Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 24, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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ssss----appp I
- ' limned Iteily Except Bungay. .; " .
M. w. L. Wtmnertf . u-
Dally, per year", by mall
Dally, six months, by mall "?
Dally, three months, by mall
Dally, single month, by mall
Dally, by carrier, per mouth
Weekly News-Review, by mall, per year
Entered an second-class mailer May 1J. 1920, at the post office at Rose-
burg, Oregon, under the Act of March jjjj79-
7 wmKUl ItO. OltMiON. NOVEMBER- 84.
The founders of this country believed that God is managing
human destiny, and that if faithfully obeyed He would guard and
preserve those of His children who ventured across the stormy
sea's into this unknown wilderness. And even before they had
gained a real foothold, and while their future looked ominous,
they appointed a day of thanksgiving to God. Now there is the
same danger that. our people will forget the God who led the
fathers, as that some men who pray with all their hearts while in
some bodily peril, will forget God when they recover and life
seems smiling. But if this republic is to endure and be worth
preserving, it must not lose that reliance upon the divine force
that heartened our forefathers in their hard struggle. Many na
tions that forgot God and His laws in the past have gone down
into the dust, and nothing is left of their greatness but decaying
ruins. The American people in their thoughtless way appoint a
holiday of thanksgiving to God and then use it for football games
and sporting life. They mean no harm and they need the relaxa
tion. But it would not hurt them a bit to spend some part of the
day in Thanksgiving devotions. Many people, no matter how
difficult their lot, can see some brighter side of their life for which
in common decency they ought to give thanks. And as for the
nation, it has abundant reason for thankfulness, that it passed
through a world shaking catastrophe with less suffering than
other peoples.
And the real thanksgiving day is no mere thing of personal
feeling, but iT seeks out the poor and needy and makes them share
in the general well being. A Thanksgiving day observance that
does nothing for those who are in doubt whether they have reason
for thankfulness, observes the letter rather than the spirit of the
Don't try to get clear around that Thanksgiving turkey
otherwise you may not be able to be around tomorrow.
Today is the day we should all be thankful for the many
blessings bestowed upon us during the past year.
Get your shoes at Stephens and
teep your feet dry.
Where did you get those rood
school shoes? At Stephens, wnure
ou get the best and save money.
Mrs. H. P. Secord. whose home Is
In Oakland, was It. .his cliy yester
day sh.pplng'' and attending to busl
ries matters.
, Clean up special for the holiday
goods on Saturday. Price no objt .t.
H doz. dress skirts, H doz. waists,
H doz. coiil Opportunity to save.
Bell Millinery.
L. A. Andrus, local Jllney driver,
was arrested yesterday harmed with
operating a Jllnny without a license.
He was fined 82. Ku upon entering
a plea of guilty in the city court and
required to ,ke out al lcense at once.
Special price on Serpentine crepe
for night gowns, Saturday only. Bell
Harry Wilcox, whose home Is In
Albany, Is here for a few days visit
ing with friends and relatives.
If you are looking for style, com
fort and service In shoes, go to
Stephens' real shoe store.
Mr. W. H. Lecky of this city will
spend Thanksgiving In Oakland with
his daughter.
1'sycholoby teaches how to over
come all your problems. Do you want
io be free in mind, body and clrcum
stunces? Lectures and class work.
1.. Isadora Kanke. You are welcome.
H. Inline studio.
Qj TT" possession, of brain. Satm)
"to Ueap men. out of office.
r1?i - a! t y-$Z
to rnhTT MjJMr
until Dcoola bcbiri-V. tiw-T,
TO say Snttrtnt
fcKin about
hint.. S i-
)Tha way o .bent diplomat i to "tell (lira tha
trutkj ke won't rtcobn'ita it.
Hasty tnarnmge an not the only ones -tktrfc
turn out tad.
Dirt ieeln. baJ ditty Spark
pi Wis wake- a, lot
of trouble.
tSS.Aorieiiftore.1 Col(ls cx'cAfc to out in. si
I ... ,c , o
cour-5 telling how to r&js common 9ente.
In. looki
mtn. over -for a
woman ilon'i. enm N
sk Acts. &msm
St Scrt t Sue
Let out a couple notcliea in
belt, wipe the turkey gravy off your
chin, auil be thankful, you ak u
what for? Why, friend, In We flrtf
place be thanklul that you're alive.
juat your U'lntf alive haa saved your
faiuUy a good deal of funeral ex
peiine, and heeldea, digesting turkey.
lulling and cranberry sauce la a
great deal more pleasant tlian puali
lug up the dulie. Aud again, here
you are lu the lnlib.t or a Iiowery
kingdom. To the north, south, east
and west, the storuia are raging, but
here hi the sheltered little
valley, where only a few rahl drops
find their way, you are allowed to
munch away at your TnanKsgiving
feant without the disturbing ele
ments shaklnic the rafters of your
domicile and (tending shivers up
your splaal colmn at the rate of
sixlv a minute. Thankful? Yea, bo
we've got world to be thankful
Nobody can see a man who is all
wrapped up in himself.
HneakluK of disarmament we'll bet
the Thanksgiving turkey thinks that
it would be well to do away with
axes Instead of battleships.
A young woman entered the Jew
elry shop and asked the Jeweler for
the correct pronunciation of the
name of her ring, "la It turkolse or
Turkwoisc?" The Jeweler after a
gluuce at the ring said, "The right
pronounciatlon Is glass."
This a. in. Just as ye ed. was dust
ing off the desk and getting things
slicked up for the day, an angry in
dividual walked into the editor's
sanctum and said, "Say, you, I've
been told that you printed in your
p.iper that I im thu niKgcst I nr lu
seven states." "Oh, no," said the
editor, "we never print anything but
late news."
"As good as new."
'Five minutes to the car line."
"Bottled in bond."
"We'd love to have you call
"We ve got someuiing jusc as
"Painless dentistry
"Below cost."
"When In a hurry use the tele-
"Three treatments make you
"I was too young to remember."
"Easy payments."
"We'd love to hear you sing."
"tickets bought of speculators not
"Two can live cheaper than one."
"Slightly used cars."
' "Today's weather."
"Fresh every day."
" Hand-Laundered."
"Cheaper than paying rent."
A pretty girl sat In a railroad train,
As lonesome as could be;
And she said to herself with little
"If he'd only talk to me."
The yonne man sat Just across the
From the girl with the pretty
And he said to himself, "If I sit
with her,
I wonder If she would care?"
And so they rode the whole day
And neither one of them knew
Just what the other was thinking
Did it ever happen to you?
The ardor of Its 'devotees may in
time persuade people to call it
Klx-."VhatJanicAn your Insomnia
is due to heredity?"
Dlx "My fntlier was night editor
on a Greenland newspaper. Hos
ton Transcript.
The average length of human life
should he at least IftO years, asserts
Mrs. Effle McCollum Jones of Web
ster City, Iowa, addressing a gather
ing of osteopaths the other day. But
It Isn't, there's the rulil
ifliil'U. -tiniivi V
ilfsojnL i.uni
Who will he aide to calculate the
Income tax for the bootlegger?
A New York limit yawned so hard
the other day that he dislocated one
of his shoulders. Was he listening
to a Ford Joke or a prohlMlkin
story ?
Nnxbnova says classics should be
modernised. Sure, make Juliet wear
a one piece bathing suit and have
Paul Revere mnke his famous ride
In a comedy Ford.
Guy Cordon says the difference
lietween a hanker and a doctor Is
that while both will llrten to your
troubles the doctor wants to give
you something.
"Turkey don't taste so good to the
feller who has to plunk up the rash
for It."
Espee Announces
Wage Conference
, SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 23. The
Southern Pacific company has called
conferences of all Its railway em
ployes to "negotiate a revision of
rates of pay" it was announced offi
cially tonight at company headquar
ters here.
The management's wage proposals
in practice, It Is believed will amount
substantially to re-establi'hineiit of
vage scales tr'U were In effect at the
end of the period of federal control.
March 1, 1920. The statement was
given with the authority of J. H.
Dyer, general manager.
Dates for conferences between the
management and employes for dis
cussion of the proposed adjuslmenl
were set for December 20 and 21. but
the company announced the "man
agemit wil. he glad to arrange for
earlier conferences of any craft of
crafts upon application."
The company's statement gave no
tice of Its desire to "negotiate a re
vision of rates of pay that are Just
and reasonable, based on the cost of
Hiving rates paid for similar work ana
'in outside Industries and other re
levant circumstances that are dlrcct-
ily or indirectly reiaiea io "
A brief resume of wace Increases
granted and probable effect of the
new proposals Is given In the state
ment made pu'ullc here:
"Under a decision of the United
States railroad labor board, railroad
wages were Increased approximately
22 per cent effective May 1, 1920:
then on July 1, 1921, were reduced
about 12 per cent. The present pro
posal of the company would likely
result in the remaining portion of
the 22 per cent increase being wiped
nut Thl. does not touch any of the
(increases granted during the period
of government operation oi raurouua,
amounting to over 50 per cent."
hi Ti-i
Fine buy In 191 Dodge our-
log car, $700 Service Oaxags.
All having articles for the bazaar
which will be held the 2nd of De
tember In the vacant building next
o the Roseburg National Bank,
riease leave with Mrs. Round, in
he dry goods department at the
Peoples Supply.
T. S. Williams, who la county rep
resentative for this famous fuel sav
er, will give you demonstrations and
Interesting Information worth know
ing on th fuel situation. See lilm
low. Call 19C-R, or write residence,
Kane and High streets.
A special &ak of bath robes, Sat
urday. Light and dark shades. Very
acceptable as-Christmas gifts. Bell
Rev. C. H. Hilton, pastor of the
Christian church, who Is holding a
revival meeting at Santa Clara, near
Eugene, reports that the bad storm
experienced the first of the week ha
badly crippled his meeting which
started off very auspiciously. The
Willamette river has been overflow
Ing and many members of tho con
gregatlon have been cut off from
reaching the church.
This Is your last week to get In
on the ground floor of "Kings " Our
representative will be in to see you.
Sale closes Saturday. Dundas Mar
tin Service.
Rooted and made Into switches
.nd puffs. Laura Ausmus, Box 108,
Myrtle Creek, Oregon.
On Bosch Magnetos for Fords.'
Extraordinary special on bath
robes Saturday. Bell Millinery.
! V ' ' ' - f
Mlaa Berths Cintscursns, beautiful
debutants of this season In Washing
ton social circles. 8he Is a grand
ssuoMsr of Mrs. Frederick Dsn! Grant
ana areat-ararteUQhter 4 President
Metal Is Employes In Tipping of Faun.
Uln Pens and for Del lea ts
Machinery Bearings.
An Interesting history attaches to
small packet about two and half
Inches square wbicb recently arrived U
Loudon. It weighed two aud a half
pounds and was eagerly bought by an
Amerlcau linn for about $0,000. The
packet contained osmlrldlum (osmium
aud Its alloy, Iridium), used for the
tipping of fountain pen points and for
delicate bearing of Due machinery.
The discovery of osmlrldlum, wbicb
Is a member of the platinum group of
metals, constitutes an Interesting ro
mance, the Detroit News states. To
ward the end of the last year a small
group of prospectors were washing for
,cold in one of the river beds In Papua,
British New Guinea. In their euger
ness to find the precious metal they
threw away from their pans bluish
gray, fluxy substance as worthless.
This was osmlrldlum, snd It Is eight
times more vuluable than gold and
worth at the present time about $200
an ounce.
' When the men got back to the set
tlement they mentioned the occurrence
to a mining engineer, who Immediately
asked them what they did with the
substance. They replied that they
left It on the river bank, and the en
gineer exclaimed, "It must be osmlrld
lum." The next morning the whole party
started for the spot, only to find on
their arrived that the tropical rains
and the swollen river had washed
away most of the precious stuff. What
remained was carefully raked together,
refined and dispatched to London,
where It arrived safely a short while
ago, having been heavily Insured for
the voyage.
Osmlrldlum Is one of the hardest
metals known and prospectors are
eagerly searching for It In Papua.
Latest Group Discovered Believed to
Contain Equivalent of Quarter
Million of Our Suns.
Every new Invention of the as
tronomer's observatory enlarges the
distance he can peer Into space sod
measure Its receding boundaries, so
that one can never say which Is the
farthest star.
But we can say which Is at the farthv
est distance measured. This honor It
at present borne by a tiny blur of llghl
which has no name and a few years
ago was not noticed, but which is now
Identified in the new general catalogue
of stars as No. 7008 or, more pre
clsely, N. Q. C. 7008.
It Is not really one star, bnt great
flock of stars, probably containing
more than the equivalent of a quarter
of a million of our suns, and It Is so
far away that If some unkown ss
tronoimr could flash' a light signs!
at us from one of the suns or planets
there it would be nearly a quarter of
a million years before that message
could reach us.
There Is good reason to believe that
this flock of stars Is moving toward
as. It Is hardly necessary to say, that
!t will take a long time coming.
An Elastic Metal.
The most remarkable thing about
vanadium steels is their almost mirac
ulous elasticity. Today the metal va
nadium is comparatively cheap. Yet
only 30 years ago It .sold at $450 a
pound, and was hardly more than
curiosity of the chemical laboratory.
When a use Is found for a rare
metal, sources from which It may be
obtained In quantity are sure to be
discovered. Thus, when the value of
vanadium for steel alloys was ascer
tained, the fact was soon disclosed
tlirt vast ore beds containing It ex
isted In Colorado. It Is from these
beds that the demand Is now supplied.
The ores are sandstone. Impregnated
with vanadium, and are dug out In
enormous quantities. A by-product of
vanadium mining Is uranium, from
which radium Is obtained.
Hebe was the goddess of youth, who
poured ont the nectar with which the
gods pledged each other. One day,
upon a solemn occasion, she tripped
and fell, snd was forced to resign her
offlce. Her father, Jupiter, secured as
her successor the besuttful youth
Ganymede. Heb retained the power
of restoring the bloom of youth and
beauty to the aged and, according to
some accounts, it was only after she
became the wife of Hercules that she
gsve up her ofllce of cupbearer. She
even succeeded In .reconciling her
mother, Juno, to Hercules, who suf
fered sll his life from the hatred of
the queen of the gods.
Hercules wss deified ts a reward for
bis achievements.
Ceal Pewdsr.
"Atomised" coal different from
merely "powdered" coal because ery
minutely divided la a new product
that Is finding Important uses.
It Is used for making a high-grade
paint snd also as a substitute for
lampblack In the manufacture of Ink.
Another valuable employment for It Is
In "facing" foundry molds, to give the
surfaces smooth finish Id prepara
tion for castings.
The Days That Are Gene.
"Ton used to say," she complained,
"that you counted that day lost when
you did not hear ths sound of mi
"Yes. I know." ke replied, "and 1
shall Mm cease te teor fee- ibose
" -sVsee Trasstctla.
that they have exercised Judgmsnt
in financial management that ther
have practiced prudent economy ui
banked their funds systematically
. A good suggestion start as accouut
with the Roseburg National Bank.
4f Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
The Cosebuig National Bank
BY MB8. tti.tanrm.-
A Dally Column of Questions aad Answers Conducts by a
Who Knows. Address Torn- L,n , u . V ,CMa
Oara Bosebnrg News-Review.
Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: Will you'
please answer the following ques-1
tlon. I am deeply In love with a
beautiful girl and wish to marry
her, but I can't get up enough-nerve
to ask the fatal question which will
mean my future happiness How
would yon ask the question, and take
the answer If it were negative?
Aos. It Is natural that you should
feel timid about asking her, but you
cannot keep putting It off forever.
The next time you are alone and you
think the moment is auspicious,
simply tell her that you love her
and ask her if she will marry you.
That is all that is necessary. If she
refuses you, and you feel that her
answer is final, the best thing for
you to do is to forget all about her
as quickly as possible. It will do
you no good to brood about It.
Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: I am giving
a dinner and theater party on
Thanksgiving. The dinner Is at 6,
and the theater party will probably
be about 9. After the theater what
shall I do with themT It seems
rather odd Just to Yet them go home.
Shall I take them to an Ice cream
parlor, or to my home and serve
something else, and what would I
serve? Also what would be nice to
wear to an affair like that. If I aia
the hostess?
Ans. Yen, I think it would be
nice to have them go back to your
house after the show, and sit by the
nre ror a nan Dour on an Hour. Serve
coffee, cake, and brick Ice cream or
substitute some kind of frozen des
sert for Icecream. Do not serve cof
fee unless you serve wafers or cake
with the dessert. Have plenty of
cigars for the men. A silk dress or
dressy wool dress would be appro
priate. t '
Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: I have been
going with a young lady here In town
for several months. During that
time she has only gone out with oth
er young men at tit twice, although
she it not eneair i .
to nrooose in h. J "'I
time, and g ve her . 71
for Christmas, uL
About two weeisoTlr
came to town. HeTvU,,
home of , mend, o! our,, J,"'
is going out with him til U, uV
The other day i paBMd
street when she was with u
she spoke nicely, but aaothftr w
came up to me and laughed, ud 2
that I was crowded off the boirli i
certainly feel bad about it, u I u
sure that I love her, and until Utah
I thought she loved me. Vkttud
I do about It? Would you try
see her again? Worried Ton
Answer: I think you are wk
very funny for a nun who ti a Its
with a girt. If you are In lore rn
her and want to marry her, Co tost
at once and tell her about It. Tea
If she accepts you, yon cai oas
her not to go with any one fee, ui
if she refuses you wont hire to v
ry about who she goes with. II e
Is not engaged to yon the b free k
go wltii whom she pleases, but ya
should not stay awsy JuM beaae
she Is going out with tomeose da
T4m D..ii,wla tnn miirh 1H. Mftatfcf
down on the Job" doeast It?. lVt
uraln. she mar lust be ioIm tU
him to mars yon Jeaku.
Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: I re
note Of invitation In Thmhiririit
dinner, which I accepted bynott,s
l am not nere oiten and could M
see the party who Invited me. After
the dinner should 1 write a Dons'
thanks for the party? The lid; I
nlrlerlv unil It mpnnft a rit ini
of work for her to have me to to
ner. She was a friend of my nutkt
and I would like to show her m
preclation in some way. Thank m
for your help. R.f
Answer:.. In that cue, I w
write her a short note shout a iei
after the dinner, and tell ber spa
how much you appreciated H.
Christmas tune remember bet r
a gift.
A new car of those fancy Yakima
Gem pota'oea, also a new prl-e. Be
sure and ask to see them aad get
price at Pebbles Supply Co.
A dozen potralts will solve a dozen
gift problems. The Roseburg Studio,
Bell Sisters Bldg. Open Sundays by
appointment. Phoue 462.
Do you want Health, Success and
Prosperity? L. Isadore Ranks tells
you how to gain them. Heinllne
studio. ' All welcome. It's free. Nov.
25 and 30th. 8 o'clock.
A dozen potralts will solve a dozen
gift problems. The Roseburg Studio,
Bell Sisfera Bldg. Open Sundays by
appointment. Phone 462.
The Sylmon Valley school will give
a pie social at the school house Fri.
evening, November 26th. The pro
ceeds are to be used for a Christ
mas tree. Everyone Is Invited to at
tend, and the committee In charge
plan to serve hot coffee.
BAGI ks noieDsrs J
Moose ball on Jacixm st
eth Monday evenmsa ot ant ma
at I o'clork. Vliltinf nraclra s
. -. a a. , i
Regular eommunlcallona 14 jai"
Wednesdays each montl t
Tentple, ftoeeberf, Ore. VUlun t
w. r. HAitHtt 5ta
Mrs. Ray Wright will open a class
for beginners in the parish house
Monday evening, Nov. 28. Phone
tOTal, ORDSCR bs MOOIist RoMburf
Louse No. loll meets urn
third Tuesday svenlaas of eaop
month at I o'clock la ins Mooes ball
AU visiting brothers are lavltea to
W. CLOAKS! Dictator.
O., Bcrir
to get
now get
Sue's young husband
Her grocer promised
We'll see that he does right down
to tne letter.
No chance shall she take with
A special hard wheat blend for fam
ily use. At your grocer's.
On sal now nt your grocer f.
No. 11 hold regular Un'aajJ
ond Thuradajr at I P- ."S
Thureday at I p. o. Vlalll UJ
Invited to attend revtowa aw"
tUU. Pin. "1$,VC.
O. B. S ReweVrt CM'"?.-'!
Holds their regular maeMI
lat snd Ird ThinWei s aJJ
No. 47, meeta every fJ2t
ware welcome, ftC
Friday aavenlnsTS -
U O. O. aVeu bs-jw- T-
v t jaw;;! i
,..ular eoae"KJ,aeV
S?"Sisr Tempi.
Of every w.MJj iarl'-l7r
nutated to e't"' r-afaa '
visiting ",inJ 1 1
" ROY "'jVa-
, n PAT. liZ
i P. o.
Temple eT .-e r