Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 17, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    ROHEBCTUl TEWB-Rrvn:w. TitvnsoAY. November IT. loai. - "
Knowing that a customer is well
served la a duly which we regard as
a pleasure. Do not hesitate to con
ult us freely any time.
4X Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
TheRoseburdtional Bank
(. 11. AIUNIHI, (l'inno)
London, Eng.
t.KM-.ST AKLMJKL, (Violin)
Los Angeles
SZfeSMriliitg and 'Drajnatie Stwy SfY!sjinl ftlrfaxi Ambitiait
H-.IM V. M.
Friday, November 18th
l..t'I. 10c, 3 I'OK 2.V.
"RKI" (You know him) "JACK" IIKLI.OWS
((or net) (Ininm)
I'nrlliin.l. Oro. (tiiMxl Old Itowburir)
fjust Arrived-
A New Line of
Come in and See Them
.My heart sank as 1 realized that
Ria was In an ungovernable rage
.She was showing to Herbert Klchard
son exactly the side of her nature
that he was afraid to encounter. Oh.
I wished that I had told him not to
come upstairs.
1 tried to quiet Ida by saying:
".Mr. Itlchardson has been explaining
some things to me on our ride home."
"I cannot understand why he
liould explain anything to you when
you never met before last evening
and when he has kept out of my
sight and hearing very carefully all
day. I have been nearly mad with
anxiety? How are those girls In the
hospital? What did you do to them
that sent them there?"
"Now, Itla, Rla," Bald Herbert
soothingly. "You know very well that
I did nothing to them. Kitty Dalton
just got drunk as usual and had hys
terics. Dorothy Xlenzies became
very ill from liquor and some one of
the men got frightened and rushed
them both to the hospital."
"Then there were more men than
you and Kred?"
"Yes, you know there are always
three of four hangers-on if they
think they can get any booze."
And that is the kind of a party
to which you were Inviting Virginia
nnd me? Do you know that already
people are accusing us of being there
with you In the Cocoanut Grove? I
will never go out with you again.
What does Tony Melville say about
It? He Is a pretty decent Rort. I
should think it would make him pret
ty mad to lie mixed up In It."
"I havent heard from Tony yet
And liesldeR, Rla, only the gossips
about the studio know about It. I've
kept It out of the papers. I have
come over here to tell you that I am
-ff of drink and off of wild parties.
Prom this on, dear, I shall be quite
as decorous as you would wish me
to be."
"Don't nut me In It. I don't wish
vou to be anything." And then she
melted and slumped down on the
floor with her head on a chair, rhe
walled through her sobs and tears:
"Oh, Herb, oh Herb, why did you do
He went to her quickly and picked
her up and seated her In the big
chair. "I don't know why I did It:
I don't know, nut won't you believe
me, Rla, when I tell you that It Is
the last time?"
Her spirit flared again: "You have
told me that before."
"Not In so many words, Ttla, and
I am going to tell you something else.
1 lnve you and "
"Don't say the rest, for before you
pay It r want to tell you this: I can
never love a man who drinks. If vou
had seen my home. If you could con
ceive of the little frightened child I
was. unable to keep a drunken fath
er from striking her mother, you
would know how I hate liquor. If
oii love nie ns you sny. Herbert
I till tlDllICa 8K1DI.HU MBW TODAY,"
WANTKIl TurKeya ,inrK or small.
I'tione 14-F-H. buyer Hroa.
WANTtCIt Voting WMtniin fur liKhl
kitrhfii wi.i k. l'lixiif Jjti.
'nit KKNT KurnUhcd rooms at 516
V. uuk M.
WANTKIl ll.irli y I:i:i.iiii p, r Ion.
JMUfc!;iH t 'uunt yKiour Mill.
ANTKI i--Si.mll iiirlulit auwtlillf
Aiiilrt-n l Mlltr. KlnuroKO, On k.
WA.NTKl .Man m il n"l u 1 1 ill i ll In
nullity fur Mriiiuiit'Ht pu.sll Ion. liooil
p. IV. Allllll-HH "ToHitloll," Nl'WIl-IC-vli'W.
W.X NTI'.I i -Vouim ilmiri-a posi
tion us m fiion ruln r. 11;, piism tl
,'lvll t,.'ii li e Aitill,' S. A., lure
WANTKIl To KKXT-Smnll film mln'il
lions,, or 11 ii tin msln'tl lioiim' or hoiiM'
k oi'tl MX rooms; ailnlts; n riiium iit.
A.lilnss U. U.. till,- N,-ws-Ui li'W .
ri.M.KSM.VN W AN l'KI- ShIi miinii to
i iivn lot al lio rltoi y n'lllim diali-t
Ciiiirnnli'i il n:ilaiy of ll'iu nr inontli
for rliilit m ill. Tim IC li lnt rl Co.,
JiMl Kulli An',. Ni' Yoik. N. V.
COTS to 1,-t on ahari. yoyer Uroa.
l lioii.- M I H.
TA 1 1,( lit I Nil aiul tlrf.sKtnuklnK of nil
klmli. Ji-8 S. Main. Mia tiutliriilai'.
ili:A'V ilinlt at.iDlon to i'X. luiiiKi' for
Otll.T llf'StOik. tir Mill Hl'lt for $l.,l)
rish. l;in liron., IMIInril. iirinun.
Alu.MvY TO 1.HAN l-'lrst inoitKXKf sr
iiitlly on ual faliitn. ll rai ruial
rtxlit loiiim, 2 ainl 3 yi'iir miaiKlit
I oana. Sf M. Kl. o, of III. o
ttl.K IS llffon Jim tiny or well your
tionilH. a liny ainl Hi'll IV S. I.ih
rity liondn tun nli-lia) honits anil
riiiitn. See M. K. Itlco, of Itli a 4k
UAW l i lts llmlii'st (iri.-ra fol
IW f.llH. Willi' for 'IH I' list S!ll
l-.iir tun to t'onst Kur
I : . I :i ni:'. liu'., iu i'l.r .l, Nial-tl.-.
U .isl:.
Ni.STI.l-: .,nii;i f"wiii Spi.
will hi- nt Hi.' Simlliuy lli'iuly s'lop
t-T a ulu'it timi only, liillin ilosli
Itiit tin' wat' slioiihl inaki' tiritoltit
tio nls ,'nilv. Wink k il'ir.i lltt-t''l to In'
a ti ,.t a kltik fliniia
KOK SA1.K oak and laurel wood
l'lnine li-Kl'6.
I'Ult SA1.K I'M
o. J. li.uttl
r wooil. I'Iioiib isi-y
I'lHt SAI.r. Oil.' iloiihl,. ills,- nitinvay
Inrrow r,,r tiattor. J. M. j ulil.
Ktut SAI.h-nr wrt l in:awr
lloynr Itriia I'lionoH -1- H.
'ii m.m.I'. Miiiwi.rry tanta and
r." ilJlLl,!S- I liiUll1 L'J-l'J.
I' OK s.ii.t uiiMia oi "air"kliiiia."b. it on
tin- market, at The h'ern.
rill HAI.K Home anil ruw"hay lluy
from th prmliicer. n. lH,,, ics. .m.ii. h.llKilali lloss. lull Itlootl
imp. r.ason.ilil,'. fn ,lt i, 0 South
i on s.i..:.sfai," w;!o.r u7m
:-'"'r "'" or over IJ...O. 1'hone
I'olt SAI.l; Team of hoi
yaia ,,1,, t. liu,,.
Itl'O for Bale reasoiiahl.r (
just overhauled. See M. Kar at
. 4 ami 6
u lturka,
usr and povniv,
I'ol'NH -I'lt't a of watt'h chain ati'l
iI.ihji o, ii. r lit iv ha, a aitina lit
tuning at this offit'n anil payltiK for
l-tlB KKMT.
ron BINT faTetT OapolU bote.
not a Natlonl rank
Ton It KM" - fin nlahed let-plug' room.
lioiulre 7.U ,'ot'b St.
Kolt Ki:NT five room" lioiisa.- fur-
pisl'e.l. on paiid aire,!; itariute-
i'l'U M I NT Vitriii-li. ,1 ile, pin room
for ,"it li'iiinii. Noiiitu t'st i-oriier Oak
it ', .1 si . - , n slit t'l ,
l i It ILIIN i' -I'mir room tiifil,-, i, i-ot-t.tii",
lilt t'- t, ! p;ip, tv,l: hath, toilet.
,-o.iri. hlti aaitl-n. all klml,
' I-nt' 'if :-!. il one Itlot k
from a- llool. ,'t per monlh. Apply
A T latM I tine, t "i .in me re I n I Atfent,
i.i Cut Sllt'L I'holia 21.
Uro. kiMiy
. llrootl .ow. will, r wi,h.
out piaa; also yu,,K-. l,,ky ,aro
,...o,"i,ini. iionviiie.
. I'., .- ,i.r. niwiiiutin ,, ,'p maiiK,. , l
or.'il alncern, ;. a pair. Ml a I
.,ira. li. llaleli,. Tel. 3n-li.
1 ' fAl.K-ritll apple,. New-town anil
' ai i'.e per nox nt J. C
M"ITntH plare jiear Ki ll. y' atore.
1 in. SA1.K rir eortl anil It In. blotk
,,, aemer It, your elty,
W rite fr prlee.. I. J. (lff, guther-
inii s M.i:"oir"TI(At.i:" n ! r..
itini tn n. holler. rr sale ,hep r
. ..... ,,,. ,.. ,., Ulnar, t
ii i-i: hi.
i i t x- ro.NV roit sai.k An
1111 ii -Minia Itresent fur ttov or Klrl
nt iful I. la k mitl whit, niaie
oir eara nl.t ilentle, pafe. toy
H' ll.'W, I'ony rami
It't: SAI.K -A liiiitili of .limn "ew-i-a.
viii s wool, all will, lamti. fat ami
. ii -, . ror mil liiloruiallon are A
P 1 .1, wreliee, IVrtiiiiert nil AKt'tlt 1
t'l.S Slreet. rtlolle V 1
lli't SM.i: -l-Hillllit lo.irlnc hoilv 111
floe .oinlltlon: 1 I'ortl tourlntr: 1
o rlai,il touring ftint l Overland de
nt, rv in Voon , oit'iition. Call 1I1
Itt'l (j.rTee. llHI-iril Orevon
sm.i: 01: tiiapk -,.', in.i.,...:
I ''In "in iv. 10 a. re. In ,-ul t lvi,t h.n :
? s.l I. till, Unas. II ,,",, ,,f ,-allle
C'toil ontrnTtae. I'ri.-e $';iiufln Wlli
. itaitye r..r tan- h property In
Ootid,,,, eoiinty, e . n value, or will
f,"s,in,e -.ttne. o. Young A Hi
1 'in 417
roll S I .!
Two , t., ,,, a
I ter-'.l... ft.l.rt I'osi, 1, el,- the
h it In the eonntv Owner In fanaila
ni iM l,',,e liinn.'V mil. k ? nere trin-t
,,,' Mirtiwav. liooil li.ttise uinl airiiKe,
llM.ii t.-rnis Mouse ,..u,T ,,,,t he re.
pla-'.l for the no. in v I.o.- iteil on
new- hl,''-w ,v an. I i-.-rto-r of i nttnlv
roail In vr 1.. a. re tti.'t to
rent, t r. p. eon-. I i,v, a ,,,.,1 an.1 fur
niture Tun he ha. I nt a looaiiln at r.t.nhower. Tollman
Ileal I'-atnie, itiversiue.
l.ichdt'daon, you will let me see by
our ui noun rather than by your
words that you have sincerely ijnvu
up diltiK forever."
Herbert Kkhui'daou looked at Ida
tiuletly and then left the room.. He
had winced visibly as iiiu spoke of
her father striking her mother. A
memory had come back to plague
California apartment houses may
te very co2y and comfortable, but
they lack one thing utterly and that
is privacy. 1 knew Ria wanted to get
away from me. I realized that Bhe
hated the very sight of me as she
knew I had been a spectator to one
of the most poignant moments of her
life. The soul hates to show its
nakedness quite as much as the boiy
does. I did not know what to do, but
finally I busied myself to cooking
dinner. Rla had gone into her own
room and pulling out her bed had
thrown herself on it.
I heard her breath come iu trembl
ing sobs. After a time the sounds
grew farther and farther apart and
when I went to call her to dinner she
was lying In a troubled sleep.
Again I was In a qtiandry. I knew
that Ria had had nothing to eat since
her light breakfast and yet I hatod
to waken her. I went back to the
table and made as much noise as pos-
s ole dragging chairs about and rat
tling dishes and finally she awoke.
Why, Virgle, is dinner ready!
she asked. "Why didn't you ask me
to help you?"
"Come on! It's on the table,'
replied, trying to make my voice as
unconcerned as possible.
"Wait until I bathe my eyes
"Hurry then. I have made a corn
pudding just like Aunt Virginia does.
I know you will love It."
"That was very sweet of you," she
'.aid as Bhe came and lightly kissed
me. And I knew that with that kiss
she.had asked my forgiveness for her
Neither of us snoko of what had
just transpired. Instead, Rla said
"What do you think of studio life as
far as you have seen It?"
I could not resist saying. In her
own vernacular: "What do you mean
studio life inside or out?"
We both laughed and the nir was
"Did Herb really come for nie?
asked Rla Inquisitively.
"Yes, dear, and he talked about
you and about your Influence on his
Hie all the way home. In fact, he
took nie for a ride to tell It to me.
ne jusi nan lo talk to some one and
1 was glad that It was I that hannen
ed to be near, for if It had been some
one eise i am nfraid his secrets
would have been flung to the winds
. ho you are not going lo tell me
what he said. Virgle?"
"No. Ria, not all the things he
said: but I am going to tell you that
he is very much In love with vou and
he Is afraid to marry because hlg first
marrlaee was so disastrous "
TOMORROW ;!,,.. Iiv(1
LET JOY BE l-.Nt'O.M-LEl).
The B. P. O. Elks are rolne
lo stage their regular dancing
and card party next Thursday
nlfht, November 17th. Th
committee composed of "wlm,
wlcor and wltallty," will cer-
trinly Bhow the brothers, their
wlv.'K and sweethearts, the
grandest time of the year. Be
at the Elks hall In regalia
Thursday night for a good
Arundel, plane tune., none 188-L
Service. Ford
Chill-con-carno every day
Dance every Saturday night, Mac-
cabee Hall.
at 'he
FennayWama Tr?e
s. Ford Oarage.
Semen. Ask
For a real Club-House Sandwich
try the Cafeteria.
measure. Belle Case, rnone sai-ij.
Hot bread every evening at
Cafeteria. .
Fiction Library, Masonic Temple,
Books, Magazines.
FURS WANTED Any amount,
large or small. Highest prices paid.
31 Jitney Office. B. F. Shields.
QoofV-Ich Tire Serrtee.
Loekwood Motor CUv
See us. C.
Bum Utah coat and see the differ
ence. H. J. Denn. rnone 1Z8.
Pennsylvania Tire Servlct. Asi
us. Ford Garate.
I'niiilexe fcrrracnon of teeth at
room 9, Masonic temple. Dr. Nerba.
Qoodric,- 1 ire semee.
V Lockwood Motor Co.
flee ns. 9
A new car or those fancy Yakima
Gem potatoes, also a new price. Be
sure and ask to see them and get
price at Peoples Supply Co.
Flour is down again. Be sure and
iet our cash price before you buy
your winter supply at the Peoples
Supply Co.
ruoM missoi in to
Yes, .Mr. Editor, S7 years residence
In one place Is qulle a record, but
sixty-three beats It by six years.
Such Is the record of V. M. Cood of
Cleveland, Oregon. He bought the
Jess liillam homestead In lsr,8 and
has resided thereon ever since ex
cepting three months of one summer
In eastern Oregon.
He was born in Powells Valley.
Virginia. January i, 1X31, before
the state was divided and West Vir
ginia became a state.
He left Missouri. April 27, 1S.13,
by mule-hack lor Oregon, arriving al
Waldo Hills, near Salem,. September
27, the same year, being just five
months on the road. He with anoth
er, helped Hill Waldo bring a drove
of cattle ncross the plains.
The winter of lS.",:t and 54, he
spout with Chas. Applegate nt Yon
lalla. In the spring of 1854 he went
to the Sterling mines near Jackson
ville, where he stayed until June.
tsr.H, when he returned to Douglas
county antl puri'liascd the homestead
on which he now lives. Later he
I. ought the Crulibe grist mill nnd
home plot nit.lotning his homo place,
where he did custom milling for a
number of years.
.On September 12. lSfifl, he was
nulled In marriage with Caroline
IMert'e, another pioneer emlprnnt.
who had crossed the plains princi
pally by the foot route, walking tiny
after day beside a team of cows, en
couraging them to pull one of her
fathers wagons. They went Imme
diately to housekeeping In their pres
ent house. Here they reared their
family of children, two of whom
(David and Martha) are with them
In the sunset of their life.
He has the distinction of being the
It's Easy If You Know Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets
Til secret of kix-ping young i to feel
vniiiK tod' this you must watch your
tucr and Iviwrls there's no need of
hiving a sallow complexion lark ringa
under your eves pimples a hilious
.k in your face dull eves with no
sparkle. Your doctor ill tell you ninety
ir.r cent of all sickness conies from
inactive Kiwcls and liver.
I r Edwards, a well-known physician
in Ohi. perfected a vegetable com
ivnir.d mixed with olive oil to act on the
liver and bowels. hich lie aT to his
patients fur vears.
lr. Edwards' Olive Ta!ilctMlw?mih
stitute lr calomel, are gentle in their
action vet alwavs effective. They brine
alxail that natural buoyancy which all
shtwld cniov bv toning up the liver and
J srine the system of impurities.
IH Edwards'OhveTablets are known
by their ouve color, lie and 30c
UsE Sloan's freely for rheumatic
aches, sciatica, lumlwco, over
worked muscles, neuralgia, back
aches, still joints and for sprains and
strains. penetrates without rubbing.
The very first time you use Sloan's
Liniment you will wonder why you
never used it before. The comforting
warmth and quick relief from pain
will delightfully surprise you.
Keep Sloan's luindy and at the first
sign of an ache or pain, use it.
At all druggists-3Sc, 70c, $1.40.
Diiflfurtntf facial rnnllnni 1
I quickly heiiled by L)r.Hoheon lvczenm
Ointment, Good for pimply facei.
' n wnii, am, itrhint? skin, ftnd all
other in tmuhlea. One of Ift.HuIwod'
ri-TMiy K-mflte. Anr drutrcriat.
D r TTnV enn'c
Eczema Ointment j
I 1 Al Hi'iK. General Land UTIlca.
WaHhiHKton, D. C, October 20, 1921.
Nutlet, la hereby given that subject to
the conditions ana limitations of the
Ait or Jan.; j, lifiti (3U Stat., 218, and
the fnstrui tlona vt tile yecrelarr of thj
inUrior of SfpU-mbor li, IK17 (46 L.
-t 1 7 ), th cuii-t-r on the fol low I ok
hinds will he hoM !). 7, at IU
' k A. M., at public auction at to
l tuted Miitca liind office at Kiliiirff,
Ort;-.ii, to the biKhcHl bidder at not
Ifss than the upr:iist-d vulue as shown
by thi notice. ;ile to be subjent to the
,tiiroal of (ho Secnetitry of the In
t'Mtoi". The pui'liHHH prbe, with an
a.l'fiiinnat tuin of one-fifth of one per
"lit thereof. b-?iic romnitsitnna al
lowed. rniiMl be di-polted at lini of
s:it. niniiev lo b- relutned If sale It
.l Jipr" ovtd. otherwise p.itent will
l-tn- fur the timber which must he re
niHVfd within ten years. Hids will be
received frotu fit lz?rif( of 'he drifted
stm.-R. nsMi-ini ions of sm-h citizens
nnd cnrporiilfonfi ori?nl7ed under th
lixv of the I'nitei States In any mate,
territory or district thereof only. Upon
;!'p!ic;HI'n of a qxin lifted purchnser,
the timber on nny leRal pubdlvlsion will
be off. Ted nepnrntely before being ln
'luibd In any offer of a larajer unit.
T. K. S . U. 2 W.. Sec. S. It 1, fir 120
M . eennr H M . SKH MSy. fir 13fS M.
c-dar fio m.. none of the fir timber to
t'O f. ui rr les than 11.75 per M., and
none nf the cedar timber to be sold for
'ess th.-in 11. on per M, T. II a, R 4
U . sve rts. SVM NH'. fir 1500 M.,
N'W'i NT",, fir SUn M . SW'4 NKU fir
V. M . SK", NRi',. fir 4110 M cedar 100
M.. n'-ne nf the fir timber to he sold for
rp thin 1 75 per M.. nd none of the
"ednr timber to bo old for lens tnhn
10 per 1. WII.TJTAf 9PRY, Com
nner. Oepersi land Office.
Phono 390
oldest postnia.Ht,r In yonis of con
tlnuous service In the f iiil.vl Stntos
4, years sml 6 months to date, with
Kond jirosiier'a ot roundlns out I ho
Cth. Also the distinction of lieinir
the only postmaster in service whoi
commission whs signed by V. S
At a mooting conducted liv Kev
Wood In 1',,1,'j, Valley. Ihen a part of
Ten Mile Circuit In ISfSS. he was
ronvert,.,! and united with the Meth
odist Kplscopal rhurch: was imptlsed
nnd received into full connection nt
Ten Mile In tsTt, under Itev. Skld-
more s pastorate, Fletcher ltoval of
ficlatlnR. Few there he that are permitted to
walk more than sixty-one years side
liv side, sharing each others leys and
sorrows, and to minister to those of
the eommunltv.
The Cleveland school ' grounds,
church and cemetery, stand as mon
uments of their generosity.
Their hnue has been the resilnp1
ti'ace of the wearv traveler snd the,
home of the praher all there years,
Time and snare does not permit j
sneaking of the sick cared for. the
dving comforted, the huncry fed. the
widows and orphans helped, and the'
sad made to rejoice, because of bav
Ing been touched somewhere, some
bow bv the currant of the river rtf
life of Mother and Father Oood.
A Friend.
&ajt "iflrrrtj Xmaa"
itiitlf a piintograpli
TT'OU can complete
JLi, your Christmas list
quickly with photo
graphs and you will be
sure of giving just the
right thing.
Photographs ars pu yon
can Msily afford and family
and friends will always traaa
ura thtm.
Hemus Studio
Got our prices and see the quality
before buying elsewhere. Stephens.
SOe on the flop COcon the $.oo 0
We are Telling You
Don't WaitI
They Won't Last Long
Long ago such Talues were heard of ancient
is wnere nwory repeats ltselton baU. 85c ii,
hat "c re
Classy Soft Felts at $2.35
Then there are Barcelonaa, made In Italy: BevT .
Quality hats, and the famous Pendleton, sold anvi, ""
to J6.00; $6.(5 Is our price ou thia hat sale, " ,151t
we hnflvht Oiaba hata RAi, An V. ,
0 w" no use telllnr .
window display tells the tal. Don't wot, .. v. . 1 '""-"if
Harth's Toggery
J r M
If the plaster is cracked, broken, unsafe
or unsightly, it is time to Upsonizet
X TPSONIZING is modernizing! It maltei
old rooms new and charming without the
Irritating muss, dirt and delay of ro-plastcrinj,
Good wall board is everywhere recognized at
the nearest perfect lining for walla and ceilings.
But there ia a big difference in wall boards!
By actual test, Upson Board is nearly twice at
stiff and ttrong as other wall boards, holding
to the nails where weak boards might pull away.
The price has been reduced
Here la the approdoiate
low coat of tba Upaoa
Board required for the ctfr
ing of the average home
room, excluding coat of
labor and trim.
Site of loom
11116 ft.
10x12 "
7sl "
Vhoiu us today for samples
and liuraturt
Churchill Hardware Co.
llfltttthw Ho001?' Oregon. vflf
TI- afcor. tUt pmim rfT,rti.m.n wpr , (n fcor rotor, 10-1 IJe " a""
wa... m n.. aiflueiinrakr 3 i V V J-
$4.05 Round Trip
Plus 8 per cent Federal War Tax
account n
U. of O. 0. A. C
Annual Football Game
U. of O. Alumni Meeting
Saturday, Nov. 19th
Tickets on aale Friday and Saturday return limit Monde
Going: Leare Roseburg 7:3S a. m., 2:30 p. " 12 55 P
P- m. ,-5Ja.-'
Returning: Leare Eugene S:50 a. m.. 1:23 P
P. m., 11:33 p. m.
For further particulars ask Agents.
Southern-Pacific Lines