iioKFnnto WFWH.RKVIKW. weixfshav. xovEMnrit iogi- PAOW TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW ImiiivI Dally Ktci-pt iiiidaT. II. W. Inner l 4VIi.iItIj erl it. Umi 8UBSCKIF1ION KATt-a Dally, per yfea. by mall Dally. nian'hs, by mall Dally, three months, by mall Dally, single inunlh, by mail Dally, by carrier, per moiiih Wfteklv Nws-Il"view. by mall, per year ,4 00 . I.OU . 1.00 .50 . .bli . 2.00 tuierod ax sicoud.ciaiw mailer May li. l'J2'J, at lue limit oliira at Kohm burg, Oregon, under the Act of Marcli 2 . 18 7!. ol Ml.l K :t, I't.-I. tlOMKIII IM1. IIKK .V, BETTKR IJUSIXKSS GOVKUN'MKNT. Twenty-five years n;o tho people who were looking for bcttei government called themselves "re'ornu is." I:ut the average chi zen does not take kindly to the idea of refoini. He looks at so called reformers as cranks, highbrows, or ollke seekers. Yet reform eirorts have done good. One of the most notable was the civil service reform. When that beifan work, it was the custom to turn all office holders out when a new political regime came in, and give their jobs to a new set of hungry politicians. .Many people had the idea that ollices ought to be passed around so as to benefit the largest number of people possible, even though the public suffered from this rotation of green and incompetent men. Civil service reformers were denounced ;s "mugwanips'' and "holier than thou" people, but the country has benefitted by the improved business methods they fought for. The modem n form movement tries not to elevate itself on any pedestal, and it seeks to show the every day man how much he suffe rs from incompetent government. If it costs twice too much to run a government office, the unnecessary expense is added to everybody's taxes. The workingman who pays no income tax, may not think he has to carry any part of it. Uut he does. What happens is that every business man who pays taxes, feels that to make it worth while to engage in business, he must make an income that will pay all his taxes, and still enable him to live in the same way he did be fore the war. lie adds enough to his prices to pay his taxes and the mass of the people pay the bill. The man who worked for a daily wage and sees no tax bill except a poll tax, should therefore be just as much interested in political reform as anyone. There is nothing highbrowish about this perception of the need for bet ter business government. The man who can't see it has a brow bo low that it is hardly perceptible to the naked eye. c The men who are afraid of their wives are found mostly in the joke columns, but when you find one that is, it's no joke to him. J Cigarettes -u iJ- Three Inseparables On for rr.ildncJs.VIRGIKIA Cre for mellowness. BURLEY One for aroma. TURKISH The finest tobaccos perfect a-Vd and blended AiH'iET&fiy.- I t!iroui;ll the screen ilirnr lilill ha been Mured tlieiv durini; the winter ' Mown, yn Jut Kiiu, Iii " kor! I ... ., , . i .... i... hi K li me mill mi'i u" " Jnlir ImsilieMl. Itlll wllill you i''k up ine arrrva net milliner ami llnil a Imle Jnimni-U In It. iiTII inibulily i us, a blue strrak. Ain't Ibat liumaii nature? Friends unit filler vlilcns: Wr are tu lured here IliN eve l,r '"'"I e.rcnN iiiriM nf rcaiilli i line I'll k.n'. Most nf you arc aliilfnl tli.un in an easy hair with your feet iMiiiitt'il in tin- diivrlimi of tin I 'love. You lire m liiiiinir roliiplaiiiit- ' ly over Hit" fart Dial li iron' la a holiday anil tlial you ran loaf for Mhe ilay. The feller I lull K' Hit-frs ilmlivl for that ibiv Ik " ' Ui iiiiiini; mi roniil;ir'i:tly a you lu 'ni-e allowed full pay for tin- ilay'n i l.ml'im:. IVrsoimlh. e ed. will have to ci liiil out this mil inn whether or 'not I oinorrmv. I Imlin' enoinrh hu ! nnir to Hpt-cail oer a eidiiiu, 'sxh inlly mi a lioli.l iv, it nolliin' to Kiin alaiut. i I Tin- vtlnil uinhi-iI iliroimli our vll i la:;o last nllit, limit'ilii!! .lusl loin: rnoimli to rullii- a Irw uliiilinvt anil ! Hfml a rlilll up tin' bark of tin- nilil wjitrhinaii. 1 Wo nri tliauklul tbat no many Unxt onlcreil fur i'liini- rirkln'a Winter Annual. V..o'll be lluinkl'ul n iK'll you Bet If. Tin" bliullt mints 'nf tills enlvuin liav.. Im'll iirkfil mil- A STHMA Mo cure for it, but welcome relief U often brought by V V apo Rub Om 17 MlUhm Jan UJ Ytariu ami Hill apiifar In the annual. Hi'iul In your name for one now. 1'ay tin dollar when you K t tbe book. I. A KK I KIiKIVS KKZ: ikT!ie mail wlio can flriiik clab bereil milk Million! but Unit an eye litis the world beat fer nerve." AnOCNII THE TOW If Will Arrive from Oonnany Mr. Morris Webr, broihir"bf Mr. Ceorge Weber of tills city, U expect- U to arrive bore from Germany to spend the Christmas holidays. Here from Ptrtlanil R. K. Hcnoonover, cousin of George ... "i-e, i"- irom fortiani 1 iiaiiKaKiving, at the home in this city. to Kapp Urinated Kntertaln Mr. and Mrs. Richard II. CrlniUd will entertain at a Thanknilvi... a,.. rer Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Arumlel and family and Mr. and Mrs. Krln II. Meyer and their little daughters Ruth and Ksther. at their honiA In West Roseburg. TluuiksKivini; llinnivr lh John Landers' home at Wins-' ton will be the scene, of a happy xalh-! erlng when Mr. and Mrs. W.. E. futi and three children and MIsb Nora d at . ti.. . m . mio, Ea Drink Snn'.iil tl r '""fat ;,. ved ,., , . - "IKt. earned. all d. . Tl.i " In I "Say It With Flowers" Order your Thanksgiving bouquet now. Fresh flowers and potted plants. THK VKHS 10!) S. Jackson. Phone 240. faoo! iooi ffi DOCI f MS 1 1 &iCLEANINC 1 ml KISSING If S OWL CLEAN ERI a 17 cass st. n Wynij, 1 iwiimm 111 h I The Owl Says:- WELL, I M hER Not the stuffed Keal. Live, wide-awake He.!,' till m,.lA 1 vvl. " 1,1 .iuc-Lu.irnoi. I'l.L. , .1 ' 'uinii no " a n lw Hnd Clean iriessing-well, there better. f!nm ;n . au meet me I St Cert if Sites I ll '1 A girl's face may be her fortune, and if it's painted it may be her misfortune. You ought to be thankful tomorrow even if it's only a bone for dinner. ham AltOTJM) TUB TOWN 0 III from Itrockway - Mr. I. II. Nlrholn of Hrock-vay was In the ily for a few hours ihis morn ing attending to bus!nen matters. morliiK, November 22ml. to Mr. nnil Mrs. II. A. lUilis. Mr. and Mib. I'hllg reside near iioneburg. Born Hr. S. I.. Delapp reports the Mrtli of a H''pouiifl hnliv Imv veiteriiay At Ibn WelH-r llu A large eattierliiK will be held at llm Ci.'orgii Weber place a few miles from RoKi'biirg, when Mr. and Mr. I'lovd Stephens and nvo children. liiert Kronke, Miss Ka'hleen Itone Srake. Mr. 11 ml Mi-m. I'riiest Wetter Mid Mr. anil Mrs. Hay Ward anil two 'ntdren will be eulerlaineil at a TlinnUslMvIn feast. rrrrrl -7 A 1 M n J , Or J &. owrt quicker ckIDiwiII destroy ill f -tlian. poverty. v- J .7 I i I i . 1 1 row are T,ria onns xxirvt. lifciL-fS V'iW 1 l 1 .1 i . v'''c . i I J .1' V I ' J 1 . r -1 it - in )iAiiiof Bnd widowcry Seldom seem -to kriow wiu'rj f.hy nrff wrtl off. Amon so m-Aiy is wiihc world, it isn't Trti'ch. ot a job to be wis. ppinrfi comes 1rom not casing for what y..Ki enri't: n li.vvi". X'? 'V V1 X5 rWJ . 1i HCZ HECK SAYS'- n , ) rTha rvi n -mcit dctt.'t 1 I 111 thy i- toi K'sy (ut-ini To wriai Vc vvemtii IpIKS Say.' ; 1 ;mi i;vi:mn; I'oiJvS 'Tuns I lii ntiiiit lit-fim Thiink.slv U14 ..ml ail tlnoimli the house" wns tliv otlur tl Uir".: bimIm ami Ka- .UHlJifi ll llllist llllVC iM'fll IH'JO (Nlltl tu:to vtniaur. vt with ail tn Uu' 4'' ol icji.ii iiiii ami thankKKivliiK, many Iiihiicm Indjiy arc without the ' iiaiioiial l)ii il' lius m rhaiw, lo lu- la it ttiat I he monthly luiyiiiciit 011 tin- auto falls ilue on the 24th or hat tin hcal of the family has m- rrrefl "livrr anl chiIoiim" hs the U't- iivk IKh for the ocuusion. ft Xiv'i t lilrsH the old-fihloiu'il S4-li4Hi ulils who wore their hair itu lailed hk'w up ami were married without iloiii;; all of the court iit. & K OXl'K MOICK VK SAY A ;Irl wearintx a skirt 90 louff that it c;iiik Ik'Iow her sluM'-li.ps attract eij more attention on as street yesterday than one who wore a skirt s-i short it barely came below her knei'S. DAIilv MKAT. Uy the Taller. For bolt le-hoardem who Ixmst that their eeMars are stocked and for thh-st-c:trrlei-s who romplaln that thi-v 'ilidirt lav hi a thlm;;" fir the opliinists win) still have faith in r:ilsiiw nnd for pesshntH who still have faith in hootleuxers, let us not hn thankliil. Kor left-hamlcd piHple tryhic rt keep it the it'ht; for portly persns ui'h lan:e mihr'lla.s and for ab ent-tnlnded tdnts wUh bundles and tor kids en itdler skates, let us not ! thankfiil. 1'itr b:iti hers who weii'.h tbe rbops befon they trim olf the hones, and for speculators win welyh the con- seiuences l'fore they trim off your cah; for the dripping awnhms and storrs without awnings, lt us not be thankful. Tor kind sfrnncers who borrow fountain jwns; for yeslerdas bread puib I inir and tomorrow's hash, let lis not h thankful. l or the propa;and:t of the un shaven: for the propaganda of tbe non-Miiokcr; for the movie censor; for the Inventor of leases mid Ihi' pl.ixer of cornets, let us not he thankful. lor wni:ers with nn own palm and u close mom h: for 1'. S. itost otl'iee pens and 'ati'idi;ui dimes; for unp.-r iM-i-ttis and uppish porters: for ii:'v fli-Ml eremiis itml old classics ile hive ed;t Ions ; fof Nk agents and worm-occupied apples, let us not lie tMruikfiil. I'or longer skirls, cotton storkhtus and flat heels; for artificial eye lashes and midnight suppers: for the bittlc.iclrs itf the Income ta blanks ant! (he simplicity of modern Incon- ' vcnlniri's; for too much sditle4 and to( little mm rnmnil ; tm much nm r' and too little cmpleion: too mil h s 1 and Im little control; too many cooks nnd too ItitTe broth; t'M MMich d:irk meat and foo little liu,t ,.t lls nof he thankful. It is li'.;li (hue that nu and I le nil or this hariMinic talk i;iM-!e; Tia led our ;:sness for some Isuess, Ami uof rluhl down lo dtdm; busi ness. i'V orrixf; i,i ( 11 TAiii.K n. mp;eMions to Kclnll Dmleis) V- hnc no fur s(. hi our auto ;i. 1 ii-H d' Pin inn nt outlni; tables th 'l ou can fold and take with you 11 onr unto pi. nic. These ai-e made ef -!ld inj'hoiiarv ami are to bo cov ered wl'h lb- lines! damask and Hm-n tablecloths. Your wile will on IxMome a attached to ihW fur niture and liu -n as she is to the very finest mii 110 for company nt home, i;n: J v ill Hud mmiip way lo kisjp you as miser; -hie fi r fear you will srnr er ttdl them as on are hen ou h.e cuestt nt 011r bouse and that t t.!( us "best" KtnlT lop hate s Is t 'ted out. t'onte nnd see the t '!'( nnd the linen. Hv uln lbeie ;i will transfer fo the lv:in dell m s'de the hnhhlfntr bnnk nil the terror you fisj-j nt borne under the ' 1 st painful of 4cotiinny nur- ! li. undines. e I When yofi wilk flown Into the basement on ll dark hiitrht to (ret an armload of wimhI and put your foot 1 f Sk' 312 DEPARTMENT STORES WW" AMERICA has made Thanksgiving a special event for over three hundred veara. This venr van hnva deeper cause for gratitude greater opportunities for service and leyalty are open to us through 312 stores in 26 states. We share with every customer the benefits of these opportunities! 8 j Fine Blankets The month of November always brings a domand for blan k!ls. You will find our stock complete at exceptionally low prices. Cotton 5-1x72 $1.49 Cotton 54x74 $1.79 Cotton 72x84 $2.79 Woolnap CCxSO $3.75 Woolnap 72x84 $4.50 Wool 61x80 $6.90 Wool 72x84 $8.90 We also have a good lire of comforts. $3.25 to $4.98 Good Economies With the coining of colilcr days, the thrifty housewifo plans to replenish her stoek of household necessities. Small items of expense sum up the big total. "We are here to help you reduce that alarming total of expense 1 Ve share with you the bene fits of low prices I Outing Flannel Petticoats Exceptional values at prices that mean great savings White 59c White stripe 09c Light Stripe 79c Cotton Knit Petticoats in gray, blue, wine, rose and stripes, 09c to ?9c Wool and wool mixed Crray & black G9c to 79c Better grades, 98c to $1.19 Fancy colors, high grade $1.49 to $3.25 Table Linen Good Values and Exceedingly Low Prices Kvery housekeeper knows the economy of good table linen. She keenly appreciates the added attractiveaess of the Holiday table when dressed in its snowy damask and bright silver. ITere is the rare opportunity of purchasing a supply of table linen at the lowest prices in years. 49c H'R'y meroerlred table diiniuxk of excellent quality In many varied and attraetlve patterns. A special value 1 f!Q One of the most deslra ui7 ble 04-lneh table dam asks, hlifhly mercerized, offer lug a wide choice of patterns. Mercerird table dam ask, rich domestic pat terns; an exceptional quality. 79c CO (fJCi Mereerlird tahlnup J J klha ln Tar)w, p,,. tenin; guod quality. $4 QQ Imported all linen la pt.i70 be damask, 70 la. wide, made -f rum pure llnefl flax. Odd Pieces of Table Unfa A seleellon of lunh cloth scarfs anil odd pieces of table linen at the lowest prices. We take Pleasure in Announcing the Arrival of NEW FURS In all the Fashionable Style's and Shapes , For ONE WEEK ONLY This Beautiful assortment will be on display. Superior Quality, Extraordi nary wearing characteristics, coupled with very low prices, are features which make this a Money Saving Week for you. THIS ASSORTMENT CON SISTS OF Stoles, Scarfs, Shawl Collars and Chokers made from Lustrolynx..Taupe, Brown and Red Fox. Coney Martin and Mink. This Beautiful Assortment is from one of the largest manu facturers in the United States and will be shown here for one week only, ' CiKT YOl'K CHOICE NOW. THE LAr.CD3T CHAIR nyp AT?TfYNT Unusual Values rianninR the purchase of small attractive wearabhs, includes deep consideration of value nnd price, W tM list will please every woman who delights in pretty nov elties. Men's Canvas Gloves Leather faced Hoys ' J" Men Main ! Ladles Hosiery 814 to 10 K)' 8V4 lo 10 Wen's Silk Hose, , 4 to 11 M Wnnii ns' Silk Hose, 84 to 1" Women's Lisle Hose, 8 ',4 lo 10 4 ' Fancy Wool Hose. - 84 t lii4 Yarns ... i i.-iulnr. 4 foli 2 ol. balls Handbags Hlack Novelty rure, fitted rin Seal l'urse. mottle Bray front BwnFCcr ftl" IUnilb1''. 1 Gilt mwtai ton.. I I 1