Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 01, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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Issued Pally Except flundaj.
Merl U. HMM
Dally, per year, by mall J
tallr. nil months, by mall "
Pally, thrte months, by mall
. rinilir .(iipIh mnnlh. bv mall 60
Dally, by carrier, per month .
WVelflv Nxwa-Revlww, by mail, per y-ar
I 00
Kmerrd an SKuml-rlahs uiaitix Mav 1. 1920. af tus poBt office at Koso-
. n - .. A ... U.r.k t 1 8 7 Q
hohkiu no, on :os, ir.i:iw:n i. nrei.
It is customary for some pessimists, in speaking of the busi
ness outlook, to say that the United States can not be prosperous
until Europe recovers its normal condition. As it will be some
years before Europe recovers pre-war prosperity, that makes the
fituation look blue to the average mechanic or business man. He
feels in the grip of world wide forces which he can't improve, and
which his country as a whole can't modify very much. Yet this
point of view ignores the fact that our exports during recent years
have been only about 10 per cent of our total production. Before
the war they were considerably less than that. Even under the
depressed conditions prevailing during the first eight months of
thi3 year, the United States exported $3,227,000,000 worth of
products. Before the war our exports for a whole year were run
ning only about $2,220,000,000. Of course the recent figures look
big because they are based on higher prices. But after price dif
ferences are allowed, the volume of exports today compares favor
ably with that existing before the war. And as our exports are
only a small part of total production, we could lose a considerable
fraction of them and not suffer seriously, if conditions were rifhl
at home. It is worth while studying these figures a little, to re
fute the idea that this country must drag along for years without
recovering its normal times, owing to bad conditions in Europe.
Jf there are troubles in business here, they are principally due to
some internal dislocation, some lack of a proper balance in our
own affairs, which our people should be bright enough to study
out and remedy for themselves. An increase of foreign trade
would of course start things up a good deal in this country. But
Europe is buying heavily of us today so we must look nearer home
for .the difficulties that most impede the return of full prosperity.
Many schools and colleges are giving courses in "business
management." So many are taking the training, that some people
have remarked that there were going to be more managers than
workers. Not all the young people who study to become execu
tives can attain any large success. But they will accomplish"
something if they get ideas of efficient work. The small business
will be far more profitable, if run on systematic principles. The
mechanic at his bench and the clerk behind the counter both need
more systematic ways of performing their tasts. These courses
are spreading this idea of efficiency, and in so far as these prin
ciples are applied to industry, they must reduce cost of production
and benefit everybody.
The American people spend millions to cram the young peo
ple with book knowledge, and then let a lot of them come out of
school with impaired health. It was disappointing recently, when
the United States Chamber of Commerce learned that out of
every $100 spent for school purposes, only 48 cents on an average j
goes for the promotion of health among school children, througti
j medical inspection, school nurses, etc. let superb results are
(being achieved by those cities and counties like Roseburg that
I have provided a school nurse, and other features of health work.
The school nurse discovers epidemics before they get a foothold,
and saves expense for doctors and nurses. She persuades ignorant
people to call a doctor where otherwise they would neglect their
children. She discovers defects that could handicap a child for
life. Forty-eight cents out of a $100 for such activities is penny
wise and pound foolish.
"Ju.l a tilnutv dill I blow, ni)
A mid In the hi-ad la nolliliiK to
r.uei ixi at i'ieclully If you happen
to leuvp home u II limit a hiintlker
chief. There it m retculur Imnuue of
"ka-chiM" iirouml the vlllane toility
uiid the doctor are mile ki i lnii In
their Hlccvea and the undertaker la
standing by with a hoiefiil look. A
fellow with a odd la aiiythhiK bill
ajtreeablo. lie answers you with a
icrunl and a snarl and we can't
blame him one hit. After freiieiit
dabbing of the nose with a handker
chief the beak soon resemble a beet,
and with the sense of amell thus
handicapped, a newspaper reporter
Whv does it always happen that after you think you have
I,,,!. nn m.rl 1 sunt all to piece.
JVUI uculi) oil paiu, uhc uigvi iiiuu nj v. iiig ivov ij i n j f ..-- ijl tt 5t
tlaps you in the face?
There is one thing certain, when it comes to a good, old
fashioned downpour this section of the state takes-second place
to no other section.
One who always "says what he thinks," soon has decent peo
ple thinking a lot about him that they don't dare siy.
Not many would have to
started life all right.
"start life all over" if they had
A grain of wisdom is worth a gross of advise.
Lover Dead;
Girl Suicides
1 1 y united Press)
SAN DIKf'.O. Dee. 1. In the same
city then a small settlement
where Ramona came with Allegan
dro to fret married In the old fashion
another tragedy of love has been
enacted. ,
Juanlta I.lanos. 16, loved a dash
ing Mexican youth. Juanlta lived In
Then came the Cantu revolution
or attempted revolution.
Juanlta took her belongings, and
came to San Diego.
The man she loved was somewhere
"out in the hills." He was with the
Many of the revolutionists were
killed, and some of them were bur
led where they fell.
Her lover had promised to com
municate wl'h ,her. He had also
promised to come and see ber at the
first opportunity.
A week passed, and the revolution
ists were routed. Still her lover
' didn't come.
Another week passed, and then
came a rumor that the youth of her1
heart had been shot dead In a sklr-
i wait-rumor
mlsh with the regulars.
With falling courage Juanlt
ed several day? more. The
was not denied.
Then Juanlta took a pistol
'shot herself through the heart.
Libby, the bootless Oregon coal
Page Lumbe and Fuel Co.
G. A. R. Frolic Ends
With Real Circus
fBT Untied Triil.
STOCKTON, Cal., Dec. 1. Never
too old to like a circus or, perhaps,
-Hie older the belter.
The G. A. R. held a meeting here.
iThey used to call it a reunion, but
Shis year the old boys called it a
"frolic" proving that they're still
young In spirit.
Furthermore, ono of the principal
attractions was a circus an amateur
circus, but a three-ring one. Just the
same. There was everything there
but an elephant. ,
That was the only objection of the
lO. A. It. They missed the elephant.
s W -
Diamond briquettes are once more
available. Page Lumber ft Fuel Co.
Ye ed. Is Retting quite popular.
Agnln Ibis a. in. we ree'd a long
epistle from some unknown reader
who pits us on the back and tells us
to ahead and "give 'em 'ell." Now
he doesn't specifically state just
I what we're supxwed to roast and the
fact I we were unaware that we
were clvlnic anybody 'ell. Rut If we
are, all right. Tbe letter was decor
ated' with beautiful phrases, adlec
tlves and other grammatical delica
cies. Vevlerdav when we broke
down nnd soblied over a brickbat
which reached us through Iillle
Kelzcnstein' place of business, we
thoiiriil I he w hole world consisted of
thorns, hut today everything looks
like rosea. "It's not raining rain to
me it's raining daffodils."
V'p overlooked A wonderful oppor
tunity to make a good pun on two
loci I attorneys who cln-died recently
In the Justice court. The followers
of Illarkstone very often get riled,
however, and we can't afford to keep
track of their proceedings. But now
we know why referees are appointed
by the court.
Where was Roseburg when the
lights went out? Why, they were In
the pnntry looking for caudles, of
Today's the flrst of the month and
well we know It.
Kvery mm should hnve a fair
sized cemetery In which to bury the
faults of his most Intimate friends.
The other a. m. we p Icked up the
Police fjnzctte and noticed where a
New York woman knocked a man
down, blacked both of his eves and
split his litis for tivlni' to flirt with
her. That's wliat we'd call a strik
ing beauty.
I'nlvcrsnl peice Is what ye ed. Is
working for but such will never
come to MiHs as long as the divorce
courts continue to function.
The wifo Is out looking over the
stock of Christmas cigars and will
probably select the "mo for a
nlikle" variety In a holly decorated
box. Others will Invest In incense
The county budget which appears
111 another section of tills Journal re
minds us of the fact tliat "we never
were good at figures."
If tho gossips knew how thev u.
being talked uImiui they would lie
more careful. Ilut after nil, aren't
we all Inclined Just a little In H..
gossipy directum? In fart, ye ed.
thinks that very few of us would
turn a deur ear when tbe opMirlun
Ity to hear some spicy scandal pre
sents Itself. We've heard lots of
IMHiple say, "Oh, I just despise gos
sip," and then In the , treat h
they peddle enough liolalr about the
"woman In tbe licit block" to make
old Dame Humor turn green with
envy. i
If yon haven't donned your winter
flannels you'd better take step to
do so without delay lierause old
man Winter Is sneaking around
pretty close and If he catches you in
your II. V. I.'s he'll nmko you
"shake" loose with enough change
to buy the heaviest "undies" In the
Some good men have gone broke,
'ays an exchange. Yes, some have
rone and some have been In that
condition for some time.
We notice that vnu can pet more
M-aimts for a nlrkle now than you
could a few mouths ago.
"Well, cut It "off," said the cus
tomer to the butcher who was wrap
ping up a meat order.
"WKaddnya mean, cut It off?"
queried the butcher.
"Why, cut. off your hnnd, ya big
stiff, I paid for It," said the meek
little man on the other side of the
My parents forbade me to smoke;
I don't.
Nor listen to a naughty Joke;
I don't.
They made it clear I must not wink
Af. pretty girls, nor even think
About intoxicating ill ink
I don't.
To dance or flirt Is very wrong
I don't.
Wild youths chase women, wine and
i I don't.
I kiss no girls not even one;
' do not know hf It Is done;
You wouldn't think I have much
fun; ' '
I don't. ' ' h T 7
"The girl with silk stocking dnu't
care how hard the wind blows."
To He Fmriloyed In Myrtle Oeck
Miss Flora Rand, who was for
merly employed by Attorney B. L.
Fddv. left t"u:a morning for Myrtle
Creek where she will be employed in
the Citizens' State bank.
Klng Football
The I., , '
mux in ,llt
KOOIhull CM li
... . - wi v.
A ren.U. c. : " "I
Elnnln, . ' ."Twl "Haw.
....., i . r ' " re not n
. ... a ral form. '""Ut k
oianiord did no. 'orT-
tx me no ii'ji ik.
I. ' . ? ,u "M. w ,-""
is sccnon ever j... or m.
. :." irallzi that r - .
- -mini.- team." k, W
""mi nfi ahle to tarn . "wir
Rearonee agah, " '! BT
. htanfonl .,...
oocausa she ,onriJ u '.rlllM!h
'"1. Tnat far. .,t """ M
was robbed of the M' '""""ii
caimg the woiulwf. . ..I"
The prospect, for , . '"
dlnal team , ... . ne" T'ari o,.
cam this vear ,.:. ''a
, dally rrllai;ri e'
run high that th" . ?l"!?k
W'" We" "eCdJ
nrac;i,,lv t.wh,
at leas. ,he BurlsS?.,
- v ill be broken up with ,h
eight players. up ' the fa,
While California h
.1-rfully s,rong mater", !
to fill the gap, the",! ' hl
th-les, be devoid of " T
Derience 0f havln. " Wwu
in sight for 1.0 yearl " ""
Stanfonl i looking fon,
backward and next nuai: W
"on -he Farm" hope"
Wing over the goal po8U. ,j
serpentine on the Held instead
l-lue-and gold one. 1
Coal, three klndn-Sawri,, Ro-
Fuel r "WbmniBiil
District Attorney Cwse
lenve Mot,,,-.!.,., r
'.where he will deliver the Elkf
;nional address at the annul xnka
i n be hold there. The iml a
Oregon City will be bfldoaiii
'. ternoon of Sunday, Dec. i.
ajv mr. uisiiBiux-i
l ,'f cium raiMib
Reduction in Genuine Ford Parts
The Following are some of the Comparative Prices of One Year Ago and the Present Time. '
New Price Old Price New Price Old Price
Rear Axle Shafts $ 1.60 $ 3 00 Rear Springs - - 8.50 12.00
Ring Gear - - 3.00 5.00 Radiators - - 18.50 31.50
Pinion - - 1.25 2.00 Hoods - - - 5.00 7.50
Drive Shaft - - - 3.50 5 CO Fender Front - - 4 25 7.00
Front Hub and Bearing - 2.00 3 00 Fender Rear - - 3.75 6.00
Rear" 1-50 2.50 Ford Battery - 25.00 35.00
Frame - - - 13.00 16.00 Bethlehem Ford Spark plug .60 1.00
Cylinder Block - 25.00 35.00 Touring Car Top - 27.50 45.00
Pistons Complete - 2.00 3.00 Roadster Top - - 25.00 37.50
CrankShaft - - 10.00 15.00 Windshield Complete 13.50 22.50
Connecting Rod - 1.50 2.50 Touring Top Recovers 7.50 12.00
Front Springs - 2.75 4.00 Top Rear Curtains 3.00 500
Repair Labor
Motor and Transmission
Overhauled - - $25.00
Grinding Valves, Clean Car
buretor and Test - 4.75
Front System Overhauled 6.00
Cenerator Overhauled - 2,50
Transmission Reline,
(without starter) 2.75
xt CiA Price i
mew v.-- f
$31.25 j
3.50 j
3.45 j