3 gar ta lSC Rousing Bargains During This Sale! llo Bargains That Put Money In Your Pocket Iff I w SB f 1 dm lecemBer 9:00 O'CLOCK A. M. For this time of the year we nre greatly overstocked, and desire very much to turn this merchan dise into money as quickly as possible. We have decided therefore to open a campaign of CUT PRICES and NO PROFITS that will turn these goods into cash in a hurry. In this PRE-IIOLI-DAY CLEARING SALE a large and exclusive stock will be thrown open and subjected to CUT PRICES that you will thoroughly appreciate. This stock consists of LADIES' READY TO WEAR garments and accessories all regular stock, NEW, DEPENDABLE and STYLISH carefully selected and purchased for our particular clientele. Make your CHRISTMAS shopping easy and a pleasure, buying useful and sensible gifts NOW at this pre-holiday money saving sale. SATURDAY December 3rd 9:00 O'CLOCK A. M. Dresses, Kimonas Belts Frocks Skirts, Middies Handkerchiefs Blouses fu'jOJBArf tM Petticoats, Aprons Neckwear Evening Gowns Waists, Cloves Hair Goods Nightgowns Coats, Hosiery Bath Robes . Underwear 3 Suits, Umbrellas Bloomers Silk Gloves Sweaters, Purses Silk Shirts Mocha Gloves Corsets, Brassiers Silk Envelopes Kid Gloves PRICE OF EVERY GARMENT AND ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE CUT TO THE QUICK Evening Gowns values up to $32.50 $14.95 aj iiiiim i n ii rural rrr Ladies' Fleeced Vests and Pants SALE 35c Fine Quality Union, regular price CUT TO $1.35 Extra Fine Skirts, reg. price $28.50 CUT TO $14.50 White VoileWaists, vals. up to $1.50 79c STORE CLOSED FRIDAY gzsssaas-g ---..-iigzzre r , .rr Not An Item Reserved Prices Cut To the Limit Juc'gs Bingham Holds That Road Districts Are Not ( Corporations. SPECIAL TAX IS VALID Wi ll Try l Make !r Vt"' a Son's Kar ns t iiii ilulity ,ond a Silk a Mil-Dis. liinliam says. 1. i i!:-ir 1" H'nal ri road n-'i- . t-r,. i,.E:iv ,, rr 0f in.. l; alti'rninni !,v Hn;ha:ii of iho ', ""n the Tit , " f J. K K , "tol -fsl-l. t i;. r. tn-.intv.'i iU " '",',';. i-, J f tV eve ,1, n..i-i "".nri'y ;n " tax '-n ti and t 'lv rr.rn; 11 ':-l f f -ini.-ir-ni .,,.,. " hold n nrK-rl.il tax ""r holding I),,, had ni i,. J 'o op. n h t Tl court 1 - -ii ,x r-v. i . r.f pvh.,,,,, -l no p., dm a . I To ., C'1 'an n.iV Tim; (lie j:.3 'I lavs voted bv - of Marion coun--1 on .ovei:;iior 5. iii'. rendered .Indo Coorgo (; i'rii!' lO'iii in nl mandamus in the ' representing "I'd Oscar Stecl- or. i o! his nicinornn ' I'l l to hi i.l "that Mil? unci rn eluding road districts, school dis tricts, towns, etc.. must make a bud :ot to go Into effect Ihe first of the oar. If this were hold constitution al It would throw out the special taxes voted by several districts and would create great confusion. It was bold by several counties that the road districts had no authored or sanizaUo , and consequently had i n power lo consider budgets. For a group of people within a road dis trict to get together and form a bud got without authorization, would not So lesal and consequently all of the counties of the state were In a quan dary. In order to settle the matter, Marion county took the case Into court for legal Interpretation with ihe result that Judge Itlngham rules body welcome. that a road district cannot bo Included. This is a striking semion, and one hat should be heard. There will be peclal musical features, liible school ut 9:45. Every Sunday the liible school is filled, and great interest is shown. Y. P. S. O. K. ut 6:30; sub ject. ,-Thv Will be Done With Mv 1 lhilia " A or.rHfnl u-nlf.,.nw 1 nil Dillurd SI. "i:. Cliurrli Sunday, Dec. 4. Sunday school at 10 a. in.; preaching at 11; Kpworth League ut G:30 p. m. Come, wo will do you good; everybody come. N- M. Shrode, Pastor. Ten Mile M. K. CTiurch Sunday, Dec. 4. Sunday school at 10 a. in.; preaching in owning at 7:30. Kvery- Here From Wllliur Mrs. Charles Staten and daughter, of Wilbur, were In this city today for several hours, fn From filendnle I,. L. Hurd, the Glendale postmas ter, spent several hours In this city today attending to business matters. XOTH'K TO NOKTH ItOSKUl'ltU WATF.K CONSOIKKS. Water will be shut off Sunday, forenoon, D-c. 4tli, 1921, from 8 a. to 10 a. m. affecting all of North Itoseburg north of Douglas street. DOUGLAS COUNTY LIGHT AND W ATE It CO. SUNDAY AT TI1IC C11URCIIKS. riilnft von will Hn !us good. N. M. Shrode. Pastor. Methodist KpiHCopal church, Son lb, corner Main and Lane, J. I). Necd ham, minister. Sunday school at 9:45, W L. Cobb, Supt. The entire membership ought to be present and study the bible. There are classes for all agos. Preaching service at 11 a. m. anU 7:30 p. m. Subject for tho morning hour, "At Eaae In The evening service, "Faith and Doubt." Kpworth League ser vice at 6:30; subject. "Life Service, Thy Will be Done With our Plants." Leader, Mrs. Need ham. Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 p. Hi. All are welcome to all services. nl 1 1. Presbyterian, L. Dowrlng Quick, Minister Sunday school at !):45; morning worship at 11. Junior ser mon, "Thorns." Morning topic, "Wings of a Dove." 3 p. m., tinion nei'vieo. conducted by Christian vi 'Workers linnd. everyone in ine Icily, especially young people, are in Ivirod. 6:30 p. in.. Christian En deavor. Topic, "Thy Will be Done." VI. With Vy Tlans. Leader. Mar garet Millikin. 7:30 p. m.. evening service; topic, "God Is Light." Every one welcome to these services. First M"lliedist Church, Hov. W. x-ornnn. puaior. i Bchool D. P. Coshow. Supt. "The I'.rol power nml i'limrtrly communion occasion. At "fecial mad dis-111 o'clock the pastor will give a '"! tar was not lnort address on "Why We Should n of the hiirigot j"biorvo Ihe Lord's Supper." after ' a 1. ml tax nn.l 'v.-hich it will be administered. We are especiauy anxious " " I Message by the pastor on ' Tho Value r Pt-rjT rfUJafortoaatcS pop)t? are gnraiy laty. -the -table and opsefcs , Z jff oihar- side has I I I V KVV. R "or !inrld Immrili 'i i i-x'enrt nle tax as 1 ir of U'21." "' read district as aMnn nn-l roiiuiros i ro tiiiR h,.fore "a. t!i" county as- ' tiie bivll'ot meet- ii" ii and then fore is ho First Itnptist 1iurcli, corner of Lane and Hose streets, II. L. Ca!d well. Minister. 9:45 a. m., church Pear of God Is the beginning of wis dom." Dring the children and let tho church school help you to teach thein the word of God. You also will be profiled. Classes for nil rges. 11 a. m., morning worship. of Tl children, nnd ft cordial Invitation Is extended to all others. We believe in Ihe "open communion" and all are welcome. In the evening at 7:30 tl.oro will hp an Inspirational ad dress on "The History and Present Work of the F.pworth League." I s to extend Mre fascinating than fiction Is the "cnra or tneir worid-wme activities. I t'-at th ro "as n')l'rr", y"ri5 people are planning to 1 ;: t o kror, the ree- rnake this a raily servlrv. following " no lowing board ,nn,r "nl meetlnp at 6:30. There - ' ti.T'?or -i will bo special music nt each service a:t: I' .ti'e nf mu'ilcl- ''""ier Ihe direction of Mrs. A. N. " The romi i-on jOrcxit t. with Mrs. C. S. lleinllne as .xirs. loungs orcnei- llaw you heard ihom? The Sunday school meets at 9:45. with clnses for nil nire. Mid-week service Wednesday at 7:30. 4lrltlnn Tor. Pln ad Wood- Min ister. The minister has returned ;'rom the meetlrg he was holding at icania Clara, and will be In h's pulpit both morning and evening. Morning elect. "Tl-e Crest While Throne run. nrcompnnisi. n 1 rUla'ivo fl-,i ,ra ' doing splendid work. mi; , i;'H rmd rt' 'p rool 1 corjiora 'ri-t a now il'ni of ir "ike a 'silk of Christianity." If you are one of Ihe many of this community who shows by your action that you think the cause of Christ Is of Indifferent xalue. then you will appreciate this message. You are cordially Invited. B:30 p m., joung people's meeting. Young people with life. Intelligence, and Ihe spirit of Christ nltend these meetings". It Is a good place to he. AH young people ore more than wel cune. 7:30, evening worship. Mes Fae by the pastor. The meetings l rn Informal, cordial, nnd Irelpful. You may be a fireside Christian every other night In the week, but ought to be In Ihe hnne nf Cod on the evening that closes the laird's f ny. Non-Christians are eseclally elcomo. J" " Out ,,f 1 i. r.' ... i .l x for a rnmnll.n.. - nZ" ' " !r' ' '1'v ' taken out of , !,ri1 R(v- C. II. Hilton l-. r ,v ! '" ''i" tax Is voted , !lr, bnar.,;. '"! " ""I by I in imn.... 1 l ' ' Re ,repi n nun i nrone. l. ,. "" Conntiea f the ' """"K U"J-1 win on. ini- . V . . Mmw n . 1. T 1 1 , , . , , . . . .i inunlciii.llil iMTinn , learij manuesiea. uunicipauuct In- and tn homu. elements ax shown kela tut all It the Divine wa Clearly Manifested.' Mrs. L. C. Klose cf Los Angeles, ho has been spending several weeks here visiting wl:h her parents, left this morning for Kiddle whore she will visit a short lime. IT TAKF.H THK SIIIM It Out of a flivver. Makes her more owerful, and economical, too. The loach Ttattery system for Forda. DEVANEY BURNETT. Wives haven't much oje for blondes; The -fellow who writes "the cifenrette . pr-obably n offshoot of the Ananias -famiy. fSK dowtrt Tnattef how Av? are it there S&rt ' re enooth. It's about time -fche bosses -formeA -their- om union. nd raised their own. wabes. :VvS,V m) vV' r :"L tr.kn.' how9- vo m 1 II n l tnore -than, a X miss'in.' -Trorct t:t'HS -tooth." (.JV N Dinner Party At Umpqua Hotel A lovely dinner party was given Inst night at 8:15 In the banquet room of the Umpqua hotel by Misses Kdna Lough ami Zonule McDonald in honor of Miss Maxine Sykes who loaves Tuesday for Los Angeles where she will spend two months visiting. Clever and unique favors, consist ing of celluloid animals, bugs, but terflies, and dolls, nnd artistic place cards decorated each place. A do llghtful time was enjoyed by six or Miss Sykes" girl friends who all Join ed In wishing her a pleaBant time during her slay In California. The guest list Included Misses Mario Vo rolnohl of Sutherlln. Evelyn Hogers, Hello nrldges, Maxine McLaughlin, the guest of honor Miss Maxine Sykes nnd the hostesses. Misses Edna Lough and Zonnlo McDonald. OIUTI7ARV Feud of 30 Years ' Is Remembered SALEM. Dec. I. The visit or Em melt Dalton, once notorious hank linnfltt. In Rnlem this wpek has beeli of peculiar Interest to three men of this city. These three men are II. I... L. F.. and It. W. Marster. former resi dents of Neodosha, Kan., and their Interest In the former bandit cen ters about the fact thnt a nephew, Lucius M. Daldwln. was one of the three citizens of Cofleyvllle, Kan killed In Ihe battle In thnt city In October. 1892. In whl"h Ihe famous Dnlton gang was rout mI, only Kmett escaping with his life, and ho oes lierntelv wounded. Although the tragody occurred nearly 30 years ago tho Marsters have never been able to forget or for give the slnylng of llaldwln, who was advancing on the bandits with a revolver lu his hand when he was shot uown. . o- Thousands Want ' Hangings Stopped SALEM. Dee. 2. A petition with "several thousand names attached" ntklng for the coiuiiiulailon of Ihe sentence of John Hallilo and r.ivie Klrby for their part In the murder i f Til Taylor. Pendleton sheriff, from the ilenth penalty to life Im prisonment, is In the possesion of the office of Governor Olcoll. With 'hla petition are two or thrco hund- ' Ir" to'i,Htlng the same hlng, whllo on the other tide there ar twenty or thirty letter askln linat he Midi la tno dcclalon at the 1 co arte. Died, at her home in Myrtle Creek. Nov. 30, 1921, Mrs. Levlna Ackert, aged 78 years. 4 Thus ends another long, useful lire. "Grandma." as she was famil iarly known to all her friends, was loved anil respected by all who knew her. The bereaved family have tho sympathy of the entire community. The funeral will be Held at the Meth odist church Friday at 2 p. m. Out of long years of struggle. And days oft filled with pnln. She has passed to life eternal, Our loss is but her gain. A FRIEND, MYIITI.K CUF.KK NEWS n it 1 1 .. 1 1 1 n 1 , . ri...l. v. fi. imin'j unit kum ui ireci v-f.-iv attended the funeral of John C. Elder at Myrtle Creek Wednesday. Eldon Wood of Eugene spent the Thanliofflirlnff rinllrlnva with tils nar. cuts, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Wood. Jirs. wyKorr or isorin iienci, who Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. tiuiey, sang at ine t nriniinii iiuim last Sunday at both morning: and evening services. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamm of Pen dleton are spending a few weeks hero 1 1 , .... a u q 11 (I VinitiUK r:iULi.T, nn .j .-muo ...... Incidentally, missing one or two snowstorms. i I H I Will- ll'-l " organized here last week. Mrs. O. R. Hates was elected president; sirs. v.. O. March, vice-president, and Mrs. Perl Wilder, secretary. The grade -1. 1 1 bva aneA short nro- CIlllUltTll F. ' " P. gram after which a bo social wns given, tho proceeds going 10 ins mu letlc fund for the high school. There Is a good deal of slcknuess n this community at present. Mrs A. W. Coswell Is quite 111. Mrs. It. W. Reynolds Is Visiting hor friends at Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. Fnrrar nre moving to their new homo In town. Posters are out announcing a re turn engagement for Blegrlst ft Ce rtnrstrnni In another wrestling niatrii here Friday night. If our city offi cials can do nothing to prevent : this disreputable crowd of blacklisted Itoseburg hoodlums wno wr ...... before, from coming back l ' other such dlsgraroiui ..ou.. . ..... ihe rot or ine coV MyrM0rck to take" hand and give them sucu that it will forever be -ar",n such trh to stay whore they be- Uing. r.lnnl Dr lloiick mane .. visit to Myrtle Creek MondnT. FORI) OWNERS ' ' ; Come In and Inspect the new Rosch Battery Ignition System for Fords. Let us show you n- matces Ford engine more powerful, economical end dependable UhlVAMUY BUUNKTT. j