Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 17, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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St (nt
hat it . .
y i
1 -
ar h ... i
Ped hard. ' ho ajL
' over
"'Old ladr .. V "fi-
OOd to l.l,: ... Tt .11
o... ?V United n.....
j" " nightfalL ItwuT
1?,'cted?'.t.h mcrt tai'
- slaughter trial ownS
. Five Aurora. mSL'
lan waa tentallyeW.V:"'
v ooin a aei Th eKi... "
1 facing theVroVfc!
jan Arbuckle fan! V '
j think b. t. uaV!
1 consideration u... .""I
peraon," """"I
L .......
O. A Wlln ... .
fer in thl. ... ".i
bines, matt.
1 1
w in.
nd IMU..I .h 7 '"'
Hataon. deruu ..i .
nd It B. UllOfcM fnii-.l.V1
fiotlue ia hereby given .w
lined a. .hmtl ."n. !
1, and to me dir...... 1
int and decree or h.T.'
d and entered in n,.
ri and cause on the i;u, Z
i, ..,.. v. nuM ,
f "" executors of ul
John L. Watson .w-.J
or WKht Hundred ami t1t,t.t
at thereon from tb i:u 4,
, at me rate of tin.
per annum; the further iui'
nty-five Dollars, at attorn.
the further .
H disbursement.- whi.h ..Ji ..r'
Hi commanded me to ielj the
in. or ueinuea real property j
mines, for the purpow of wj:
fow, therefore. I will on Atari
r of one o'clock In ih ttiie,
ti day, at the door at the units
ince 01 ine uounlaa County
aw in liimeourg. uregon. ntt :
! and sell at nubile iudra u
heat bidder for cash Id hxniti
WiKht. title, interest and tttu
above named defenUiBt. I
tiion and it. B. Dixon, u attc.
the estate of John L Wilsoi :
sod, and J. 0. Watson and I
ion, as Individual!, or tlttwr
n, or that said Jolin U Witi:
ied, or either of them, hid ot "
Ji day of June, 1919, or hmiu
Hire acquired or aow nti
to the foilowlnz dtsrrtW -
iperty. situated In Dauglii C:
-xon, to-wlt:
411 of lots three and fourisi'
thwest quarter of the aori
rter, and the nortiiwest qmns
southwent quarter of Swum !
In Townjililp twnty-Mfi wt
ire two (2) west of ta Wui
idlan; and
lao. lots one and two and tW
' of the northeast quarter, im '
Ihnaol niinrtor nf the BorU-
Ttr of reotion thlrtV-thra fJK
nshlp twenty-m .
itj throiv m-pal nf the l
lillan. and also the nnrthweiU
of the nortnea luanri ...
ly-four (1), In Townwip i
south or itarkre inr ;
WllHamette MerldHn. ill 1'
X Bltnatrd In Pouiiai Cm-
kon. toother with a!
Tncos therrunto belonKtnf
t: To the payment of t"f
expenses oi saw i
,d: To the payment f T.
dlfhurofment oi m
f its 00 attorney's f
ill: To the payment to h K.
.sum of the amoiial
1 due Plaintiffs on thrlr prof..
is. with Interest mere .
day of Ni.. : lh .
cent pr nnum. w
If nny, to be paid to VLJSS
nt.Av r-rtiirt for me um-
interest ma y.".ARMri
herlff of Pouarta!
.... siii-'Hif r "
RKU. lBOreTl.
gon for IKX "ir
. P. Harpter. pl
Kimball and m""
kendantfl. .,.iMtV,T
tlce 1 herery "; .', o(
, nf the nhove Mil'1',., -
Lhnve entitled rain.
Jot November. 1-1, ,(: (
, ...11 ine ..... I
4ed r. 7 '".i. r
u court in , f'i"J.,,
!,,f November. ;'-.JJ
... aaaln.t -,
d I. KlmMIl ",.
v. for (be "" ol f
. .v...,.n at the t i
per annum fr.' ;.,
,, .aid id
th day oi 'T--. Ih, ri"7 ..
lhou J.r f0r "":7jf
1 ... 're.;n. offer B..
a,h the fol lo ;
Vrty. to- '"..r,,r el
, mrtl"r',Mrnt ; . V
nf ten 0'
day. at tl'
1, .n
.he rot V Ttr'l .
nt of
. "",nv i?'-
mav ri " j, f
led ll
Iff of DO"''
! "Villi.