PAGH Tlx maK! Properly iSj; pS!'"! nde you will have g-Winnintf Cup. ' ' lgJygP5 ' Fixij:btox r. t. a. The Fullerton Parent Teachers aUtion held their meeting Friday November 18. with twenty S present. A short program. 2 nd i( by Miss Robinson, was much eniwed. The teachers' papers excellent that the assoeia- tiou requested that they be filed with the secretary. There will be no meet ing until tne second rriuay in Jan uary. Mrs. Dexter Rice and daughter, Iris, and Miss Fern Reymers, all of Itoseburg, are registered at the Hotel Portland in Portland. Winchester Sportsmen 'A m . a 5 . - . W. That we may stimulate ana encourage inieresi p 5 in g 5 AND .THE 5 3 Winchester Junior Rifle Corps ' We will make the interesting prices i on Winchesters d) Regular Price 5 Model 1890 Repeaters $31.50 ..... " 1906 " 28.55 ) " 1902 Single Shot 10.50 5 " 1904 " 12.60..... J Thumb Trigger Christmas Special 9.85. $26.50 24.75 8.50 10.60 8.75 5 Orders should be placed with us by December 10 I t.ft nvnirl delav - - j Churchill Hardware Company j CLASSIFIED COLUMN l I1W CLASSIFIED ADVEBTIgBMBNT WILL FOUND Oil LAtrT rOB DNDKK BBAOIKQ "NBW TODAI." ton. i I . WAJVTKD. JiltTKD Tura.ya ,irr or null, i rtOU M.F-ll. Rnv.r Urn. STEU Barley :I3.00 p: lliJM ujuaiy Muur illlU 'il portuble auvcmlll. IW.m m. Ijlllcr, ttlgarose, Ung. A.TKb To I'.KNT i'luno In good igMiUoa, Call Mm Darby. I'hone T. .TEDTo set In touch with lady I J;!11" !..Tru'y Incubators for sale. 'K b J' F"rrl". Uen. lel :Jl-b.AT ONt-'B Man to 'tako'itar- Vin noseuurK Apartments. .iilfi. T0. RENT-Srnall furnished kLS.i 'rniihl house or houaa- .Mb. S"?1 1 dl""; PrmannL vMl H. V... care . uwL Tl "fr"ry sailing dealer.. (J f iftk r."11- v.The Wchard. Co.. S - "" "" ..tiw inrn w. T iw!" "rm,'l a. to the ad "irTTf J 1J,V"''owln or their f u J.B TIPton. Tho. In, s' L' BfuKemann. Ad Wooolit.b ""''Inn. National p " Bal'dlnn. Wa.h- VViT ,hlr"- Byr Bros. t ,f!rarlJ''"- Mr.. Onthrld. aria 1 'Lr? " ?? homc ln Bo Itceburg-, : tirFii-' ' ' tw fur. S i!.?' pr le SWP L.':?; "'' 11 " Ml" wy. 8eat- TrFrrT-ili!- f Ave. "Baa, Wharton. Uoolc "Tvi k,; r1 m. llirif y. ?-yr r'tura'v M Ht. ND .Pi ": r V. Spa;r,,bor FOR SALfc Fir cord or Is in. wood. Buyer Uroa. 1'hone H-I'H, FciK Sauk Bulba ol all kinds, beat on the market, at The Fern. Kim SALIC Limited amount of cab baKe. ltobert McKay. Hrockway. Kolt 8AI.E Dry oak block - wood. 1'hone H-F32. or write F. 1. Belts. FuK 8A1.K Horaa and cow hay. Buy yiouucer. n. I, nox lt. rlt bAL.h. turnlture for a six room house. All ready to move Into. 721) Ho. ilno St. FOR SA1.K CHEAP Black mare, also 3-4 wagon and harness as good as now. Hurry Williams. Kdenbuwer. FOR 8AI.B Full blood Fox Terrier pupa, cheap. Call 66u Pltzer Street, or Telephone 402-X. C. 41. Malcolm. FOR SAL.K Modern 6-room house; ce ment basement. Half down, balance . like rent. Inq ulre 420 So. Stephens. FOR 8AI.B Beautiful deep orange col ,. ored alngera, $6 a pair. . All rood slngers. Mrs. H. liarels. Tel. iua-K. FOR SALK S-room modern furnished house. Heat ln every room; bath. Desirable location. Frank Boles. Urand Hotel. vU SAL,K A-I Jersey cow, fresh Aoy. 1. Black Minorca rooslers, also a few to exchange for the same breed. Phone 37-F11. J. F. Hlolh. roll SAI.K Five acres on the Base l.lne road In Portland, 1 miles east of Montavllla, or will trade for home Jn oseburg. M. Oevaney. Phone FORRAXKNereKon and Treble strawberry planta. Fine plants from one year old stock. Price 17 per 1000 f o. b. Dlllard. R. A. Hercher. lHlard, Oregon. S"PVAN'D WSX FXK OAL&- An loeal Xmaa oresent for boy or girl Heautlful black aid white mar, four years old. Gentle, sale. Roy MILCH UOATS Two Rood mllrh goats ;!'.V,.ale. ' 3S ch, In milk now. vl 111 deliver free to your place. Write Runray Uoat Ranch, Myrtle Creek, FOR SAt.R One Ford touring, $260; one Ford touring. I2J5; one Ford '.'r.1'"1' one Overland touring, lino; one Overland delivery, 1175 IHllard Oarage. TJIIIard. Oregon. I-OR FAt.K A pure bred Toland China nog-, or will trnde for fat or etock hogi.. Also have a apan of work hi.rms or a line driving mare, to trade for goats, K. A. Kruae, Rose' uurg, ure, kit rl,),''u" RK!T. wr ys-" , "vr-ii.-.-rc J!L"'' st. m. . ""p.. ure. wood - ' - FOR RALK Or trade for cow. sheea oe- goats: Good saddle mare, saddle and harness. Ride or drive, and gen. tie for children. Also large, well bred mar eolt. All for $;,0. P O ii-y, Him nurg. FOR SAW Ite-t h J,1!"5""! worki S1" " Oood life, h"'.. Perfectly gentle. Worth .V v ,"K', ,2, " o'd soon. Also have good harnes and heavy .wion. nojt. Kews-Itevlew SAT.R s-iertrlr ttrimswlrk ?.?rl10,"l",n.. Vr,rm n'w" ,R: nd v In eholo records. Onlr been I1. nmnth. nood hs new. Will aarrlflce foe 14. tr t. bnn Jj'lJ'O McClallen Su. or phone 8J n" TWADP,-!!e'res In' ".tos"". Jhlne rnnntv 10 acres In rulliratlnn: 1 Sets hn rllnv.. 1. I -. good nutrance. 'Pr(ee f?7n0 will erchsng, fr r,nrh rrr,-rtr In nnglaa county, aven value, or will Community Xmas I yXTam wanned Tk.'ko social od-entertainment given last Saturday night at the Riv erside school house) was a very en joyable sffatr and the ladies deserve ranch credit for their work In malt ing this a success. There was a large crowd present and ths rooms were., most beautifully .. decorated with bunting and decorations of var ious kinds,-which alone teemed to put life Into the people." The early part of the evening was spent with music and games In which nolo tha young and the old took an active part, and enjoyed themselves Immensely'. About 10:30 ' o'clock. Mr. Flndlay, who' was. to sell. the boxes, had some difficulty In stopping tha games In order to announce that the sale of boxes would begin. This started off wrth a ' bang. Several times two or three dollar were of fered before the auctioneer' chuld call for a bid. '--There was a number of nice boxes snd they sold like "hot cakes." Mr. Flndlay surely did his part, well In sailing the boxes and the receipts were neaT $100: - The' cpmrol.yee wishes to .extend their uhsnlca . lo, the ladles for , the boxes and also to the gentlemen who paid so liberal for them.- This money will be Used to give a public Christ mas tree at the school house for (he children of this community and Santa Clause will be there with a present for everyone, from the high school Uds to the smallest child in the neighborhood. There will be a com mittee" on program appointed and as many as can or will, are .requested to recite some appropriate piece or give a reading of some kind.' ' Roth the, young and tha bid are requested to take part In this and to report to the committee' on - program at the earliest date possible., which will then give tbem an opportunity to ar range the progrartt," Remember this Is free for all, so bring the children and let them have Rood time and a chance to see "Old Santa." And nut their presents, the. parents', school tenon ers, your friends', and your sweethearts presents on' the tree. Christmas comes but once a year, so take advantage of this opportunity to make others happy and thereby make yourself happy. 1 And In conclusion we wish to say, If there Is anyone (hat has not as sisted In getting this' up, and wish to do so-, may leave their donations at the Riverside or-Edenbower store, and It will be turned over to the committee in charge. Correspondent. a : .... Great difficulty was, experienced today in getting messages to - and .'roin the cities of' the north. - Tele graph lines were down because of the storm and messages were put through only with a great deal of trouble and delay. 4 ADVICE TO IaOVF.LORX ... AND OTHERS f X T - v..;-V t Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: I have a boy friend who Is not living here. Last Christmas he spent at my home and we exchanged presents. Should I send him a present this year. - He Is only a friend. Thank you. Emma Q. Answer: . I would not send bun a present unlets you have corrpsuond- ed frequently, and are very good friends. Probably a Christmas card will be all tlutt Is necessary. . - " ;. Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: I am going to the city for Christmas, to visit at a very wealthy home. On Christ mas evening there is to be a dinner at this home, with many guests, and following that a Christmas tree. Af ter that they plan to go some place to dance, and for a supper. I am wondering what would be the -most appropriate thing to wear to an affair of that kind? I have a very elabor ate evening gown, but T hardly think the occasion Is formal enough for that. I am rather behind In clothes this year and have . nothing else. However, I rather want to buy a gown In Portland. . What would be appropriate, or should I take the evening gown? Thank you..lor your help. Miss Hand. Answer:.. It Is rather Iwra for me to say Jnst what would be appropri ate. If the people yon are going to visit are quit wealthy, Utey will very likely wear evening "-owns at the) din ner, and on to dance afterward, with evening eoata. ' However if- you are not certain, and Intend to Duy a gown anyway, you might purchase a black velvet semi-evening: sown. A gown of that kind Is really a dinner dress, but can he. worn for any occasion when you do not wish to wear a more formal evening gown. It would he appropriate under any cirrnmstanrrs. o Mrs. I. B. Howard, of Looking Glass, was ln Rnseburg yesterday. looking after business matters.. to .iK ol AZZjat,nA n0 ' .iU.xj tcn-W.Jl UJ .our.. .in a RAISED HIGH ' y.ireA a Titrhthrownon , nn readv to melt In your -moutn that's Cal- urrret Discuus every itmej h's the same story of everything 111 t...u CALUMET BAKING POWDER I - nspA Tt- -tipver vnrip-L fails or disappoints. Under every condition 11 pro duce the best biscuits, pies, cakes, muffins, etc. . Don't put up with the dis appointments tnat come i klrom using orennary Daxinai l powders it Ian t necessary , buy ana use (.siumec ine pure ana sura orana.' A jKmn9 en bl Caltimot contains full loos. Soma baking powders come in 12 occana Inatead of 16 os. cana. Ba our yoa got pound whan you wank It DODGE FOR SALE. . 4 Fine buy p 1918 Dodge tour. Ing car. 1700 Service Oarage. .- r r o J H. SINNIGER All kinds of sheet metal work, warm air furnaces, both pipe and plpeless. 119 Oak Street. Phone 428. Roseburg, Ore. MOORE MUSIC , STUDIO , Pianos and -Aeolian Players Call and see them. Bell Sisters Hldg. Phone 391L Western Electric IS8 TOWER AND LIGHT PLANT Howard Vlilis '. " ': Phone .18-K-J.1. - ftoaebnrc HAVE COLOR IN CHEEKS Be Better Looking Take Olive Tablets Tf VAttr slnn la vvumm.i.Jim pallid tongue coated appetite poor I 1 you have a bad taste in your mouth a lazy, lavgood feeling you should ' take Olive Tablet. h Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet f a tub. I rtitute (or calomel were prepared by Dr. Edwards after 17yeara of, study. I i -r.ciwarasuuveiaDituareapureiy veUblccornpoundmiiedwitholiveoiL ,You will know them by their olive color, i Tohavetclear,pinkkm,brighteyes, i no Dimples, a feeling ol buoyancy like childhood day you must get at the cause. ai. EAjwaros iuvv AaDieis an on . T ' Now is the Time to Put Your Alad'din . IN ORDER .... COMR In snd get a folder en titled, "How to Pot Your Aladdin in Order." It will fell you how to make your Aladdin givs better service than ever. It's yoors FREE. We also carry full line of Nanttes. Chimneys and Wicks Oet ready now for ths long winter evenings when you will need the pure whits light ol ths Aladdin for your indoor work or pleasures. awiamauua a v as sa Km aspwta nm tnt liviw mnA tsfttiali I it-a iLwul have no danifprou aLcr dfectb M ittjttrttiessa i Chuchll, Hdwe- (FroiMtA-iAi ffiiCxtwrtmeBt Station ) Dairy co in milk at this aeatoa uiouid be fed literally and protected from tb cold ralnt. Cowt exDosed to tha- weather - us conifderable amounts of feed for body mainten ance tnat would go Into milk production. Queen life to penutnd. "pen. and for qtmen bees promlsea (o exceed the supply ' next Bprlnn. Beekeeprra should place their orders now for spring delivery In order to Insure getting their requlremeuts. The department Of entomology will be glad to furnish names of pro ducers having queens for sale. Cider May lie Kept ftweet Sweet cider may he preserved by heating In to 160 degrees F. and then Mealing It in clean bottles' or Jugs. After , the bottles are sealed. . Dlaoe tbetu In water and heat to the same temperature for one half hour when sterilization will be complete. Ex periments made by the horticultural products department show that elder may be kept sweet Indefinitely this way. , , Blast That Orchard Soil. , - Late fall Is the proper time to blast shallow, orchard soils In order to break up any Impervious starts beneath and Increase the water hold ing capacity. Pull directions for do ing this work to the best advantage may- be had uy writing to tne de partment of horticulture at the col lege. . BID WANTED. t l 'Notice la hereby Riven that aealed bids will be received up to and includ ing Nov. .30th, 1921, for the purchaie ol the Eldorado (Hocky point) school bulldlntr, and tha one 1 acre of land belonitinff therewith. Tha rleht ta re- aervfd to reject any and all bids. By order or, tne Hoard or im rector. - .GKO. A. CRANK. Clerk. Khool District No. 71. Post Office address, Melrose Oregon. BTOTICK TO CONTRACTOR. II Ik way, Uouttlaa Coua- ay. orrMtti. - fiyaled .olds will ba received by the county vouri oi uouiciaa couatr. ure- Sonttt the eeurt houve in Kotteburs. sOraaran. ftl. 1 o'clock a. m. an the 2tth day ot tNovenuiar, lvl, fur construc tion work on a section of road bftwen Myrtle -Creek and Nuggett, known as tne utroue Hill Mection. The work in vuivea approximately 1 mile of .trading1 and tfruveltntf, the limits belna moye particularly described as from ling, am 0 -r- Uu to KnK. tita 47 - I2.i, in arc, tv, z, u, , j 9.. n. w. Alur fur inridf riK-f iL-rirW nn a so. tToa- of work between Myrtle Creek and Burk Fork, known as tha uunni van ttevtloru Tha work Involves ap proximately mile of grading and xrave nir. the iinwta beiiiK mora oar- kicirttrriy described as from Eng. Sta. 4 ait.Q to Ktir. ta. iu -f- uo, in ueu. is, T, 29 8.. K. 4 W. ' t Also for construction' work on a sec tlon Of road between Myrtle Greek and Buck Kork,: known aa the Klusser Hill Section. The work Involves approxi mately nine or grading and gravel ing, the limits blng more Particularly described as from Kng. Sta. 0 4- 00 to Eng. Hta. 14 4- 00, in the Hec. l it a., n. 4 W . Also for construction work on a sec tlon of road between Myrtle Creek and Buck Fork, known as the Jamea Sec tion. Tha work Involves approximate ly 1-1 mile of grading and graveling, the limits being more particularly de scribed as from Kng. Sta. 0 -f- 00 to Kng. Sta. -18 4- 3&.1. In Seca. 7 and 8, T. 29 Kjl R 4 W. Separate bids will be received on each or tne anove sections. No bid will be considered unless ac compnnied by Cash, bidder's bond or cei-uiied rnecK. ior nn amount equal to at least five t per cent of the total amount -of the bid. A sufficient bond will be required for the faithful performance of the con tract ln a sum equal to one4ialf the total amount of tne bin.. Plans, apeclf IcaUons, forma of con tract, proposal blanks, and full Infnr- mnfliin fur hdlrlnrn mnv h alitA.inol at the office' bf the county clerk of the county road m aster. Court House, Rose burg. Oregon, upon the deposit of flva dollars. The right Is reserve to reject any or all proposals, or to accept tha pro positi or proposals deemed best for the county. inA n. mrmuc, County Clerk of Douglas County, Ore gon, i ' The Mock Signals Are Working : I 1 V- j ' i 'J i a' I . In some respects, human experience is like railroading. Every moment of the business and ocial day the block signals are giving . tight of way to keenness and alertness while the slow and the heavy must wait on the sidetrack for their chance to move forward. The ability to "go through" and to "get there" depends much on the poise of body, bi am and nerves that comes with correct diet and proper nourishment. - That's, why so many choose Grape Nuts for breakfast and lunch. Served with cream or milk it is completely nourishing, partly pre digested, and it supplies the vital ' mineral salts so necessary to full nutrition. .1 ' ' - Grape-Nuts has a rich, delightful flavor, is ready to serve on the instant and is distinctly the food for mental and physical alertness and speed. At , all grocers. "There's a Reason", for Grape-Nuts 7, Miisic Sis I hanksgivings vmesi( uessert-- .,. fr- fJ'-.i b. .'J If rm MAkml 'Iti'ilt h I tU kB r I W T. li1 tr t ' ii ja,' -t: J.Ji, l Uucm l Uluvt tu uctuis tut vusjommcio with a Itrw inrlntf ' t 1-aiihct. tu lunitcir Ichocu. I've at lutsoc dum UucrtMcd in food iKgichaaks to riw Gulbranctu' like oranges? eat RANGE -CRUSH icecream A NEW product of extraordinary quality v and dcliciousness. The . flavorismadebyOrangc J, Crush Company and is . like that of the famous drink,. Ward's Orange . Crush. Your family will . welcome this latest dessert. Order today. Phone 340 DougUs County Creamery The turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pi are out of the way, and Mother is blushing prettily at the many compliments to her culinary skill. What next?" : , Music of course. It Is In the natural order of events. Thanksgiving without music Is unthinkable. With music It is complete. Grouped about the Gulliransen, not one but Is singing with the best thut'ls 1n him,, or her. It Is a time for song and all the pent-up feeling of the-significance of the day fins expression In melody. Is the' p'laho accompaniment too high? Then change It to a lower key by means. Of the Gulbrausen transposing device. Is It too fast? Then move the Gulhranson time lever slightly to the left. The voice need not bo strained when singing to the accompaniment of the Gulbrnnsen. For this Nationally-Famous l'lnyer-I'lano is rulniKnhle to the voice, Juse as it is to the moods of the playcr for dancing, for the latest song hits, for opera music, for "47 kinds r - planlst,-or to the particular wcnslon. A Gulhranaen In your home will bring pleasures the year 'roum ot fun.' - Did you know that the prices of Gulbrnnsen I'layer-I'lnnos are tho same the country overT That they are fair, reasonable prices, froo from artificial Inflation? This la due to enormous production (the Gulbransen factories have the largest output of Player-Pianos ln the world) and the resultant reduced manufacturing cost. THKKK Mii:I.S: -White House Model 1700 Country Sent Model 1600 Suburban Model , $495 The prices are branded in the back of each Instrument nt tho fac tory. With the Gulbrnnsen you receive a set of Gulbrnnsen In struction Kolls to help you pluy well and got the greatest enjoy ment from your Instrument OTT'S MUSIC STORE itosnitito, oni:iov f itosnir itc, oiti:;v. Big Drop. IN ALL KINDS OF TIRES See us for Prices. Better see us for Weed Chains before you are sorry. C.r A. Lockwood Motor Co ltosriu itj, oukuon. 1-tHUJ . FttlUISON f ' ( m PUW aWPI m M MM mK II wmMU'wi, uiivriw. I