- RosrarRQ 'tctth-rkttbw, TrrTxv, sovpmff aa- ll2!- I'aob pock i ii ir 1 " " It took RR' CAN BE BOUGHT AT Kidd's Grocery and Peoples Supply Co. Vosburg Bros, and Economy Grocery Patterson & Riggs and Morgan Grocery Try KERR'S Rolled Oats, Wheat Flakes, Farina and Hot Cake Flour KERR'S Best Patent and Dalles Diamond Flours. And you will take no substitute. Kerr-Gifford & Co. Inc. FURS WANTED Any amount. Why be so sour wnen you can Duy large ,r small. Highest prices paid, a good mixed candy at 20c per lb. at 31 Jitney Office. U. F. Shields. I the People's Supply Co. EAAAAAsfcAAssfcsfcAA tttti ah Second Annual MILITARY BALL Company D 162nd. Inr. ARMORY Thanksgiving Evening November 24th Seven Piece Orchestra The Dance of the Season. Come HILIMU'.X AIXHT XKW PLAX FOR RECITAL I10I8E, Idaho. Nov. 22. In an ef fort to make children think for themselves, the grade BChools of Boise have adopted what Is called the "socialized recitation." The system 1b not only meeting with Buccess but Is attracting attention from sur loundlng Bchools. according to Miss Dora Thompson, general supervisor of the grades. "The main Idea of this work," said Miss Thompson, "is to teach the child to think for himself and not to Relieve a thing Just because someone else says so, or he sees It In print. It will teach him to think for him self when he reads a patent medicine ad' or is told some startling 'they say. "The Idea Is oarrled out In every study. The teacher simply leads the discussion, keeping It In the proper channel, and drawing out the opin ion; of the child. "It develops Initiative as well as preventing the child from 'skimming' the lesson. The boy or girl has to get the Idea expressed In the lesson or he or she cannot talk about It. "No, the Idea Is not new. I used It ten year ago, but It has not been general In the west until recently. o IIEAVKK SKINS COSTLY GENERAL ADMISSION, - 25c GENTLEMEN DANCING, $1.00 i An AIL Season '.Car lor the Entire Family MITCHELL OAKLAND LJLfl u SEDANS AND COUPES J.F.Barker&Co "We Have If ItOSKIiriUI. OIUCCtON. llOZEilAX, Mont.. Nov. 22. Pos session of four beaver skins cost I T. Sample, a trapper, $2:U dollars when he appeared In court here and pleaded guilty to possessing the skins illegally. ; , wGetsIt" Tickles Corns to Death First Stop All Pain-Then Feelf the Corn 01 tiont trtofo trot on eoro tnrtnrm) net, Qetrldo! yonreorne. If jou bavs Iroseburgs g Ja us help yen 8 I'l.mio TO 'V 85 t m OOOOOOOOi LAUNDRY Semi lis your party linens KueMt tow rla ami Mnalmlilr dm pes. 8PIX1 W ATTEXTIOX TO PARCEL POST J Mk. Vor FmI Happrl Removs ThoM Cm Wh Wll." now seen eorn tlcklM to dnth. (net rplr few elropo ( llcii li" to yours. Then watch Ihnt corn til peacefully m If II h.l ton. to lri. K.n II linottiin tit li ph-n. of dead Uln that jou can lilt runt oft wllh Tour nntrn. (tot rtr thorn now. Vour dmctiit n "OnU-lt." Oo.ie but trltl or Eothing at all if it mm. Mia. br B. awraoo Co. Obleaee. Sold In Iloscburf by W. F. Chap Veterans and Ladies Have Social Time The 0. A. R. and W. R. C. hld their social meeting at tha armory Friday, November 18. A large crowd was there to enjoy the splendid pro gram and dainty refreshments that were served at the close of the pro gram. A Jolly good time was had by all. We were very much pleased to have Mr. Riddle, the commandant of the soldiers home and bis .wife with us and we hope they will come often to our meetings, where they will always be welcome. Mr. Riddle favored us with a speech which was enjoyed by all. The following pro gram was given: America, sung by the audience; vocal solo, Hazel James: vocal solo, Lucy Mllllken; Recitation, John Hamlin: vocal solo, W. E. Page, accompanied by Mrs. Fisher: vocal solo. Mrs. Minnie Chandler: violin solo. Mr. Ilrew- bakev accompanied by Mrs. Fish-1 t; speech by Mr. Webb: dance by, John Hamlin, accompanied by Mr. Page on the violin; vocui encore, Mrs. Fisher; violin solo. Mr. Page, accompanied by Mrs. Fisher; talk, Mr. Sanders; speech, Mi. Rid dle; speech, Judge Fullerton; March ing through Georgia and several old time songs, sung by all. The .pro gram was enjoyed very much. Mr. Page gave sevoral selections on his harp and altogether we had a very enjoyable time. Mrs. Dena Pago, Press Cor. Reno Post. DOES YOUR FOOD DIGEST? Ml-O-Na, that's thi name of the best prescription ever written for Indigestion or stomach distress. Guaranteed by W. F. Chapman. Writer Lauds Operators as Real Heroines One of the Incidental points which I have noticed In several stories of calamity is the heroism of the tele phone g'rl. A fire breaks out In a high offlc building. The girl at th. twiti h- board calls up every office an 1 tc'-- (he occupai.tt to get out A dam breaks, and a fl'ivl runh.-s lown the vniley. The tele; 'line ffl? stick to ;l tir pos:s and se'.'i word ahead, tnd save many lives A liurgl', come? in the night: a frightened woman calls police station, but before she gets In her call, the burglar strikes her e,iseles. The telephone girl intuitively knows th meaning of the interrupted tall and tells the police where tha trou M Is. f Such things as these I remember to have read.-': I do not know of a town where the people do not complain of the tele phone service. In common with my fellow men. I, too, have seasons of impatience be cause the service Is not better. Rut every now and then I consider how wonderful it Is that the service Is as good as it Is. I read how our boys In France broke out Into cheers when the first contingent of American telephone girls arrived. I cheered with them. I have used the telephone In many foreign countries, and can testify that In comparison with the service there, the American telephone girl Is an angel. She has a pleasant voice. She Is habitually courteous. She is re sourceful. If once In a long time her Job gets on her nerves, so also does mine. I stood a few days ago beside the central operator In a large railway station at a time when trains were coming in In considerable number and many people were wanting tele phone connections In a hurry. I was Impressed bv her quiet, cour teous demeanor, her voice that did not rise, and the rapidity with which she did her work. She was doubtles above the aver age telephone girl, and had a more responsible position than most of them: but she it not the only one of her kind. I,et me suggest that we all try to be a little more patient and courte ous toward the telephone girl. In the first place. I think she de serves It. In the next place, I think It will Improve the service. Dr. William E. Harton, In Rich mond, Va Evening Dispatch. o Your question answered at last. POSITIVE PROOF that YOU are an Immortal Being. Life after death. I,. I sailor e Ranke, Helnline studio. No. 25 and 30, 8 o'clock. Free. KNITTERS! ,Ji ,V W fciTt full lint ml Y Mrpolti Ortfoft Wonted Ytra, WtiutWul Mortmcnt f ealon tad different wcifhtt Ur tvfrr purpo. Com u4 Mlcct fw MtrpoU Yin mv, H ARTITS TOGGERY TEARSyEARS to develop CAMEL'QUALITy We worked on Camels for years before we put them on the market. Years of testing blending experi menting with the world's choicest tobaccos. And now, EVERY DAY, all our skill, manufactur ing experience and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos are concentrated on making Camel the best cigarette that can be produced. There's nothing else like Camel QUALITY. And there's nothing else like Camels wonderful smoothness fine tobacco flavor and FREEDOM FROM CIGA RETTY AFTERTASTE. That's why Camel popularity is growing faster than ever. A better cigarette cannot be made. We put the utmost quality into THIS ONE BRAND. I me I. J. 1ETNOLD5 TOBACCO CO., WlJ.l , .C u.iiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.'iiiHiiiiHiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiaiiMiiLinii.iiiin.iiiii CONSERVATORY PIANO VOICE) VIOLIN ART Ki'eter "i " KOHLHAGEN BUILDING Phone 390 Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. . 212 X. JACKSON ST. Our llnsliieKs Is Plumbing Improved Plumbing. If we attend to your plumbing it wiil be done right. DELL V. RAST ' PLUM HER OFFICE PHOXE "He Serves You Right." PLUMBING AND HEATING Jobbing a Specialty SCOTTBROS- Phone 407 Main and Oak ABOUND THE TOWN Ooo'lch Ttr Sernn. A. Lockwood Motor Oo. 4 Bee tu. Goodyear drags. Tire Service. Ford Arundel, plans taneu fton lH .Burn Utaa coal and e l dfflr ence. H. J. Dena. Phone PennsylMma Tin Benin, tt us. Ford Gsrai. Fennsrlranla Tire flemrn. Aek os. Ford Oarage. I Dance every Saturday night, Mac cabee Call. SPIRKLLA CORSETS Made to measure. Belle Case. Pnone 3D1-L. Ooodrtcn lire Beroee. A. Lockwood Motor Co. flee us. Z Jess, the Shoe Doctor, has moved from JackBon St. to 123 Oak St. Palnleaa extracoon of teeth at room S. Vfasonlo temple. Dr. Nerbaa. I y4A it gnvumd Blt I V"Sk . , Krvia to 1 K& Jk II Antilem I"' J'v( xrrlaooiiaml" kS0y celt wili A. chief UTJS. 1J1 ... I WW FREE 20TrtstsMBl lla m ei roar seat sod ddrcM KOND W (UaiieopolK, Miss, Good Things aiaoo boo!i as Miirsus II iCLEANINCl 1 ! PRESSING If i OWl CLIAKKU . J" CA01 ST. K. The Owl Says:- "SEE ME TODAY" "See me today and get meuured up for your new Fall suit or oer coat. I guarantee a perfect and com plete satisfaction. Wonderful vilwt 125.00 to $50.00. Come to nj Hon today and remember that I do eleu- Ing. nresslng and repairing. llie choicest of groceries, lot us help you Willi your Thanks Riving Dinner. Phone 63. Economy Grocery a DELinoiS Home Made Fruit Cake August llerk's Very UcsU For your Thanksgiving Dinner we have Lady Fingers, Maca roons. Cream Rolls, Cream PulTs, various Fancy Cakes and Pastries. Call at Oregon Bakery 323 N. Jackson St. Phone S41. FREE Extra Trousers with every made to order suit and the extra trousers will be faultlessly tailored U1 vldual measure of the same material as the suit. want to eeonomiie here your chance. Your suit as long with second pair of pants and the extra .r" cost you a cent. ROSEBURG CLEANERs SO N. Jackson i. P. DfLLARP Did you ever stop to think? In (Bl fF' Churches may be closed (six oaX" ut ttr schools two days; the post office bm dayi; the bank, and itore. ditto. Bt "( , W, know a day off, not even an hour- every day In the year, every year ' , or panic, winter or summer, day o tHllt are on the Job to keep you supply fortable. ...,- oF THISt CI KJ " A Douglas CountyLight&WatefW man. fr-vvrvr.a atansgrr R. M. W''"MM M