PAGE EIGHT " " Wuhackno-.vUdgouutttoK.C.B, makes ; fVr''V n HER NICE new husband. STEPPED OUT of th housa, WHISTLING LIKE a bird. WHICH ALARMED young wlfa. ESPECIALLY WHEN. SHE FOUND she'd picked THE WRONG package. AND IN9TTAD of oatmeaL HAD GIVEN him birdseed. BUT DON'T think from thU, - THAT EVERY guy. YOU HEAR whistling. HAS NECESSARILY. BEEN ROBBING the canary, OTHER THINGS Inspire THE ALMOST human male. TO BLOW through hla lips. . AND MAKE shrill noises. A RAISE, for example. OR A day oJ when. A DOUBLE .loader U on. - OR AN everyday thing. LIKE A good drag. ON ONE of those omokes. THAT 8ATISFY. WHICH CERTAINLY are. THE REAL birdseed. FOR MAKING men. TRILL THEIR pipes for Joy, 80 LADIES, It hubby. GOES AWAY whistling: YOU NEEDN'T worry. ALL'S SWELL. WHEN you say that Ches terfields "satisfy," you'ra whistling. You know the in slant you light one that tho tobaccos in it are of prime se lection, both Turkish and Do mestic. And the blend well, you never tasted such smooth ness and full-flavored body! No wonder the "satisfy-blend" is kept secret. It can't be copied. nosEnran nisws-revtew. fiudav, kowmbek ia. imi. Royal Air Pore of Great Britian will probably coma closest of any of the British visitors to looking like what the average American thinks an Kiik-il-'h aristocrat looks. He is tall, neatly built, partially bald. wears a small mustache and tops all this oft with a monocle. He has bud a strik ing military career, havln? been one of the pioneers in lirltlbh military aviation. He rose from the rank of major In 1911 to that of major-nen-eral. In the great war he command ed one of the first atrial squadrons sent to France and was wounded do ing reconnaissance work for .theflrst battle of Ypres. Senator GeorKe Foster Pearce. From carpenter to minister of de fense of one of (Irfitt l.ritian's do minions; from a red-hot labor union ist to a moderate nationalist and red hot preiwrodness advocate. That rep resents, briefly, the career of Senator Pearce, Australia's dclegato to the disarmament conference. Pearce Is t.1 years old; tall, serlous-looklns, snd with a general appearance which a friend described a.s "Well, ralhor a roUKh diamond." After an education In Australia, where he was born, Pearce became a carpenter, lie for sook his work-bench in 1 S'J I to hike 400 miles In the great Austlullan gold rush. He became an active con vert to labor organization, and be ean his public career as a trades unionist organizer. P.-arce was elect ed to the labor council at Sublaco in 1899. Shortly afterward he was elected as a labor member to the first federal senate of Australia. He has been a member continually since, and has been minister of defense his present post almost continuous ly since 1908. Senator Pearco has been In International politics since 1911. when he was a delegate to me Inpcrlal Conference at London. He given credit largely tor Australia's pre-war preparedness program. He believes in a "White Australia." and encourages "White immigration. Sir John W. Salmond. Judge of the high court of Now Zealand; and dele gate of the dominion to the disarma ment conference, win ne one oi few delegates who might clnim to rank with Secretary of State Hughes as a legal authority. Though he nas born in public lire tor ten jema, o.. John Salmond Is known principally as an authority on law. Sir John Salmond was born In r.ngianu, ' 18C2, the son of Professor . '- mond. who subsequently weni iu New Zealand as professor at the Uni versity of Otago. In 1897 Salmond became a law professor at the Uni versity of Adelaide. Australia, where he remained for nine years. He left to an tn Victoria I niversuy i.m' s at Wellington, New Zealand. In 1907 he became counsel of the law draft ing office of the New zaianu -eminent, and three years later was made Solocitor CJenernl. He retained this post until 19:. wnn ne w.-,.i to the high court. He was Knlginea In 1918. CIGARETTES Ljocett or Myesj Tobacco Co. NOTABLE GROUP REPRESENTS BRITISH EMPIRE AT CONFERENCE WASHINGTON. Nov. 111. -(United Press. ) - 'I'll o repriMeiiial Ives ot (ireat llrlllan and the Dominion In general will perhaps have a ronlrol llng Interest In ho Washington linns conference. The personalities of ibeir repiesentatlves are therefore of the ke.-nest Interest to the people of America, who have hih hopes of the remit of the meeting. lord Kiddle, who a"-onipp:ile'! the llrltlsh delegation at the Wn-Mng-ton conference ns a sort of expert publicity roprcsenuitlve, Is a good buffer. He came to I lie fore In IIiIh capacity at the Paris Peace ('ond icrved In the army. A vigorous man I' .Ml, the earl Is n typical llrlllst iliiardsinaii, elegant, strict disciplin arian, but with a clririning personal II V- lie fought In the Smith African War with the lircnailicr (.nurds. t'oniniKiicliig in I9H as n battalion commander, he became sir-cesdvely ' ornmander of n tei-;atle of (luanls. lie then commanded the Mth torus. '"'! whe-i t rd I'li'iner took a Itrlt I h army to help the Italians. t'ann biiame his rli'lit-hand man succeed lug him as commander In chief of 'lie llvlii'h fores hi Italy. The Ital ian commander In-cblef declared that nice where he enjoyed the pimltinu 'ai.m's nrniy was Hi" dclsive factor ot trying to get ns much nowi as possible out of the officials and nl the same time trying to make the newspapermen satl-fied with as lit tle news ns he could give them. That he dlil this and still kept l lie confi dence and respect of both sides shows what a good buffer he is. lie will have this same poslMon at the W ash ington conference because he lias done the same thing at each of the Important Intern, itlenal conferences eiuce Paris. Hi Is n pleasant man to meet. Ho Is tall and slender, al ways plainly dressed and Is cnttinlefc ly unafTected. He Is first of ill a newspaperman. Ills Sunday paper. "The News of Hi World," Is pho ' l initial. Unattractive, p'aln. not dynamic or rushing like American papers. It seems to be a Journalist to have nothing to commend " vet it has a circulation of 3.000. lion Nearly every policeman, servant girl and chimney-swoop In tho I nlted Kingdom depends on It for a pleas ant week end. Anil Lord Riddle has built the paper up with his sym psth"le understanding of the little thlnr that bring Joy or sorrow. Hint nrovido the petty romance of the eoniiimnnla"o life. Cenernl The l-'.ir' nf Cnv?n who beads the llrtllsh Military Mission comes of a famous Irsh flghtlm family which for over .100 years has supplied the llrltlsh At my with gal lant sons. Nearly every carl lie I lk tenth holder ot the title na. In the IMrp'o victory Arthur Hamilton Lord First l "rd of the Admiralty, one of the ltr nichiti'-r-t of the Kngtlsh del -gallon at the Washington conferenc1 l well acquainted with the United States and has long been a etronr 'imeort.T cf Anglo-American friend ship. His meriean wife, former'y V"-' Unth Vonro daughter of John (In.lfrev Moore of New York, has t,. -.) p t ig aset In bis political life I n-il I re v'T c pel friend of Prec.l d ni llonsev 'I. their ncqunlntan 'r rlnonlni: dttrlnv the Spanish- Vine' I-1 plonsant nurse handles the ' in war "-hen ne was a llrltlrh M' I la r " I ' qllllMor' h- ntta '-.I to of tll! U'Mlgh Did yoa know aboui the CheefrfieUI package of 10? mance of diplomacy. He Is tall and imposing, slightly bent, and still vlg orous. Whenever work begins to be i strain he leaves It. He is a bach lor. Admiral lleatty, who will be Rng 'aud's chief naval expert, has prov ed himself a worthy successor to Nel son, Drake and other famous llrltlsh -inilors. and future hlstorhans will doubtless rank him with those heroes it only for the fact that he command cd the greatest battle fleet the world has ever seen In tho world's biggest war. His fighting signal to Jellicne fired the imagination of every sailor 'Follow me. We have got them stone cold." He reached the highest rank In the llrltlsh Navy at the tin nrecedented early age of 4 8, aftt having commnnded the world's great "st war fleet In action for three vear.s. lleatty Is nn Irishman, like o many famous fighters, and he tin in American wife. Kthel. daughter of 'he late Marshall Sr.. nf Chlra to. He entered the llrltlsh navy at the age of 'i and by sheer bulldog pluck nnd flerv cnergv he forced his av up, absolutely without Influence Sir Maurice Hankey, the principal tecretary to the llrltlsh delegation at the Washington conference. Is to any 'irltitih dlnloinntic mission what gas s to a balloon. With him they can xpnnd. put on n bold, solid front; without him they wilt. He Is thi omplete secretary. He handles tin ortant groups at conferences like a hildren nt a tea party. He knows nt what CHKISTMAS HA.NDKI'.IM Hir.l'S. IrsI pis I FLAVOR is to coffee j lEilfgKl r ' what sunshine is to j ? ;t iRS!(JLf ' li IWf&Zi'- ! a winter's day. Like I m3mW9m' t ' ) the sunshine it's the fWmS&m' flavor you enjoy, f lfBlfK,i!S:.r f i .Hills Bros. wjWW$$0&- L' a "Red Can" Coffee stsfi & f is flavory coffee, g Soviet Control Seems Absolute By EDWIN W. HULLINGER (l-nil.-tt Prcus Staff l'orrespondint.) MOSCOW. (lly Mall.) Lonine and Trotzky, to all appearauces, head one of the strongest governments in Europe. This ia one of the cardinal facts that stand out of a maze of chang ing and debatable aspects of Russia. The Soviet government controls Moscow absolutely. According to re ports of American and other travsd- illUerate. indifferent to the political form of tho government and alive only to things that Interest them per sonally principally, obtaining a livelihood.. If the Soviet's new economic pol icy the revival of capital Is suc cessful, the Ilolsheviks will likely be popular throughout Russia. Undoubtedly the communistic phase of the revolution Is over. The chang'j from communism to tho bourgeois monetary basis has been completed. Russians pay for -their tood, clothes, rent, theater admis sions and other things the same ns demnlficatlon of American caDitallais . 'canuki risked ;zrm! While ecimiM A . near ron 9.,tinn . . 'I . ............ 1HJmica has not been rtor i.'T" Za,'!f; n' J"y ,al'"So,iS ......... i,i,medU( m of such restoration, a, p pewspapers and parties tnmZ ered dangerous breedins Plua i counter-revolution. TO WHOM ITMAV roxcQB. Do not cash county warrant inn Americans do; though employers are jas sniiie warrant has been los. t crs In the provinces. Soviet officials ' T 10 W lnelr workera' 'o uooert ijumsland. enjoy varying degrees of autonomy, nouso rent. petty trading Is most active In .i. utob, Moscow. However, no big capitalists I have resumed nnnrations Ownnm nf I but the population takes orders from the KiTmlin In Important matters. The Red army has strength to con trol food supplies a supreme test I ninety small plants, employing twon- in days of famine. Trolzky is per fecting a military machine that func tions effectively not primarily for war, because the army's principal duty Is ordinary police work. Moscow's garrison alone totals tlOfinon men Other tmnorlnnt ciiuo" " . points ai policed as strongly. Con- L on dis liuo of Carr's store have Just pi' play a wonderfully pretty h.-indkierchlefs for - women, or men. If you want handkerchiefs ':.quontly Russia is one of the most to make up or the finest ready inane aw-abiding countries on the conti- ones. see tne ueautuui nispmy ui nent. ty men each, have restarted and a Itiw government factories are oper ating, but the city's Industrial lire Is still very feeble. Soviet officials insist that capital ists will receive every protection, but the;- avoid proc'-'on regarding In- Many people do not knov tin Carr's store carry a larpe M men's, women's and children's s pors. Finest felt with 10ft or jj leather soles at Carr'j low prim .-nop - w-ticre you save." Arc you hungry? Fol!ot 4. crowds. Oct In line nd nt it tit Cafeteria. Carr'i "where you save. UllHiK PIHFCTORY lOVSI. ORnr.fl ft sjnoR PoeMir Idre Niv Ht37 mets f tr and thlnl Tneday evenliiKS of encl month t 8 o'clock In tn Moose tisll All visiting brothers srs Invited u attirnd. C. W. CLOAKR. Dlctstsr. H. O. PAHCETEK. fu.-ctart RAfil K nuBeours sera -.ieets l Mooso hall on Jacwson nt. on 2nd an 4th Monday evenings of h moult at I o'clock. VlsUmy brethren It sood stanOlnsr always imi. A. J. WUI.K. w. r. P W. M. I.A MKItK. W. P A. P. A. M, l.narel Mir No. IS. Regular coinmunlcartona 2nd snd 41' Wednuadays each month at Musonl Templa, Kosaburs, Ore. Vlaltora wl Ootiia. W s HARRIS. Secy JOHN K HUNVAN WM l-'-'.-i I c'l lee V -s edncaled as a mid! r end serv d in Hong Kong, t'-na-la and as M:l tarv Atlacho nt -.. ., vhlle in Canadi he n'-l ited an I dlrect.vl the mllitsr" itrv.-v of 'ho C:in:i'tiart fruitier nnd n'ire I the re'it t Hi' K'ondike Arthur Jatnes Pnlfoitr. one of tre three Kmll h d 'egi'cs tn the Wash ington conf 'rence. Is one o the In :t nf Kngland's entlenan-dlnloin,,i. tie wis ediicnted tn l.c a sate--.'ii engseel In affairs of state p 'be of tlili I v. Is. still a s'Tc- new nt aeeon- hr-ft 1 rue 1 -n n or stonel'l' Pl'fi '" I' s ''.-' I e -t hr Ini-tTl nt- 'n '.!- ij'i' h (loverni'ien'. Maiv d-ai'T-e. with h r nnlltlri. but he eiuh '.li. i th. rrac fill courtliness, the eminetif d'Tii'ty the heal : mo:-"n they nre likely to call for In, 1 heir diplomatic blocks: when they will probnblv tire of the blocks and crv for a ball; at what moment they mil call for a rattle. And ho Is al ways ready with the desired article t tho Paris Peace Conference he was so ant nl knowing what would bo wanted and having It handy, that persons of delegations other than the Itritlsh rnnio to depend on him and his at 1 ache case. Clemenceau used m enjoy this especially. "Tome on," 'in wonbl say when sonio document was needed, "pull it nut of that bag f vents." lie acquired such an ad miration for Sir Maurice that when he met l ady Hnnkey one day, he put his hands on her shoulders and said: "Madame, I think your husband Is the best man In the world." Major General John Krederlck w. H. A. l. -. n. toisetiurg Review Ne. II helii regular meetings en a-c-ond Tliurndity at I p. m. and fourth Thursday at 8 p. m. Visiting alaterl Invited to attend reviews. Miiceaoe Hall. 1'lne. hnd Cass streets. UilUSK I.IX-KK, Com J E.W1E HA PP. Col. n. K. H ttnaeetira tupter He. K Heldl their regular meeting on tht 1st and Srd ThuTadavs in each month are reapei-r fiillv Invited to attend MYRTLE KEYMKHH W M t'HKK JflHNSIIIN Becv t. It. ti. rl'h!lelWrial..tJar Vit, meets In Odd Fellows' Temple ever - Krlday evening at 7:10 o'clock. Vlell Ids bro'.hren are ilwava welcome A. It KD HA UN. N. O. A. J. (lEDDKS, Rec. Bee natt.tev tc, .M. KM). Ills UK V I'll I ts Alpha l.odm Ne. 17, in.-ets every U't ilm-sdMy even ing In 1 o u g I a a Abvtrnct Hall, nirtit i .lii.kson A WanhlnKton Sis. Vlsl-.-ora alwnve welenme. R. HITZMAN, C. C !! V ll Vlll'Nil, M. h K. K. WIMIIIiKI.Y. K. R. R Mniinmn oie thm viiii,i carai" No. lib. me'jta In tdd Fcllews" hall I, Roaehurg every 1st and Sr. I Menda evening!. Vlaltlnc neighbor, a. wan welcome. II. OARKtrK C. C. M. M Mlt.l.KR Clerk p r- nivtlwiN "5. The majority of the population are Save Even new b.tttcrics need expert care and attention. Some minor adjustment -now msy save the price of a new battery later. We test ALL MAKLS free. Repairs at lowest prices. BATTERY SERVICE Roseburg Battery & Electric Station on your IKIIilllluK OK WlltllM II "' l.llli I'lrcl.. ,v isi rrels on Isl and 3rd Krldav evnlnga in Me'iae hall. Vail IliS neighbors Invited to nitend. pitimm hh'inuku, t. n Ttl.t.tK I. JOtlNSllN. Ple-k ll. n. twine RiiearaipBawf IS , Meets in odd felmwa T-m-1, every Wednesday evenlnf. Vlslllns bretitren always laiiuir- c.Kii RAtAnt"nl c. p V. T JACKSON. l. P OLIVER JOHNSON R 8 Jambs kwart. r s. II. P. It. RI.Kft, Rneetorara 1ee IHi. 1J Holds regnlar communlcarlona a' Ihe Kike' Templs on each Thurstlai of every month All memhere re quested tn attend reattlseiT aed ar vtaltlng brothers are cordially In vltes to attend ROT RFt tows r R J O PAT - ecv that mean to older Kngland the ro- Andrews lltiiens. Vice-Marshal of St M r: K Ha rtoaeptira; neneseh l,n.lg No. 41. O O. r Meets Ir ld Kei Iowa Temtle ever wek nn Tue'dro evening. Vlalttng tnersibe'a In anor standing are Invited tn attend MAt'tnc rtcKtKNs n. o Hr.l.l.tS STF.PH KNSON. flee. ETuru DAiU:t. Ha. Itecy AUCTION SALE at the Deer Creek Feed Barn Next Salurdiy and -every Saturday thereafter. Mr. Farmer, don't miss It. Horses, cattle, sheep, goats, farm mnchlnery and household goods. Ilrlng anything that you have to sell. This Is a community sale. DOWNING Auctioneer toying You Can Do It! Wait on Yourself See what you get and get what you ant. It makes a dllfcrcnce In dollar J ml. See our w indow dlsplaj o sje rials. The ;1S()CI:TI:IUA fur joor (Sli ce tics. Everybodys Exchange Made in Oreson to fit Oregon conditions- Burns coal rnnal tn anv furnace, and hi -j , . j wood better than any round fire box nndt oee mat tire box; wood tits use u- your range. Takes 24in. wood, which means more wood for the same money. Proper combustion means more heat from the same 2 wood a double savins?. 5 . J. H. SINNIGER Sheet Metal Works 119 Oak St. Phone 428 Wf SV