Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 26, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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"A 'J.
There is no substitute
for circulation The
News-Review has over
20,000 readers.
"ToHP '
la Which is Included The Evening News and. The Roseburg Review
... xxK. S vr " '
ni IWWI.I .i ivcu
Ifense Jubilant As Court Opened This Morning Appear to Be
? Confident I hat Movie comedian mil uuiu rree
dom Wben Final Testimony Is Given.
I 6W FRANCISCO, Nov. 26.
-The defense will close Mon-
I day in (he Arbuckle manslaugh-
tur trial. Cavin McNab, cliicf
! . . . ,i
-nniiiiinrti.l t- m
I ae:ensc iuu..o. .. -- -
I V. Harry B. Barker, randier
lot the Stockton district and
iirtond of Miss Kappe, took the
,und at the opening of court
t today for the completion of his
t croas examination, which began
vcjtorday. He testified yester-
t day that he frequently had seen
ber a'.l doubled up. sufferine
t pain after drinking wine.
Pliilo JlcCullough. Holly
od actor, testified today that
I Viaj Rappe lure her clothing at
a party seven months ago.
7 SAX FRANCISCO, Nov. 26. The
mlea of Justice were swinging
srirdi Arbuckle today In the trial
kr nniln? the death of Virginia
k . The defense was Jubilant as
set opened. Testimony that Vir-
fisRap?e. whose death Is the basis
t manslaughter cfiarge against
C. (Fattv) Arbuckle, "was In
fcfiM and did not remember what
y-ttfi to her," according to her
i ilment, was given in Ar-
t'i trial yesterday. The wit-
r'rtocave this evidence was t)r.
I I R'jmwell, -ho first treated
I" Rappe arter the party In Ar
Vile's rooms at the Hotel St. Fran
Sit which the prosecution charges
!ackle Injured her.
J0rr the protest of the prosecution
f. Rnmwell was permitted to read
'onr of the bladder injury which
ilted in Miss Rappe's dea'h, a
v.ined from her .nd ffom his own
wrratlon, but a second statement
on more exhaustively into the
i of the Injury was ruled out. He
not cross examined.
'The defense announced that it
treat emphasis on Dr. Rum
statement. The doctor Is
lnr an unofflclnl autopsv on
"lie an unofficial autopsy on
' Rappe.
U TrnlneI Nurse Testifies.
'!: Irene Moren4. a Pasadena
nurse, testified that on at
" five occasions, she treated Miss
w for bladder trouble and that
JHi of these mIp Rappe tore her
hln and cried nut as she Is said
done after the Arbuckle
f FnnWIn Shlel.. who testified
sn 'lenlt In the first tral of Har
IrJrw '"T ,hp mrder of Rtnn
Z, n,"5,ra'cd bow bladder
i might be mused bv hysteria
alcoliellsm. noctnrs t.lovd Bryan
Eh "mw" testified that
1't mp.nres. may under certain
wjtinns, be purely spontaneous In
Vfte crowd, at the trial were so
.at Torday that the defendant
! cnnnael hai roniderable dlffl
I, J, "elr places. Poth
Z Z' L" A""-"'y Matthew nrady
w to elbow their wav through the
hi, m r "'3 ,n '""' Afhckle
'iredlr in '"'it nut gooa
le rrrm" an into
I I,'l"mn, slctator.
Pcctators was Mrs. H,m-
h Press Room
Almost Complete
lfejr Hn being
htl J "-''nfactor F. F. Pat-
The ,", """in comple-
'M little ""m W(,atn,,r h"
rJ'f V'T ro' m e
b ork"
1-VT Mrt 16 l"1 '1I,0n
.. ,, k' N."'-Revew wltl
' rt Th. . '"'',!' room" ln
-d , .v...e P1""" llch was or-1
WilM, .nd , v " rapidly
-orsetn del1T occurs.
Iiina laude Delniont, who brought
the charge of murder against Ar
buckle which wag Inter reduced to
the charge now being tried. She sat
close to Mrs. Mlnta Durfee Arbuckle,
wife of the defendant, but so far as
could be seen, the women did not
gluiue at each other. Arbuckle was
apparently unmoved by the evidence
despite the general Interest In the
statement by Dr. Itumwell and Miss
Morgan. He appeared more cheer
ful, however, during the recess per
iods, than he has been for some time.
Mrs. Jennie Neighbors, of Los An
geles, told of having met Miss Rappe
at a summer resort near l.os Angeles
and of having ministered to her, at
the girl's request, for what seemed
to be abdominal pains.
Harry B. Parker, a ranchman of
Stockman, California, said he had
known Miss Rappe for ten years and
Intimately for five years and that he
had seen her on several occasions
"all doubled up and tearing at her
clothes." Once, he said, she appear
ed to sufTer greatly after drinking a
small glass of wine.
Four Bandits Get
Loot Valued $60,000
(By Associated Press.)
PORTSMOUTH, Nov. 26. Four
bandits entered the offices ot the St.
LouiB Refining company this morn
ing and escaped with diamonds and
jewels valued at $60,000. The ban
dits fired several shots to intimidate
the pursuers as they escaped In au
Football Season
Claims 10 Victims
(By Associated Prosa.)
CHICAGO, Nov. 26. Football
claimed ten victims In the 1921 sea
son, according to reports to the As
sociated Press. The toll was less
than in 1920, ana three above the
toll two years ago.
German Embassy
Makes Statement
(By United Press.)
mund Von Thermann, In charge of
affairs of the new German embassy
opening here, informed the United
Press that Germany is prepared to
send a small economic and military
delegation to the arms conference.
The commission will be ready frank
ly to discuss land disarmament prob
lems and reparations. If the latter is
Included under the conference's new
broadened scope.
Grange Convention
Closed Yesterday
PORTLAND, Nor. 26. After what
Is declared to have been otve of the
most constructive gatherings in the
history of the grange, the 65th na
tional grange convention passed Into
history with the installation of the
incoming officers yesterday after
Tire majority of the delegates rep
resenting 33 states were scheduled
to leave the city for their homes on
the eastern special leaving at 1
o'clock this morning. Others loft
out on other trains. Only a few of
the officials will remain over today
to take care of matters Incident to
the close of the convention.
Standardized Schools Sought.
Two of the big tasks to be takou
up by the grange during the coming
year are the extension of aid for the
formation of more effective co
operative farm organizations thru-
out the nation and a study of the
operation of rural schools with a
view to working out a standardiza
tion policy. This was decided at the
last business session of the conven
tion yesterday morning.
Tire convention voted that the
grange take up during the coming
year a nation-wide study of co
operation and make an effort to
atimulnte co-operative farm work In
all sections of the country. Action
on this was made unanimous and
8herman J. Lowell, national master,
was authorized to appoint a special
committer to have charge of this.
Information relative to tbe various
methods of operation of rural schools
with a view to consolidating on some
una policy considered the best will
oe guthered by a special committee
conulgltng of Mr. Lowell of New
York; O. L. Martin, Vermont, and
Uarlon Needham, Kansas. It Is
hoped to have a program of school
operation for action at tbe next ses
sion of the grunge.
Egch-Ciuuinuia Bill Opposed.
Action was taken opposing tho
provisions of the Ksch-Cummins bill
or any other legislation which con
tains a guarantee feature to the rail
roads. Another resolution adopted unani
mously was one which urged the ex
tension of mutual Insurance for fire,
flood, hail and other forms of dam
age to all states.
The government was urged to
adopt a pay-as-you-go policy with a
view to stop bonding in another
resolution adopted unanimously.
A resolution which provided for
the election of the president and
vice-president by a direct vote failed
of adoption. The final vote on this
question was 25 opposed and 19 ln
favor of changing the present elec
toral college system. This resolution
was Introduced by C. E. Spence.
Fire Rages in
Atlanta, Georgia
l (By United Press.)
j AUGUSTA. Ga., Nov. 26. Masses
of fire -apparatus bad controlled a
fierce fire which ra,'ed throughout
I the business section throughout the
j night. Further damage was not
feared today. The loss Is estimated
at a million and one-half dollars.
Belfast Scene of
Heavy Fighting
(By Untied Pvsn.'
BELFAST, Nov. 26. Twenty-six
persons were killed in factional riot
ing since Monday. Two were killed
and one wounded yesterday.
Diamond Maniac
Is Murdered
Crew in Lifeboat
Possibly Saved
"tsr United Press.)
ASTORIA, Nov. 26. The oossl
billty that nine members of tbe crew
of tho Sea Eagle, believed to have
foundered off Tillamook Light on the
(Oregon coast early In the week, had
ireacnea me scnooner jcoia in life-
boats was expressed today. The
; patrols found no lifeboat .wreckage
aiong tne oeacn.
Freighter Gets
Afloat in Gale
(By Untied Pra).
ASTORIA, Nov. 26. Fear felt for
the safety of the freighter Sprlng-
ueia, wnicn was grounded off Pea
cock Spit early today was dispelled
when the vessel got afloat despite
the gale and put into Astoria harbor
for repairs.
(By United Press).
Twelve persons, two of them women.
were arrested today In connection
with the murder of Mrs. Amanda
rfankuchen, diamond maniac. Sh
was found dead on her kitchen floor
early today. Her attorneys said
that she had spent all of her money
'or diamonds, none of which could
be found. It Is feared that robbery
if her $25,000 hoard was the motive
.'or the robbery.
. T- O
Tourist Travel
Is Quite Heavy
Tourist travel has been quite
heavy during the past two days. . A
large number of tourist cars were
halted by the storms in tne Willam
ette valley and were unable to get
through. Most of these tourists are
in their way to California for the
winter from Washington, Idaho and
Montana. There are a few others,
but the majority came from the
northwest and are on their way to a
warmer climate for the winter. They
tell of great hardships in reaching
southern Oregon, many having been
held up by floods and snow for sev
eral days. A few were frozen In and
blocked by ice on tne uoiumDia
highway, where according to tele
graphic reports, trucks and tractors
arc endeavoring to break a roadway
In order to release marooned ve
hicles. The tourists express them
selves as being exceedingly glad to
reach southern Oregon, where ex
tremes of weather are seldom felt.
The highway south is reported to be
In excellent condition ana most or
them are now hurrying to g'ot Into
California before the snows In the
Sisklyous make travel uncertain.
Bandits Repulse
Marine's Attack
(By Associated Press).
BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 26 Four
hundred well armed bandits en
trenched in the village of Paso
Ibanez, in the state of Santa Cruz.
repulsed an attack by the marines
landed from the cruiser Almirante
Brown. A number of the bandits
were killed or wounded. The at
tackers UBed machine guns. The
bandits were holding prisoners In
the village a number of the resi
dents of the reRlan. Including Eng
lish ranchers and S. J. Mncby, man
ager of the Armour packing plant
near the town of Santa Cruz.
Christmas Seal
Sale Dec. 1
The Douglas County Public Health
Association announce, this morning,
that the campaign for the Christmas
Seals will start December 1st.
Booths at various vantage points
about the city opened for
business on that date, and the little
Christmas stamps will denote the
actual commencement of another
Christmas season, and be a constant
reminder to the wise to do your
shopping early.
Mrs. K. V. Hoover, chairman of
the Roseburg community group, will
be In charge of the work ln Rose
burg and Is completing arrangements
for tho campaign. A committee of
the Boy Scouts, today, distributed
numerous posters and attractive
window cards.
Organizations about the city have
been asked, and consented readily, to
take respective days and handle the
sale of stamps. An announcement
will be made later of Ihe (lays on
which the various organizations will
be In charge of the work.
Mrs. William Bell, president of the
Douglas County Public Health asso
ciation says that the county Is well
lined up. and that the community
groups in charge In other towns are
doing fine work, and will also start
their seal sale December let.
Mrs. E. E. Stewart, chairman of
the nurse supplies reports splendid
response In the way of donations for
the Nurse linen closet. Different asso
ciations as well as individuals have
responded to the call and there has
been sent ln to the committee, sheets,
pillow cases, towels, and baby clothes
and Miss Wallace, the Douglas Coun
tv Public Health Nurse has already
found urgent need for some of the
TJie local managers of theatres
have consented to assist In the adver
tising of the Christmas Seals by us
ing slides In the theatres.
It is thought the people of Rose
burg will respond most generously
in the purchase of the cheery bright
little stamps. No letter or package
should be mailed after December 1st
without a Christmas Seal.
. . o
County Court
Meets Today
The county court met this morn
ing for tho purpose of allowing con
tracts for road work ln the Myrtle
Creek vicinity. This will probifbly
be about the last of the road work
to be placed under contract until the
weather breaks ln the spring as the
weather from now on will doubtless
bo too .wet to permit work on the
rnads. " The first of the week the
court will Inspect the route of the
Camas Valley road and agree upon
the amounts to be paid for right of
way deeds.
High School Ends
Football Season
The Roseburg high school football
team has completed its season and
most of Ihe boys who are not Intend
ing to play basket ball have broken
training. The team had a very suc
cessful season considering the fact
that most of the? players had never
soon a game of football prior to this
yoar. They won tile last two games
after hard fought battles and the
tnste of victory has given them add
ed desire to conijnue the sport next
year.' Financially the school has
gained considerable prorit trom me
football season, the game on Armis
tice day having resulted in a net
nrofit of over $300 which win grcat-
lv aid school athletics this year and
for the opening part of next year.
The school expects to purchase a
large amount of equipment and
bring out a team next season wnicn
will rank high among those of the
state. Most of the best men this year
will return to school while good play
ers who were not eligible this sea
son will be out for the squad when
training starts next year.
Coach King is now turning nis
attention. to basket ball and with a
rso number of recruits ln prospect
expects to develop a good team of
basket tossers. Roseburg has always
ranked high In this snort and no ex
ception Is expected this yesr. From
arly indications the basket Dan team
t. in he heavy and fast. Several of
lust venr's stars will be back to lend
experience to the team and Roseburg
expects to make a hard fight for the
slate chnniplonshlp.
Suggests That Nations of the World Hold Annual Meetings
Delegates Speculating on Outcome of Harding's
Plan Would Supplant League.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 26. (United
Press.) Should the arms conference
settle all of the questions now before
it satisfactorily. President Harding's
Idea of an association of nations mav
supplant Wilson's Idea of a league, it
was believed here today as the dele
gates speculated upon Harding's
White House announcement of a hnne
that the conference will develop Into
an association of nutlons. holding
annual conferences.
Germany, It was believed, would
welcome the opportunity to attend
the conference, the chance of which
was Intimated yesterday.
Siurirmta Annual Meetings.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 26. (Asso
ciated Press.) In the midst of de
velopments that helped clear the air
for all the big subjects before the
arms conference. President Harding
let it be known today that be had
taken the first step toward a contin
uance of Individual discussions,
which may lead to an "association of
Conferences among the nations
once a year to consider whatever mav
menace good understanding have
been suggested by the president .In
formally to some of the foreign dele
gates and their replies were said to
have encouraged a hone that a per
manent ulnn of consultation will re
ceive world approval.
Lacking all the properties of a for
nav proposal Mr. Harding's nlan was
declared to have been offered only as
personal suggestion without sny
bint as to the details ot Its accom
plishment. Oon fe.rence Makes Progress.
Whother a more formal approach
to the sub'ect will bo. taken before
he end of the Washington confer
ence remains to be developed.
Within the conference Itself defi
nite progress was made In both the
tho sentiment of the conference into
a Joint declaration of general policy.
The naval discussions centered tor
the moment about Japan's recapitu
lation of her present naval strength
in connection with her hope for .
modification 0f the "5-6-3" ratio of
the American plan. Experts of the
llrltlsh, French and Italian delega
tions withheld their decision, but the
Amur lean advisers made known their
conviction, reached after examination
of tho Japanese data, that no change
in the ratio was warranted.
Mass Meeting to
Be Held Tonight
C. F. Grow, of Los Angeles, of the
machinists craft, will speak tonight
at the Moose hall at a public mass
meeting being sponsored by the rail
road employes of the city. . This is
a meeting to which the general pub
lic is Invited, and urged to attend.
Mr. Grow is fully informed upon the
problems now tinder discussion be
tween the railroad companies and
the employes and will explain' the
employes' side of the questions at
issue. There has never been a time
when the fight between the com
panies and the railroad laborers xai
fas clearly cut as at present, and
countless tne entire nation will be
brought face to face with the prob
lem again as was done during the
recent trouble when a nation-wide
strike was narrowly averted. The
decision roached then has not settled
but only delayed action and there
fore those interested In the future
welfare of the railroad Industry will
find the meeting of unusual internsi.
Mr. Orow's talk will be explanatory
in nature and will Interest everyone
To and Fro
and Is not Intemlert AvMiiafirAlv tn
far eastern and naval negotiations railroad men.
ind It hecame apparent that ai-
thnnrh the nnestlon of land arma
menf had been laid aside for the
present, without an attempt to agree
on limitation of armies, some or un
delegate hoped later to translate
Espee Maintains
Fire Department
Frequent fire drlllB are" held at
the local Southern Pacific round
house, where a well trained depart
ment composed of shop laborers is
maintained. At a fire drill held this
morning the men made record speed
In reaching the scene of the simu
lated fire and turning the water
ihrnueh the aulcklv laid hose. The
company maintains a light hand reel
and several hundred feet of standard
fire hose for the protection of its
property, and every man knows his
place at the sounding of the fire
jignal given by the whistle on the
roundhouse. With no loss of time
the hose is laid and water is turned
on the assumed blaze. On several
occasions the roundhouse men have
used their apparatus In fighting fires
near the railroad tracks and have ex
tinguished the fires before the local
flro department arrived on tne scene.
The company has several wooden
buildings and a great deal or on ana
inflammable material In the yards,
and a fire could cause a great deal
of damage. The well trained depart
ment, however. Is a big protection,
as there would be little loss of time
In fighting a fire should one start.
Alleged Bootleggers
Be Tried Monday
The trial of George Matscn and
H. B. Von Winkle, who are charged
with bootlegging, has been sot for
Monday morning at 9 o'clock, by
Justice of the Peace George Jones,
In whose court the case will be
beard. The men. It Is claimed, sold
a quantity of moonshine, some of
which was purchased by Oren
Schultz, who died Monday as a re--iilt
of poisoning nnd complications.
Although no specific charge has been
made concerning the liquor sold to
Schultt, It Is expected thst there will
ho certain evidence introduced Dy
tho prosecution In an effort to show
that the plaintiffs were responsible
for tire sale of the Intoxicant, and if
this fact Is proven and tho men con
victed, a heavy penalty Is to be ex
pected. Tho defendants deny their
guilt and have employed Attorney
Albert Abraham for their iefeno
and expect to put up a hard fight.
They fulled In their efforts to obtain
ball, which was fixed In the sum of
$600 each.
Spanish Vet. Ready
For Convention
(By United Press.)
CHICAGO, Nov. 26. Delegates to
the 1922 national convention of tbe
United Spanish War veterans at Los
Angeles will bo given an opportunity
to-visit tbe state and national parks
of the west, according to an an
nouncement by Oscar E. Carlstrom,
commander-in-chief, who suld he
plans to fix the conventon dates dur
ing the last ten days of August. The
dates were advanced because most
of the parks of the west close ln Sep
tember, Commander Carlstrom said.
In making the announcement.
In a general order Issued from na
tional headquarters here the new
commnnder abolished the Washing
ton office of the national committee
on legislalon. All Spanish war vet
erans were asked In the order to
write to their senators and congress
men urging Immediate passage of tbe
Spanish war veterans' widow's and
and orphans' pension bill.
The following new appointments
have been made by the national commander:
Inspector General, William Base-
ley, Connecticut.
Judge Advocate General, Thomas
J. L. Kennedy. Washington.
National Patriotic Instructor, Roy
V. Huffman, Oklahoma.
Provost Marshal, W. W. Parker,
Assistant Adjutant General, John
W. McConnell. Illinois.
Assistant Quartermaster General,
Fred E. Brown, Illinois.
Senior National Color Sergeant,
D. F. niaauw. Illinois.
Junior National Color Sergeant.
YVIlMam H. Birch, Illinois.
Official Editor. W. L. Mattocks,
District of Columbia.
Two new ramps of the United
Snanlsh War Veterans have been In
stituted since Mr. Carlstrom became
national commander. They are lo
cated at Ellr.ahethtown. HI., and
Johnson City, N. Y.
SALEM. Or, Nov. 25. Submission
to the voters of Oregon Ihe question
of levying a tax of $3,000,000 for
the support of tho worm s exposmon
to be held In Portland in lz. ana
enactment of legislation tending to
ward conservation of the state high
ways, are tho two paramount issues
thnt should bo considered by tho
legislature which has been -called to
convene In speclnl session her Mon
day. December 19.
This was announced bv Governor
Olcott today when he Issued his for
mal mil for the special legislative