boat again and speed some more. Bayllss Y. C Logbook, Dance every Saturday night, Mac cahee HalL Christmas cleanup sale oa hats) at The Vogue, Friday and Saturday. I I Hi Dentistry By Dr. Nerbas The science of Dentistry bas so Improved during the last cen tury that If a dentist was con sulted soon enough a person's teeth could be protected and kept whole during the course of their life. If tooth struc ture is completely broken down It can be restored to ltg former efficiency. WITHOUT PAIN I replace teeth the same day. My extensive experience elim inates guess work. MY MOTTO OF Being Reasonable, Reliable and Efficient guarantees entire satisfaction. THE LESS PALN DENTIST. H.R.Nerbas,D.D.S. Masonic Bldg. Phone 488. PAINLESS EXTRACTION. Your Hands' Best Friend A-S-K Anti-Septi-Klenzr "The-Klenzr-U-Can't-Forget" From the Mechanic handling the roughest and dirtiest work In heavy grease and strong acids To the Young Mother with handB kept tender to fondle her babe with delicate touch OREGON A-S-K CO. ALBANY, OREGON. Let Us Helpi Make your holiday ghoDDin . -' feature r T. the heavy work, wet feet and to take. Our aervice Is at your command Phone 79 TheC0,,ltl "far- Phone 7) Roseburg Steam Launin SPECIAL ATTPvtia, M'W lO PARCEL ; POST TO A good coal at a low price Boot less Llbby at Page's. Vaccinating Sugar Cane. The vaci luntlon or Inoculation of plants In the bitterly waged fij;lit against their diseases will apial as a novel Idea to many who have al ways thought of the method In con nexion with the prevention of human and animal maladies only. A measure of success has attended Its use by the oflice of foreign seed and plant Intro duction, Washington, D. C, reports Popular Mechanics, In the evolution of a variety of sugar cane which Will be Immune to the commoner forms of disease peculiar to the plant, and especially the so-cnlled mosaic dis ease, which has recently made Its ap pearance on the sugar plantations. Seedlings from the Inoculated speci mens will be tested for immunity, nnd If the experiment is the success It Is hoped It will be It Is thought that a practically disease-proof variety of plant will be evolved. NOTICE DOl'GUS corSit?. AND WATEE CO1 rrrlpltailo i. . Total prwlp. rl,- , 2 Normal pre,ip. r" V"1 J itU Total prtdo f,. L1'' U .1 AvTai nwi. ' 111: To,al .7,TiZK Total exoni. fVi i" r?-ICi- Average piyclplutluj , ui Forecast to iV "ft".- Tonight fiilr. roMW- W1U.1AM BEl.lTL.J S 15c J&$5A ,. K eJ0" jyt wi'iMqTOit 63C 4 THURSDAY AND FRIDAY t l4 The wonder-play of a love that girdles the earth. It will epi the flood-gates of your tears and diuu llii in up with Jo;ulba tor! "The Woman in His FEATURING Mildred Harris Chaplin AND AN ALL-STAR CAST It's a triumph of mother-love, more convincing and nwtaf tta "The Miracle Man." Not Just a picture but a screen achievement, you should ml n t TOONKKV1LLH COMEDY AND A l'MZM.t MAT1.N EE SAT U HDAY E V KMNli WM. S. HART IV "THE WHISTLE." a i -...xWww CHILDHKX I.VTOM Justine Johnstone America's most beautiful girl, In a gripping drama of ml M' I "The Plaything , of Broadway . . iAM,nrl,l. nrtK. r a ns ,in,. r rltv life. utiiM-r - . ..n. Htmiiiii i- nimiii-i--. FORI) Fin erty, orld, undenvoriii, with s COMEDY AND t. iri liUII' KV KMMii MA-l IS n. v 0,-ru Adults lie lf.-:l w FAIRBANKS IN 2 Cl.lldr.-n (Klc A.lults :i-v-v-, kkk-ev' ed Car We have the following Used Cars all jn First Class Condition vvhTEFrve will Sacrifice at the following prices: 1916 Ford Light Delivery, 1918 Ford Touring, 1918 Ford Roadster - 1919 Maxwell Touring - sf rf-k. ana a n 1915 Studebaker Touring 275.00 1921 Chevrolet Touring 300.00 1917 Dodge Touring - 375.00 1 Ql S OAlcbnH .Qlv Tnnrlncf You will have to see these Cars to appreciate the Values offered. EASY TERMS IF DESIRED Glenn H. Taylor $450.00 550.00 675.00 700.00 Oregon SERVICE GARAGE Roseburg, Wg